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Search results for: RANY

  • Periodic expansion in determining minimal sets of Lefschetz periods for Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms

    We apply the representation of Lefschetz numbers of iterates in the form of periodic expansion to determine the minimal sets of Lefschetz periods of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms. Applying this approach we present an algorithmic method of finding the family of minimal sets of Lefschetz periods for Ng, a non-orientable compact surfaces without boundary of genus g. We also partially confirm the conjecture of Llibre and Sirvent (J Diff...

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  • Analiza i synteza tolerancji wymiarowych konstrukcji ramowej


    - Year 2003

    W referacie przedstawiono koncepcję pojęcia ''koordynacyjne wymiary montażowe'' oraz ''równanie pętli wymiarów montażowych''. Opisano procedurę analizy tolerancji na przykładzie jednoprzęsłowej ramy stalowej o pochyłych ryglach wraz z przykładem obliczeniowym. Przedstawiono zasady analizy tolerancji oraz wskazano kierunki dalszych badań.

  • Integration and Dependency in Software Lifecycle Based on Jazz Platform

    • B. Chrabski

    - Year 2011

    Software delivery organizations are being asked to meet goals that seem mutually exclusive. Teams are asked to increase product quality, accelerate time to market, and meet increasing mandates from regulatory bodies. As software solutions and software development environments become rapidly more complex. Many business drivers compound these challlenges.

  • Przesłanki rozwoju energetyki źródeł odnawialnych na tle absorpcyjnych pomp ciepła


    - Year 2009

    W artykule zaprezentono kierunki i potrzebę rozwoju energetyki źródeł odnawialnych. Określono również obowiązujące ramy prawne Unii Europejskiej określające rozwój eurpejskiej energetyki. Na podstawie rzeczywistych układów absorpcyjnych, pracujących w polskich warunkach, wykazano przesłanki ekonomiczne i potrzebę wykorzystania takich układów.

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  • Enhanced photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performance of iodine-doped titania nanotube arrays


    - RSC Advances - Year 2015

    The paper discusses the synthesis and performance of iodine doped titania nanotube arrays exhibited under irradiation. The doping procedure was performed as an additional, electrochemical process carried out after formation of nanotube arrays via anodization of Ti substrate. The optical and structural properties were characterized using Raman, UV-vis, photoluminescence and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The surface morphology...

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  • Tailoring properties of indium tin oxide thin films for their work in both electrochemical and optical label-free sensing systems

    • P. Sezemsky
    • D. Burnat
    • J. Kratochvil
    • H. Wulff
    • A. Kruth
    • K. Lechowicz
    • M. Janik
    • R. Bogdanowicz
    • M. Cada
    • Z. Hubicka... and 4 others


    This work is devoted to the identification properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films responsible for their possible application in combined optical and electrochemical label-free sensing systems offering enhanced functionalities. Since any post-processing would make it difficult to identify direct relation between deposition parameters and properties of the ITO films, especially when deposition on temperature-sensitive substrates...

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  • Scalable Route toward Superior Photoresponse of UV-Laser-Treated TiO2 Nanotubes


    - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces - Year 2020

    Titanium dioxide nanotubes gain considerable attention as a photoactive material due to chemical stability, photocorrosion resistance, or lowcost manufacturing method. This work presents scalable pulsed laser modification of TiO2 nanotubes resulting in enhanced photoactivity in a system equipped with a motorized table, which allows for modifications of both precisely selected and any-large sample area. Images obtained from scanning...

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  • Electronic and ionic relaxations in strontium-borate glass and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides

    The topography, microstructure and electrical properties of strontium-borate glass and SBO glass containing bismuth and vanadium oxides, were studied. The structure was measured using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM) methods. The A.C. complex conductivity was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency. The influence of the quantity of bismuth...

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  • Problem oznaczania pozostałości rozpuszczalników organicznych w wybranych produktach spożywczych i farmaceutycznych, cz I

    W artykule przedstawiono ogólny wpływ, jaki na nasze życie ma wzrastająca urbanizacja i uprzemysłowienie. Przedstawiono również źródła zanieczyszczenia żywności i leków rozpuszczalnikami oraz regulacje prawne dotyczące tego rodzaju zanieczyszczeń (Farmakopea Europejska, Farmakopea Amerykańska, Dyrektywy Unii Europejskiej, Rozporządzenia Rady Ministrów).

