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Search results for: exhaustive search algorithm
Robust algorithm for active feedback control of narrowband noise
PublicationThe problem of active control of narrowband acoustic noise is considered. It is shown that the proposed earlier feedback control algorithm called SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller), based on minimization of the L2-norm performance measure, can be re-derived using the L1 approach. The resulting robust SONIC algorithm is more robust to heavy-tailed measurement noise, such as the αlpha-stable noise, than the...
Using Long-Short term Memory networks with Genetic Algorithm to predict engine condition
PublicationPredictive maintenance (PdM) is a type of approach for maintenance processes, allowing maintenance actions to be managed depending on the machine's current condition. Maintenance is therefore carried out before failures occur. The approach doesn’t only help avoid abrupt failures but also helps lower maintenance cost and provides possibilities to manufacturers to manage maintenance budgets in a more efficient way. A new deep neural...
Analysis of Drone Signals Based on Change Point Detection Algorithm
PublicationThe work presents an algorithm characterized by high precision and efficiency in identifying signals related to data transmission between the controller and the drone. Using an efficient change point detection algorithm and parallel analysis capabilities, this method facilitates rapid signal analysis. These features make the proposed algorithm a solid basis for developing an effective anti-drone defense system.
Global Complex Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm Based on Phase Analysis for Propagation and Radiation Problems
PublicationA flexible and effective algorithm for complex roots and poles finding is presented. A wide class of analytic functions can be analyzed, and any arbitrarily shaped search region can be considered. The method is very simple and intuitive. It is based on sampling a function at the nodes of a regular mesh, and on the analysis of the function phase. As a result, a set of candidate regions is created and then the roots/poles are verified...
Eventual Convergence of the Reputation-Based Algorithm in IoT Sensor Networks
PublicationUncertainty in dense heterogeneous IoT sensor networks can be decreased by applying reputation-inspired algorithms, such as the EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) algorithm, which is widely used in social networks. Despite its popularity, the eventual convergence of this algorithm for the purpose of IoT networks has not been widely studied, and results of simulations are often taken in lieu of the more rigorous proof....
Moving object tracking algorithm evaluation in autonomous surveillance system
PublicationResults of evaluation of video object tracking algorithm being a part of an autonomous surveillance system are presented. The algorithm was investigated employing a set of benchmarks recorded locally. The precision of object detection, evaluated with such metrics as fragmentation, object area recall and object precision, is in focus. The experiments aimed at examining the detection quality using various object detection algorithm...
Adjusting the Stiffness of Supports during Milling of a Large-Size Workpiece Using the Salp Swarm Algorithm
PublicationThis paper concerns the problem of vibration reduction during milling. For this purpose, it is proposed that the standard supports of the workpiece be replaced with adjustable stiffness supports. This affects the modal parameters of the whole system, i.e., object and its supports, which is essential from the point of view of the relative tool–workpiece vibrations. To reduce the vibration level during milling, it is necessary to...
Expedited Optimization of Passive Microwave Devices Using Gradient Search and Principal Directions
PublicationOver the recent years, utilization of numerical optimization techniques has become ubiquitous in the design of high-frequency systems, including microwave passive components. The primary reason is that the circuits become increasingly complex to meet ever growing performance demands concerning their electrical performance, additional functionalities, as well as miniaturization. Nonetheless, as reliable evaluation of microwave device...
Hardware realization of shadow detection algorithm in FPGA
PublicationW referacie opisano problem detekcji cieni w sekwencjach wideo. Na podstawie metod znanych z literatury opracowano algorytm detekcji cieni, działający w czasie rzeczywistym i przeznaczony do realizacji sprzętowej w układzie FPGA. Algorytmy zostały przetestowane i porównane w środowisku MATLAB. Za pomocą języka VHDL zrealizowano system detekcji cieni wykorzystujący opracowany algorytm i zaimplementowano go w układzie Virtex-4. Został...
