Search results for: BINDING PROPERTIES
1,3,4-Thiadiazole-based diamides: Synthesis and complexation properties
PublicationAromatic diamides, derivative of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid and isophthalic acid, bearing 1,3,4-thiadiazole residue were prepared with satisfactory yields in conventional procedures and microwave stimulated reactions. X-ray structure of N,N-bis (1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide (2) DMSO solvate (2DMSO) was described. Selective zinc(II), lanthanum(III), terbium(III) and L-tyrosine recognition was found for N,N-bis(1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide...
Effect of Ion and Binding Site on the Conformation of Chosen Glycosaminoglycans at the Albumin Surface
PublicationAlbumin is one of the major components of synovial fluid. Due to its negative surface charge, it plays an essential role in many physiological processes, including the ability to form molecular complexes. In addition, glycosaminoglycans such as hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate are crucial components of synovial fluid involved in the boundary lubrication regime. This study presents the influence of Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions...
The Influence of Cement Type on Early Properties of Cold In-Place Recycled Mixtures
PublicationCold in-place recycling is a commonly used maintenance treatment in rehabilitation of low and medium volume roads in Poland. Typically, two types of binding agents are used—cement and bituminous emulsion (or foamed bitumen).Due to the harsh Polish climate with many freeze/thaw cycles and frequent occurrence of saturated conditions, the used amounts of cement are higher than those commonly used in warmer parts of Europe. While there...
Characterization of metabolites in different kiwifruit varieties by NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy
PublicationIt is known from our previous studies that kiwifruits, which are used in common human diet, have preventive properties of coronary artery disease. This study describes a combination of 1H NMR spectroscopy, multivariate data analyses and fluorescence measurements in differentiating of some kiwifruit varieties, their quenching and antioxidant properties. A total of 41 metabolites were identified by comparing with literature data...
Structure of liquid gold from tight-binding driven molecular-dynamics
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki symulacji ciekłego złota w nadkomórce periodycznej przy użyciu stworzonego przez autorów programu komputerowego, za pomocą połączonych metod dynamiki molekularnej (MD) i ciasnego wiązania (TB). Omówiono strukturę tak symulowanej cieczy, porównując ją z dostępnymi danymi doświadczalnymi oraz wynikami innych symulacji, pod kątem radialnej i kątowej funkcji rozkładu i elektronowej gęstości stanów.A tight-binding...
A Colorimetric Microplate Assay for DNA-Binding Activity of His-Tagged MutS Protein
PublicationA simple microplate method was designed for rapid testing DNA-binding activity of proteins. The principle of the assay involves binding of tested DNA by his-tagged protein immobilized on a nickel-coated ELISA plate, following colorimetric detection of biotinylated DNA with avidin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The method was used to compare DNA mismatch binding activities of MutS proteins from three bacterial species. The...
Syntheses and DNA binding of new cationic porphyrin–tetrapeptide conjugates
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Binding of new cationic porphyrin–tetrapeptide conjugates to nucleoprotein complexes
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Carotenoid binding to proteins: Modeling pigment transport to lipid membranes
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Copper binding by the cystatin C fragment. The role of histidine residues
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Optimising DNA binding to carbon nanotubes by non-covalent methods
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Binding free energy of selected anticancer compounds to DNA - theoreticalcalculations
PublicationPraca dotyczy swobodnej energii wiązania z DNA trzech związków o działaniu przeciwnowotworowym (mitoksantronu i dwóch pochodnych pirymidoakrydyny). Obliczenia wykorzystywały metody Poissona-Boltzmanna (udział elektrostatyczny) i metody SASA (udział nieelektrostatyczny). W wyniku badań zaproponowano struktury kompleksów jakie tworzą badane ligandy z DNA.
Obtaining ionic forces by the total-energy tight-binding method
PublicationZastosowanie metody ciasnego wiązania w sformułowaniu nieortogonalnym do obliczania sił atomowych w symulacji metodą dynamiki molekularnej pozwala na stworzenie modelu charakteryzującego się lepszą przenośnością, w porównaniu z potencjałami empirycznymi, którymi posługuje się tradycyjna dynamika molekularna. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono szczegółowo sposób obliczenia pochodnych elementów macierzy Hamiltona i macierzy nakładania...
