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Search results for: controlled natural language
Mohsan Ali Master of Science in Computer Science
PeopleMohsan Ali is a researcher at the University of the Aegean. He won the Marie-Curie Scholarship in 2021 in the field of open data ecosystem (ODECO) to pursue his PhD degree at the University of the Aegean. Currently, he is working on the technical interoperability of open data in the information systems laboratory; this position is funded by ODECO. His areas of expertise are open data, open data interoperability, data science, natural...
15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
EventsRegistration for the workshops with Sponsors, which will take place during the free time on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 2:30 PM, will be conducted by signing up on a list at the registration desk. We kindly inform you that posters should be prepared in size B1 (707 x 1000 mm). Templates:pptx, pdf Please submit your presentations...
Language Models in Speech Recognition
PublicationThis chapter describes language models used in speech recognition, It starts by indicating the role and the place of language models in speech recognition. Mesures used to compare language models follow. An overview of n-gram, syntactic, semantic, and neural models is given. It is accompanied by a list of popular software.
PublicationGlobalisation and the growth of e-business and e-commerce have fuelled the need for English as the lingua franca for business communication worldwide. Business internationalisation means that language learners should be prepared to communicate with native speakers who often use rich idiomatic language in business communication. Nonnative speakers have a need to master business idioms not to be at any disadvantage in business communication....
Zbigniew Kaźmierczyk dr hab.
PeopleProf. Zbigniew Kaźmierczyk, PhD in Literature, associate professor in the Department of History of Literature at the Institute of Polish Language and Literature at the University of Gdańsk. He has displayed the Gnostic – Manichaean dimension of existence in Miłosz’s writings ('The Work of Demiurge', 2011) by applying the language of access to apocrypha of the religion of gnosis. He has gathered linguistic, historic, religious,...
English Language Learning Employing Developments in Multimedia IS
PublicationIn the realm of the development of information systems related to education, integrating multimedia technologies offers novel ways to enhance foreign language learning. This study investigates audio-video processing methods that leverage real-time speech rate adjustment and dynamic captioning to support English language acquisition. Through a mixed-methods analysis involving participants from a language school, we explore the impact...
Ontology of the Design Pattern Language for Smart Cities Systems
PublicationThe paper presents the definition of the design pattern language of Smart Cities in the form of an ontology. Since the implementation of a Smart City system is difficult, expensive and closely linked with the problems concerning a given city, the knowledge acquired during a single implementation is extremely valuable. The language we defined supports the management of such knowledge as it allows for the expression of a solution...
The impact of the French language on the English language
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WZiE, Foreign Language
e-Learning Courses -
Quantifying inconsistencies in the Hamburg Sign Language Notation System
PublicationThe advent of machine learning (ML) has significantly advanced the recognition and translation of sign languages, bridging communication gaps for hearing-impaired communities. At the heart of these technologies is data labeling, crucial for training ML algorithms on a huge amount of consistently labeled data to achieve models that generalize well. The adoption of language-agnostic annotations is essential to connect different sign...
Automatic Classification of Polish Sign Language Words
PublicationIn the article we present the approach to automatic recognition of hand gestures using eGlove device. We present the research results of the system for detection and classification of static and dynamic words of Polish language. The results indicate the usage of eGlove allows to gain good recognition quality that additionally can be improved using additional data sources such as RGB cameras.
A current-controlled FET
PublicationA novel semiconductor device, viz., Horizontally-Split-Drain Current-Controlled Field-Effect Transistor (HSDCCFET) with two control electrodes is proposed in this works. For the sake of brevity, the device can be called a CCFET. Operating principle of the proposed transistor is based on one of the galvanomagnetic phenomena, the Biot-Savart-Laplace law and a Gradual Channel Detachment Effect (GCDE). The transistor is dedicated...
OrphaGPT: An Adapted Large Language Model for Orphan Diseases Classification
PublicationOrphan diseases (OD) represent a category of rare conditions that affect only a relatively small number of individuals. These conditions are often neglected in research due to the challenges posed by their scarcity, making medical advancements difficult. Then, the ever-evolving medical research and diagnosis landscape calls for more attention and innovative approaches to address the complex challenges of rare diseases and OD. Pre-trained...
Towards Facts Extraction From Texts in Polish Language
PublicationThe Polish language differs from English in many ways. It has more complicated conjugation and declination. Because of that automatic facts extraction from texts is difficult. In this paper we present basic differences between those languages. The paper presents an algorithm for extraction of facts from articles from Polish Wikipedia. The algorithm is based on 7 proposed facts schemes that are searched for in the analyzed text....
Web Services Choreography Description Language - WSCDL.
PublicationJęzyk Web Services Choreography Description Language służy do opisu współpracy równy z równym. Został zaprojektowany z myślą o automatyzacji współpracy usług sieciowych, ale jest na tyle ogólny, że pozwala opisywać współpracę nie tylko w świecie komputerowym. Prezentowana jest geneza tego języka oraz jego model. Następnie opisana jest struktura języka poparta przykładem dokumentu napisanego w języku WSCDL.
