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Search results for: HPLC-DAD-MS
In Vitro Anticariogenic Effects of Drymocallis rupestris Extracts and Their Quality Evaluation by HPLC-DAD-MS3 Analysis
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In vitro anticariogenic effects of Rubus caesius extracts and their quality evaluation by HPLC-DAD-MS3 analysis
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Simultaneous determination of individual isothiocyanates in plant samples by HPLC-DAD-MS following SPE and derivatization with N-acetyl-l-cysteine
PublicationThe procedure for the isothiocyanates (ITCs) determination that involves derivatization with N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) and separation by HPLC was developed. Prior to derivatization, plant ITCs were isolated and purified using solid-phase extraction (SPE). The optimum conditions of derivatization are: 500 μL of isopropanolic eluate obtained by SPE combined with 500 μL of derivatizing reagent (0.2 M NAC and 0.2 M NaHCO3 in water)...
Phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of polish blue-berried honeysuckle genotypes by HPLC-DAD-MS, HPLC postcolumn derivatization with ABTS or FC, and TLC with DPPH visualization
PublicationIn this study, different Polish cultivars of blue-berried honeysuckles (Lonicera caerulea L.), wild and bog bilberry, were analyzed for bioactive compounds. The chemical properties verified included composition of anthocyanins and other polyphenols, antioxidant activity, and profiles of antioxidants by HPLC postcolumn derivatization or TLC. The antioxidant activities of different blue-berried honeysuckle cultivars were similar...
The profiles and spectrum of aqua solution of tannic acid by HPLC-DAD-MS analysis.
Open Research DataThe profiling of tannic acid is determined by examining the content and proportion / ratio of gallotannins [Aras et al. 2016, Clifford et al. 2007, Gauri et al. 2012, Nishizawa et al. 1982]. In order to check the ion mass distribution (TIC) in an aqueous solution of commercial tannic acid, a direct sample injection (TA) was performed into the mass spectrometer....
Simultaneous detrmination of selected phenoxyacid herbicides and chlorophenols in surface and seawater by HPLC coupled to DAD.
PublicationDo badań wykorzystano metodę ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (SPE) w celu wzbogacenia analitów. Ekstrakty analizowano techniką wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej (HPLC) z detekcją DAD. Opracowana metoda umożliwia oznaczenie 14 związków z grupy kwasów fenoksyoctowych i chlorofenoli w czasie 22 min. Odzysk analitów wynosił powyżej 60% dla fenoksykwasów i powyżej 70% w przypadku chlorofenoli. Granica oznaczalności dla oznaczania...
Development and Validation of SPE-HPLC-MS/MS Method for Determining Cyclophosphamide in Surface Waters
PublicationA rapid and selective method for trace amounts determination of cyclophosphamide in surface water samples has been developed. A solid phase extraction SPE method for extraction and clean-up procedure has been optimized for determination by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The analyses proceed in the positive ion mode by means of the electrospray ionization method (ESI). Clean...
Robust HPLC–MS/MS method for levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin determination in human prostate tissue
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HPLC–MS/MS method for dexmedetomidine quantification with Design of Experiments approach: application to pediatric pharmacokinetic study
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HPLC–DAD Analysis, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties of Aromatic Herb Melissa officinalis L., Aerial Parts Extracts
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HPLC-DAD in identification and quantification of selected coumarins in crude extracts from plant cultures of Ammi majus and Ruta graveolens.
PublicationW pracy opisano wyniki badań nad opracowaniem metody rozdzielania, identyfikacji i oznaczania wybranych kumaryn i funarokumaryn w surowych ekstraktach roślinnych z Ammi majus i Ruta graveolens hodowanych pojedynczo lub w kokulturach. Zbadano przydatność trzech głównych składników eluentu, stosowanych w układach faz odwróconych i różnych programów elucji: woda- acetonitryl(ACN)- metanol (MeOH)- tetrahydrofuran (THF). W optymalnej...
Modern approach for determination of lactulose, mannitol and sucrose in human urine using HPLC-MS/MS for the studies of intestinal and upper digestive tract permeability
PublicationA new analytical procedure was described for the simultaneous determination of lactulose, mannitol and sucrose in urine, in which HILIC chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry detection are used. Sugars are orally administered for the estimation of intestinal permeability in children digestive tract. Samples were purified by dispersive solid phase extraction (d-SPE) using Amberlite MB150 resin. Raffinose was selected as an...
