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Search results for: 3d model repository
Topological Model of an Electromagnetic Environment Inside a Ship for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Analysis
PublicationThe mutual electromagnetic (EM) interactions between electrical and electronic devices in a segmented space, such as a ship's environment, ared described. Firstly, the topological structure of a ship's segmented internal environment, which consists of many electrical screening walls (shielding planes), is presented. Then, taking into account the ship's topological structure, a general description of the EM disturbance distribution,...
Synchronous generator model taking into account the non-uniform saturation of the pole shoes
PublicationFor the evaluation of modern electric power systems with regard to their behavior, weight, and reliability a novel modeling and simulation tools have been developed. The paper presents circuit model of synchronous generator taking into account both the non-sinusoidal distribution of the stator and rotor winding, and non-uniform saturation of the pole shoes. This model is suitable for simulation of both salient and no-salient pole...
PublicationWe present a neural network model capable of reproducing focal epileptic behavior. An important property of our model is the distinguished preictal state. This novel feature may shed light on the pathologi-cal mechanisms of seizure generation and, in perspective, help develop new therapeutic strategies to manage refractory partial epilepsy.
Dynamics of mechanical model of implant-tissue system in ventral hernia repair
PublicationThe paper deals with a finite element modelling of implants in the problem of ventral hernia repair. The synthetic mesh implanted in the abdomen during surgery is here modelled as a membrane structure. Thesystem undergoes the internal abdominal pressure that occurs during the postoperative cough, the load identified in the literature as the main cause of the connection failure and hernia recurrence. The model can be used to estimate...
State equations in the mathematical model of dynamic behaviour of multihull floating unit
PublicationPrzedstawiony artykuł dotyczy dynamiki wielokadłubowej jednostki pływającej typu katamaran poddanej wymuszeniom pochodzącym od falowania nieregularnego. Analiza dynamiki jednostki wielokadłubowej została przeprowadzona przy założeniu, że model układu jest modelem liniowym na który działa fala nieregularna. Model matematyczny takiego układu dynamicznego jest reprezentowany poprzez równania stanu. Zapisane zostały równania uwzględniające...
Tribological model of porous bearings with particular attention given to the lubricant lubricity
PublicationThe friction and wear problems, accompanying all the tribological systems, lead to reduced service life. In order to prevent such situation, it is necessary to maintain fluid friction, which improves durability of all friction nodes in a tribological system. In the paper, the tribological system consists of porous bearings and the model deals with their weakest spots - the oil outflow points in the porous wall. A kinetic model...
Model zarządzania zasobami wiedzy w środowisku oceny technologii informatycznych
PublicationCelem pracy jest prezentacja modelu zasobów wiedzy systemu agentowego do oceny technologii informatycznych. Na wstępie zaprezentowano koncepcje systemu agentowego do oceny technologii informatycznych opracowanego w Zespole Zarządzania Technologiami Informatycznymi. Następnie scharakteryzowano model proponowanych dla potrzeb systemu baz wiedzy. Opracowany model został następnie poddany weryfikacji w środowisku oceny technologii...
PublicationArtykuł jest kontynuacją cyklu publikacji, które ukazały się w „TCHK” w 2009 roku, a dotyczyły selektywnego chłodzenia mózgu noworodka po niedotlenieniu okołoporodowym. W tym materiale przedstawiono wykonany w programie Matlab – Simulink model symulujący zmiany, jakie zachodzą w organizmie noworodka podczas wprowadzania go w stan hipotermii łagodnej. Model powyższy pomimo dużych uproszczeń odzwierciedla zmiany fizjologiczne w zakresie...
An Off-Body Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Indoor Environments
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body channel model for body area networks (BANs) in indoor environments. The proposed model, which is based on both simulations and measurements in a realistic environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. Seven scenarios in a realistic indoor office environment containing typical scatterers have been measured: five were static (three standing and two...
approximation of photonic crystal fibres with large air holes by the step index fibre model
PublicationAn equivalent step index fibre with a silica core and air cladding is used to model photonic crystal fibres with large air holes. We model this fibre for linear polarisation (we focus on the lowest few transverse modes of the electromagnetic field). The equivalent step index radius is obtained by equating the lowest two eigenvalues of the model to those calculated numerically for the photonic crystal fibres. The step index parameters...
