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Search results for: FIELD OLFACTOMETRY
Effect of substrate type on the field performance and chemical composition of highbush blueberry cv.Patriot
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The effect of a rotating magnetic field on the antioxidant system in healthy volunteers - preliminary study
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Nonlinear control of induction motor in field weakning region with consideration of stator flux
PublicationMetody nieliniowgo sterowania mogą poprawić właściwości silnika indukcyjnego w stanach przejściowych wektora strumienia. Badano sterowanie oparte na modelu multiskalarnym silnika indukcyjnego w zakresie osłabiania pola. Dwie nowe zmienne wejściowe pojawiające się w modelu multiskalarnym są równe czynnej i biernej mocy silnika. Pokazano, że te wielkości mogą byc kompensowane, jeżeli rozważane są jako mierzone zakłócenia. Maksymalny...
Modelling of temperature field of flat boiling section with active single nucleation site
PublicationZaprezentowano główne założenia wybranych modeli wrzenia dla pojedynczego centrum nukleacji. Przedstawiony model numeryczny dotyczy zagadnienia dwuwymiarowego, osiowo-symetrycznego, nieizotropowego przewodzenia ciepła dla warunków brzegowych pierwszego, drugiego i trzeciego rodzaju. Warunek brzegowy drugiego rodzaju reprezentuje gęstość strumienia ciepła połączoną z generacją pęcherzy z pojedynczego centrum nukleacji.
Effects of geomagnetic disturbances in daytime variations of the atmospheric electric field in polar regions
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Elastic-plastic properties of metal matrix composites: Validation of mean-field approaches
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Project management for the construction sector in the field of foundation of buildings in complex conditions of the subsoil
PublicationAutorzy: Gwóźdź-Lasoń Monika, Kohutek...
The thermodynamic critical field and specific heat of superconducting state in phosphorene under strain
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Evaluation of ferrofluid-coated rotating magnetic field-assisted bioreactor for biomass production
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The effect of electromagnetic field on reactive oxygen species production in human neutrophilsin vitro
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Prediction of Protein Structure by Template-Based Modeling Combined with the UNRES Force Field
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Investigation of Protein Folding by Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics with the UNRES Force Field
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Lessons from application of the UNRES force field to predictions of structures of CASP10 targets
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Performance of protein-structure predictions with the physics-based UNRES force field in CASP11
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Extension of the UNRES Coarse-Grained Force Field to Membrane Proteins in the Lipid Bilayer
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FEM analysis of composite materials failure in nonlinear six field shell theory
PublicationThe monography deals with the problem of failure initiation in thin laminated composites. Known techniques of laminate structures modelling are briefly characterised. Eventually, shell based approach is chosen for the purpose of the description of the composite structures behaviour, as it predicts their deformation and states of stress effectively in a global sense. The nonlinear six parameter shell theory (6p theory) with asymmetric...
Field Tests on Hydrodynamic and Hybrid Operation of a Bidirectional Thrust Bearing of a Pump-Turbine
PublicationIn vertical shaft pump turbines operating in pumped storage power plants an important role is played by a thrust bearing. Due to the bidirectional character of operation, thrust bearing tilting pads have to be supported symmetrically, which is known to be unfavourable from the point of view of their performance. Large thrust bearings have to be carefully designed so as to minimise excessive thermo-elastic pad deformations. The...
Analysis of the influence of ferromagnetic contaminations in plastics on the measurements of disturbances of magnetic field of the Earth
PublicationPlastics can be contaminated with small particles or filings with ferromagnetic properties. These contaminations cause significant disturbances in the magnetic field in the case of taking measurements of very low magnetic fields. The analysis of the influence of contaminated plastics on magnetic measurements is presented in this paper.
Social Entrepreneurship Avenues for the Field Development through Research Paradigm Intersection Discussion
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to identify and provide key arguments for employing integrative approach in the choice of research paradigm for studying social entrepreneurship phenomenon. The fact that social entrepreneurship as a field of research is at its preliminary stage, serves as argument and gives freedom in the discussion of the choice of employing a research paradigm. The author does so through identifying commonalities and...
Chapter 1. Modelling of temperature field of cylindrical pool boiling heating section
PublicationPoddano analizie fundamentalny problem określania temperatury powierzchni, na której zachodzi wrzenie. Rozpatrzono dwa przypadki ogrzewania sekcji: z zastosowaniem grzejnika patronowego oraz użyciem sekcji jako elementu oporowego. Sformułowano i rozwiązano zagadnienia brzegowe 1D, 2D ORAZ 3D. Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych z zastosowaniem MES.
Multiple sound sources localization in free field using acoustic vector sensor
PublicationMethod and preliminary results of multiple sound sources localization in free field using the acoustic vector sensor were presented in this study. Direction of arrival (DOA) for considered source was determined based on sound intensity method supported by Fourier analysis. Obtained spectrum components for considered signal allowed to determine the DOA value for the particular frequency independently. The accuracy of the developed...
