Search results for: COOPERATION, EVALUATION, DEVELOPMENT - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Modelowanie matematyczne górnej sieci trakcyjnej dla potrzeb diagnostyki odbieraków prądu

    Górna sieć trakcyjna jest obecnie najbardziej skutecznym sposobem zasilania kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Wzrost prędkości pojazdów zwiększa pobór mocy i wymaga zapewnienia właściwej współpracy odbieraków prądu pojazdów z siecią jezdną. Metody modelowania i projektowania wspomaganego komputerowo dla górnej sieci trakcyjnej są obecnie na całym świecie szeroko rozwijane. W artykule przedstawiono nowy model matematyczny elementów...

  • Zaufanie w zespole badawczym – studium przypadku (projekt CD NIWA realizowany na Politechnice Gdańskiej)


    - Year 2016

    Artykuł dotyczy tematyki klimatu pracy zespołowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zaufania w zespole jako czynnika warunkującego zaangażowanie, efektywność i innowacyjność zespołu. Przeanalizowano znaczenie oraz wymiary zaufania w zespole badawczym na podstawie koncepcji International Team Trust Indicator, czyli dziesięciowymiarowego modelu zaufania. Celem artykułu jest analiza klimatu współpracy i poziomu zaufania w interdyscyplinarnym...

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  • E-technologie w diagnozie i pomiarach postępów terapii dzieci z autyzmem w Polsce


    - e-mentor - Year 2014

    Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie możliwości wsparcia technologicznego - w szczególności z wykorzystaniem urządzeń mobilnych - diagnozy i oceny postępów terapii dzieci z autyzmem. W ramach badań dokonano przeglądu istniejących rozwiązań wspierających diagnozę i pomiar postępów terapii oraz przeprowadzono ankietę w polskich ośrodkach zajmujących się pracą z osobami dotkniętymi autyzmem. Wyniki badania wskazują na zainteresowanie...

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  • Sub-national structures matter when evaluating physical activity promotion: Lessons from Germany

    • S. Forberger
    • P. Gelius
    • S. Messing
    • K. Volf
    • L. Kelly
    • S. J. E. Taylor
    • J. Żukowska
    • J. Lakerveld
    • C. Woods


    Background Public policies are increasingly acknowledged as important part of promoting physical activity (PA). However, especially in states with sub-national administrative structures such as Germany, national and sub-national approaches differ considerably. In Germany, sport for all (SfA) promotion is mostly organized at sub-national level, which is usually not covered in national evaluations. Knowledge of these structures helps...

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    ISSN: 0195-9298 , eISSN: 1573-4862

  • Zrównoważony rozwój lokalny. Podstawy teoretyczne i działania praktyczne

    • A. Sekuła
    • A. Miszczuk
    • J. Wojciechowska-Solis
    • J. Nucińska,

    - Year 2022

    Rozwój zrównoważony to jedna z koncepcji rozwoju lokalnego. Celem monografii jest prezentacja podstaw tego rozwoju na poziomie lokalnym oraz ukazanie jego przejawów i działań praktycznych w sferach gospodarczej, społecznej i ekologicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch wewnętrznych czynników rozwojowych – turystyki i oświaty. W pierwszym rozdziale przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy rozwoju lokalnego. Omówiono najpowszechniej...

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  • Monitoring of underdeck corrosion by using acoustic emission method


    This paper presents first short characteristics of underdeck corrosion process as well as a problem of its monitoring. Next is described an acoustic emission (AE) method elaborated by Department of Ship Technology , Quality Systems and Material Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology in cooperation with partners of CORFAT project realized within 7th EU Frame Program . Further are presented short characteristics of the emission...

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  • The Pomerania Design Faktory as an Example of 50+ Entrepreneurship Promotion


    - Year 2014

    The article presents one of the programmes carried out by The Gdańsk Entrepreneurs' Foundation and The Gdansk Labor Office in 2013/14, dedicated to seniors. It is a great example of an innovative project aimed at the activation of individuals aged 50+ by using their own talents and interests in business. It also shows the results of intergenerational cooperation because the trainers — especially the designers — were much younger...

