Search results for: DETECTION EFFICIENCY
Performance evaluation of video object tracking algorithm in autonomous surveillance system
PublicationResults of performance evaluation of a video object tracking algorithm are presented. The method of moving objects detection and tracking is based on background modelling with mixtures of Gaussians and Kalman filters. An emphasis is put on algorithm's efficiency with regards to its settings. Utilized methods of performance evaluation based on comparison of algorithm output to manually prepared reference data are introduced. The...
Feature Weighted Attention-Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Model for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
PublicationIn remote sensing images, change detection (CD) is required in many applications, such as: resource management, urban expansion research, land management, and disaster assessment. Various deep learning-based methods were applied to satellite image analysis for change detection, yet many of them have limitations, including the overfitting problem. This research proposes the Feature Weighted Attention (FWA) in Bidirectional Long...
Pupil detection supported by Haar feature based cascade classifier for two-photon vision examinations
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel method, called Adaptive Edge Detection (AED), of extraction of precise pupil edge coordinates from eye image characterized by reflections of external illuminators and laser beams. The method is used for monitoring of pupil size and position during psychophysical tests of two-photon vision performed by dedicated optical set-up. Two-photon vision is a new phenomenon of perception of short-pulsed...
Guided wave propagation in debonding detection in CFRP-reinforced steel plate-like structures
PublicationThe present study investigates the guided wave propagation in multilayered steel specimens reinforced with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) through theoretical, numerical, and experimental means. The effectiveness of externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) relies heavily on the bonding quality between the CFRP and the substrate. Premature debonding, a prevalent and hazardous defect, can arise from suboptimal manufacturing processes,...
Fast-response optoelectronic detection of explosives’ residues from the nitroaromatic compounds detonation: field studies approach
PublicationWe are presenting an application of optoelectronic nitrogen dioxide (NO2) analyzer based on cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy in the detection of traces of explosives after detonation. It has been shown that the analyzer using blue-violet laser is able to detect explosive residues after the detonation of various amounts of nitroaromatic compounds (75g-1kg) with higher efficiency than the HPLC soil sample testing equipment,...
The Total Efficiency of Teaching Activity of Polish Higher Education Institutions
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The efficiency of pollutants removal and concepts on improvement for single-family TWs
PublicationIn the rural areas building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) often brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Individual treatment systems for each farm are a good solution. Theteratment wetlands for nine individual farms were constructed in Kaszubian Lake District in summer and autumn 2009. Three configurations of hydrophyte beds were chosen....
Efficiency of acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a fluid with relaxation
PublicationInstantaneous acoustic heating of a fluid with thermodynamic relaxation is the subject of investigation. Among others, viscoelastic biological media described by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor, belong to this type of fluid. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination of conservation equations in differential form, allowing the reduction of all acoustic terms in...
The efficiency of scientific activities and technology transfer in higher education in Poland
PublicationThe objective of the article is to measure and evaluate the efficiency of scientific activity and technology transfer to the economy by public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Poland and to formulate recommendations for state policy to increase the effectiveness of the technology transfer process by them. The study measured scientific activity and technology transfer separately in two groups of higher education institutions...
Comparison of the Efficiency of Turbo Codes with Mechanisms of Reducing the Number of Iterations
PublicationThe paper presents the construction of encoders and decoders turbo codes with different number of states. Simulation results of the transmission quality of the turbo codes were presented. Decoders for turbo codes have worked with a fixed number of iterations and with the mechanisms reducing the number of iterations. Data were transmitted in Outdoor to Indoor & Pedestrian B environment for data rate 384 kbps. The SOVA algorithm...
LCS efficiency methods of a mobile terminal in monitoring system applications
PublicationW artykule zostały zaprezentowane nowe metody lokalizowania terminala ruchomego w asynchronicznych sieciach komórkowych trzeciej generacji. Przedstawiono opis zastosowanego modelu symulacyjnego oraz wyniki badań symulacyjnych w środowisku tzw. złym miejskim.
Efficiency Increasing of No-reference Image Quality Assessment in UAV Applications
PublicationUnmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging is a dynamically developing field, where the effectiveness of imaging applications highly depends on quality of the acquired images. No-reference image quality assessment is widely used for quality control and image processing management. However, there is a lack of accuracy and adequacy of existing quality metrics for human visual perception. In this paper, we demonstrate that this...
