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Search results for: knowledge%20representation

Search results for: knowledge%20representation

  • Towards the 4th industrial revolution: networks, virtuality, experience based collective computational intelligence, and deep learning


    - Year 2016

    Quo vadis, Intelligent Enterprise? Where are you going? The authors of this paper aim at providing some answers to this fascinating question addressing emerging challenges related to the concept of semantically enhanced knowledge-based cyber-physical systems – the fourth industrial revolution named Industry 4.0.

  • Towards Emotion Acquisition in IT Usability Evaluation Context


    - Year 2015

    The paper concerns extension of IT usability studies with automatic analysis of the emotional state of a user. Affect recognition methods and emotion representation models are reviewed and evaluated for applicability in usability testing procedures. Accuracy of emotion recognition, susceptibility to disturbances, independence on human will and interference with usability testing procedures are...

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  • Multi-criterion decision making in distributed systems by quantum evolutionary algorithms

    • J. Balicki
    • H. Balicka
    • J. Masiejczyk
    • A. Zacniewski

    - Year 2010

    Decision making by the AQMEA (Adaptive Quantum-based Multi-criterion Evolutionary Algorithm) has been considered for distributed computer systems. AQMEA has been extended by a chromosome representation with the registry of the smallest units of quantum information. Evolutionary computing with Q-bit chromosomes has been proofed to characterize by the enhanced population diversity than other representations, since individuals represent...

  • Port-Based Modelling of Distributed-Lumped Parameter Systems


    There in the paper is presented an uniform, port-based approach to modelling of both lumped and distributed parameter systems. Port-based model of the distributed system has been defined by application of bond graph methodology and distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The approach proposed combines versatility of port-based modelling and accuracy of distributed transfer function method. The concise representation of lumped-distributed...

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  • Expedited Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microwave Structures Using Physics-Based Surrogates


    - Year 2015

    In this paper, a methodology for fast multi-objective design optimization of compact microwave circuits is presented. Our approach exploits an equivalent circuit model of the structure under consideration, corrected through implicit and frequency space mapping, then optimized by a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The correction/optimization of the surrogate is iterated by design space confinement and segmentation based on...

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  • Optimization of the System for Determining the Volume of Tissue Needed for Breast Reconstruction


    This article presents techniques for reconstructing surfaces and volume calculations using a point cloud generated from 3D imaging. The main objective of this article was to optimize the voxel size for the most accurate representation of the surface of the female breast. We experimented with different methods for determining volume using images from the Intel D435i camera. In addition, we designed application and measurement station...

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  • Towards Universal Visualisation of Emotional States for Information Systems


    The paper concerns affective information systems that represent and visualize human emotional states. The goal of the study was to find typical representations of discrete and dimensional emotion models in terms of color, size, speed, shape, and animation type. A total of 419 participants were asked about their preferences for emotion visualization. We found that color, speed, and size correlated with selected discrete emotion...

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  • Supporting study tours in the teaching of architectural heritage

    Study tours are a highly effective way to acquire knowledge. They improve students’ understanding of issues that otherwise may seem partly abstract to them. Presented in this article is the unique way in Poland in which support is given to the teaching of architectural heritage. It has been carried out continuously for almost 50 years in the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (FA-UT), Gdańsk, Poland, in...

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  • Ergonomic Aspects of Development of Architecture in the Context of Sanitary and Hygiene Safety

    Abstract Ergonomics answers the need of safe development of space by creating spatial forms which help to implement the safety procedures and limit the threats involved both in ordinary use of the spaces and in case of unforeseen events. Using the knowledge of ergonomics and architecture on the basis of defining the routes of germ transmission, allows to limit the spread of those organisms. Ergonomics of developing architectural...

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  • Sources and Fate of PAHs and PCBs in the Marine Environment

    The assessment of a hazard resulting from the pollution of the environment by chemical compounds is in principle limited to the determination of their concentrations in its various compartments. But for solving many problems in this context, knowledge of the emission sources, transport pathways, and sites of deposition is of great benefit. By far the largest amounts of pollutants, regardless of where they were discharged, end up...