A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Creating Virtual Portraits of Historical Figures
PublicationIn this paper we present a genetic algorithm (GA) for creating hypothetical virtual portraits of historical figures and other individuals whose facial appearance is unknown. Our algorithm uses existing portraits of random people from specific historical period and social background to evolve a set of face images potentially resembling the person whose image is to be found. We then use portraits of the person's relatives to judge...
Computational algorithm for the analysis of mechatronic systems with distributed parameter elements
PublicationThe paper presents a systematic computational package for analysis of complex systems composed of multiple lumped and distributed parameter subsystems. The algorithm is based on the transfer function method (DTFM). With this algorithm, a bond graph technique for the modelling is developed to simplify computations. Analysis of different systems requires only changing the inputs data in the form of the bond graph diagram
Video analytics-based algorithm for monitoring egress from buildings
PublicationA concept and a practical implementation of the algorithm for detecting of potentially dangerous situations related to crowding in passages is presented. An example of such a situation is a crush which may be caused by an obstructed pedestrian pathway. The surveillance video camera signal analysis performed in the online mode is employed in order to detect hold-ups near bottlenecks like doorways or staircases. The details of the...
Polynomial Algorithm for Minimal (1,2)-Dominating Set in Networks
PublicationDominating sets find application in a variety of networks. A subset of nodes D is a (1,2)-dominating set in a graph G=(V,E) if every node not in D is adjacent to a node in D and is also at most a distance of 2 to another node from D. In networks, (1,2)-dominating sets have a higher fault tolerance and provide a higher reliability of services in case of failure. However, finding such the smallest set is NP-hard. In this paper, we...
Video Analytics-Based Algorithm for Monitoring Egress from Buildings
PublicationA concept and practical implementation of the algorithm for detecting of potentially dangerous situations of crowding in passages is presented. An example of such situation is a crush which may be caused by obstructed pedestrian pathway. Surveillance video camera signal analysis performed on line is employed in order to detect hold-ups near bottlenecks like doorways or staircases. The details of implemented algorithm which uses...
Focused crawler for trustworthy healthcare information search
PublicationArtykuł zawiera opis prac wykonanych w projekcie 6 Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej: Personalised Information Platform for life and health Services (PIPS). Głównym celem projektu jest zapewnienie obywatelowi Unii kompleksowego wspomagania w zakresie zagadnień ochrony zdrowia oraz odżywiania. Do realizacji tego celu konieczne jest pozyskanie i dostarczenie obywatelowi wiarygodnej, prawdziwej i aktualnej informacji z tych dziedzin....
Apparatus to search for optical flashes of extragalactic origin
Publication -
In search of a new relationship between nature and society
PublicationWe live in an era of breakthrough- not only in the literal sense of the word, but the breakthrough of the century or the millennium. New discoveries and the crisis present in the economy, society, religion and ecology forces a review of all universally accepted theories. Nature, ecology and environment are the key words used in every area of human activity. It has led to the development of a new scientific field- the philosophy...
Neural Network-Based Sequential Global Sensitivity Analysis Algorithm
PublicationPerforming global sensitivity analysis (GSA) can be challenging due to the combined effect of the high computational cost, but it is also essential for engineering decision making. To reduce this cost, surrogate modeling such as neural networks (NNs) are used to replace the expensive simulation model in the GSA process, which introduces the additional challenge of finding the minimum number of training data samples required to...
Variable-structure algorithm for identification of quasi-periodically varying systems
PublicationThe paper presents a variable-structure version of a generalized notchfiltering (GANF) algorithm. Generalized notch filters are used for identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems and can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters. The proposed algorithm is a cascade of two GANF filters: a multiple-frequency "precise" filter bank, used for precise system tracking, and a...
Efficient Complex Root Tracing Algorithm for Propagation and Radiation Problems
PublicationAn efficient complex root tracing algorithm for propagation and radiation problems is presented. The proposed approach is based on a discretization of Cauchy’s Argument Principle and its generalization to the C × R space. Moreover, an engagement of the tracing process with a global root finding algorithm recently presented in the literature is performed. In order to confirm a validity and efficiency of the proposed technique, a...
