wszystkich: 684
wybranych: 649
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: hierarchical control structure with optimization
Model organizacji ruchu na sieci kolejowej z uwzględnieniem rekuperacji energii
PublikacjaNa wstępie przeanalizowano aktualny stan wiedzy z zakresu metod wykorzystywania energii z rekuperacji oraz istniejących modeli optymalizujących ich efektywność. Na tej podstawie za główny cel pracy wyznaczono opracowanie metody modyfikacji kolejowego rozkładu jazdy, która doprowadzi do zwiększenia efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z rekuperacji. W związku z powyższym postawiono tezę, że możliwe jest zwiększenie efektywności...
PublikacjaW celu ochrony przed niebezpiecznym zjawiskiem zatoru lodowego opracowano szereg metod, które można podzielić na metody czynne i bierne. Pierwsza grupa obejmuje działania techniczne prowadzące do mechanicznego lub termicznego usuwania lodu i neutralizacji zatorów. Wykorzystuje się w tym calu głównie lodołamacze lub innego typu jednostki pływające. Do metod biernych zalicza się przede wszystkim przegrody lodowe budowane w celu stabilizacji...
PublikacjaZaprezentowano organizacji, w której charakterystykę wpisano następujące cechy: strategiczne uwarunkowanie, maksymalną innowacyjność, atrakcyjność dla interesariuszy, rozwijanie osobowości pracowników oraz twórczość w działaniu. Te atrybuty, tworzą koncepcję organizacji SMART (akronim od pierwszych liter powyższych cech), która wyróżnia się dodatkowo strukturą opartą o dynamicznie kreowane zespoły oraz skutecznym wspomaganiem...
Influence of Actual Curing Conditions on Mechanical Properties of Concrete in Bridge Superstructures
PublikacjaThis article presents the research on the mechanical characteristics of concrete in the construction of three concrete bridges. A system of recording the internal temperature of concrete and automatic control of laboratory ovens was used for specimen curing. This allowed the specimens to be cured under conditions similar to those occurring in the structure. Before the construction, reference blocks were used to define similar curing...
Fast Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Optimization Using Sequential Domain Patching and Multifidelity Models
PublikacjaExploration of design tradeoffs for aerodynamic surfaces requires solving of multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems. The major bottleneck here is the time-consuming evaluations of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model used to capture the nonlinear physics involved in designing aerodynamic surfaces. This, in conjunction with a large number of simulations necessary to yield a set of designs representing the best possible...
Biomass in biogas production: Pretreatment and codigestion
PublikacjaGlobally, there is increasing awareness that the implementation of ‘waste to energy’ technology is one of the best means to achieve sustainable energy development. The most popular approach is the conversion of organic-rich compounds into clean and renewable products by anaerobic digestion (AD). Biogas can be produced from agricultural residues, municipal/industrial biowastes, and sustainable biomass, especially materials that...
Molecular dynamics simulations reveal the balance of forces governing the formation of a guanine tetrad—a common structural unit of G-quadruplex DNA
PublikacjaG-quadruplexes (G4) are nucleic acid conformations of guanine-rich sequences, in which guanines are arranged in the square-planar G-tetrads, stacked on one another. G4 motifs form in vivo and are implicated in regulation of such processes as gene expression and chromosome maintenance. The structure and stability of various G4 topologies were determined experimentally; however, the driving forces for their formation are not fully...
A Broadband Circularly Polarized Wide-Slot Antenna with a Miniaturized Footprint
PublikacjaThis letter presents a novel and simple feeding technique for exciting orthogonal components in a wide-slot antenna. In this technique, a rectangular bracket-shape parasitic strip is placed at the open end of the straight microstrip line to excite the fundamental horizontal and vertical components of the circular polarization (CP). The proposed technique—when employed in conjunction with the asymmetrical geometry of coplanar waveguide...
Video Classification Technology in a Knowledge-Vision-Integration Platform for Personal Protective Equipment Detection: An Evaluation
PublikacjaThis work is part of an effort for the development of a Knowledge-Vision Integration Platform for Hazard Control (KVIP-HC) in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of industrial environments. This paper focuses on hazards resulted from the non-use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and examines a few supervised learning techniques to compose the proposed system for the purpose of recognition of three protective...
Viability of decisional DNA in robotics
PublikacjaThe Decisional DNA is an artificial intelligence system that uses prior experiences to shape future decisions. Decisional DNA is written in the Set Of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and is capable of capturing and reusing a broad range of data. Decisional DNA has been implemented in several fields including Alzheimer’s diagnosis, geothermal energy and smart TV. Decisional DNA is well suited to use in robotics due to the...
