Search results for: TLP PLATFORM INSTALLATION - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Koncepcja systemu informatycznego dla potrzeb SZwWP


    Implementacja zaawansowanego, zintegrowanego systemu sterowania dla potrzeb Systemu Zaopatrzenia w Wodę Pitną (SZwWP), wymaga odpowiednich platform sprzętowych i programowych - systemu informatycznego. Zaproponowane rozwiązania muszą pozwolić na realizację niezbędnych funkcji systemu - sterowania czy monitorowania, zapewniając jednocześnie dużą niezawodność działania oraz bezpieczeństwo przetwarzanych danych. Ponadto wykorzystywana...

  • Finite element matrix generation on a GPU

    This paper presents an efficient technique for fast generation of sparse systems of linear equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher order elements. The proposed approach employs a graphics processing unit (GPU) for both numerical integration and matrix assembly. The performance results obtained on a test platform consisting of a Fermi GPU (1x Tesla C2075) and a CPU (2x twelve-core...

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  • Knowledge-Grid Modelling for Academic Purposes


    - Year 2016

    Nowadays, we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. A multidimensional perspective in describing a university ontology seems to be very important for the modelling of higher education resources. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We propose our model as the foundation of an advanced knowledge...

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  • Wiarygodna integracja systemów ESB oraz Web services

    W pracy przedstawiono problem wiarygodnej integracji aplikacji rozproszonych z wykorzystaniem technologii Enterprise Service Bus oraz Web services. Przeprowadzono badania trzech platform integracji serwisów: Sun Open ESB, Windows Workflow Foundation oraz Mule ESB wraz z najbardziej popularnymi serwerami Web services. Badania wykazały, że delkarowane i zaimplementowane możliwości współpracy w platformach integracji różnią się w...

  • A shared curriculum for daylighting education to meet the educational needs of society

    • N. Gentile,
    • F. Giuliani
    • M. Khanie, Sarey
    • N. Sokół
    • V. R. M. Lo Verso
    • F. Caffaro
    • M. K. Pedersen
    • F. Pompili
    • P. Mattsson

    - Year 2022

    This article describes the collaborative creation of the curriculum for a new eLearning programme on daylighting design of buildings targeting both traditional and lifelong learners. The programme consists of an online platform integrated with a summer school for practical applications. The process was conducted through several workshops with professionals, representatives of national bodies on building regulations, academics,...

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  • Praktyka wykonywania pomiarów instalacji fotowoltaicznych prowadząca do określenia rzeczywistego stanu technicznego

    Praca przedstawia zasady wykonywania pomiarów instalacji fotowoltaicznych wg normy PN-EN 62446-1. Proponowany w normie zakres podstawowy pozwala tylko na ocenę bezpieczeństwa pracy instalacji. Dopiero zakres dodatkowy umożliwia uzyskanie informacji o referencyjnych mocach zainstalowanej elektrowni, jej sprawności, a nawet jednorodności poszczególnych ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Załączone przykłady pomiarów czystych i zabrudzonych paneli...

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  • Techno-economic evaluation of combined cycle gas turbine and a diabatic compressed air energy storage integration concept


    - ENERGY - Year 2023

    More and more operational flexibility is required from conventional power plants due to the increasing share of weather-dependent renewable energy sources (RES) generation in the power system. One way to increase power plant’s flexibility is integrating it with energy storage. The energy storage facility can be used to minimize ramping or shutdowns and therefore should lower overall generating costs and CO2 emissions. In this article,...

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  • Modeling and control of a redundantly actuated variable mass 3RRR planar manipulator controlled by a model-based feedforward and a model-based-proportional-derivative feedforward–feedback controller


    - MECHATRONICS - Year 2016

    In the paper, dynamics of a complex mechatronics system is considered. A redundantly actuated planar manipulator is the base of the mechanical part of it. It is a 3RRR 1 platform based parallel manipulator. To control its trajectory, a model-based feedforward controller is employed. Three aspects are fundamental in the presented investigations. The first focus is on development of an accurate numerical model used to solve the inverse...

