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Search results for: SOL-GEL METHOD
The Proposal to “Snapshot” Raim Method for Gnss Vessel Receivers Working in Poor Space Segment Geometry
PublicationNowadays, we can observe an increase in research on the use of small unmanned autonomous vessel (SUAV) to patrol and guiding critical areas including harbours. The proposal to “snapshot” RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) method for GNSS receivers mounted on SUAV operating in poor space segment geometry is presented in the paper. Existing “snapshot” RAIM methods and algorithms which are used in practical applications...
An Analysis of Scattering from Ferrite Post of Arbitrary Convex Cross Section with the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA problem of electromagnetic wave scattering from ferrite post is presented. The post is assumed to be located in closed areas as waveguide junction, or in open area illuminated by a plane wave. The object is of arbitrary convex cross section and the method of analysis is semi-analytical, based on the direct field matching technique.
The Method of Multi-criteria Analysis to Support the Decision on Load or Micro-generation Connection to a Low- or Medium-voltage Power Grid
PublicationThis paper presents a method that supports the decision in terms on selecting the best option of a load connection to a low- or medium-voltage power distribution grid, and of a micro-generation source connection to a low-voltage grid. The method is based on the search for the option with the lowest aggregate assessment measure, which is the weighted average of partial assessment measures determined for each of eight considered...
Development Of Dynamic Method For Evaluation Of Corrosion Rate On The Example Of Organic Corrosion İnhibitor
PublicationMeasurements of the corrosion rate belong to the most important aspects of materials science. In order to reduce material loss corrosion inhibitors are used. However selection of proper inhibitor should be based on evaluation of its mechanism and effective concentrations. Mechanism of inhibition usually has dynamic character so physicochemical parameters are changing in time. Most of actually used methods...
Protective properties of Al2O3 + TiO2 coating produced by the electrostatic spray deposition method
PublicationMechanical resistance of Al2O3 + TiO2 nanocomposite ceramic coating deposited by electrostatic spray deposition method onto X10CrAlSi18 steel to thermal and slurry tests was investigated. The coating was produced from colloidal suspension of TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in 3 wt% solution of Al2(NO3)3, as Al2O3 precursor, in ethanol. TiO2 nanoparticles of two sizes, 15 nm and 32 nm, were used in the experiments. After deposition,...
Discrete element method modelling of elastic wave propagation in a meso-scale model of concrete
PublicationThis paper deals with the accurate modelling of ultrasonic wave propagation in concrete at the mesoscopic level. This was achieved through the development of a discrete element method (DEM) model capable of simulating elastic wave signals comparable to those measured experimentally. The main objective of the work was to propose a novel methodology for constructing a meso-scale model of concrete dedicated to the analysis of elastic...
Quasistatic and fatigue behavior of an AISI H13 steel obtained by additive manufacturing and conventional method
PublicationThis work aims to compare the mechanical behavior of an AISI H13 steel obtained by additive manufacturing with that obtained by conventional manufacturing methods. The average values of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and ductility obtained for the specimens produced by the conventional method were equal to 658 MPa and 18%, respectively, which compares with 503 MPa and 0.75% registered for the selective laser melting (SLM)...
Laboratory station for research of the innovative dry method of exhaust gas desulfurization for an engine powered with residual fuel
PublicationContemporary methods of exhaust gas desulfurization in marine engines are all expensive methods (4-5 million euro). This is, among other reasons, due to the limited market audience, but primarily due to the monop-olized position of manufacturers offering fabrication and assembly of this type of marine ship installations. Proposed as part of a research project financed by the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Maritime...
Optimization of the Hardware Layer for IoT Systems using a Trust Region Method with Adaptive Forward Finite Differences
PublicationTrust-region (TR) algorithms represent a popular class of local optimization methods. Owing to straightforward setup and low computational cost, TR routines based on linear models determined using forward finite differences (FD) are often utilized for performance tuning of microwave and antenna components incorporated within the Internet of Things systems. Despite usefulness for design of complex structures, performance of TR methods...
Fatigue of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with diamond structure obtained by Laser Power Bed Fusion method
PublicationThis paper presents the results of fatigue tests conducted on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy with diamond structure obtained by the Laser Power Bed Fusion method. Samples used in tests were printed with porosities: 81%, 73%, 50%, 34% and near-zero porosity. Samples were subjected to cyclic tests with a constant stress amplitude. The number of cycles until sample failure was registered. Obtained fatigue test results made it possible to...
New Simple and Robust Method for Determination of Polarity of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) by Means of Contact Angle Measurement
PublicationThe paper presents a new method for evaluating the polarity and hydrophobicity of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) based on the measurement of the DES contact angle on glass. DESs consisting of benzoic acid derivatives and quaternary ammonium chlorides–tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) and benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride (16-BAC)—in selected molar ratios were chosen for the study. To investigate the DESs polarity, an optical...
PublicationTaking into account the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) strategy to radically reduce the GHG emitted by the shipping industry towards zero emission operation, today's assessment of ship behaviour in waves, its seakeeping characteristics and resistance and their interrelation with fuel consumption and emissions are one of the most attended research subject. There are three methods to conduct this analysis, which are...