Diffusible Hydrogen Control in Flux Cored Arc Welding Process
PublikacjaOne of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper an experimental...
Cognition and Decisional Experience to Support Safety Management in Workplaces
PublikacjaHazards are present in all workplaces and can result in serious injuries, short and long-term illnesses, or death. In this context, management of safety is essential to ensure the occupational health of workers. Aiming to assist the safety management process, especially in industrial environments, a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) is proposed. This platform is a Cyber Physical system, capable of identifying...
Estimating the uncertainty of discharge coefficient predicted for oblique side weir using Monte Carlo method
PublikacjaSide weir is a hydraulic structure, which is used in irrigation systems to divert some water from main to side channel. It is installed at the entrance of the side channel to control and measure passing water into the side channel. Many studies provided side weir water surface profile and coefficient of discharge to measure water discharge diverted into the side channel. These studies dealt with different side weir shapes (rectangular,...
PublikacjaThe article specifies the dependence of defects occurring in the lamination process in the production of yachts. Despite great knowledge about their genesis, they cannot be completely eliminated. Authentic data obtained through cooperation with one of the Polish yacht shipyards during the years 2013–2017 were used for the analysis. To perform a simulation, the sample size was observed in 1450 samples, consisting of 6 models of...
Low-Cost Quasi-Global Optimization of Expensive Electromagnetic Simulation Models by Inverse Surrogates and Response Features
PublikacjaConceptual design of contemporary high-frequency structures is typically followed by a careful tuning of their parameters, predominantly the geometry ones. The process aims at improving the relevant performance figures, and may be quite expensive. The reason is that conventional design methods, e.g., based on analytical or equivalent network models, often only yield rough initial designs. This is especially the case for miniaturized...
Ocena stanu technicznego konstrukcji pras filtracyjnych w Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków „DĘBOGÓRZE” w Gdyni
PublikacjaPodstawowym celem pracy była rzeczowa ocena z punktu widzenia technicznego stanu trzech pras filtracyjnych, usytuowanych w budynku, położonym w Oczyszczalni Ścieków ‘DEBOGÓRZE w Gdyni. Zakres prac obejmował szczegółowa ocenę trzech układów w każdej prasie a mianowicie: - hydraulicznego, - sterowania i automatyki, - mechanicznego – związanego ze sprawdzeniem stanu konstrukcji nośnej i obudów.. Opis i analiza stanu poszczególnych...
Synteza, struktura chemiczna i właściwości bezizocyjanianowych poliuretanów otrzymywanych z wykorzystaniem CO2 oraz surowców pochodzenia naturalnego.
PublikacjaZ uwagi na wciąż rosnącą świadomość proekologiczną, politykę zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także nurt zielonej chemii wiodącym trendem w przemyśle tworzyw sztucznych jest poszukiwanie alternatywnych metod otrzymywania materiałów polimerowych. Komercyjnie poliuretany otrzymywane są w wyniku reakcji poliaddycji di- lub poliizocyjanianów z poliolami i małocząsteczkowymi przedłużaczami łańcucha. Z uwagi na niekorzystne właściwości diizocyjanianów,...
Use of Modified Cuckoo Search algorithm in the design process of integrated power systems for modern and energy self-sufficient farms
PublikacjaIn the face of increasingly stringent pollutant emission regulations, designing an agricultural holding becomes a difficult challenge of connecting a large number of coefficients that describe an energy system of a farm in regard to its ecological and economic efficiency. One way to cope with this issue is to design an energy self-sufficient farm that integrates various technologies, including renewable energy. However, the selection...
Rapid multi-criterial design of microwave components with robustness analysis by means of knowledge-based surrogates
PublikacjaManufacturing tolerances and uncertainties concerning material parameters, e.g., operating conditions or substrate permittivity are detrimental to characteristics of microwave components. The knowledge of relations between acceptable parameter deviations (not leading to violation of design specifications) and the nominal performance (not considering uncertainties), and is therefore indispensable. This paper proposes a multi-objective...
The importance of anchoring ligands of binuclear sensitizers on electron transfer processes and photovoltaic action in dye-sensitized solar cells
PublikacjaThe relatively low photon-to-current conversion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells is their major drawback limiting widespread application. Light harvesting, followed by a series of electron transfer processes, is the critical step in photocurrent generation. An in-depth understanding and fine optimization of those processes are crucial to enhance cell performance. In this work, we synthesize two new bi-ruthenium sensitizers...
