Search results for: SIZE EFFECT
Oil refinery dusts: morphological and size analysis by TEM
PublicationThe objectives of this work were to develop a means of sampling atmospheric dusts on the premises of an oil refinery for electron microscopic study to carry out preliminary morphological analyses and to compare these dusts with those collected at sites beyond the refinery limits. Carbon and collodion membranes were used as asupport for collection of dust particles straight on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids. Micrographs...
Research on Tool Temperature Dependence on Lapping Grains Size
PublicationCommonly used as a finishing operation, lapping has been used for achieving ultra-high finishes and close tolerances between mating pieces. Its carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between work and lap surfaces, and causing a relative motion between them resulting in a finish of multi-directional lay. The grains activity (sliding and rolling) in the working gap causes not only the material removal but also the temperature...
Size Reduction of Microwave Couplers by EM-Driven Optimization
PublicationThis work addresses simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave couplers that explicitly aims at circuit footprint area reduction. The penalty function approach allows us to minimize the area of the circuit while ensuring a proper power division between the output ports and providing a sufficient bandwidth with respect to return loss and isolation around the operating frequency. Computational cost of the optimization...
Universal construction of genuinely entangled subspaces of any size
PublicationWe put forward a simple construction of genuinely entangled subspaces – subspaces supporting only genuinely multipartite entangled states – of any permissible dimensionality for any number of parties and local dimensions. The method uses nonorthogonal product bases, which are built from totally nonsingular matrices with a certain structure. We give an explicit basis for the constructed subspaces. An immediate consequence of our...
Temperature influences on shear stability of a nanosize plate with piezoelectricity effect
PublicationPurpose The purpose of this paper is to predict the mechanical behavior of a piezoelectric nanoplate under shear stability by taking electric voltage into account in thermal environment. Design/methodology/approach Simplified first-order shear deformation theory has been used as a displacement field. Modified couple stress theory has been applied for considering small-size effects. An analytical solution has been taken into account...
The estimation of norwegian cod size distribution from acoustic data
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Body size and wing asymmetry in bees along an urbanization gradient
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Risk-based explanation for the country-level size and value effects
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Potential of Mean Force of Hydrophobic Association: Dependence on Solute Size
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Topology, Size, and Shape Optimization in Civil Engineering Structures: A Review
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The factors influencing the decision on the location of hotels depending on their size in Poland
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Topology, Size, and Shape Optimization in Civil Engineering Structures: A Review
PublicationThe optimization of civil engineering structures is critical for enhancing structural performance and material efficiency in engineering applications. Structural optimization approaches seek to determine the optimal design, by considering material performance, cost, and structural safety. The design approaches aim to reduce the built environment’s energy use and carbon emissions. This comprehensive review examines optimization...
IFF/SSR rectangular patch antenna with reduced transversal size
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono antenę mikropaskową dla systemów IFF/SSR, zasilaną poprzez szczelinę typu H. Zastosowanie tego typu szczeliny pozwoliło na 36-procentową redukcję wymiaru poprzcznego anteny,co jest szczególnie istotne ze względu na potencjalne zastosowanie anteny w szykach.Pomierzone parametry eektryczne anteny to: VSWR < 1.5; stosunek polaryzacji ortogonalnej do właściwej < 30 dB w obu płaszczyznach;zysk > 7 dBi.
Feature type and size selection for adaboost face detection algorithm
PublicationThe article presents different sets of Haar-like features defined for adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) algorithm for face detection. Apart from a simple set of pixel intensity differences between horizontally or vertically neighboring rectangles, the features based on rotated rectangles are considered. Additional parameter that limits the area on which the features are calculated is also introduced. The experiments carried out on...
Applications of compression techniques for reducing the size of multibeam sonar records
PublicationJednym z najczęściej używanych urządzeń służących do szeroko rozumianego telemonitoringu morskiego są sonary wielowiązkowe (ang. Multibeam systems - MBS). Ich wysoka wydajność w tworzeniu informacji o obiektach znajdujących się pod wodą skutkuje w dużych ilościach danych pozyskiwanych podczas rejsów badawczych i pomiarowych. W tym kontekście, proces przechowywania i zarządzania takim magazynem danych staje się istotnym problemem...