  • Recurrent bowel-blood translocations of Escherichia coli with the unique virulence characteristics over three-year period in the patient with acute myeloid leukaemia – case report



    In patients with haematological malignancies, the bowel remains the main source of Escherichia coli bloodstream infections. We present the clinical example of recurrent bowel-blood translocations of E. coli with the unique virulence characteristics in a 55-year-old male with the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia. The virulent factors profile of examined strains confirmed that the co-existence of genes papC, sfa, usp and cnf1,...

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  • Monitoring of current collectors on the railway line


    Proper cooperation the current collectors and the overhead line is a pre-requisite for reliable and safe operation of railway transport. Instances of maladjustment and, in some cases, damage to the current collectors, occur between periodic inspections of the rolling stock. In order to detect such anomalies quickly, the test stand was developed, with the aim of monitoring the technical state of the current collectors under operating...

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  • Traffic Remapping Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks



    Ad hoc networks rely on the mutual cooperation of stations. As such, they are susceptible to selfish attacks that abuse network mechanisms. Class-based QoS provisioning mechanisms, such as the EDCA function of IEEE 802.11, are particularly prone to traffic remapping attacks, which may bring an attacker better QoS without exposing it to easy detection. Such attacks have been studied in wireless LANs, whereas their impact in multihop...

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  • Analiza holenderskich doświadczeń w zakresie logistyki miejskiej


    - Logistyka - Year 2014

    W artykule dokonano analizy holenderskich doświadczeń w zakresie logistyki miejskiej i organizacji systemu dostaw towarów na przykładzie Utrechtu. Wybór miasta podyktowany był ponad 20 letnim konsekwentnym zaangażowaniem i doświadczeniem w tej dziedzinie. Przedstawiono zmiany w podejściu do problemów miejskiego transportu ładunków z punktu widzenia polityki krajowej oraz przebieg procesu decentralizacji odpowiedzialności na poziom...

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  • Patrycja Klimas dr hab.


    Patrycja Klimas is an associate professor at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in the Department of Advanced Research in Management. As a researcher, she researches within strategic management, focused on inter-organizational cooperation and coopetition considered under dyads, networks, and different types of ecosystems. Based on her research mainly on the aviation and the video game industry, she published several papers...

  • Koncepcja badań nad wielopłaszczyznową analizą współpracy uczelnie-biznes w Polsce


    - Year 2015

    Artykuł porusza kwestie związane z określeniem i badaniem wielopłaszczyznowej współpracy uczelni z biznesem (UBC – University Business Cooperation) w Polsce. Prezentowane w literaturze modele współpracy nie przedstawiają zależności między poszczególnymi płaszczyznami współpracy, a jedynie je przywołują. Analiza wybranych czynników sukcesu współpracy, wzrostu efektywności i przedsiębiorczości akademickiej, dysfunkcji współpracy...

  • A Novel Multicast Architecture of Programmable Networks


    - Year 2015

    In the paper a multicast architecture for programmable networks based on separation of group management and network control tasks is proposed. Thanks to this separation, services which want to make use of multicast communications no longer have to implement low-level network functionalities and their operation is greatly simplified. Abstracting service’s view of the network into a fully connected cloud enables us to transparently...

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  • Asian Powers in Eu Policy


    - Year 2012

    EU policy towards Japan, China, India and South Korea has evolved. This allows the separation of its three stages: before the EU, early EU and mature EU. The global ambitions of the EU, as expressed, inter alia, for the CFSP, is determined to strengthen cooperation with Asian powers, as well as strategic partnerships. The powerful attributes of the strongest Asian states are varied. On the one hand the many similarities and common...

  • Experimental Tests Of Sandwich Beams In The Design Process Of GFRP Shell Footbridge Structure


    - Year 2014

    The paper includes selected aspects of the study to elaborate architectural, material and construction design of pedestrian footbridge spans made of composite materials. The considered footbridge is a sandwich-type shell structure. The cooperation of PET foam core with outer lining surfaces is crucial for its load bearing capacity. The paper is aimed to experimental investigation of sandwich beams subjected to bending loading....