Key issues in modeling and optimization of lignocellulosic biomass fermentative conversion to gaseous biofuels
PublikacjaThe industrial-scale production of lignocellulosic-based biofuels from biomass is expected to benefit society and the environment. The main pathways of residues processing include advanced hydrolysis and fermentation, pyrolysis, gasification, chemical synthesis and biological processes. The products of such treatment are second generation biofuels. The degree of fermentation of organic substances depends primarily on their composition...
Mesophilic and thermophilic dark fermentation course analysis using sensor matrices and chromatographic techniques
PublikacjaProduction of biofuels from biomass is expected to benefit the society and the environment. At present, bio waste residues processing includes hydrolysis, dark fermentation, photofermentation, pyrolysis, gasification, and chemical synthesis. As the composition and the chemical structure of organic substances affect the efficiency of mentioned processes, it is believed that the glucose concentration is a crucial parameter for the...
Evolving neural network as a decision support system — Controller for a game of “2048” case study
PublikacjaThe paper proposes an approach to designing the neuro-genetic self-learning decision support system. The system is based on neural networks being adaptively learned by evolutionary mechanism, forming an evolved neural network. Presented learning algorithm enables for a selection of the neural network structure by establishing or removing of connections between the neurons, and then for a finding the beast suited values of the network...
Observation of the Hydrogen Migration in the Cation-Induced Fragmentation of the Pyridine Molecules
PublikacjaThe ability to selectively control chemical reactions related to biology, combustion, and catalysis has recently attracted much attention. In particular, the hydrogen atom relocation may be used to manipulate bond-breaking and new bond-forming processes and may hold promise for far-reaching applications. Thus, the hydrogen atom migration preceding fragmentation of the gas-phase pyridine molecules by the H+, H2+, He+, He2+, and...
Micelle formation of Tween 20 nonionic surfactant in imidazolium ionic liquids
PublikacjaAggregation behavior of polyoxyethylene (POE)-type nonionic surfactant Tween 20 in imidazolium ionic liquids with varying chain length and different anions, such as tetrafluoroborate, hexafluorophosphate, bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, and trifluoromethanesulfonate, was investigated by means of surface tension, conductivity and dynamic light scattering measurements. The role of the chain length, anion size as well as interactions...
Kompleksowa analiza symulacyjna układu napędowego zespołu trakcyjnego
PublikacjaThe paper describes an approach to comprehensive analysis of traction electric drive. The drivetrain of ED-74 electric unit equipped with four inverter-fed induction motors was modeled in Matlab/Simulink. The model consists of functional blocks as: motors, inverters, drive controllers, filters. Structure and operation of the model was described. Chosen simulation results were presented and discussed. Two methods of modeling the...
How to achieve sustainability?-Employee's point of view on company's culture and CSR practice
PublikacjaThe people are the company. This study aims to examine the structure of relationships between company culture, performance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and reputation, as seen from the employee's perspective, to determine which company culture factors most influence CSR practice and, as a result, sustain a company's development and improve its performance. To accomplish this goal, we conducted a survey among employees...
Numerical analysis of CO2-water separation in a horizontal double T-junction
PublikacjaCarbon dioxide is considered one of the main factors leading to global warming. Considering the significant impacts of CO2 on climate change, various technologies have been developed in recent decades to control carbon emission, such as for example CO2 capture and storage. The developed cycle of a negative CO2 emission power plant includes some devices, out of which, separator plays an indispensable role. To this end, T-junction...
Probing Local Structural Changes by Sharp Luminescent Infrared Nanophosphor for Application in Light-Emitting Diodes
PublikacjaCr3+-doped infrared phosphors are promising candidates for next-generation phosphor-converted infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) because they can, in principle, tune and convert the luminescence spectra from an LED chip. However, most studies focus on broad-band Cr3+-doped phosphors, and the control mechanism of Cr3+-doped phosphors with sharp line emissions remains ambiguous. Here, we report LiGa5(1–x)Al5xO8:Cr3+ phosphors...
Path integrals formulations leading to propagator evaluation for coupled linear physics in large geometric models
PublikacjaReformulating linear physics using second kind Fredholm equations is very standard practice. One of the straightforward consequences is that the resulting integrals can be expanded (when the Neumann expansion converges) and probabilized, leading to path statistics and Monte Carlo estimations. An essential feature of these algorithms is that they also allow to estimate propagators for all types of sources, including initial conditions....
