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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EMPIRICAL POTENTIALS

  • Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty


    - Handel Wewnętrzny - Rok 2017

    The objective of this paper is to review, systematize, and summarize empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of brand loyalty. The literature review has identified five categories of antecedents to brand loyalty associated with consumer, brand, social, corporate and relational factors. The type of loyalty formed varies according to the combination of various antecedents, with premium loyalty being considered the...

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  • Towards Knowledge Sharing Oriented Adaptive Control



    In this paper, we propose a knowledge sharing oriented approach to enable a robot to reuse other robots' knowledge by adapting itself to the inverse dynamics model of the knowledge-sharing robot. The purpose of this work is to remove the heavy fine-tuning procedure required before using a new robot for a task via reusing other robots' knowledge. We use the Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA) to help robots gain empirical knowledge and...

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  • Ionosphere variability II: Advances in theory and modeling

    • I. Tsagouri
    • D. R. Themens
    • A. Belehaki
    • J. Shim
    • M. M. Hoque
    • G. Nykiel
    • C. Borries
    • A. Morozova
    • T. Barata
    • W. J. Miloch


    This paper aims to provide an overview on recent advances in ionospheric modeling capabilities, with the emphasis in the efforts relevant to electron density variability. The discussion spans a wide range of model formulations (e.g., from purely empirical to physics-based ones and data-driven approaches) seeking for advances or gaps with regard to present challenges. This discussion is further supported by consideration of the...

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  • ICT-driven economic and financial development. Analyses of European countries


    - Rok 2019

    ICT-Driven Economic and Financial Development: Analyses of European Countries demonstrates the effects of ICT diffusion on economic, social and financial development by examining their impact on the structure and dynamics of national economies. It provides the insight into shifts observed in labour markets, international trade activities productivity factors, education and use of innovative financial products. It combines empirical...

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  • Fracture mechanics model of cutting power versus widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades


    A comparison of the theoretical cutting power consumption results forecasted with the model (FM_CM model) which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and two widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades has been described. in and cutting power consumption forecasted. In computations of the cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood...

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  • Simulation of parallel similarity measure computations for large data sets

    The paper presents our approach to implementation of similarity measure for big data analysis in a parallel environment. We describe the algorithm for parallelisation of the computations. We provide results from a real MPI application for computations of similarity measures as well as results achieved with our simulation software. The simulation environment allows us to model parallel systems of various sizes with various components...

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  • The differential impact of a density of Polish pine wood on cutting forces with its origin region taken into consideration


    In the article the dependence of cutting forces in a function the density of wood with regard to the wood origin are presented. Samples used in experiment were with Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) originating from four provenances in Poland (Figure 1). Wood density was measured by two methods: stereometric method (global density) and radiometric method (local density). Stereometric method consists in measurements the volume...

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  • Knowledge risks in organizations – Insights from companies


    - Rok 2021

    Purpose: Knowledge risks are increasingly becoming a great challenge to a variety of organizations. At the same time, academic research on such types of risks, their consequences, and potential ways of overcoming them is still scarce and fragmented. To fill this gap, the paper aims to find out do companies manage their knowledge risks, what are the possible knowledge risks they face and have they observed an increase of knowledge...

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  • Hybrid quantum-classical approach for atomistic simulation of metallic systems

    The learn-on-the-fly (LOTF) method [G. Csanyi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 175503 (2004)] serves to seamlessly embed quantum-mechanical computations within a molecular-dynamics framework by continual local retuning of the potential's parameters so that it reproduces the quantum-mechanical forces. In its current formulation, it is suitable for systems where the interaction is short-ranged, such as covalently bonded semiconductors....

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  • Employees 55+ - valuable resource in SMEs

    The article relates to the problem of exploiting the potential of workers aged 55 years or more to build the competitiveness of the SME sector. The aim of the study was an attempt to formulate an answer to the question whether entrepreneurs and managers are able to identify the potential of older workers and whether they use this potential to build the competitiveness of their enterprises. The article is based on the results of...

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  • Tradycyjna versus przyspieszona internacjonalizacja przedsiębiorstw z branż high-tech. Wyniki badań empirycznych


    The discussion on the role and importance of time in the process of internationalization of firms belongs to the mainstream of research in the field of internationalization. In the literature, the phenomenon of early and rapid internationalization was noticed in the early 1980s; however, the intensive development of the research into this phenomenon began a decade later and continues today. For several years in Poland, the share...