The Impact of Selected Breeding and Environmental Factors on the Efficiency of Rearing Calves
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Efficiency of Electret Polycarbonate Nonwovens in Respiratory Protection Against Nanoparticles
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Review on mechanisms and efficiency of removal of microbiological contaminants in constructed wetlands
PublicationConstructed wetlands (CW) have been considered as a waste and a stormwater treatment systems for small communities or for areas with unsteady sewage flow conditions. Several investigations were undertaken for estimation suspended solids, organic matter and nutrients efficiency removal but only few focused on retention of microorganisms in constructed wetlands. In this review mechanisms of elimination of viruses, indicator bacteria...
On efficiency of layer 2 of the radio interface protocol stack in UMTS
PublicationCelem pracy jest szczegółowa analiza funkcjonowania warstwy łącza danych w podsystemie dostępu radiowego UTRAN systemu UMTS i na tej podstawie przedstawienie szeregu zmian i usprawnień oraz wskazówek odnośnie konfiguracji protokołów, jakie należy w tej warstwie zastosować aby zmaksymalizować jej wydajność głównie pod kątem oferowanej przepływności, wprowadzanych opóźnień oraz wsparcia priorytetów przesyłanego ruchu. Teza pracy...
Measuring the Efficiency of Polish Municipalities – Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
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Putative Biological Mechanisms of Efficiency of Substrate Reduction Therapies for Mucopolysaccharidoses
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Energy Efficiency in the Industry 4.0 Era: Attributes of Teal Organisations
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Cost efficiency of administrative service in public higher education in Poland
PublicationPurpose: The aim of the study is to determine changes in the cost efficiency of the administration of public higher education in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The biennial cost Malmquist productivity index was used to study changes in cost efficiency of 58 public higher education institutions in 2014-2016. The results were...
An Estimation of the Efficiency of Public Research Institutes in Poland – DEA Approach
PublicationObjective: The purpose of this paper is to measure and assess the efficiency of research institutes in Poland. The institutes operate on the basis of various legal frameworks, but they serve a common purpose and have a joint area of activity, research and development.Research Design & Methods: We used the SBM model, a component of the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, to analyse the efficiency...
Superstable magnetic nanoreactors with high efficiency for Suzuki-coupling reactions
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Synthetic jet actuator efficiency based on the reaction force measurement
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PublicationHealthcare systems in Europe are constantly undergoing reforms which adapt them to social, economic and political requirements. The aim of this article is to examine the efficiency of healthcare systems in 30 European countries in 2014. The Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) model was used. The efficiency of the countries’ overall health systems and their two main components were examined: the public health system and the...
Influence of Toll Collection Method on Motorways on Traffic Safety and Efficiency
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the effectiveness analysis for various forms of toll collection on motorway gates and their impact on safety and efficiency of traffic. The results from field tests that were performed on the A1 motorway in Rusocin were used for the analysis. The research included the analysis of the video image of driver behaviour on the way to the toll booths and at toll booths. The PTV VISSIM tool was used to...
Size reduction of ultra-wideband antennas with efficiency and matching constraints
PublicationAntenna design is a multifaceted task that involves handling of various performance figures concerning both electrical performance of the structure as well as its geometry. Simultaneous control of several objectives through rigorous optimization is very challenging and virtually impossible through conventional approaches such as parameter sweeping. In this work, we investigate size reduction of ultra‐wideband antenna structures...
PublicationThis paper presents the notion of operational power efficiency and compares it with the classical definition of power efficiency. There are presented also calculation results of power efficiency for a selected suction hopper dredger and also influence of power system type of suction hopper dredger on magnitude of power efficiency of its power plant has been highlighted.
Possibilities of Increasing the Overall Efficiency of Gas-steam CHP Microplant
PublicationThe paper presents ways to increase the efficiency of a gas-steam micro power plant by modifying the cycle combination. The modification consists in partial release of the fluid downstream of the gas turbine and using it for ORC fluid overheating and evaporation. Advantages of this solution over the simplest gas and steam cycles’ combination are demonstrated.
