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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MYTHOS

  • Addressing the Weaknesses of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods using Python

    • S. Erpolat Tasabat
    • T. K. Ozkan
    • O. Aydin

    - Rok 2024

    The book aims to draw attention to the weaknesses in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) methods and provide insights to improve the decision-making process. By addressing these weaknesses, it seeks to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of MCDM methods in selecting the best alternatives in various fields. The book covers popular MCDM methods such as TOPSIS, ELECTRE, VIKOR, and PROMETHEE. It compares traditional methods with...

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  • A Method for Determination and Compensation of a Cant Influence in a Track Centerline Identification Using GNSS Methods and Inertial Measurement


    At present, the problem of rail routes reconstruction in a global reference system is increasingly important. This issue is called Absolute Track Geometry, and its essence is the determination of the axis of railway tracks in the form of Cartesian coordinates of a global or local coordinate system. To obtain such a representation of the track centerline, the measurement methods are developed in many countries mostly by the using...

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  • Comparison of the exponential thermal transient parameterization methods with the SMTP method in the unipedicled DIEP flap computer modelling and simulation


    - QIRT Journal - Rok 2018

    The aim of this paper is to compare the spatial contrast of the image descriptors obtained via three different thermal transient parameterization methods in Active Dynamic Thermography. The thermal constants and amplitude values of the one- and two- exponential parametrization are compared to the Simplified Magnitude-Temporal Parametrization method (SMTP). The comparison is performed using the data obtained by simulating the cold...

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  • Efficient, fast, simple, and eco-friendly methods for separation of toxic chromium(VI) ions based on ion exchangers and polymer materials impregnated with Cyphos IL 101, Cyphos IL 104, or D2EHPA

    • K. Witt
    • M. Kaczorowska
    • D. Bożejewicz

    - Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rok 2024

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  • Gender differences in entrepreneurship myths


    - Rok 2014

    The article presents the research results related to the most popular entrepreneurship myths in a group of business students. The author focused on gender differences in myth intensity, credibility and importance based on subject literature. The statistic analysis does not confirm any significant differences between male and female groups in case of the majority of myths, however women’s entrepreneurial intentions proved to be...

  • Method-Dependent Epidemiological Cutoff Values for Detection of Triazole Resistance in Candida and Aspergillus Species for the Sensititre YeastOne Colorimetric Broth and Etest Agar Diffusion Methods

    • A. Espinel-Ingroff
    • J. Turnidge
    • A. Alastruey-Izquierdo
    • F. Botterel
    • E. Canton
    • C. Castro
    • Y. Chen
    • Y. Chen
    • E. Chryssanthou
    • E. Dannaoui... i 33 innych


    Although the Sensititre Yeast-One (SYO) and Etest methods are widely utilized, interpretive criteria are not available for triazole susceptibility testing of Candida or Aspergillus species. We collected fluconazole, itraconazole, posaconazole, and voriconazole SYO and Etest MICs from 39 laboratories representing all continents for (method/agent-dependent) 11,171 Candida albicans, 215 C. dubliniensis, 4,418 C. glabrata species complex,...

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  • Myths and facts about women aged 50+


    This study attempts to confront the three stereotypes attributed to women aged 50+ in Poland: the one related to women being interested in retiring as early as possible, the other related to the lack of educational activity and reluctance to acquire new knowledge and skills, and the third related to the image of a grandmother focused on looking after her grandchildren. The author’s aim is to present rational arguments in favour...

  • An Enhanced Reduced Basis Method for Wideband Finite Element Method Simulations

    In this paper, we present a novel strategy for selecting expansion points in the reduced basis method. A single computation of the error estimator is used to select a few expansion points in the multi-parameter space simultaneously. The number of selected points is determined adaptively, based on the accuracy of the current reduced model. The reliability and efficiency of this proposed approach are illustrated by numerical tests...

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  • Fungal Typin Methods


    The broad application of the molecular techniques in mycoses diagnosis is related to increase of infections caused by fungi in many countries. The oldest typing methods relaying on fenotypic observation, physiological and biochemical examination have had very limited importance from decades. Novadays, the molecular biology methods took their place. Most of the genotyping methods have been devoleped to be applied for typing of bacteria...

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  • Characteristics of the Hydrophytes Method


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  • Classification methods and criteria


    - Rok 2007

    Klasyfikacja akustyczna dna morskiego jest najnowszą metodologią zaprojektowaną w celu zdalnego wykrywania rozmaitych charakterystyk dna morskiego z informacji zawartych w echch od dna akustycznych impulsów transmitowanych z różnego typu sonarów. Poza szególnymi chrakterystykami sprzętowymi każdego systemu ASC, istotą każdej metody jest klasyfikacja modułu, który wyciąga serie cech z echa sygnału i przetwarza je aby posortować...

