Search results for: CORPORATE VENTURING - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: CORPORATE VENTURING

Search results for: CORPORATE VENTURING

  • Neutralising Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of an Airline’s Climate Disclosures


    - Year 2021

    Sustainability reporting provides companies with a medium through which they can communicate their non-financial impacts to stakeholders. The airline industry has been much at the centre of the climate change debate in recent years, which is why it is hardly surprising that airlines seek to take a proactive stance in such reporting. This study critically assesses how an airline based in the Scandinavian region constructs sustainability...

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  • Effectiveness of Random Field Approach in Serviceability Limit State Analysis of Strip Foundation

    This work conducts a probabilistic inquiry on how the variability of the parameter defining soil deformability affects the settlement of the foundation located on the soil. The analysis addresses the random foundation model to relevantly estimate the probability of allowable deflection exceedance. The constitutive model parameter is based either on a single random variable or a random field. The computations incorporate direct...

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  • Corporate Finance summer sem. 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Potrykus
    • J. Ziętarski

  • How to achieve sustainability?-Employee's point of view on company's culture and CSR practice

    The people are the company. This study aims to examine the structure of relationships between company culture, performance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and reputation, as seen from the employee's perspective, to determine which company culture factors most influence CSR practice and, as a result, sustain a company's development and improve its performance. To accomplish this goal, we conducted a survey among employees...

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  • Income tax rates for special activities in Czech Republic

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The standard corporate income tax rate is 19%. Since 2015, the tax rates for special activities have changed as follows: the tax rate for pension funds is 0% (with some exemption); The tax regulations define a new so-called "Basic investment fund" and only that particular fund can benefit from the lower tax rate of 5%. Other mutual funds that do not...

  • Muhammad Mushafiq MSc


    Doctoral student at the Faculty of Management and Economics. Muhammad Mushafiq has high interest in the research of corporate finance and risk management. He previously holds Masters of Science in Finance with Magna Cum Laude and Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing and Finance with highest position. His research has appeared in the Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, International Journal of Emerging Markets...

  • Research-by-design Best Practices in Architectural Lighting Design: Defragmenting Research Theories for their Effective Use in the Practice of Architectural and Spatial Design After Dark


    - Year 2016

    "This paper aims to combine theory and applied science; academia and practice for the creative transformation of spaces after dark taking into account a consistent environmental awareness. It is based on the premise that design research in the realm of architectural lighting design should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Architectural lighting design is a field within architecture and...

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  • Employment structure by enterprise size in Poland in 2010-2014

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises employ in total nearly 70% of all employees working in the corporate sector. Micro enterprises play a decisive role in this respect, accounting for nearly 40% of all employees. This dataset contains data showing the structure of the number of employees in enterprises in 2010-2014.

  • KM supported process improvement


    - Year 2006

    The corporate universe nowadays is full of change initiatives andimprovement philosophies. However,only few have proved successful enough to be integrated into regular operations a worldwide leading companies.In this context Six Sigma projects and Lean action workouts emerge as he most effective practices.In this paper we argue that there is a considerable potential to enhance them using Knowledge Management methodology and benefit...

  • Hybrid Approach in Project Management - Mixing Capability Maturity Model Integration with Agile Practices


    This paper introduces an idea of hybrid approach in managing software development projects. The main goal of this research is to prove that it is possible to design consistent method for managing software development projects which is based on different corporate standards and methods. Authors also want to show that this new hybrid approach is beneficial for IT organization, triggers synergy effects and brings software development...

  • Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility - TOO4TO Project - 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Zięba

  • CSR in Polish SMEs: From Perception to Love: Examples of Socially Engaged Firms from Pomeranian Region


    - Year 2017

    Notwithstanding the worldwide increasing awareness of the importance of social issues in nowadays business management, Polish small and medium enterprises seem to remain in the group of followers, certainly not leaders of corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, and this despite an important dissemination efforts by numerous institutions. The aim of this paper is to present the bumpy road to the implementation, still incomplete,...

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  • Marketing a społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu – sprzeczne idee?


    Negatywny wizerunek marketingu postrzeganego jako koncepcja kreująca nowe potrzeby i nakłaniająca klientów do zwiększania konsumpcji spowodował, że marketing wydaje się być sprzeczny z ideą rozwoju zrównoważonego i społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu. W artykule przedstawiono rozważania czy rzeczywiście tak jest i czy stosowanie działań marketingowych jest rozbieżne z celami rozwoju zrównoważonego . Stwierdzono, że realizowanie...

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  • Tworzenie wartości dla akcjonariuszy w świetle nadzoru korporacyjnego


    Duży odsetek spółek publicznych w Polsce nie tworzy wartości dla akcjonariuszy. Zaprezento-wano wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu struktur własności na efektywność działania spółek pu-blicznych. Badania te nie były w stanie wyjaśnić w wystarczającym stopniu zjawiska destrukcji warto-ści. Starano się wykazać, że jedną z przyczyn tego zjawiska jest transfer wartości. Zalicza się go do głównych problemów nadzoru korporacyjnego. Szczególna...