Identification of novel psychoactive substances 25B-NBOMe and 4-CMC in biological material using HPLC-Q-TOF-MS and their quantification in blood using UPLC–MS/MS in case of severe intoxications
PublicationThis paper describes cases of poisoning caused by new psychoactive substances such as: 25BNBOMe (2-(4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-N-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]ethanamine) and 4-CMC (1-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)-1-propanone). The analytical procedure includes rapid and selective method for the extraction and determination of 4-CMC and 25B-NBOMe in blood samples using UPLC–MS/MS technique. To the best of our knowledge,this is...
Metodyka oznaczania sumarycznej zawartości inhibitorów fermentacji ciemnej oraz monocukrów w brzeczkach fermentacyjnych techniką HPLC-RID-UV-VIS/DAD
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań oraz opracowaną w ich rezultacie metodykę ilościowego oznaczania sumarycznej zawartości inhibitorów fermentacji ciemnej oraz monocukrów w brzeczkach fermentacyjnych z wykorzystaniem techniki chromatografii cieczowej (RP-HPLC-RID-UV-VIS/DAD). Najbardziej przydatną do zbadania sumarycznej zawartości inhibitorów w próbkach rzeczywistych okazało się zastosowanie warunków chromatografii wykluczania...
Profile and Content of Phenolic Compounds in Leaves, Flowers, Roots, and Stalks of Sanguisorba officinalis L. Determined with the LC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS Analysis and Their In Vitro Antioxidant, Antidiabetic, Antiproliferative Potency
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Determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in natural waters using off-line and on-line SPE followed by LC coupled with DAD-MS
PublicationOpisano dwie metody pozwalające na jednoczesne oznaczanie zawartości niesterydowych leków przeciwzapalnych (difluisal, diklofenak, naproksen, tolmetin, fenoprofen, ibuprofen) w próbkach wodnych. Próbki przygotowywano do analizy z użyciem techniki ekstrakcji do fazy stałej (off-line i on-line). Natomiast oznaczeń końcowych dokonano z użyciem LC-DAD-MS. Sprawdzono kilka różnych kolumienek ekstrakcyjnych i wybrano RP-18 jako najlepsze...
PublicationThe composition of products synthesized on the basis of ED-24 epoxy resin has been studied using a reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by an electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC/ESI-MS). The synthesized products contain free hydroxy groups and such groups, as epoxy, peroxy, carboxy or acrylate.
The use of HPLC-Q-TOF-MS for comprehensive screening of drugs and psychoactive substances in hair samples and several “legal highs” products
PublicationNon-targeted screening of drugs present in herbal products, known as “legal high” drugs and in hair as a biological matrix commonly used in toxicological investigations was accomplished with the use of high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-Q-TOF-MS). In total, 25 and 14 therapeutical drugs and psychoactive substances/metabolites were detected in investigated hair samples...
The use of RP-HPLC–Q-TOF–MS as a powerful tool for wastewater composition profiling and selection of water pollution marker specific to wastewater contamination
PublicationLimited drinking water resources and water pollution are one of the main worldwide problems. To reduce the consumption of fresh water resources, the use of treated wastewater has been proposed. The farmlands have been irrigated with wastewater for centuries, but the composition of used sewage has changed over the years. Recent research has revealed the presence of hundreds of new organic contaminants in many environmental waters,...
Oznaczanie związków pochodzenia farmaceutycznego oraz identyfikacja produktów degradacji w próbkach środowiskowych charakteryzujących się różnorodnym składem matrycy z wykorzystaniem techniki HPLC-MS/MS oraz UHPLC-QTOF-MS
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2013/08/T/ST4/00637 agreement from 2013-09-23
Cyanobacterial toxins in fresh and brackish waters of Pomorskie Province (Northern Poland)
PublicationPraca dotyczy oznaczania toksyn należących do grupy hepatotoksycznych peptydów cyklicznych oraz neurotoksycznych alkaloidów. Są one odpowiedzialne za uszkodzenia ryb i ptaków, które powstają w wyniku zakwitu glonów. Badano zakwity w wodach słodkich Pomorza. Oznaczano hepatoksyny, mikrocysty oraz nodularynę. Opracowano w tym celu warunki analityczne przy zastosowaniu techniki HPLC-DAD. Do identyfikacji anatoksyny-A użyto techniki...