Tailoring the Size and Shape—New Path for Ammonium Metavanadate Synthesis
PublicationAmmonium metavanadate, NH4VO3, plays an important role in the preparation of vanadium oxides and other ammonium compounds, such as NH4V3O8, (NH4)2V3O8, and NH4V4O10, which were found to possess interesting electrochemical properties. In this work, a new route for the synthesis of NH4VO3 is proposed by mixing an organic ammonium salt and V2O5 in a suitable solvent. The one-step procedure is carried out at room temperature. Additionally,...
Analysis of size and shape of abrasive micrograins in lapping of assembly joints
PublicationPrzedstawiono skomputeryzowana analizę wielkości i kształtu mikroziaren ściernych. W badaniach mikroziaren węglika boru, węglika krzemu i elektrokorundu zastosowano mikroskopie optyczna oraz specjalistyczne oprogramowanie MultiScan v.6.08
Size reduction of ultra-wideband antennas with efficiency and matching constraints
PublicationAntenna design is a multifaceted task that involves handling of various performance figures concerning both electrical performance of the structure as well as its geometry. Simultaneous control of several objectives through rigorous optimization is very challenging and virtually impossible through conventional approaches such as parameter sweeping. In this work, we investigate size reduction of ultra‐wideband antenna structures...
Tighter bounds on the size of a maximum P3-matching in a cubic graph
PublicationW pracy pokazano, że największe P3-skojarzenie dla dowolnego grafu o n>16 wierzchołkach składa się z przynajmniej 117n/152 wierzchołków.
Influence of Wastewater Treatment Technology on Particle Size Distribution in the Effluent
PublicationSuspended solids in water and wastewater usually carry quite a large load of pollutants (organic substances, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.) adsorbed on the particles surface. Particles of different sizes carry different types and quantities of pollutants. Therefore, particle size distribution is of importance in waster and wastewater treatment. In the article the influence of different treatment technologies on particle size distribution...
Accelerometer-based Human Activity Recognition and the Impact of the Sample Size
PublicationThe presented study focused on the recognition of eight user activities (e.g. walking, lying, climbing stairs) basing on the measurements from an accelerometer embedded in a mobile device. It is assumed that the device is carried in a specific location of the user’s clothing. Three types of classifiers were tested on different sizes of the samples. The influence of the time window (the duration of a single trial) on selected activities...
Pupil size reflects successful encoding and recall of memory in humans
PublicationPupil responses are known to indicate brain processes involved in perception, attention and decision-making. They can provide an accessible biomarker of human memory performance and cognitive states in general. Here we investigated changes in the pupil size during encoding and recall of word lists. Consistent patterns in the pupil response were found across and within distinct phases of the free recall task. The pupil was most...
Effect of alkyl sulfate on the phase behavior of microemulsions stabilized with monoacylglycerols
PublicationIn this study the effect of an anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate SDS) and oils (hydrocarbons: C12-C16) on the formation and phase behavior of the systems of oil/monoacylglycerols (MAG):SDS/propylene glycol/water has been investigated. The effects of the surfactant mixture on the phase behavior and the concentrationof water or oil in the systems were studied at three temperatures (50, 55, 60 C). Electrical conductivity...
Effect of surface on the flexomagnetic response of ferroic composite nanostructures; nonlinear bending analysis
PublicationOur analysis incorporates the geometrically nonlinear bending of the Euler-Bernoulli ferromagnetic nanobeam accounting for a size-dependent model through assuming surface effects. In the framework of the flexomagnetic phenomenon, the large deflections are investigated referring to von-Kármán nonlinearity. Employing the nonlocal effects of stress coupled to the gradient of strain generates a scale-dependent Hookean stress-strain...