Failure model of main elements of the ship engine crankshaft-piston assembly
PublicationThe paper presents a failure model of main elements of the crankshaft-piston assembly, based on failures ofcrankshaft-piston assembly and timing gear system of the Sulzer RD engines, retrieved from the equipment reliabilitydata of selected ships.
Impedance spectra of ZnO varistor type 280 model A ver. M
Open Research DataThe impedance spectrum of high-voltage ZnO varistor obtained using FRA EIS impedance spectrosocpy measurement method. The 1V sinusoidal excitation was used. The frequency range was chosen from 10 kHz down to 100 uHz. The object under test and the measuring instrument were placed in a Faraday cage due to high impedance of the object. The data was acquired...
Impedance spectra of ZnO varistor type 440 model A ver. M
Open Research DataThe impedance spectrum of high-voltage ZnO varistor obtained using FRA EIS impedance spectrosocpy measurement method. The 1V sinusoidal excitation was used. The frequency range was chosen from 10 kHz down to 100 uHz. The object under test and the measuring instrument were placed in a Faraday cage due to high impedance of the object. The data was acquired...
Passing from requirements specification to class model using application domain ontology
PublicationThe quality of a classic software engineering process depends on the completeness of project documents and on the inter-phase consistency. In this paper, a method for passing from the requirement specification to the class model is proposed. First, a developer browses the text of the requirements, extracts the word sequences, and places them as terms into the glossary. Next, the internal ontology logic for the glossary needs to...
Simple model of rain wind induced vibrations of stayed cables.
PublicationAnalizowano prosty, liniowy model drgań kabli mostów wantowych pod obciążeniem wiatrem i deszczem. Zakłada się, iż częstotliwość ruchu górnej kropli po powierzchni kabla i częstotliwość kabla są równe oraz iż amplituda ruchu kropli dla danej prędkości wiatru są stałe. Otrzymane rezultaty są porównane z istniejącymi w literaturze wynikami badań eksperymentalnych. Podaje się analityczne związki służące do oszacowania tłumienia...
Data Model Development for Security Information Sharing in Smart Grids
PublicationThe smart grid raises new security concerns which require novel solutions. It is commonly agreed that to protect the grid, the effective collaboration and information sharing between the relevant stakeholders is prerequisite. Developing a security information sharing platform for the smart grid is a new research direction which poses several challenges related to the highly distributed and heterogeneous character of the grid. In...
Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
PublicationThe presented work explores the simulation test results of using nonlinear model predictive control algorithm for ship dynamic positioning. In the optimization task, a goal function with a penalty was proposed with a variable prediction step. The results of the proposed control algorithm were compared with backstepping and PID. The effect of estimation accuracy on the control quality with the implemented algorithms was investigated....
The model of end-to-end call setup time calculation for Session Initiation Protocol
PublicationEnd-to-end call setup delay is one of the most important grade of service (GoS) parameters for VoIP networks with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). A typical subscriber wants to have a connection established as soon as possible. From the operator's perspective call setup time is also crucial because he needs to know how probability of successful packet transmission on SIP links is related to a call setup delay. Then he can make...
Ontology-Driven Rule-Based Model for an Extension of Information Technology Infrastructure Library Processes
PublicationThe aim of this study is to present the stages for building a development model to create information technology (IT) systems for IT service providers. In order to ensure the consistency of the model, a novel solution is proposed where the stages of the model's construction are controlled using ontologies dedicated to the ITIL standard. In this article, a description of models used to assess the provider organization, with particular...
Simplified Numerical Model for Transient Flow of Slurries at Low Concentration
PublicationRapid transients are particularly dangerous in industrial hydro-transport systems, where solid-liquid mixtures are transported via long pressure pipelines. A mathematical description of such flow is difficult due to the complexity of phenomena and difficulties in determining parameters. The main aim of the study was to examine the influence of the simplified mixture density and wave celerity description on satisfactory reproduction...
