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Search results for: materials science
SAXS examination of the water evaporation process from silica materials coated with a polysaccharide–polyimine copolymer layer
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Influence of pregranulation and low-pressure compaction on the properties of ceramic materials incorporating clay and spent coffee grounds
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Żółte barwniki organiczne w XIX-wiecznych farbach Jana Matejki - identyfikacja substancji barwiących, nośników, oraz wypełniaczy
PublicationNaturalne barwniki organiczne można znaleźć w wielu obiektach dziedzictwa kulturowego. Identyfikacja substancji barwiących obecnych w farbach historycznych dostarcza istotnych informacji dla wielu specjalistów zaangażowanych w naukę o sztuce. Identyfikacja składu farb pozwala na zastosowanie odpowiednich procedur dotyczących renowacji i konserwacji historycznych dzieł sztuki. Informacje te pozwalają na ich renowację zgodnie z decyzjami...
Mateusz Kopec Dr hab. inż.
PeopleHead of the Materials and Structural Testing Laboratory in Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS and Academic visitor in Imperial College London. Lecturer and Master/PhD students supervisor in Doctoral School of IPPT PAN and TIB PAN, and Imperial College London. Member of Polish Materials Science Society, Member of the Board of Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and Council Member of the European...
Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Diamond Metal Bond Instrument when Grinding High-Strength Materials
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Industrially applicable methods of poly(methyl methacrylate)/organophilic montmorillonite nanocomposites preparation: Processes and cast materials characterization
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Monika Wilamowska-Zawłocka dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr Monika WILAMOWSKA-ZAWŁOCKA obtained her PhD in Chemistry in 2011 at Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology. She then was a post-doctoral fellow at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Since 2013 she has worked at Gdańsk University of Technology, since 2019 as an Associate Professor. Her research interests include composite materials for energy storage devices, especially for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries,...
Materials Horizons
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Emergent Materials
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Experimental investigation and process parameter optimization of sheet metal bending by line heating method
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the experimental investigation of sheet metal deforming by line heating method that incorporates the combined effect of traverse speed of the torch, thickness of the sheet metal, and the number of passes of the torch. For the numerical analysis of metal bending by line heating, the
Design Methodology for Small Passenger Ships On the Example of the Ferryboat Motława 2 Driven by Hybrid Propulsion System
PublicationDynamic development in practically all elds of science and engineering has not passed over shipbuilding . In last years , engineers got to their use computer soware which makes it possible to perform strength and hydrodynamic calculations as well as to visualize design projects in 3 D space [1-4]. At their disposal they have full spectrum of modern solutions associated with the use of advanced materials and technologies [5-7]....
Neutral Dissociation of Pyridine Evoked by Irradiation of Ionized Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Beams
PublicationThe interactions of ions with molecules and the determination of their dissociation patterns are challenging endeavors of fundamental importance for theoretical and experimental science. In particular, the investigations on bond-breaking and new bond-forming processes triggered by the ionic impact may shed light on the stellar wind interaction with interstellar media, ionic beam irradiations of the living cells, ion-track nanotechnology,...
Systematic Assessment of Product Quality
PublicationThe article describes an innovative metrizable idea for systemic assessments of product quality within the baking industry. Complex product quality analysis requires the employment of metrizability criteria for factors that impact the quality of the product, and these are called determinants. Therefore, such analysis is only possible with the use of systems engineering. A system represents the potential of a manufacturing process,...
Application of Nanomaterials for Cadmium Adsorption for Sustainable Treatment of Wastewater: a Review
PublicationMany heavy metals, particularly cadmium, are detrimental to both people and the environment when present in large quantities. In wastewater treatment plants, several conventional approaches are employed for cadmium abatement to restore the ecosystem, food supplies, and health of people and animals. Ion exchange, coagulation, membrane filtration, and chemical precipitation are a few examples of ways for removing heavy metals from...
Estimation–identification problem for diffusive transport in porous materials based on single reservoir test: Results for silica hydrogel
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Jacek Namieśnik prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleScientific discipline: chemistryRector in 2016-2019 He was born on 10 December, 1949 in Mogilno. He graduated in 1972 at the Faculty of Chemistry at Gdańsk University of Technology, obtaining a master's degree in chemical engineering. In 1972 he started working at Gdańsk University of Technology, where in 1978 he defended his doctoral thesis and in 1985 he completed his habilitation. He was appointed an associate professor in 1991...
