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Search results for: traffic management
A Survey of Vehicular Network Systems for Road Traffic Management
PublicationIn this survey, we analyze the proposals of vehicular communication systems in the context of road traffic management. Starting with the definition of communications between vehicles (V2V), vehicles-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles-to-everything (V2X), we first focus on the requirements and current standards for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the maximum communication delay, the communication range and the...
Testing the durability and function of road traffic management devices
PublicationTraffic management measures (vertical signs and horizontal marking, reflective elements) are used for guiding vehicles optically, indicating road mileage, marking objects in road gauge, marking vehicle and pedestrian safeguards and driver information and warning. This paper presents a synthesis of a literature study and the results of research conducted under stage one of the project LifeRoSE. The requirements for different traffic...
Multi-level models of transport systems for traffic management
PublicationThe region of Pomorskie uses a variety of tools for forecasting and analysing transport. They can be operated, calibrated and updated with data that will be collected and stored in the TRISTAR system. An initiative of the Department of Highway Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology is designed to develop and implement an integrated and hierarchical system for forecasting and analysing transport called MST (Multilevel...
Information System for Drivers Within the Integrated Traffic Management System - TRISTAR
PublicationAdvanced traveler information systems (ATIS) for drivers are a very important element of modern traffic management. In recent years ITS infrastructure is being developed also in Poland. It allows for delivering to drivers information related to the conditions in the road network through, inter alia, dedicated Variable Message Signs (VMS). Such information enables drivers to take decisions, contributing to improving the efficiency...
Implementation of Weigh-in-Motion System in Freight Traffic Management in Urban Areas
PublicationThe article presents how the Weigh-in-Motion system can be used for managing Gdynia’s freight traffic. Potential sites for weight pre-selection were identified in an analysis of the technical and location conditions. Situated directly in the east part of the Port of Gdynia a site was selected for a pilot implementation. Theoretical scenarios were simulated using an extended WIM system as a tool for controlling access to selected...
Traffic safety management in TRISTAR system
PublicationW niniejszym referacie przedstawiono przesłanki do zastosowania Inteligentnych Systemów Transportu w Trójmieście, założenia, cele stosowania systemu, koncepcję jego architektury oraz koncepcję funkcjonowania poszczególnych podsystemów, które zostaną zintegrowane w ramach planowanego systemu TRISTAR, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego.
The structure of the data flow in integrated urban traffic management systems – the case of TRISTAR system
PublicationThe purpose of the article is to offer some insight into the data flow architecture in the Tri-City’s integrated traffic management system called TRISTAR. To that end selected elements of TRISTAR are identified and described as well as the structure for collecting and exchanging data within different sub-systems. Finally, the article highlights how the TRISTAR system can be extended by adding new elements and modules.
Automatic road traffic safety management system in urban areas
PublicationTraffic incidents and accidents contribute to decreasing levels of transport system reliability and safety. Traffic management and emergency systems on the road, using, among others, automatic detection, video surveillance, communication technologies and institutional solutions improve the organization of the work of various departments involved in traffic and safety management. Automation of incident management helps to reduce...
Traffic Speed Deflectometer for Network-Level Pavement Management in Tennessee
Publication -
Assessment of the Speed Management Impact on Road Traffic Safety on the Sections of Motorways and Expressways Using Simulation Methods
PublicationMethods used to evaluate the impact of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services on road safety are usually based on expert assessments or statistical studies. However, commonly used methods are challenging to apply in the planning process of ITS services. This paper presents the methodology of research using surrogate safety measures calculated and calibrated with the use of simulation techniques and a driving simulator. This...
Mobility Oriented Development (MOD): Public-Private Partnership in Urban Parking & Traffic Management with the Use of Autonomous Automobiles, Car-Sharing, Ridesharing Modes of Transport & Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
PublicationThe focus of the following research are relations between mobility technologies and metropolitan (urban and suburban) spatial structures. In this paper the author discusses various urban modes of transport (automobile, mass transit) in the context of emerging technical (autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars and driverless shuttles) and organizational (carpooling, ridesharing, car-sharing, on-demand mobility) solutions for " mobility...
Use of Data from Satellite Navigation System in Operational and Strategic Management of Transport in Cities
PublicationThe article presents the possibilities of using data from the Global Positioning System for the development of traffic models and examples of use this data in the transport management. Traffic models are useful tools in planning and evaluation of transport solutions, but also can be used for current, operational transport management.
Potential for ITS/ICT Solutions in Urban Freight Management
PublicationThe article presents a study on applying ITS solutions in planning and management of urban freight transport in Gdynia. The traffic management system Tristar which is under implementation and its related systems show a potential to assist in development of freight transport measures. Recommendations for urban freight policy development supplementing Gdynia's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan were used as a basis for identification...