Positron binding to alkali-metal hydrides: The role of molecular vibrations
PublicationThe bound vibrational levels for J=0 have been computed for the series of alkali-metal hydride molecules from LiH to RbH, including NaH and KH. For all four molecules the corresponding potential-energy curves have been obtained for each isolated species and for its positron-bound complex (e+XH). It is found that the calculated positron affinity values strongly depend on the molecular vibrational state for which they are obtained...
Metals and metal-binding ligands in wine: Analytical challenges in identification.
PublicationBackground Due to important role of metals in the vinification process as well as their impact on the human health, their content in this alcoholic beverage has been extensively studied by many researchers. It is already known that speciation of metals determines their toxicity and bioavailability as well as influences their activity. Understanding the chemistry and knowing the structures of metal complexes could have relevant...
Crystal structures of aminotransferases Aro8 and Aro9 from Candida albicans and structural insights into their properties
PublicationAminotransferases catalyze reversibly the transamination reaction by a ping-pong bi-bi mechanism with pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) as a cofactor. Various aminotransferases acting on a range of substrates have been reported. Aromatic transaminases are able to catalyze the transamination reaction with both aromatic and acidic substrates. Two aminotransferases from C. albicans, Aro8p and Aro9p, have been identified recently, exhibiting...
Geometry optimization of steroid sulfatase inhibitors - the influence on the free binding energy with STS
PublicationIn the paper we review the application of two techniques (molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics) to study the influence of geometry optimization of the steroid sulfatase inhibitors on the values of descriptors coded their chemical structure and their free binding energy with the STS protein. We selected 22 STS-inhibitors and compared their structures optimized with MM+, PM7 and DFT B3LYP/6–31++G* approaches considering separately...
Riboflavin binding protein—Chiral stationary phase: Investigation of retention mechanism
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Binding energies of Eu2+ and Eu3+ ions in β-Ca2SiO4 doped with europium
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Serum Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 is Increased in Patients with Psoriasis
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Maintenance and stabilization of mtDNA can be facilitated by the DNA-binding activity of Ilv5p
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Common functionally important motions of the nucleotide‐binding domain of H sp70
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Induced circularly polarized luminescence for revealing DNA binding with fluorescent dyes
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Chromogenic macrocyclic derivatives of azoles - synthesis and properties,
PublicationNew azocrown ethers comprising imidazoles in the macrocycle have been synthesized. Imidazole, 2-methyl-, 4-methyl-, and 4-phenylimidazole were incorporated to form macrocyclic units by coupling with the appropriate bis-diazonium salts. The syntheseswere performed under high dilution conditions. The X-ray structure of a water adduct of the 21-membered crown ether derivative of 4-methylimidazole 8 has been solved. Metal...
Characterization of Bioactivity of Selective Molecules in Fruit Wines by FTIR and NMR Spectroscopies, Fluorescence and Docking Calculations
PublicationFourier transform infrared (FTIR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopies were applied to characterize and compare the chemical shifts in the polyphenols’ regions of some fruit wines. The obtained results showed that FTIR spectra (1800–900 cm−1) and 1H NMR (δ 6.5–9.3 ppm) of different fruit wines can be used as main indices of the year of vintage and quality of fruit wines. In addition to the classical determination...
A Highly Selective Biosensor Based on Peptide Directly Derived from the HarmOBP7 Aldehyde Binding Site
PublicationThis paper presents the results of research on determining the optimal length of a peptide chain to eectively bind octanal molecules. Peptides that map the aldehyde binding site in HarmOBP7 were immobilized on piezoelectric transducers. Based on computational studies, four Odorant Binding Protein-derived Peptides (OBPPs) with dierent sequences were selected. Molecular modelling results of ligand docking with selected peptides were...
Emission and properties of airborne wear particles from train brake friction materials based on novolac phenolic resins and butadiene rubbers
PublicationThe emission of airborne particulate matter from a train brake depends on the formulation of its friction material. This study investigates the emission and properties of wear particles from train brake friction materials based on straight or resorcinol-modified novolac phenolic resin and nitrile or styrene butadiene rubber used as binding ingredients. The wear particles are generated by a pin-on-disc tribomachine inside an aerodynamic...
