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Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...
Knowledge Safety – Insights from the SME Sector
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of knowledge safety, defined as the state of knowledge being safe from loss, leakage, attrition, oblivion, waste or theft. The paper first presents a theoretical background and review of previous studies on knowledge loss and ways of overcoming it, and then illustrates the topic of knowledge safety with ten case studies from the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector. Methodology:...
CPLFD-GDPT5: High-resolution gridded daily precipitation and temperature data set for two largest Polish river basins
PublicationThe CHASE-PL (Climate change impact assessment for selected sectors in Poland) Forcing Data–Gridded Daily Precipitation & Temperature Dataset–5 km (CPLFD-GDPT5) consists of 1951–2013 daily minimum and maximum air temperatures and precipitation totals interpolated onto a 5 km grid based on daily meteorological observations from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW-PIB; Polish stations), Deutscher Wetterdienst...
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - All accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Derecho Evolving from a Mesocyclone—A Study of 11 August 2017 Severe Weather Outbreak in Poland: Event Analysis and High-Resolution Simulation
PublicationThis study documents atmospheric conditions, development, and evolution of a severe weather outbreak that occurred on 11 August 2017 in Poland. The emphasis is on analyzing system morphology and highlighting the importance of a mesovortex in producing the most significant wind damages. A derecho-producing mesoscale convective system (MCS) had a remarkable intensity and was one of the most impactful convective storms in the history...
PublicationThe article presents the dynamic analysis of the historic railway bridge in Tczew as an example of the usefulness of such type of bridge for high-speed trains. The model of the bridge and the simulation of rolling stock passage was performed in SOFISTIK program. The scope of work includes experimental studies, the solution of the problem concerning the correct solution features dynamic model takes into account the dependencies...
Uniwersytet społecznie odpowiedzialny - próba podejścia systemowego. [ wersja polska artykułu rejestrowanego pod nr 86628]
PublicationW artykule postawiono tezę, że uniwersytet społecznie odpowiedzialny to taki, w którym przenikać się będą: rozwójorganizacyjny (OD), doskonalenie procesów zarządzania wiedzą (KM) i doskonalenie zarządzania jakością (QM. Spoiwem uniwersytetu jest jego kultura organizacyjna (instytucjonalna. Uniwersytet społecznie odpowiedzialny tootwarty system współpracujący z otoczeniem, w którym toczy się gra o studenta (słuchacza) oraz o finanse....
A Parallax Shift Effect Correction Based on Cloud Height for Geostationary Satellites and Radar Observations
PublicationThe effect of cloud parallax shift occurs in satellite imaging, particularly for high angles of satellite observations. This study demonstrates new methods of parallax effect correction for clouds observed by geostationary satellites. The analytical method that could be found in literature, namely the Vicente et al./Koenig method, is presented at the beginning. It approximates a cloud position using an ellipsoid with semi-axes...
Investigation of some magnetospheric phenomena of geomagnetic storm on March 17, 2013 based on observations from GNSS and NOAA-15 satellite
PublicationSubstantial variations of magnetospheric electron fluxes of low and intermediate energies at an altitude of ~ 800 km at different phases of the geomagnetic storm were investigated. The ionosphere and plasmasphere response was analyzed using TEC variation maps over the Central Europe. A concept of the connection of TEC variations above the Central Europe and spatially inhomogeneous fluxes of energetic particles is being proposed.
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Pedestrian accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: Pedestrians. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Motorcycle and moped accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: motorcyclists and mopeds. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Head-on accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, type of accidents: head-on. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Child accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: children - drivers, passengers and . vulnerable road user.. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Alcohol and drug accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: Offenders under influence of alcohol or drug - driver or pedestrian. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Elderly people accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: elderly people (65+) - drivers, passengers and . vulnerable road user. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Cyclist accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: Cyclists. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Young drivers accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, risk group: young driver offender. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Night accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, time of accidents: Night. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Side-impact accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, type of accidents: Side-impact. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Run off road accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, type of accidents: Run off road. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2017-2019 - Excessive speed accidents
Open Research DataData contain risk classification on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2017-2019, cause of accidents: Excessive speed accidents. Measures used to assess the level of risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Energy Management for PV Powered Hybrid Storage System in Electric Vehicles Using Artificial Neural Network and Aquila Optimizer Algorithm
PublicationIn an electric vehicle (EV), using more than one energy source often provides a safe ride without concerns about range. EVs are powered by photovoltaic (PV), battery, and ultracapacitor (UC) systems. The overall results of this arrangement are an increase in travel distance; a reduction in battery size; improved reaction, especially under overload; and an extension of battery life. Improved results allow the energy to be used efficiently,...