Modelling the loss of time caused by traffic incidents on motorways
PublicationFor each road incident important factors like location, capacity reduction, traffic management, duration of road incidents and amount of traffic should be defined. All performer operations and effects of incidents affect the capacity of the road, average speed, time loss, vehicle queues and traffic jams. In the article road incidents were divided into planned and unexpected. Statistical analysis prepared using the database of traffic...
Evolutionary approach to ship's trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes
PublicationThe paper presents the continuation of the author's research on evolutionary approach to ship trajectory planning. While the general problem of the evolutionary trajectory planning has already been solved, no one has yet touched one of its specific aspects: evolutionary trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes. Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is a traffic-management route-system complying with rules of the International...
Speed management on local government managed roads – research, recommendations and guidelines
PublicationCommissioned by the National Road Safety Council Secretariat, the project “Guidelines for speed management on local government managed roads” studied car driver be haviour when subjected to selected speed management measures such a local speed restrictions, surveillance, traffic calming and restricted speed areas. In addition, analyses were conducted on the impact of selected me asures...
Analysis of the regenerative braking process for the urban traffic conditions
PublicationIn a regular drive system, with an internal combustion engine, vehicle braking is connected with the unproductive dissipation of kinetic and potential energy accumulated in the mass of the vehicle into the environment. This energy can constitute up to 70% of the energy used to drive a vehicle under urban conditions. Its recovery and reuse is one of the basic advantages of hybrid and electric vehicles. Modern traffic management...
Shipping Safety Management on Polish Inland Waterways
PublicationOver the past years, the role of inland waterway transport has increased compared to other modes of transport. The increasing intensity of the inland vessel traffic significantly affects the safety of navigation. The article analyses the main causes of accidents and incidents that occurred on the Odra Waterway and Lower Vistula. The authors have classified those accidents and suggested possible directions for the development of...
Automatic Incident Detection at Intersections with Use of Telematics
PublicationWhile there are many examples of Intelligent Transport System deployments in Poland, more attention should be paid to traffic incident management and detection on dual-carriageways and urban street networks. One of the aims of CIVITAS DYN@MO, a European Union funded project, is to use TRISTAR (an Urban Transport Management System) detection modules to detect incidents at junctions equipped with traffic signals. First part of paper...
A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic
PublicationForecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...
Automated Parking Management for Urban Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach
PublicationEffective parking management is essential for ad-dressing the challenges of traffic congestion, city logistics, and air pollution in densely populated urban areas. This paper presents an algorithm designed to optimize parking management within city environments. The proposed system leverages deep learning models to accurately detect and classify street elements and events. Various algorithms, including automatic segmentation of...
A Review of Traffic Analysis Attacks and Countermeasures in Mobile Agents' Networks
PublicationFor traditional, message-based communication, traffic analysis has been already studied for over three decades and during that time various attacks have been recognised. As far as mobile agents’ networks are concerned only a few, specific-scope studies have been conducted. This leaves a gap that needs to be addressed as nowadays, in the era of Big Data, the Internet of Things, Smart Infrastructures and growing concerns for privacy,...
Adaptive traffic optimization using Variable Speed Limits; Adaptacyjna optymalizacja ruchu drogowego przy pomocy zmiennych ograniczeń prędkości
PublicationVariable speed limits (VSL) is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) solution for traffic management. The speed limits can be changed dynamically in order to adapt to traffic, weather, or road surface conditions. This paper presents an approach for such an adaptive traffic control where the primary goal is to ensure traffic safety and efficiency of the traffic control system (fast response to dynamically changing traffic,...
Review of methods for assessing traffic conditions on basic motorway and expressway sections
PublicationMotorways and expressways are the core of each country’s road system. Road planning, design and management requires tools to ensure that roads have the right geometry, traffic layout and equipment. These include methods for capacity estimation and assessing traffic conditions. Because the paper focusses on the basic segments of motorways and expressways (sections located between interchanges and outside of their influence), its...
PublicationThe subject of the Authors' analyses is a group of non-physical speed management measures. How effective they are depends primarily on how willing drivers are to accept restrictions. Social and cultural factors play a major role. The effectiveness of these measures is not clear and requires further research. The authors conducted such research and evaluated the effects of nonphysical speed management measures on driver behaviour...
Examining the Impact of Distance Between VSL Road Signs on Vehicle Speed Variance
PublicationVariable speed limit (VSL) is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) solution for traffic management. The speed limits can be changed dynamically to adapt to traffic conditions such as visibility and traffic volume, curvature, and grip coefficient of the road surface. The VSL traffic sign location problem and attempts to solve it using computer simulation are presented in this paper. Experiments on a selected road segment,...