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  • Theory vs. practice. Searching for a path of practical education

    The introduction of a three-tier model of higher education (the Bologna model) has led to considerable changes in the 1st- and 2nd-tier technical courses at universities. At present, a student with a bachelor’s degree can be employed in his / her profession after completing only 7 semesters of study. A search is under way for methods of combining theoretical knowledge taught at universities with practical knowledge gained afterwards....

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  • Jacek Krenz : City in my eyes


    - Year 2015

    Sketch City: Tips and Inspiration for Drawing on Location is the companion for any creative traveler, urban explorer, or budding artist. 50 artists scattered around the globe have been brought together to share tips about their favorite urban settings, including locations in South America, Europe, Canada, Asia, and beyond. Citified sketchers are guiding through techniques for capturing frenetic street scenes as well as the rare...

  • Exploring the Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities of Collaborative Business Intelligence


    - Year 2024

    In traditional business intelligence (BI) settings, the collective decision-making process is often hindered by the absence of knowledge and expertise exchange among various stakeholders, as well as lack of information sharing. The study delves into the concept of Collaborative BI, which aims to overcome these limitations by promoting collaboration, business networking, knowledge sharing, and improved communication among stakeholders....

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    Purpose: (To present the results of the statistical validation of just culture maturity questionnaire (JCMQ), used to recognize the maturity level of JC among nurses in the hospital in Poland. Methodology: (The case study and 5-stage research with the use of a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire with 28 statements, distributed among nurses. The results were statistically processed with Statistica 13.1 software. Findings: We confirmed...

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  • Design of residential buildings in architecture education

    This article is based on an analysis of residential building designs made by students of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (FA-GUT), Poland, and on the results of a survey conducted among these students. The purpose of the survey was to verify the broad, interdisciplinary knowledge of the students required in preparation for taking up design issues, as well as their ability to use this knowledge in...

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  • Światło dzienne w projektowaniu? Rezultaty badań ankietowych i ćwiczeń analityczno-projektowych wśród studentów architektury i urbanistyki z tematyki oświetlenia dziennego


    Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań ankietowych i ćwiczeń analitycznych dotyczących oceny oświetlenia dziennego (percepcja, wiedza, preferencje) przeprowadzonych wśród 140 studentów architektury. Wyniki mogą sugerować, że percepcja i opis oświetlenia dziennego opierał się na intuicji respondentów. Analiza udzielonych odpowiedzi ilustruje, że na umiejętność krytycznej interpretacji zaobserwowanych warunków oświetlenia i projektowego...

  • Specjalists aged 50+ as coaches and mentors

    The main aim of the article is to present how the knowlegde, skills and experience of persons aged 50+ can be used in companies and other institutions

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  • Set of Experience and Decisional DNA: Toward Brains for Cyber-physical Systems and Industry of the Future


    - Year 2015

    The concept of Decisional DNA is decade old. This article introduces the initial idea of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure, its advancement into Decisional DNA, and its potential for real life applications in divers domains. The most current and future research steps into Industry 4.0 are also presented and discussed

  • Implementation of Addition and Subtraction Operations in Multiple Precision Arithmetic


    - Year 2019

    In this paper, we present a digital circuit of arithmetic unit implementing addition and subtraction operations in multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). This adder-subtractor unit is a part of MPA coprocessor supporting and offloading the central processing unit (CPU) in computations requiring precision higher than 32/64 bits. Although addition and subtraction operations of two n-digit numbers require O(n) operations, the efficient...

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  • A quasi-2D small-signal MOSFET model - main results

    Dynamic properties of the MOS transistor under small-signal excitation are determined by kinetic parameters of the carriers injected into the channel, i.e., the low-field mobility, velocity saturation, mobility at the quiescent-point (Q-point), longitudinal electric field in the channel, by dynamic properties of the channel, as well as by an electrical coupling between the perturbed carrier concentration in the channel and the...

