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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS
Optical Fibre, Local Measurement Systems For Ships
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A review of design approaches for the implementation of low-frequency noise measurement systems
PublikacjaElectronic noise has its roots in the fundamental physical interactions between matter and charged particles, carrying information about the phenomena that occur at the microscopic level. Therefore, Low-Frequency Noise Measurements (LFNM) are a well-established technique for the characterization of electron devices and materials and, compared to other techniques, they offer the advantage of being non-destructive and of providing...
Optical Fibre Control-Measurement Systems Of Compound HV/HP Electrical Equipment
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Utilization of a Non-Linear Error Function in a Positioning Algorithm for Distance Measurement Systems Designed for Indoor Environments
PublikacjaA new positioning algorithm for distance measurement systems is outlined herein. This algorithm utilizes a non-linear error function which allows us to improve the positioning accuracy in highly difficult indoor environments. The non-linear error function also allows us to adjust the performance of the algorithm to the particular environmental conditions. The well-known positioning algorithms have limitations, mentioned by their...
Design of rail-track geometric systems by satellite measurement
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty zastosowania ciągłych pomiarów satelitarnych toru kolejowego, z antenami zainstalowanymi na poruszającym się pojeździe szynowym. Wykazano, że zastosowana pilotażowo technika pomiarowa umożliwia bardzo precyzyjne określenie podstawowych danych do projektowania modernizacji linii kolejowej (kierunków głównych trasy i jej kąta zwrotu), a także - ze stosunkowo niewielkim błędem - współrzędnych istniejącej...
Application of Maximum-Length Sequences to impulse response measurement of hydroacoustic communications systems
PublikacjaThere is a growing interest in digital transmission of telemetry data on ultrasonic waves. The dependence of signal attenuation on squared frequency, specific to the hy-droacoustic systems, induces problems that do not exist in monochromatic, narrowband radio communications systems. For adapting the transmission parameters to current propagation conditions, a precise knowledge of instantaneous changes of channel performances is...
The Influence of Camera and Optical System Parameters on the Uncertainty of Object Location Measurement in Vision Systems
PublikacjaThe article presents the influence of the camera and its optical system on the uncertainty of object position measurement in vision systems. The aim of the article is to present the methodology for estimating the combined standard uncertainty of measuring the object position with a vision camera treated as a measuring device. The identification of factors affecting the location measurement uncertainty and the determination of their...
A new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices. The method enables measuring fault loop resistance without nuisance tripping of residual current devices, by application an unconventional waveform of measurement current. It is important for proper verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock.
Automatic resource identification for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard
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Automatic configuration of FMC boards for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard
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Automatic HDL firmware generation for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard
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Diagnostic testing of marine propulsion systems with internal combustion engines by means of vibration measurement and results analysis
PublikacjaIn this paper selected issues concerning vibration diagnosis of the mechanical system within marine propulsion units have been presented, carried out on the basis of experimental examinations of a real object in which an exceedance of the allowable vibration’s level had been observed. Used diagnosing system has been characterised. A procedure of longitudinal and transverse vibrations shaft lines of the mechanical system within...
Discrete identification of continuous non-linear and non-stationary dynamical systems that is insensitive to noise correlation and measurement outliers
PublikacjaThe paper uses specific parameter estimation methods to identify the coefficients of continuous-time models represented by linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations. The necessary approximation of such systems in discrete time in the form of utility models is achieved by the use of properly tuned `integrating filters' of the FIR type. The resulting discrete-time descriptions retain the original continuous parameterization...
Interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and state measurement errors
PublikacjaThe design of interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables for application to drinking water distribution systems is described in this paper. In particular, it considers the design of such observer for estimation of water quality described by free chlorine concentration. An interval observer is derived to produce robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability and robustness...
An interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and chlorine concentration measurement errors
PublikacjaThe design of an interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables with application to drinking water distribution systems is described. In particular, the design process of such an observer is considered for estimation of the water quality described by the concentration of free chlorine. The interval observer is derived to produce the robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability...
O wyszukiwaniu niepoprawnych pomiarów w systemach DCS obiektów energetycznych = On search for incorrect measurement results in distributed control systems (DCS) of power objects
PublikacjaPrzedyskutowano problem rozpoznawania degradacji mierników pomiarowych w systemach DCS dużych obiektów energetycznych, przy równoczesnym występowaniu degradacji eksploatacyjnej urządzeń składowych tych obiektów. Zastosowano sieć neuronową (SNN) o skokowych funkcjach przejścia. Zastosowana SNN wykazała wysoką jakość. Sprawdzono możliwości rozpoznawania obu typów degradacji występującej w zastosowaniu do tzw. degradacji dwukrotnych.
