


  • Residual MobileNets

    As modern convolutional neural networks become increasingly deeper, they also become slower and require high computational resources beyond the capabilities of many mobile and embedded platforms. To address this challenge, much of the recent research has focused on reducing the model size and computational complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel residual depth-separable convolution block, which is an improvement of the basic...

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  • Constrained aerodynamic shape optimization using neural networks and sequential sampling


    - Rok 2023

    Aerodynamic shape optimization (ASO) involves computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-based search for an optimal aerodynamic shape such as airfoils and wings. Gradient-based optimization (GBO) with adjoints can be used efficiently to solve ASO problems with many design variables, but problems with many constraints can still be challenging. The recently created efficient global optimization algorithm with neural network (NN)-based prediction...

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  • IFE: NN-aided Instantaneous Pitch Estimation


    Pitch estimation is still an open issue in contemporary signal processing research. Nowadays, growing momentum of machine learning techniques application in the data-driven society allows for tackling this problem from a new perspective. This work leverages such an opportunity to propose a refined Instantaneous Frequency and power based pitch Estimator method called IFE. It incorporates deep neural network based pitch estimation...

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  • Improvement of speech intelligibility in the presence of noise interference using the Lombard effect and an automatic noise interference profiling based on deep learning

    • K. Kąkol

    - Rok 2023

    The Lombard effect is a phenomenon that results in speech intelligibility improvement when applied to noise. There are many distinctive features of Lombard speech that were recalled in this dissertation. This work proposes the creation of a system capable of improving speech quality and intelligibility in real-time measured by objective metrics and subjective tests. This system consists of three main components: speech type detection,...

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  • Video of LEGO Bricks on Conveyor Belt Dataset Series


    - Rok 2022

    The dataset series titled Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt is composed of 14 datasets containing video recordings of a moving white conveyor belt. The recordings were created using a smartphone camera in Full HD resolution. The dataset allows for the preparation of data for neural network training, and building of a LEGO sorting machine that can help builders to organise their collections.

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  • A Novel Method for the Deblurring of Photogrammetric Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks


    The visual data acquisition from small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may encounter a situation in which blur appears on the images. Image blurring caused by camera motion during exposure significantly impacts the images interpretation quality and consequently the quality of photogrammetric products. On blurred images, it is difficult to visually locate ground control points, and the number of identified feature points decreases...

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  • Embedded Representations of Wikipedia Categories


    - Rok 2021

    In this paper, we present an approach to building neural representations of the Wikipedia category graph. We test four different methods and examine the neural embeddings in terms of preservation of graphs edges, neighborhood coverage in representation space, and their influence on the results of a task predicting parent of two categories. The main contribution of this paper is application of neural representations for improving the...

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  • Wykorzystanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do wykrywania i rozpoznawania tablic rejestracyjnych na zdjęciach pojazdów

    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję algorytmu wykrywania i rozpoznawania tablic rejestracyjnych (AWiRTR) na obrazach cyfrowych pojazdów. Detekcja i lokalizacja tablic rejestracyjnych oraz wyodrębnienie z obrazu tablicy rejestracyjnej poszczególnych znaków odbywa się z wykorzystaniem podstawowych technik przetwarzania obrazu (przekształcenia morfologiczne, wykrywanie krawędzi) jak i podstawowych danych statystycznych obiektów wykrytych...

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    Aplikacja przedstawiona w niniejszym rozdziale służy do automatycznego wykrywania mowy patologicznej na podstawie bazy nagrań. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono założenia leżące u podstaw przeprowadzonych badan wraz z wyborem bazy mowy patologicznej. Zaprezentowano również zastosowane algorytmy oraz cechy sygnału mowy, które pozwalają odróżnić mowę niezaburzoną od mowy patologicznej. Wytrenowane sieci neuronowe zostały następnie...

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  • Developing a Low SNR Resistant, Text Independent Speaker Recognition System for Intercom Solutions - A Case Study


    This article presents a case study on the development of a biometric voice verification system for an intercom solution, utilizing the DeepSpeaker neural network architecture. Despite the variety of solutions available in the literature, there is a noted lack of evaluations for "text-independent" systems under real conditions and with varying distances between the speaker and the microphone. This article aims to bridge this gap....