  • Tendencje zmian w nadzorze korporacyjnym w spółkach notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie


    - Year 2009

    Opracowanie dotyczy nadzoru korporacyjnego w spółkach notowwanych na GPW w Warszawie. Zaprezentowano problemy nadzoru w tych spółkach, instrumenty ochrony interesów akcjonariuszy oraz rolę kodeksu dobrych praktyk jako narzędzia nadzoru korporacyjnego. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na instytucję niezależnego członka rady nadzorczej.

  • Koopetycja uczelni - czy to ma sens?


    - Year 2019

    Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie literatury dotyczącej koopetycji i próba jej odniesienia do współczesnych instytucji akademickich. Ze względu na ograniczone ramy artykułu autor skupi się na uczelniach publicznych. Tło rozważań będzie stanowiło porównanie wyróżników konkurencji, współpracy i koopetycji organizacji komercyjnych

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  • Największe osiedle mieszkaniowe międzywojennego Gdańska - stan obecny i perspektywy zachowania


    - Year 2014

    Zaprezentowane przykłady budynków modernistycznych pochodzą z największego gdańskiego osiedla mieszkaniowego z okresu dwudziestolecia międzywojennego – Osiedla Kościuszki. W analizowanym zespole zabudowy przeważa architektura mieszkaniowa wielorodzinna w zabudowie ciągłej. Chociaż charakteryzuje ją prostota i zharmonizowanie form, to poszczególne grupy budynków tworzące samodzielne podjednostki osiedla różnią się sposobem opracowania...

  • Największe osiedle mieszkaniowe międzywojennego Gdańska - stan obecny i perspektywy zachowania


    - Year 2017

    Zaprezentowane przykłady budynków modernistycznych pochodzą z największego gdańskiego osiedla mieszkaniowego z okresu dwudziestolecia międzywojennego – Osiedla Kościuszki. W analizowanym zespole zabudowy przeważa architektura mieszkaniowa wielorodzinna w zabudowie ciągłej. Chociaż charakteryzuje ją prostota i zharmonizowanie form, to poszczególne grupy budynków tworzące samodzielne podjednostki osiedla różnią się sposobem opracowania...

  • PtCo cathode electrocatalyst behaviour viewed by in-situ XAFS fuel cell measurements

    • A. Witkowska
    • S. Dsoke
    • E. Principi
    • R. Marassi
    • A. Di Cicco
    • V. Rossi Albertini


    W pracy zostały przedstawione wstępne wyniki analizy XAS (X-ray absorption spectroscopy), TEM (transmission electron microscopy) i XRD (X-ray diffraction) nanostruktur PtCo 1:1 (20% fazy metalicznej osadzonej na węglu, Vulcan XC-72) używanych jako elektrokatalizatory w polimerowych ogniwach paliwowych (PEM FC). Pomiary realizowane były również w warunkach pracy ogniwa paliwowego za pomocą specjalnie zoptymalizowanej do pomiarów...

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  • Characterization of the c-BN/TiC, Ti3SiC2 systems by element selectivespectroscopy.

    • E. Piskorska
    • K. Ławniczak-Jabłońska
    • I. Demchenko
    • R. Minikayev
    • E. Benko
    • P. Klimczyk
    • A. Witkowska
    • E. Welter
    • M. Heinonen

    - Year 2004

    Pomimo dużego technologicznego zainteresowania tytanowymi kompozytami bazującymi na c-BN daje się zauważyć wyraźny brak danych dotyczących lokalnego otoczenia atomów Ti w tego typu materiałach. Główna przyczyna tego stanu rzeczy tkwi w trudności związanej z analizą układu wielofazowego o dużej twardości za pomocą konwencjonalnych metod. Praca poświęcona jest analizie składu i struktury tytanowych kompozytów za pomocą atomowo-selektywnych...

  • Evaluating the challenges and needs of parents caring for children with Williams syndrome: A preliminary study from Poland


    Background: Although physical, cognitive and behavioural manifestations of Williams syndrome(WS) affect every dimension of caregivers lives, no studies on the parental experiences of caringfor a WS child have to date been carried out in Poland.Methods: In order to identify the challenges and needs of Polish carers of WS children a survey wasconducted...

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  • Przedsiębiorczość i innowacyjność - czy wykorzystamy tę szansę ?


    - Year 2002

    Artykuł zawiera analizę szans regionu pomorskiego w sytuacji wstąpienia Polski do UE. Wymieniane są czynniki mogące określić przewagę konkurencyjną regionu. Wykorzystano tu ramy analizy teoretycznej Portera, Perry`ego, Nalebuffa i Branderburgera. Autor koncentruje się na czynnikach związanych z przedsiębiorczością i innowacyjnością.