Barbara Kusznierewicz dr hab. inż.
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Studies on fluorene stability in different liquid media. Badania stabilności fluorenu w środowiskach ciekłych.
PublicationPrzedstawiono degradację fluorenu w różnych rozpuszczalnikach (acetonitryl,metanol, woda, DMSO, heksan, cykloheksan). Proces monitorowano przy zastosowaniu techniki HPLC-DAD-MS. Zbadano wpływ światła, bakterii i temperatury.Zidentyfikowano produkty degradacji jakimi okazał się kwas salicylowy oraz g-fluorenon.
Assay of Cystathionine-γ-synthase (CaStr2p) activity determination.
Open Research DataThe study aimed to obtain conditions optimal for the activity of Candida albicans cystathionine-γ-synthase (CaStr2p) determination. The selection of appropriate reaction conditions included the identification of the reaction buffer and its pH, substrate, and enzyme concentrations. The activity of Str2p was measured by the detection of decrease of the...
Activity assay of O-Acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase (CaMet15p).
Open Research DataThe study aimed to obtain conditions optimal for the activity of O-acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase (CaMet15p) and a method suitable for its measurement. The selection of appropriate reaction conditions included the identification of the reaction buffer and its pH, substrate and enzyme concentrations. The activity of CaMet15p was measured by the detection...
Opracowanie metodyk oznaczania zawartości substancji farmaceutycznych w próbkach środowiskowych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących możliwości wykorzystanie różnych technik ekstrakcji kokcydistatyków (na przykładzie robenidyny) z próbek pasz zwierzęcych. Oznaczenia analitu wykonano z wykorzystaniem techniki HPLC - DAD - MS. Uzyskane wyniki pozwaliły nie tylko ocenić efektywność poszczególnych technik ekstrakcji robenidyny z próbek pasz zwierzęcych lecz również przeprowadzić pełną ocenę statystyczną uzyskanych wyników....
Some advances in environmental analytics and monitoring
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wkład Katedry Chemii Analitycznej w rozwój analityki środowiskowej i monitoringu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem analityki pozostałości leków w próbkach wodnych ( w układzie on-line i off-line), badań nad identyfikacją produktów degradacji organicznych zanieczyszczeń, analizy toksyn w wodach za pomocą techniki HPLC-DAD-MS, wykorzystania dozymetrii pasywnej do izolacji analitów z wody oraz jednoczesnego oznaczania...
Analytical methods for exhaustive characterization of Brassica plants and dietary products based on them
PublicationGlucosinolates (GLs), and particularly two classes of their degradation products - isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles - released upon myrosinase catalyzed hydrolysis, belong to the most promising chemopreventive dietary components. Despite their wide use in plant research, studies on chemopreventive mechanisms and industrial utilization in the production of e.g. dietary supplements, the methods of reliable characterization of myrosinase-GLs...
Nowe metodyki oznaczania dodatków do paliw z zastosowaniem rozdzielenia wielopomiarowego = New procedures for fuel additives determination by multidimensional separation systems
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad opracowaniem metodyki oznaczania wybranych dodatków "myjących" w paliwie diesla. Porównano metodyki jednoetapowe z wykorzystaniem chromatografii gazowej z detektorem płomieniowo-jonizacyjnym (GC-FID) lub spektrometrem mas (GC-MS) oraz wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej z detektorem UV z matrycą fotodiodową (HPLC-UV-DAD), z metodykami dwuetapowymi, w których do wstępnej izolacji składników...
Comparison of the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of white, red and black currants (Ribes sp.) extracts
PublicationThe aim of this study was to compare the content of antioxidant compounds and the antioxidant activity of extracts from white, red and black currants (Ribes sp.). The chemical properties verified included determinations of anthocyanins and other phenols by HPLC-DAD-MS, total antioxidant activity by standard spectrophotometric tests (ABTS, DPPH and FCR), and profiles of antioxidants by TLC with visualization reagents (ABTS, DPPH,...