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  • Advanced operating methods


    - Rok 2020

    Selected operating methods of resistive gas sensors were presented. The methods utilize flicker noise (1/f noise), which gives additional information about ambient gas when compared with the recorded changes of DC resistance only. Methods of flicker noise measurements were outlined. Recently developed prototype gas sensors comprising golden nanoparticle functionalized with organic ligands can generate intense flicker noise induced...

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  • Review on Wikification methods


    - AI COMMUNICATIONS - Rok 2019

    The paper reviews methods on automatic annotation of texts with Wikipedia entries. The process, called Wikification aims at building references between concepts identified in the text and Wikipedia articles. Wikification finds many applications, especially in text representation, where it enables one to capture the semantic similarity of the documents. Also, it can be considered as automatic tagging of the text. We describe typical...

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  • An extension of the method of quasilinearization


    Metodę kwazilinearyzacji zastosowano do problemów początkowych gdy prawą stronę zagadnienia można przedstawić za pomocą nieliniowej funkcji "rozszerzenia", zakładając o niej pewną regularność. Pokazano, że odpowiednio skonstruowane ciągi monotoniczne są zbieżne kwadratowo do rozwiązania problemu. Praca uogólnia odpowiednie wyniki, gdy prawa strona jest sumą funkcji wklęsłych i wypukłych ze względu na ostatni argument.

  • US not bright but right method of thyroid volume estimation even in large and substernal extended goitres. Comparison of US and three methods of CT thyroid evaluation - prospective study.ON LINE

    • S. Kaniuka-Jakubowska
    • M. Piskunowicz
    • A. Zapaśnik
    • A. Lewczuk
    • A. Kaniuka
    • K. Mizan-Gross
    • M. F. Kaszubowski
    • P. Lass
    • K. Sworczak


    Background Ultrasound is nowadays a method of choice for thyroid volume assessment. However, its disadvantage is some inaccuracy, which is said to be higher in huge, especially substernally extended goitres. Aims The aim of the study was to compare the US and CT thyroid volumetric measurements: multi-observers (CT MO) and one-observer (CT OO) to CT planimetry results (CT Pl) in patients with large goitres. Materials & Methods The...

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  • Use of electrochemical methods to examine different surface preparation methods for organic coatings on steel


    Obróbka strumieniowo - ścierna jest jedną z powszechnie stosowanych metod przygotowania powierzchni. Wśród nowoczesnych metod coraz większe zainteresowanie wzbudza przygotowanie powierzchni wodą pod wysokim ciśnieniem (z ang. waterjetting). W porównaniu z konwencjonalnymi metodami ''waterjetting'' jest nowoczesną oraz przyjazną środowisku metodą. W literaturze brakuje informacji na temat skuteczności owej metody do zastosowań...

  • Methods of ZnO nanoparticles synthesis


    Zinc oxide nanostructures are interesting nanomaterials with a wide range of applications. Since the physical and chemical properties of ZnO nanoparticles are influenced both by their shape and size, a control of morphology of ZnO structures is needed for their commercial usage. Different chemical, physical, and biological methods used to produce ZnO nanostructures can be found in the literature. The production of ZnO nanoparticles...

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  • Parallelization Method for a Continuous Property

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  • Chemoinformatics Methods for Studying Biomolecules

    • A. Liwo
    • C. Czaplewski
    • S. Ołdziej
    • B. Zaborowski
    • D. Jagieła
    • J. Lee

    - Rok 2017

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  • Miniaturized methods of sample preparation


    - Rok 2020

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  • Color transformation methods for dichromats

    Color blindness is a serious perception problem. Suffering individuals cannot understand messages, which are carrying by many images, especially those, distributed by WWW. In this paper we are proposing three image processing methods to enhance image recognition and understanding by persons with dichromacy. Color difference image is introduced to represent color perception dissimilarity. Two color transformation methods are presented....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    Nasicon is a solid conductor which has an ability to conduct Na+ ions and it is used in solid gas sensors. In this article a method of Nasicon preparation appropriate for gas sensing application by solgel technique is presented. Influence of the fabrication process parameters on properties of obtained samples was determined. Results of X-Ray diffraction, density, porosity, conductivity, and activation energies measurement are presented.

  • Method of Skeletal System Modelling

    An original method of skeletal system modelling is presented in detail. Using DICOM images obtained from CT and PET tests, shell models of nine bones were created (humerus, radius, ulna, scapula, clavicle, femur, tibia, fibula, pelvis). Two methods of bone behaviour are also proposed, the first method treating the bone as a solid structure and the second method treating the bone as a complex porous structure. The behaviour of model...