    - Year 2024

    Structural mechanics is a key issue to study for engineers. A high rank and high social responsibility profession requires both a high graded and intuitive approach. The evolution of learning / teaching methodology follows the novel technical achievements of every decade. The aim remains the same: to produce a professional to perform advanced relevant analysis and safe, optimal structural design

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  • Adaption of Open Science Paradigm at Gdańsk University of Technology


    Open Access plays growing role in sharing results of today's research. The movement is very strong and many Universities, including Gdańsk University of Technology, are adapting this approach. This paper presents general information about Open Access movement and the approach adapted by the Gdańsk University of Technology. The components of Open Science platform as well as the procedures are described.

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  • Dwa prestiżowe stanowiska dr Anny Wałek, dyrektor Biblioteki PG


    Artykuł prezentuje sukcesy zawodowe dr Anny Wałek, Dyrektor Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej, która w 2021 r. została wybrana na Prezydenta International Association of University Libraries (od stycznia 2022 r.) oraz Przewodniczącą Rady Dyrektorów Polskiej Grupy Użytkowników systemu VIRTUA (od czerwca 2021 r.)

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  • Smart Grid in Practise - Implementation of the Billaterall Supply in Gdynia Trolleybus Network


    - Year 2017

    Since 2001, trolleybus system in Gdynia has been involved in many activities related to the reduction of power consumption, both in terms of implementation and research and development. In 2011 was introduced the first supercapacitor storage energy system. In PKT started applications of Smart Grid technologies in supply network: the bilateral supply. The paper presents results of these this novel investitions.

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    - Year 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono głowne instytucje Unii Europejskiej (UE) i podstawowe akty prawne. Omówiono politykę energetyczną Unii Europejskiej na podstawie dokumentów Rady UE i Komisji Europejskiej. Przedstawiono ważniejsze tezy zawarte w Białej i Zielonej Księdze oraz omówiono dyrektywy UE dotyczące energetyki.



    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2013

    Land surface temperature (LST) plays an important role in many land-surface processes on regional as well on global scales. It is also a good indicator of energy flux phenomena and is used as a parameter in various Earth observation related studies. However, LST estimation based on processing and utilisation of satellite derived data constitutes several problems in terms of time limitations, accessibility, atmospheric influence...

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  • Phase change thermal energy storage – the experience of the materials preparation for the specific applications.

    Thermal energy storage and temperature stabilization is very important in many engineering applications. There are three kinds of thermal energy storage: sensible heat, latent heat and reversible chemical reaction heat. Phase change materials (PCM) absorb, store and release large amounts of energy in the form of latent heat, at constant temperature, called the transition temperature. Many innovative applications could be found...

  • Biobased Ultralow-Density Polyurethane Foams with Enhanced Recyclability


    - ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering - Year 2024

    Polyurethane (PUR) foams are widely used in many engineering applications, but their efficient recycling has remained a major challenge for many years. This study presents a novel strategy of incorporating hydrolyzable ester units into the PUR structure to enhance PUR foam recyclability. The present ecodesign concept of PUR materials enables fully the replacement of petrochemical polyols with biobased alternatives and production...

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  • Collagen Type II—Chitosan Interactions as Dependent on Hydroxylation and Acetylation Inferred from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    • M. Przybyłek
    • P. Bełdowski
    • F. Wieland
    • P. Cysewski
    • A. Sionkowska

    - MOLECULES - Year 2023

    Chitosan–collagen blends have been widely applied in tissue engineering, joints diseases treatment, and many other biomedical fields. Understanding the affinity between chitosan and collagen type II is particularly relevant in the context of mechanical properties modulation, which is closely associated with designing biomaterials suitable for cartilage and synovial fluid regeneration. However, many structural features influence...

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  • Algorithms for Ship Movement Prediction for Location Data Compression

    Due to safety reasons, the movement of ships on the sea, especially near the coast should be tracked, recorded and stored. However, the amount of vessels which trajectories should be tracked by authorized institutions, often in real time, is usually huge. What is more, many sources of vessels position data (radars, AIS) produces thousands of records describing route of each tracked object, but lots of that records are correlated...

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  • Selected issues related to the toxicity of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents—a review

    Green Chemistry plays a more and more important role in implementing rules of sustainable development to prevent environmental pollution caused by technological processes, while simultaneously increasing the production yield. Ionic liquids (ILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) constitute a very broad group of substances. Apart from many imperfections, ILs and DESs have been the most promising discoveries in the world of Green...

