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Search results for: special economic zones
Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour
PublicationRecent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....
Waste tire rubber devulcanization technologies: State-of-the-art, limitations and future perspectives
PublicationWaste tires management is a serious and global environmental problem. Therefore, searching for low-cost and industrial-scale applicable tire recycling methods is gaining more and more attention. Waste tire rubber is valuable source of secondary raw materials for the circular economy and current trends indicate that application of waste rubbers during manufacturing value-added products should increase in near future. Sustainable...
Trunked Radio Solutions for Special Application
PublicationIn the paper modern concepts of radio communication trunking-dispatch systems for special applications are presented. Basic standards of TETRA, DMR, and cdma2000 are mentioned. The aim of the paper is to present innovative trunking solutions based on the LTE system working both in FDD and TDD mode. The architecture of LTE trunked radio is shown as well as new services possible to implementation are described. The way of TETRA and...
Introduction to the ONDM 2022 special issue
PublicationThis JOCN special issue contains extended versions of selected papers presented at the 26th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2022), which took place 16–19 May 2022 at Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. The topics covered by the papers represent trends in optical networking research: application of machine learning to network management, cross-layer network performance optimization,...
PublicationThe appropriate level of treatment during periods of increasing workload in the health care system or a particular hospital is ensured either by changing the organization of the system and the principles of use of resources such as space, staff and consumables or their redistribution, or by financial resources such resources are increased or replenished. This article contributes to improve the concept of resource allocation as...
Etyka - o konieczności dyskursu etycznego w organizacjach
PublicationDo budowania zasad dobrego funkcjonowania organizacji, do odkrywania mechanizmów jej funkcjonowania, analizowania ludzkich potrzeb i możliwości ich realizowania, do wpływu warunków ekonomicznych i kulturowych na sposób funkcjonowania organizacji – do tych problemów przywiązuje się wielką wagę w naukach o zarządzaniu. Czy równie dużą wagę przykłada się – i docenia – rangę zachowań ludzkich w sferze moralnej, wpływ zasad etycznych...
Economic crisis in Croatia
PublicationCroatia is becoming the 28th member of the European Union on July 1st, 2013. Croatia has gone a long way from a socialistic republic to an independent country recognized as one of the economic tigers of the Western Balkans in the first decade of the 21st century. Croatia has been hit by a global crisis which turned out to be a huge external shock for the region of the Western Balkans. Although it does not enter the economy through...
Socio-economic exclusion as a hindrance of economic development. A comparative study for European countries
PublicationThe paper consists of multidimentional analysis of social and economic exclusions which are treated as main barriers for economic development. This complex study covers all European countries. The timespan is set for 2004-2011
Formation of a state institution on the basis of a process analysis - The concept of the institution of cadastre
PublicationAbout the chapter: Modification of the structures of public administration encounters major obstacles. Institutional changes are difficult to introduce due to their complexity and broad impact. Non-substantial (political) factors are of importance as well. The resistance to change is aggravated by how difficult it is for decision-makers to assess the impact of the changes that are proposed. We present a method of handling...
The Influence of Modelling Material Zones on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch
PublicationThe latest development in the field of welding technology enabled prefabrication of thin-walled sandwich structures in an industrial scale. Sandwich structures fabricated of steel, or aluminium alloy plates and stiffeners are welded with the use of hi-power CO2 lasers. Strength analysis of such structures with the use of finite element method needs proper material modelling.In this paper the material model of steel sandwich panel...
Special Issue: Recent Advances in Corrosion Science
PublicationThe dynamic development of the global industry and growing demand for new material technologies generates constantly increasing problems regarding premature material degradation and the requirement to determine corrosion mechanisms and to develop new protection/evaluation approaches. This Special Issue, “Recent Advances in Corrosion Science”, brings together fourteen articles and one review, providing a snapshot of the recent activity...