  • Overcoming carboxylic acid inhibition by granular consortia in high-load liquefied food waste fermentation for efficient lactate accumulation



    Granular sludge, a self-aggregating spherical biofilm, possesses better stability compared to flocculent sludge under extreme conditions. This study compared the ability of anaerobic granular sludge (AnGS) and flocculent waste activated sludge (WAS) to convert food waste (FW) into highly-valuable optically active lactic acid (LA), a central and versatile intermediate platform molecule. Different loadings (30–60 g volatile suspended...

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  • Research project BRIK: development of an innovative method for determining the precise trajectory of a railway vehicle


    - Przegląd Komunikacyjny - Year 2019

    In the paper the essential assumptions regarding a research project implemented by a consortium of Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University are presented. The project has been commissioned by National Center of Research and Development with cooperation with Polish Railways (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.). The project is focused in implementation of modern measurement techniques using Global Navigation Positioning...

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  • Capacity Transforming challenges into opportunities


    - Year 2022

    The Urban Initiative Laboratory (UIL) aims to upgrade the smart city concept in Gdańsk by introducing the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus to the city. It was agreed in the CRUNCH international consortium that projects on different scales would be implemented in the individual countries to test the Integrated Decision Supportive system platform, which would, in principle, concern urban scale. The regular urban scale was to be researched...

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  • Wykonanie i zastosowanie układów złożonych z miniaturowych (solid-contact) elektrod jonoselektywnych do badań biomedycznych


    - Year 2017

    W rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono konstrukcję i parametry miniaturowych elektrod jonoselektywnych (EJS) użytych do budowy zintegrowanych platform czujnikowych, które mogą mieć potencjalne zastosowanie w badaniach biomedycznych i klinicznych. Wykazano wpływ lepkości roztworu na zakres liniowy pracy EJS oraz wpływ temperatury przechowywania próbek śliny na ich skład jonowy. Praca badawcza obejmowała zaprojektowanie, wykonanie...

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  • Design and distribution of air nozzles in the biomass boiler assembly

    Due to energy crisis as well as increasing pollution of the environment, renewable energy sources usage increases all over the world. These facts encouraged authors to start research over developing a uniform biomass boiler calculation model. This paper presents a design of biomass boiler assembly created for ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) unit since these systems could achieve strong position in energy industry....

  • Organic Rankine as bottoming cycle to a combined Brayton and Clausius-Rankine cycle

    This paper presents an enhanced approach, as it will be considered here that the ORC installation could be extra-heated with the bleed steam, a concept presented by the authors. In such way the efficiency of the bottoming cycle can be increased and an amount of electricity generated increases. A thermodynamic analysis and a comparative study of the cycle efficiency for a simplified steam cycle cooperating with ORC cycle will be...

  • Hydraulic conductivity of a biopolymer treated sand


    - Year 2015

    This paper presents results of laboratory assessment of creating seepage barriers in a sandy soil using biopolymer additives (bio substance), which consist of polysaccharides and water. Polysaccharides strongly interact with water to produce a viscous suspension. The aim of the conducted work was to investigate the influence of a biosubstance employed in a highly permeable sandy soil. The amount of the biopolymer used in a sample...

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  • Vibration-Based Investigation of a Historic Bell Tower to Understand the Occurrence of Damage

    ABSTRACT The paper presents a survey of the historic Arch-cathedral bell tower in Vilnius induced by the appearance of cracks in the structure after a new bell system installation. An attempt is undertaken to identify the reason for the crack occurrence and to check a possible crack influence on global structural behaviour. The research is based on dynamic measurements made in the tower during ambient vibrations and during vibrations...

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  • Featured based CAVE software factory


    In the paper we convey the lessons learned along the path we have gone through several years since establishing a room-sized CAVE installation at our university, from craft manufacturing and ad-hoc software reuse of VR software products to the robust feature driven software product line (SPL) implementing the Product Line Engineering (PLE) factory paradigm. With that we can serve all our departments and other entities from the...

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  • Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations


    - Year 2020

    This chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology...

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  • Automation of the Road Gate Operations Process at the Container Terminal—A Case Study of DCT Gdańsk SA


    The future increased terminal capacity will result in more container movement through the road complex and rail siding, which are one of the most critical areas (potential bottlenecks) in the container terminal. Truck turnaround time is one of the major factors that customers take into account while deciding how many container volumes they will handle through the container terminal. To enable to optimize increased traffic with...

