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Search results for: NATURE-BASED SOLUTION
Hierarchical 2-step neural-based LEGO bricks detection and labeling
PublicationLEGO bricks are extremely popular and allow the creation of almost any type of construction due to multiple shapes available. LEGO building requires however proper brick arrangement, usually done by shape. With over 3700 different LEGO parts this can be troublesome. In this paper, we propose a solution for object detection and annotation on images. The solution is designed as a part of an automated LEGO bricks arrangement. The...
Terminal charging scheduling of battery electric buses based on vehicle routing problem
PublicationElectric buses are considered to be a viable solution for reducing emission in dense urban areas. However, the greater charging time is a huge challenge for operators. In this paper, charging scheduling method was elaborated based on vehicle routing problem using mixed-integer linear programming model. The main novelty of the paper is the combination of modelling aspect, namely flexible turn sequence and heterogeneous shared charging...
A green route for high-performance bio-based polyurethanes synthesized from modified bio-based isocyanates
PublicationThe need for sustainability and a circular economy leads to the development of innovative greener materials and technologies. This paper is focused on a novel class of bio-based polyurethanes (PUs) synthesized with the use of bio-monomers including bio-based isocyanates. The novelty of this work is related to the usage of bio-based modified isocyanate via a two-step solvent-free synthesis of novel cast bio-based poly(ester-urethanes)...
Bi-based halide perovskites: Stability and opportunities in the photocatalytic approach for hydrogen evolution
PublicationIn this study, we successfully prepared Bi-based single perovskites of the A3Bi2I9 type (A = Cs, Rb, MA, FA), and, for the first time, attempted to experimentally obtain double perovskites Cs2B’BiI6 type (B′ = Ag, Au, In, Cu). Despite the premises available in theoretical studies, our research has proven the impossibility of the existence of double perovskites of this type. Nevertheless, both types of obtained materials were subjected...
A New Approach to Capacitive Sensor Measurements Based on a Microcontroller and a Three-Gate Stable RC Oscillator
PublicationA complete smart capacitive sensor solution basedA complete smart capacitive sensor solution based on a microcontroller was developed. This approach includes the development of both the hardware and software. The hardware part comprises an 8-bit microcontroller equipped with two timers/counters and a three-gate stable RC relaxation oscillator. The software part handles system configuration, measurement control, communication control,...
GNSS reference solution for permanent station stability monitoring and geodynamical investigations: the ASG-EUPOS case study.
Enthalpy of formation of intermetallic phases from Al–Li system by solution and direct reaction calorimetric method
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Description of the solution set of the von Karman equations for a circular plate in a small neighbourhood of a simple bifurcation point
PublicationW niniejszej pracy badamy równania von Karmana dla cienkiej, sprężystej, kołowej płyty na sprężystym podłożu, poddawanej działaniu sił ściskających wzdłuż brzegu. Są to równania różniczkowe cząstkowe IV rzędu. Stosując metody analizy nieliniowej, opisujemy zbiór rozwiązań równań von Karmana w małym otoczeniu jednokrotnego punktu bifurkacji.Badania były finansowane przez grant nr 1 P03A 042 29.
Chapter 34. Influence of salt on micellisation of 1-decyl-3-methyl imidazolium chloride in aqueous solution
PublicationZbadano wpływ prostych elektrolitów na micelizację chlorku 1-decylo-3-metyloimidazoliowego w środowisku wodnym. Zaobserwowano, że dodatek soli powoduje obniżanie krytycznego stężenia micelizacji (CMC) badanego związku z siłą zgodną z trendem opisanym szeregiem Hofmeistera. Przedstawiono również zależność między stężeniem dodanej soli a CMC.