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  • Tagged images with bees

    Dane Badawcze
    open access - seria: Bees

    Images taken from bee hive with tagged bees. The images are prepared for training yolo5 deep neural network (supplied with the data).

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - flags and signs

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (flags and signs) moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final...

  • Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition


    - Rok 2018

    Much attention is given by researchers to the speech processing task in automatic speech recognition (ASR) over the past decades. The study addresses the issue related to the investigation of the appropriateness of a two-dimensional representation of speech feature spaces for speech recognition tasks based on deep learning techniques. The approach combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and timefrequency signal representation...

  • Standard of living in Poland at regional level - classification with Kohonen self-organizing maps

    The standard of living is spatially diversified and its analyzes enable shaping regional policy. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the standard of living and to classify regions due to their standard of living, based on a wide set of determinants. The most common research methods are those based on composite indicators, however, they are not ideal. Among the current critiques moved to the use of composite...

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    In this paper the authors propose a decision support system for automatic blood smear analysis based on microscopic images. The images are pre-processed in order to remove irrelevant elements and to enhance the most important ones - the healthy blood cells (erythrocytes) and the pathologic (echinocytes). The separated blood cells are analyzed in terms of their most important features by the eigenfaces method. The features are the...

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  • Deep learning for recommending subscription-limited documents


    Documents recommendation for a commercial, subscription-based online platform is important due to the difficulty in navigation through a large volume and diversity of content available to clients. However, this is also a challenging task due to the number of new documents added every day and decreasing relevance of older contents. To solve this problem, we propose deep neural network architecture that combines autoencoder with...

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  • Method for Clustering of Brain Activity Data Derived from EEG Signals

    A method for assessing separability of EEG signals associated with three classes of brain activity is proposed. The EEG signals are acquired from 23 subjects, gathered from a headset consisting of 14 electrodes. Data are processed by applying Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for the signal analysis and an autoencoder neural network for the brain activity separation. Processing involves 74 wavelets from 3 DWT families: Coiflets,...

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  • Sensing Direction of Human Motion Using Single-Input-Single-Output (SISO) Channel Model and Neural Networks


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    Object detection Through-the-Walls enables localization and identification of hidden objects behind the walls. While numerous studies have exploited Channel State Information of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) WiFi and radar devices in association with Artificial Intelligence based algorithms (AI) to detect and localize objects behind walls, this study proposes a novel non-invasive Through-the-Walls human motion direction...

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  • Adding Intelligence to Cars Using the Neural Knowledge DNA



    In this paper we propose a Neural Knowledge DNA based framework that is capable of learning from the car’s daily operation. The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation and reasoning approach designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing devices. We examine our framework for drivers' classification based on their driving behaviour. The experimental...

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  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - slopes, arcs and rainbows

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (slopes, arcs and rainbows) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - narrow plates

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (narrow plates) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final conveyor...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - narrow special plates

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (narrow special plates) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Technic pins

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (Technic pins) moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final conveyor...

  • Poprawa jakości klasyfikacji głębokich sieci neuronowych poprzez optymalizację ich struktury i dwuetapowy proces uczenia


    - Rok 2024

    W pracy doktorskiej podjęto problem realizacji algorytmów głębokiego uczenia w warunkach deficytu danych uczących. Głównym celem było opracowanie podejścia optymalizującego strukturę sieci neuronowej oraz zastosowanie uczeniu dwuetapowym, w celu uzyskania mniejszych struktur, zachowując przy tym dokładności. Proponowane rozwiązania poddano testom na zadaniu klasyfikacji znamion skórnych na znamiona złośliwe i łagodne. W pierwszym...

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  • BP-EVD: Forward Block-Output Propagation for Efficient Video Denoising

    Denoising videos in real-time is critical in many applications, including robotics and medicine, where varying light conditions, miniaturized sensors, and optics can substantially compromise image quality. This work proposes the first video denoising method based on a deep neural network that achieves state-of-the-art performance on dynamic scenes while running in real-time on VGA video resolution with no frame latency. The backbone...