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  • Magnetic deep eutectic solvents – Fundamentals and applications



    Magnetic deep eutectic solvents (MDES), a relatively new subclass of conventional deep eutectic solvents (DES) containing additional paramagnetic components in their structure. MDES exhibit a strong response toward external magnetic fields, thus they can improve many industrial and analytical applications. In addition, this new group of solvents present unique physicochemical properties that can be easily tuned by selecting the...

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  • LTE and NB-IoT Performance Estimation Based on Indicators Measured by the Radio Module

    Monitoring the operating parameters of power grids is extremely important for their proper functioning as well as for ensuring the security of the entire infrastructure. As the idea of the Internet of Things becomes more ubiquitous, there are tools for monitoring the state of the complex electrical grid and means to control it. There are also developed new measuring devices and transmission technologies allowing for the transfer...

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  • From fluid mechanics backgrounds to modern field theory


    - ACTA MECHANICA - Year 2022

    Our presentation keeps a historical line of reasoning, since we start from old concepts of fluid mechanics and finish on concepts of modern field theory. We want to show that some facts from the nature phenomena, which have firstly been discovered on the ground of fluid mechanics, were next incorporated into physics and later become the important pattern for whole mathematical physics. Especially, well-known continuum models, which...

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    - Year 2021

    The aim of this chapter is to show the history of biomedical engineering education in Poland, from the beginning till today with special task to underline the role of modern information technology. This story is not very old, just around one century, that may be classified into four basic periods related to important historic events. First are the beginnings before the second world war. Then post-war recovery and development of...

  • Tuning of the finesse coefficient of optoelectronic devices


    - Year 2022

    Optoelectronic devices attracted considerable attention in many branches of science and technology, which can be attributed to their unique properties. Many of them use optical cavities which parameters can be adopted to specific requirements. This thesis investigates the introduction of diamond structures (nitrogen-doped diamond film, boron-doped diamond film, undoped diamond sheet) to optical cavities to tune their finesse coefficient....

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  • Entangled rendezvous: a possible application of Bell non-locality for mobile agents on networks


    Rendezvous is an old problem of assuring that two or more parties, initially separated, not knowing the position of each other, and not allowed to communicate, are striving to meet without pre-agreement on the meeting point. This problem has been extensively studied in classical computer science and has vivid importance to modern and future applications. Quantum non-locality, like Bell inequality violation, has shown that in many...

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  • Constrained aerodynamic shape optimization using neural networks and sequential sampling


    - Year 2023

    Aerodynamic shape optimization (ASO) involves computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based search for an optimal aerodynamic shape such as airfoils and wings. Gradient-based optimization (GBO) with adjoints can be used efficiently to solve ASO problems with many design variables, but problems with many constraints can still be challenging. The recently created efficient global optimization algorithm with neural network (NN)-based prediction...

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  • Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled With Mass Spectrometry in Food Analysis

    The development of instrumental analytical techniques provided the opportunity for in-depth characterization of many food matrices. In particular, the use of gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry gives impressive results in terms of quality and authenticity testing, conducting food freshness evaluations and contamination assessments. A new variant of gas chromatography, namely two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC...

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  • Method of earth fault loop impedance measurement without nuisance tripping of RCDs in 3-phase low-voltage circuits


    Verification of electrical safety in low-voltage power systems includes the measurement of earth fault loop impedance. This measurement is performed to verify the effectiveness of protection against indirect contact. The widespread classic methods and meters use a relatively high value of the measuring current (5–20) A, so that they are a source of nuisance tripping of residual current devices (RCDs). The meters dedicated to circuits...

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  • Evaluation of Respiration Rate Using Thermal Imaging in Mobile Conditions


    Respiratory rate is very important vital sign that should be measured and documented in many medical situations. The remote measurement of respiration rate can be especially valuable for medical screening purposes (e.g. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza, etc.). In this chapter we present a review of many different studies focused on the measurements and estimation of respiration rate using thermal imaging...

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  • Spinon excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional S=12 chain compound Cs4CuSb2Cl12


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Year 2020

    The spin−1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain is ideal for realizing one of the simplest gapless quantum spin liquids (QSLs), supporting a many-body ground state whose elementary excitations are fractional fermionic excitations called spinons. Here we report the discovery of such a one-dimensional (1D) QSL in Cs4CuSb2Cl12. Compared to previously reported S=1/2 1D chains, this material possesses a wider temperature range over...