Sample preparation procedure for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum vacuum residue and bitumen
PublicationThis paper describes a novel method of samplepreparation for the determination of trace concentrations ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in high-boilingpetroleum products. Limits of quantitation of the investigatedPAHs in materials of this type range from tens ofnanograms per kilogram to <20 μg/kg. The studies revealedthat in order to separate most of interferences from theanalytes without a significant loss of PAHs, it...
Biological Activity of Tea-Chokeberry and Chokeberry Fermented Beverages
PublicationFermented beverages, such as kombucha are gaining more and more popularity due to their beneficial effects on human health. These products are obtained by the fermentation of tea infusion using so called tea fungus. This microbial consortium can also be used to prepare fermented fruit beverages. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the changes in the antioxidant profile of tea-chokeberry and chokeberry beverages...
The influence of roasting and additional processing on the content of bioactive components in special purpose coffees
PublicationCoffee being the beverage consumed worldwide is also a very competitive commodity. Consequently, producers seek ways of attracting consumers by proposing e.g. novel ingredient combinations usually without evaluating their health quality. In this study, variations in health-promoting determinants for five special purpose coffee brews were characterized. The major bioactive components - chlorogenic acids (CAs) - detected by HPLC-DAD-MS...
Christian Jungnickel dr hab.
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Agnieszka Potęga dr hab. inż.
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Multi-Technique Investigation of Grave Robes from 17th and 18th Century Crypts Using Combined Spectroscopic, Spectrometric Techniques, and New-Generation Sequencing
PublicationThe textile fragments of the funeral clothes found in the 17th and 18th century crypts were subjected to spectroscopic, spectrometric, and microbial investigation. The next-generation sequencing enabled DNA identification of microorganisms at the genus and in five cases to the species level. The soft hydrofluoric acid extraction method was optimized to isolate different classes of dyes from samples that had direct contact with...
Wielowymiarowa chromatografia cieczowa jako technika przygotowania próbki i oznaczania składu grupowego skomplikowanych mieszanin substancji
PublicationCelem ogólnym niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej jest opanowanie problemu doboru optymalnych warunków przygotowania próbki, z uwzględnieniem rozdzielania grupowego w celu zapewnienia możliwości oznaczania zawartości wybranych analitów lub grup analitów w materiałach stanowiących skomplikowane mieszaniny bardzo wielu substancji. W części wprowadzającej pracy dokonano przeglądu i poddano krytycznej ocenie istniejące techniki i metody...
Determination of sex hormone concentration in wastewater samples.
Open Research DataConcentration levels of five selected steroid hormones in influent and effluent waters from wastewater treatment plant were determined using SPE(C18)-HPLC-ESI/MS/MS method. Sex hormones like: estradiol, estriol, estrone, 17-α-ethynyloestradiol, progesterone were present in all influent wastwater samples.
Determination of biogenic amines in beers by LC-MS/MS
PublicationAnalysis of biogenic amines in beers was carried out by HPLC-MS/MS after their derivatization with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride (tosyl chloride). The developed method has been applied for analysis of eighteen biogenic amines in twelve samples of different kind of beers (Lager, Strong Lager, Schwarzbier, Weizenbier, Pils, nonalcoholic Pils, Stout). The method is sensitive and the results precise for majority of the analytes.
Relationship between the betalain composition in Opuntia ficus indica and Beta vulgaris varieties and biological activity of their extracts
PublicationBetalains are a class of pigments that are much less com- monly found in nature than anthocyanins or carotenoids. They occur only in a few edible plants such as red beetroot (Beta vulgaris), prickly pears (Opuntia ficus indica), amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and some mushrooms. This group of pig- ments can be divided into two major groups: yellow vulgax- anthins and red betanins. Despite their structural similarity to compounds from...
Investigation of antifungal and antibacterial potential of green extracts of propolis
PublicationPropolis extracts have been used in traditional medicines since ages due to its advantageous complex chemical composition. However, the antibacterial and antifungal activity of poplar propolis extracts prepared in Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent (NADES) are seldom studied. This study investigates suitable alternate for ethanol as a solvent for extraction for Polish poplar propolis. It also attempts to identify suitable extraction...
Physicochemical and photocatalytic data of Nb-doped faceted TiO2
Open Research DataRaw numerical data, obtained from the physicochemical measurements (XRD, DR-UV/Vis, EPR) and numerical data on photocatalytic activity (phenol degradation and 4-nitrophenol reduction) extracted from the HPLC-DAD results, obtained for the TiO2 nanoparticles that expose majority of the {0 0 1}, {1 0 0} or {1 0 1} facets and were doped with the nominal...
