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Search results for: strefa przypodporowa
Stress analysis of a strip under tension with a circular hole
PublicationThe paper addresses stress analysis of a strip with a circular hole under uniform uniaxial tension based oncircumferential stress expressionρπ. Stresses are analyzed in the infinite-length strips under tension with holes, the ratioof the hole radiusa to the strip half-widthb is either equal to:κ =a/b = 0.1 orκ = 0.5. Circumferential stresses aredetermined in selected cross-sections of the strip. The stress diagrams display local...
On stress singularity near the tip of a crack with surface stresses
PublicationIn the framework of the simplified linear Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity we discuss a singularity of stresses and displacements in the vicinity of a mode III crack. We show that inhomogeneity in surface elastic properties may significantly affect the solution and to change the order of singularity. We also demonstrate that implicitly or explicitly assumed symmetry of the problem may also lead to changes in solutions. Considering...
Effects of mechanical stress on electrical arameters and noise of supercapacitors
PublicationResults of noise and electrical parameters measurements of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLC) are reported at the presence of selected mechanical stress. This issue is of great importance due to future applications in wearable technology. The measurement results are compared, and we may conclude than flicker noise is more sensitive to any stress than other considered electrical parameters.
Stream Reasoning to Improve Decision-Making in Cognitive Systems
PublicationABSTRACT Cognitive Vision Systems have gained a lot of interest from industry and academia recently, due to their potential to revolutionize human life as they are designed to work under complex scenes, adapting to a range of unforeseen situations, changing accordingly to new scenarios and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination of these properties aims to mimic the human capabilities and create more intelligent and efficient...
Towards detecting programmers’ stress on the basis of keystroke dynamics
PublicationThe article describes the idea of detecting stress among programmers on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An experiment with a group of students of artificial intelligence classes was performed. Two samples of keystroke data were recorded for each case, the first while programming without stress, the second under time pressure. A number of timing and frequency parameters were calculated for each sample. Then statistical analysis...
Stress analysis of the bridge hangers in terms of the fatigue verification
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical stress analysis of the bridge rod hangers. Two types of hangers were taken into account, i.e. the bolted hanger and the welded hanger. A detailed FEM shell models of the connection area between the hanger and the bridge span have been developed. Local stress concentration effects have been investigated in terms of fatigue verification.
Intelligent microbearing project with memory of stress-strain history
PublicationTaking into account the increasing need of intelligent micro-bearing with memory, this paper presents the optimization, simulation and practical application of operating parameters(load carrying capacity, friction forces, friction coefficient, wear), simulation for hydrodynamic HDD micro-bearing with curvilinear nano-grooved journal profile. One of the reason of such journal profile is that this journal profile contributes to the...
Estimation of Oxidative Stress Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease
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Theoretical studies of the pyranose ring under mechanical stress
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Key Role of CRF in the Skin Stress Response System
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Oxidative stress in humans: validation of biomarkers of DNA damage
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The carbohydrate glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor chain under mechanical stress
PublicationCarbohydrates have quite complicated micro heterogenic structure which may undergo different structural transitions. Due to their extreme flexibility it is very difficult to investigate such structural changes experimentally. In these studies we want to predict what structural and conformational changes are possible in the carbohydrate
A Review: Structural Shape and Stress Control Techniques and their Applications
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The Stomatal Response of Ginkgo biloba L. to Water Stress
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The Therapeutic Potential of Cannabis in Counteracting Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
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The Influence of Circadian Rhythm on the Activity of Oxidative Stress Enzymes
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Fuzzy group model of traffic flow in street networks
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The Effect of Craniosacral Therapy on Blood Levels of Stress Hormones
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Komórkowy system alarmowy w morskiej strefie przybrzeżnej
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcje systemu wywołania w niebezpieczeństwie (wołania alarmowego o pomoc) w morskiej strefie przybrzeżnej, opartego o infrastrukturę telekomunikacyjną operatora sieci komórkowej. Omówiono zasady współpracy systemu telefonii komórkowej z Ratowniczym Centrum Koordynacyjnym w systemie GMDSS. Poruszono też problem lokalizowania telefonu komórkowego na morzu.
Oxidative stress as a hidden cost of attractiveness in postmenopausal women
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Flow-induced stress corrosion failure of SS piping
PublicationPrzedstawiono uszkodzenie eksploatacyjne rurociągu ze stali austenitucznej typu 18Cr-10Ni-Ti w instalacji przepracowanych olejów napędowych w rafinerii ropy naftowej. Wyjaśniono mechanizm niszczenia środowiskowego stali w wyniku mechanicznego i elektrochemicznego działania strumieni procesowych.