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  • Modern Methods of Software Development


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2015

    Software development methods consist of such activities like analysis, planning, development, testing, deployment, maintenance and retirement. All of them can be divided into two main categories - traditional and agile. The objective of this paper is to review some of the most popular traditional, agile and open source development methods. Special attention was paid to the common stages of all methods - testing and maintenance.

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  • Shipyard Crane Modeling Methods


    - Pedagogika-Pedagogy - Rok 2021

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  • Internet payment methods in Poland


    In this chapter authors intended to describe wide range of aspects of the Internet payment systems. At the beginning there is briefly shown their evolution and features required for the effective payment system. Data on the popularity of different payment systems in Internet transactions links this section with description of the current state of payment systems available in Poland.

  • Teaching simulation methods in a university


    - Rok 2006

    Zmiany, jakie zachodzą we współczesnym środowisku gospodarczym wymagają od menedżerów stosowania narzędzi umożliwiających identyfikację pojawiających się szans i zagrożeń oraz wspomagających procesy podejmowania decyzji. Symulacje komputerowe było stosowane przez firmy już w latach pięćdziesiątych w celu rozwiązywania problemów z zakresu zwiększenia wydajności, obniżki kosztów czy też zwiększenia dochodowości . Współcześnie modelowanie...

  • A dressing method in mathematical physics


    - Rok 2007

    Metodę ubierania stosuje się do równań nieliniowych całkowalnych i w teorii potencjałów całkowalnych mechaniki kwantowej.

  • The Methods for RTS Noise Identification


    In the paper authors present two methods, which allows to identify the RTS noise in noise signal of semiconductor devices. The first one was elaborated to identify the RTS noise and also to estimate the number of its levels. The second one can be used to estimate all of the parameters of Gaussian and non-Gaussian components in the noise signal in a frequency domain.

  • Advanced Ship Control Methods


    The chapter presents two main streams of research in vessel control at sea: dynamic positioning (DP) of the vessel and decision support in case of collision at sea. The control structure and basic requirements for the DP system are defined. Selected issues of automatic control of a dynamically positioned vessel are discussed. A review of advanced methods of controlling a DP ship is carried out, taking into account the tasks of...

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  • Methods of Cyclist Training in Europe


    - Sustainability - Rok 2023

    The following study aims to address the issue of cyclist training methodologies. Recent European bicycle accident statistics reveal a troubling upward trend. A potential solution to mitigate such incidents involves providing cyclists with comprehensive training encompassing traffic regulations and interactions with fellow road users. We conducted a comparative analysis of the cycling education approaches and cyclist training systems...

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  • Overview of cooperative communication methods

    The paper presents issues related to the cooperative communication in wireless networks. Cooperative com-munication involves the use of mobile terminals as relay stations to improve the transmission quality, improve network performance and reduce energy consumption. It is also possible to use several different data transmission standards. The paper presents the methods used to implement cooperative communication. The types of cooperative...

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  • Organisational methods in teaching ergonomics


    - Rok 2003

    Civilisation generates many problems connected with job, which cannot be resolved by one field of science that deals with matters fragmentarily, only from its own point of view. Ergonomics, i.e. synthetic knowledge about job, can solve these problems by using the resources of many fields, e.g. physiology, psychology, technical science or economy. The achievements of these fields are used in ergonomics and thus problems connected...

  • Correction methods in impedance spectroscopy


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy przedstawiono trzy grupy metod, ktÓre mogą być zastosowane do korekcji danych pomiarowych uzyskanych za pomoca spektroskopii impedancyjnej.

  • Bitumen Aging—Laboratory Simulation Methods Used in Practice and Selected Directions of Research on New Methods


    - Materials - Rok 2023

    Changes in the properties of bitumen binders that occur as a result of aging have a huge impact on the durability of products produced from them. In particular, asphalt pavements, which constitute the most common use of petroleum bitumen, are susceptible to damage resulting from the increasing stiffness of the bitumen during its life cycle. Increased stiffness of asphalt pavements reduces the pavement resistance to low-temperature...

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  • Der Begriff des Mythos bei Cassirer: zwischen UIdealismus, Ethnologie, politischer Philosophie und allgemeine Kulturphilosophie


    - Rok 2023

    Der Mythos war eines der bevorzugten Forschungsobjekte Cassirers, denen er zwei Bücher, zahlreiche Artikel und wichtige längere Aufsätze widmete. In diesem Artikel versuche ich Cassirers Mythendeutung kurz zu rekapitulieren, um ihre Position in der Gesamtheit seines philosophischen Systems festzulegen und ihr Erklärungspotenzial zu gewinnen. In erstem Teil handle ich das allgemeine Problem des mythischen Denkens hauptsächlich aufgrund...

