Search results for: realizm spekulatywny
A low-voltage CMOS negative impedance converter for analogue filtering applications
PublicationLow-voltage high-frequency continuous-time filters are still required in many applications and are the subject of continuing research. There are many techniques to realize integrated filters, including OTA C, Opamp RC and MOSFET-C-Opamp. The latter two show high dynamic range at low supply voltage, but their frequency operating range is usually limited to several megahertz. Transconductance filters are dedicated to higher frequencies....
Highly-Miniaturized Microfluidically-Based Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Diplexer Employing Half-Mode SIRW
PublicationThis article introduces a super-miniaturized frequency reconfigurable antenna diplexer based on microfluidic techniques. The proposed structure is developed using a half-mode substrate-integrated rectangular waveguide (HMSIRW). The antenna architecture consists of two HMSIRW cavities loaded with L-shaped slots, which are excited by two microstrip feedlines to realize two distinct radiating frequency bands. The footprint of the...
Substrate Integrated Waveguide-Based Frequency-Tunable Self-Octaplexing Antenna
PublicationThis communication presents the first-ever substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based frequency-tunable self-octaplexing antenna (SOA) for wireless communication. The structure is arranged by implementing eight distinct patches with planar 50-ohm feedlines at the top of the SIW cavity, which realize eight distinct resonant frequencies. Independent tuning of each resonant frequency is achieved by incorporating appropriately allocated...
IEEE International Augmented Reality Toolkit Workshop
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Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.
PeopleAbout me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland). I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction). I received my PhD in Economics...
Piotr Szczuko dr hab. inż.
PeoplePiotr Szczuko received his M.Sc. degree in 2002. His thesis was dedicated to examination of correlation phenomena between perception of sound and vision for surround sound and digital image. He finished Ph.D. studies in 2007 and one year later completed a dissertation "Application of Fuzzy Rules in Computer Character Animation" that received award of Prime Minister of Poland. His interests include: processing of audio and video, computer...
Antecedents to Achieve Kanban Optimum Benefits in Software Companies
PublicationIn 2004, Kanban successfully entered into the Agile and Lean realm. Since then software companies have been increasingly using it in software development teams. The goal of this study is to perform an empirical investigation on antecedents considered as important for achieving optimum benefits of Kanban use and to discuss the practical implications of the findings. We conducted an online survey with software professionals from...
Compact, Order Extensible and Wide-Stopband Bandpass Filter Based on SIW Cavity with Rectangular Ring Slot
PublicationThis article introduces novel architectures of bandpass filters (BPFs) using a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity with a rectangular ring slot (RRS) for compact size, extensible order, and broad stopband responses. Two bandpass filters, which demonstrate a second-and a fourth-order Chebyshev response, respectively, are realized by employing identical cavities with RRS, without increasing the physical size of the circuit....
International Workshop on Software Technology for Augmented Reality Systems
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IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
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Iwona Nowakowska dr
PeopleAssistant Professor at The Maria Grzegorzewska University Institute of Psychology. Graduate of Psychology (University of Warsaw, 2019), and PhD in this field (Maria Grzegorzewska University, 2022). Conducted research in the fields of: social and clinical psychology and individual differences. Her current research activity concentrates on prosociality (volunteering, philanthropy, socially responsible behaviors) and their correlates. She...
Uprawnienia budowlane nadawane na podstawie Rozporządzenia Prezesa Centralnego Urzędu Gospodarki Wodnej.
PublicationOmówiono charakterystyczne problemy specyficznych uprawnień nadawanych w zasadniczo innej sytuacji prawnej i technicznej, odpowiadających realiom sprzed wielu dziesięcioleci. Ograniczoność możliwości adaptacji do współczesnych warunków.
Highly-Miniaturized Dual-Mode Bandpass Filter Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide with Wide Stopband
PublicationThis paper presents a novel design of a highly-miniaturized dual-mode bandpass filter (BPF) employing a quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide (QMSIW). The QMSIW resonator is based on a square cavity with metallic vias along two sides, and open-ended edges at the remaining sides that contain orthogonal feed lines. An open slot is introduced along the two sides of the square cavity with metallic vias to form a magnetic wall....