The Influence of Shear Deformation in analysis of plane frames
PublicationThe focus of the paper is to investigate the influence of shear deformation effect on the distribution of internal forces and frame deformation. To estimate shear deformation effect, the Timoshenko beam theory and the concept of shear deformation coefficients are used. Analysis of example frames gives the possibility to evaluate what have the most impact on size of shear deformation and in which type of frames the shear deformation...
Determination of bisphenol A in size fractions of indoor dust from several microenvironments
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Size matters everywhere: Decomposing the small country and small industry premia
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Size control mechanism of ZnO nanoparticles obtained in microwave solvothermal synthesis
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Zeta potential and droplet size of n-tetradecane/ethanol (protein) emulsions
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Size-Dependent in Vitro Biocompatibility and Uptake Process of Polymeric Carbon Nitride
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PublicationThe article concentrates on the relationship between the size of a farm and its efficiency in relation to wheat production in the European Union (EU). The issue is not new, however fundamental from the point of view of the agricultural policy, as the appropriate shape of the agrarian structure affects the economic rationality in agriculture and significantly improves the productivity. We analysed data for the period between 2004...
Treatment Wetland for Overflow Stormwater Treatment: The Impact of Pollutant Particles Size
PublicationThe problem of stormwater treatment in urban areas has become increas- ingly crucial. It has been widely recognized that both mechanical and biological treatment of stormwater is necessary to protect surface water against pollution. Moreover, technology must be applied to ensure effective treatment in changing hydraulic conditions and to serve, to the extent possible, as a retention volume. Treatment wetland (TW) could be...
Evaluation of the structures size in the liquid-gas flow by gamma-ray absorption
PublicationThe rapid development of tomography methods particularly electrical, X and gamma rays allows for a wide range of the information about flow structure. However, all of such methods are quite complicated. At the same time much simpler systems as the measuring system of gamma rays absorption, allows to obtain a all key flow information which describe the two-phase flow. In the article the results of analyzes of radiometric signal...
Strength analysis of a large-size supporting structure for an offshore wind turbine
PublicationThe offshore wind power industry is the branch of electric energy production from renewable sources which is most intensively developed in EU countries. At present, there is a tendency to install larger-power wind turbines at larger distances from the seashore, on relatively deep waters. Consequently, technological solutions for new supporting structures intended for deeper water regions are undergoing rapid development now. Various...
Controlling the size and morphology of precipitated calcite particles by the selection of solvent composition
PublicationCalcium carbonate particles were obtained in the reaction of calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide at 65°C. Initial Ca(OH)2 suspensions were prepared in pure water and aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol or glycerol of the concentration range up to 20% (vol.). The course of reaction was monitored by conductivity measurements. Precipitated solids were analyzed by FTIR, XRD, SEM and the particles size distribution was determined...
Influence of Dielectric Overlay Permittivity on Size and Performance of Miniaturized ESPAR Antenna
PublicationIn this paper, influence of dielectric overlay permittivity on miniaturized ESPAR antenna parameters is presented. ESPAR antenna is a low-cost and energy-efficient way to implement beam steering capability to a node and improve network performance. The antenna size reduction is obtained by embedding its active and passive elements in ABS based materials of relative permittivity equal to 4, 5.5 and 7.5 in order to achieve network...
Detection and size estimation of crack in plate based on guided wave propagation
PublicationThe paper presents results of the comprehensive theoretical and experimental investigation of crack detection in metallic plate using guided wave propagation. The main aim of the paper is to develop the novel method which would allow for linear crack size estimation with the use of minimal number of the transducers. In general, there exists the relation between length of the propagation path and the wave amplitude value. However,...
On EM-driven size reduction of antenna structures with explicit constraint handling
PublicationSimulation-driven miniaturization of antenna components is a challenging task mainly due to the presence of expensive constraints, evaluation of which involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. The recommended approach is implicit constraint handling using penalty functions, which, however, requires a meticulous selection of penalty coefficients, instrumental in ensuring optimization process reliability. This paper proposes...