Simple multi-laminate model for soft soils incorporating structural anisotropy and destructuration
PublicationZaproponowano nowy model konstytutywny należący do rodziny tzw. modeli wielopłaszczyznowych (multi-laminate) dla gruntów słabonośnych. Oryginalnymi rozwiązaniami w modelu są: wprowadzenie kierunkowo zależnej prekonsolidacji oraz uwzględnienie zmian anizotropii wytrzymałości na ściskanie podczas destrukturyzacji naturalnych gruntów słabonośnych. Model zweryfikowano dla podstawowych badań elementowych.
Advanced Hysteretic Model of a Prototype Seismic Isolation System Made of Polymeric Bearings
PublicationThe present paper reports the results of acomprehensive study designed to verify the effectiveness of an advanced mathematical model in simulating the complex mechanical behaviour of a prototype seismic isolation system made of polymeric bearings (PBs). Firstly, in order to construct the seismic bearings considered in this research, a specially prepared flexible polymeric material with increased damping properties was employed....
Hydrodynamic Model of the New Waterway through the Vistula Spit
PublicationThe decision to build a new waterway (strait) in the Polish part of the Vistula Spit was made in 2017. The new connection between the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Vistula Lagoon is planned as an artificial navigable channel with a lock and a small port. During storm surges and wind tides in the gulf or in the lagoon, sluicing will be re-quired for vessels to tackle the Vistula Spit. This procedure does not require significant water flow...
Continuous-time active-RC filters: general model and its applications.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono ogólny model filtru aktywnego RC opartego na wzmacniaczach odwracających fazę. Model analizowany jest przy użyciu równań macierzowych. Podano jawną formułę określającą funkcję przenoszenia filtru w ogólnym przypadku. Przedstawiono rozszerzenia modelu pozwalające uwzględniać nieidealności wzmacniaczy operacyjnych, w tym skończone wzmocnienie i pasmo przenoszenia oraz niezerową rezystancję wyjściową. Zastosowanie...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to show the results of the shaking table experimental study concerning the diagnosis of damage in a model of cylindrical steel tank with self-supported roof which is filled with liquid. During the tests, the base of the structure was excited under the harmonic loading with variable frequency. The tests were repeated for different stages of damage, which was introduced in the model by easing the bolts...
Decisional DNA based intelligent knowledge model for flexible manufacturing system
PublicationModeling an effective mechanism for design and control strategies for the implementation of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) has been a challenge. Consequently, to overcome this issue various techniques have applied in the past but most of these models are effective only for some specific situation or an element of FMS. In this study, the knowledge representation technique of Decisional DNA (DDNA) is applied to FMS to develop...
A novel heterogeneous model of concrete for numerical modelling of ground penetrating radar
PublicationThe ground penetrating radar (GPR) method has increasingly been applied in the non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures. The most common approach to the modelling of radar waves is to consider concrete as a homogeneous material. This paper proposes a novel, heterogeneous, numerical model of concrete for exhaustive interpretation of GPR data. An algorithm for determining the substitute values of the material constants...
Investigating Analytics Dashboards’ Support for the Value-based Healthcare Delivery Model
PublicationImproving the value of care is one of the essential aspects of Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) model today. VBHC is a new HC delivery model which is centered on patient health outcomes and improvements. There is anecdotal evidence that the use of decision aid tools like dashboards can play a significant role in the successful implementation of VBHC models. However, there has been little or no systematic studies and reviews to establish...
Numerical Model of the Aortic Valve Implanted Within Real Human Aorta
PublicationCardiovascular system diseases are the main cause of deaths in developed and developing countries. The main reasons are myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke and valvular diseases. These are caused mainly by arteriosclerosis. The valvular diseases involve a significant burden for the health care system and their frequency is rising with the patient age. This work describes the tools and numerical models appropriate for modeling...
Using a computational model to compare objective negotiations in real and virtual environments
PublicationZaprezentowano obliczeniowy model negocjacji uwzględniający warunki początkowe, przebieg negocjacji i wyniki negocjacji. Przedstawiono komputerowy system wspomagający rejestrację przebiegu negocjacji i ich wyników oraz analizę negocjacji zgodną z proponowanym modelem.
