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Search results for: differential quadrature method
Delay dependent estimates for waveform relaxation methods for neutral differential-functional systems
PublicationW pracy dyskutowane są oszacowania błędów z uwzględnieniem ich zależności od opóźnienia dla metod typu ''waveform relaxations'' stosowanych do rozwiązywania układów równań różniczkowo-funkcyjnych typu Volterry i równań różniczkowo-algebraicznych. Oszacowania te służą do oceny szybkości zbieżności tych metod a w niektórych przypadkach do wykazania, że rozwiązanie dokładne otrzymuje się po skończonej liczbie iteracji.
Almost homoclinic solutions for a certain class of mixed type functional differential equations
PublicationW pracy opisano pewną metodę aproksymacyjną szukania rozwiązań prawie homoklinicznych dla równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych z opóźnionym i przyśpieszonym argumentem. Podano również przykłady zastosowań tej metody.
Diagnosis of fully differential circuits based on a fault dictionary implemented in the microcontroller systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową koncepcję testera wbudowanego bist przeznaczonego do diagnostyki w pełni różnicowych układów analogowych implementowanych w mikrosystemach mieszanych sygnałowo. w trakcie testowania mierzona jest amplituda i faza wyjściowego napięcia różnicowego. procedura detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń bazuje na słowniku uszkodzeń przechowywanym w pamięci programu mikrokontrolera. korzystną cechą przestrzeni pomiarowej wyznaczonej...
The contribution of Hans von Wartenberg to the development of the Czochralski method
PublicationThe contribution of Hans von Wartenberg to the development of the Czochralski Method for pulling single crystals is often overlooked. He was its earliest adopter, having introduced the use of seed crystals, and his detailed description of the method was the basis for its subsequent dissemination.
Rothe’s method for physiologically structured models with diffusion
PublicationWe consider structured population models with diffusion and dynamic boundary conditions. The respective approximation, called Rothe’s method, produces positive and exponentially bounded solutions. Its solutions converge to the exact solution of the original PDE.
Modelling method for a class of distributed-lumped parameter systems
PublicationThe paper presents an alternative approach for modelling and order reduction of continuous system. The proposed methodology combines application of two methods: the modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. The given continuous structure is divided into 1D continuous substructures. For each 1D substructure modal decomposition and reduction procedure is applied. Interactions between substructures are described...
Accuracy of the Discrete Green's Function Formulation of the FDTD Method
PublicationThis paper reports an evaluation of the accuracy of the discrete Greens function (DGF) formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Recently, the closed-form expression for the DGF and its efficient numerical implementation were presented, which facilitates applications of the DGF in FDTD simulations of radiation and scattering problems. So far, the accuracy of the DGF formulation of the FDTD method has been...
Fabrication of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics by Mixed Oxide Method
PublicationIn the present study Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) ceramics has been fabricated by solid state reaction from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, TiO2 and Fe2O3. Stoichiometric mixture of the powders was thermally analyzed so parameters of the thermal treatment were determined. The EDS measurements have shown conservation of the chemical composition of the ceramic powder after calcination. Hot-pressing method was used for final densification...
PublicationThe article proposes an efficient line detection method using a 2D convolution filter. The proposed method was compared with the Hough transform, the most popular method of straight lines detection. The developed method is suitable for local detection of straight lines with a slope from -45˚ to 45˚. Also, it can be used for curve detection which shape is approximated with the short straight sections. The new method is characterized...
Engineering method of tire rolling resistance evaluation
PublicationTire rolling resistance is one of the most difficult tire parameters to measure. The reason is that for modern tires the force of rolling resistance corresponds to 0.5–1% of tire load, thus measurements of very small forces must be performed in a heavily loaded system. This constitutes great problems, especially in road conditions. Laboratory measurements are easier to perform, as the environment may be better controlled, but roadwheel...
On the use of a charge balancing method for low energy measurements
PublicationThe paper presents the method for the estimation of the energy consumption of the low-power microcontroller-based devices. Due to high dynamics of the changes of the supply current of the tested devices during the operational cycle, the consumed energy estimation is not easy. In order to avoid disadvantages of known methods, the charge balancing method was employed similarly like in some types of A/D converters.
PublicationNew measurement technologies, e.g. Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), generate very large datasets. In many cases, it is reasonable to reduce the number of measuring points, but in such a way that the datasets after reduction satisfy specific optimization criteria. For this purpose the Optimum Dataset (OptD) method proposed in [1] and [2] can be applied. The OptD method with the use of several optimization criteria is called...
PublicationThe satellite navigation systems are the main position sources for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This fact limits the area of UAVs operation to the places where radio signals is visible for a satellite navigation system receiver, mounted on the vehicle-outdoor navigation. Closed spaced are unavailable for vehicles which navigation is based on global satellite navigation systems (GNSS). Miniature UAV (MiniUAV) is able to operate...