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  • Model Correction and Optimization Framework for Expedited EM-Driven Surrogate-Assisted Design of Compact Antennas

    Design of compact antennas is a numerically challenging process that heavily relies on electromagnetic (EM) simulations and numerical optimization algorithms. For reliability of simulation results, EM models of small radiators often include connectors which—despite being components with fixed dimensions—significantly contribute to evaluation cost. In this letter, a response correction method for antenna models without connector,...

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  • Application of ANN and PCA to two-phase flow evaluation using radioisotopes


    - EPJ Web of Conferences - Rok 2017

    In the two-phase flow measurements a method involving the absorption of gamma radiation can be applied among others. Analysis of the signals from the scintillation probes can be used to determine the number of flow parameters and to recognize flow structure. Three types of flow regimes as plug, bubble, and transitional plug – bubble flows were considered in this work. The article shows how features of the signals in the time and...

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  • Bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence in wastewater treatment: Current status, research progress, and future prospects


    - Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering - Rok 2024

    Wastewater treatment is an important topic for improving water quality and environmental protection, and artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool for wastewater treatment. This work provides research progress and a literature review of artificial intelligence applied to wastewater treatment based on the visualization of bibliometric tools. A total of 3460 publications from 2000 to 2023 were obtained from the Web of Science...

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  • Impact of Visual Image Quality on Lymphocyte Detection Using YOLOv5 and RetinaNet Algorithms

    Lymphocytes, a type of leukocytes, play a vital role in the immune system. The precise quantification, spatial arrangement and phenotypic characterization of lymphocytes within haematological or histopathological images can serve as a diagnostic indicator of a particular lesion. Artificial neural networks, employed for the detection of lymphocytes, not only can provide support to the work of histopathologists but also enable better...

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  • Response of high voltage disconnector under seismic excitation - experimental and numerical study


    The efficiency of the energetic infrastructure system is a very import safety issue in the region experienced by the ground motion. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of the experimental and numerical study focused on the earthquake-induced response of the high voltage disconnector, which is an important element of energetic network. First, the impact tests as well as the sweep-sine shaking table tests were conducted....

  • Deep Features Class Activation Map for Thermal Face Detection and Tracking


    - Rok 2017

    Recently, capabilities of many computer vision tasks have significantly improved due to advances in Convolutional Neural Networks. In our research, we demonstrate that it can be also used for face detection from low resolution thermal images, acquired with a portable camera. The physical size of the camera used in our research allows for embedding it in a wearable device or indoor remote monitoring solution for elderly and disabled...

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  • Data Acquisition and Processing for GeoAI Models to Support Sustainable Agricultural Practices

    • A. G. Pereira
    • A. Ojo
    • C. Edward
    • L. Porwol

    - Rok 2020

    There are growing opportunities to leverage new technologies and data sources to address global problems related to sustainability, climate change, and biodiversity loss. The emerging discipline of GeoAI resulting from the convergence of AI and Geospatial science (Geo-AI) is enabling the possibility to harness the increasingly available open Earth Observation data collected from different constellations of satellites and sensors...

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  • Automatic singing quality recognition employing artificial neural networks


    Celem artykułu jest udowodnienie możliwości automatycznej oceny jakości technicznej głosów śpiewaczych. Pokrótce zaprezentowano w nim stworzoną bazę danych głosów śpiewaczych oraz zaimplementowane parametry. Przy pomocy sztucznych sieci neuronowych zaprojektowano system decyzyjny, który oceniono w pięciostopniowej skali jakość techniczną głosu. Przy pomocy metod statystycznych udowodniono, że wyniki generowane przez ten system...

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  • Robust and Efficient Machine Learning Algorithms for Visual Recognition


    - Rok 2022

    In visual recognition, the task is to identify and localize all objects of interest in the input image. With the ubiquitous presence of visual data in modern days, the role of object recognition algorithms is becoming more significant than ever and ranges from autonomous driving to computer-aided diagnosis in medicine. Current models for visual recognition are dominated by models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which...

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  • Otwarte zasoby edukacyjne - przegląd inicjatyw w Polsce i na świecie


    Otwarte zasoby edukacyjne (OZE) to materiały szkoleniowe oraz narzędzia wspierające zarówno uczenie, jak i nauczanie. Zjawisko to nierozerwalnie łączy się z szerszym pojęciem otwartej edukacji (OE), które postuluje zniesienie barier w nauczaniu tak, aby uczący się mogli zdobywać wiedzę zgodnie ze swoimi potrzebami edukacyjno-szkoleniowymi. Celem artykułu jest zapoznanie czytelników z zagadnieniem otwartych zasobów edukacyjnych,...