Estimating the Average Speed of Public Transport Vehicles Based on Traffic Control System Data
PublicationIntelligent Transport Systems are a valuable source of traffic information, covering both private and public vehicles. The main problem, however, is that very few studies are conducted to determine the speed of buses, trams and trolleys in urban networks in relation to traffic conditions. The paper investigates how ITS systems data could be used to model the speed of Public Transport vehicles. This is now possible thanks to the...
Perspectives of Telematics Implementation in Tri-City Transport Systems Management and Planning
PublicationIn 2010 the City of Gdynia applied for match funding the project ''Implementation of the Integrated Traffic Management System TRISTAR in Tri-City" under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment. This year the project has been placed on a list approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure. Tri-City proceeds with a tender for the implementation of the system. The project will be implemented in key elements are included...
PublicationThe article presents the application of the GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) model to the description of differences in the level of road traffic safety in individual counties on the example of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The GWR model developed for counties, taking into account the diversity of NUTS 3 regions, can be a helpful tool for traffic safety management in voivodships and lower administrative units, and...
PublicationTravel time is a measure commonly used for traffic flow modelling and traffic control. It also helps to evaluate the quality of traffic control systems in urban areas. Traffic control systems that use traffic models to predict changes and disruptions in vehicle flows have to use vehicle speed-prediction models. Travel time estimation studies the effects of traffic volumes on a street section at an average speed. The TRISTAR Integrated...
Study of railway traffic safety based on the railway track condition monitoring system
PublicationThe solution to the problem of monitoring the railway track, as well as potentially dangerous objects and phenomena in the adjacent territories, is determined by the need to implement increased requirements for traffic safety (primarily to the geometric parameters of the devices of a long railway track under construction and functioning load-bearing highways), prevention of technological disasters and large-scale negative effects...
Identification of Risk Factors for Collisions Involving Cyclists Based on Gdansk Example
PublicationThe role of pedestrian and bicycle traffic in Poland has growing trend. The comprehensive traffic study, conducted in Gdansk in 2016, has confirmed the increase in the number of cyclists and their share in the modal split. Therefore, it is particularly important to ensure the safety of this group of unprotected road users. Only in 2015 on the roads of Gdansk occurred 93 accidents (excluding collisions) involving cyclists. As a...
Recent advances in traffic optimisation: systematic literature review of modern models, methods and algorithms
PublicationOver the past few decades, the increasing number of vehicles and imperfect road traffic management have been sources of congestion in cities and reasons for deteriorating health of its inhabitants. With the help of computer simulations, transport engineers optimise and improve the capacity of city streets. However, with an enormous number of possible simulation types, it is difficult to grasp valuable, innovative solutions which...
Pedestrian and bicycle bridges as examples of safe collision-free road crossings
PublicationPedestrians are most at risk when they are crossing the road. This represents a significant proportion of all fatalities among pedestrians, amounting respectively to 50% in non-built-up areas and 75% in built-up areas. The most frequent reason for this accident is failure to give way. What is most terrible is that 30% of pedestrian accidents occurred at marked pedestrian crossings. Therefore, an important part of pedestrian safety...
Mobile indicators in GIS and GPS positioning accuracy in cities
PublicationThe publication describes the possible use of tele-geoprocessing as a synergy of modern IT solutions, telecommunications and GIS algorithms. The paper presents a possibility of urban traffic monitoring with the use of mobile GIS indicators of dedicated monitoring system designed for taxi corporation. The system is based on a stationary and mobile software package. The optimal and minimal assumptions for the monitoring of urban...
Analysis of positioning methods using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in Polish State Railways (PKP)
PublicationEach year, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) improve their accuracy, availability, continuity, integrity, and reliability. Due to these continual improvements, the systems are increasingly used in various modes of transport, including rail transport, the subject of this publication. GNSS are used for rail passenger information, rail traffic management, and rail traffic control. These applications differ in the positioning...
Road safety inspection as a tool for road safety management – the polish experience
PublicationIn Poland, road inspections were implemented in June 2014 on all national roads. Previously conducted traffic surveys mainly related to the technical condition of roads, signs and markings; other safety issues were overlooked. The main problem that occurs during inspection is an inspector’s subjective qualitative assessment which affects the classification of the sources of hazard on the road.. The paper presents an analysis of...
Organizacja ruchu pociągów w obrębie stacji a oszczędność energii
PublicationW artykule przytoczono podstawowe zasady organizacji ruchu kolejowego. Wyodrębniono elementy sieci kolejowej oraz wskazano obszar stacji kolejowej jako najistotniejszy z punktu widzenia organi-zacji ruchu dla celów zmniejszenia zużycia energii trakcyjnej z uwzględnieniem rekuperowanej ener-gii. W dalszej części odwołano się do spotykanych w literaturze rozwiązań sterowania czasem posto-ju na stacji oraz sterowania czasem jazdy...
