Search results for: BADANIA ON-LINE
Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase-Mediated Genotoxicity of 2-Methoxyestradiol in Hippocampal HT22 Cell Line
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Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer/Camptothecin Complex: From Synthesis to In Vitro Cancer Cell Line Studies
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Modeling of the L and M x-ray line structures for tungsten in high-temperature tokamak plasmas
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Extracellular Matrix Proteins Expression Profiling in Chemoresistant Variants of the A2780 Ovarian Cancer Cell Line
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Finite element/mode-matching analysis of ferrite/dielectric line junctions of arbitrary cross-section
PublicationThis paper is focused on the analysis of line junctions obtained as a cascade of dielectric and ferrite guides of arbitrary cross-section. The main application of such structures is nonreciprocal devices such as isolators, circulators, or phase shifters. The efficient finite element/mode-matching approach is proposed to the analysis of such structures. In this approach, thefiniteelementmethod is applied todetermine propagation...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part I. On-line gas analyzers
PublicationThe paper reviews the subject literature concerning the analytical instruments routinely used for monitoring volatile organic compounds in atmospheric air. The analyzers are classified as stationary or mobile according to their ease of transport. Stationary DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) analyzer is characterized, as are MIMS (Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry), MESI (Membrane Extraction with Sorbent...
Influence of span length and impulse front time on earthing measurement accuracy of power line towers
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of measuring and assessing the features of power line tower earthings using fast-changing waveform. The study analyses the effect of impulse front time and the line span length on errors made during these measurements using impulse meters. It has been found that the assessment conditions similar to the static measurement results occur for the use of 4 μs current impulses and such procedure is useful...
Deformation of an elastic second gradient spherical body under equatorial line density of dead forces
PublicationWe consider deformations of an elastic body having initially a spherical shape. Assumed deformation energy depends on the first and second gradient of displacements. We apply an equatorial line density of dead loads, that are forces per unit line length directed in radial direction and applied along the equator of the sphere. We restrict ourselves our analysis to the case of linearized second strain gradient isotropic elasticity...
Selective H2 production from plastic waste through pyrolysis and in-line oxidative steam reforming
PublicationThis study deals with the proposal of pyrolysis and in-line oxidative steam reforming (P-OSR) for plastic waste valorization and assesses the potential of this strategy for the selective production of H2. Overall, the study aims at progressing towards the fine-tuning of the pyrolysis-reforming technology by co-feeding O2. Thus, a multi-point O2 injection system has been developed to ensure a suitable O2 distribution in the reforming...
Measurements of displacement and acceleration of the railway bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line
PublicationThe purpose of this work is to perform a report of static and dynamic test realized on the bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line over the Salantas River in Kūlupėnų.
Incomplete Cross-Bonding in the MV Line. Experience from the Operation of MV Single Cable Lines
PublicationCable lines are one of the basic components of power systems. Medium and high voltage cables mainly comprise a metallic sheath, which is concentric to the main core conductor. There are several operating schemes of such cable lines, which differ in the place of earthing of sheaths and the possible use of the sheaths and/or conductors crossing. The sheaths cross-bonding is typically done in two places of one cable line section,...
Hybrid energy storage forelectric multiple units to operate at the partially electrified line Gdynia -Hel
PublicationThe article presents calculations enabling the selection of an on-board energy storage device to replace diesel-powered trains with modern storage multiple units on the example railway line Gdynia Główna -Hel. The pioneering and currently used storage electric multiple units, mainly in Europe, were presented. The condensed results of the inventory of the line in question, including the technical condition...
Reliability assessment of an OVH HV power line truss transmission tower subjected to seismic loading
PublicationThe study focuses on the reliability of a transmission tower OS24 ON150 + 10, an element of an OVH HV power line, under seismic loading. In order to describe the seismic force, the real-life recording of the horizontal component of the El Centro earthquake was adopted. The amplitude and the period of this excitation are assumed random, their variation is described by Weibull distribution. The possible space state of the phenomenon...
Displacement Sensors Based on the Phase of the Reflection Coefficient of a Split Ring Resonator Loaded Transmission Line
Publication— In this paper, novel displacement sensors using a microstrip loaded with a pair of split ring resonators (SRRs) are proposed. It is shown that the phase of the reflection coefficient from the loading SRRs can be used for displacement sensing. The paper also proposes a differential version of the sensor that benefits from a higher sensitivity and reference zero, which is useful for alignment purposes. It is further shown that...