Multi-channel radio-over-fiber communication systems through modulation instability phenomenon
PublikacjaRecent advancements in Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) technology have positioned it as a promising solution for highcapacity wireless communications. This paper explores novel applications of RoF systems in enhancing phased array antenna (PAA) performance for multi-channel wireless communication applications through the modulation instability (MI) phenomenon. Utilizing fibers experiencing MI with varying group velocity dispersions (β2)...
Porównanie obciążenia wiatrem wyznaczonego na podstawie procedur normowych z wynikami symulacji w cyfrowym tunelu aerodynamicznym dla hali stalowej.
PublikacjaW niniejszych badaniach porównano obciążenia od wiatru wyznaczonego metodą normową oraz w cyfrowym tunelu aerodynamicznym. Analizom poddano typowy budynek hali na planie prostokąta z dwuspadowym dachem w czterech wariantach geometrycznych. W pierwszym etapie budynki zwymiarowano bazując na obciążeniach od wiatru wyznaczonych według Eurokodu. Następnie dla poszczególnych elementów konstrukcyjnych określono poziom wytężenia. Dla...
Accelerated multi-objective design of miniaturized microwave components by means of nested kriging surrogates
PublikacjaDesign of microwave components is an inherently multiobjective task. Often, the objectives are at least partially conflicting and the designer has to work out a suitable compromise. In practice, generating the best possible trade‐off designs requires multiobjective optimization, which is a computationally demanding task. If the structure of interest is evaluated through full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, the employment of...
PublikacjaIntensive development of technologies, in particular of the spinotronics, nanotechnology, robotics, and ICT, shapes the new generation production systems. Their distinctive feature is the flexi-bility associated with production intelligence. It is required from all processes, including the production planning and control processes (PPCP). The article is of conceptual character. It was prepared based on literature research. It encompasses...
A gap waveguide-based mechanically reconfigurable phase shifter for high-power Ku-band applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents a novel design of a low-loss, reconfgurable broadband phase shifter based on groove gap waveguide (GGW) technology. The proposed phase shifter consists of a folded GGW and three bends with a few pins forming the GGW and one bend attached to a movable plate. This movable plate allows for adjustments to the folded waveguide length, consequently altering the phase of electromagnetic waves. The advantage of GGW...
Simulation of fluid structure interaction in a novel design of high pressure axial piston pump
PublikacjaA novel type of an axial, piston-driven high pressure hydraulic pump with variable capacity marks a significant improvement in the area of the hydraulic machinery design. Total discharge from hydrostatic forces eliminates a need for a servomechanism, thus simplifying operation, reducing weight and introducing the possibility of the pump displacement control by computer. PWK-type pumps, invented in the Gdansk University of Technology,...
Simulation of fluid structure interaction in a novel design of high pressure axial piston hydraulic pump
PublikacjaA novel type of an axial, piston-driven high pressure hydraulic pump with variable capacity marks a significant improvement in the area of the hydraulic machinery design. Total discharge from hydrostatic forces eliminates a need for a servomechanism, thus simplifying operation, reducing weight and introducing the possibility of the pump displacement control by computer. PWK-type pumps, invented in the Gdansk University of Technology,...
Greenhouse control system design
PublikacjaCoraz większa populacja i zmniejszające się tereny uprawne wymusza efektywniejsze metody uprawy roślin. Zaradzić temu mogą układu hydroponiczne, które dzięki rozwojowi techniki są w stanie osiągać znacznie większe oraz bardziej jednorodne plony. Jest to możliwe dzięki zaawansowanym systemom opartym na dokładnych urządzeniach pomiarowych, sterowaniu w zamkniętej pętli oraz mikrokontrolerom umożliwiającym...
Tolerance Optimization of Antenna Structures by Means of Response Feature Surrogates
PublikacjaFabrication tolerances and other types of uncertainties, e.g., the lack of precise knowledge of material parameters, have detrimental effects on electrical and field performance of antenna systems. In the case of input characteristics these are particularly noticeable for narrow- and multi-band antennas where deviations of geometry parameters from their nominal values lead to frequency shifts of the operating frequency bands. Improving...
Tolerance-Aware Multi-Objective Optimization of Antennas by Means of Feature-Based Regression Surrogates
PublikacjaAssessing the immunity of antenna design to fabrication tolerances is an important consideration, especially when the manufacturing process has not been predetermined. At the same time, the antenna parameter tuning should be oriented toward improving the performance figures pertinent to both electrical (e.g., input matching) and field properties (e.g., axial ratio bandwidth) as much as possible. Identification of available trade-offs...