  • Two-spinors, oscillator algebras, and qubits: aspects of manifestly covariant approach to relativistic quantum information


    The first part of the paper reviews applications of 2-spinor methods to relativistic qubits (analogies between tetrads in Minkowski space and 2-qubit states, qubits defined by means of null directions and their role for elimination of the Peres-Scudo-Terno phenomenon, advantages and disadvantages of relativistic polarization operators defined by the Pauli-Lubanski vector, manifestly covariant approach to unitary representations...

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  • TINKTEP: A fully self-consistent, mutually polarizable QM/MM approach based on the AMOEBA force field

    • J. Dziedzic
    • Y. Mao
    • Y. Shao
    • J. Ponder
    • T. Head-Gordon
    • M. Head-Gordon
    • C. Skylaris


    We present a novel quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach in which a quantum subsystem is coupled to a classical subsystem described by the AMOEBA polarizable force field. Our approach permits mutual polarization between the QM and MM subsystems, effected through multipolar electrostatics. Self-consistency is achieved for both the QM and MM subsystems through a total energy minimization scheme. We provide an expression...

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  • Reliability Analysis of Data Storage Using Survival Signature and Logic Differential Calculus


    - Year 2023

    The Data storage system is an important part of any information system. All the necessary data that must be available for the successful operation of the information system are stored here. Therefore, it is advisable to think about the reliability of such a data storage system. As part of reliability engineering, it is possible to perform a reliability analysis of any system. Therefore, the data storage system can be analyzed as...

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  • Aleksander Orłowski dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. inż. Aleksander Orłowski, profesor PG w Katedrze Zarządzania Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, v-ce prezes Forum Rozwoju Aglomeracji Gdańskiej. Zawodowo zajmuje się badaniem i rozwojem koncepcji Smart Cities, współautor (2016-2017) badań gotowości do Smart City dziesięciu czołowych polskich urzędów miejskich, autor książki: Model gotowości procesowej urzędu miejskiego dojścia do Smart City (2019)....

  • International Workshop on Human Aspects in Ambient Intelligence: Agent Technology, Human-Oriented Knowledge and Applications


  • Creative sprints: an unplanned broad agile evaluation and redesign process.


    - Year 2014

    We report how a request for routine usability work rapidly evolved into a novel agile process for evaluation and redesign. This process is described and then analysed to identify reasons for success. This analysis supports realistic knowledge transfer between User Experience professionals by outlining how similar future processes could succeed.

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  • Search for identity of Pomeranian house by means of educational activities


    Architecture is a universal phenomenon and is a culture-creating field closely related to other fields of art. Hence, experiencing and feeling identity are also conditioned by the proper formation of architectural objects, which are carriers specific values which co-decide about the possibility of this experience occurring in connection with a specific place and the fulfilment of a specific need in it. In the era of ubiquitous...

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  • Networkig activities of general judiciary - from theory to practice


    - e-mentor - Year 2018

    Over the last three decades, networks - as a field of research - have acquired a significant place among management sciences. Unfortunately, in the judiciary they have become a subject of more careful analyses only recently, which resulted in a large discrepancy of knowledge - both in theory and in its practical adaptation for the needs of the courts. In order to fill this cognitive gap, an attempt was made to identify levels of...

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  • The Use of an Autoencoder in the Problem of Shepherding


    This paper refers to the problem of shepherding clusters of passive agents consisting of a large number of objects by a team of active agents. The problem of shepherding and the difficulties that arise with the increasing number of data describing the location of agents have been described. Several methods for reducing the dimensionality of data are presented. Selected autoencoding method using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine is...

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  • Decontaminating Arbitrary Graphs by Mobile Agents: a Survey


    A team of mobile agents starting from homebases need to visit and clean all nodes of the network. The goal is to find a strategy, which would be optimal in the sense of the number of needed entities, the number of moves performed by them or the completion time of the strategy. Currently, the field of distributed graph searching by a team of mobile agents is rapidly expanding and many new approaches and models are being presented...