Rolling resistance and tyre/road noise on rubberised asphalt pavement in Poland
PublicationThe paper presents results of tyre/road noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on stone mastics asphalt (SMA) that contains rubberised asphalt, developed and produced by a refinery in Poland. Bituminous binder was modified with polymer and addition of crumb rubber. The first observations of asphalt mixture with the new kind of modified bitumen used on the field section are presented. Rolling resistance of passenger...
Rolling Resistance And Tire/Road Noise on Rubberized Asphalt Pavement In Poland
PublicationThe paper presents results of tire/road noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on stone-matrix asphalt (SMA) that contains rubberized asphalt developed and produced by the company in Poland. Bituminous binder was modified with polymer and additive of crumb rubber. First observations of asphalt mixture with the new kind of modified bitumen used on the field section are presented. Rolling resistance of passenger car...
Cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization of a coldactive GDSL-esterase of a Pseudomonas sp. S9 isolated from Spitsbergen island soil
PublicationAn estS9 gene, encoding an esterase of the psychrotolerant bacterium Pseudomonas sp. S9 was cloned and sequenced. The deduced sequence revealed a protein of 636 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 69 kDa.Further amino acid sequence analysis revealed that the EstS9 enzyme contained a G-D-S-L motif centered at a catalytic serine, an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal autotransporter domain. Two recombinant E. coli...
Opracowanie opinii naukowo-technicznej w zakresie możliwości przeprowadzenia próbnego obciążenia statycznego konstrukcji wiaduktu kolejowego WK-1 oraz konstrukcji odciążających bypassu przy wiadukcie kolejowym WK-1 z wykorzystaniem płyt betonowych.
PublicationCelem opracowania jest wstępna analiza możliwości technicznych przeprowadzenia próbnych obciążeń statycznych obiektów – stałego WK-1 oraz wymaganych do jego wykonania konstrukcji tymczasowych Lt=30m, za pomocą żelbetowych płyt drogowych. Obiekty wykonywane są przez Budimex S.A. w ramach zadania „Budowa drogi ekspresowej S17 Warszawa (w. Zakret) – Garwolin na odcinku węzeł „Lubelska” (bez węzła) – Garwolin (początek obwodnicy) z...
Path Loss Measurements in Wideband Radio Link Designed for Maritime Environment
PublicationIn the article, the research and analysis of path loss in designed and evaluated digital radio link for high-speed data transmission in maritime environment is presented. Collected samples of received signal were used to determine the mean path loss and its standard deviation. Measuring campaign was carried out in a real maritime conditions. The mean value of path loss reached 126 dB on a distance of 11.16 km.
Consideration of dynamic loads in the determination of axle load spectra for pavement design
PublicationAxle load spectra constitute a crucial part of the data for pavement design and pavement distress analysis. Typically, axle load spectra represent static load from vehicles and do not include dynamic loads generated by vehicles in motion. While dynamic loads can significantly contribute to faster pavement distress, this fact is mostly omitted in pavement design methods. The paper presents a methodology for consideration of dynamic...
Characterization of two aminotransferases from Candida albicans
PublicationAminoadipate aminotransferase (AmAA) is an enzyme of α-aminoadipate pathway (AAP) for l-lysine biosynthesis. AmAA may also participated in biosynthesis or degradation of aromatic amino acids and in d-tryptophan based pigment production. The AAP is unique for fungal microorganisms. Enzymes involved in this pathway have specific structures and properties. These features can be used as potential molecular markers. Enzymes catalyzing...
Knowledge Exchange Between KIBS Firms and Their Clients: Case Study Analysis
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims to analyse knowledge exchange between KIBS firms and their clients, and their potential determinants (e.g. client’s education, type of the service offered, channel of the knowledge exchange, and willingness of the customer to accept the knowledge). The paper is based on a literature analysis and a case study research, examining 5 KIBS firms located in the Pomeranian region in Poland. Methodology: On the...
PublicationCelem opracowania zgodnie z treścią zlecenia było sporządzenie ekspertyzy współpracy koło-szyna z wypadku kolejowego zaistniałego z pociągiem TMEJ Nr 764014 w dniu 07.03.2015 r. o godz. 20.30 na szlaku Krotoszyn – Chojnice, w torze szlakowym nr 1, w km 60,785 linii kolejowej nr 281 Oleśnica – Chojnice oraz wskazanie przyczyn wypadku.