Ocena poprawności działania algorytmu proof-number search na strukturze digrafu acyklicznego
PublicationAlgorytm proof-number search jest znanym algorytmem służącym do rozwiązywania gier logicznych. Rozwiązanie gry jest jednoznaczne ze znalezieniem optymalnej strategii i pozwala przeprowadzić rozgrywkę w sposób pozwalający na osiągnięcie najlepszego możliwego wyniku. Jedną z największych wad tego algorytmu, naturalnie pracującego na strukturze drzewa, jest wielokrotne rozwijanie identycznych poddrzew gry co prowadzi do nadmiarowego...
Generating optimal paths in dynamic environments using RiverFormation Dynamics algorithm
PublicationThe paper presents a comparison of four optimisation algorithms implemented for the purpose of finding the shortest path in static and dynamic environments with obstacles. Two classical graph algorithms –the Dijkstra complete algorithm and A* heuristic algorithm – were compared with metaheuristic River Formation Dynamics swarm algorithm and its newly introduced modified version. Moreover, another swarm algorithm has been compared...
Marking the Allophones Boundaries Based on the DTW Algorithm
PublicationThe paper presents an approach to marking the boundaries of allophones in the speech signal based on the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm. Setting and marking of allophones boundaries in continuous speech is a difficult issue due to the mutual influence of adjacent phonemes on each other. It is this neighborhood on the one hand that creates variants of phonemes that is allophones, and on the other hand it affects that the border...
Dynamic unattended measurement based routing algorithm for diffServ architecture
PublicationDynamic routing is very important in terms of assuring QoS in today's packet networks especially for streaming and elastic services. Existing solutions dedicated to dynamic routing are often too complicated and seem to be not usable in real time traffic scenarios where transferred traffic may vary significantly. This was the main reason for research and new routing mechanism proposal which should apply to today's packet networks....
Pareto Ranking Bisection Algorithm for EM-Driven Multi-Objective Design of Antennas in Highly-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
PublicationA deterministic technique for fast surrogate-assisted multi-objective design optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameters spaces has been discussed. In this two-stage approach, the initial approximation of the Pareto set representing the best compromise between conflicting objectives is obtained using a bisection algorithm which finds new Pareto-optimal designs by dividing the line segments interconnecting previously...
Robust unsupervised georeferencing algorithm for aerial and satellite imagery
PublicationIn order to eliminate a human factor and fully automate the process of embedding the spatial localization information in a remote sensed image the integrated georeferencing method was proposed. The paper presents this unsupervised and robust approach which is comprised of pattern recognition, using SIFT-based detector, and RANSAC based outlier removal with matching algorithm.
Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm in Practice
PublicationThe Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm (MEWRA) has already been introduced by the author on earlier TransNav 2009 and 2011 conferences with a focus on theoretical application to a hybrid-propulsion or motor-driven ship. This paper addresses the topic of possible practical weather routing applications of MEWRA. In the paper some practical advantages of utilizing Pareto front as a result of multicriteria optimization...
Performance evaulation of video object tracking algorithm in autonomous surveillance system
PublicationResults of performance evaluation of a video object tracking algorithm are presented. The method of moving objects detection and tracking is based on background modelling with mixtures of Gaussians and Kalman filters. An emphasis is put on algorithm's efficiency with regards to its settings. Utilized methods of performance evaluation based on comparison of algorithm output to manually prepared reference data are introduced. The...
Performance evaluation of video object tracking algorithm in autonomous surveillance system
PublicationResults of performance evaluation of a video object tracking algorithm are presented. The method of moving objects detection and tracking is based on background modelling with mixtures of Gaussians and Kalman filters. An emphasis is put on algorithm's efficiency with regards to its settings. Utilized methods of performance evaluation based on comparison of algorithm output to manually prepared reference data are introduced. The...