Application of passive sampling techniques as a usable tool in the field of environmental quality monitoring
PublicationAnalysis of literature data published for the past 20 years leads to the conclusion, that passive sampling technique has been developing very quickly and is commonly used in the field of monitoring pollutants in air, water and soil environment. The popularity of application of passive sampling techniques in analytical and environmental chemistry results from its many advantages e.g.: Simplicity in use, low costs of exploitation,...
Rough Set Based Modeling and Visualization of the Acoustic Field Around the Human Head
PublicationThe presented research aims at modeling acoustical wave propagation phenomena by applying rough set theory in a novel manner. In a typical listening environment sound intensity is determined by numerous factors: a distance from a sound source, signal levels and frequencies, obstacles’ locations and sizes. Contrarily, a free-field is characterized by direct, unimpeded propagation of the acoustical waves. The proposed approach is...
Detection and localization of selected acoustic events in acoustic field for smart surveillance applications
PublicationA method for automatic determination of position of chosen sound events such as speech signals and impulse sounds in 3-dimensional space is presented. The evens are localized in the presence of sound reflections employing acoustic vector sensors. Human voice and impulsive sounds are detected using adaptive detectors based on modified peak-valley difference (PVD) parameter and sound pressure level. Localization based on signals...
The lasting traditions of activities in the field of wood technology researches at the Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono sylwetki ludzi z Politechniki Gdańskiej, którzy odeszli, jednakowoż, których działalność była znacząca w obszarze drzewnictwa i mechanicznej technologii drewna.
Wieloźródłowy model pola elektrycznego okrętu = Multisource model of ship electric field
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wieloźródłowy model pola elektrycznego okrętu. Wieloźródłowy model stanowi układ źródeł prądowych o określonych położeniach.
Magnetic Field Generated by Short Circuit Current in the 110 kV Power System
PublicationElectric fields within tissues induced by magnetic fields including transients or short-term peaks should not be time averaged and be regarded as instantaneous values as established in the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non - Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines. Measurements of power lines magnetic fields with regard to human beings exposure are carried out typically with maximum current load at current balance condition...
Sensitivity of entanglement decay of quantum-dot spin qubits to the external magnetic field
PublicationWe study the decay of entanglement of quantum-dot electron-spin qubits under hyperfine-interaction-mediated decoherence.We show that two-qubit entanglement of a single entangled initial state may exhibit decay characteristic of two disentanglement regimes in a single sample, when the externalmagnetic field is changed. The transition is manifested by the suppression of time-dependent entanglement oscillations which are superimposed...
Nondestructive corrosion degradation assessment based on asymmetry of guided wave propagation field
PublicationThe article presents the results of numerical and experimental investigation of guided wave propagation in steel plates subjected to corrosion degradation. The development of novel procedures allowing for the assessment of the corrosion degradation level is crucial in the effective diagnostics of offshore and ship structures that are especially subjected to aggressive environments. The study’s main aim is to investigate the influence...
The effect of groyne field on trapping macroplastic. Preliminary results from laboratory experiments
PublicationMacroplastic, a precursor of microplastic pollution, has become a new scope of research interest. However, the physical processes of macroplastic transport and deposition in rivers are poorly understood, which makes the decisions of where to locate macroplastic trapping infrastructure difficult. In this research, we conducted a series of experiments in a laboratory channel, exploring the impact of groynes and flexible artificial...
Permeability of sandy soils estimated from particle size distribution and field measurements
PublicationAccurate estimation of soil permeability is crucial in many geotechnical applications. Empirical and theoretical equations based on soil particle size distribution (PSD) offer a fast and cheap way for preliminary estimation of permeability in granular soils, however the results obtained from various formulas available in the literature often show significant discrepancies. While several comparative studies on this topic have been...
Modeling protein structures with the coarse-grained UNRES force field in the CASP14 experiment
PublicationThe UNited RESidue (UNRES) force field was tested in the 14th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP14), in which larger oligomeric and multimeric targets were present compared to previous editions. Three prediction modes were tested (i) ab initio (the UNRES group), (ii) contact-assisted (the UNRES- contact group), and (iii) template-assisted (the UNRES-template...
Progressive failure analysis of laminates in the framework of 6-field nonlinear shell theory
PublicationThe paper presents the model of progressive failure analysis of laminates incorporated into the 6-field non-linear shell theory with non-symmetrical strain measures of Cosserat type. Such a theory is specially recommended in the analysis of shells with intersections due to its specific kinematics including the so-called drilling rotation. As a consequence of asymmetry of strain measures, modified laminates failure criteria must...
Random field modelling of mechanical behaviour of corroded thin steel plate specimens
PublicationThe objective of this work is to explore the possibility of corrosion degradation modelling of thin steel plate specimens with the use of random field approach. The mechanical properties are obtained via the nonlinear Finite Element Analysis with the use of an explicit dynamic solver. The fully nonlinear material model is adopted to obtain the proper stress-strain response. Sensitivity analysis considering the main statistical...