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  • Fault Loop Impedance Measurement in Circuits Fed by UPS and Principle of Safety Protection


    This paper indicates a significant problem of uncertainty of fault loop impedance (FLI) measurement in circuits powered from uninterruptible power supply (UPS) (double-conversion AC-DC-AC). The correctly determined value of this impedance, related to the short-circuit current disconnection time and to the reference value, is one of the most important elements that determines the approval of an electrical installation and its receivers...

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  • Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations


    - Year 2020

    This chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology...

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  • Implementation of TVDI calculation for coastal zone


    - Year 2015

    Paper will show an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland, especially from region of Gdańsk coastal zone. All phases of TVDI implementation...

  • Reliable underwater communication system for shallow coastal waters


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2014

    This paper presents a reliable and robust low data rate spread spectrum approach which is implemented in the acoustic underwater communication system for shallow coastal waters. It shows operation assumptions of spread spectrum techniques based on the wellknown Shannon equation. It describes two methods of spread spectrum: frequency hopping spread spectrum and direct sequence spread spectrum; their block diagram and their characteristics...

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  • Ocena wykorzystywania komunikatorów w systemach zdalnego nauczania


    - Year 2006

    W referacie wskazano na korzyści dla uczestników kursów i właścicieli platform zdalnego nauczania wynikające z korzystania z komunikatorów. Wykazano, że brak kompatybilności poszczególnych klasycznych rozwiązań jest na tyle uciążliwy, ze dla systemów zdalnego nauczania należy znaleźć rozwiązanie, które obsługiwałoby wszystkie komunikatory. Omówiono więc dwie nowe, tworzone w ramach IETF propozycje standardów komunikatorów: XMPP...

  • Characteristics of an image sensor with early-vision processing fabricated in standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology

    The article presents measurement results of prototype integrated circuits for acquisition and processing of images in real time. In order to verify a new concept of circuit solutions of analogue image processors, experimental integrated circuits were fabricated. The integrated circuits, designed in a standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology, contain the image sensor and analogue processors that perform low-level convolution-based image...

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  • WSN for intelligent street lighting system

    In this article authors propose to apply WSN to intelligent street lighting system. As a result of such a combination one obtains a system designed to increase functionality of light installations for a wide range of applications and introduce a platform for new additional services, which meets current and future user needs. The system is composed of WSN nodes integrated with light sources based on high power LED diodes, which...

  • High-Precision FIR-Model-Based Dynamic Weighing System

    Conveyor belt-type checkweighers are increasingly popular components of modern production lines. They are used to assess the weight of the produced items in motion, i.e., without stopping them on the weighing platform. The main challenge one faces when designing a dynamic weighing system is providing high measurement accuracy, especially at high conveyor belt speeds. The approach proposed in this paper can be characterized as a...

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  • Inference Mechanisms for Knowledge Management System in E-health Environment


    - Year 2005

    W artykule zaprezentowano badania i ich wyniki osiągnięte w trakcie prac na systemem zarządzania wiedzą dla systemu typu e-health PIPS (ang. Personalised Information Platform for Life and Health Services)Opisano warstwę semantyczną systemu zarządzania wiedzą, a w szczególności skoncentrowano się na silniku wnioskującym.Poddano dyskusji następujące zagadnienia: analizę dostępnych narzędzi wnioskujący i ich zgodności ze standardem...

  • UWB-Based Indoor Navigation in a Flexible Manufacturing System Using a Custom Quadrotor UAV

    • P. Savvakis
    • G. Vosniakos
    • E. Stathatos
    • A. Debar-monclair
    • M. Chodnicki
    • P. Benardos

    - Year 2023

    A novel solution for indoor navigation of a transportation drone in flexible manufacturing is presented in this paper. To address the challenges of accurate and robust drone navigation in occluded environments, an ultra-wideband (UWB) navigation system has been integrated with a commercially available open source control platform. The system offers high accuracy (± 20 mm), low power consumption, resistance to electronic interference,...