A semi-empirical model for flow boiling heat transfer with account of the reduced pressure effect
PublicationIn the present study the attention was focused on the influence of reduced pressure on the predictions of heat transfer during flow boiling at the extensive range of pressures. The results of calculations were to test the sensitivity of the in-house flow boiling model with respect to the selection of the appropriate two-phase flow multiplier, which is one of the distinctive elements of that model. For this purpose a few two-phase...
Analysis of muscles behaviour : The computational model of muscle. -Part I
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano model obliczeniowy mięśnia szkieletowego, który potraktowano jako strukturę o złożonych i zróżnicowanych właściwościach mechanicznych. Szczegółowo opisano metodę identyfikacji tych właściwości. Ponadto określono sposób przeprowadzenia weryfikacji ilościowej i jakościowej zaproponowanego modelu. Za pomocą takiego obliczeniowego modelu mięśnia można łatwo określać siły w mięśniach, które należą do zespołu...
Binary-Encounter Model for Direct Ionization of Molecules by Positron-Impact
PublicationWe introduce two models for the computation of direct ionization cross sections by positron impact over a wide range of collision energies. The models are based on the binary-encounter-Bethe model and take into account an extension of the Wannier theory. The cross sections computed with these models show good agreement with experimental data. The extensions improve the agreement between theory and experiment for collision energies...
Developing Methodology for Model Tests of Floating Platforms in Low -Depth Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper presents two different methods of physical modeling of semi-submersible platform mooring system for research in low depth towing tank. The tested model was made in the scale of 1:100 resembling the "Thunder Horse" platform moored in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1,920 m. Its mooring system consisted of 16 semi-taut mooring lines (chain-wire-chain) spaced starshape and attached at the bottom to suction piles. The tests...
Programmable dynamically changing RC model for evaluation of Dynamic EIS methods and instrumentation
PublicationThe paper concerns the RC equivalent circuit of electrochemical cell with the impedance changed during the experiment. The model was constructed using the digital potentiometers controlled by the microcontroller. This solution allows to control the model impedance by the software means. By creating adequate changes of the impedance spectrum as a time function, the different impedance measurement method can be tested to find out...
Energetic model of hydraulic system of refuse collection vehicle based on simulation and experimental data
PublicationThis paper presents an energetic model of hydraulic system of a refuse collection vehicle. First, benefits resulting from implementation of an energetic model in the industry and operation of a Refuse Collection Vehicle are briefly explained. Then, components of the energy consumption in hydraulic circuits of compactor and lifting device are described and combined into a comprehensive model that can be evaluated using basic measurement...
Vertical motions damping model test of a lifeboat lowered onto a flat sea surface
PublicationThe article presents the experiment’s results of the lifeboat model lowered with an initial speed and then released to fall onto a flat water surface. The purpose of the research is to determine the trajectory of the vertical boat motion and describe it with a mathematical model. This is closely related to determining the damping factor since the vertical motion is damped and the lifeboat gets balanced and stops moving after some...
Continuum contact model for friction between graphene sheets that accounts for surface anisotropy and curvature
PublicationUnderstanding the interaction mechanics between graphene layers and co-axial carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is essential for modeling graphene and CNT-based nanoelectromechanical systems. This work proposes a new continuum contact model to study interlayer interactions between curved graphene sheets. The continuum model is calibrated and validated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. These are carried out employing the reactive...
Model czynnikowy drugiego stopnia jakości informacji rynkowych
PublicationCelem pracy jest przedstawienie modelu pomiarowego jakości informacji rynkowych jako modelu czynnikowego drugiego rzędu. Do otrzymania tego modelu użyto konfirmacyjnej analizy czynnikowej. Uzasadnienie utworzenia modelu drugiego stopnia stanowiło wysokie skorelowanie czterech, pierwotnie założonych, czynników w modelu pomiarowym pierwszego rzędu oraz przesłanki merytoryczne. Rozpatrywane czynniki pierwszego rzędu to rzetelność,...