Kinetics of the photosensitized degradation of benzyl 4-hydroxybenzoate in homogeneous aqueous solution under visible-light irradiation
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Advancement of Non-Newtonian Fluid with Hybrid Nanoparticles in a Convective Channel and Prabhakar’s Fractional Derivative—Analytical Solution
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<title>TESLA cavity modeling and digital implementation with FPGA technology solution for control system development</title>
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The cost minimizing solution of the transportation problem for the location of the building machinery yard along the road under construction
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Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies of Phonon Dispersion in PbTe and (Pb,Cd)Te Solid Solution
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Existence of solutions of boundary value problems for differential equations in which deviated arguments depend on the unknown solution
PublicationPrzy pewnych warunkach, gdy funkcja f występująca po prawej stronie zagadnienia jest monotoniczna, pokazano że istnieje jedyne rozwiązanie problemu brzegowego dla równań różniczkowych z odchylonymi argumentami gdy ten argument odchylony zależy od nieznanego rozwiązania. Rozważano też zagadnienia gdy występuje więcej takich argumentów odchylonych. Otrzymane wyniki poparto przykładem.
Sorption of Cu(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II) Ions in an Aqueous Solution on the PVC-Acetylacetone Composites
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The impact of 3,3',5,5'-tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) solution pretreatment by ozonolysis and photocatalysis on the activated sludge respirometric activity
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The pollutant transport equation for a steady, gradually varied flow in an open channel network: a solution of high accuracy
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę rozwiązania jednowymiarowego równania adwekcji-dyfuzji opisującego transport zanieczyszczeń w warunkach przepływu ustalonego wolnozmiennego w sieci kanałów otwartych. Zastosowano technikę dekompozycji. Zlineoryzowane równanie adwekcji-dyfuzji rozwiązano stosując całkę Duhamela, zaś równanie zacierające człon źródłowy-metodą różnic skończonych. Metoda zapewnia bardzo dużą dokładność rozwiązania nawet...
Ammonium removal from aqueous solution by natural zeolite, Transcarpathian mordenite, kinetics, equilibrium and column tests.
PublicationOpisano wyniki badań procesu usuwania jonów amonowych z wodnych roztworów modelowych z wykorzystaniem mordenitu-naturalnego zeolitu (w postaci surowej i po odpowiedniej wstępnej obróbce) zarówno w warunkach statycznych jak i dynamicznych. Oszacowano pojemność jonowymienną w stosunku do jonów amonowych (1,64 meq/g) w przypadku, gdy stężenie początkowe analitu było na poziomie 1000 mg/l. Sprawdzono również wpływ na przebieg procesu...
Recovery of bis(1-chloro-2-propyl) ether from aqueous solution onto activated carbon
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Alternative approach to the solution of the momentum-space Schrödinger equation for bound states of the N-dimensional Coulomb problem
PublicationW pracy rozważono zagadnienie Schrödingera-Coulomba w R^N, N>=2, w reprezentacji pędowej. Radialne równanie całkowe występujące w stowarzyszonym zagadnieniu sturmowskim rozwiązano, stosując podane przez Ossiciniego symetryczne rozwinięcie typu Poissona funkcji Legendre'a drugiego rodzaju w szereg iloczynów wielomianów Gegenbauera. Następnie wykorzystano relację pomiędzy rozwiązaniami zagadnienia sturmowskiego oraz zagadnienia własnego...
Efficient and Systematic Solution of Real and Complex Eigenvalue Problems Employing Simplex Chain Vertices Searching Procedure
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano nowatorską metodę, pozwalającą w bardzo efektywny sposób rozwiązywać rzeczywiste i zespolone zagadnienia własne (które przekształcić można w równania nieliniowe) często spotykane w elektrodynamice obliczeniowej. Idea metody oparta jest o śledzenie miejsc zerowych otrzymanego równania nieliniowego. W proponowanej technice zastosowano regularne wielościany, budując z nich łańcuch (ścieżkę) poszukiwanych...
PublicationWater lubricated sliding bearings are increasingly popular in marine and hydro power industry. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. Properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. During the last decade their traditional range has been expanded with new, modern products like three layer bearing bush. The work presents...