Expert assessment of arguments: a method and its experimental evaluation
PublicationArgument structures are commonly used to develop and present cases for safety, security and other properties. Such argument structures tend to grow excessively. To deal with this problem, appropriate methods of their assessment are required. Two objectives are of particular interest: (1) systematic and explicit assessment of the compelling power of an argument, and (2) communication of the result of such an assessment to relevant...
Low Cost Method for Location Service in the WCDMA System
PublicationA new and low cost method for a location service (LCS) in the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) system is outlined. This method, which is called TDOA + RTT, enables calculation of the geographical position of a mobile station (MS) without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between base stations (BSs). The TDOA+RTT method is based on the measurement of round trip times (RTTs) between the MS and the serving...
Analysis of Accuracy of Modified Gradient Method in Indoor Radiolocalisation System
PublicationIn this paper a new method, called modified gradient method, has been proposed for position calculation on the basis of distance measurement in indoor environment. It is shown that well known method of position calculation such as Foy is inefficient in indoor environment. In this article is also described the indoor radiolocalisation system which was used for collecting distance measurements which were employed for further comparative...
Verification of punching shear outside the shear cap by the direct method
PublicationThe proposition of a method to verify the punching resistance for very large supports based on the EN 1992-1-1 standard is described in this paper. The present standard guidelines for the calculation of the punching resistance for large supports are also summarised. The proposed direct method is compared with other standard methods using an example taken from design practice. This method consists of a direct check of the shear...
A Method of MOS Evaluation for Video Based Services
PublicationThis paper deals with a method for QoE evaluation for the services transmitting large amount of data perceived by the end user in relatively short time periods, e.g. streaming video in mobile operator...
A Review: Applications of the Spectral Finite Element Method
PublicationThe Spectral Finite Element Technique (SFEM) has Several Applications in the Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics, which will be Covered in this Review Article. The Spectral Finite Element Method (SFEM) is a Variant of the Traditional Finite Element Method FEM that Makes use of Higher Order Basis Functions (FEM). One of the most Fundamental Numerical Techniques Employed in the Numerical Simulation is the SFEM, which Outperforms...
Evaluation of the fast impedance spectroscopy method in the laboratory measurement system
PublicationIn this paper the method for fast impedancespectroscopy of technical objects with very high impedance(|Zx| ≥ 1 GΩ) is evaluated by means of simulation and practicalexperiment. The method is based on excitation of an object, witha square pulse and measurements of voltage and currentresponses with DAQ card. The object impedance spectrum isobtained with use of continuous Fourier transform. Someimprovements of the method concerned...
Port-based approach to distributed transfer function method
PublicationIn the paper there is presented an uniform, port-based approach to modeling of both lumped and distributed parameter systems. Port-based model of distributed system has been defined by application of distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The approach proposed combines versatility of port - based modeling and accuracy of distributed transfer function method. It enables to formulate appropriate input data for computer analysis...
Usefulness of the voltamperometric method for assessment of the purity of soil
PublicationThis paper presents a voltammetric analysis of soil. It shows that the voltammetry is a useful method for the assessment of soil contaminated with heavy metal ions. There are two major problems with voltammetry analysis: the diffusion coefficient and the measurement system. The paper contains a short literature study of mathematical equations and a study of differences between soil and water measurements. Suggestions of the solution...
A Method and Device for 3D Recognition of Cutting Edge Micro Geometry
PublicationA very useful method was successfully applied in the investigation of tools for machining wood and wood based composites. It allows scanning of the cutting edge micro geometry in three dimensions and reproducing it in a virtual space as a 3D surface. The application of the method opens new possibilities of studying tool wear by scanning, including the calculation of volume loss and other analysis of tool wedge geometry along and...
Ranking of Generation Source Locations by a Hybrid Multi-Criteria Method
PublicationThe paper presents a ranking of the locations of eight renewable energy sources (RES) made using a hybrid multi-criteria analysis method. The method is a combination of the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) method and numerical taxonomy. The considered generating sources, i.e. solar plants, biogas plants, and wind farms are sources that will significantly contribute to implementing the provisions of the energy and climate package...
Efficient Method for the Synthesis of Functionalized Basic Maleimides
PublicationA three-step procedure involving Diels-Alder condensation of maleic anhydride with furane, formation of N-substituted imide upon reaction with appropriate diamine and a final retro Diels-Alder regeneration of the maleic carbon-carbon double bond is proposed for an unequivocal synthesis of N-substituted basic maleimides. The novel method is characterized by mild reaction conditions, easy work-up, high yields and no need for additional...