  • Evaluation


    ISSN: 1356-3890 , eISSN: 1461-7153

  • Webquest- dobra praktyka w e-Learningu

    W dobie informatyzacji i pokonywania barier wdrażania e-technologii na uczelniach wyższych uważa się, że jedną z najczęściej stosowanych aktywizujących technik nauczania wśród nauczycieli akademickich jest metoda projektu (ang. project-based learning). W niniejszym opracowaniu proponuje się zastosowanie w procesie edukacji na wyższej uczelni, metody webquest. Jest ona dużo rzadziej stosowana w praktyce. Opracowano ją w oparciu...

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    W 25 lat od powrotu demokracji opierającej się o neoliberalny paradygmat rozwoju kraju, Polska przyjęła Krajową Politykę Miejską 2030. Wraz z ustawą o rewitalizacji w nowoczesny sposób określa ona pole współpracy władz samorządowych i administracji z mieszkańcami, przejście do drugiej fazy rozwoju społeczeństwa demokratycznego – mieszkańców współgospodarzy przestrzeni miast. Powolna ewolucja tej relacji, silnie obarczonej dziedzictwem...

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  • Selected aspects of the evolution of the industry analysis


    Porter's five forces is a significant tool of analysis of industries. It helps evaluating variables of industry profitability and assessing firm performance. Using the framework, managers can take a decision as to which industries they can effectively compete in and position their companies to reduce the adverse effects of the mentioned forces. According to the critics, the five forces model is limited to its static nature. The...

  • Tomasz Szymański dr inż. arch.

    Tomasz Szymanski (Ph.D.) is an architect and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Gdansk. Graduated at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Gdansk. Studies completed with a diploma with honors. Research Interests Dr. Tomasz Szymanski are centered around the issue of industrial heritage, re-use, adaptation and revitalization of industrial buildings and objects...

  • Displacement piles - classification and methods for the calculation of bearing capacity.

    Displacement piles belong to a group of technologies whose main idea is to install or make a pile without extracting ground material. According to definition, contained in PN-EN:1997-1:2008, displacement piles should be considered as driven, pressed in using vibrators and made with the use of spread augers. The classification of piles used so far with regard to the technology of execution is modified. An additional element is the...

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  • Contemporary directions of development in mechanical engineering

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Kosowski
    • J. Głuch

    Presentation of new ways of development of different specialisations belonging to mechanical engineering 


    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Gużyński

  • Sustainable development

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Gużyński

  • Corrigendum to “T1 relaxation time callibration in magnetic resonance imaging using nanodiamond phantoms” [Phys Med 94 (2022) S119–S120/EPV029]


    - PHYSICA MEDICA - Year 2022

    The authors want to update the incorrect funding information. The correct funding note is: “The authors acknowledge the financial support from Gdańsk University of Technology by the 4/2020/IDUB/III.4.1/Tc grant under the Technetium Talent Management Grants ‘Excellence Initiative – Research University’. The financial support from Gdańsk University of Technology by the 1/2021/IDUB/II.2/Np grant under NEPTUNIUM Enhancing Baltic Region...

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  • Tests of bond between concrete and steel bars – literature background and program of own research

    This article deals with the issue of the bond between concrete and reinforcement. The bond is crucial for reinforced concrete elements because it is possible to transfer forces (stresses) from concrete to the reinforcement. Basic information related to the cooperation of concrete and rebars was recalled in the article. Selected issues concerning theoretical and numerical analysis as well as experiments of the bond phenomenon were...

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  • Computational collective intelligence for enterprise information systems


    - Enterprise Information Systems - Year 2019

    Collective intelligence is most often understood as a kind of intelligence which arises on the basis of a group (collective) of autonomous unites (people, systems) which is taskoriented. There are two important aspects of an intelligent collective: The cooperation aspect and the competition aspect (Levy 1997). The first of them means the possibility for integrating the decisions made by the collective members for creating the decision of...