Load Testing of GFRP Composite U-Shape Footbridge
PublikacjaThe paper presents the scope of load tests carried out on an innovative shell composite footbridge. The tested footbridge was manufactured in one production cycle and has no components made from materials other than GFRP laminates and PET foam. The load tests, performed on a 14-m long structure, were the final stage of a research program in the Fobridge project carried out in cooperation with: Gdańsk University of Technology (leader),...
Assessment of the factors influencing on the formation of energy-oriented modes of electric power consumption by water-drainage installations of the mines
PublikacjaPurpose. Performing the analysis to determine energy-efficient modes and assess the characteristics of the main indicators of electric power consumption by mine water-drainage installations based on the developed research mathematical model. Methods. To achieve the purpose set, a methodology is used to develop the multiple multifactor correlation-regression modeling with respect to the modes of electric power consumption by electrical...
Integrating conventional nitrogen removal with anammox in wastewater treatment systems: Microbial metabolism, sustainability and challenges
PublikacjaThe various forms of nitrogen (N), including ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2−), and nitrate (NO3−), present in wastewaters can create critical biotic stress and can lead to hazardous phenomena that cause imbalances in biological diversity. Thus, biological nitrogen removal (BNR) from wastewaters is considered to be imperatively urgent. Therefore, anammox-based systems, i.e. partial nitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (PN/anammox)...
Visual method for detecting critical damage in railway contact strips
PublikacjaEnsuring an uninterrupted supply of power in the electric traction is vital for the safety of this important transport system. For this purpose, monitoring and diagnostics of the technical condition of the vehicle's power supply elements are becoming increasingly common. This paper presents a new visual method for detecting contact strip damage, based on measurement and analysis of the movement of the overhead contact line (OCL)...
Ordered TiO2 nanotubes with improved photoactivity through self-organizing anodization with the addition of an ionic liquid: effects of the preparation conditions
PublikacjaModifying the geometric and surface parameters of oriented TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) is beneficial to the utilization of solar energy for chemical reactions, and this performance may be further improved. Thus, the effects of adding an ionic liquid (IL), 1-butylpiridinium chloride [BPy][Cl], and the effects of the water content and preparation conditions on the surface morphological, physicochemical, photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical...
Injectable poloxamer/graphene oxide hydrogels with well‐controlled mechanical and rheological properties
PublikacjaAlthough significant progress has been made in the design and application of injectable hydrogels for biomedical applications, concurrent control of rheological and mechanical properties of injectable hydrogels has remained as an open challenge to the researchers. In this work, we introduce and put into practice a photo‐curable poloxamer (also known as Pluronic)/graphene oxide (Plu/GO) injectable hydrogel with well‐controlled rheological...
Polyurethanes modified with natural polymers for medical application. I. Polyurethanes/ Chitosan and polyurethane/collagen.
PublikacjaFor over three decades polyurethanes (PUR or PU) have been reported for application in a variety of medical devices. These polymers consist of hard and soft segments, which allow for more subtle control of their structure and properties. By varying the composition of the different segments, properties of PURcan be tuned up for use in many areas of medicine. Recently there is a great interest in modification of biomedical PUR with...
Tailor-Made Polysaccharides for Biomedical Applications
PublikacjaPolysaccharides (PSAs) are carbohydrate-based macromolecules widely used in the biomedical field, either in their pure form or in blends/nanocomposites with other materials. The relationship between structure, properties, and functions has inspired scientists to design multifunctional PSAs for various biomedical applications by incorporating unique molecular structures and targeted bulk properties. Multiple strategies, such as...
Morphology Regulation Mechanism and Enhancement of Photocatalytic Performance of BiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) via Mannitol-Assisted Synthesis
PublikacjaBiOX (X = Cl, Br, I) photocatalysts with dominant (110) facets were synthesized via a mannitol-assisted solvothermal method. This is the first report on the exposed (110) facets-, size-, and defects-controlled synthesis of BiOX achieved by solvothermal synthesis with mannitol. This polyol alcohol acted simultaneously as a solvent, capping agent, and/or soft template. The mannitol concentration on the new photocatalysts morphology...
Novel Resveratrol-Based Substrates for Human Hepatic, Renal, and Intestinal UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases
PublikacjaTrans-Resveratrol (tRes) has been shown to have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-aging properties; however, its use as a therapeutic agent is limited by its rapid metabolism into its conjugated forms by UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs). The aim of the current study was to test the hypothesis that the limited bioavailability of tRes can be improved by modifying its structure to create analogs...