Simulations of Shear Zones and Cracks in Engineering Materials Using eXtended Finite Element Method
PublicationNumerical simulations of cracks and shear zones in quasi-brittle materials are presented. Extended Finite Element Method is used to describe both cracks and shear zones. In a description of tensile cracks, a Rankine criterion is assumed. A discrete Mohr-Coulomb law is adopted for simulations of shear zones. Results of simple numerical tests: unixial tension, bending and biaxial compression are demonstrated.
Discrete Modelling of Micro-structural Phenomena in Granular Shear Zones
PublicationThe micro-structure evolution in shear zones in cohesionless sand for quasi-static problems was analyzed with a discrete element method (DEM). The passive sand failure for a very rought retaining wall undergoing horizontal translation towards the sand backfill was discussed. To simulate the behaviour of sand, the spherical discrete element model was used with elements in the form of rigid spheres with contacts moments.
Potencjał strategii slow city dla rozwoju miast kształtujących się metropolii polskich. Na przykładzie Pucka i Kartuz miast Obszaru Metropolitalnego Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia
PublicationW artykule wskazano możliwości wykorzystania filozofii ruchu Slow, do wykształcenia nowego modelu Metropolitalnych Slow City (MSC). Odniesiono się do założeń ruchu Cittaslow, pokazując potencjały dla alternatywnego kierunku strategii rozwojowej w duchu „miast dobrego życia” dla ośrodków w granicach obszarów metropolitalnych. W podsumowaniu założenia teoretyczne zilustrowano przykładem innowacyjnego modelu projektu rewitalizacji...
Banking stability during the economic transformation process in selected countries of the Western Balkans
PublicationEconomic transformation is still an ongoing process in many European countries. Despite common economic roots, the current economic situations are developing differently in different countries. This article will consider the process of economic transformation in terms of the banking sector. It aims to assess the level of banking stability throughout the transformation process in the Western Balkan region, and to assess the determinates...
Special Issue: “Non-Destructive Testing of Structures”
PublicationThe Special Issue “Non-Destructive Testing of Structures” has been proposed to present recent developments in the field of diagnostics of structural materials and components in civil and mechanical engineering. The papers highlighted in this editorial concern various aspects of non-invasive diagnostics, including such topics as condition assessments of civil and mechanical structures and connections of structural elements, the...
Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth: A One-Way or Two-Way Relationship?
PublicationThe Global Competitiveness Index is treated as a standard to measure the competitiveness of countries. Leaders look at it to make policy and resource allocation decisions because global competitiveness is expected to be related to economic growth. However, studies which analyze the empirical relationship between these two economic categories are very rare. It is still an open question in the literature whether economic growth can...
Poland's economic relations with Uzbekistan
PublicationThe article describes economic relations between Poland and Uzbekistan 1992-2020
Territorial Aspects of Entrepreneurial Activity in Polish Suburban Zones
PublicationGlobalization has led to an increased correlation and integration of various fields in modern civilization, including those connected with allocation of entrepreneurial functions. Connection, on a global scale, has shown an increased significance of worldwide corporations. Territorial allocation of the entrepreneurial function has become the subject of translocation and revaluation. Translocation can be understood as the change...
Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics
PublicationWhen we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...
Intelligent multimedia solutions supporting special education needs.
PublicationThe role of computers in school education is briefly discussed. Multimodal interfaces development history is shortly reviewed. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces for learners with special educational needs are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with facial expression and speech stretching audio interface representing audio modality....
Special Optical Fibres
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Street Art and Urban Regeneration. Case Study Gdansk and Rome.
PublicationStreet art plays an important role in urban planning as a transforming engine to regenerate the public spaces and in the processes of participation. The article analyzes two main topics. The first one focuses on the urban serving as a support for spatial and cultural strategies in urban redevelopment projects. The second one is related to the potential of micro urban interventions as a strategy for a wider involvement of inhabitants...
Economic migrations to Poland in 2008-2018
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present the stream and structure of economic migrants to Poland between 2008-2018. The first part presents economic migrations in its theoretical aspects, explaining the concept and presenting definitions. Then, the institutional and legal conditions of economic migration to Poland with particular emphasis on documents recquired by Polish labor market were presented i.e. work permits, seasonal work...
