wszystkich: 573
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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WATER TREATMENT
Magnetic photocatalysts for water treatment
PublikacjaThe concept of magnetic photocatalysts with separation function requires ferromagnetic material with high magnetic susceptibility to an external magnetic field to enable recycling of composite nanoparticles. Currently, much attention is devoted to functionalization of photocatalyst using MFe2O3, where M =Fe, Zn, Co, Mn. However direct contact between photocatalyst and magnetic iron oxide particles leads to photodissolution of iron...
Storm Water Treatment in TWs
PublikacjaIn this study magnetic nanoparticles were fabricated and used for water treatment. Nanoparticles were prepared in two ways. The first one involved NiZn ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation of metal cations with sodium hydroxide at high temperature. The second one featured maghemite nanoparticles was prepared by saltassisted solid-state reaction. Modification and functionalization of nanoparticles surface was investigated....
Photolytic and Photocatalytic Recreational Water Treatment
PublikacjaDisinfection is one of the most important steps during recreational water treatment. Nevertheless, disinfection by-products are formed by conventional disinfectants, which pose several health threats. The concentration of disinfection by-products can be decreased by photolytic and photocatalytic treatment. Medium-pressure mercury lamp, UV-LEDs and solar irradiation were investigated and evaluated considering emitted wavelength,...
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Investigation of properties of swimming pool water treatment sediments
PublikacjaDwa rodzaje osadów pochodzących z instalacji basenowych zostały scharakteryzowane i otrzymane wyniki przedyskutowane, w szczególności flokuły, które zatrzymały się na filtrze piaskowo-żwirowym i następnie zostały usunięte w płukaniu zwrotnym oraz osady z dna niecki basenowej zebrane tzw. odkurzaczem wodnym. Lepsze zrozumienie struktury i właściwości osadów powinno usprawnić usuwanie cyst Cryptosporidium z basenów i w efekcie podnieść...
Cullet As Filter Medium For Swimming Pool Water Treatment
PublikacjaKontrola jakości wody w basenach kąpielowych może być prowadzona poprzez oczyszczanie wody z uwzględnieniem filtracji i dodawaniemśrodków dezynfekcyjnych. Zanieczyszczenia wody nie zawsze mogą byćskutecznie usuwane przy stosowaniu konwencjonalnych metod uzdatnianiawody. W doświadczeniu zbadano osady powstałe na złożu piaskowym,stwierdzono nieefektywną pracę filtrów piaskowych. Porównano dwazłoża filtracyjne: piasek kwarcowy i...
UV/VIS light-enhanced photocatalysis for water treatment and protection
PublikacjaPraca zawiera wyniki badań nad zaawansowanymi metodami fotokatalitycznymi w aspekcie degradacji zanieczyszczeń w fazie ciekłej. Fenol i chlorowane pestycydy zostały zastosowane jako związki modelowe. Równocześnie prowadzono badania dotyczące ścieków pestycydowych. Rozważane układy: UV/TiO2 w zawiesinie lub osadzony na szklanych mikrosferach oraz UV/H2O2/powietrze. Poprzez modyfikację tlenku tytanu(IV) pierwiastkami niemetalicznymi...
Application of the expanded clay aggregate in form of granular materials for water treatment
PublikacjaThe paper aimed to evaluate the efficiency of Filtralite MonoMulti compared to the conventional dual-media filter beds comprising silica sand layer covered with anthracite coal. Filtralite media are composed of processed (expanded), highly porous clay products characterized by relatively rough grain surfaces. In order to compare these different media filters in a reliable way, the pilot filter columns operated in parallel, under...
Green products from herbal medicine wastes by subcritical water treatment
PublikacjaHerbal medicine wastes (HMWs) are byproducts of medicine factories, which are mainly landfilled for their environmental problems. Only bearing in mind the contamination and concerns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and environmental emissions, the worth of herbal medicine wastes management and conversion to green products can be understood. In this work, subcritical water treatment was carried out batch-wise in a stainless tube...
Application of subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands to reject water treatment in dairy wastewater treatment plant
PublikacjaThe paper presents the effects of applying subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands (SS VF) for the treatment of reject water generated in the process of aerobic sewage sludge stabilization in the biggest dairy wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Poland. Two SS VF beds were built: bed (A) with 0.65 m depth and bed (B) with 1.0 m depth, planted with reeds. Beds were fed with reject water with hydraulic load of 0.1 m d-1 in...