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    The authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce into...

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    The authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce...

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  • Political Parties in the Digital World


    - Year 2017

    The aim of this report is to outline how digital technologies and digital media are redefining the way political parties fulfill their role as collective platforms for political participation of citizens, e.g. in relation to the parties’ decision-making processes, communication strategies, funding mechanisms, membership, information sharing, etc. and to highlight the existing international standards and good practices in this area....

  • Interplay of hydrogen bonding and aryl-perfluoroaryl interactions in construction of supramolecular aggregates


    - Year 2013

    The stacking between aryl and perfluoroaryl units is an important class of the aromatic – aromatic interactions that has attracted rapidly growing interest in recent years. Continuing interest of our group in this subject it had been prepared three new complexes of pentafluorobenzoic acid with benzyl alcohol, 4-methylbenzyl alcohol and 4-tert-butylbenzyl alcohol and in the next step investigated their self-assembly modes by...

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  • Karol Kufel mgr inż.


    Karol Kufel has been working at the Faculty of Management and Economics GUT since 2010. Since 2014, he has been an assistant in the Department of Management in Industry. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering GUT in the specialty of Robotics and the Faculty of Management and Economics GUT in the specialty of Production Systems Management. His scientific and research interests have been focused on the design and...

  • Architects and urban planners in the face of energy transition - smart cities energy aspects in shaping building structures and cities


    Contemporary architects and urban planners are facing steadily increasing challenges. The growing problems around environmental issues, shrinking natural resources and climate action are just some of them. Currently, planning should also include balancing with all the aspects of sustainable development such as not only the environmental issues, but also social and economic ones. How to meet them in the era of energy transition...

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  • Towards Changes of Macro-Economic Structures in Middle Eastern Countries. Empirical Evidence for 1970–2018


    Middle East countries share a wide bundle of specific structural economic features and one of the latest is a high dependency of these economies on fossil fuels, which is quantitatively demonstrated through the share of oil and gas revenues in total export, but also in gross domestic product composition. This high economic dependency on natural resources on one hand has recently generated a material wealth of Middle Eastern countries...

  • Social learning and knowledge flows in cluster initiatives, In: Sanz S.C., Blanco F.P., Urzelai B. (Eds). Human and Relational Resources (pp. 44-45). the 4th International Conference on Clusters and Industrial Districts CLUSTERING, University of Valencia, Spain, May 23–24 (ISBN: 978-84-09-11926-4).


    - Year 2019

    Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to explore how learning manifests and knowledge flows in cluster initiatives (CIs) due to interactions undertaken by their members. The paper addresses the research question of how social learning occurs and knowledge flows in CIs. Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative study of four cluster initiatives helped to identify various symptoms of social learning and knowledge flows in...

  • The method of analysis of damage reinforced concrete beams using terrestial laser scanning

    The authors present an analysis of the possibility to assess deformations and mechanisms of destructing bent reinforced concrete beams using the terrestrial laser scanning. As part of the experiments carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Construction of the Concrete Structures Division of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at Gdansk University of Technology, the reinforced concrete beams were subjected to destruction...

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  • Implementation of an Interdisciplinary Educational Path Within "Glassworks in Pomerania Region, Crafts and Industry" Project


    Teaching practical skills for work in field during academic lessons for students of geodesy and cartography and students of archaeology is crucial to prepare young students of the profession to participate in apprenticeships, professional realizations excavations and carry out their geodetic services. Another aspect of teaching of future archaeologists and surveyors working with them, is the ability to mutual understanding between...

  • Socio-economic development AG2 eng sem2

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Sobiechowska-Ziegert

    Socio-economic development (Economic Analytics - Master Studies, sem. 2)

  • History of World Architecture I 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Sołtysik
    • A. Orchowska
    • B. Macikowski

    The course History of World Architecture I (HWA I) is obligatory on the first semester of study at the Faculty of Architecture  at Gdańsk University of Technology. It lasts 15 weeks , finishes with the exam and consists of 15 two-hour lectures and 15 two-hour exercises. The merit of the course includes the Western World architecture, beginning  from Prehistory and Antiquity (Sumer, Egypt, Greece, Rome), up to the end of the Middle...