Induced-fit binding of laccase to gold and carbon electrodes for the biological fuel cell applications
PublicationAnalogues of laccase natural substrates (syringic, veratric, ferulic, vanillic, isovanillic, 3,5-dimethoxybenzoic aldehydes) were employed to bind and orient laccase molecules in a way which facilitates adsorption of the catalyst molecules and their electrical connection with the conductive support. Laccase was bound efficiently to these substrates both on gold and carbon electrodes forming, respectively, 2D and 3D films sensitive...
A highly thermostable, homodimeric single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Deinococcus radiopugnans
PublicationWe report the identification and characterization of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) from the mesophile and highly radiation-resistant Deinococcus radiopugnans (DrpSSB). PCR-derived DNA fragment containing the complete structural gene for DrpSSB protein was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene consisting of an open reading frame of 900 nucleotides encodes a protein of 300 amino acids with a calculated...
Synthesis, structure, DNA binding and anticancer activity of mixed ligand ruthenium(II) complex
PublicationIn order to obtain a potential chemotherapeutic which is not affected on the normal BALB/3T3 cell line, a new arene ruthenium(II) complex {[RuCl(L1)(η6-p-cymene)]PF6}2 · H2O has been synthesized by a direct reaction of precursor, [{(η6-p-cymene)Ru(μ-Cl)}2Cl2], with N,N-chelating ligand (L1 - 2,2′-bis(4,5-dimethylimidazole). The compound has been fully characterized by elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction, IR, UV–Vis and 1H, 13C...
A cryptic ribosome binding site, false signals in reporter systems and avoidance of protein translation chaos
PublicationThe expression of reporter gene may be induced by activation of cryptic signalling sequences, as we found while constructing the mutS-lacZ fusion gene. We cloned the Escherichia coli lacZ gene encoding beta-galactosidase into a plasmid vector carrying the Thermus thermophilus mutS gene. The clones expected to produce beta-galactosidase as the C-terminal fusion were selected for the complementation of beta-galactosidase activity...
Interfacial water controls the process of adsorption of hyperactive antifreeze proteins onto the ice surface
PublicationA mechanism of interactions between the ice-binding surface of a hyperactive antifreeze protein molecule and the ice surface is proposed, involving the influence of water present between the two surfaces on the behavior of the approaching molecule. It is demonstrated that the interfacial water, even before its full solidification, can act as a factor that pushes away or pulls nearer the protein molecule to ensure its proper positioning....
Hybrid materials comprising trimethylglycinamide groups: immobilization consequences for anion binding affinities
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A tight-binding model of a carbon nanotube interacting with TiO2 rutile (110) surface
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Imidazo-thiazine, -diazinone and -diazepinone derivatives. Synthesis, structure and benzodiazepine receptor binding
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Molecular insights into receptor binding energetics and neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants
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Assessment of Adjustment of GNSS Railway Measurements with Parameter-Binding Conditions in a Stationary Scenario
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NK1 receptor binding of a few low molecular weight 3,5-bistrifluoromethylbenzene derivatives
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Fentanyl Family at the Mu-Opioid Receptor: Uniform Assessment of Binding and Computational Analysis
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Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) - sources and applicationsin molecular biology
PublicationBiałka wiążące się do jednoniciowego DNA (SSB) odgrywają ważną rolę w replikacji, rekombinacji i naprawie DNA u bakterii, archea i eukariota. Ostatnio wzrosło zainteresowanie białkami SSB jako przydatnymi narzędziami w metodach badawczych biologii molekularnej, analitycznych i diagnostycznych. Większość znanych prokariotycznych białek SSB zbudowanych jest z czterech podjednostek (homotetramer) z jedną domeną wiążąca (OB) jednoniciowe...
Assessment of Adjustment of GNSS Railway Measurements with Parameter-Binding Conditions in a Stationary Scenario
PublicationThe study aims to assess the applicability of the ordinary least squares method, robust estimation, and conditions-binded adjustment in processing the six synchronous coordinate pairs of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The research is part of the research project InnoSatTrack, focused on the enhancement of the determination of geometrical parameters of railway tracks using GNSS, inertial, and other sensors....