Akustyczna analiza natężenia ruchu drogowego dla systemów zarządzania ruchem
PublicationW pracy przybliżono wybrane zagadnienia z dziedziny zarządzania transportem drogowym w Polsce i na świecie. W tym kontekście pzredstawiono potrzeby rynkowe, wymagania jak i możliwości w zakresie pozyskiwania informacji o aktualnym stanie sieci drogowych. Zaproponowano akustyczną metodę nadzorowania ruchu drogowego i jej możliwości w kontekście systemów zarządzania ruchem. Przedstawiono schemat akwizycji sygnału wraz z danymi odniesienia....
Akustyczna analiza parametrów ruchu drogowego z wykorzystaniem informacji o hałasie oraz uczenia maszynowego
PublicationCelem rozprawy było opracowanie akustycznej metody analizy parametrów ruchu drogowego. Zasada działania akustycznej analizy ruchu drogowego zapewnia pasywną metodę monitorowania natężenia ruchu. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane metody uczenia maszynowego w kontekście analizy dźwięku (ang.Machine Hearing). Przedstawiono metodologię klasyfikacji zdarzeń w ruchu drogowym z wykorzystaniem uczenia maszynowego. Przybliżono podstawowe...
Problems of Railway Noise—A Case Study
PublicationUnder Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method....
Problems of Railway Noise-A Case Study
PublicationUnder Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method. The Dutch SRM II scheme is suggested for...
Travel Time of Public Transport Vehicles Estimation
PublicationEffective prediction of speed is central to advanced traveler information and transportation management systems. The speed of public transport vehicles is affected by many external factors including traffic volume, organization and infrastructure. The literature presents methods for estimating travel time on sections of a transport network and vehicle arrival at stops, often making use of the AVL (automatic vehicle location). The...
Simulator for Performance Evaluation of ASON/GMPLS Network
PublicationThe hierarchical control plane network architecture of Automatically Switched Optical Network with utilization of Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching protocols is compliant to next generation networks requirements and can supply connections with required quality of service, even with incomplete domain information. Considering connection control, connection management and network management, the controllers of this architecture...
Systematics of intelligent transport systems services
PublicationRecent years have seen a more intensified deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Polish cities. Work is also underway on the implementation of ITS on the national roads within the National Traffic Management System (KSZR). The research project RID-4D (part of Road Innovations), is designed to fill the gap, which is the lack of systematics of ITS services in Poland. The paper presents a proposal of ITS services systematics,...
Quality Expectations of Mobile Subscribers
PublicationMobile systems, by nature, have finite resources. Radio spectrum is limited, expensive and shared between many users and services. Mobile broadband networks must support multiple applications of voice, video and data on a single IP-based infrastructure. These converged services each have unique traffic holding and quality requirements. A positive user experience must be obtained through efficient partitioning of the available wireless...
Evaluating the Use of Edge Devices for Detection and Tracking of Vehicles in Smart City Environment
PublicationThis paper introduces a Smart City solution designed to run on edge devices, leveraging NVIDIA's DeepStream SDK for efficient urban surveillance. We evaluate five object-tracking approaches, using YOLO as the baseline detector and integrating three Nvidia DeepStream trackers: IOU, NvSORT, and NvDCF. Additionally, we propose a custom tracker based on Optical Flow and Kalman filtering. The presented approach combines advanced machine...
State of Development of Intelligent Transport Systems Services on National Roads in Poland
PublicationIn recent years we can see intensifying implementation of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) measures in Polish cities and on national roads. The architecture of the National Traffic Management System (KSZR) will enable the implementation of a uniform, integrated and intelligent ICT system to launch ITS systems that are the most important for drivers and the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA). This paper...
Możliwości usprawnienia zarządzania transportem zbiorowym z wykorzystaniem systemu zarządzania ruchem TRISTAR
PublicationW artykule zostały przedstawione możliwości usprawnienia zarządzania transportem zbiorowym z wykorzystaniem poszczególnych podsystemów Zintegrowanego Systemu Zarządzania Ruchem TRISTAR. Opisane zostały elementy systemu które mogą w skuteczny sposób wpłynąć na uatrakcyjnienie transportu zbiorowego. Przytoczono przykłady pokazujące potencjalne wykorzystanie pierwotnie nie przewidzianych do tego celu podsystemów. Omówiona została...
Managing knowledge in a tourism crisis: case study from Poland
PublicationPurpose: This study deals with a tourism organisation from Poland, which experienced not only the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the close war situation in Ukraine which caused a significant decrease in tourist traffic and revenues. Since, based on the literature, knowledge management can be useful for crisis management, this study aims to explore the role and usefulness of KM during crisis situations in tourism. Methodology: Qualitative...