A Comprehensive Approach to Azo Dichlorotriazine Dye Treatment: Assessing the Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment Methods through Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
PublicationThis exploration investigates integrated treatment systems combining advanced oxidation processes (Fenton and photo-Fenton) with biological methods for the effective elimination of stubborn organic compounds in simulated textile wastewater composed of azo Dichlorotriazine dye. A comprehensive optimization of key process factors including catalyst dosage, hydrogen peroxide quantity, irradiation duration, etc. was systematically...
Microfluidically Frequency-Reconfigurable Compact Self-Quadruplexing Tunable Antenna with High Isolation Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide
PublicationThis communication presents a novel concept of microfluidically frequency-reconfigurable self-quadruplexing tunable antenna for quad-band applications. At the initial design stage, a substrate-integrated square cavity is divided into four unequal quarter-mode cavity resonators by inserting an X-shaped slot on the top surface of the cavity. Applying four 50-ohm microstrip feed-lines to these four quarter-mode cavity resonators enables...
Reguły animacji tradycyjnej w komputerowych systemach animacji 2D i 3D
PublicationWykorzystywane obecnie reguły animacji sformułowane zostały ponad 70 lat temu. Artykuł zawiera ich opis i klasyfikację oraz sposoby zastosowania w technice komputerowej. Zaproponowano zestaw testów subiektywnych dotyczących oceny realizmu animacji stworzonych z wykorzystaniem reguł.
Quantitative Assessment of Operation of Ship Main Diesel Engine
PublicationOperation of ship propulsion system is associated with realization of definite operational goals. If to elements of the system the operational reliability strategy could be applied, the situation would be very simple as existing conditions would unambiguously determine application of means being on hand. However decision to reject application of the strategy (even if hypothetical) becomes obvious with a view of necessity of ensuring...
Aktualność "Sporu o istnienie świata" Romana Ingardena w świetle współczesnych mu stanowisk filozoficznych
PublicationParadoksalnie Ingarden nie jest w stanie wykazać, że świat realny istnieje w pewnym zasadniczym sensie „istnienia”, bo przyjmuje taki sam jak Husserl egologiczny, przeżyciowy model czystej świadomości i sam podążając za Husserlem przyjmuje istnienie dwóch dziedzin przedmiotów indywidualnych: dziedzinę czystej świadomości (rozumianej po husserlowsku jako strumień przeżyć) i dziedzinę świata realnego za punkt wyjścia swoich rozważań....
The role of the European Union and democratisation process in post-communist Romania
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The European Union and Cultural, Economic and Political Development of Minority in Central and Eastern Europe
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International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa
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Szymon Kowalski mgr inż. arch.
PeopleResearch assistant in architectural studies of medieval and modern architecture in the Baltic Sea region. Scientifically, studies the possibilities of implementing virtual reality technology in the context of the conservation of architectural monuments and its impact on the theory of conservation, as well as the solutions for increasing the learning capabilities of architecture students.
Uniwersytet przyszłości organizacją fraktalną?
PublicationAutor proponuje wdrożenie idei organizacji fraktalnej do realiów uniwersytetu, w celu ograniczenia znaczenia barier kulturowych i organizacyjnych i przekształcenia uczelni w kierunku elastycznej organizacji. Takie cechy organizacji fraktalnej jak samoorganizacja, samopodobieństwo, witalność, dynamika i nawigowanie odniesiono do realiów współczenej uczelni wskazując ich znaczenie dla wsparcia rozwoju uczelni w społeczeństwie wiedzy....
Mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Environment Application in Security, Safety, and Defence Studies
PublicationThe aim of the article is to analyse the use of mini-Cave Automatic Virtual Reality Environment (mini-CAVE) in academic studies on security, safety, and defence. The literature review based on Web of Science database and the case study of the War Studies University research activities indicated the mini-CAVE can be used in two areas as a research infrastructure and as a didactic tool. It can be concluded that due to the development...
Measurements of displacement and acceleration of the railway bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line
PublicationThe purpose of this work is to perform a report of static and dynamic test realized on the bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line over the Salantas River in Kūlupėnų.
Virtual designs and reconstructions of amber works: Amber craftsman simulator
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of visualization of amber works in a virtual reality cave. It describes problems encountered during the acquisition, modeling and rendering of geometrical objects distinguished by heterogeneous transparency.
A commonly-accessible toolchain for live streaming music events with higher-order ambisonic audio and 4k 360 vision
PublicationAn immersive live stream is especially interesting in the ongoing development of telepresence tools, especially in the virtual reality (VR) or mixed reality (MR) domain. This paper explores the remote and immersive way of enabling telepresence for the audience to high-fidelity music performance using freely-available and easily-accessible tools. A functional VR live-streaming toolchain, comprising 360 vision and higher-order ambisonic...