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  • Modeling Object Oriented Systems via Controlled English Verbalization of Description Logic


    - Year 2010

    The need for formal methods for Object Oriented (OO) systems resulted in methods like UML and Lepus3 that are de-facto graphical languages equipped with formal tools that are able to handle the design of OO systems. However, they lack precise semantics which might lead to problems, such as inconsistencies or redundancies. On the other hand, to our knowledge, there is no approach that allows one to understand and follow the requirements...

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    - Journal of Polish CIMEEAC - Year 2014

    Paper presents short operat ional a nd engineering analysis of underpowered propulsion in small electrically propelled small inland passenger ships. There is evidence that in certain weather conditions the phenomena of added aerodynamic resistance of small water crafts may have serious influence on their speed and manoeuvrability. Existing regulations like class societies rules for ship classification and construction or EU Directive 2006/87/EC do...

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  • Assessment of under power ed propulsion machinery in electrically driven small inland waterway passenger ships from classification society point of view


    - Year 2014

    Paper presents short operat ional a nd engineering analysis of underpowered propulsion in small electrically propelled small inland passenger ships. There is evidence that in certain weather conditions the phenomena of added aerodynamic resistance of small water crafts may have seriou s influence on their speed and manoeuvrability. Existing regulations like class societies rules for ship classification and construction or EU Directive 2006/87/EC do...

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  • Application of Spinel and Hexagonal Ferrites in Heterogeneous Photocatalysis


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2021

    Semiconducting materials display unique features that enable their use in a variety of applications, including self-cleaning surfaces, water purification systems, hydrogen generation, solar energy conversion, etc. However, one of the major issues is separation of the used materials from the process suspension. Therefore, chemical compounds with magnetic properties have been proposed as crucial components of photocatalytic composites,...

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  • Cybersecurity of Enterprise Infrastructure 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Leszczyna
    • S. Ostrowski

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Managing enterprise IT infrastructure and security 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Leszczyna
    • B. Woliński

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Cybersecurity of Enterprise Infrastructure 2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Leszczyna
    • S. Ostrowski

    The aim of the course is for a student to acquire fundamental knowledge on cybersecurity management in organisations. During the course the concepts and methods associated with of an information security management system, cybersecurity standards and guidelines, cybersecurity management process, cybersecurity policy, cybersecurity threats, risk management, protection controls and the cost of the cybersecurity management will be...

  • Networks Externalities as Social Phenomenon in the Process ICT Diffusion.


    This paper is designed to fill the gap in knowledge that we have identified regarding the process of diffusion of information and communication technologies and emerging network effects that significantly enhance spread of these technologies. We contribute to the present state of the art by examining the process of ICT diffusion in 50 countries, which in 2015 achieved highest ICT penetration rates.

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  • Application of multistage treatment wetlands as a buffer for effluent from Anammox treatment for reject water from centrifugation

    According to the newest knowledge concerning TW technology multistage treatment wetland could be easily applied for ensuring stable and low concentration of biogenic compounds form the effluent of SBR reactor (with nitritation/annamox process) for treatment of digested sludge dewatering in side stream. The working condition and optimising of such MTW will be the issue of carried out investigation.

  • International Trade winter 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Parteka

    Main aim of the subject is to transfer knowledge on theoretical and empirical aspects of international trade. During the lectures we will cover patterns of international trade, main models of international trade and topics related to trade policy. During labs students will analyze current issues concerning trade flows in globalized world economy.

  • International Trade - winter 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • Z. H. Zarach
    • A. Parteka

    Main aim of the subject is to transfer knowledge on theoretical and empirical aspects of international trade. During the lectures we will cover patterns of international trade, main models of international trade and topics related to trade policy. During labs students will analyze current issues concerning trade flows in globalized world economy.