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  • CSR in Polish SMEs- from perception to infatuation. Examples of socially engaged firms from Pomeranian Region

    Despite the increasing worldwide awareness of the importance of social issues in con-temporary business management, Polish small and medium-sized enterprises seem to re-main in the group of followers, certainly not leaders, of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, and this despite important dissemination efforts by numerous institu-tions. The aim of this paper is to present the bumpy road to the (still incomplete)...

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  • Design of microstrip antenna subarrays: a simulation-driven surrogate-based approach


    - Year 2014

    A methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (here, a corporate network) on the subarray side-lobe level and allows adjustment of both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces...

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  • Simulation-Driven Design of Microstrip Antenna Subarrays

    A methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (e.g., a corporate network) on the subarray side lobe level and allows adjusting both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces designs...

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  • CSR and innovation or CSR as non-technological innovation


    - Year 2022

    This chapter investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and innovation process. There is an ongoing discussion in the literature regarding this relationship, in particular on its one- or bidirectional nature and possible antecedents or mediating factors. This research addresses this gap and aims to provide more conceptual clarity and synthesize the different types of relationships between CSR and...

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  • Ground anchors diagnostic process based on elastic wave propagation method

    The paper is focused on analysis of elastic wave propagation in the context of diagnostics of ground anchors. Numerical simulations were performed to assess the possibility of evaluation of the anchorage quality. It was assumed that the quality and the load capacity of the anchor system directly depend on the length, on which mortar and steel cooperate.

  • Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty


    - Handel Wewnętrzny - Year 2017

    The objective of this paper is to review, systematize, and summarize empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of brand loyalty. The literature review has identified five categories of antecedents to brand loyalty associated with consumer, brand, social, corporate and relational factors. The type of loyalty formed varies according to the combination of various antecedents, with premium loyalty being considered the...

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  • Nowe wyzwania, nowe rozwiązania. Jak przedsiębiorstwo branży IT odnajduje się w erze VUCA?


    - e-mentor - Year 2023

    Zmienność, niepewność, złożoność i niejednoznaczność, określane akronimem VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) towarzyszą funkcjonowaniu każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Jak wykorzystać te nieodłączne cechy otoczenia przedsiębiorstw jako szanse dla ich rozwoju to wy-zwania stojące przed nimi, a zarazem pytanie badawcze artykułu. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa branży IT, że analiza zmienności,...

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  • Wireless Networks as an Infrastructure for Mission-Critical Business Applications


    Despite the dynamic growth of wireless network systems, their pres-ence in business-support infrastructure has been limited. In the article we provide an overview of generic corporate network architecture and examine usefulness of available wireless network solutions in such systems. Following this overview we analyze new wireless network architecture which currently undergoes standardization process - wireless mesh. It can result...

  • Wojciech Wyrzykowski dr hab.

    Wojciech Wyrzykowski is an employee of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. He is the author of 70 scientific publications, including 5 monographs, and co-author of 7 monographs. The most important of them reflecting the author's scientific interests include: Tax conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in Poland, Taxes in Poland - outline of the...

  • Employment structure in individual enterprises in Poland in 2010-2014

    Open Research Data
    open access

    It is worth mentioning the role of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the labor market. The above-mentioned entities employ in total nearly 70% of all employees who work in the corporate sector. Micro enterprises play a decisive role in this respect, accounting for nearly 40% of all employees.Comparing the data contained in the table below...

  • I love to write and create. Can I earn money doing it? Entrepreneurial process of bloggers


    - Year 2023

    New technologies and a new way of looking at the life of future generations, open up new perspectives of entrepreneurial activities. One of them is to run a blog. Although the first blogs appeared many years ago and earning money from running them is also known to bloggers, little research is devoted to this form of entrepreneurship. The analysis of this phenomenon was carried out using the netnography method, which is not common...

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  • Jacek Krenz dr hab. inż. arch.

    Jacek Krenz, born in 1948 in Poznań, Poland, is an academic architect and painter. He is a professor at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, taught also at University of Fine Arts in Poznań – both in Poland – and at Universidade da Beira Interior in Covilhã, Portugal. Charter member of The Polish Watercolour Society.  He is a co-founder of the Wdzydze Artists’ Village in Kaszuby, Poland, where he works in his...

  • Karolina Krośnicka dr hab. inż. arch.

    Karolina A. Krośnicka, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Arch., is associated professor at Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland).  For many years (1998 – 2016) she was employed at the Department of Transport and Logistics at the Faculty of Navigation at Gdynia Maritime University (Gdynia, Poland), where she was mostly involved in issues connected with seaports and port...