Precise method of vehicle velocity determination basing on measurements of car body deformation–non-linear method for ‘Full Size’ vehicle class
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Oznaczanie tlenu – od metody Winklera do czujników enzymatycznych (Determination of oxygen – from Winkler Method to enzymatic sensor)
PublicationMonitoring of dioxygen levels is of utmost importance from the view-point of life processes, medical diagnostics, nutrition and chemical industries. In all these measurements both low and high levels of this element are important. The common methods for the determination of dioxygen are the Winkler method, Clark electrode and pulsoxymeters. A new, already strong field of research can be now recognized – the development of miniaturized...
PublicationElectron-impact cross sections for platinum chemotherapeutic compounds, purine and pyrimidine molecules calculated using binary-encounterBethe model are presented as examples of possible applications of that method.
Ocena narzędzi wspomagających zarządzanie przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi na przykładzie IBM Rational Method Composer
PublicationRozdział przedstawia zalety i wady oprogramowania wspomagającego zarządzanie przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi. Skupia się na ocenie technologii informatycznej spopularyzowanej na rynku przez firmę IBM jako Rational Method Composer. W rozdziale zostały zaproponowane kryteria oceny z punktu widzenia menedżera zarządzającego przedsięwzięciem oraz oceny w zależności od stopnia spełnienia tego kryterium. Ponadto przeprowadzona została...
A method for testing the wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering assumption fulfillment for an underwater acoustic channel
PublicationWide-sense stationary and uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) assumptions are often applied for the statistical description of wireless communication channels. However, in the case of underwater acoustic channels the WSSUS model is of limited value. The degree of similarity of in-phase and quadrature components of the channel impulse response, measured with the use of bandpass modulated signals, can be used as an indicator of WSSUS...
Computational complexity and length of recorded data for fluctuation enhanced sensing method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationThis paper considers complexity and accuracy of data processing for gas detection using resistance fluctuation data observed in resistance gas sensors. A few selected methods were considered (Principal Component Analysis – PCA, Support Vector Machine – SVM). Functions like power spectral density or histogram were used to create input data vector for these algorithms from the observed resistance fluctuations. The presented considerations...
Development of Local IDF-formula Using Controlled Random Search Method for Global Optimization
PublicationThe aim of the study is to present the effective and relatively simple empirical approach to rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency-formulas development, based on Controlled Random Search (CRS) for global optimization. The approach is mainly dedicated to the cases in which the commonly used IDF-relationships do not provide satisfactory fit between simulations and observations, and more complex formulas with higher number of parameters...
Effect of underwater local cavity welding method conditions on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationOne of the methods with great potential for applications in underwater repairs is local cavity welding. In local cavity method, cooling conditions and diffusible hydrogen amount in weld metal are nearly the same as those existed during welding in the air. This paper presents the results of literature survey and preliminary tests of the effect of local cavity welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen amount in a deposited metal....
PublicationLabyrinth seals are an important element of a steam turbine set design. The use of diagnostic extraction makes it possible to control the operation of a seal by providing information on the thermodynamic parameters along the length of the seal. Diagnostic extraction has a considerable impact on the change of the parameters, the amount of the extracted mass. This article describes the dependence of pressure in the clearance downstream...
PublicationLabyrinth seals are an important element of a steam turbine set design. The use of diagnostic extraction makes it possible to control the operation of a seal by providing information on the thermodynamic parameters along the length of the seal. Diagnostic extraction has a considerable impact on the change of the parameters, the amount of the extracted mass. This article describes the dependence of pressure in the clearance downstream...
PublicationThe experimental results of the study focused on the effect of drying processes of warm air drying at the temperature of 6580°C and warm air-steam mixture drying at the temperature of 105°C of pine and beech wood to the size of sawdust grains created by cutting using RPW 15M frame saw is presented in the paper. Particle size analysis of dry sawdust was performed using two methods - screening method and optical method based on...
Novel Vision Monitoring Method Based on Multi Light Points for Space-Time Analysis of Overhead Contact Line Displacements
PublicationThe article presents an innovative vision monitoring method of overhead contact line (OCL) displacement, which utilizes a set of LED light points installed along it. A light point is an, LED fed from a battery. Displacements of the LED points, recorded by a camera, are interpreted as a change of OCL shape in time and space. The vision system comprises a camera, properly situated with respect to the OCL, which is capable of capturing...
Analytical method for calculation of heat source temperature drop for the Organic Rankine Cycle application
PublicationIn the paper presented are considerations on the cooperation of the limited capacity heat source with the Organic Rankine Cycle unit. Usually the heat source providing thermal energy to the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) may have twofold characteristics. It can be in the form of a single phase fluid, i.e. as hot exhaust gas or hot liquid, or in some cases it may be available as a phase changing fluid, as for example, technological...