A Multifunctional Microwave Filter/Sensor Component Using a Split Ring Resonator Loaded Transmission Line
PublicationThis research is focused on the design and realiza2 tion of a microwave component with multifunctional filter/sensor 3 operation using a resonator-loaded transmission line (TL). It is 4 shown that while the structure acts as a bandstop filter, the 5 phase of the reflection coefficient from the loading resonator(s) 6 on a movable layer can be used for displacement sensing, thus 7 allowing for combining filtering with sensing in...
Framework for extracting rails and setting-out railway line axis based on UAV photogrammetric measurements
PublicationTechnical diagnostics enables assessing the current technical condition of a railway line and adjacent infrastructure, and forecasting its changes over a specific time horizon. One of its elements is the periodic monitoring of rail position and their geometry. This article presents a new framework for the setting-out of a railway track axis. The process presented in the manuscript is based on the specific filtration and extraction...
Conception of on-line lamella´s thickness monitoring system for resawing process on sash-gangs saw
PublicationPrzedstawiono układ do automatycznego pomiaru grubości lameli po cięciu na pilarkach ramowych. Pomiar odbywa się metodą bezstykową za pomocą ultra precyzyjnych laserowych sensorów przemieszczeń. Sygnały z sensorów po obrobieniu za pomocą specjalnego oprogramowania były podstawą do oceny jakości wykonania lameli. Próby cięcia wykonano na pilarce ramowej PRW15M na Politechnice Gdańskiej, a pomiary na Shimane University w Matsue (Japonia)....
Yamogenin-Induced Cell Cycle Arrest, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis in Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line
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The Co-Culture of Staphylococcal Biofilm and Fibroblast Cell Line: The Correlation of Biological Phenomena with Metabolic NMR1 Footprint
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New polymethoxyflavones from Hottonia palustris and their effects in an oral squamous carcinoma (SCC-25) cell line
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Microstrip line with short-circuited edge as a high-pass filter operating up to millimeter-wave frequencies
PublicationPrzedstawiono prosty planarny filtr górnoprzepustowy wykorzystujący linię mikropaskową ze zwartym brzegiem. Układy zaprojektowano w taki sposób, aby pasmo przepustowe rozpoczynało się w zakresie K lub Ka. Wykonano dwa prototypy: na podłożu w postaci warstwy dielektrycznej wykonanej z ceramiki alundowej oraz na podłożu organicznym o niskiej przenikalności elektrycznej. Wykazano dużą zgodność teoretycznych i pomierzonych charakterystyk...
Diagnostics of the plasma parameters based on the K X-ray line positions for various 4d and 4f metals
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Assessing the Operation System of Fire Alarm Systems for Detection Line and Circuit Devices with Various Damage Intensities
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Nuclear localization of P-glycoprotein is responsible for protection of the nucleus from doxorubicin in the resistant LoVo cell line
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Hybrid high-frequency-SiC and line-frequency-Si based PEBB for MV modular power converters
PublicationIzolowane przekształtniki DC-DC o sterowanym kącie przesunięcia napięć strony pierwotnej i wtórnej są kluczowymi elementami współczesnych modułowych przekształtników energoelektronicznych średniego napięcia (SN). W porównaniu do konwencjonalnych przekształtników SN, przekształtniki modułowe z izolowanymi przetwornicami DC-DC nie wymagają izolacji w postaci wielkogabarytowych transformatorów o częstotliwości sieci. Zastosowanie...
Zastosowanie skali porównywania parami w analizie skupień na przykładzie klasyfikacji użytkowników usług on-line
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie skali porównywania parami w zakresie analizy skupień do klasyfikacji na przykładzie studentów użytkujących usługi on-line.
Magnetic and capacitive couplings influence on power losses in double circuit high voltage overhead transmission line
PublicationPurpose – The paper aims to discuss problems of power and energy losses in a double-circuit overhead transmission line. It was observed from energymeters’ readings, that in such a line, active power losses can be measured as “negative”. The “negative” active power losses appear when the active power injected to the circuit is lower than the active power received at the circuit end. The purpose of this paper is to explain this phenomenon. Theoretical...