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  • Fading Analysis in Off-Body Channels in a Straight Metallic Corridor in a Passenger Ferry Environment


    - Rok 2019

    This paper presents a fading analysis for Body Area Networks off-body communications at 2.45 GHz in a passenger ferry environment. The results are based on measurements performed for dynamic scenarios in a straight metallic corridor. Two components, extracted from instantaneous system loss values, have been analysed: small- and large-scales fading, separately for each scenario. Well-known probability distribution functions have...

  • Property revenues (PRs) and expenditures of local government units (LGUs) in Poland

    PRs are new category of local government revenues, which was introduced by changing the law on public finances at the end of 2006 and which took effect in 2007. By principle, these revenues should be converted into property expenditures. Their formalisation did not only allow assessing their absolute size but also a comparison with the longer existing property expenditures. Both categories were subject of analysis in this article....

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  • Executing Multiple Simulations in the MERPSYS Environment


    - Rok 2016

    The chapter investigates the steps necessary to perform a simulation instance in the MERPSYS environment and discusses potential limitations in case when vast numbers of simulations are required. An extended architecture is proposed which includes a JMS-based simulation queue and multiple distributed simulators, overcoming the potential bottlenecks. The chapter introduces also methods for preparing suites of multiple simulations...

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  • Rozumienie cechą inteligentnego przedsiębiotstwa

    W artykule podniesiono istotę pojęcia ‘rozumienie’ w aspekcie inteligentnego przedsiębiorstwa. Przeprowadzone badania teoretyczne i empiryczne pozwoliły na wyłonienie rozumienia wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego. Rozumienie wewnętrzne w inteligentnym przedsiębiorstwie dotyczy sfer: pracowników oraz całego przedsię-biorstwa. Natomiast rozumienie zewnętrzne skierowane jest na otoczenie i potrze-bę dostosowania przedsiębiorstwa.

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  • Krótko- i długookresowe skorygowane krańcowe skłonności do konsumpcji. Gospodarka Polski w latach 1995-2018

    We wstępnej części artykułu - odwołując się do teorii Keynesa - omówiono i zdefiniowano podstawowe relacje makroekonomiczne pomiędzy konsumpcją globalną a produktem krajowym brutto. W następnej kolejności przeprowadzono analizę informacji statystycznych dotyczących prywatnych wydatków konsumpcyjnych gospodarstw domowych (C) oraz globalnych wydatków konsumpcyjnych społeczeństwa (CO) na tle produktu krajowego brutto (PKB) w Polsce...

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  • Hydrogen production from wood waste by mean of dark fermentation


    - Rok 2016

    The utilization of wood wastes in clean and green chemistry method like by mean of dark fermentation, is a highly desired solution of waste management. In the article model for the estimation hydrogen potential of wood waste is given. The model has been used to calculate the potential theoretical hydrogen mass that can be produced from wood wastes in Pomerania and Silesia: pine, spruce, fir, beech and oak. In the introduction,...

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  • Transport of paracetamol in swellable and relaxing polyurethane nanocomposite hydrogels


    - POLYMER BULLETIN - Rok 2020

    Polyurethane hydrogels are potentially attractive materials for biomedical applications. They are able to absorb large amount of water, biological fluids or active substances, and thus, they have potential to be used as absorbents or wound-healing dressings. They are also used for the controlled release of therapeutics because of their capacity to embed biologically active agents in their water-swollen network. The presence of...

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  • Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Materials as Substrates for Fermentation Processes

    Lignocellulosic biomass is an abundant and renewable resource that potentially contains large amounts of energy. It is an interesting alternative for fossil fuels, allowing the production of biofuels and other organic compounds. In this paper, a review devoted to the processing of lignocellulosic materials as substrates for fermentation processes is presented. The review focuses on physical, chemical, physicochemical, enzymatic,...

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  • Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits for a Class of Singular Planar Newtonian Systems


    - Rok 2015

    The study of existence and multiplicity of solutions of differential equations possessing a variational nature is a problem of great meaning since most of them derives from mechanics and physics. In particular, this relates to Hamiltonian systems including Newtonian ones. During the past thirty years there has been a great deal of progress in the use of variational methods to find periodic, homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions...