Oszczędność jako cnota w kształtowaniu wspólnotowego środowiska mieszkaniowego
PublicationThe principle of conservation (saving) the resources - present in designing - applies to the style and quality of living of the future tenants. But by approving restrictions, they may realize themselves on a different from consumption basis - in a community life, with respect to nature. The element of social participation cannot be absent - the understanding between tenants, adjusting eco-friendly solutions to needs and possibilities...
Does low price mean high competitiveness
PublicationWe found a strong positive relationship between Comparative Price Level Index (CPL) and Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI). We do realize that the relation we have found does not have to indicate cause and effects relationship. Competitiveness is a process which goes far beyond price level but it is detemined by lots of different elemnts. We show the GCI composition that provides a concept explaining what exactly determines competitiveness...
Koncepcja układu do monitorowania i diagnozowania układu hydraulicznegopodbijarki torowej. W: Badanie, konstrukcja, wytwarzanie i eksploatacja układów hydraulicznych. Red. merytoryczna E. Palczak. Gliwice: Centr. Mech. Górn. KONMAG 2002 s. 105-118, 13 rys. bibliogr. 5 poz. Referaty zamieszczone w niniejszej monografii były przedmiotem publicznej prezentacji podczas dwunastej ogólnopolskiej konferencji CYLINDER 2002 wdniach 23-25.09.2002 r. Szczyrk.
PublicationW artykule scharakteryzowano układ hydrauliczny podbijarki torowej realizu-jący złożone funkcje. Dążąc do zapewnienia niezawodnej pracy maszyny, obni-żenia kosztów eksploatacji i ywkrywania zużytych elementów opracowano konce-pcje układu do monitorowania i diagnozowania najważniejszych podzespołów. Domonitorowania pomp i silników hydraulicznych przewiduje się wykorzystanie metody termodynamicznej oraz pomiar prędkości ruchu...
Solving Multi-Ship Encounter Situations by Evolutionary Sets of Cooperating Trajectories
PublicationAutor zaproponował nowe podejście do sytuacji kolizyjnych na morzu. Polega ono na zastąpieniu ewolucyjnej trajektorii własnej ewolucyjnym zbiorem trajektorii wszystkich obiektów. Podejście to umożliwia predykcję manewrowania obiektów obcych przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu efektywności algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Dodatkowo, opracowany już wstępnie przez autorów zbiór kryteriów, ograniczeń i operatorów specjalizowanych powinien zapewnić...
Cross-cultural problem of quality
PublicationThe paper, by presenting issues such as variability of reality, quality of life, quality and environmental management systems, emphasizes the opportunities of taking the socially important problem under control by utilization of efficient quality engineering analytical methods.
Quantum-assisted rendezvous on graphs: explicit algorithms and quantum computer simulations
PublicationWe study quantum advantage in one-step rendezvous games on simple graphs analytically, numerically, and using noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors. Our protocols realise the recently discovered (Mironowicz 2023 New J. Phys. 25 013023) optimal bounds for small cycle graphs and cubic graphs. In the case of cycle graphs, we generalise the protocols to arbitrary graph size. The NISQ processor experiments realise the expected...
Polyurethane Glycerolysate as a Modifier of the Properties of Natural Rubber Mixtures and Vulcanizates
PublicationChemical recycling of polyurethanes can be realized in several different ways, but the most important methods are glycolysis and glycerolysis. Both methods permit recovery of polyols (when the process is realized with the mass excess of depolymerizing agent) or substitutes of polyols, which contain urethane moieties in the main chains and terminate mainly in hydroxyl groups (when the process is realized with the mass excess of...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in Trento University laboratory on Baunier's RC model using 2 wire probe
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of Baunier's RC model. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (1 mHz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement range of the analyzer. In...
Assessing the availability and interoperability of open government data (OGD) supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs) and value creation in the gulf cooperation council (GCC)
PublicationValue creation and innovation by a range of stakeholders, including citizens, analysts, journalists, non-profit entities, etc. are the hallmarks of Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives. At the same time, availability and interoperability of datasets are determined as two of the most important factors for value creation. In parallel, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are meant to be realized to attain quality...