A role of the heat and work uncompensatedtransformations in the balance of entropy and theturbomachinery efficiency
PublicationIn the paper we have presented a procedure of estimating a role of the uncompensated transformation of heat and work in ow of viscous and heat conducting uid. The procedure was introduced by Professor Romuald Puzyrewski and is essential in local, in time and space, balance of entropy. Furthermore this unique approach leads to redenition the eciency of uid-ow machinery in three-dimensional modeling using CFD (Computational Fluid...
Efficiency of deep bed filtration in treatment of swimming pool water
PublicationPrzebadano efektywność filtracji wody w filtrach ze złożem żwirowo-piaskowym w instalacji basenu rehabilitacyjnego. Obok analizy instrumentalnej wody, w badaniach uwzględniono rozkład wielkości cząstek i analizę termiczną osadu zgromadzonego w złożu piaskowym filtrów wgłębnych i usuwanego podczas płukania.
Measurements of acoustic crosstalk cancellation efficiency in mobile listening conditions
PublicationThe cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. The implementation of the crosstalk cancellation algorithm in Matlab is introduced. The measurement signals and equipment are described. A practical setup employing a mobile computer and a head and torso simulator is employed. The results of the measurements provided conclusions regarding the employment of acoustic crosstalk...
PublicationThe most popular method for assessing the energy efficiency of vehicles is to compare the fuel consumption achieved in the conditions of selected approval test. Operating conditions are defined using the speed profiles, usually for only two categories: urban and extra-urban driving. Assessing the energy efficiency of vehicles should be performed using a more detailed classification of conditions. Presented results of comparison...
Frequency response spectra applied to assess efficiency of the training techniques
PublicationThe purpose of the research is to assess the increase of the muscle strength and power. Movement of the human body when the moving one impacts a stationary or moving body is taken under consideration. The waveform produced by an impact is transformed into frequency domain. The acceleration record is transformed as a complex spectrum, by the use of a Discrete Fourier Transformation. In this paper the applications of the discrete...
Influence of image transformations and quality degradations on SURF detector efficiency
PublicationA method for task-oriented examination of SURF keypoint detector accuracy is presented in the paper. It consists of generating test images, based on a given exemplar, processed by affine transformations: random rotation and scaling, and varying degree of degradations: darkening, blurring, noising, and compression. Details of applied degradation procedure are presented, followed by essentials of SURF-based images matching. A distance...
Dew and hoarfrost frequency, formation efficiency and chemistry in Wroclaw, Poland
PublicationThis article presents the results of a research study concerning a comparison of frequency, formation efficiency and basic physico-chemical properties of dew and hoarfrost in urban conditions. Longer than two-year series of measurements was carried out from 1 February 2008 to 10 March 2010 in Wroclaw, Poland. Sampling of atmospheric deposits was made by means of insulated plain passive radiative condensers, which allowed to collect...
Efficiency of IEEE 802.15.4a UWB Impulse Radio Spectrum Shaping
PublicationThis paper presents results of impulse radio signal spectrum shaping efficiency investigations. Basic parameters of IEEE 802.15.4a UWB signal and outline of proposed spectrum shaping methods are briefly described. The main part of the paper presents influence of signal and algorithms parameters on the results of spectrum shaping.
PublicationIncreased spending on healthcare systems in many countries tends to attract attention to their efficiency. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of healthcare systems in the OECD countries and indicate causes of inefficiency by applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and using additive and super-efficiency models. The homogeneity of the sample is assessed and outliers are excluded. A ranking is established on the...
PublicationThe results of research on physical and chemical methods for the preliminary treatment of wastewater of a cardboard and paper factory in Khmelnytskyi region of Ukraine are presented. At the cardboard and paper factory, wastewater is treated at a sewage treatment plant, which includes sand traps, primary radial sedimentation tanks, aeration tanks with activated sludge regenerators, secondary radial sedimentation tanks, and bioponds....
Evaluation of Street Lighting Efficiency Using a Mobile Measurement System
PublicationThe issue concerns the initial stage of work on a method for performing a rapid assessment of the energy efficiency and illuminance of a street lighting installation. The proposed method is based on simultaneous measurement of illuminance from three lux meters placed on the roof of the vehicle. The data are acquired in road traffic, while the vehicle is driving. The proposed solution will allow in the future to quickly and reproducibly...