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  • Review on Wikification methods


    - AI COMMUNICATIONS - Year 2019

    The paper reviews methods on automatic annotation of texts with Wikipedia entries. The process, called Wikification aims at building references between concepts identified in the text and Wikipedia articles. Wikification finds many applications, especially in text representation, where it enables one to capture the semantic similarity of the documents. Also, it can be considered as automatic tagging of the text. We describe typical...

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  • Correction of determined coordinates of railway tracks in mobile satellite measurements


    - Diagnostyka - Year 2020

    This article examines one of the basic issues related to the technique of mobile satellite measurements in railway tracks. This problem concerns the correction of the determined coordinates of the track centerline. The need to perform this operation results from the GNSS receivers positioning at a certain height above the level of the existing track axis, leading to longitudinal and lateral shifts of antennas. The key problem here...

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  • Low-coherence photonic method of electrochemical processes monitoring

    We present an advanced multimodality characterization platform for simultaneous optical and electrochemical measurements of ferrocyanides. Specifcally, we combined a fber-optic Fabry– Perot interferometer with a three-electrode electrochemical setup to demonstrate a proof-ofprinciple of this hybrid characterization approach, and obtained feasibility data in its monitoring of electrochemical reactions in a boron-doped diamond flm...

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  • Prediploma project KAMiPN, KSW, sem.6, 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Cyparski
    • M. Podwojewska

    The topics of the classes include issues related to the analysis of conditions resulting from the location, the functional and spatial program and the provisions of the Local Development Plan, technical conditions and construction law. The design covers: plot development, form and function of the building (including an underground garage, if the function and provisions of the local development plan), basic construction and installation...

  • Tracing of dynamic objects in distributed interactive simulation systems


    - Year 2003

    Distributed interactive simulation systems require integration of several areas of computer science and applied mathematics to enable each individual simulation object to visualize effectively dynamic states of other objects. Objects are unpredictable,i.e., controlled by their local operators, and are remote, i.e., must rely on some transmission media to visualize dynamic scene from their local perspectives. The paper...

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  • Visual Data Encryption for Privacy Enhancement in Surveillance Systems


    In this paper a methodology for employing reversible visual encryption of data is proposed. The developed algorithms are focused on privacy enhancement in distributed surveillance architectures. First, motivation of the study performed and a short review of preexisting methods of privacy enhancement are presented. The algorithmic background, system architecture along with a solution for anonymization of sensitive regions of interest...

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  • Septic safe interactions with smart glasses in health care

    In this paper, septic safe methods of interaction with smart glasses, due to the health care environment applications consideration, are presented. The main focus is on capabilities of an optical, proximity-based gesture sensor and eye-tracker input systems. The design of both interfaces is being adapted to the open smart glasses platform that is being developed under the eGlasses project. Preliminary results obtained from the...

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  • Influence of the jitter buffer on the quality of service VoIP.


    - Year 2011

    VoIP (Voice over IP) is a modern service with enormous potential for yet further growth. It uses the already available and universally implemented IP transport platform. One significant problem, however, is ensuring the Quality of Service, abbreviated QoS. This paper addresses exactly that issue. In an extensive investigation the influence of jitter buffers on QoS is being examined in depth. Two implementations, namely a passive...

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  • Oxygen biosensor based on carbon nanotubes directly grown on graphitic substrate



    Films of carbon nanotubes were synthesized on the graphitic substrates by CVD method in the presence of catalyst. Two different catalysts were used, that is nickel and iron, supported on graphitic substrates. The as-obtained nanotubes were analyzed by SEM imaging with EDX and Raman spectroscopy. The results revealed their multi-walled morphology. Free radical reaction was carried out in order to chemically functionalize synthesized...

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  • An Innovative Floating System with a Savonius Rotor as a Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine


    - Polish Maritime Research - Year 2024

    In this project, an innovative wind turbine was designed for a floating plant. A large Savonius rotor was replaced with a double-rotor wind turbine implemented as a horizontal-axis turbine. This double rotor was positioned on the tip of a thrust plate and fixed to the deck of a catamaran. Simple 2D numerical simulations were performed to confirm the effectiveness of the concept. An analysis of the floating system configuration...