Sieve analysis of natural and magnetite aggregate
Open Research DataSieve analysis of natural river sand and magnetite aggregate used for concrete production
Sign Language Recognition Using Convolution Neural Networks
PublicationThe objective of this work was to provide an app that can automatically recognize hand gestures from the American Sign Language (ASL) on mobile devices. The app employs a model based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for gesture classification. Various CNN architectures and optimization strategies suitable for devices with limited resources were examined. InceptionV3 and VGG-19 models exhibited negligibly higher accuracy than...
Tribological test for evaluation of Natural PEEK
Open Research DataTest of PEEK natural (beige color) samples with sliding speed up to 1,2 m/s and up to 8 MPa of nominal load
Early Predictors of Learning a Foreign Language in Pre-school – Polish as a First Language, English as a Foreign Language
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Journals -
The American Sign Language alphabet
Open Research DataThe American Sign Language dataset contains all static letters of the American alphabet, meaning those that do not require movement to perform (the entire alphabet except for the letters 'J' and 'Z', which are dynamic and require hand movement).
Creating Polish space language dictionary - lessons learned
PublicationPolish space industry suffers from lack of space vocabulary. Since joining European Space Agency in 2012, the sector has expanded rapidly now employing over 1000 specialists focusing mainly on space sustainability, space debris detection and tracking, robotics and propulsion systems. The Polish Space Agency together with The Polish Committee for Standardization have committed to creating the first lexicon of space language, along...
Language of Benefits as a Novel Tool for Improving Website Personalization
PublicationA properly designed website allows the user to search for information faster, and more accurately. The information content of the website should be also adapted to the needs of the user. The purpose of this article is to present a novel Language of Benefits (LoB) approach to facilitate the use of websites for individual user groups. The LoB approach is an approach addressed to IT Analysts, to facilitate the process of web design,...
PublicationThe algorithm and the software for conducting the procedure of Preprocessing of the reviews of films in the Polish language were developed. This algorithm contains the following steps: Text Adaptation Procedure; Procedure of Tokenization; Procedure of Transforming Words into the Byte Format; Part-of-Speech Tagging; Stemming / Lemmatization Procedure; Presentation of Documents in the Vector Form (Vector Space Model) Procedure; Forming...
Analysis of economical lighting of highways in the environment of SMOL language
PublicationThe paper puts forward and implements a method of designing and creating a modelling simulation environment for eztensive and complete analysis of economical lighting on highways. From a general design viewpoint, the proposed solution explores the concept of a network description language (SMOL), which has been designed to describe the necessary network functions, mechanisms, and devices; for the purpose of their computer simulation...
Terminological and Assertional Queries in KQL Knowledge Access Language
PublicationOne of the directions of development of information systems in recent years in the evolution of data-based systems into the knowledge-based systems. As a part of this process there is ongoing work on a whole range of languages for accessing knowledge bases. They can be used in a variety of applications, however their main drawback is the lack of clearly defined algebra representing a theoretical basis for them. For instance, such...
The Use of the Language of Mathematics as an Inspiration for Contemporary Architectural Design
PublicationThe purpose of the article is to present the evolution of the use of mathematical language as an inspiration for creating spatial, three-dimensional forms in art and architecture. The article focuses on the possibilities for art and architectural design ideas gained by contemporary mathematics, algorithms and computational parametric approach. The analysis of various examples represents the relationships between the composition...
Natural Resources for Human Health: A New Interdisciplinary Journal Dedicated to Natural Sciences
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Description Logic As A Common Software Engineering Artifacts Language
PublicationDescription logic is proposed as a powerful language able to support chosen software engineering process tasks like: requirements engineering, software architecture definition, software design and configuration management. To do this there is presented a correspondence between description logic and UML. Description logic based integrated software engineering process framework is proposed which owing to automatic knowledge inferring...
Application of the Chimney Cap as a Method of Improving the Effectiveness of Natural Ventilation in Buildings
PublicationAdequately designed natural ventilation is the cheapest and easiest way to effectively remove indoor pollutants and keep the air inside a building fresh. A prediction of the performance and effectiveness of ventilation in order to determine the design of a ventilation system can provide real and long-term cost savings. The worst time in terms of the efficiency of natural ventilation is the spring-autumn transition period [7]. In...
Oxford Language Centre Szkolenie Językowe dla pracowników Politechniki Gdańskiej
e-Learning CoursesSzkolenie z języka angielskiego dla pracowników Politechniki Gdańskiej realizowane przez Oxford Language Centre. Kurs obejmuje 10 modułów będących rozszerzeniem materiału realizowanego w trakcie 14 spotkań słuchaczy z trenerem języka obcego. Zadania przeznaczone są do samodzielnego zrealizowania przez uczestników.