Adapting new tools of urban freight management based on Gdynia’s dedicated delivery bays example – an analysis of the process
PublicationThe article presents an analysis of a process which ultimately helped Gdynia to designate pilot delivery sites in its downtown area using international experience. A verification was conducted of policy transfer theory and its practical implementation based on an URBACT Freight Tails project. While the choice of the solution was based on critical analysis of existing practical examples, it needed to be adapted to the local conditions...
Energy storage device based on flywheel, power converters and Simulink real-time
PublicationThis electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. Paper presents information on Energy Storage Device based on Flywheel and bi-directional IGBT Power Converters – designed for LINTE^2 laboratory owned by Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. Paper is divided into four sections. First section of the paper provides introductory information...
Impact of temperature on optical sensing in biology based on investigation of SARS‐CoV ‐2
PublicationIn this paper, we present an investigation of the influence of the temperature on the sensing of biological samples. We used biofunctionalized microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor to detect immunoglobulin G attached to the sensor head at temperatures relevant in biological research: 5°C, 25°C, and 55°C. The construction of the sensor allowed us to perform measurements in the small amount of solution. The results of our experiment...
A Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Generator with Modulated Magnetic Flux
PublicationIn this work, the concept of an energy conversion system for wind turbines based on the modified permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is presented. In the generator, a pair of three-phase windings is used, one of which is connected in a “star” and the second in a “delta” configuration. At the outputs of both windings, two six-pulse uncontrolled (diode) rectifiers are included. These rectifiers are mutually coupled by a...
Compensation of Voltage Drops in Trolleybus Supply System Using Battery-Based Buffer Station
PublicationThis paper analyzes the results of a trial operation of a battery-based buffer station supporting a selected section of trolleybus power supply systems in Pilsen, Czech Republic. The buffer station aims to prevent the catenary from excessive voltage drops in a part of the route that is most remote from the traction substation. Compensation of voltage drops is carried out by continuously measuring the catenary voltage and injecting...
Implementation of IMS/NGN Transport Stratum Based on the SDN Concept
PublicationThe paper presents the development and verification of software and a testbed aiming to demonstrate the ability of two telecommunication network concepts—Next Generation Network (NGN) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)—to cooperate. The proposed architecture includes components of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in its service stratum and of the SDN (controller and programmable switches) in its transport stratum, providing...
Knowledge engineer – more than only technical position. The concept of knowledge engineering education at the Faculty of Management and Economics
PublicationOrganizational learning means an effective knowledge management. Management is nothing more than the constant decision-making. Therefore organizational learning must be seen through the prism of decisions taken at all levels. Unfortunately decisions are never taken within comfortable conditions. Decision maker suffers from a lack of any support. There is often a problem with human resources having right skills, sometimes they do...
Marta Rusnak, Marta Szmigiel, Malwina Geniusz, Zofia Koszewicz, Monika Magdziak-Tokłowicz, Exploring the impact of cultural context on eye-tracking studies of architectural monuments in selected European cities: Sustainable heritage management.
PublicationSustainable management of architectural heritage requires conducting an inclusive diagnosis of users' opinions, considering both residents and tourists as the recipients of urban space. Given the cultural diversity within these groups, proposing the use of eye-trackers (ET) as an alternative to traditional public consultation prompts the need to assess the method's advantages and disadvantages. It remains uncertain whether individuals...
Tackling microplastics pollution in global environment through integration of applied technology, policy instruments, and legislation
PublicationMicroplastic pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Small particles with size of less than 5 mm, known as microplastics (MPs), persist in the environment and pose serious threats to various species from micro-organisms to humans. However, terrestrial environment has received less attention than the aquatic environment, despite being a major source of MPs that eventually...
Exploring the impact of cultural context on eye-tracking studies of architectural monuments in selected European cities: Sustainable heritage management.