  • The role of organic and mineral constituents on kerogen transformation ratio


    - Rok 2015

    The main aim of this dissertation is to determine the role of mineral and organic matter constituents in kerogen transformation ratio. Practical aspects of the work include application of the results in the assessment of hydrocarbon production potential; to make process of hydrocarbon recovery more predictable consistent and efficient. The work used shale from the Vaca Muerta formation from the Nequen basin in Argentina. The formation...

  • Structure of liquid gold from tight-binding driven molecular-dynamics

    Praca przedstawia wyniki symulacji ciekłego złota w nadkomórce periodycznej przy użyciu stworzonego przez autorów programu komputerowego, za pomocą połączonych metod dynamiki molekularnej (MD) i ciasnego wiązania (TB). Omówiono strukturę tak symulowanej cieczy, porównując ją z dostępnymi danymi doświadczalnymi oraz wynikami innych symulacji, pod kątem radialnej i kątowej funkcji rozkładu i elektronowej gęstości stanów.A tight-binding...

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  • Structural design and sensitivity analysis of semi-rigid pavement of a motorway


    - Rok 2011

    This paper presents application of mechanistic-empirical methods in design of semi-rigid pavement for a section of a motorway in Poland. The stage construction was assumed. Three fatigue criteria were applied in the design. For asphalt fatigue cracking and subgrade soil the criteria from the Asphalt Institute (USA) were applied. For fatigue cracking of cement stabilized bases the Dempsey (USA) and De Beer (South Africa) criteria...

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  • Effects of social media communication on brand equity and brand purchase intention


    - Rok 2013

    The author studied the effect of two different social media communication on brand equity and brand purchase intention. A total of 504 data sets were generated through a standardized online-survey and analysed with structural equation modeling. The results of the empirical study showed that both firm-created and user-generated social media communication influenced brand equity, consequently impacting brand purchase intention. This...

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  • Application of regularized Savitzky–Golay filters to identification of time-varying systems

    Savitzky–Golay (SG) filtering is a classical signal smoothing technique based on the local least squares approximation of the analyzed signal by a linear combination of known functions of time (originally — powers of time, which corresponds to polynomial approximation). It is shown that the regularized version of the SG algorithm can be successfully applied to identification of time-varying finite impulse response (FIR) systems....

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  • Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data


    In this paper we analyse the relationship between technological innovation in the artificial intelligence (AI) domain and macroeconomic productivity. We embed recently released data on patents and publications related to AI in an augmented model of productivity growth, which we estimate for the OECD countries and compare to an extended sample including non-OECD countries. Our estimates provide evidence in favour of the modern productivity...

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  • The “autumn effect” in the gold market—does it contradict the Adaptive Market Hypothesis?


    The present study aims to verify the autumn effect in the gold market, first presented 10 years ago by Dirk Baur in the paper “The autumn effect of gold” and to investigate the calendar effects occurring for other precious metals. This empirical research is presented in a way to place the results obtained in the context of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) and the more current Adaptive Market Hypothesis (AMH). The study was...

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  • Shadow Economy in Poland Recent Evidence Based on Survey Data


    - Rok 2021

    The book provides an estimate of the size of the shadow economy in Poland. Using analogous data, it traces core determinants of the existence of the shadow economy in Poland. It compares results with neighbouring countries, and if possible, the remaining Central-Eastern economies. The book tells why the problem of the unreported economic activity matters; it presents the problem from different angles―economic, social and institutional....

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  • Sustainable Fashion in Poland—Too Early or Too Late?


    This article presents an analysis of the concept of sustainable fashion from the Polish consumer’s perspective. The aim of this research is to investigate how Polish fashion consumers approach the concepts of sustainability, such as organic, fair-trade, and carbon emissions. Exploring the experience of the Polish consumption context provides a richer understanding of the evolution of fashion sustainability concepts in this and...

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    Ship designing is a complex process, as the ship itself is a complex, technical multi-level object which operates in the air/water boundary environment and is exposed to the action of many different external and internal factors resulting from the adopted technical solutions, type of operation, and environmental conditions. A traditional ship design process consists of a series of subsequent multistage iterations, which gradually...