Increasing the Efficiency of Ontology Alignment by Tracking Changes in Ontology Evolution
PublicationIn this paper we present a development of our ontology alignment framework based on varying semantics of attributes. Emphasising the analysis of explicitly given descriptions of how attributes change meanings they entail while being included within different concepts have been proved useful. Moreover, we claim that it is consistent with the intuitive way how people see the real world and how they find similarities and correspondences...
Methodology of experimental research on efficiency of hydro-mechanical automatic gearbox
PublicationThe article shortly describes the design and principle of operation of the hydromechanical gearbox and presents the methodology and design of test stands used for testing hydromechanical proto-type gearbox developed at Technical University of Gdansk. The article presents an approach according to which, in order to obtain reliable measurement data, it is necessary to separate the tests of the hydraulic and mechanical parts of the...
Annual variations in the solar energy conversion efficiency in will coppice stand.
PublicationMonitorowano produkcyjność plantacji wiklinowych w Uppsali w Szwecji w latach 1985-1994. Okazało się, że największa sprawność przetwarzania energii słonecznej w biomasę ma miejsce w drugim i trzecim roku uprawy wiklinowej (około 1%), natomiast w pierwszym i w czwartym roku sprawność ta jest 2 razy niższa i wynosi około 0,5%. Dyskutuje się przyczyny takiej sytuacji.
Electrochemical detection of bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on gold electrode modified with DAL-PEG-DK5-PEG-OH - Antimicrobial peptide conjugate
PublicationThis work describes fabrication of gold electrodes modified with peptide conjugate DAL-PEG-DK5-PEG-OH that enables ultra-sensitive detection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from the reference strain of Escherichia coli O26:B6. The initial step of the established procedure implies immobilization of the fully protected DAL-PEG-DK5-PEG-OH peptide on the surface of the gold electrode previously modified by cysteamine. Then side...
The influence of the grid density of measurement points on damage detection in an isotropic plate by the use of elastic waves and laser scanning Doppler vibrometry
PublicationDamage detection in structural components, especially in mechanical engineering, is an 2 important element of engineering practice. There are many methods of damage detection, in which 3 changes in various parameters caused by the presence of damage are analysed. Recently, methods 4 based on the analysis of changes in dynamic parameters of structures, i.e. frequencies or mode shapes 5 of natural vibrations, as well as changes in...
Conditions for increasing the recognition of degradation in thermal-flow diagnostics, taking into account environmental legal aspects
PublicationThe ever-increasing demand for electricity and the need for conventional sources to cooperate with renewable ones generates the need to increase the efficiency and safety of the generation sources. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to operate existing facilities more efficiently with full detection of emerging faults. These are the requirements of Polish, European and International law, which demands that energy facilities...
Use of Neural Networks in Diagnostics of Rolling-Element Bearing of the Induction Motor
PublicationBearing defect is statistically the most frequent cause of an induction motor fault. The research described in the paper utilized the phenomenon of the current change in the induction motor with bearing defect. Methods based on the analysis of the supplying current are particularly useful when it is impossible to install diagnostic devices directly on the motor. The presented method of rolling-element bearing diagnostics used indirect...
Collection efficiency in narrow electrostatic precipitators with a longitudinal or transverse wire electrode
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Possibility of use adsorption chillers for increase efficiency in conventional power plant
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Collection Efficiency in Narrow Electrostatic Precipitators with a Longitudinal or Transverse Wire Electrode
PublicationRecently narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of interest because of their possible application in diesel engine exhaust systems. In this work, results of particle collection efficiency measurements in narrow electrostatic precipitators for negative and positive dc voltage polarity are presented. The ESP usedin this work was a parallelepiped equipped with wire discharge electrode and two collecting plate-electrodes....
Efficiency of pollutant removal by five multistage constructed wetlands in a temperate climate
PublicationIn recent years, an increase in interest in hybrid constructed wetland systems (HCWs) has beenobserved. These systems are composed of two or more filters with different modes of sewage flow.Based on over eight years of monitoring, carried out at five local HCWs located in the PomeraniaRegion of Northern Poland, the effective removal of organic matter (from 74.9 to 95.5% COD) in theloading range 1.5-17.0 g COD·m-2·d-1 was confirmed....