Gradevnski Materijiali I Konstrukcije-Building Materials and Structures
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Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
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Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research
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Revista Romana de Materiale-Romanian Journal of Materials
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Phosphorus removal by application of natural and semi-natural materials for possible recovery according to assumptions of circular economy and closed circuit of P
PublicationIn the last fewyears the idea of circular economy has become essential. Thus, designing methods of nutrients removal should be based on usingmaterials that make it possible to recover those nutrients. Recently,methods applied in wastewater treatment plants cannot provide optimal results; moreover, the application of commercial coagulants like ferric chloride and polyaluminumchloride can cause difficulties in potential recovery...
Biopolymer based nanomaterials in drug delivery systems: A review
PublicationDrug delivery systems (DDS) are used to achieve a higher therapeutic effects of a pharmaceutical drug or natural compound in a specific diseased site with minimal toxicological effect and these systems consists of liposomes, microspheres, gels, prodrugs and many. Nanotechnology is a rapidly developing multi-disciplinary science that ensures the fabrication of the polymers to nanometer scale for various medical applications. Uses...
Cu-HKUST-1 and Hydroxyapatite–The Interface of Two Worlds toward the Design of Functional Materials Dedicated to Bone Tissue Regeneration
PublicationA novel composite based on biocompatible hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles and Cu-HKUST-1 (Cu-HKUST-1@HA) has been prepared following a layer-by-layer strategy. Cu-HKUST-1 was carefully selected from a group of four Cu-based metal−organic frameworks as the material with the most promising antimicrobial activity. The formation of a colloidal Cu- HKUST-1 layer on HA nanoparticles was confirmed by various techniques, e.g., infrared...
Clickable polysaccharides for biomedical applications: A comprehensive review
PublicationRecent advances in materials science and engineering highlight the importance of designing sophisticated biomaterials with well-defined architectures and tunable properties for emerging biomedical applications. Click chemistry, a powerful method allowing specific and controllable bioorthogonal reactions, has revolutionized our ability to make complex molecular structures with a high level of specificity, selectivity, and yield...
Photoresponsive Amide-Based Derivatives of Azobenzene-4,4′-Dicarboxylic Acid—Experimental and Theoretical Studies
PublicationAzobenzene derivatives are one of the most important molecular switches for biological and material science applications. Although these systems represent a well-known group of compounds, there remains a need to identify the factors influencing their photochemical properties in order to design azobenzene-based technologies in a rational way. In this contribution, we describe the synthesis and characterization of two novel amides...
Enhanced electrochemical performance of partially amorphous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ oxygen electrode materials for low-temperature solid oxide cells operating at 400 °C
PublicationThis work evaluates partially amorphous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ (LSC) as a potential oxygen electrode for lowtemperature solid oxide cells. LSC was deposited using the spin-coating technique onto Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ (CGO) substrates. The optimal oxygen electrode thickness was determined as 500 nm. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) study showed a significant improvement in oxygen reduction/oxidation reaction kinetics when annealing...
Janusz Kozak prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJanusz KOZAK Born 04.07.1953 Puck, Poland Intermediate school” Technikum Budowy Okrętów „Conradinum” Gdansk, 1973. Graduated on Faculty of Shipbuilding of Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, 1978. Employed: From 1978 - Gdynia Shipyard 1978 as designer, from 1980 as a specialist in Chair of Technology in Faculty of Shipbuilding of Gdańsk University of Technology, 1993 as assistant, PhD (1993), “Method for assessment...
Selected aspects of modern X-ray structural analysis 2025 kopia 1
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis. The aim of the lecture is to provide the PhD students, studying at natural sciences departments, an overview of contemporary X-ray structural analysis. The presented subject is exploited in many distant areas of modern technologies, materials science, crystal engineering, organic or inorganic synthesis of new chemicals, drug design, molecular biology, etc. It becomes necessary...
Anna Danuta Dettlaff dr inż.
PeopleShe received her Master of Science degree in engineering with honours in 2013 at the Gdańsk University of Technology at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. In 2013-2017, she was a PhD student in the field of Chemical Technology at Faculty of Chemistry. Her doctoral dissertation was entitled “Nanocomposites based on conducting polymer and carbon materials for supercapacitor application”. In 2015, she was doing a three-month...
Zhong yao cai = Zhongyaocai = Journal of Chinese medicinal materials
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Hydrothermal synthesis of vanadium ammonium compounds – the crucial role of the pressure
PublicationDue to the structural diversity and chemical activity, vanadium oxides and their derivatives are continuingly in the great interest of scientist. In a large family of vanadium compounds, one of the most interesting are ammonium vanadates (with the general formula (NH4)xVyOz). They have received much attention because of their promising application as cathode material in mono- and multivalent-ion batteries [1]. Hydrothermal synthesis...