Field Evaluation of High Modulus Asphalt Concrete Resistance to Low-Temperature Cracking
PublicationHigh-modulus asphalt concrete has numerous advantages in comparison to conventional asphalt concrete, including increased resistance to permanent deformations and increased pavement fatigue life. However, previous studies have shown that the construction of road pavements with High Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) may significantly increase the risk of low-temperature cracking. Those observations were the motivation for the research...
FEM and experimental investigations of concrete temperature field in the massive stemwall of the bridge abutment
PublicationThe paper deals with the prediction of early-age concrete temperature of cast-in-place stemwall of the bridge abutment. The considered object is an arch bridge located in Gda´nsk. In the case of massive structures, it is particularly important to not exceed the temperature difference between the core and the concrete surface. Too high temperature gradient generates an increase in thermal stresses, what could be the reason of exceeding...
Effectiveness of Random Field Approach in Serviceability Limit State Analysis of Strip Foundation
PublicationThis work conducts a probabilistic inquiry on how the variability of the parameter defining soil deformability affects the settlement of the foundation located on the soil. The analysis addresses the random foundation model to relevantly estimate the probability of allowable deflection exceedance. The constitutive model parameter is based either on a single random variable or a random field. The computations incorporate direct...
Experimental and theoretical investigation of pressure field in a shroudclearance. Part II: Theoretical results
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki obliczeń teoretycznych metodami CFD rozkładu ciśnienia w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia powietrznej turbiny modelowej. Badania przeprowadzono stosując metody: Miltiple Reference Frame, Mixing Plane iSliding Mesch. Wyniki porównano z rezultatami badań eksperymentalnych.
Determination of equivalent circuit parameters of an induction motor using field calculation software
PublicationSimulation of the drive system comprising a power electronic converter and an induction motor requires that the equivalent circuit parameters of the motor are known. These parameters can be either measured or calculated. A method of calculation of self and mutual inductances that are parameters of a polyphase model of the motor is presented in the paper. All self-inductances and mutual inductances have been calculated using the...
Dynamics based on six-field theory of shells in the context of energy-conserving scheme
PublicationPraca dotyczy zaproponowanego algorytmu zachowującego energię w całkowaniu równań ruchu powłok sprężystych sformułowanych w ramach teorii sześcioparametrowej. Zawiera podstawowe założenia konieczne do formułowania schematów i podstawowe testy numeryczne. Aproksymacja przestrzenna zagadnienia oparta jest o Metodę Elementów Skończonych zaś aproksymacja w czasie wykorzystuje regułę punktu środkowego. Przykłady analizy dynamicznej...
A case study of odour nuisance evaluation in the context of integrated urban planning
PublicationOdour nuisance poses a serious problem in many urban areas, yet its evaluation and mitigation is often omitted in the urban planning process. By identifying its range and spatio-temporal variations, it could be taken into consideration by planners in urban development strategies and land use decisions. The aim of the study was to present the application of odour evaluation techniques in the improvement of the quality of life in...
The low-frequency magnetic field emissions on-board of the vessel
Open Research DataThe data represents measurement results performed on board of the vessel. The acquired time-waveforms, corresponding to the instantaneous values of the magnetic field (MF) induction were acquired near the cable supplying the bow thruster motor. Data recording of the magnetic field density (MFD) emissions was carried out with a/d converters of the data...
The magnetic field measurements in selected places of the industrial building
Open Research DataThe dataset is part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the electromagnetic field intensity in a building of an operating industrial plant. Detailed results of magnetic field measurements, carried out in selected places of this building, are presented.
Determination of Odor Air Quality Index (OAQII) Using Gas Sensor Matrix
PublicationThis article presents a new way to determine odor nuisance based on the proposed odor air quality index (OAQII), using an instrumental method. This indicator relates the most important odor features, such as intensity, hedonic tone and odor concentration. The research was conducted at the compost screening yard of the municipal treatment plant in Central Poland, on which a self-constructed gas sensor array was placed. It consisted...
Identification and Analysis of Candidate Genes Associated with Yield Structure Traits and Maize Yield Using Next-Generation Sequencing Technology
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Spectral analysis of nonstationary low-frequency magnetic-field emissions from ship's power
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Application of matching pursuit based method to identify sources of time-vary magnetic field
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Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Steel under Action of Electron Beam Heating Source
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Effect of GO-Fe3O4 and rotating magnetic field on cellular metabolic activity of mammalian cells
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Detection and localization of selected acoustic events in 3D acoustic field for smart surveillance applications
PublicationA method for automatic determination of position of chosen sound events such as speech signals and impulse sounds in 3-dimensional space is presented. The events are localized in the presence of sound reflections employing acoustic vector sensors. Human voice and impulsive sounds are detected using adaptive detectors based on modified peak-valley difference (PVD) parameter and sound pressure level. Localization based on signals...