  • Tomasz Janowski dr

    Tomasz Janowski is the Head of the Department of Informatics in Management, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland; Invited Professor at the Department for E-Governance and Administration, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria; and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier.  Previously, he was the founder and head of the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance...

  • Propagation Loss and Interference Analysis for 5G Systems in the Context of C-ITS System Implementation


    - Year 2019

    The article presents the concept of implementing subsequent phases of services for the C-ITS system (the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems), based on the European Parliament resolution of March 2018. Next, the 5G systems, in the context of their possible cooperation with C-ITS systems, were discussed. Numerical propagation analysis was performed for V2V and V2I type communication based on two different propagation models....

  • Engendering responsibility in architecture students through real planning for a tram depot in Gdańsk

    Apart from technical competencies, the profession of architect requires specific social competencies: understanding the user’s needs, ability to diagnose social problems, negotiating and understanding the impact of construction investments on society and the environment. The architect plays a significant role in the collective effort to create spatial order. This is why it is important to include these social competencies in the...

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  • Design and implementation of GEPON architecture in laboratory testbed


    This paper presents a proposition of GEPON architecture for the didactic purpose. The GEPON architecture is implemented in access networks laboratory testbed. The paper includes a brief description of GEPON standardization, a description of laboratory GEPON equipment architecture and a short presentation of proposed laboratory exercises. The exemplary performance results are included.The proposition of GEPON architecture testbed...

  • Wroclaw University of Technology Knowledge Repository - project objectives


    - Year 2014

    Knowledge Repository is a project created in the Library and Scientific Information Centre of Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT). Its main task will be collecting, sharing, and promoting scientific publications of researchers, postgraduates and students of WrUT. It will be also used for bibliometric analysis and reporting research output of WrUT scientific community.Knowledge Repository will closely cooperate with other databases...

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  • MOST Wiedzy jako narzędzie promocji potencjału naukowo-badawczego uczelni wyższej

    Rozwój Internetu wpłynął na wiele aspektów naszego życia. Pośród wielu z nich zrewolucjonizował sposób komunikacji. Pochodną tego jest zmiana sposobu przekazywania wszelkiego rodzaju wiedzy. Ogromne znaczenie mają przeszukiwane źródła wiedzy, ich jakość i dostępność. W związku z tym, w obecnych czasach, o potencjale naukowym uczelni wyższej stanowią, obok pracowników w nich zatrudnionych, przede wszystkim zgromadzone bazy wiedzy...

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  • The usage of the openBIM idea in architectural design on the example of Blender and BlenderBIM add-on


    - Architectus - Year 2021

    The aim of the article is the research about the method and advancement of the openBIM idea implementation, clearly defined by the buildingSMART organization. The conducted analysis are limited to the Blender program and the BlenderBIM add-on and has been embedded in the context of the work of an architect and other IT solutions. The article presents four aspects of the openBIM concept implementation. The first approach relates...

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  • Three Editions of Inter-University Studies on Space and Satellite Technology. Candidate and/vs. Graduate, a Case Study

    Currently, there is a growing demand for most up-to-date academic courses that will fulfil the needs of modern society. Each candidate has to make choices and judgements carefully, in order to succeed on the market. This is particularly important when educating individuals with different backgrounds, especially on an inter-university course in the field of space sciences and technology. This paper describes a case study carried...

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    - TRIBOLOGIA - Year 2019

    The excessive wear of a journal shaft can be caused by many factors, for example, working conditions (e.g., temperaturę, slip speed, the type of lubricant), pressure, the type of material used on the bearings and shafts and their roughness, as well as contamination remaining in the system. This paper presents the roughness profiles co-operating with a rubber (NBR) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) bushes. The conditions of cooperation...

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