Stałoprądowy model tranzystora MOS z kanałem dłuzszym niż 10 nm
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano spójny fizycznie, stałoprądowy jednosekcyjny model tranzystora MOS i wyniki jego eksperymentalnej weryfikacji dla szerokiego spektrum długości kanałów badanych tranzystorów - od kanałów długich aż do 10-nanometrowych. Przedstawiono założenia modelu fizycznego w przestrzeni 2-D i jego transformację do modelu quasi-dwuwymiarowego. Model spełnia warunek symetrii Gummel'a.
Model oceny sytuacji ekonomiczno-finansowej przedsiębiorstw w gospodarce rynkowej
PublicationArtykuł jest polemiką z artykułem Sławomira Nahotko. Ma on charakter informacyjny dla osób zainteresowanych tematyką oceny sytuacji ekonomiczno-finansowej polskich przedsiębiorstw.Autor przedstawił w nim swój model sztucznych sieci neuronowych prognozowania zagrożenia upadłością firm.
Simplified numerical model for global stability of corrugated silos with vertical stiffeners
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki stateczności globalnej silosów z blachy falistej z pionowymi usztywnieniami. Zaproponowano uproszczony model numeryczny metody elementów skończonych do określenia stateczności. Wyniki numeryczne były bardziej dokładnie niż metody zaproponowane w Eurokodzie.
Low-fidelity model considerations for simulation-based optimisation of miniaturised wideband antennas
PublicationHere, variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM)-based design optimisation of miniaturised antennas is discussed. The authors focus on an appropriate selection of discretisation density of the low-fidelity EM model, which results in good performance of the optimisation algorithm in terms of its computational complexity and reliability. Trust-region gradient search with low-fidelity model corrected by means of non-linear frequency scaling...
An Empirical System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in a Passenger Ferry Environment
PublicationThis paper presents a general empirical system loss model for estimating propagation loss in Body Area Networks in off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The model is based on measurements, which were carried out in dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The model consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on...
An Empirical System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in a Passenger Ferry Environment
PublicationThis paper presents a general empirical system loss model for estimating propagation loss in Body Area Networks in off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The model is based on measurements, which were carried out in dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The model consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on...
Uniform Model Interface for Assurance Case Integration with System Models
PublicationAssurance cases are developed and maintained in parallel with corresponding system models and therefore need to reference each other. Managing the correctness and consistency of interrelated safety argument and system models is essential for system dependability and is a nontrivial task. The model interface presented in this paper enables a uniform process of establishing and managing assurance case references to various types...
A new approach to determination of the two-mass model parameters of railway current collector
PublicationThe paper presents two mathematical models of railway current collectors both with two degrees of freedom. The first one, hereinafter Pantograph Articulated Model (PAM), has one degree of freedom in rotational motion and the second degree of freedom in translational motion. The second model, called henceforth as Pantograph Reference Model (PRM), has both degrees of freedom in translational motion. Differential equations of the...
A new approach to determination of the two-mass model parameters of railway current collector
PublicationThe paper presents two mathematical models of railway current collectors both with two degrees of freedom. The first one, hereinafter Pantograph Articulated Model (PAM), has one degree of freedom in rotational motion and the second degree of freedom in translational motion. The second model, called henceforth as Pantograph Reference Model (PRM), has both degrees of freedom in translational motion. Differential equations of the...
Melanoma skin cancer detection using mask-RCNN with modified GRU model
PublicationIntroduction: Melanoma Skin Cancer (MSC) is a type of cancer in the human body; therefore, early disease diagnosis is essential for reducing the mortality rate. However, dermoscopic image analysis poses challenges due to factors such as color illumination, light reflections, and the varying sizes and shapes of lesions. To overcome these challenges, an automated framework is proposed in this manuscript. Methods: Initially, dermoscopic...
The influence of the thickness, recombination and space charge on the loss of photocurrent in organic semiconductors: an analytical model
PublicationWe propose an analytical model of the photocurrent efficiency dependence on the light intensity in organic semiconductors. The influence of the thickness of sample, space charge effects and recombination of charge on the loss of photocurrent has been considered. We demonstrate that the presented model is the enhancement of an analytical model reported recently by Rappaport et al (2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 033714). The method to identify...