Warunki pracy a źródła stresu właścicieli małych przedsiębiorstw
PublicationCelem artykułu była identyfikacja warunków pracy właścicieli małych przedsiębiorstw, będących dla nich źródłem stresu. Do oceny natężenia stresu zastosowano Kwestionariusz do Subiektywnej Oceny Pracy Dudka, Waszkowskiej i Hanke (1999). Skutki stresu zidentyfikowano za pomocą pytań dotyczących wpływu na zdrowie psychiczne, fizyczne, chroniczne zmęczenie i niechęć do pracy. W badaniu uczestniczyło 78 osób: (średnia wieku 43,9) prowadzący...
Techniczna strona ustalania opłaty za wody opadowe
PublicationOmówiono zasady stosowania opłat za wody opadowe. Uwzględniono zagadnienia kontrowersyjne oraz praktyczne możliwości rozwiązania problemu.
Police stress: The role of professional and organizational demands on burnout
PublicationJob demands - resources - empirical study in police officers
Stress Detection of Children With ASD Using Physiological Signals
PublicationThis paper proposes a physiological signal-based stress detection approach for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to be used in social and assistive robot inter- vention. Electrodermal activity (EDA) and blood volume pulse (BVP) signals are collected with an E4 smart wristband from children with ASD in different countries. The peak count and signal amplitude features are derived from EDA signal and used in order to detect...
A Review: Structural Shape and Stress Control Techniques and their Applications
PublicationThis review article presents prior studies on controlling shape and stress in flexible structures. The study offers a comprehensive survey of literature concerning the adjustment and regulation of shape, stress, or both in structures and emphasizes such control’s importance. The control of systems is classified into three primary classes: nodal movement control, axial force control, and controlling the two classes concurrently....
The impact of stress and selected environmental factors on cows’ reproduction
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Effect of power frequency on the stress state of disc actuator
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of determining the optimum frequency of coil supply in inductive-dynamic drive. As a criterion to obtain the sought frequency, the smallest value of reduced stress in the disc was assumed while maintaining the desired dynamics. The disc stress is determined on the basis of solution of vibrating thin plate equation. Magnetic pressure acting on the disc is obtained from a hybrid circumferentially-field...
Effect of power frequency on the stress state of disc actuator
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of determinig the optimum frequency of coil supply in inductive-dynamic drive. As a criterion to obtain the sought frequency, the smallest value of reduced stress in the disc was assumed while maintaining the desired dynamics.
Propagation of acoustic pulses in some fluids with yield stress
PublicationThis study is devoted to the derivation of approximate equations governing acoustic pulses in flows with yieldstress, including some time-dependent flows with a slow dependence on time of yield stress and apparent viscosity. Themodeling of yield stress and apparent viscosity in the vicinity of a zero deformation rate allows us to consider a thixotropicfluid as a Bingham plastic with coefficients that are dependent on time. The...
On the effective properties of foams in the framework of the couple stress theory
PublicationIn the framework of the couple stress theory, we discuss the effective elastic properties of a metal open-cell foam. In this theory, we have the couple stress tensor, but the microrotations are fully described by displacements. To this end, we performed calculations for a representative volume element which give the matrices of elastic moduli relating stress and stress tensors with strain and microcurvature tensors.
Discussion:Horizontal stress increase induced by deep vibratory compaction
PublicationDeep compaction control of granular material using the results of field tests. The analysis include the CPTU and DMT tests terformed before and after compaction works.
The concept of stream and system reliability on the example of the bakery industry
PublicationThis article presents a new concept of technological system reliability based on the analysis of the relationship of associations of elements of energy streams, matter, information, time and finance. The method of stream specification and the method of determining the reliability values of significant and supporting relationships are given. Relevant relationships between elements of system streams were defined as having one-time...
Stress Monitoring System for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
PublicationIn this article, a stress monitoring system tailored for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and developed for the educational institution is presented. People with ASD face problems with effective stress management due to their high self-perceived levels of stress, poor ability to cope with it, and dificulties with the accurate detection of the source of stress. Consistently, being able to measure stress appears to...
A hyperelastic model for soils with stress-induced and inherent anisotropy
PublicationIn this paper, modelling of the superposition of stress-induced and inherent anisotropy of soil small strain stiffness is8presented in the framework of hyperelasticity. A simple hyperelastic model, capable of reproducing variable stress-induced9anisotropy of stiffness, is extended by replacement of the stress invariant with mixed stress–microstructure invariant to10introduce constant inherent cross-anisotropic component. A convenient...
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study, Matejki street, Wajdeloty street, Saperów street, March 2020
Open Research DataThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study,Matejki street, Wajdeloty street, Saperów street, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood,...
V DZIEŃ STREFY na Politechnice Gdańskiej
EventsBiuro Karier wraz z PSSE serdecznie zapraszają na V DZIEŃ STREFY podczas którego studenci i absolwenci będą mieli możliwość poznania firm działających w PSSE oraz skonfrontowania swoich wyobrażeń o pracy w danej branży.