Technika łączności przy użyciu platform stratosferycznych. W: [CD-ROM] IXSympozjum Wojskowej Techniki Morskiej. Osiągnięcia i Perspektywiczne Zamie- rzenia w Dziedzinie Wojskowej Techniki Morskiej. Gdynia, 22-23.X.2003. Gdy- nia: Ośr. Bad.-Rozw. CTM**2003 [8 s.], 2 rys. bibliogr. 4 poz.
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję realizacji łączności radiowej przy użyciu tzw. plat-form stratosferycznych HASP, wyniesionych techniką balonową na wysokość 21tysięcy km. Projekt ten przewiduje zawieszenie takich platform nad dużymiobszarami pozbawionymi infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej, np. nad wybranymiakwenami morskimi, generującymi duże zapotrzebowanie na usługi telekomunika-cyjne, z szybką transmisją danych włącznie. Poruszono...
Wpływ załączonych dodatkowych odbiorników mocy na testowe wyniki analizy spalin samochodu osobowego.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono opracowane wyniki testów spalin przy załączonych w czasie testu dodatkowych odbiornikach energii. Badania przeprowadzono w wytwórni samochodów osobowych. Przebadano jeden samochód, po przebiegu 30 tys. km specjalnie opracowanym testem, powtarzanym pięciokrotnie dla każdego załączonego odbiornika. Wykazano wyraźny związek dodatkowej mocy pobieranej z wału silnika ze zwiększeniem ilości składników toksycznych...
Produkcja współczesnych rur ciśnieniowych o dużych średnicach
PublicationRury wielkośrednicowe do przesyłu cieczy pod ciśnieniem. Szczegóły rozwiązań rur stalowych i rur z tworzyw twardoplastycznych i miękkoplastycznych o średnicach ponad 1200 mm. Szczególne problemy rur HDPE, wytrzymałość, ciśnienia, grubość ścian, transport do odbiorcy. Charakterystyczne "tratwy" z odcinków rurowych o długości do ponad 1 km. Przykład rozwiązań w zakładzie produkcyjnym Stathelle na wybrzeżu Fiordu Oslo.
Knowledge Safety in Small and Medium Sized Service Companies:Case Study Analysis
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of knowledge safety, defined as the state of knowledge being safe from loss, attrition, oblivion or theft. The paper first presents a theoretical background and review of previous studies on knowledge loss and retention and then illustrates the topic of knowledge safety with ten case studies from the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector. Methodology: The paper is based...
Understanding Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Identification, Systematization, and Characterization of Knowledge Flows
PublicationThis book contributes to an improved understanding of knowledge-intensive business services and knowledge management issues. It offers a complex overview of literature devoted to these topics and introduces the concept of ‘knowledge flows’, which constitutes a missing link in the previous knowledge management theories. The book provides a detailed analysis of knowledge flows, with their types, relations and factors influencing...
Influence of the engine cooling down period during short car stops on the average fuel consumption
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono wpływ schłodzenia silnika podczas krótkich postojów pomiędzy jazdami na średnie zużycie paliwa. Przeprowadzono własne pomiary w czasie jazd miejskich w Gdańsku. Użyto samochodu osobowego z silnikiem o objętości skokowej 2 dm^3 z zapłonem siskrowym. Mierzono zużycie paliwa na trasach o długości 3-10 km. Krótko opisano sposoby wstępnego podgrzania silnika przed rozruchem.
Knowledge Risk Management in Organizations
PublicationPurpose – Shorter product life cycles, greater demands from consumers for sustainable and eco-friendly products and services, and thus the need for constant market observation make today’s business environment a rather complex one, the one that is characterized not only by a number of opportunities but also by a number of risks. These risks are increasingly related to knowledge which, in turn, underlines the need for an updated...
Experience-Oriented Knowledge Management for Internet of Things
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel approach for knowledge management in Internet of Things. By utilizing Decisional DNA and deep learning technologies, our approach enables Internet of Things of experiential knowledge discovery, representation, reuse, and sharing among each other. Rather than using traditional machine learning and knowledge discovery methods, this approach focuses on capturing domain’s decisional events via Decisional...
Modelling Coarse Particulate Matter PM10 Concentration in the Tricity Area Using GIS
PublicationEnvironmental pollution is an issue of global concern, with Particulate Matter (PM) poisoning being a prime cause of lung cancer. This has led the European Commission to establish strict daily and annual PM concentration limits. The monitoring of air quality in major cities is the responsibility of European Member States. The Tricity, a 414.81 km 2 area in northern Poland, is monitored by a network of only 9 stations operated by...