The influence of magnetic water treatment on CaCO3 scale formation in membrane distillation process
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Design and Application of Magnetic Photocatalysts for Water Treatment. The Effect of Particle Charge on Surface
PublikacjaCore-interlayer-shell Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2, CoFe2O4/SiO2/TiO2 and BaFe12O19/SiO2/TiO2 magnetic photocatalysts were obtained. A water-in-oil microemulsion system with suitable surfactants was used for functionalization of the magnetic core with silica interlayer and TiO2-based photocatalyst. Uncoated and coated particles were characterized by electrophoretic meaurements, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM),...
Water treatment by H2O2 and/or UV affects carbon nanotube (CNT) properties and fate in water and tannic acid solution
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Occurrence and seasonal variations of 25 pharmaceutical residues in wastewater and drinking water treatment plants
PublikacjaThousands of tons of pharmaceuticals are introduced into the aqueous environment due to their incomplete elimination during treatment process in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and water treat- ment plants (WTPs). The presence of pharmacologically active compounds in the environment is of a great interest because of their potential to cause negative effects. Furthermore, drugs can undergo different pro- cesses leading to the...
Design and Application of Magnetic Photocatalysts for Water Treatment. The Effect of Particle Charge on Surface Functionality
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Exploring synergistic effects in physical-chemical activation of Acorus calamus for water treatment solutions
PublikacjaThe research proposed a novel method of obtaining sorption material from readily available Acorus calamus bio- mass through a combination of physical and chemical activation processes. The material with the highest specific surface area (1652 m2 g−1) was obtained by physical activation with CO2, followed by chemical activation with KOH. Reversing the order of activation methods resulted in a lower specific surface area (1014 m2...
A review on hydrophobic electrospun nanofibers-based materials and membranes for water treatment: Challenges, outlook, and stability
PublikacjaMembrane technology is well recognized as a dependable means of supplementing the availability of potable water through processes such as water purification and desalination. Electrospun nanofiber membranes have garnered significant attention because of their advantageous features, including a greater specific surface area, increased porosity, reduced thickness, and popularity. Consequently, ENMs have emerged as an up-and-coming...
Enhanced electrochemical activity of boron-doped nanocarbon functionalized reticulated vitreous carbon structures for water treatment applications
PublikacjaAn extraordinary charge transfer kinetics and chemical stability make a boron-doped diamond (BDD) a prom- ising material for electrochemical applications including wastewater treatment. Yet, with flat geometrical sur- faces its scaling options are limited. In this study, the reticulated Vitreous Carbon (RVC) served as a substrate for boron-doped diamondized nanocarbons (BDNC) film growth resulting with complex heterogeneity carbon structures...
Nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent in a pilot study using two-step reject water treatment technology
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to assess the possibility of phosphorus and nitrogen recovery from the liquid fraction of digestates (reject water) pilot study using a two-step technology, where the precipitation of biogenic compounds in the form of magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) will be preceded by a deammonification process. The tests confirmed the possibility of nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent. A removal...
Zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-8) modified cellulose acetate NF membranes for potential water treatment application
PublikacjaIn this study, cellulose acetate (CA)-based nanofiltration membranes, modified with zeolitic imidazole framework-8 (ZIF-8) particles, were prepared with various ZIF-8 contents (0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 wt%), to obtain membranes with improved flux and filtration performance by combining advantages of CA polymer and ZIF-8 metal-organic frameworks. Removal efficiency studies were carried out with bovine serum albumin and two different...
Non-stoichiometric magnetite as catalyst for the photocatalytic degradation of phenol and 2,6-dibromo-4-methylphenol – a new approach in water treatment
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Scheelite-Type Wide-Bandgap ABO4 Compounds (A = Ca, Sr, and Ba; B = Mo and W) as Potential Photocatalysts for Water Treatment
PublikacjaIn the present study, alkaline-earth metal scheelite-type compounds ABO4 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, B = Mo, W) synthesized by a hydrothermal method were systematically studied. The as-obtained photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area analysis (BET), UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DR/UV-Vis), photoluminescence, and thermoluminescence (TL)...
KTaO3 a perovskite for water and air treatment
PublikacjaPerovskites are inorganic compounds that exhibit dielectric properties. These minerals belong to the crystal ceramics family. These compounds are described by the formula: ABX3 where, A and B are 2, 3 or 4 valuable metal ions, and X is an ion of oxygen or fluorine. An example of perovskite is the compound KTaO3. There are many methods for producing KTaO3, but the hydrothermal method is most commonly used. Perovskites can be characterized...