Poland's economic relations with Kazakhstan
PublicationBefore 2019, economic relations between Poland and Kazakhstan were regulated by 22 international agreements. Poland has been trading with Kazakhstan since the 1990s. Overall, Kazakhstan had a positive trade balance with Poland, with the exception of the 1996–1998 and 2006–2007 periods. Polish foreign investment in Kazakhstan was not very impressive; the first investments started only in 2005. In 2019, about 200 companies with Polish...
Special Issue on “Advanced Liquid Waste and Gas Waste Treatment Processes”
PublicationThe editorial contains a short review of the content of the Special Issue on waste gas and liquid streams treatment strategies.
Digital transformation and economic growth - DESI improvement and implementation
PublicationThe paper aims to improve the methodology of the Digital Economic and Society Index (DESI), the European Commission’s newest index to assess the development of the digital economy. In particular, we investigate whether methodological changes to the structure of DESI improve its ability to capture the digital transformation of EU economies. Using the sensitivity- based analysis, we check whether the selection of weights of individual...
PublicationThe scope of Polish macro-economic data for assessing the level of socio-economic development of the country is largely limited because of the regional variation. Therefore there is a need for cyclic selection and the verification of criteria which allow identifying regions with a similar level of socio-economic development or those that clearly differ from the mean values. The aim of the study is to compare Poland’s provinces...
Economic vitality of Polish suburbs
PublicationSince 1989, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the SME sector has been awakening very dynamically. Correlation of the parallel development of these...
PublicationTowards the end of the last century a new system of bitumen grading was developed and implemented as part of the American Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). Its aim was to better adjust the testing methods and requirements for road bitumens to the actual conditions in which those bitumens serve in road pavements. Currently in Poland, similarly as in the other EU countries, road bitumens are tested and classified with regard...
Economic Vitality of Polish Suburbs
PublicationFor over 25 years, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The country's system changed from a planned economy to a free-market, neo-liberal one. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the...
Measurements of High-Speed Data Transmission Radio Link for Special Applications
PublicationIn the article measurements of high-speed data transmission radio link for special applications were presented. Build measurement stand, measurement scenario and obtained results were briefly described. All conducted research work took place in real maritime environment.
A special issue on Biophotonics in Europe
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Special issue - ECCE-6
PublicationWskazano na nadmierną konsumpcję energii i substancji w porównaniu z rzeczywistym zapotrzebowaniem dla życia ludzkiego. Wskazano na skutki nadmiernie intensywnej eksploatacji surowców i zanieczyszczenie środowiska. Wskazano na wybitnie nierównomierny rozkład zużycia energii w świecie. Omówiono straty energii spowodowane emisją metanu z kopalń. Przedyskutowano możliwości i zasadnośc stosowania biopaliw. Omówiono rolę inżynierów...
Special Fibres For Application Environments
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Intra-provincial inequalities and economic growth in China
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Fertility rebound and economic growth. New evidence for 18 countries over the period 1970-2011.
PublicationLong-run impact of economic growth on fertility trends is ambiguous and sensitive for in-time variations. Noticeably, over last decades, economic growth has led in many countries to significant falls in total fertility rates. However, recently, in high-income economies a kind of ‘fertility rebound’ emerged (Goldstein, 2009; Luci and Thevenon, 2011; Day, 2012), which supports the hypothesis that reversal trends in total fertility...
Technological content of export diversification—Evolution along the economic growth process
PublicationExports from high-income countries are three times more diversified than those from low-income economies. We provide a new tech-based interpretation of the stages of diversification accompanying the economic growth paths of countries. Using the decomposition properties of the relative Theil index in a sample of 160 countries (1996–2018), we reveal that export diversification is driven mainly by changes in the variety of non-tech...