PublicationSustainable management of architectural heritage requires conducting an inclusive diagnosis of users’ opinions, considering both residents and tourists as the recipients of urban space. Given the cultural diversity within these groups, proposing the use of eye-trackers (ET) as an alternative to traditional public consultation prompts the need to assess the method’s advantages and disadvantages. It remains uncertain whether individuals...
Noise Generated by Tyres Designet for Electric Vehicles - Results of Laboratory Experiments
PublicationA few years ago, electric and hybrid vehicles were rarely seen on public roads and were considered more as exotic curiosities or even as a sign of extravagance than a practical means of transport. Nowadays the situation has changes significantly. This was caused both by the technical development and legislative actions, as well as the organizational nature promoting the purchace and use of low emission vehicles. Electric vehicles...
PublicationIn recent years, more careful consideration is taken into social issues of designing skyscrapers by humanizing adherent internal and external public areas. Case studies of The Shard (London: 2012), 122 Leadenhall Street (London: 2014), 20 Fenchurch Street (London: 2014), Heron Tower (London: 2011), Tower 25 (Nicosia: 2013), Zoofenster (Berlin: 2012), DNB House (Oslo: 2012), Centrum Biurowe Neptun (Gdansk, 2014), Skytower (Wroclaw:...
Influence of bitumen type on cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures used in pavement overlays
PublicationCracking is one of the predominant distresses occurring in flexible pavements, especially in old pavements that were rehabilitated with an asphalt overlay. In such cases asphalt mixtures should be designed to ensure high resistance to reflective cracking because new asphalt layers are exposed to existing cracks of the old pavement. The nature of these cracks can be various (transverse, longitudinal as well as crazy cracking). One...
Solar light driven degradation of norfloxacin using as-synthesized Bi 3+ and Fe 2+ co-doped ZnO with the addition of HSO 5 – : Toxicities and degradation pathways investigation
PublicationIn this study, solar light responsive Bi3+ and Fe2+ doped ZnO were synthesized and used for photocatalytic degradation of norfloxacin (NOR), an emerging water pollutant. Analysis with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), selected area electron...
Applications of Tensor Analysis in Continuum Mechanics
PublicationA tensor field is a tensor-valued function of position in space. The use of tensor fields allows us to present physical laws in a clear, compact form. A byproduct is a set of simple and clear rules for the representation of vector differential operators such as gradient, divergence, and Laplacian in curvilinear coordinate systems. The tensorial nature of a quantity permits us to formulate transformation rules for its components...
Self-standing Nanoarchitectures
PublicationDespite there are structures invisible for the human eye, they mastered the world of advanced electronic devices, sensors, novel cosmetics or drugs. When the dimensions of the materials go down to the nanometres scale, their properties change dramatically comparing to the observable objects. Because of their tiny size, they gained the name of nanomaterials but simultaneously their importance has significantly grown up. Nanomaterials...
The Staged Combustion of Meat-and-Bone Meal:The Characteristics of Conversion Sub-processes and Large-Scale Process Outputs
Publicationt Organic waste has been playing an increasingly important role in the energy market as those that may support the economies in pursuing towards decarbonization by increasing the share of renewables in the overall energy balance. In this group of alternative fuels, meat-and-bone meals being a post-production waste of the steadily developing meat industry, constitute a considerable proportion. Though they are rich in minerals, their...
Revitalization of Residential Buildings Dating Back to the Late19th and Early 20th Century on the Example of “Willa Halina” in Sopot (Poland)
PublicationResidential buildings dating back to the late 19th and early 20th century constitute an important element of the urban composition of many European cities, often determining their overall spatial expression. These buildings often require revitalization and sometimes also reconstruction or extension. Such activities make it possible to restore historical buildings to their former glory, but also to create new architecture, inscribed...