Sonochemical Based Processes for Treatment of Water and Wastewater
PublikacjaSonochemical Based Processes for Treatment of Water and Wastewater - Opportunities and Challenges – A Future Perspective.
Cavitation-Based Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment
PublikacjaCavitation based on advanced oxidation processes (Cav-AOPs) is interesting alternatives for already implemented wastewater treatment technologies. Destructive and strongly undesirable phenomena in the industry, i.e., cavitation, revealed to be useful in a positive manner as a source of energy for chemical reactions. During the implosion of cavitation bubbles, focused energy and resulting high temperature and pressure allows to...
Nanoparticles and nanofiltration for wastewater treatment: From polluted to fresh water
PublikacjaWater pollution poses significant threats to both ecosystems and human health. Mitigating this issue requires effective treatment of domestic wastewater to convert waste into bio-fertilizers and gas. Neglecting liquid waste treatment carries severe consequences for health and the environment. This review focuses on intelligent technologies for water and wastewater treatment, targeting waterborne diseases. It covers pollution prevention...
Bioaugmentation of a sequencing batch reactor with Archaea for the treatment of reject water
PublikacjaIn this study, the bioaugmentation of a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for the treatment of reject water from wastewater treatment plant was evaluated. For the bioaugmentation step a product containing an enrichment of microorganisms from the Archaea domain was used to enhance the performance of the reactor for treating reject water. The experiment was carried out in two parallel lab-scale sequencing batch reactors. The first one...
Efficiency of deep bed filtration in treatment of swimming pool water
PublikacjaPrzebadano efektywność filtracji wody w filtrach ze złożem żwirowo-piaskowym w instalacji basenu rehabilitacyjnego. Obok analizy instrumentalnej wody, w badaniach uwzględniono rozkład wielkości cząstek i analizę termiczną osadu zgromadzonego w złożu piaskowym filtrów wgłębnych i usuwanego podczas płukania.
PublikacjaThe use of biomass, especially waste biomass, as an alternative energy source is a very important issue today. Pyrolysis is a process of thermal degradation of raw material and one of its products is biochar. This product is mainly distinguished by its high carbon content, and by improving its quality through activation, it can be more widely used. Activated biocarbon has a strongly developed surface and porous structure, and as...
Application of multistage treatment wetlands as a buffer for effluent from Anammox treatment for reject water from centrifugation
PublikacjaAccording to the newest knowledge concerning TW technology multistage treatment wetland could be easily applied for ensuring stable and low concentration of biogenic compounds form the effluent of SBR reactor (with nitritation/annamox process) for treatment of digested sludge dewatering in side stream. The working condition and optimising of such MTW will be the issue of carried out investigation.
Reject water and landfil leachate treatment with hydrophyte method - preliminary results
PublikacjaTreatment of landfill leachate (LL) and reject water (RWC) from dewatering of digested sludge in WWTPs have become one of the actual problems. Treatment of both types of wastewater is in many cases very costly and difficult due to quality and quantity fluctuations in time as well as high concentrations of specific pollutants. In case of our investigation the TSS concentration in RWC was two times higher than in LL. The shere of...
Assessment of the Bulgarian Wastewater Treatment Plants’ Impact on the Receiving Water Bodies
PublikacjaDeterioration of water quality is a major problem world widely according to many international non-governmental organizations (NGO). As one of the European Union (EU) countries, Bulgaria is also obliged by EU legislation to maintain best practices in assessing surface water quality and the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes. For these reasons studies were undertaken to utilize ecotoxicological (Microtox®, Phytotoxkit...
Fotokatalityczne uzdatnianie wody basenowej = Photocatalytic treatment of swimming pool water
PublikacjaW uzdatnianiu wody obserwuje się wzrastające znaczenie alternatywnych rozwiązań technologicznych, do których należą metody zaawansowanego utleniania oraz metody fotokatalityczne z zastosowaniem promieniowania ultrafioletowego a także, coraz częściej, promieniowania w zakresie widzialnym (słonecznego). W tym odniesieniu, przedstawiono istotę fotokatalizy w nadfiolecie i w zakresie widzialnym oraz sposoby przygotowania fotokatalizatorów...