A sector-an industry? Definitional challenges in economic sciences
Publicationthe aim of our paper is to present definitional challenges that we as scholars and teachers face while attempting to relate to a sector and an industry terms in economic analyses and from strategic management perspective. we employ secondary research and analyse the state of the academic discourse and common usages of the above terms. we argue that for an economic statistician classifications should be consistent and highlight...
Special Issue "Applications of Finite Element Modeling for Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems"
PublicationNumerical modeling is very important in today's engineering because, among other things, it reduces the costs associated with prototyping or predicting the occurrence of potentially dangerous situations during operation in certain defined conditions. Different methods have so far been used to implement the real structure into the numerical version. The most popular have been variations of the finite element method (FEM). The aim...
Economic significance of initial public offerings in China and India
PublicationRapid economic growth in China and India has attracted attention of many researchers, focusing on various social and economic factors underlying the success of these countries. One of the key components of country’s economy is financial system which consists of segments such as banking sector and equity market. The topic of initial public offerings (IPOs), one of the corporate financing sources, involving raising funds through...
PublicationThis work aims to present the recovery potential of the Chilean Sacrifice Zones, urban areas affected by high amounts of pollution caused by industrial activities. It centers in the case of “Bocamina I & II”, two Thermoelectric based in the city of Coronel, southern Chile. A settlement historically related to the mining processes. These plants operated for decades supplying the national energy grid and are seen as both symbols...
The structure of demand and its economic consequences for urban transport
PublicationThe structure of demand for urban transport services, determined by the share of passengers entitled to free and reduced fares, is an important factor influencing its economic condition. The aim of this article is to present the results of research into the structure of demand for urban transport as well as its economic consequences. The article begins by considering the nature of the determinants and consequences of the public...
Flood zones - a risk for the urban areas
PublicationPrzedstawiono studium dotyczące wyznaczenia stref zagrożenia powodziowego dla miasta Warszawy wskutek wezbrań rzeki Wisły. Do oszacowania zasięgu stref wykorzystano matematyczny model ustalonego przepływu wolnozmiennego oraz numeryczny model terenu doliny rzeki. Do zobrazowania uzyskanych wyników zastosowano system GIS. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników zidentyfikowano obszary miasta Warszawy narażone na ewentualną powódź oraz odcinki...
Special hearing aid for stuttering people
PublicationDzięku postępowi w dziedzienie cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów możliwe stało zbudowanie subminiaturowego urządzenia łączącego funkcje aparatu słuchowego i korektora mowy. Takie urządzenie, mimo niewielkich rozmiarów, jest w stanie wykonywać skomplikowane alggorytmy a jego oprogramowanie może być łatwo zmieniane. W pracy skupiono się na zagadnieniach związanych z opracowniem prototypu i implementacją algorytmów korekcji słuchu...
Special Issue on Sliding Contact Bearings
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Special model for coated woven fabrics.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe równania konstytutywne modelu sieci gęstej oraz podano parametry materiałowe dla dwu wybranych tkanin technicznych. Opisano specjalny model elementu skończonego w płaskim stanie naprężenia, który opisuje typowe właściwości tkaniny technicznej. Zaproponowano rozszerzony wariant modelu sieci gęstej, tzw. Warstwowy model sieci gęstej, w celu bezpośredniego uwzględnienia wpływu pokrycia.
Editorial for the TPDL 2015 special issue
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Special discrete-time filters and applications
PublicationCelem monografii jest pokazanie głównych kierunków postepu w zakresie nowych technik projektowania cyfrowych filtrów specjalnych i ich zastosowań. Rodzina filtrów specjalnych skupia sie wokół filtru ułamkowo-opóźniającego, tj. szczególnego interpolatora, którego właściwości można scharakteryzować za pomocą opóźnienia grupowego albo opóźnienia fazowego. W monografii pokazano mechanizm powiązań pomiędzy filtrami specjalnymi, wyjaśniono...
Comment on ''Quantum Entropy and Special Relativity''
PublicationKomentarz na temat publikacji Peresa, Scudo i Terno.