VI DZIEŃ STREFY na Politechnice Gdańskiej
EventsBiuro Karier wraz z PSSE serdecznie zapraszają na VI DZIEŃ STREFY podczas którego studenci i absolwenci będą mieli możliwość poznania firm działających w PSSE oraz skonfrontowania swoich wyobrażeń o pracy w danej branży.
XII Dzień Strefy na Politechnice Gdańskiej
EventsBKiA, WIMiO oraz PSSE zapraszają na XII DZIEŃ STREFY na PG podczas którego studenci i absolwenci będą mieli możliwość poznania firm działających w PSSE oraz skonfrontowania swoich wyobrażeń o pracy w danej branży.
X Dzień Strefy na Politechnice Gdańskiej
EventsDn. 24.11.2022 w godz. 10.00–14.00 na Wydziale Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa PG odbędą się spotkania studentów i absolwentów z czołowymi firmami działającymi w Pomorskiej Specjalnej Strefie Ekonomicznej.
IV Dzień Strefy 0na Wydziale Mechanicznym
EventsBiuro Karier zaprasza na wydarzenie, podczas którego studenci i absolwenci PG będą mogli poznać czołowych firm działających w PSSE. Więcej informacji –, godz. 10.00.
VII DZIEŃ STREFY na Politechnice Gdańskiej
EventsBiuro Karier, WM i PSSE zapraszają na VII DZIEŃ STREFY podczas którego studenci i absolwenci będą mieli możliwość poznania firm działających w PSSE oraz skonfrontowania swoich wyobrażeń o pracy w danej branży.
Zarys przemian przestrzennych strefy reprezentacyjnej Gdańska na podstawie opracowań planistycznych od 1866 roku
PublicationStrefa Reprezentacyjna obejmuje obszar pokrywający się w dużej mierze z zachodnim frontem historycznego śródmieścia Gdańska. Wykształcona na przełomie XIX i XX wieku jako wielkomiejskie centrum miasta jest jedną z historycznie najbardziej kluczowych jego przestrzeni. Dziś to obszar zaniedbany i jakby zapomniany, zdominowany przez funkcje komunikacyjne, jakkolwiek nadal o dużym i niewykorzystanym potencjale. Przemiany przestrzenne...
Hydrogeochemia strefy kontaktu wód słono-słodkich na wybrzeżu Bałtyku na przykładzie rejonu Ustki
PublicationOpisana strefa kontaktu wód słodkich ze słonymi w rejonie Ustki zachodzi w warunkach wnikania zasolonych wód kanału rzeki Słupi do płytkiej warstwy wodonośnej. Ta sytuacja zachodzi głownie w okresie podpiętrzenia wód kanału przez morze w czasie jesienno-zimowych sztormów. W Ustce stwierdzono wyraźną zmienność czasową i przestrzenną składu chemicznego wód podziemnych płytkiej warstwy wodonośnej. Wzrost stężeń mineralizacji ogólnej...
Idea określania strefy wpływów drgań komunikacyjnych w oparciu o algorytm sztucznej sieci neuronowej
PublicationW wielu dziedzinach nauk, również w budownictwie coraz częściej stosuje się metody przybliżone. Zazwyczaj są to metody pozwalające rozwiązać problemy inżynierskie w sposób na tyle dokładny, że z punktu widzenia inżynierii jest to zarówno wystarczalny jak i bardziej ekonomiczny wynik niż przy metodach tradycyjnych i bardziej dokładnych. Problemem badawczym będzie znalezienie prostego sposobu określania wpływu drgań na budynki tak,...
Plant Stress
Journals -
Small regulatory bacterial RNAs regulating the envelope stress response
PublicationMost bacteria encode a large repertoire of RNA-based regulatory mechanisms. Recent discoveries have revealed that the expression of many genes is controlled by a plethora of base-pairing noncoding small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs), regulatory RNA-binding proteins and RNA-degrading enzymes. Some of these RNA-based regulated processes respond to stress conditions and are involved in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. They achieve...
Mechanical properties of the human stomach under uniaxial stress action
PublicationThe aim of this study was to estimate the range of mechanical properties of the human stomach in order to use the collected data in numerical modelling of surgical stapling during resections of the stomach. The biomedical tests were conducted in a self-developed tensile test machine. Twenty-two fresh human stomach specimens were used for the experimental study of its general strength. The specimens were obtained from morbidly obese...
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present the data about the conditions and perspectives of economic migration from Asia to Poland and data on the stream of this phenomenon in recent years based on work permission documents. The first part presents an introduction on the general migration situation to Poland in recent years and describes the theoretical approach to the aspect of migration. Then the legal conditions of migrants' work...
Design Equation for Stirring Fluid by a Stream Pump in a Circulating Tank
PublicationA circulating tank is a very useful theoretical scheme for many fluid-flow objects in several branches of engineering. The motion of the fluid in such objects can be induced in different ways. A stream pump provides an especially interesting possibility; however, the quantitative description of such devices shows some shortcomings. Such a device is analogous to a jet pump, thus has similar advantages (simplicity of construction,...