Speed estimation of a car at impact with a W-beam guardrail using numerical simulations and machine learning
PublicationThis paper aimed at developing a new method of estimating the impact speed of a passenger car at the moment of a crash into a W-beam road safety barrier. The determination of such a speed based on the accident outcomes is demanding, because often there is no access to full accident data. However, accurate determination of the impact speed is one of the key elements in the reconstruction of road accidents. A machine learning algorithm...
Szybka transmisja danych w systemie UMTS z wykorzystaniem turbokodu o zmniejszonej liczbie stanów
PublicationW referacie została przedstawiona budowa kodera i dekodera turbokodu o zmniejszonej liczbie stanów. Oba kodery splotowe wchodzące w skład tego turbokodera są 4-stanowe, czyli liczba stanów jest dwukrotnie mniejsza niż w standardowo stosowanym w systemie UMTS turbokoderze. Badania symulacyjne zostały przeprowadzone dla szybkości transmisji 384 kb/s w środowisku propagacyjnym miejskim, wokołobudynkowym i szybkości poruszania się...
Szybka transmisja danych w systemie UMTS z wykorzystaniem turbokodu o zmniejszonej liczbie stanów
PublicationW referacie została przedstawiona budowa kodera i dekodera turbokodu o zmniejszonej liczbie stanów. Oba kodery splotowe wchodzące w skład tego turbokodera są 4-stanowe, czyli liczba stanów jest dwukrotnie mniejsza niż w standardowo stosowanym w systemie UMTS turbokoderze. Badania symulacyjne zostały przeprowadzone dla szybkości transmisji 384 kb/s w środowisku propagacyjnym miejskim, wokołobudynkowym i szybkości poruszania się...
PublicationThe dynamic analysis of the railway bridge in Tczew was carried out in the article as an example of such bridges adaptation suitability to handle high-speed trains. Calculations of railway bridges are greatly complicated and labor-consuming. The bridge model and a rolling stock passage simulation were developed in the SOFISTIK software. Three types of elements were used for the correct mapping of the structure in the calculation...
Spatio-temporal filtering for determination of common mode error in regional GNSS networks
PublicationThe spatial correlation between different stations for individual components in the regional GNSS networks seems to be significant. The mismodelling in satellite orbits, the Earth orientation parameters (EOP), largescale atmospheric effects or satellite antenna phase centre corrections can all cause the regionally correlated errors. This kind of GPS time series errors are referred to as common mode errors (CMEs). They are usually...
Monthly mean concentration of chlorophyll a on the sea surface of the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataMonthly mean surface concentration of chlorophyll a in the years 2003-2022 calculated on the basis of data from the SatBaltic System (https://satbaltyk.iopan.gda.pl/). Maps of monthly average values with a resolution of 1 km were derived from daily satellite data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Gaps in satellite images...
Podejścia i strategie zarządzania wiedzą w przedsiębiorstwach
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia przegląd różnego rodzaju strategii zarządzania wiedzą.Jak powszechnie wiadomo, charakterystyka firmy (np. jej wielkość) wpływa na tworzoną i realizowaną w danym przedsiębiorstwie strategię. Należy więc założyć, że charakterystyka ta będzie również wpływała na wybór strategii zarządzania wiedzą, która będzie realizowana w danej firmie. Inne podejście do strategii zarządzania wiedzą będzie potrzebne w małej czy...
Video traffic data - Interchange Piotrkow Trybunalski East (S8-12), exit lane, Poland
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data registered with 3 video cameras at exit lane of the Piotrkow Trybunalski East interchange within S8 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S8 and national road 12), located in the Piotrkow Trybunalski area. The data covers the one day: 21.06.2017 (expressway S8).
Effective Project Management, DaPE, sem 1 sem 3, 2022/2023 - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with modern methods of effective project management, to present principles, methods and tools supporting decision-making and control processes with particular emphasis on individualized approach to the specifics of the project and its surroundings.
Number of bank branches per million inhabitants in EU countries 2015
Open Research DataAccording to the data presented, over the year (2016-2017), the network of bank branches in Poland decreased by over half a thousand (currently the total number of traditional bank branches, excluding partner branches, amounts to nearly 6 thousand). It is worth noting, however, that the number of bank branches per million inhabitants is the highest...