  • Dynamic Bankruptcy Prediction Models for European Enterprises

    This manuscript is devoted to the issue of forecasting corporate bankruptcy. Determining a firm’s bankruptcy risk is one of the most interesting topics for investors and decision-makers. The aim of the paper is to develop and to evaluate dynamic bankruptcy prediction models for European enterprises. To conduct this objective, four forecasting models are developed with the use of four different methods—fuzzy sets, recurrent and...

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  • Blended Learning in Teaching Safety of Electrical Installations


    - Year 2014

    Blended learning becomes more commonly used in teaching information technology or other subjects, which involve practice in computer laboratories. In case of subjects with no access to computer rooms blended learning supports lecturing and teaching classes e.g. interactive lessons. The article presents the use of blended learning forms in Gdansk University of Technology in teaching the subject of Safety of Electrical Installations....

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  • [EiF] Empirical research in Economics

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Parteka
    • J. Wolszczak-Derlacz

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina: EiF Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:  A. Parteka / J. Wolszczak - Derlacz,  F. Venturini Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć: laboratoria {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: EiF Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher:  A. Parteka / J. Wolszczak - Derlacz,  F. Venturini Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type: Laboratories  {mlang}    

  • Józef Woźniak prof. dr hab. inż.


    Professor Józef Woźniak received his M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in electronics and telecommunications from the Faculty of Electronics, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 1971, 1976 and 1991, respectively. In January 2002 he became a full professor. In 1993 he was elected Associate Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and in 1994 he was he was appointed a Professor at GUT. Simultaneously, from October 1994 till...

  • The High Quality Business School Academic Teacher of the 21st Century – Polish Students’ Perspective


    The literature shows that the success and competence of future managers depend on the quality of their academic teachers. Moreover high quality study requires high quality lecturing/teaching that creates an environment in which deep learning outcomes are made possible for students. The aim was to identify the characteristics of the academic teacher working at business schools, according to the expectations of Polish students...

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  • CSR and small business from the international and national perspective

    Corporate and social responsibility is nowadays quite a popular topic among large companies but thanks to numerous popularization activities undertaken by national and international institutions, also small entrepreneurs become more and more interested in exploring this fairly new approach. This paper outlines the main differences between the implementation of the CSR approach in large companies and in SMEs, which are not able...

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  • Initial geometries and MD trajectories of right- and left-handed G-quadruplexes

    Open Research Data

    Dataset contains initial geometries of 12 monomeric, 2-tetrad G-quadruplexes featuring three different loop lengths (T1, T2 and T3), adapted by the sequence GGTnGGTnGGTnGG where n=(1-3). For each loop length variant two directions of strand progression (clockwise (+) and anti-clockwise (-)) and two helicities (left-handed (LH) and right-handed (RH))...


    W artykule, przyjmując za punkt wyjścia teorię interesariuszy Freemana, autorki podjęły się refleksji na temat specyfiki odpowiedzialności społecznej firm rodzinnych i przedsiębiorstw społecznych. Przedsiębiorstwa społeczne, uznawane są powszechnie za ucieleśnienie pełnej, wręcz doskonałej formy odpowiedzialności społecznej. Z kolei przedsiębiorstwa rodzinne, charakteryzują się szczególną paletą interesariuszy oraz specyficznymi...

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  • Application of theory of semi-Markov processes to determining distribution of probabilistic process of marine accidents resulting from colission of ships


    In this paper is presented possible application of the theory of semi-Markov processes to elaborating an eight-state model of the process of occurrence of serviceability state and unserviceability states of sea-going ships making critical manoeuvres during their entering and leaving the ports. In the analysis it was taken into account that sea-going ships are in service for a very long time t (t → ∞). The model was elaborated to...

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  • Dedicated power supply subsystem for ultra-low noise preamplifiers


    In field of electronics there is need for low-noise amplifiers. Noise have the most important influence on analog circuits. Therefore exist necessity to develop new ultra-low noise power supplies, which can cooperate with specified amplifiers and preamplifiers. It is very common that professional power supplies are very expensive and still have disadvantages. This paper proposes simple and inexpensive solution, which fulfill specific...

  • The Factors Affecting Group Identity of Cluster Structures


    The paper provides a new approach to cluster analysis, basing on a sociologically rooted concept of identity. The authors state that identity in cluster structures is formed by two main groups of factors – uncontrollable or slightly controllable factors (identity mix) and factors that can be fully controlled by a cluster initiative (corporate identity mix). It means that the cluster coordinator is able to consciously build the...