Language material for English audiovisual speech recognition system developmen . Materiał językowy do wykorzystania w systemie audiowizualnego rozpoznawania mowy angielskiej
PublicationThe bi-modal speech recognition system requires a 2-sample language input for training and for testing algorithms which precisely depicts natural English speech. For the purposes of the audio-visual recordings, a training data base of 264 sentences (1730 words without repetitions; 5685 sounds) has been created. The language sample reflects vowel and consonant frequencies in natural speech. The recording material reflects both the...
Implementation of power transformer controlled switching algorithm
PublicationThe article presents two new algorithms of controlled switching the power transformer. The main aim of the paper is to obtain formulas that determine the moments of closing of the circuit breaker poles. The study contains projects of control systems for both algorithms. Mathematical formulas for the time instants of the breaker poles closing were developed on the basis of electric circuit theory and magnetic circuit theory. The...
Computer-controlled Systems II 2024_2025
e-Learning CoursesService to support laboratory/project classes
Advanced Bayesian study on inland navigational risk of remotely controlled autonomous ship
PublicationThe arise of autonomous ships has necessitated the development of new risk assessment techniques and methods. This study proposes a new framework for navigational risk assessment of remotely controlled Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). This framework establishes a set of risk influencing factors affecting safety of navigation of a remotely-controlled MASS. Next, model parameters are defined based on the risk factors, and...
Teach to Teach the Language
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Incorporating installation effects into the probability analysis of controlled modulus columns
PublicationThis technical report presents the probabilistic analysis which integrates the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) with random field theory to model the load–displacement behavior of Controlled Modulus Columns (CMCs) in overconsolidated Poznań clay. Presented study focuses on the practical aspects of statistical analysis of geotechnical data, numerical model development, and results evaluation. Variability and spatial distribution of...
Information Extraction from Polish Radiology Reports using Language Models
PublicationRadiology reports are vital elements of directing patient care. They are usually delivered in free text form, which makes them prone to errors, such as omission in reporting radiological findings and using difficult-to-comprehend mental shortcuts. Although structured reporting is the recommended method, its adoption continues to be limited. Radiologists find structured reports too limiting and burdensome. In this paper, we propose...
Raman spectra for pyrolized natural compounds
Open Research DataThe presented data showcases the results of Raman spectroscopy analysis conducted on pyrolyzed natural compounds both with and without the inclusion of graphene. The study delved into four specific compounds: methylcellulose with lysine (ML), methylcellulose with lysine-graphene composite (MLG), algae (A), and algae-graphene composite (AG). Raman spectra...
Assessment of student language skills in an e-learning environment
PublicationThis article presents the role of various assessment structures that can be used in a VLE. e-Learning language courses offer tutors a wide range of traditional and computer-generated formative and summative assessment procedures and tools. They help to evaluate each student’s progress, monitor their activities and provide varied support, which comes from the tutor, the course structure and materials as well as other participants....
Indoor accelerated controlled corrosion degradation test of small- and large-scale specimens
PublicationThe work presented here is a part of a long-term project analysing the structural behaviour of ageing marine structures. An accelerated corrosion degradation set-up was developed to reproduce corroded marine structural specimens of different degrees of degradation, controlling various natural factors, i.e., temperature, oxygen content, salinity, and flow velocity. The nine stiffened plates of 1.2 m length and 30 small scale specimens...
Enhancing electrical properties through in-situ controlled nanocrystallization of V2O5–TeO2 glass
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw data and projects concerning the manuscript called "Enhancing electrical properties through in-situ controlled nanocrystallization of V2O5–TeO2 glass"
Export diversification and dependence on natural resources
PublicationLow export diversification is a risk-augmenting factor for many countries dependent on natural resources. The literature tends to focus on the growth effects of resource dependence (‘resource curse’ debate) while not much is known on how it affects the variety of non-resource exports. To quantify this effect we decompose the relative Theil index using product-level export data from 160 countries over the time period 1996–2018....
The Genesis of Homonymy of the Finnish Language
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The Lexical Homonymy of the Finnish Language
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[NCh, ICh] Physical Chemistry of Organic Compounds in Natural Waters
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Nauki chemiczne Zajęcia obieralne dla doktorantów Prowadzący: prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Górecki Liczba godzin: 15 {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Chemical science Elective course for PhD students Academic teacher: prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Górecki Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours {mlang}
Journals -
Novel digitally controlled drive for the vibratory conveyors
PublicationThe presented vibratory conveyors is used in the industry for continuous transportation of loose substances over short distances (2-10 m). The conveyor is applied for transportation in aseptic conditions. To obtain high efficiency for granulatedmass with different size of grain and different physical properties it is necessary to set the appropriate vibration amplitudeindependently of vibration frequency. This is not possible with...
Journals -
Influence of external climate on natural ventilation performance in buildings
PublicationNatural ventilation is driven by either buoyancy forces or wind pressure forces or their combinations that inherit stochastic variation into ventilation rates [ CITATION Hun99 \l 1045 ]. We now that these factors have influence on air flow speed and thermal comfort inside building. This work examines the relationship between external climate and natural ventilation including thermal comfort. The work tries in the first instance...