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  • Automated anonymization of sensitive data on production unit

    The article presents an approach to data anonymization with the use of generally available tools. The focus is put on the practical aspects of using open-source tools in conjunction with programming libraries provided by suppliers of industrial control systems. This universal approach shows the possibilities of using various operating systems as a platform for process data anonymization. An additional advantage of the described...

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  • Toward knowledge-grid model for academic purposes


    - Year 2015

    Nowadays we face a huge amount of data and information sharing on the Web by different users worldwide. For example, the academic environment is one of such places where teachers share and manage knowledge for groups of students. This paper proposes a multi-dimensional knowledge space model, designed to distribute and manage knowledge resources efficiently. We view our model as a foundation of a knowledge grid platform. Two crucial...

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  • EMG and gaze based interaction with graphic interface of smart glasses application

    In this paper we investigate the effectiveness of the interaction using eye tracking and electromyography. Smart glasses requires reliable interfaces for controlling the graphic content displayed directly in front of the user's eye. Presented research is related with the eGlasses project, which is focused on the development of an open platform in the form of multisensory electronic glasses and related interaction methods. One of...

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  • Optical glyphs based localization and identification system

    The paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...

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  • An application supporting the educational process of the respiratory system obstructive diseases detection

    The paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...

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  • Metody doboru miejsc zainstalowania zasobników energii w sieciach elektroenergetycznych niskiego napięcia

    W związku z rosnącą liczbą źródeł odnawialnych przyłączanych do sieci niskiego napięcia (nn) jakość energii elektrycznej w tej sieci ulega pogorszeniu. Jedną z metod jej poprawiania jest instalowanie zasobników energii, tj. baterii akumulatorów, superkondensatorów czy kół zamachowych. Zasobniki energii są w stanie złagodzić dobową zmienność obciążenia, skompensować moc bierną i wyższe harmoniczne oraz zmniejszyć asymetrię obciążenia...

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  • Reduction of vibrations of steel structure models with Polymeric Bearings - experimental study


    Earthquake-induced ground motions are the most severe and unpredictable threats to the structures all around the world. Therefore, designing earthquake protective systems has become an extremely challenging problem in civil engineering. Base isolation is one of the most popular and widely adopted methods of protecting structures against earthquake forces. The present paper reports the results obtained from the shaking table experimental...

  • Analytical method for calculation of heat source temperature drop for the Organic Rankine Cycle application

    In the paper presented are considerations on the cooperation of the limited capacity heat source with the Organic Rankine Cycle unit. Usually the heat source providing thermal energy to the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) may have twofold characteristics. It can be in the form of a single phase fluid, i.e. as hot exhaust gas or hot liquid, or in some cases it may be available as a phase changing fluid, as for example, technological...

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  • Looking for a minimum exergy destruction in hierarchical cycle


    - Year 2015

    The paper presents results of energy analysis, complemented with an exergy balance, of hierarchical thermodynamic cycle. Proposed cycle is a binary vapour cycle based on a model of real supercritical steam power plant. Energy analysis is used to preliminary optimization of the cycle and the exergy losses analysis is proposed to perform optimization of heat transfer processes, which are essential for hierarchical cycles. Proposed...

  • MCSA with Normalized Triple Covariance as a bearings diagnostic indicator in an induction motor


    - Year 2016

    Statistics of bearing failures in induction motors indicate, that they constitute more than 40% of IM damage, therefore bearing diagnosis is very important. Vibration methods for bearing diagnostics have one major disadvantage - they require the availability of the machine for sensors installation. This is the reason for seeking new methods based on motor supply current analysis. Diagnosis of induction motors, conducted remotely...

  • Pendant Proton-Relays Systematically Tune the Rate and Selectivity of Electrocatalytic Ammonia Generation in a Fe-Porphyrin Based Metal-Organic Framework

    • A. Ghatak
    • S. S. Golla
    • S. Sappati
    • L. Itamar
    • R. Shimoni
    • I. Hod


    Electrocatalytic nitrite reduction (eNO2RR) is a promising alternative route to produce ammonia (NH3). Until now, several molecular catalysts have shown capability to homogeneously reduce nitrite to NH3, while taking advantage of added secondary-sphere functionalities to direct catalytic performance. Yet, realizing such control over heterogeneous electrocatalytic surfaces remains a challenge. Herein, we demonstrate that heterogenization...

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