  • Kreatywność wirtualnej przestrzeni aglomeracji


    - Year 2008

    Metropolie jako bardziej rozwinieta forma wielkiego miasta sa miejscami transformacji funkcji. Funkcja przemyslowa ustepuje funkcjom zwiazanym z gospodarka oparta na wiedzy (knowledge based economy). Powstaje nowe pojecie wirtualnego miasta wiedzy. Oprocz szns innowacji pojawiaja sie takze zagrozenia wirtualnej przestrzeni informacji.

  • Road Safety Observatories within the Structure of Integrated Transport Safety Systems


    - Year 2011

    Accurate knowledge about the causes, circumstances and place of transport accidents is the prerequisite to take the correct action to improve transport safety. Developing appropriate organizational structures, forms and methods of management and implementation of safety measures in the sectoral approach condition the success. Therefore the Safety Information System is one of the integral areas of the Integrated Transport Safety...

  • Metals in the environment as risk factors for infectious diseases: gaps and opportunities

    • M. Ackland
    • J. Bornhorst
    • G. V. Dedoussis
    • R. R. Dieter
    • J. Nriagu
    • J. Pacyna
    • J. M. Pettifor

    - Year 2015

    This chapter aims to provide insights into current knowledge and gaps in our understanding of the influence that trace metals in the environment have on the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. By reducing immune function, trace metal deficiencies may substantially contribute to the global burden of diarhea, pneumonia, and malaria. Improved methods and biomarkers for assessing the risk of trace metals deficiencies and toxicities...

  • The role of observatories in the integrated transport safety systems

    Accurate knowledge about the causes, circumstances and place of transport accidents is the prerequisite to take the correct action to improve transport safety. Developing appropriate organizational structures, forms and methods of management and implementation of safety measures in the sectoral approach condition the success. Therefore, the Safety Information System is one of the integral areas of the Integrated Transport Safety...

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  • Towards semantic-rich word embeddings


    - Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems - Year 2019

    In recent years, word embeddings have been shown to improve the performance in NLP tasks such as syntactic parsing or sentiment analysis. While useful, they are problematic in representing ambiguous words with multiple meanings, since they keep a single representation for each word in the vocabulary. Constructing separate embeddings for meanings of ambiguous words could be useful for solving the Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)...

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  • Periodic expansion in determining minimal sets of Lefschetz periods for Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms

    We apply the representation of Lefschetz numbers of iterates in the form of periodic expansion to determine the minimal sets of Lefschetz periods of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms. Applying this approach we present an algorithmic method of finding the family of minimal sets of Lefschetz periods for Ng, a non-orientable compact surfaces without boundary of genus g. We also partially confirm the conjecture of Llibre and Sirvent (J Diff...

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  • Pipelined division of signed numbers with the use of residue arithmetic for small number range with the programmable gate array

    In this work an architecture of the pipelined signed residue divider for the small number range is presented. Its operation is based on reciprocal calculation and multiplication by the dividend. The divisor in the signed binary form is used to compute the approximated reciprocal in the residue form by the table look-up. In order to limit the look-up table address an algorithm based on segmentation of the divisor into two segments...

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  • Testing A Novel Gesture-Based Mixing Interface

    With a digital audio workstation, in contrast to the traditional mouse-keyboard computer interface, hand gestures can be used to mix audio with eyes closed. Mixing with a visual representation of audio parameters during experiments led to broadening the panorama and a more intensive use of shelving equalizers. Listening tests proved that the use of hand gestures produces mixes that are aesthetically as good as those obtained using...

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  • Hybrid fuzzy-ontological project framework of a team work simulation system


    The aim of this article is to present the project framework for constructing a Software Process Simulation Modeling (SPSM) system. SPSM systems can be used as a virtual environment for the selection of methods and tools of project management in IT support organizations. The constructed system simulates the Scrum methodology, including the management processes and the project roles. For the implementation of Scrum processes, the...

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