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  • Application of Analytic Signal and Smooth Interpolation in Pulse Width Modulation for Conventional Matrix Converters



    The paper proposes an alternative and novel approach to the PWM duty cycles computation for Conventional Matrix Converters (CMC) fed by balanced, unbalanced or non–sinusoidal AC voltage sources. The presented solution simplifies the prototyping of direct modulation algorithms. PWM duty cycles are calculated faster by the smooth interpolation technique, using only vector coordinates, without trigonometric functions and angles. Both...

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  • [EiF] Empirical research in economics 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Parteka
    • J. Wolszczak-Derlacz

    {mlang pl} Dyscyplina:  Ekonomia i Finanse Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący:   dr hab. inż. Aleksandra Parteka, prof. PG, dr hab Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, prof PG prof. Francesco Venturini (Univ.Perugia) Liczba godzin: 30 h Forma zajęć: laboratoria {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Economics and Finance Obligatory course for 1st and 2nd year PhD students Academic teacher:  Aleksandra Parteka prof....

  • Data from the survey on the cooperation of entrepreneurs with the Gdańsk University of Technology in the field of student apprenticeship programs or internships

    Open Research Data

    The dataset includes data from the survey on the cooperation of entrepreneurs with the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from Pomeranian Voivodship. The study concerned i.a. opinions on cooperation with the GUT in the field of student apprenticeships...

  • Wybrane aspekty problematyki pomiarów hydraulicznych


    - Year 2007

    Omówiono wybrane aspekty problematyki pomiarów wodnych. Przeprowadzono analizę wpływu błędów obciążających współczynniki, stosowane podczas korzystania z licznych przyrządów pomiarowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wpływem warunków ruchu w zwężce Venturiego (rwącego lub spokojnego)na wyniki pomiarów.

  • Oleksandr Melnychenko dr hab.

    Oleksandr Melnychenko works as a professor in a group of research and teaching staff at the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Management and Economics, the Gdańsk University of Technology; is a sworn translator of the Ukrainian language in Poland; an entrepreneur with many years of experience in running his own business and managing the companies' finances; has experience working in a commercial bank in a position dealing...

  • Greening Higher Education in Europe. Institutional Transitions to Sustainable Development


    - Year 2024

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the advances made in European higher education institutions (HEIs) over the last twenty years in response to the challenges of sustainable development. In recent years, there has been a visible shift toward sustainable development, and universities have been addressing their accountability to the public through corporate social responsibility. Greening Higher Education in Europe explores...

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  • Influence of Fragment Size on the Time and Temperature of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Lamination Decomposition in the Photovoltaic Module Recycling Process

    Photovoltaics is a commercially available and reliable technology with significant potential for long-term growth in nearly all global regions. Several research institutes and companies are working on recycling concepts for thin film modules and modules with crystalline cells. The establishment of recycling and reuse technologies appropriate and applicable to all photovoltaics (PV) modules is a key issue to be addressed as part...

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  • CSR education in Poland- current situation and future challenges


    The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in nowadays business reality is constantly growing thanks to many factors, including the important promotional effort at all possible authorities levels and increasing educational effort of universities and in particular of business schools. Since there is no commonly accepted guideline/curriculum/content of social responsibility (SR) education, business schools at higher...

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  • The fertility rate (TFR) in Poland in the period 1955-2017

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The fertility rate has dropped 2.5 times over the last 60 years. Immediately after the baby boom in the first half of the 1980s, many generations of women born in the second half of the 1970s, an increase in the number of births from the mid-1990s, were expected as a result of entering the age of the highest fertility age in Poland. which lasted until...

  • Osowa. Planistyczno-urbanistyczne opracowanie mikrostrategii przestrzenno-społecznej.


    planowania partycypacyjnego stosującego nową, uniwersalną metodę pracy -mentoring urbanistyczny, oraz nowe narzędzie planistyczne - mikrostrategię. Zastosowanie dla konkretnego obszaru - dzielnica Osowa - stanowi wsparcie dialogu społecznego na rzecz koordynacji i aktywizacji wysiłków społecznych i publicznych na rzecz poprawy jakości przestrzeni publicznej.

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  • How the Depths of the Danish Straits Shape Gdańsk's Port and City Spatial Development


    - Urban Planning - Year 2023

    The depths of the Danish Straits limit the drafts of ships entering the Baltic Sea. The largest ships calling the Baltic in a laden condition are called Baltimax. The article presents how the dredging works carried out in the Danish Straits in the 1970s enabled the development of the Port of Gdańsk and consequently also influenced the city, being a residential base for employees of the new port and shipyards. The analysed case...

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  • On the lower smoothing bound in identification of time-varying systems


    - AUTOMATICA - Year 2008

    In certain applications of nonstationary system identification the model-based decisions can be postponed, i.e. executed with a delay. This allows one to incorporate in the identification process not only the currently available information, but also a number of ''future'' data points. The resulting estimation schemes, which involve smoothing, are not causal. Assuming that the infinite observation history is available, the paper...

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