PublikacjaA developed method and measurement setup for measurement of noise generated in a supercapacitor is presented. The requirements for noise data recording are considered and correlated with working modes of supercapacitors. An example of results of low-frequency noise measurements in commercially available supercapacitors are presented. The ability of flicker noise measurements suggests that they can be used to assess quality of tested supercapacitors.
Using A Particular Sampling Method for Impedance Measurement
PublikacjaThe paper presents an impedance measurement method using a particular sampling method which is an alternative to DFT calculation. The method uses a sine excitation signal and sampling response signals proportional to current flowing through and voltage across the measured impedance. The object impedance is calculated without using Fourier transform. The method was first evaluated in MATLAB by means of simulation. The method was...
Current measurement and analysis for induction motor diagnostics
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono sposób diagnozowania łożysk tocznych w silnikach indukcyjnych z wykorzystaniem pomiarów i analizy prądu zasilającego silnik. Zaprezentowano metodę pomiarową i opracowania danych diagnostycznych. Uzyskano zgodność częstotliwości składowych widma prądu otrzymanych z badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych.Podano wyniki badań łożysk o róznych uszkodzeniach i prawdopodobieństwa poprawnych diagnoz.
Radio Link Measurement Methodology for Location Service Applications
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is the methodology of measurements executed in a radio link for the realization of radiolocation services in radiocommunication networks, particularly in cellular networks. The main results of the measurements obtained in the physical layer of the universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) are introduced. A new method for the utilization of the multipath propagation phenomenon to improve the estimation...
Emotion Monitoring – Verification of Physiological Characteristics Measurement Procedures
PublikacjaThis paper concerns measurement procedures on an emotion monitoring stand designed for tracking human emotions in the Human-Computer Interaction with physiological characteristics. The paper addresses the key problem of physiological measurements being disturbed by a motion typical for human-computer interaction such as keyboard typing or mouse movements. An original experiment...
Measurement microsystem for high impedance spectroscopy of anticorrosion coatings
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono mikrosystem do pomiarów bardzo dużych impedancji ukierunkowany na identyfikację parametrów powłok antykorozyjnych metodą spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Do wyznaczania składowych ortogonalnych sygnałów pomiarowych zastosowano w nim technikę cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów. Pozwoliła ona na uzyskanie szerokiego zakresu częstotliwości pomiarowych, zwłaszcza bardzo niskich, od ćHz, przy zachowaniu prostej konstrukcji...
New concept of a measurement probe for high impedance spectrocopy
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia nową koncepcję sondy pomiarowej służącej jako obwód wejściowy analizatora do spektroskopii wysokoimpedancyjnej. Dzięki wykorzystaniu przetwornika prąd na napięcie uzyskano najmniejszy możliwy wpływ pojemności kabli dołączających mierzony obiekt na wynik pomiaru. Przeprowadzono analizę sondy biorąc pod uwagę najważniejsze parametry wpływające na dokładność pomiaru: pojemności pasożytnicze oraz rzeczywiste parametry...
Noise measurement setups for fluctuations enhanced gas sensing
PublikacjaObserwacje zjawisk fluktuacyjnych w sensorach gazów pozwala zwiększyć czułość i selektywność detekcji gazów. Problemem jest budowa prostego i taniego systemu do obserwacji tych zjawisk. W artykule przedstawiono dwa systemy pozwalające na obserwacje szumów w rezystancyjnych sensorach gazów dostępnych na rynku i prototypowych, wykonanych z warstwy nanocząstek o zbliżonych wymiarach.
A system for acoustic field measurement employing cartesian robot
PublikacjaA system setup for measurements of acoustic field, together with the results of 3D visualisations of acoustic energy flow are presented in the paper. Spatial sampling of the field is performed by a Cartesian robot. Automatization of the measurement process is achieved with the use of a specialized control system. The method is based on measuring the sound pressure (scalar) and particle velocity (vector) quantities. The aim of the...
Filtering of interference signals of grounding resistance measurement with subharmonic method
PublikacjaOmówiono metodę filtracji zakłóceń o częstotliwości sieciowej wraz z wyższymi harmonicznymi poprzez zastosowanie metody szczególnego próbkowania z podharmonicznym sygnałem pomiarowym.
Velocity measurement using the fdoa method in ground-based radio navigation system
PublikacjaVelocity is one of the main navigation parameters of the moving objects. However some systems of position estimation using radio wave measurements cannot provide velocity data due to limitation of their performance. In this paper a velocity measurement method for DS-CDMA radio navigation system is proposed, which doesn’t require full synchronization of reference stations carrier frequencies. The article presents basics of FDOA...