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  • Jacobi and gauss-seidel preconditioned complex conjugate gradient method with GPU acceleration for finite element method


    In this paper two implementations of iterative solvers for solving complex symmetric and sparse systems resulting from finite element method applied to wave equation are discussed. The problem under investigation is a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) discretized by FEM with vector elements of the second order (LT/QN). The solvers use the preconditioned conjugate gradient (pcg) method implemented on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)...

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  • Method development and validation for optimized separation of the major polyphenolics in propolis extracts using GC-MS method

    • K. Siemionow
    • M. Tomczyk
    • U. Czyzewska
    • W. Miltyk

    - PLANTA MEDICA - Rok 2016

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  • The modelling method of discrete-continuous systems


    The paper introduces a method of discrete-continuous systems modelling. In the proposed method a three-dimensional system is divided into finite elements in only two directions, with the third direction remaining continuous. The thus obtained discrete-continuous model is described by a set of partial differential equations. General difference equations of discrete system are obtained using the rigid finite element method. The limit...

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  • Data Mining Applications and Methods in Medicine


    In this paper we describe the research area of data mining and its applications in medicine. The origins of data mining and its crucial features are shortly presented. We discuss the specificity of medicine as an application area for computer systems. Characteristic features of the medical data are investigated. Common problems in the area are also presented as well as the strengths and capabilities of the data mining methods....



    - Rok 2014

    In the paper dierent approaches of predicting blood pressure values are presented. Basically, two methods and theirs modifications are considered. In total, seven algorithms have been examined. Tests have been conducted using both synthetic and clinical data. From our study it follows that none of the examined methods is superior to other.

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  • Energy Consumption Analysis Methods in Industry


    This paper overviews applied methods to evaluate energy consumption in Industry. The most important law regulations are presented, which decide on the necessity to conduct an effec - tive energetic economy. Basic assumptions are defined to calculate direct and cumulative energy consumption. The pros and cons of using each method are presented.

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  • On a Method of Efficiency Increasing in Kaplan Turbine

    This paper presents a method of increasing efficiency in Kaplan-type turbine. The method is based on blade profile optimisation together with modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Loss coefficient was chosen as the optimisation criterion, which is related directly to efficiency. Global optimum was found by means of Genetic Algorithms, and Artificial Neural Networks were utilised for approximations to reduce...

  • Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement

    W artykule opisano niskokoherencyjna metodę pomiaru hematokrytu krwi.

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  • Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement


    During the last thirty years low-coherence measurement methods have gained popularity because of their unique advantages. Low-coherence interferometry, low-coherence reflectometry and low-coherence optical tomography offer resolution and dynamic range of measurement at the range of classical optical techniques. Moreover, they enable measurements of the absolute value of the optical path differences, which is still an unsolved problem...

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  • Computational intelligence methods in production management


    This chapter presents a survey of selected computational intelligence methods used in production management. This group of methods includes, among others, approaches based on the artificial neural networks, the evolutionary algorithms, the fuzzy logic systems and the particle swarm optimization mechanisms. From the abovementioned methods particularly noteworthy are the evolutionary and the particle swarm algorithms, which are successfully...

  • Locking effects in finite elemnt method


    - Rok 2014

    In the present paper a short survey of the locking effect literature is given. As this area of scientific research is still developing, the author of the paper restricted it to about 70 papers. This study is proposed as an introduction to the comprehensive investigation of locking effects.

  • Diver Observations by Means of Acoustic Methods


    Searching for objects, especially small ones, moving under water near its the free surface, is always not an easy task. Designing tools for the detection of such targets is a real challenge when the possibility of a terrorist attack is a real threat. This paper presents some aspects of diver detection by means of acoustics methods, both active (side scan sonar) and passive ones (linear receiving antenna). This approach is quite...

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  • Methods of Tire Rolling Resistance Measurements


    Tire rolling resistance is one of the factors related to tire/road interaction that has important influence on road vehicles performance. Raising fuel price and increased concern related to the environmental changes result in growing interest in reduction of tire rolling resistance that influences fuel consumption, especially in free-flowing highway traffic with moderate speeds. There are several methods of tire rolling resistance measurements....

  • Wideband Macromodels in Finite Element Method

    This letter proposes a novel projection technique for accelerating Finite Element Method simulations. The algorithm is based on the Second-order Arnoldi Method for Passive Order Reduction (SAPOR). It involves generation of two projection bases and thanks to this it is applicable to the systems of equations, which contain the quadratic frequency-dependence in the input term, that arise when projection is applied locally in the selected...

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