Block Conjugate Gradient Method with Multilevel Preconditioning and GPU Acceleration for FEM Problems in Electromagnetics
PublicationIn this paper a GPU-accelerated block conjugate gradient solver with multilevel preconditioning is presented for solving large system of sparse equations with multiple right hand-sides (RHSs) which arise in the finite-element analysis of electromagnetic problems. We demonstrate that blocking reduces the time to solution significantly and allows for better utilization of the computing power of GPUs, especially when the system matrix...
Distribution of relaxation times as a method of separation and identification of complex processes measured by impedance spectroscopy
PublicationImpedance spectroscopy is one of the most commonly performed measurements to characterize electronic and electrochemical systems. Impedance spectra have limited resolution and many different processes may overlap what could be the reason of obstructions in its proper later analysis. Up to date, there are three approaches to solve this problem: examining impedance spectra itself, fitting spectra with equivalent circuits, and calculating...
Theoretical description of the measuring method of instantaneous impedance spectra
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Identification and characterization of the grinding burns by eddy current method
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Viscoplastic constitutive laws and their implementation it the finite element method
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zasady formułowania i zastosowania w metodzie elementów skończonych lepkoplastycznych praw konstytutywnych. Podano skrótowo sposób identyfikacji parametrów i omówiono pewne szczególne założenia, które muszą być przyjęte aby można było dane prawo zastosować w obliczeniach numerycznych.
Fast impedance measurement method using Laplace transformation
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia metodę pomiaru impedancji wykorzystującą rzeczywisty uskok jednostkowy step jako sygnał pobudzenia i transformację Laplace jako narzędzie analizy sygnału odpowiedzi testowanego obiektu. Metoda jest dedykowana do badania różnych obiektów technicznych (np. powłok antykorozyjnych, czujników gazu, ceramik, tkanek biologicznych itp.) gdy czas pomiaru nie może być długi. Przedstawiona metoda jest znana ale niezbyt...
Methodological evaluation of method for dietary heavy metal intake
PublicationNarażenie człowieka na działanie zanieczyszczeń środowiskowych jest poważnym problemem w obecnych czasach. Metale ciężkie są uważane za toksyczne dla człowieka ze względu na tendencję kumulowania się w wybranych tkankach organizmu. Ponadto, ich obecność w ustroju jest przyczyną wielu schorzeń. Substancje szkodliwe mogą przenikać do organizmu kilkoma drogami, m.in. poprzez spożywanie skażonej żywności. Biorąc pod uwagę ryzyko związane...
The preparation method of experimental studies of the wood sawing process
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono sposoby działania, mające na celu przygotowanie badań doświadczalnych procesu przecinania drewna sosnowego na małogabarytowej pilarce ramowej PRW15M. Proces przygotowania badań podzielono na kilka etapów: przygotowanie próbek, pomiar własności fizycznych drewna (wilgotności drewna, gęstość drewna), pomiar własności strukturalnych drewna (średniej szerokości przyrostów rocznych oraz średniego udziału drewna...
Selection of cutting and washing fluids as a method of waste minimization
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki testów korozyjności dla cieczy obróbkowych wykorzystywanych do produkcji przekładni skrzyni biegów. Testy prowadzono zgodnie z normami: DIN 51360-2 (Ford-test) oraz PN-92/M-55789. Badaniom poddano trzy ciecze obróbkowe oraz trzy ciecze chłodzące. Wraz ze spadkiem stężenia użytej cieczy, obserwowano większe ogniska korozji.
New Manufacturing Method Of Sensor Oriented Optical Fibers
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The Problem of the Inclusion of Spatial Dependence Within the TOPSIS Method
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Peer Reviewed: A Practical Guide to Analytical Method Validation
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Evaluation of the fatigue damage development using ESPI method
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Tinnitus diagnosis and therapy method employing ultrasound dithering.
PublicationZaproponowano interpretację sposobu powstawania szumów usznych w oparciu o teorię kwantyzacji sygnału. Przedstawiono stan prac nad urządzeniem ultradźwiękowym do maskowania szumów usznych, opartym na tej teorii.
Atypical application of the parametric method for track infrastructure inventory
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Plasma Treatment as an Unconventional Molecular Magnet Engineering Method
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Validation of a method for odor sampling on solid area sources
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Deformation of details projection of components manufactured by Stereolithography method
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono i omówiono zmiany konstrukcyjne w elementach wykonywanych metodami Szybkiego Prototypowania powstające w trakcie przygotowywania danych jak i procesu wytwarzania. Praca opisuje charakter zmaian jak sposoby ich minimalizacji.
Metallographic investigations of joints obtained by local cavity method
PublicationPrzeprowadzono mikro- i makroskopowe badania metalograficzne złączy wykonanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej. Wyniki badań wskazują, że w SWC mogą tworzyć się kruche struktury hartownicze. Również wyniki badań twardości potwierdzają niekorzystny wpływ środowiska wodnego na spawalność stali.
Perspectives of Lean Management Using the Poka Yoke Method
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Water tracing as an alternative method for tunnels exploration in macromolecules
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Computer assisted method for proving existence of periodic orbits
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Thinning as Method to Regulate Sweet Cherry Crops – a Review
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The symmetrization method and limit cycles of vibro-impact systems
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A method for the estimation of dual transmissivities from slug tests