Investigation on accelerated impedance spectrum measurement method with multisine signal stimulation
PublikacjaThe paper presents an investigation on the accelerated impedance spectrum measurement method, oriented at parameter identification of technical objects modelled by a linear equivalent circuit, e.g. anticorrosion coatings.The method is based on multisine signal stimulation of an object and response analysis by triangle window filterbanks.It has several advantages, as compared with conventional point-by-point spectrum measurement....
Distance measurement errors in silent FM-CW sonar with matched filtering
PublikacjaThe secretiveness of sonar operation can be achieved by using continuous frequency-modulated sounding signalswith reduced power and significantly prolonged repeat time. The application of matched filtration in the sonarreceiver provides optimal conditions for detection against the background of white noise and reverberation, and avery good resolution of distance measurements of motionless targets. The article shows that target...
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a fibre-optic sensor for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and thickness of liquid layers. We designed an experimental low-coherence setup with two broadband light sources and an extrinsic fibre-optic Fabry–Pérot interferometer acting as the sensing head. We examined how the refractive index of a liquid film and its thickness affect spectrum at the output of a fibre-optic interferometer. We...
Conditions for measurement, analog-to-digital conversion and frequency analysis of irregularities of profile surface
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono uwarunkowania pomiaru, przetwarzania analogowo-cyfrowego i analizy częstotliwościowej nierówności powierzchni toczonych dla celów rozpoznawania ich głównych składowych. Przedstawiono ograniczenia w pomiarze igłą, która odwzorowuje nierówności poprzeczne. Podano zależności parametrów pomiaru cyfrowego nierówności warunkujące zakresy ich rozpatrywania. Dla wartości przedziału próbkowania, dla którego nie jest spełnione...
Electrochemical sensor for measurement of volatile organic compounds employing square wave perturbation voltage
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigation on a prototype sensor for measurement of benzaldehyde in air. Sensitivity and limit of quantification of the sensor were determined for different internal electrolyte using the square wave voltammetry (SWV) as a detection technique. The working and counter electrodes were made of platinum. Ionic liquids 1-hexyl, 3-methylimidazolium chloride,1-hexyl, 3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl)...
Laser reflectance interferometry system with a 405 nm laser diode for in-situ measurement of CVD diamond thickness
PublikacjaIn situ monitoring of the thickness of thin diamond films during technological processes is important because it allows better control of deposition time and deeper understanding of deposition kinetics. One of the widely used techniques is laser reflectance interferometry (LRI) which enables non-contact measurement during CVD deposition. The authors have built a novel LRI system with a 405 nm laser diode which achieves better...
Method of earth fault loop impedance measurement without nuisance tripping of RCDs in 3-phase low-voltage circuits
PublikacjaVerification of electrical safety in low-voltage power systems includes the measurement of earth fault loop impedance. This measurement is performed to verify the effectiveness of protection against indirect contact. The widespread classic methods and meters use a relatively high value of the measuring current (5–20) A, so that they are a source of nuisance tripping of residual current devices (RCDs). The meters dedicated to circuits...
Analogue CMOS ASICs in Image Processing Systems
PublikacjaIn this paper a survey of analog application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for low-level image processing, called vision chips, is presented. Due to the specific requirements, the vision chips are designed using different architectures best suited to their functions. The main types of the vision chip architectures and their properties are presented and characterized on selected examples of prototype integrated circuits (ICs)...
Measurements of Spectral Spatial Distribution of Scattering Materials for Rear Projection Screens used in Virtual Reality Systems
PublikacjaRapid development of computing and visualisation systems has resulted in an unprecedented capability to display, in real time, realistic computer-generated worlds. Advanced techniques, including three-dimensional (3D) projection, supplemented by multi-channel surround sound, create immersive environments whose applications range from entertainment to military to scientific. One of the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type...
Verification of a Novel Method of Detecting Faults in Medium-Voltage Systems with Covered Conductors
PublikacjaThis paper describes the use of new methods of detecting faults in medium-voltage overhead lines built of covered conductors. The methods mainly address such faults as falling of a conductor, contacting a conductor with a tree branch, or falling a tree branch across three phases of a medium-voltage conductor. These faults cannot be detected by current digital relay protection systems. Therefore, a new system that can detect the...
Investigation of optical properties of Infitec and Active Stereo stereoscopic techniques for CAVE-type virtual reality systems
PublikacjaIn recent years, many scientific and industrial centres in the world developed virtual reality systems or laboratories. At present, among the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) installations. Such systems usually consist of four, five, or six projection screens arranged in the form of a closed or hemi-closed space. The basic task of such systems is to ensure the effect of user...