Individual contributions of M X-ray line from Cu- and Co-like tungsten ions and L X-ray line from Ne-like molybdenum ions – Benchmarks for new approach to determine the high-temperature tokamak plasma parameters
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Możliwości zastosowania metody Kansei Engineering w projektowaniu usług on-line dla osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem cyfrowym
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono problematykę projektowania usług on-line dla osób zagrożonych wykluczeniem cyfrowym. Zaprezentowano ogólne zalecenia oraz praktyczne zasady dotyczące ich projektowania. Wymieniono główne czynniki wpływające na efektywność wykorzystywania interaktywnych form współpracy z różnymi grupami użytkowników. Jednocześnie wskazano na możliwość przeciwdziałania problemowi wykluczenia cyfrowego poprzez zastosowanie...
The Effects of Cellular Membrane Damage on the Long-Term Storage and Adhesion of Probiotic Bacteria in Caco-2 Cell Line
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Modeling of the K and L x-ray line structures for molybdenum ions in warm dense Z-pinch plasma
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Rapid design of miniaturised branch-line couplers through concurrent cell optimisation and surrogate-assisted fine-tuning
PublicationIn this study, the authors introduce a methodology for low-cost simulation-driven design optimisation of highly miniaturised branch-line couplers (BLCs). The first stage of their design approach exploits fast concurrent optimisation of geometrically dependent, but electromagnetically isolated cells that constitute a BLC. The cross-coupling effects between the cells are taken into account in the second stage, where a surrogate-assisted...
Magnetic and capacitive couplings influence on power and energy measurement in double circuit high voltage overhead transmission line
PublicationThe paper discusses influence of magnetic and capacitive couplings on power and energy measurement in case of double circuit high voltage overhead transmission line. There are presented and discussed various factors influencing the power flow among the line‟s circuits. Mathematical model based calculations results are compared to the real transmission line measurements.
PublicationCorrosion of water distribution system is a significant issue causing problems with quality, safety and continuity of distribution. The changes of corrosion rates of the water distribution systems in Cracow made of carbon steel were investigated by analysis of online corrosion monitoring system results. Corrosion rates were determined using the linear polarization method. The impact of rain, temperatures, conductivity, dissolved...
Determination of API content in a pilot-scale blending by near-infrared spectroscopy as a first step method to process line implementation
PublicationNear infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was used for estimation of powder blend homogeneity and manufacturing control of a medicinal product powder mixture containing active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Aiming at initiating a Process Analytical Technology (PAT) activity, the first step was a stationary mode atline evaluation. In this, the content of pharmaceutical active compound in the powder mixtures intended to the direct tabletting...
On-line assessment of oil quality during deep frying using an electronic nose and proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry
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Changes in subcellular localization of visfatin in human colorectal HCT-116 carcinoma cell line after cytochalasin B treatment
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Prediction of metal deformation due to line heating; an alternative method of mechanical bending, based on artificial neural network approach
PublicationLine heating is one of the alternative methods of forming metals and this kind of forming uses the heating torch as a source of heat input. During the process, many parameters are considered like the size of the substrate, thickness, cooling method, source power intensity, the travel speed of the power source, the sequence of heating, and so on. It is important to analyze the factors affecting the...
Diagnostyka off-line stanu izolacji uzwojeń silników 6 kV z wykorzystaniem obrazowania akustycznego wyładowań niezupełnych
PublicationW zakładach przemysłowych, w których kluczowe procesy produkcyjne są realizowane z wykorzystaniem silników średniego napięcia, dla których diagnostyka izolacji uzwojeń ma istotne znaczenie. W tym celu wykonuje się ocenę porównawczą wyników pomiarów wyładowań niezupełnych (WNZ) wykonywanych dla jednostek tego samego typu, a jej skuteczność w znacznej mierze wynika z wieloletniego doświadczenia diagnosty. Dla opracowania wyników...
Mathematical Modelling of Drive System with an Elastic Coupling Based on Formal Analogy between the Transmission Shaft and the Electric Transmission Line
PublicationIn the paper, the kinematic structure of the transmission shaft between the driving motor and the working mechanism is studied. The analysis is based on electrical and mechanical similarities. The equivalent circuits, typical for electrical systems, are defined for the transmission shaft concerned. Modelling of the transmission shaft based on a formal analogy between the transmission shaft and the electric transmission line is...
Genotoxicity of selected pharmaceuticals, their binary mixtures, and varying environmental conditions – study with human adenocarcinoma cancer HT29 cell line
PublicationPharmaceutical residues are present in the environment in mixtures and their adverse effects may also result from interactions that occur between compounds. Studies presented in this work focus on genotoxicity of pharmaceuticals from different therapeutic groups in mixtures and in individual solutions impacted with different environmental conditions assessed using comet assay (alkaline approach). Binary mixtures of pharmaceuticals...