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  • Using Moodle as a Solution to Interdisciplinary E-collaboration Issues

    Rapid technological development in recent years has contributed to numerous changes in many areas of life, including education and communication. Establishing interdisciplinary collaboration brings many benefits, however, it is often associated with numerous problems and inconveniences, as well as the need of constant improvement, lifelong learning, professional development (CPD) and finding an effective way of information transferring....

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  • Classification of Covid-19 using Differential Evolution Chaotic Whale Optimization based Convolutional Neural Network


    - Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience - Year 2024

    COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus disease-2019, is an transferrable disease that spreads rapidly, affecting countless individuals and leading to fatalities in this worldwide pandemic. The precise and swift detection of COVID-19 plays a crucial role in managing the pandemic's dissemination. Additionally, it is necessary to recognize COVID-19 quickly and accurately by investigating chest x-ray images. This paper proposed a...

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  • NOx Photooxidation over Different Noble Metals Modified TiO2

    • K. Skalska
    • A. Malankowska
    • J. Balcerzak
    • M. Gazda
    • G. Nowaczyk
    • S. Jurga
    • A. Zaleska-Medynska

    - Catalysts - Year 2022

    We compared the activity enhancement effect of noble metal deposited on TiO2 in photocatalytic nitrogen oxides oxidation. Titanium dioxide was decorated with Ag, Au, Pt or Pd in the sol-gel process. Synthesized catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller measurement (BET), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX)....

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  • The lanthanide influence on selected properties of BaLnCo2O6-δ


    - Year 2023

    The subject of research of this dissertation are cobalt oxides with a double perovskite structure with a general formula BaLnCo2O6-δ, where Ln stands for La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy. The aim of the study was to verify the ability of these materials to form the protonic defects, as well as to identify the factors determining this ability. As part of the work, materials from the proposed group were synthesised and characterized. To...

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  • Czy możemy mówić o nieaktualności Husserla?


    - Year 2005

    Autor artykułu analizuje husserlowski model fenomenologii noetyczno-noematycznej zakładający pierwotność przeżycia i przejrzystość świadomości i przeciwstawia jemu model fenomenologii czysto noematycznej, gdzie nigdy nie mamy do czynienia ze świadomością ale zawsze z jej wytworami, gdzie świat jest nam dany bezpośrednio a nie poprzez przeżycia.

  • Determination of metals in water samples by atomic absorption spectrometry and flame emission spectrometry


    - Year 2011

    Metal species in environmental waters are relevant to characterize the metal toxicity, the mobility between different environmental compartments, and for remediation purposes in case of contamination. The concentration of many trace metals in natural water samples are generally at µg/l level. The paper describes determination of metals in water samples based on flame atomic emission and flame atomic absorption spectrometry.

  • A New Quaternion Encryption Scheme for Image Transmission


    Quaternions are hypercomplex number of rank 4. They are often applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space and considered as one of the best ways to represent rotations. In this paper a new encryption scheme, based on the rotation of data vector in three-dimensional space around another quaternion (key) is proposed. A computer-based simulation was created to analyze the potential of the proposed encryption technique.

  • Biosurfactants - Biodegradability, toxicity, efficiency in comparison with synthetic surfactants


    Biosurfactants are natural surface active agents produced by variety of bacteria yeast and fungi. A review of their biodegradability, toxicity and efficiency is presented in order to compare their properties with synthetic surfactants. Due to their high efficiency in many applications and environmentally friendly character we tried to apply them in oil refining process. The efficiency of biosurfactants in this application was very...

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  • Creating a radiological database for automatic liver segmentation using artificial intelligence.


    - EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC - Year 2022

    Imaging in medicine is an irreplaceable stage in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The subsequent therapeutic effect depends on the quality of the imaging tests performed. In recent years we have been observing the evolution of 2D to 3D imaging for many medical fields, including oncological surgery. The aim of the study is to present a method of selection of radiological imaging tests for learning neural networks.

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  • An Approximation of the Zero Error Capacity by a Greedy Algorithm.


    - Year 2020

    We present a greedy algorithm that determines a lower bound on the zero error capacity. The algorithm has many new advantages, e.g., it does not store a whole product graph in a computer memory and it uses the so-called distributions in all dimensions to get a better approximation of the zero error capacity. We also show an additional application of our algorithm.

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  • An Approximation of the Zero Error Capacity by a Greedy Algorithm


    - Year 2020

    We present a greedy algorithm that determines a lower bound on the zero error capacity. The algorithm has many new advantages, e.g., it does not store a whole product graph in a computer memory and it uses the so-called distributions in all dimensions to get a better approximation of the zero error capacity. We also show an additional application of our algorithm.