Równoległy Internet IPv6 QoS: Realizacja systemu zarządzania i sygnalizacji
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono realizację systemu zarządzania i sygnalizacji dla sieci IPv6 QoS. Sieć ta stanowi jeden z Równoległy Internetów w ramach Systemu IIP umożliwia-jącego wirtualizację infrastruktury sieci i zbudowanego w ramach projektu Inżynieria Internetu Przyszłości (IIP). System zarządzania siecią IPv6 QoS odpowiada za realiza-cję następujących procesów: proces tworzenia/usuwania Równoległego Internetu, wymiarowanie sieci,...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in Trento University laboratory on Baunier's RC model using 3 wire probe
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of Baunier's RC model. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (1 mHz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement range of the analyzer. In...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in Trento University laboratory on "unknown" object using 2-wire probe
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of "black-box" object with interesting phase characteristics. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...
Experimental Testbed of ASON/GMPLS architecture
PublicationThe paper presents the ASON/GMPLS architecture realized in the Department of Teleinformation Networks at Gdansk University of Technology based on the FSP 3000R7 ADVA Optical Networking platform. The FSP 3000R7 is a high-performance WDM networking system with GMPLS control plane for bidirectional transmission of optical signals. The system uses a modular structure which enables a flexible upgrade of capacity and functionality. The...
Image projection in Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory
PublicationIn recent years, many centers in the world attempted to build a virtual reality laboratory. The main idea of such laboratory is to allow the user to “immerse” into and move in a computer-generated virtual world. In the paper, the underlying principles of the system of virtual reality (VR) are described. The selected implementations constructed by the research centers of the world are also presented. The cave automatic virtual environment...
A Linear Phase Filter in Quadruplet Topology With Frequency-Dependent Couplings
PublicationThis letter presents a design of a linear phase microwave bandpass filter. The filter is composed of four resonators arranged in the quadruplet topology. Making the cross and one direct coupling dispersive gives additional design flexibility. The first advantage of using frequency-dependent couplings is the possibility to chose an arbitrary location of a pair of complex transmission zeros (TZs) in the s-domain. The second one is...
Modelling and computer animation of geodetic field work
Publication3D modelling of objects is a way of obtaining information, while the visualization of geospatial data is becoming a production task in the scope of surveying. Visualization of geospatial data provides effective tools for analysis information about the land surface, land cover, its features, properties etc. Computer animations, both 2D images and 3D are becoming additional, expected and clear form for presentation results of geodetic...
Problems with microprocessor voltage-to-frequency and frequency-to-voltage converters implementation
PublicationThe article presents the problems of digital voltage-to-frequency and frequency-to-voltage processing. Transducer systems implemented in microprocessor technology are presented, the timing of signals and functioning algorithms are discussed. An analysis of processing errors has been performed and the results of experimental studies of realized systems are presented.
Transmission Losses Spatial Analysis of the Supply System of Electrified Urban Transport Network
PublicationThe paper presents mathematical model TOPSIS which was applied for MCDA benchmark of trolleybus supply system. Moreover, paper presents the novel method of transmission losses analysis in electrified urban transport system. Research work was based on measurements realized in Gdynia trolleybus network.
Start_V.AR Opracowanie i ewaluacja spójnego zestawu narządzi do innowacyjnego szkolenia pracowników za pomocą rzeczywistości wirtualnej i rozszerzonej
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to 01DS18034 agreement
Virtual Escape Room in Mathematics
PublicationThe paper presents developing a virtual reality-based escape room to teach mathematical concepts. The goal was to create an immersive game to engage students in actively solving math puzzles. The research team built the application for use in the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab at the Gdańsk University of Technology. The escape room comprises an introductory room followed by three themed rooms with 13 puzzles total that involve...
Kamil Rajkowski mgr
PeoplePhD candidate in the humanities, specializing in philosophy at the University of the National Education Commission in Krakow. He holds degrees in sociology and philosophy from the University of Gdańsk. He has also studied at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He completed his master’s degree based on a dissertation on anthropological and aesthetic concepts in the philosophy of Emil Cioran. He...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in cooperation with Road and Bridge Research Institute on polyvinyl coating using 2-wire probe sample 1
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of polyvinyl coating (code-name PW_2_2_1) sample 1. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (0.1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in cooperation with Road and Bridge Research Institute on polyvinyl coating using 2-wire probe sample 2
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of polyvinyl coating (code-name PW_2_2_1) sample 2. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (0.1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...