Two highly thermostable paralogous single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
PublicationThe thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis has two single-stranded DNA-binding (SSB) proteins, designated TteSSB2 and TteSSB3. In a SSB complementation assay in Escherichia coli, only TteSSB3 took over the in vivo function of EcoSSB. We have cloned the ssb genes obtained by PCR and have developed E. coli overexpression systems. The TteSSB2 and TteSSB3 consist of 153 and 150 amino acids with a calculated molecular...
Ion recognition properties of new pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamide bearing propeller-like pendant residues: multi-spectroscopic approach
PublicationThe synthesis and ion binding properties of new amide derived from propeller-like tris(2-pyridyl)amine and 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid chloride were described. Amide binds divalent metal cations: copper(II), nickel(II), zinc(II), and lead(II) in acetonitrile. In acetonitrile:water mixture (9:1 v/v) amide interacts only with copper(II) and nickel(II) cations forming complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry. It was found that the introduction...
Low-Barrier Hydrogen Bond Determines Target-Binding Affinity and Specificity of the Antitubercular Drug Bedaquiline
PublicationThe role of short strong hydrogen bonds (SSHB) in ligand-target binding remains largely unexplored, thereby hin- dering a potentially important avenue in the rational drug de- sign. Here, we investigate the interaction between bedaquiline (Bq), a potent anti-tuberculosis drug, and the mycobacterial ATP synthase, to unravel the role of a specific hydrogen bond to a conserved acidic residue in the target affinity and specificity....
Antioxidant activities and bioactive components in some berries
PublicationThe objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant and binding effects of gooseberry, a less-stud-ied berry, and to compare with blueberry and cranberry in the model of interaction with human serum albumin (HSA). The relationship between the scavenging properties of dietary polyphenols of the selected berries and their affinities for HSA were investigated by fluorescence anal- ysis. In order to perform the extraction and...
Specific Binding of Cholesterol to the Amyloid Precursor Protein: Structure of the Complex and Driving Forces Characterized in Molecular Detail
PublicationC99 is the C-terminal membrane-bound fragment of the amyloid precursor protein that is cleaved by γ-secretase to release Aβ peptides, the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Specific interactions of C99 with cholesterol have been proposed to underlie the recognized role of cholesterol in promoting amyloidogenesis. By using molecular dynamics simulations, we studied cholesterol binding to C99 in a lipid bilayer. We determined...
Novel single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from extreme psychrophilic bacterium Psychromonas ingrahamii 37
PublicationWe report the identification and characterization of the single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) from extreme psychrophilic bacterium Psychromonas ingrahamii 37 (PinSSB) that grows expotentially at -12°C and may well grow at even lower temperatures. PinSSB is one of the largest known bacterial SSB protein consisting 222 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 25.1 kDa. The analysis by gel filtration chromatography...
Mapping the Structural and Dynamic Determinants of pH-Sensitive Heparin Binding to Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor
PublicationGranulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GMCSF) is an immunomodulatory cytokine that is harnessed as a therapeutic. GMCSF is known to interact with other clinically important molecules, such as heparin, suggesting that endogenous and administered GMCSF has the potential to modulate orthogonal treatment outcomes. Thus, molecular level characterization of GMCSF and its interactions with biologically active compounds is critical...
Azo group(s) in selected macrocyclic compounds
PublicationAzobenzene derivatives due to their photo- and electroactive properties are an important group of compounds finding applications in diverse fields. Due to the possibility of controlling the trans–cis isomerization, azo-bearing structures are ideal building blocks for development of e.g. nanomaterials, smart polymers, molecular containers, photoswitches, and sensors. Important role play also macrocyclic compounds well known for...
Marek Zienkiewicz dr inż.
PeopleDoctor engineer Marek Hubert Zienkiewicz is a graduate of the Faculty of Geodesy, Spatial Engineering and Construction at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. During his engineering, master's and doctoral studies he developed his scientific interests under the supervision of representatives of the Olsztyn geodetic compensatory calculus school. In 2011, he obtained the title of Master of Science in Geodesy and Cartography,...