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  • Paweł Burdziakowski dr inż.

    dr inż. Paweł Burdziakowski jest specjalista w zakresie fotogrametrii i teledetekcji lotniczej niskiego pułapu, nawigacji morskiej i lotniczej. Jest również licencjonowanym instruktorem lotniczym oraz programistą. Głównymi obszarami zainteresowania jest fotogrametria cyfrowa, nawigacja platform bezzałogowych oraz systemy bezzałogowe, w tym lotnicze, nawodne, podwodne. Prowadzi badania  w zakresie algorytmów i metod poprawiających...

  • FPGA Acceleration of Matrix-Assembly Phase of RWG-Based MoM


    In this letter, the field-programmable-gate-array accelerated implementation of matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is presented. The solution is based on a discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using the Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions and their extension to wire-to-surface junctions. To take advantage of the given hardware resources (i.e., Xilinx Alveo U200 accelerator card),...

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  • Neurocontrolled Car Speed System

    The features of the synthesis of neural controllers for the car speed control system are considered in this article. The task of synthesis is to determine the weight coefficients of neural networks that provide the implementation of proportional and proportional-integralderivative control laws. The synthesis of controllers is based on an approach that uses a reversed model of the standard. A model of the car speed control system with...

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  • Automated hearing loss type classification based on pure tone audiometry data

    • M. Kassjański
    • M. Kulawiak
    • T. Przewoźny
    • D. Tretiakow
    • J. Kuryłowicz
    • A. Molisz
    • K. Koźmiński
    • A. Kwaśniewska
    • P. Mierzwińska-Dolny
    • M. Grono

    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2024

    Hearing problems are commonly diagnosed with the use of tonal audiometry, which measures a patient’s hearing threshold in both air and bone conduction at various frequencies. Results of audiometry tests, usually represented graphically in the form of an audiogram, need to be interpreted by a professional audiologist in order to determine the exact type of hearing loss and administer proper treatment. However, the small number of...

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  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Tiles with studs

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (tiles with studs) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Tiles and panels

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (tiles, panels, etc.) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Bricks with studs on the side

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (bricks with studs on the side) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Plates with studs on the side

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (plates with studs on the side) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - gears

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (gears) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were taken for gathering images for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Technic Brics

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (Technic bricks) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final conveyor...

  • Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Technic axles

    Dane Badawcze

    The set contains videos of LEGO bricks (Technic axles) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final conveyor...

  • Nuclear power plant as a source of electrical energy and heat

    In this paper certain issues concerning usage of nuclear power plants as sources of not only electric power but also thermal energy will be discussed. For such a solution appeals most of all the need to limit harmful emissions of gases (including CO2) and ashes, which come from the process of burning fossil fuels, as well as the raising demand for network heat and chill. Additionally combined heat and power production brings measurable...

  • XPS investigations of tge tin/tin oxides - CNT composites

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The composite of tin/tin oxide nanoparticles with graphene oxide and CMC based on laser ablation technique as an electrode material for energy storage devices were manufactured. The material exhibited a three-dimensional conducting graphene oxide network decorated with tin or tin oxide nanoparticles. The presence of tin/tin oxide in composites was...

  • Machine Learning Techniques in Concrete Mix Design

    Concrete mix design is a complex and multistage process in which we try to find the best composition of ingredients to create good performing concrete. In contemporary literature, as well as in state-of-the-art corporate practice, there are some methods of concrete mix design, from which the most popular are methods derived from The Three Equation Method. One of the most important features of concrete is compressive strength, which...

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  • Spatio-temporal filtering for determination of common mode error in regional GNSS networks


    - Central European Journal of Geosciences - Rok 2015

    The spatial correlation between different stations for individual components in the regional GNSS networks seems to be significant. The mismodelling in satellite orbits, the Earth orientation parameters (EOP), largescale atmospheric effects or satellite antenna phase centre corrections can all cause the regionally correlated errors. This kind of GPS time series errors are referred to as common mode errors (CMEs). They are usually...

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