Comparison of Ozonation and Evaporation as Treatment Methods of Recycled Water for Bioethanol Fermentation Process
PublikacjaThe paper compared the performance of the ethanol yield after alcoholic fermentation with samples of rejected (RW) and permeate water (PW), RW and PW treated by oxidation with ozone (O3) (5 and 15 min) and evaporation, aiming the recirculation back to the bioethanol process. RW and PW were collected after an anaerobic bioreactor (AnBR) used for stillage treatment. Nine types of fermentations were made, where one used 100% tap...
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Degradation of 1,4-dioxane by sono-activated persulfates for water and wastewater treatment applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents a hybrid advanced oxidation process (AOP) based on sonocavitational activation of persulfate (PS) for degradation of 1,4-dioxane during wastewater treatment. Application of sono-cavitation effectively convert PS to radical species demonstrating synergistic effect by increasing the reaction rate and reducing the required energy for activation. It is economically feasible and deployed alternative to the direct...
Advanced super-hydrophobic polymer-based porous absorbents for the treatment of oil-polluted water
PublikacjaThe threat of environmental pollution caused by spilled oil is rapidly increasing along with the expansion of oil exploration, the development of maritime activities and industrial growth. Oil spill incidents usually affect seriously the ecosystem and human life. Therefore, the treatment and recovery of the oil spill have been considered as an ultra-important issue to protect the environment and to minimize its negative impacts...
PublikacjaThe pressure on the world’s water resources is rapidly increasing due to population growth and climatic changes. Valorisation of stormwater as a water resource for non-potable reuse can reduce high-quality water demands and save it for potable uses. In this context, not only roof runoff but also drained stormwater outflow, representing considerably higher pollution levels, should be considered as a potential resource. We analysed...
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Stability of oil‐in‐water emulsions as influenced by thermal treatment of whey protein dispersions or emulsions
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Effect of ultrasound treatment on water holding properties and microstructure of beef (m. semimembranosus) during ageing
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Biostability of Tap Water—A Qualitative Analysis of Health Risk in the Example of Groundwater Treatment (Semi-Technical Scale)
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Application of Vertical Reed Beds as a Buffer for Effluent from SBR ANAMMOX Treatment for Reject Water from Centrifugation
PublikacjaThe main purpose of this study is to determine the removal efficiency of nitrogen compounds in the effluentfrom ANAMMOX process used to treat reject water after centrifugation. A pilot model was bulit consisting of fourdifferent Treatment Wetlands beds with different filter substrate and with or without macrophytes growth. Verticalsubsurface flow type filters have been choosen thanks to their highest efficiency in NH4-N removal...
Three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon derived from natural resources for highly efficient treatment of polluted water
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The Problem of Wastewater in Shale Gas Exploitation The Influence of Fracturing Flowback Water on Activated Sludge at a Wastewater Treatment Plant
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Hot-Water Immersion (HWI) or Ice-Pack Treatment (IPT) as First Aid for Human Envenomation by Marine Animals? Review of Literature
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Treatment of landfill leachate in a constructed free water surface wetland system over a decade – Identification of disturbance in process behaviour and removal of eutrophying substances and organic material
PublikacjaAn 8 ha free water surface wetland system in Örebro, Sweden, which has sediment traps followed by 10 ponds for treatment of landfill leachate in the methanogenic stage, was studied from 2003 to 2012. The wetland was irregularly loaded and the leachate characteristics showed high temporal and spatial variability, so Multivariate Statistical Process Control was chosen as the diagnostic tool for detecting anomalies prior to assessing...
Tetracycline degradation for wastewater treatment based on ozone nanobubbles advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) – Focus on nanobubbles formation, degradation kinetics, mechanism and effects of water composition
PublikacjaPresence of pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics, in industrial and domestic effluents causes serious damage to the environment. Classic wastewater treatment processes, in particular conventional biological treatment methods, are not sufficient to rapidly eliminate antibiotics. Typically, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) based on activation of hydrogen peroxide, ozone or persulfate for formation of particular type of radical...
Effect of Thermal Treatment of Birch Wood by Saturated Water Vapor on Granulometric Composition of Chips from Sawing and Milling Processes from the Point of View of Its Processing to Composites
PublikacjaThe goal of this work is to investigate the impact of thermal modification of birch wood with saturated steam on the particle size distribution of the sawing and milling process. Birch wood (Betula pendula Roth) is an excellent source to produce plywood boards. Wastes from mechanical processing of birch wood are suitable to produce composite materials. Granulometric analyses of chips from sawing processes on the PRW 15M frame saw,...