Spiral Search Grasshopper Features Selection with VGG19-ResNet50 for Remote Sensing Object Detection
PublicationRemote sensing object detection plays a major role in satellite imaging and is required in various scenarios such as transportation, forestry, and the ocean. Deep learning techniques provide efficient performance in remote sensing object detection. The existing techniques have the limitations of data imbalance, overfitting, and lower efficiency in detecting small objects. This research proposes the spiral search grasshopper (SSG)...
an intelligent image processing sensor - the algorithm and the hardware implementation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono algorytm przeznaczony do rozpoznawania obiektów ruchomych w obrazie do celu analizy ruchu pojazdów. Algorytm został zrealizowany w układzie FPGA.Ang.: This paper describes the idea and theimplementation of the robust algorithm dedicated toextraction of moving vehicles from real-time cameraimages for the evaluation of traffic parameters, suchas the number of vehicles, their direction of movementand their...
PublicationThe main purpose of this study is to develop a deep text-to-speech (TTS) algorithm designated for an embedded system device. First, a critical literature review of state-of-the-art speech synthesis deep models is provided. The algorithm implementation covers both hardware and algorithmic solutions. The algorithm is designed for use with the Raspberry Pi 4 board. 80 synthesized sentences were prepared based on medical and everyday...
A telemedical and an outpatient thoracic impedance measurements - a validation algorithm of the electrodes placement
PublicationThis paper presents the algorithm for validation of electrodes locations for the thoracic impedance measurements. In particular the presented algorithm was designed to perform the telemetric sleep apnea monitoring. One of the problems, during the clinical tests of a developed device, was to preserve the repeatability of measurements. It strongly depended on the appropriate electrodes placement on the examined person’s thorax. It...
Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Codebook Algorithm for Background Subtraction in Video Stream
PublicationA background subtraction algorithm based on the codebook approach was implemented on a multi-core processor in a parallel form, using the OpenMP system. The aim of the experiments was to evaluate performance of the multithreaded algorithm in processing video streams recorded from monitoring cameras, depending on a number of computer cores used, method of task scheduling, image resolution and degree of image content variability....
FPGA realization of an improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm
PublicationThe generalized improved version of the alpha max plus beta min square-rooting algorithm and its realization in the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) are presented. The algorithm computes the square root to calculate the approximate magnitude of a complex sample. It is especially useful for pipelined calculations in the DSP. In case of four approximation regions it is possible to reduce the peak error form 3.95% to 0.33%. This...
Simulation model for evaluation of QoS routing algorithm in large packet networks
PublicationThe variety of traffic transferred via current telecommunication networks includes also voice, which should meet quality requirements. One of mechanisms, which can support QoS in current packet networks, is routing. There exist many routing proposals which should introduce the QoS into the network but practically they don't. Following paper presents the realization of simulation model for evaluation of a new routing algorithm DUMBRA...
Arc-length Algorithm Efficiency in the Analysis of Thermally Loaded Multilayered Shells
PublicationThis paper concerns the efficiency study of the arc-length algorithm in the geometrically non-linear analysis of thermally loaded multilayered shells. The thermal loading is considered as the one-way thermo-mechanical coupling effect. Two implementations of the arc-length method are examined: the path-following technique available in NX-Nastran and the RiksWempner-Ramm algorithm adopted in the authors’ computer code SHLTH. It is...
Global Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm on Quantum Computer
PublicationIn this paper, the implementation of the global roots and poles finding algorithm for a complex-valued function of a complex variable on a quantum computer, which allows for solving general nonlinear algebraic equations, is presented. The considered function is sampled with the use of Delaunay’s triangulation on the complex plane and a phase quadrant, in which the value of the function is located, is computed on a classical computer...
A 27/26-approximation algorithm for the chromatic sum coloring of bipartitegraphs
PublicationWe consider the CHROMATIC SUM PROBLEM on bipartite graphs which appears to be much harder than the classical CHROMATIC NUMBER PROBLEM. We prove that the CHROMATIC SUM PROBLEM is NP-complete on planar bipartite graphs with Delta less than or equal to 5, but polynomial on bipartite graphs with Delta less than or equal to 3, for which we construct an O(n(2))-time algorithm. Hence, we tighten the borderline of intractability for this...