Rational method of grit chamber efficiency determination
PublicationAlthough grot chambers are designed with utmost care, they still remain difficuly to control. As concentration of grit is non-uniform, representative measurements of the sand concentration is a very complex issue. In the paper the results of measure,ents performed at WTP in Gdańsk and Gdynia were analyzed. The proposed method to determine grit chambers efficiency is based on comparison of suspension flow in the inlet and flux of...
Uncertainty estimation of loop impedance measurement determined by the vector method
PublicationThis article presents a detailed analysis of uncertainty estimation of loop impedance measurement determined by the vector method. The analysis includes the following estimates: resistance variance, voltage variance and time measurement variance. This paper presents a methodology for estimating the combined standard uncertainty of loop impedance by the vector method. The vector method allows to determine loop impedance based on...
Quaternion Encryption Method for Image and Video Transmission
PublicationQuaternions are hyper-complex numbers of rank 4. They are often applied to mechanics in 3D space and are considered to be one of the best ways of representing rotations. In this paper a quaternion encryption method, based on algorithm by Nagase et al. (2004) has been proposed. According to a computer-based simulation the results of the performed research yield a high level of security, which is additionally strengthened by the...
An improved scalable method of isolating asphaltenes
PublicationA new, improved and scalable procedure of asphaltene fraction isolation is presented and compared to standard test methods. The new procedure uses 1:40 feedstock to solvent (n-heptane) ratio (g/mL), filtration through a cellulosic thimble and extensive washing in a Soxhlet type extractor. The group type composition and purity of the asphaltene fractions have been examined using thin-layer chromatography with flame-ionization detection....
A high-accuracy method of computation of x-ray waves propagation through an optical system consisting of many lenses
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. Two differential equations are contemplated for solving the problem for electromagnetic wave propagation: first – an equation for the electric field, second – an equation derived for a complex phase of an electric field. Both equations are solved by the use of a finite-difference method. The simulation error is estimated...
A Universal Gains Selection Method for Speed Observers of Induction Machine
PublicationProperties of state observers depend on proper gains selection. Each method of state estimation may require the implementation of specific techniques of finding those gains. The aim of this study is to propose a universal method of automatic gains selection and perform its verification on an induction machine speed observer. The method utilizes a genetic algorithm with fitness function which is directly based on the impulse response...
Application of gpr method in diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures
PublicationThis paper presents an application of the ground penetration method (GPR) for diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures. In situ measurements were conducted for three civil engineering structures: the ground floor structure, the abutment of the railway viaduct and the concrete well. The dual polarized ground penetrating radar with the antenna operating at a center frequency of 2 GHz was used for GPR surveys. Three different...
Forty-five years of the Rigid Finite Element Method
PublicationIn the paper there are described developments of the method in the past 45 year years in dynamical analysis of system with constant and changing in time configuration, including also control of the systems.
The New LM-PCR/Shifter Method for the Genotyping of Microorganism
PublicationTechniques relies on the ligation of appropriates adapters (LM-PCR) as AFLP, PCR MP and ADSRRS are successfully used for epidemiological studies for prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. In this study we propose a new method, called the LM-PCR/Shifter, based on the use of a Class IIS restriction enzyme giving restriction fragments with different 4 base 5' overhangs (Shifter) and the ligation of appropriate oligonucleotide...
Receiver-side fingerprinting method based on quaternion sandwich product
PublicationIn this paper a new receiver-side fingerprinting method for color images is proposed. The proposed method belongs to the group of Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption (JFD) methods. Each component of the color image is represented as a point in 3D space, which is formed by 3 color channels. Encryption and fingerprinting can be interpreted as rotation, scaling and translation of these points. Calculations are performed using quaternion...
FIR Filter Design Using Distributed Maximal Flatness Method
PublicationIn the paper a novel method for filter design based on the distributed maximal flatness method is presented. The proposed approach is based on the method used to design the most common FIR fractional delay filter - the maximally flat filter. The MF filter demonstrates excellent performance but only in a relatively narrow frequency range around zero frequency but its magnitude response is no greater than one. This ,,passiveness”...
A Method for Optimising the Blade Profile in Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThis paper introduces a method of blade profile optimisation for Kaplan-type turbines, based on modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Rotor and stator blade geometry is described mathematically by means of a midline curve and thickness distribution. Genetic algorithms are then used to find a global optimum that minimises the loss coefficient. This allows for variety of possible blade shapes and configurations....
Proposed method for estimating the costs of safety barrier life cycle
PublicationToday barrier types are frequently selected for their price with little regard for the total costs the structure will incur over its lifetime. One of the basic tools designed to manage road infrastructure is the life cycle cost method (LCC, Life cycle cost). It sums up the costs to plan, design, build, operate (use and maintain) and decommission a road structure. Having developed dynamically at the turn of the century the method...