Phase I and phase II metabolism simulation of antitumor-active 2-hydroxyacridinone with electrochemistry coupled on-line with mass spectrometry.
PublicationHere, we report the metabolic profile and the results of associated metabolic studies of 2-hydroxyacridinone (2-OH-AC), the reference compound for antitumor-active imidazo- and triazoloacridinones. Electrochemistry coupled with mass spectrometry was applied to simulate the general oxidative metabolism of 2-OH-AC for the first time. The reactivity of 2-OH-AC products to biomolecules was also examined. The usefulness of the electrochemistry...
Novel Vision Monitoring Method Based on Multi Light Points for Space-Time Analysis of Overhead Contact Line Displacements
PublicationThe article presents an innovative vision monitoring method of overhead contact line (OCL) displacement, which utilizes a set of LED light points installed along it. A light point is an, LED fed from a battery. Displacements of the LED points, recorded by a camera, are interpreted as a change of OCL shape in time and space. The vision system comprises a camera, properly situated with respect to the OCL, which is capable of capturing...
Long-Period Gratings and Microcavity In-Line Mach Zehnder Interferometers as Highly Sensitive Optical Fiber Platforms for Bacteria Sensing
PublicationSelected optical fiber sensors offer extraordinary sensitivity to changes in external refractive (RI), which make them promising for label-free biosensing. In this work the most sensitive ones, namely long-period gratings working at (DTP-LPG) and micro-cavity in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometers (µIMZI) are discussed for application in bacteria sensing. We describe their working principles and RI sensitivity when operating in water...
On-line assessment of oil quality during deep frying using an electronic nose and proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry
PublicationWe describe a novel method for the quality assessment of oil utilized for deep frying. The method is based on the analysis of frying fumes using a custom electronic nose. The quality score could be obtained after less than 3 min of analysis and without interrupting the frying process or sampling the oil directly. The obtained results were correlated with the peroxide value using a multivariate linear regression model. The most...
Budowanie zaufania w relacjach interentowych
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje znaczenie zaufania w relacjach interpersonalnych oraz wpływ globalizacji na proces budowania i percepcji zaufania pomiędzy uczestnikami relacji społecznych. Przedstawiono badania własne, w których autorka zweryfikowała postawy badanych wobec zaufania w relacjach internetowych i poziom wiarygodności partnera w komunikacji odbywającej się z wykorzystaniem różnych internetowych funkcjonalności (forum internetowe,...
Techniki śródoperacyjnego monitorowania EKG
PublicationZ badania EKG lekarze uzyskują szereg cennych informacji niezbędnych do prawidłowego podejmowanie ważnych decyzji terapeutycznych. EKG stało się pierwszym parametrem monitorowanym standardowo i w sposób ciągły podczas znieczulenia. Współczesna technika umożliwia nie tylko ciągłe monitorowanie zapisu EKG, a także transmisję danych on-line do dowolnego miejsca w szpitalu, i ich cyfrową rejestrację. Najistotniejszym kryterium przydatności...
Procedury diagnostyczne badania izolacji maszyn elektrycznych
PublicationArtykuł opisuje stosowane w praktyce procedury diagnostyki off-line dla silników elektrycznych niskiego i średniego napięcia. Poza pomiarem rezystancji izolacji do eksploatacji wprowadza się metody impulsowe z dodatkową rejestracją impulsów wyładowań niezupełnych. Analiza odpowiedzi izolacji na oscylacyjne przebiegi napięcia zasadniczo poprawia możliwość wykrywania wewnętrznych uszkodzeń - w tym między zwojowych – w układzie...
Analysis of balancing of six-cylinder in-line two-stroke internal combustion engines = Analiza wyrównoważenia silników rzędowych dwusuwowych sześciocylindrowych
PublicationW pracy wyprowadzono proste zależności opisujące przebieg momentu od sił bezwładności pierwszego i drugiego rzędu dla wszystkich 60 wariantów wałów korbowych w silniku 6-cylindrowym 2-suwowym rzędowym. Dokonano analizy i porównania poszczególnych wariantów z punktu widzenia momentów wypadkowych od sił bezwładności pierwszego i drugiego rzędu. Porównania dokonano dla dwóch wartości parametru mechanizmu korbowego 0,3 i 0,5.
Branched-chain fatty acids affect the expression of fatty acid synthase and C-reactive protein genes in the hepatocyte cell line