The Effect of Titanium Oxyfluoride Morphology on Photocatalytic Activity of Fluorine-Doped Titanium(IV) Oxide
PublicationTitanium oxyfluoride (TiOF2) is a metastable product that can be obtained in a fluorine-rich environment. This material can also be a valuable precursor in the synthesis of titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2). However, the effect of TiOF2 morphology on the physicochemical properties of TiO2 has not been studied so far. In this work, single-phase TiOF2 was prepared by a solvothermal method. The as-synthesized samples exhibited a variety of...
New Aspects of Virtual Sound Source Localization Research—Impact of Visual Angle and 3-D Video Content on Sound Perception
PublicationThe influence of image on virtual sound source localization, called the “image proximity effect” or the “ventriloquism effect”, is a well known phenomenon. This paper focuses on other aspects related to this effect, namely the impact of the visual angle of the presented object and 3D video content on sound perception. The research conducted confirmed that the visual angle of the presented object determines the image proximity effect...
Influence of drying mode and feed per tooth rate on the fine dust creation in pine and beech sawing on a mini sash gang saw
PublicationThe experimental results of the study focused on the effect of drying processes of modified air drying and warm air steam mixture drying of pine and beech wood on the size of sawdust particles created in cutting using PRW-15M sash gang saw, are presented in the paper. Particle size analysis of dry sawdust was performed using two methods—sieving method and laser diffraction analysis. The results showed that the drying process did...
Study of the effect of thermally reduced graphene oxide on the physical and mechanical properties of flexible polyurethane foams
PublicationFlexible polyurethane foams were obtained from a two-component system via the one-step method. The foams were modified with thermally reduced graphene oxide added in the amount equal to 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 wt%. The morphology, static and dynamic properties, and thermal stability of modified foams were determined. The application of carbon filler resulted in the visible increase in the cell size, apparent density and rigidity of...
PublicationThere are special cases in the marine industry, where additional material tests, such as the fracture toughness test, must be performed. Additional fracture toughness tests, such as CTOD (Crack Tip Opening Displacement), are typically performed on three-point bend specimens. The dimension that defines all the specimen dimensions is the thickness of the material to be tested. It is recommended by classification societies (e.g. DNVGL)...
Impact damage in SiO2 nanoparticle enhanced epoxy – Carbon fibre composites
PublicationLow velocity impact behaviour of nano-SiO2 enhanced carbon fibre/epoxy composites for naval applications is reported. Epoxy resin matrix was enhanced by 1- 8 wt% SiO2 nanoparticles, based on industrial surface-modified nanosilica. Impact parameters: force, deformation, energy, damage size were recorded. The most pronounced effect was damage size decrease; e.g. ∼28% recorded by infrared thermography and X-ray computed radiography...
Weighted-Sum Approach for Bi-objective Optimization of Fleet Size with Environmental Aspects
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Modified nanodiamond particle size studies by means of dynamic light scattering technique
PublicationThe Methods Utilizing the Phenomena of Light Scattering to Measure Particle Size distribution in different solvent, such as deionise water and alcohol and also to study the various structural formation when nanodiamond solution is placed on silicon surface. The purpose of this research project is divided into two parts to configure the measurement units for examining modified nanodiamond particles, examination...
Modified nanodiamond particle size studies by means of dynamic light scattering technique
PublicationThe Methods Utilizing the Phenomena of Light Scattering to Measure Particle Size distribution in different solvent, such as deionise water and alcohol and also to study the various structural formation when nanodiamond solution is placed on silicon surface. The purpose of this research project is divided into two parts to configure the measurement units for examining modified nanodiamond particles, examination...
The Quality of Freeze-Dried and Rehydrated Blueberries Depending on their Size and Preparation for Freeze-Drying
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Value, Size, Momentum, and Unique Role of Microcaps in CEE Market Stock Returns
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Size Control of Cobalt-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles Obtained in Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis