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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MESFET
Engineering and Management of Space Systems
PublikacjaDynamic development of the European space sector results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. Current study programs of Aerospace Technology are focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Although engineering methods for design, construction and assembly of mechanical systems are covered, interdisciplinarity and life cycle aspects are not considered in a sufficient degree. Due to the increasing...
Engineering and Management of Space Systems - an International Joint Master's Double-Degree Programme
PublikacjaDynamic development of the European space sector results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. Current study programs of Aerospace Technology are focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Although engineering methods for design, construction and assembly of mechanical systems are covered, interdisciplinarity and life cycle aspects are not considered in a sufficient degree. Due to the increasing...
Measuring research on radio wave propagation
PublikacjaTelecommunication connections are increasingly based on the wireless links, both fixed and mobile, carried out under different radio systems. This kind of solution has many advantages. However, the propagation medium is a factor that causes many difficulties in designing wireless networks, because of large diversity of propagation environments. Transmission loss in each environment is determined by many variables phenomena and...
Concrete versus green corridors in road planning. Gdansk case
PublikacjaThe aim of an article is to present the threats which may be caused by the construction of the transit road inside the city structure, and some mitigation measures aiming to eliminate or minimize environmental and landscape damages and social problems. Theoretical guidelines and conclusions will be followed by the example illustrating the problem. As an answer, some guidelines enabling sustainable road planning will be presented....
PublikacjaNew methods in education become more popular nowadays. Distant learning is a good example when teacher and student meet in virtual environment. Because interaction in this virtual world might be complicated it seems necessary to assure as much methods of conforming that student is still engaged in the process of learning as it is possible. We would like to present assumption that by means of web-cam we will be able to track facial...
Agile Methods In Formation of Metropolis Neighbourhood
PublikacjaA study of the zone adjoining the metropolis area of Tricity (Poland) was conducted on the basis of analyses of changes in spatial development, outline planning decisions and local plans of spatial development. Localities placed at several dozen kilometres from strongly urbanized areas do not constitute metropolis outskirts. The vicinity of large urban centres is an obstacle to the development of localities as self-sufficient units...
The role of the sawage treatment plant in the removal of genotoxic compounds from the environment
PublikacjaOne reason for increased incidence of various types of cancer are environmental pollutants particularly of anthropogenic origin. All human activities may pollute the environment, but some have significant impact, just to mention energy industry, mining, transportation, chemical and petrochemical industries and housing. Environmental pollutants are a large group of compounds in terms of their physicochemical properties, some of...
Emerging strategies for enhancing detection of explosives by artificial olfaction
PublikacjaExplosives detection systems need to be able to reliably detect a wide range of explosive materials and their vapours. The continued development and improvement of artificial olfaction techniques, including electronic nose (EN), remains important to overcome existing challenges and meet requirements posed by new improvements in the field of explosives. There is an increasingly popular trend aimed at improvement of fundamental metrological...
Collision‐Aware Routing Using Multi‐Objective Seagull Optimization Algorithm for WSN‐Based IoT
PublikacjaIn recent trends, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become popular because of their cost, simple structure, reliability, and developments in the communication field. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection of everyday objects and sharing of information through the Internet. Congestion in networks leads to transmission delays and packet loss and causes wastage of time and energy on recovery. The routing protocols...
Automatic Identification System (AIS) Dynamic Data Integrity Monitoring and Trajectory Tracking Based on the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Process Model
PublikacjaTo enhance the safety of marine navigation, one needs to consider the involvement of the automatic identification system (AIS), an existing system designed for ship-to-ship and shipto- shore communication. Previous research on the quality of AIS parameters revealed problems that the system experiences with sensor data exchange. In coastal areas, littoral AIS does not meet the expectations of operational continuity and system availability,...
Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Ships Using a Pareto Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
PublikacjaTo confront climate change, decarbonization strategies must change the global economy. According to statements made as part of the European Green Deal, maritime transport should also become drastically less polluting. As a result, the price of transport must reflect the impact it has on the environment and on health. In such a framework, the purpose of this paper is to suggest a novel method for minimizing emissions...
Real-time simulation in non real-time environment
PublikacjaSimulation in real-time is a very useful tool because of didactical and practical benefits. Very important benefit of real-time simulation is a fact that operator’s decision can be taken into account in the same time scale as the real system would work. This enables construction of simulators, and opportunity to test control algorithms in Hardware in The Loop scheme using target industrial equipment. Professional real-time environments...
Financial Consequences of the Introduction of the Fit For 55 on the Example of Poland
PublikacjaIn Europe and in Poland, there is a growing conviction that climate action is a necessity. When creating long-term strategies or making current decisions, companies are increasingly taking into account issues related to sustainable development and reducing CO2 emissions. Following the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, countries around the world pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 so that the average temperature...
Bodybuilders and high-level meat consumers’ behavior towards rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey, and lamb meat: A comparative review
PublikacjaIn bodybuilders’ diets, protein plays a crucial role in supporting muscle growth and repairing damaged muscle tissue. These individuals meet their protein needs by combining dietary sources with supplements. Animal-based proteins are often preferred over plant-based proteins because they are believed to better support muscle protein synthesis. This review explores the meat consumption patterns of bodybuilders and high-level meat...
Enhancing the bioconversion rate and end products of black soldier fly (BSF) treatment – A comprehensive review
PublikacjaFood security remains a pressing concern in the face of an increasing world population and environmental challenges. As climate change, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity continue to impact agricultural productivity, traditional livestock farming faces limitations in meeting the growing global demand for meat and dairy products. In this context, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) have emerged as a promising alternative for sustainable...
Tolerance-Aware Optimization of Microwave Circuits by Means of Principal Directions and Domain-Restricted Metamodels
PublikacjaPractical microwave design is most often carried out in the nominal sense. Yet, in some cases, performance degradation due to uncertainties may lead to the system failing to meet the prescribed specifications. Reliable uncertainty quantification (UQ) is therefore important yet intricate from numerical standpoint, especially when the circuit at hand is to be evaluated using electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Tolerance-aware...
Influence of CeO2 and TiO2 Particles on Physicochemical Properties of Composite Nickel Coatings Electrodeposited at Ambient Temperature
PublikacjaThe Ni-TiO2 and Ni-CeO2 composite coatings with varying hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics were fabricated by the electrodeposition method from a tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature. To meet the requirements of tight regulation by the European Chemicals Agency classifying H3BO3 as a substance of very high concern, Rochelle salt was utilized as a buffer solution instead. The novelty of this study was to implement a...
Ontological Modeling for Contextual Data Describing Signals Obtained from Electrodermal Activity for Emotion Recognition and Analysis
PublikacjaMost of the research in the field of emotion recognition is based on datasets that contain data obtained during affective computing experiments. However, each dataset is described by different metadata, stored in various structures and formats. This research can be counted among those whose aim is to provide a structural and semantic pattern for affective computing datasets, which is an important step to solve the problem of data...
Conditions for increasing the recognition of degradation in thermal-flow diagnostics, taking into account environmental legal aspects
PublikacjaThe ever-increasing demand for electricity and the need for conventional sources to cooperate with renewable ones generates the need to increase the efficiency and safety of the generation sources. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to operate existing facilities more efficiently with full detection of emerging faults. These are the requirements of Polish, European and International law, which demands that energy facilities...
Spawalność ferrytyczno-austenitycznej stali odpornej na korozję typu dupleks 2205 w warunkach podwodnych
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy problemów spawalności stali odpornej na korozję typu dupleks w warunkach spawania mokrego elektrodami otulonymi i lokalną komorą suchą. Całość rozprawy składa się z dwóch części. Część pierwsza to przegląd literatury, w którym omówiono główne problemy wynikające z przeniesienia procesu spawania pod wodę oraz sposoby minimalizowania negatywnego wpływu środowiska. Część druga jest częścią doświadczalną, zawiera tezę...
Risk assessment for tram traffic on tramway bridges
PublikacjaMiejski transport szynowy wielu miastach stanowi istotny element systemu transportowego i jest przestrzennie rozwijającym się systemem zapewniającym mieszkańcom codzienną obsługę transportową. Bezpieczeństwo pasażerów transportu szynowego i użytkowników dróg jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników, który należy uwzględnić w trakcie projektowania infrastruktury oraz w ocenie operacyjnej systemu miejskiego transportu tramwajowego....
Wyróżniki modelu biznesu przedsiębiorstwa inteligentnego
PublikacjaBurzliwa zmiana środowiska biznesowego wpływa na ludzi tak, że generują oczekiwania na wyroby i usługi zaspokajające ich dotychczasowe i nowe potrzeby w coraz większym stopniu. W ten sposób przed menedżerami powstają wciąż nowe, bardziej skomplikowane i wysublimowane wymagania. W takich uwarunkowaniach prowadzenia biznesu sukces osiąga to przedsiębiorstwo, które jest inteligentne. W takiej perspektywie celem badań było wyłonienie...
Renata Tomczak-Wandzel dr inż.
Osoby -
Advancing electrochemical impedance analysis through innovations in the distribution of relaxation times method
PublikacjaElectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is widely used in electrochemistry, energy sciences, biology, and beyond. Analyzing EIS data is crucial, but it often poses challenges because of the numerous possible equivalent circuit models, the need for accurate analytical models, the difficulties of nonlinear regression, and the necessity of managing large datasets within a unified framework. To overcome these challenges, non-parametric...
Understanding the Ukrainian Migrants Challenges in the EU: A Topic Modeling Approach
PublikacjaConfronted with the aggression against Ukraine in 2022, Europe faces one of the most important humanitarian challenges - the migration of war refugees from Ukraine, most of them women with children and the elderly. Both international institutions such as the European Union and the United Nations, but also national governments and, above all, local governments, which are the main providers of services and resources for refugees,...
Risks to Older People in Road Traffic
Publikacjahe article looks at road traffic risks and main trends from the perspective of older road users (drivers, cyclists, pedestrians). With a longer time to react, poor eyesight and hearing, impaired mobility, ill health and medication, older road users are put at risk. A comprehensive and pro-active strategy is needed to deal with these risk factors and meet the safety and mobility needs...
Design of Jack-up Platform for 6 MW Wind Turbine: Parametric Analysis Based Dimensioning of Platform Legs
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of the research conducted within the framework of the project entitled WIND-TU-PLA (ERA-NET, MARTEC II), the general aim of which was to design and analyse supporting structures for wind turbines intended for operation on the South Baltic area. The research part described in the article aimed at developing a preliminary design for a jack-up platform which can operate on water areas with depth of...
NetBaltic System-Heterogenous Wireless Network for Maritime Communications
PublikacjaIn case of maritime communications, we observe a growing interest in deployment of multitask satellite-based solutions and development of new maritime-specific systems intended for improvements in safety of e-navigation. Analysis of different types of currently used maritime communication systems leads, however, to a conclusion that neither global and still very expensive satellite systems nor cheaper, but short-ranged transmission...
The ILs-assisted electrochemical synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes: The effect of ionic liquids on morphology and photoactivity
PublikacjaFacile and environmentally benign one-step titanium anodization method for TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) formation in a presence of ionic liquids (ILs) was proposed. Influence of the IL structure and its content in ethylene glycol electrolyte on morphology, surface properties and photoactivity of the TiO2 NTs was investigated. Possible interactions between IL and TiO2 NTs as well as the mechanism of NTs formation during anodic oxidation...
The Simulation of Activated Sludge System for Optimization of Predictive Aeration at Large WWTP
PublikacjaEffective use of biodegradable substrates as an internal carbon sources (ICS) for denitrification and EBPR and predicting performance of aeration systems during nitrification in activated sludge bioreactors, may be useful in realization the sustainable development by potentially saving energy consumption at WWTPs. A large number of WWTPs use activated sludge systems with an integrated removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus...
A modern solid waste management strategy – the generation of new by-products
PublikacjaTo benefit the environment and society, EU legislation has introduced a ‘zero waste’ strategy, in which waste material should be converted to resources. Such legislation is supported by the solid waste hierarchy concept, which is a set of priorities in waste management. Under this concept, municipal solid waste plants (MSWPs) should be equipped with sorting and recycling facilities, composting/incineration units and landfill prisms...
Looking for New Ideas of Public Space – Public Space Projects in Gdansk Reinforced by Art Activities
PublikacjaRevitalization of public open spaces is a complex enterprise in Poland in terms of the art, cultural andinformation aspects of this process. Simultaneously the public space should play an important role whenbuilding the quality of revitalization programs and the quality of city development. The new art and culturalactivities are the revitalization tools, which are also the good examples of bottom up ideas helping to start aprocess...
Performance of Passive and Active Balancing Systems of Lithium Batteries in Onerous Mine Environment
PublikacjaTo use lithium-iron-phosphate battery packs in the supply systems of any electric mining equipment and/or machines, the required conditions of work safety must be met. This applies in particular to coal mines endangered by fire and/or explosion. To meet the spark-safety conditions, the cells (together with the battery management system—BMS) must be isolated from the influence of the environment, and therefore placed in special...
Similarities and differences in the production of renewable energy in Central and Eastern Europe countries
PublikacjaResearch background: In the era of climate change, environmental degradation, but also growing pub-lic awareness, there is a need to look for new ecological energy sources. This condition can be met by renewable energy sources (RES). The EU seeks to have a 32% share of its gross final energy consumption from renewable sources by 2030. While the EU as a whole is on course to meet its...
PublikacjaThe location of project is a site of over 1,2 ha, situated on the southern fringes of Gdynia formerly used as an area to host a Circus. Here artists were performing for the public, newcomers were meeting the locals, the temporality of the event was enhancing the experience of exchange. Circus used to be the place where people live, work and create art. Currently the site stays empty but surely not for long. Its potential, attractive...
PublikacjaFor a long time the interest in environmentally friendly materials in architecture is no longer limited to the use of renewable and natural substances such as wood, stone, straw, or reusable materials, such as metals or glass. Today the so-called naturals and the materials compatible with the idea of sustainability constantly appear on the market in new forms. Increasing awareness of the necessity to limit the building sector’s...
Chemical and biological characterization of Ocimum basilicum L. phenolic extract and essential oil derived through ultrasound and microwave-assisted extraction techniques
PublikacjaPlant-derived bioactive molecules are increasingly utilized in food processing as natural additives, driven by a growing interest in healthier lifestyles. This trend has spurred industries to reformulate products to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers. This study investigates the phenolic extract and essential oil of O. basilicum L. obtained via ultrasound-assisted extraction and microwave-assisted extraction, respectively. Characterization...
Globalized Simulation-Driven Miniaturization of Microwave Circuits by Means of Dimensionality-Reduced Constrained Surrogates
PublikacjaSmall size has become a crucial prerequisite in the design of modern microwave components. Miniaturized devices are essential for a number of application areas, including wireless communications, 5G/6G technology, wearable devices, or the internet of things. Notwithstanding, size reduction generally degrades the electrical performance of microwave systems. Therefore, trade-off solutions have to be sought that represent acceptable...
Elżbieta Hallmann dr inż.
Osoby -
PublikacjaThe shops of today mostly support the customer by offering him or her products based on basic relationships between products viewed or ordered by users with similar tastes. This common approach may fail in many cases especially when the user does not have sufficient knowledge about the market, or when he or she wants to build a set of products in more than one shop. New categories of smart shop services are proposed in order to...
Remarks on use of the term “deep eutectic solvent” in analytical chemistry
PublikacjaAbout 20 years ago, Abbott and co-workers researched new solvents that were based on mixtures of choline chloride with urea and carboxylic acids and that were liquid at ambient temperature. The term “deep eutectic solvent” (DES) was later adopted for similar mixtures. As DESs have a number of interesting features, they quickly attracted the attention of researchers and found application in various branches of chemical and materials...
Architects and urban planners in the face of energy transition - smart cities energy aspects in shaping building structures and cities
PublikacjaContemporary architects and urban planners are facing steadily increasing challenges. The growing problems around environmental issues, shrinking natural resources and climate action are just some of them. Currently, planning should also include balancing with all the aspects of sustainable development such as not only the environmental issues, but also social and economic ones. How to meet them in the era of energy transition...
CE-MS and GC-MS as “Green” and Complementary Methods for the Analysis of Biogenic Amines in Wine
PublikacjaTwo novel complementary analytical methods, namely an extraction-free capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS) and direct immersion-solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DI-SPME-GC-MS), have been developed and successfully applied for the determination of biogenic amines (BAs) in wine and fruit wine. They have been rigorously compared to each other in terms of various...
A mobile hospital – its advantages and functional limitations
PublikacjaThe idea of a mobile hospital is not entirely new – the need for their use, ranging from military field hospitals to the charity or mass disaster tent cities, shows how much they are needed. While these cases can be reduced to a portable ambulatory unit with a limited scope of outpatient medical activities, a fully functional hospital is a system with a high degree of complexity far exceeding a regime of compact objects. Solutions...
Recent Advances in Accelerated Multi-Objective Design of High-Frequency Structures using Knowledge-Based Constrained Modeling Approach
PublikacjaDesign automation, including reliable optimization of engineering systems, is of paramount importance for both academia and industry. This includes the design of high-frequency structures (antennas, microwave circuits, integrated photonic components), where the appropriate adjustment of geometry and material parameters is crucial to meet stringent performance requirements dictated by practical applications. Realistic design has...
Integration Data Model of the Bathymetric Monitoring System for Shallow Waterbodies Using UAV and USV Platforms
PublikacjaChanges in the seafloor relief are particularly noticeable in shallow waterbodies (at depths up to several metres), where they are of significance for human safety and environmental protection, as well as for which the highest measurement accuracy is required. The aim of this publication is to present the integration data model of the bathymetric monitoring system for shallow waterbodies using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and...
Influence of PWHT Parameters on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Behavior of Multi-Pass GTAW Joints of P92 Steel
PublikacjaThe 9% Cr steels were developed for ultra-supercritical (USC) power plants to meet the requirements of high operating temperature and pressure. These steels are produced to operate at high temperatures where impact toughness is not a concern; however, it becomes important for the welded joints to have good impact toughness at room temperature for manufacturing. The present work investigates the effect of the post-weld heat treatment...
Consumerism in Poland – a fact or a myth?
PublikacjaPurpose Consumerism, understood as excessive consumption, poses a vital problem in the world, and requires taking appropriate steps and actions in individual countries depending on the extent and nature of this phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is to examine the phenomenon of consumerism in Poland, with partial reference to other EU countries and to answer the question whether there is consumerism as such in Poland. Design/methodology/approach...
Theory of Organisation and Management and System's Theory
Kursy OnlineWe will have our lectures and classes in Theory of Organisation and Management and System's Theory on Wednesday Since 9:15 till 12:00. We will meet on MsTeams and here is the link:
Collaborative urban studios in Poland. Teaching collective problem solving via live projects
PublikacjaThe requirements of contemporary architectural and urban design practice places a growing importance on the ability to generate new solutions to complex design challenges. Such an approach is particularly relevant in the context of contemporary urban projects in need of urban innovation and socially engaged practice, i.e. urban regeneration or street quality improvement projects. Meaningful involvement in such topics requires a...