Driver fatigue detection method based on facial image analysis
PublicationNowadays, ensuring road safety is a crucial issue that demands continuous development and measures to minimize the risk of accidents. This paper presents the development of a driver fatigue detection method based on the analysis of facial images. To monitor the driver's condition in real-time, a video camera was used. The method of detection is based on analyzing facial features related to the mouth area and eyes, such as...
Extending transition curve in analytical design method
PublicationThe paper presents the problem of extending the transitional curves, using for this purpose an analytical design method. The basis for the analysis of numerical calculations were carried out for a wide set of parameters characterizing the standard geometric system. We considered an importance of the size of radius of the circular arc and return angle of route on the obtained results after the formulation of appropriate theoretical...
Boundary value problems for differential equations with deviated arguments which depend on the unknown solution
PublicationDyskutowane są zagadnienia brzegowe dla równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych pierwszego rzędu z odchylonym argumentem zależnym od nieznanego rozwiązania. Sformułowane są warunki dostateczne isnienia quasirozwiązań i rozwiązań takich zagadnień.
Complementary assessment of γ-irradiated polyurethane-POSS hybrids by chemiluminescence and differential scanning calorimetry
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On nonlinear two-point boundary value problems for impulsive differential-algebraic problems [online]
PublicationSformułowano warunki dostateczne na istnienie ekstremalnych rozwiązań dla zagadnień brzegowych dla równań różniczkowo-algebraicznych z impulsami. Badano też nierówności różniczkowo-algebraiczne z impulsami przy odpowiednich warunkach brzegowych. Na przykładzie zilustrowano otrzymane wyniki.
Programmable feedforward linearized CMOS OTA for fully differential continuous-time filter design
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę linearyzacji wzmacniacza transkonduktancyjnego (OTA) CMOS z zastosowaniem sprzężenia w przód. Wzmacniacz zbudowany jest z użyciem prostych par różnicowych, wzmacniacza w pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego do samoregulacji transkonduktancji wzmacniaczy oraz liniowej rezystancji odniesienia (R). W wyniku uzyskano znaczną linaryzację charakterystyk przejściowych wzmacniacza OTA. Symulacje komputerowe SPICE...
Boundary value problems for first-order impulsive ordinary differential equations with delay arguments
PublicationPraca dotyczy problemów istnienia rozwiązań dla pierwszego rzędu równań różniczkowych typu opóźnionego z impulsami. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie ekstremalnych kwazi-rozwiązań. Podano też warunki przy których powyższe zagadnienie ma jedyne rozwiązanie. Praca zawiera też przykład ilustrujący otrzymane wyniki teoretyczne.
Approximate solutions of mixed problems for first order partial differential equations with deviated variables.
PublicationPraca traktuje o przybliżaniu rozwiązań klasycznych równańróżniczkowo-funkcyjnych cząstkowych pierwszego rzędu rozwiązaniamiukładów quasiliniowych równań różnicowych. Nowe podejście dorozwiązywania równań nieliniowych zawdzięczamy metodziequasilinearyzacji dla zagadnień początkowo - brzegowych z odchylonymargumentem. Dla przyrostów pochodnych funkcji danej zakładamy nieliniowe oszacowanie typu Perrona. Załączone są wyniki eksperymentów...
Measurements of differential cross sections for elastic electron scattering in the backward direction by molecular oxygen.
PublicationZmierzono różniczkowe przekroje czynne na rozproszenie sprężyste elektronów na cząsteczkach tlenu w zakresie kątów rozproszenia 100-180 st., dla wybranych energii padających elektronów w przedziale 7-20eV. Do pomiarów wykorzystano metodę lokalnego pola magnetycznego.
Transcriptomics in Toxicogenomics, Part II: Preprocessing and Differential Expression Analysis for High Quality Data
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Design of IIR digital filters with non-standard characteristics using differential evolution algorithm
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie algorytmu ewolucji różnicowej do projektowania filtrów cyfrowych o niestandardowych charakterystykach. Przy użyciu tego algorytmu zaprojektowano trzy filtry z charakterystykami amplitudowymi: liniowo narastającą, liniowo opadającą i nieliniowo narastającą. Filtry uzyskane tą metodą są stabilne i ich charakterystykispełniają wszystkie założenia projektowe.
On delay differential equations with almost periodic boundary conditions started from different points
PublicationDyskutowany jest problem istnienia ekstremalnych rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych typu opóźnionego przy odpowiednich warunkach brzegowych. Sformułowano odpowiednie twierdzenia porównawcze. W pracy zawarte są również wyniki dotyczące takich równań przy większej ilości argumentów opóźnionych.