Retention curves of selected solid materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains measurement results required for plotting the pF curve, which shows the relationship between soil moisture and suction. Measurements were taken using the Eijkelkamp sand table and kaolin-sand table, as well as the Meter Hyprop 2. The sand table determines the pF range from 0 to 2.0, while the kaolin-sand table covers the range...
Effect of molar ratio [NCO]/[OH] groups during prepolymer chains extending step on the morphology and selected mechanical properties of final bio‐based thermoplastic poly(ether‐urethane) materials
PublicationThe main aim of this work was to investigate the effect of [NCO]/[OH] molar ratio used during the prepolymer chain extending step (with bio‐based diols) on the chemical structure, and thermomechanical and mechanical properties of thermoplastic poly(ether‐urethane)s. Thermoplastic poly(ether‐urethane)s were obtained from bio‐based polyol (polytrimethylene ether glycol), bio‐based glycol (1,4‐butanediol or 1,3‐propanediol), and 4,4'diphenylmethane...
Opir Materialiv i Teoria Sporud-Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures
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Grey wolf optimizer integrated within boosting algorithm: Application in mechanical properties prediction of ultra high-performance concrete including carbon nanotubes
PublicationNowadays, the construction industry has increasingly recognized the superior performance characteristics of ultra high-performance concrete (UHPC). Known for its exceptional durability and high tensile strength, UHPC material is revolutionizing structure standards subjected to extreme environmental conditions and heavy loads. This paper explores the enhancement of UHPC with nano- and micromaterials, employing advanced machine-learning...
Wojciech Sadowski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleWojciech Sadowski (born 2 February 1954 in Ostaszewo, Poland), scientist, engineer, professor at Gdansk University of Technology, specialist in solid state body physics, nanotechnology, optoelectronics. In 1973 he completed his high school education at High School Nicolaus Copernicus in Chelmno. In 1979 he graduate from Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute in Russia (former Soviet Union) with specialism in dielectrics and semiconductors....
From evil demiurge to caring hero: Images of geneticists in the movies
PublicationAlthough images of science and scientists depicted in popular culture have been criticized as an exaggeration and fear mongering, the cinema is an important resource that influences individuals’ beliefs about science. Because popular depictions of science play a crucial role in constructing the public’s ‘scientific imaginary’ they constitute an inherent dimension of the social understanding of science and are as important for...
Efficient, fast, simple, and eco-friendly methods for separation of toxic chromium(VI) ions based on ion exchangers and polymer materials impregnated with Cyphos IL 101, Cyphos IL 104, or D2EHPA
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Qualitative characteristics and comparison of volatile fraction of vodkas made from different botanical materials by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationBACKGROUND Vodka is a spirit-based beverage made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin. At present, increasingly more vodka brands have labels that specify the botanical origin of the product. Until now, the techniques for distinguishing between vodkas of different botanical origin have been costly, time-consuming and insufficient for making a distinction between vodka produced from similar raw materials. Therefore, it is...
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Seminarium Centrum Materiałów Przyszłości
EventsCentrum Materiałów Przyszłości zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych tematyką badań materiałowych na pierwsze seminarium w dniu 14 lipca.
Mohammad Malikan dr inż.
PeopleMohammad Malikan studied Ph.D. at the Department of Mechanics of Materials and Structures at the Gdańsk University of Technology. He was the first person who graduated in the new form of the doctoral education system of Poland (Doctoral School). He has worked as a mechanical engineer and designer for several years in CAD/CAE fields in various industries, such as feed production lines, machinery, elevator, oil, etc. His main research...
Tip-Based Nanofabrication as a Rapid Prototyping Tool for Quantum Science and Technology
PublicationTip-Based Nanofabication as a Rapid Prototyping Tool for Quantum Science and Technology discusses the development of cantilevered nanotips techniques of quantum devices prototyping and how they evolved from scanning probe microscopy. Also covered are the advantages and future prospects of atomic resolution capability and how to use this enabling technology as a rapid prototyping tool for quantum science and technology.
Freelance technical writing application for a job which I did not get.
PublicationIn this essay I am going to explore the different ways in which developments in engineering technology and materials science have improved the quality of learning and at the same time somewhat diminished students innate intellectual ability which came as the result of what we know as A.I. According to wikipedia.org the word "education" comes from the conjunction of a Latin words "I lead" or "duco" meaning "I...
Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances-Journal of Composite and Advanced Materials
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Muhammad Danish Ali MSc.
PeopleMuhammad Danish Ali is a dedicated researcher ( Google scholar h index 12) specializing in energy Storage Materials at Silesian University of Technology in Katowice, Poland. He is completing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Anna Starczewska from Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland. With a solid academic foundation in material science from the University of the Punjab, Lahore, he has focused his research on...