Remediation of soils on municipal rendering plant territories using Miscanthus × giganteus
PublicationPhytoremediation, as a cost-effective, highly efficient, environmentally friendly, and green approach, gained attention to the removal of metals, including heavy metals, from contaminated soils. The toxic nature of heavy metals can have an adverse effect on human health and the ecosystem, and their removal remains a worldwide problem. Therefore, in this study, a field experiment was carried out to evaluate the potential of Miscanthus × giganteus...
Inseparability criteria based on matrices of moments
PublicationInseparability criteria for continuous and discrete bipartite quantum states based on moments of annihilationand creation operators are studied by developing the idea of Shchukin-Vogel criterion Phys. Rev. Lett. 95,230502 2005. If a state is separable, then the corresponding matrix of moments is separable too. Thus, wederive generalized criteria based on the separability properties of the matrix of moments. In particular, acriterion...
Smartphone-based digital image colorimetry for the determination of total capsaicinoid content in chili pepper extracts
PublicationA simple smartphone-based digital image colorimetry was proposed for the determination of total capsaicinoid content and the assessment of chili pepper pungency. The biobased solvent D-limonene was used for the first time to isolate analytes. Capsaicinoids were efficiently separated from chili pepper by solid-liquid extraction with D-limonene followed by partitioning of the analytes into the ammonium hydroxide solution to eliminate...
Ontology-Driven Rule-Based Model for an Extension of Information Technology Infrastructure Library Processes
PublicationThe aim of this study is to present the stages for building a development model to create information technology (IT) systems for IT service providers. In order to ensure the consistency of the model, a novel solution is proposed where the stages of the model's construction are controlled using ontologies dedicated to the ITIL standard. In this article, a description of models used to assess the provider organization, with particular...
Discussion of “Development of an Accurate Time integration Technique for the Assessment of Q-Based versus h-Based Formulations of the Diffusion Wave Equation for Flow Routing” by K. Hasanvand, M.R. Hashemi and M.J. Abedini
PublicationThe discusser read the original with great interest. It seems, however, that some aspects of the original paper need additional comments. The authors of the original paper discuss the accuracy of a numerical solution of the diffusion wave equation formulated with respect to different state variables. The analysis focuses on nonlinear equations in the form of a single transport equation with the discharge Q (volumetric flow rate)...
Model of Volunteer Based Systems.
PublicationThere are two main approaches to processing tasks requiring high amounts of computational power. One approach is using clusters of mostly identical hardware, placed in dedicated locations. The other approach is outsourcing computing resources from large numbers of volunteers connected to the Internet. This chapter attempts to formulate a mathematical model of the volunteer based approach to distributed computations and apply it...
Matrix-based robust joint fingerprinting and decryption method for multicast distribution of multimedia
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of unauthorized redistribution of multimedia content by malicious users (pirates). The solution proposed here is a new joint fingerprinting and decryption method which meets the requirements for both imperceptibility and robustness of fingerprints and scalability in terms of design and distribution of fingerprinted multimedia content. The proposed method uses a simple block cipher based on matrix...
Segmented bio-based polyurethane composites containing powdered cellulose obtained from novel bio-based diisocyanate mixtures
PublicationA considerable number of research works focus on the positive influence of cellulose on the properties of polymer-based composites and their wide range of application possibilities. The present work is focused on the synthesis of novel bio-based polyurethane (bio-PU) composites filled with powdered cellulose (microcellulose, MC) in an amount of 5 wt.%. Bio-PU composites were synthesized via a non-solvent prepolymer method. First,...
Synthesis and Physicochemical Characteristics of Chitosan-Based Polyurethane Flexible Foams
PublicationThe use of shrimp waste to obtain chitosan (Ch) is an essential issue, considering a circular economy, waste management, and its application to environmentally friendly materials. In this study, northern prawn shells were utilized to obtain Ch, which could then be used for synthesizing chitosan-based polyurethane (PUR+Ch) foams with different Ch concentration. The chemical structure, morphology, hardness, thermal properties, viscoelastic...