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  • How Specific Can We Be with k-NN Classifier?


    This paper discusses the possibility of designing a two stage classifier for large-scale hierarchical and multilabel text classification task, that will be a compromise between two common approaches to this task. First of it is called big-bang, where there is only one classifier that aims to do all the job at once. Top-down approach is the second popular option, in which at each node of categories’ hierarchy, there is a flat classifier...

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  • Does the low optical band gap of yellow Bi3YO6 guarantee the photocatalytical activity under visible light illumination?

    Bi3YO6, which is known as an ionic conductor, was tested here as an electrode and photoanode in contact with aqueous electrolytes. Bi3YO6 was deposited onto the Pt substrate and the such prepared electrode was polarized in various aqueous electrolytes. The optical energy band gap of the material equal to 1.89 eV was determined using the Kubelka-Munk function resulting from the UV-Vis spectrum (allowed indirect transition) and also...

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  • Export diversification and economic development: a dynamic spatial data analysis


    - Gecomplexity Discussion Papers - Rok 2015

    This paper contributes to the empirical literature on the relationship between ‘export variety’ (export diversification) and economic development by relaxing the assumption of cross-country independence and allowing for spatial diffusion of shocks in observed and unobserved factors. Export variety is measured for a balanced panel of 114 countries (1992-2012) using very detailed information on their exports (HS 6-digit product...

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  • Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels


    - Rok 2016

    This paper presents an off-body fading channel model for Body Area Networks. The proposed model, based on both simulations and measurements at 2.45 GHz in a realistic indoor environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. The first is modelled as a log function of distance, the path loss exponent being in between 0.4 and 1.6. A statistical perspective is taken for the other two components,...

  • Accuracy Analysis of Determination the Vertical Displacements in Unstable Reference System

    Measurements of horizontal and vertical displacements are carried out mostly based on reference points identified as fixed. In surveying practice there may be some situations in which there is not possible to perform the measurements with reference to stable points or the difficulties in identification of points’ stability may arise. Accuracy analysis based on the covariance matrices have a special role in this process. In presented...

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  • Developing Game-Structure Sensitive Matchmaking System for Massive-Multiplayer Online Games


    - Rok 2015

    Providing a fair matchmaking system is an essential issue, while developing every online video game. In the article, we show that the currently existing matchmaking system in League of Legends, one of the most popular online video games currently existing, is built on a base of conditions which do not hold true in the presence of empirical data. This, in short, decreases the effectiveness of the ranking system, and negatively affects...

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  • Leadership, culture, intellectual capital and knowledge processes for organizational innovativeness across industries: the case of Poland

    Purpose – This study aims to present the overview of intellectual capital creation micro-mechanisms concerning formal and informal knowledge processes. The organizational culture, transformational leadership and innovativeness are also included in the investigation as ascendants and consequences of the focal relation of intellectual capital and knowledge processes. Design/methodology/approach – Based on a sample of 1,418 Polish...

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  • Knowledge management strategies in KIBS companies: A preliminary analysis


    - Rok 2017

    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to perform a preliminary analysis concerning the detection and examination of two possible opposite approaches to KM planning which will be referred to as deliberate and emergent KM strategies. The goal is to enhance our understanding of the variety of features KM strategies possess and, accordingly, to formulate categorisations that are in line with such characteristics. Design/methodology/approach...

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  • Mass spectrometry based identification of geometric isomers during metabolic stability study of a new cytotoxic sulfonamide derivatives supported by quantitative structure-retention relationships


    - PLOS ONE - Rok 2014

    A set of 15 new sulphonamide derivatives, presenting antitumor activity have been subjected to a metabolic stability study. The results showed that besides products of biotransformation, some additional peaks occurred in chromatograms. Tandem mass spectrometry revealed the same mass and fragmentation pathway, suggesting that geometric isomerization occurred. Thus, to support this hypothesis, quantitative structure-retention relationships...

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  • Process of Emergence of Smart Specialisation in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland

    The European Commission puts a growing emphasis on the smart specialization as a tool of regional development. This term is present in a number of strategic development documents in the European Union, including Europe 2020, published by the European Commission in 2010. It implies the need for countries and regions to specialize as well as focus the development of innovation on areas that are consistent with their endogenous potentials. Objectives...