Optimization of a Fabric Phase Sorptive Extraction protocol for the isolation of six bisphenols from juice pouches to be analysed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector
PublicationFabric Phase Sorptive Extraction (FPSE) combined with high pressure liquid chromatography using to diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) was applied for the simultaneous determination of bisphenols (BPA, BPB, BPC, BPE, BPF, BPS) in juice pouches. The FPSE procedure was optimized with regards to the critical parameters that affect the performance of the method including the selection of the FPSE membrane type and size, adsorption time,...
Development of different methods for drugs and psychoactive substances extraction from hair samples and their identification based on HPLC-ESI-QTOF analysis
PublicationOver the past decade, the use of non-controlled designer drugs and drug of abuse has rapidly increased. Hair, as a human matrix, enables detection of drugs incorporated into its structure. Studies of presence and identification of drug metabolites in human hair samples has been performed using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS) with steady alternation of...
Process control of leakages in refinery reforming plant by means of Normal Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
PublicationPraca dotyczy zbadania możliwości, opracowania nowej procedury badawczej oraz dokonania oznaczeń ¬m-krezolu w strumieniu produktu z procesu reformingu katalitycznego techniką wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej w układzie faz normalnych, z detektorem spektrofotometrycznym typu DAD (NP-HPLC-UV-VIS/DAD). Opracowana procedura stanowi alternatywę dla innych procedur wykorzystujących klasyczne techniki analityczne, albo wykorzystanie...
Multi-Analytical Techniques for the Study of Burial Clothes of Polish King Sigismund III Vasa (1566–1633) and His Wife Constance Habsburg (1588–1631)
PublicationThe subjects of this research are the burial clothes of Polish King Sigismund III Vasa and his wife Constance, which were woven and embroidered with silk and metal threads. Fragments of the textiles underwent spectroscopic, spectrometric, and thermogravimetric analyses. The hydrofluoric acid extraction method was improved to isolate various classes of dyes from the textile samples that had direct contact with human remains. High-performance...
Determination of amikacin and ciprofloxacin by liquid chromatography with pre-column derivatization to evaluate sustained delivery of antibiotics from Drug-Eluting Biopsy Needle
PublicationDetermination of chosen antibacterial antibiotics: amikacin and ciprofloxacin was carried out by HPLC-UV after derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate and in their native form by HPLC-MS/MS. Developed methods have been applied to control the kinetics of antibiotic release from polymer-based controlled drug delivery system.
Rozdzielanie, identyfikacja i oznaczanie składników osadu z produkcji olejów jadalnych w warunkach NP-HPLC
PublicationPraca dotyczy badań nad wykorzystaniem rozdzielania w warunkach adsorpcyjnej w normalnych układach faz wysokosprawnej kolumnowej chromatografii cieczowej (NP - HPLC) w celu wyjaśnienia składu uciążliwego osadu tworzącego się w płytowym wymienniku ciepła jako jednego z modułów systemu przeznaczonego do odzysku nieskroplonego heksanu po ekstrakcji oleju z nasion. W badaniach wykorzystano spektrofotometrię w zakresie...
Procedura przygotowania próbki do oznaczania wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w produktach technicznych
PublicationW pracy opisano nową metodę przygotowania próbki w celu oznaczania śladowych zawartości wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA) w wysokowrzących produktach naftowych. Wartości granicy oznaczalności dla badanych WWA w materiałach tego typu mieściły się w przedziale od kilkudziesięciu ng/kg do poniżej dwudziestu ug/kg. Badania wykazały, że w celu oddzielenia większości zanieczyszczeń od analitów, bez ich znaczących...
Development and validation of an LC–MS/MS method for the determination of biogenic amines in wines and beers
PublicationBiogenic amines are group of organic, basic, nitrogenous compounds that naturally occur in plant, microorganism, and animal organisms. Biogenic amines are mainly produced through decarboxylation of amino acids. They are formed during manufacturing of some kind of food and beverages such as cheese, wine, or beer. Histamine, cadaverine, agmatine, tyramine, putrescine, and b-phenylethylamine are the most common biogenic amines found...