Performance evaluation of the parallel object tracking algorithm employing the particle filter
PublicationAn algorithm based on particle filters is employed to track moving objects in video streams from fixed and non-fixed cameras. Particle weighting is based on color histograms computed in the iHLS color space. Particle computations are parallelized with CUDA framework. The algorithm was tested on various GPU devices: a desktop GPU card, a mobile chipset and two embedded GPU platforms. The processing speed depending on the number...
PublicationIn this paper hardware and software realization of direct and inverse AES cryptographic algorithm is presented. Both implementations were made using the Virtex-II FPGA and were practically tested. As the criteria of comparison, the resource utilization, achieved performance and power dissipation were chosen. Hardware realization increases throughput of conversion about 190 times over software implementation and decreases the energy...
The Usage of the BP-Layers Stereo Matching Algorithm with the EBCA Camera Set
PublicationThis paper is concerned with applying a stereo matching algorithm called BP-Layers to a set of many cameras. BP Layers is designed for obtaining disparity maps from stereo cameras. The algorithm takes advantage of convolutional natural networks. This paper presents using this algorithm with a set called Equal Baseline Camera Array. This set consists of up to five cameras with one central camera and other ones aground it. Such a...
Efficient Complex Root Finding Algorithm for Microwave and Optical Propagation Problems
PublicationArticle relates to the use of innovative root finding algorithm (on a complex plane) to study propagation properties of microwave and optical waveguides. Problems of this type occur not only in the analysis of lossy structures, but also in the study of complex and leaky modes (radiation phenomena). The proposed algorithm is simple to implement and can be applied for functions with singularities and branch cuts in the complex plane...
A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph
PublicationAn algorithm is introduced for computing the minimum cycle mean in a strongly connected directed graph with n vertices and m arcs that requires O(n) working space. This is a considerable improvement for sparse graphs in comparison to the classical algorithms that require O(n^2) working space. The time complexity of the algorithm is still O(nm). An implementation in C++ is made publicly available at http://www.pawelpilarczyk.com/cymealg/.
Statistically efficient smoothing algorithm for time-varying frequency estimation
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary sinusoidal signal from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithm...
Expedited Design Closure of Antenna Input Characteristics by Trust Region Gradient Search and Principal Component Analysis
PublicationOptimization-based parameter tuning has become an inherent part of contemporary antenna design process. For the sake of reliability, it is typically conducted at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. This may incur considerable computational expenses depending on the cost of an individual EM analysis, the number of adjustable variables, the type of task (local, global, single-/multi-objective optimization),...
An Algorithm for Listing All Minimal 2-Dominating Sets of a Tree
PublicationWe provide an algorithm for listing all minimal 2-dominating sets of a tree of order n in time O(1.3248n) . This implies that every tree has at most 1.3248 n minimal 2-dominating sets. We also show that this bound is tigh.
Distributed measurement system with data transmission secured using XXTEA algorithm
PublicationThe paper deals with wireless data transmission security in the distributed measurement and control system. An overview of cryptographic algorithms was presented paying special attention to the algorithm dedicated to units with low processing power, which is important due to minimization of energy consumption. Measurement modules equipped with simple microcontrollers send data wirelessly to the central unit. The transmission was...
An algorithm for listing all minimal double dominating sets of a tree
PublicationWe provide an algorithm for listing all minimal double dominating sets of a tree of order $n$ in time $\mathcal{O}(1.3248^n)$. This implies that every tree has at most $1.3248^n$ minimal double dominating sets. We also show that this bound is tight.
Improving Clairvoyant: reduction algorithm resilient to imbalanced process arrival patterns
PublicationThe Clairvoyant algorithm proposed in “A novel MPI reduction algorithm resilient to imbalances in process arrival times” was analyzed, commented and improved. The comments concern handling certain edge cases in the original pseudocode and description, i.e., adding another state of a process, improved cache friendliness more precise complexity estimations and some other issues improving the robustness of the algorithm implementation....