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  • Direct amination of boron-doped diamond by plasma polymerized allylamine film



    A novel microwave pulsed-plasma based method for the modification of the hydrogen-terminated polycrystalline boron-doped diamond (BDD) with a thin film of polymerized allylamine (PPAAm) is reported. A modified BDD surface is resistant to hydrolysis and delamination and is characterized by a high density of positively charged amino groups. Pulsed microwave plasma was applied to improve the degree of cross-linking and bonding of...

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  • Preprzedsiębiorczość


    - Rok 2015

    Książka składa się z czterech rozdziałów, poprzedzonych wstępem i zwieńczonych częścią podsumowującą całość. Rozdział pierwszy nakreśla tło dla dalszych rozważań. W rozdziale tym wyodrębniono trzy zasadnicze ujęcia: ujęcie ekonomiczne, ujęcie psychologiczne oraz socjologiczno-kulturowe. W dalszej części tego rozdziału przeanalizowano związki między przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym. Wskazano także mniej znane kierunki...

  • Political Sources of Government Redistribution in High-Income Countries


    - Rok 2013

    In cross-national empirical work on income inequality and government redistribution, the greatest emphasis has been on the extremes of the income scale. Less work has been done on groups that are neither rich nor poor—the middle class. The lack of attention to this group is unfortunate for several reasons. Most obviously, the middle class, if defined as the three middle income quintile groups, is by far the largest income group,...

  • Mangiferin: A comprehensive review on its extraction, purification and uses in food systems

    With the target of fabricating healthier products, food manufacturing companies look for natural-based nutraceuticals that can potentially improve the physicochemical properties of food systems while being nutritive to the consumer and providing additional health benefits (biological activities). In this regard, Mangiferin joins all these requirements as a potential nutraceutical, which is typically contained in Mangifera indica...

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  • Electrochemical Activity and Electrical Properties of Optimized Polypyrrole Coatings on Iron

    In this work, electrochemical activity and electrical properties of polypyrrole (PPy) coated iron electrodes have been investigated. PPy film was electrochemically polymerized from sodium salicylate aqueous solution under conditions, which provided an increase of iron corrosion resistance. It was noticed that the pH of the solution and the applied electrode potential range during the study of the polymer properties had an influence...

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  • Squares in Gdansk as a City Value = Skwery, jako wartościowe przestrzenie publiczne Gdańska


    - Rok 2012

    The article emphasizes potential of public urban squares. The attention is focused on squares of the city of Gdansk which constitute the potential for enhancing the image of the city. Presentation of three examples of small scale intervention in the Montreal's public spaces is depicting such a potential and is underlining different roles the public space can perform in the city structure. Revitalization of urban squares is influencing...

  • Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data .


    In this paper we analyse the relationship between technological innovation in the artificial intelligence (AI) domain and macroeconomic productivity. We embed recently released data on patents and publications related to AI in an augmented model of productivity growth, which we estimate for the OECD countries and compare to an extended sample including non-OECD countries. Our estimates provide evidence in favour of the modern...

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  • The EU enlargement and domestic employment


    - Economics Bulletin - Rok 2009

    The study focuses on the interactions between EU member states' labor markets (manufacturing and tradable business services) over the period 1995-2005. We use recently released detailed sector level employment statistics, considering the effects of trade integration on the creation of links between labor force in ''Old'' and ''New'' partners in the enlarged EU. Empirical estimations show that the domestic demand for labor in the...

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  • Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part III. Diagnostic and operating tolerances


    The third part of the article presents a method for detecting failures of the automatic engine control system with the aid of an exhaust gas temperature setter, specially designed and machined for this purpose. It also presents a procedure of identifying the operating tolerances and determining the diagnostic tolerances for the exhaust gas temperature recorded in the naval turbine engine during the start-up and acceleration processes....

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  • Quantifying wage effects of offshoring: import- versus export-based measures of production fragmentation

    In this paper we examine the implications of international fragmentation of production on wages in the light of recent methodological developments in offshoring measurement. In particular, we compare the results stemming from two ways of quantifying offshoring – the traditional one based on import statistics and the one obtained from the decomposition of gross exports and input-output information. In the empirical part of our study,...

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