Uncertainty analysis of measuring system for instantaneous power research
PublikacjaThe paper presents a metrological analysis of the measurement system used for diagnosis of induction motor bearings, based on the analysis of the instantaneous power. This system was implemented as a set of devices with dedicated software installed on a PC. A number of measurements for uncertainty estimation was carried out. The results of the measurements are presented in the paper. The results of the aforementioned analysis helped...
Accuracy assessment of mobile satellite measurements in relation to the geometrical layout of rail tracks
PublikacjaThe paper presents the campaigns of mobile satellite measurements, carried out in 2009–2015 on the railway and tram lines. The accuracy of the measurement method has been analysed on the basis of the results obtained in both horizontal and vertical planes. The track axis deviation from the defined geometric shape has been analysed in the areas clearly defined in terms of geometry, i.e. on the straight sections and sections with...
Characteristics of an image sensor with early-vision processing fabricated in standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology
PublikacjaThe article presents measurement results of prototype integrated circuits for acquisition and processing of images in real time. In order to verify a new concept of circuit solutions of analogue image processors, experimental integrated circuits were fabricated. The integrated circuits, designed in a standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology, contain the image sensor and analogue processors that perform low-level convolution-based image...
PublikacjaThe paper shows a study on the relationship between noise measures and sound quality (SQ) features that are related to annoyance caused by the traffic noise. First, a methodology to perform analyses related to the traffic noise annoyance is described including references to parameters of the assessment of road noise sources. Next, the measurement setup, location and results are presented along with the derived sound quality features....
An Implementation of a Compact Smart Resistive Sensor Based on a Microcontroller with an Internal ADC
PublikacjaIn the paper a new implementation of a compact smart resistive sensor based on a microcontroller with internal ADCs is proposed and analysed. The solution is based only on a (already existing in the system) microcontroller and a simple sensor interface circuit working as a voltage divider consisting of a reference resistor and the resistive sensor connected in parallel with an interference suppression capacitor. The measurement...
Fast High-Impedance Spectroscopy Method Using SINC Signal Excitation
PublikacjaIn this paper the method of fast impedance spectroscopy of technical objects with high impedance (|Zx| > 1 Gohm) is evaluated by means of simulation and practical experiment. The method is based on excitation of an object with a sinc signal and sampling response signals proportional to current flowing through and voltage across the measured impedance. The object impedance spectrum is obtained with use of continuous Fourier transform...
PublikacjaNew measurement technologies, e.g. Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), generate very large datasets. In many cases, it is reasonable to reduce the number of measuring points, but in such a way that the datasets after reduction satisfy specific optimization criteria. For this purpose the Optimum Dataset (OptD) method proposed in [1] and [2] can be applied. The OptD method with the use of several optimization criteria is called...
Mobile monitoring system for gaseous air pollution
PublikacjaThe concept of a mobile monitoring system for chemical agents control in the air is presented. The proposed system can be applied to measure industrial and car traffic air pollution. A monitoring station is relatively small and can be placed on cars or public transportation vehicles. Measured concentrations of air pollutants are collected and transferred via the GSM network to a central data base. Exemplary results from a measurement...
Electrochemical capacitor temperature fluctuations during charging/discharging processes
PublikacjaThepaperpresentsaproposalofusingadditionalstatisticalparameterssuchas:standarddeviation,variance, maximum and minimum increases of the observed value that were determined during measurements of temperature fields created on the surface of the tested electrochemical capacitor. The measurements were carriedoutusingthermographicmethodsinordertosupportassessmentoftheconditionofelectrochemical capacitorunderclassicdurabilitytestsbasedonmethodsofdeterminationofcapacityandequivalentseries...
Reliability of Pulse Measurements in Videoplethysmography
PublikacjaReliable, remote pulse rate measurement is potentially very important for medical diagnostics and screening. In this paper the Videoplethysmography was analyzed especially to verify the possible use of signals obtained for the YUV color model in order to estimate the pulse rate, to examine what is the best pulse estimation method for short video sequences and finally, to analyze how potential PPG-signals can be distinguished from...
PublikacjaIn the paper authors present a special measurement system for observing phase objects. The diffraction phas microscopy makes it possible to measure the dimensions of a tested object with a nanometre resolution. To meet this requirement, it is proposed to apply a spatial transform. The proposed setup can be based either on a two lenses system (called 4 f ) or a Wollaston prism. Both solutions with all construction aspects are described...
Quality assessment of high voltage varistors by third harmonic index
PublikacjaHigh voltage varistors that consist of grained ZnO have to be tested before assembling into a surge arrester. The existing methods demand a usage of high voltages and intensive currents that is inconvenient, destructive and needs extensive power consumption. Additionally, these methods require metallization of the prepared varistor structures that increases costs. We propose another method of varistors quality assessments by a...