total: 6580
- Publications 5325 available results
- Journals 95 available results
- Conferences 10 available results
- People 102 available results
- Inventions 13 available results
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- e-Learning Courses 117 available results
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- Open Research Data 901 available results
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Is the Solid Electrolyte Interphase an Extra-Charge Reservoir in Li-Ion Batteries?
PublicationAdvanced metal oxide electrodes in Li-ion batteries usually show reversible capacities exceeding the theoretically expected ones. Despite many studies and tentative interpretations, the origin of this extra-capacity is not assessed yet. Lithium storage can be increased through different chemical processes developing in the electrodes during charging cycles. The solid electrolyte interface (SEI), formed already during the first...
Effect of interconnect coating procedure on solid oxide fuel cell performance
PublicationChromium (Cr) species vaporizing from chromia-forming alloy interconnects is known as a source of degradation in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stacks called “cathode poisoning”. (Mn,Co)3O4 spinel coatings offer good protection against Cr evaporation during operation. In this study, Crofer 22 APU steel interconnects were electrophoretically deposited in different mediums to obtain high packing of green coating layer. The optimized...
Preparation and characterization of asphaltene based adsorbents for gas-solid adsorption systems
PublicationThe dissertation presents results of the experimental research on asphaltene-based adsorbents (support coated with asphaltene layer) for gas-solid adsorption systems, with special reference to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal from gas streams. Analysis of gas adsorption properties revealed that asphaltenes isolated from oxidized bitumen have strong affinity toward VOCs. Interactions with target gas molecules, and selectivity...
Journals -
Effects of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 and Ag electrodes on bismuth-oxide-based low-temperature solid electrolyte oxygen generators
PublicationIn this study, La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (LSM) was used as the ceramic electrode in a (Bi1.50Y0.50)0.98Zr0.04O3+δ (BYO)-based solid electrolyte oxygen generator (SEOG) and its performance was compared with that of a previously studied high-fire Ag electrode. Among La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3, LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3, Cu1.4Mn1.6O4, and LSM materials, only LSM materials did not trigger any chemical reaction or interdiffusion with BYO at temperatures up to...
Discrete element method modelling of elastic wave propagation in a meso-scale model of concrete
PublicationThis paper deals with the accurate modelling of ultrasonic wave propagation in concrete at the mesoscopic level. This was achieved through the development of a discrete element method (DEM) model capable of simulating elastic wave signals comparable to those measured experimentally. The main objective of the work was to propose a novel methodology for constructing a meso-scale model of concrete dedicated to the analysis of elastic...
PublicationWe consider a formulation of the Cauchy problem for the Kolmogorov equation which corresponds to a localized source of particles to be scattered by a medium with a given scattering amplitude density. The multiple scattering amplitudes are introduced and the corresponding series solution of the equation is constructed. We investigate the integral representation for the first series terms, its estimations and values of the photon...
Rock salt ordered-type double perovskite anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells
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An Analysis of Low Frequency Discharge in a CH3SiCl3-Ar-H2 Mixture by Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Actinometry
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Legal requirements on wastewater discharge into rivers, lakes and sea in Poland during the period 1945-2005
PublicationAspekt legislacyjny i ekonomiczny ochrony wód w kontekście postępu technologicznego wskazuje na ewolucję ogólnych zasad dotyczących odprowadzania ścieków do rzek, jezior i morza. Podano przykłady obliczeniowe ilustrujące zmiany w przepisach w ostatnich kilku dziesięcioleciach.
Dynamic Study of Dual High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering Discharge by Optical Emission Imaging
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Modeling organic nitrogen conversions in activated sludge bioreactors
PublicationFor biological nutrient removal (BNR) systems designed to maximize nitrogen removal, the effluent total nitrogen (TN) concentration may range from 2.0 to 4.0 g N/m3 with about 25-50% in the form of organic nitrogen (ON). In this study, current approaches to modeling organic N conversions (separate processes vs. constant contents of organic fractions) were compared. A new conceptual model of ON conversions was developed and combined...
Cost-Efficient Behavioral Modeling of Antennas by Means of Global Sensitivity Analysis and Dimensionality Reduction
PublicationComputational tools, particularly electromagnetic (EM) solvers, are now commonplace in antenna design. While ensuring reliability, EM simulations are time-consuming, leading to high costs associated with EM-driven procedures like parametric optimization or statistical design. Various techniques have been developed to address this issue, with surrogate modeling methods garnering particular attention due to their potential advantages....
A miniaturized solid-contact potentiometric multisensor platform for determination of ionic profiles in human saliva
PublicationThis paper describes a miniaturized multisensor platform (MP-ISES) consisting of electrodes: a reference one (RE) and ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) for monitoring Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−, and SCN− ions and pH in human saliva. Gold electrode surface was modified by deposition of two layers: electrosynthesized PEDOT:PSS forming an intermediate layer, and ion-selective membrane. The developed ISEs were characterized by a wide linear...
Modeling, simulation, and validation of a TB41 crash test of the H2/W5/B concrete vehicle restraint system
PublicationThe paper addresses numerical simulations of a concrete vehicle restraint system. The model is described in detail. The advanced material law of the continuous surface cap model was used to analyze the damage locations in concrete barrier segments. The results were validated against the TB41 full-scale crash test. The test was conducted in compliance with European standard EN 1317, and the validation was performed in accordance...
Point cloud based surface analysis of prestressed concrete element in exceeded state of serviceability
PublicationBy definition, serviceability state is characterized by the fact that despite meeting the requirements associated with carrying capacity, the object is not suitable for use. Serviceability limit state refers to factors, such as durability, overall stability, fire resistance, cracking, excessive vibration. Perfect examples of exceeded serviceability state are the improper vibration of a skyscraper, which inhabitants may suffer from...
Optimal shape design of multi-element trawl-doors using local surrogate models
PublicationTrawl-doors have a large influence on the fuel consumption of fishing vessels. Design and optimiza-tion of trawl-doors using computational models are a key factor in minimizing the fuel consump-tion. This paper presents an optimization algorithm for the shape design of trawl-door shapes using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models. Accurate CFD models are computationally expensive. Therefore, the direct use of traditional optimization...
ECS Solid State Letters
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Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics
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Physics and Chemistry of Solid State
Journals -
Dielectric response of electric-field distortions of the twist-bend nematic phase for LC dimers
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Design and fabrication of flexible poly(vinyl chloride) dielectric composite reinforced with ZnO microvaristors
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Carbon nanotube based dielectric spectroscopy of tumor secretion; electrochemical lipidomics for cancer diagnosis
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I-V, dielectric, antibacterial, and robust EMI shielding effectiveness properties of graphene/Fe3O4
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Efficient finite difference analysis of microstructured optical fibers [on line]
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nową technikę numerycznej analizy mikrostruktur światłowodowych. Technika ta polega na połączeniu metody różnic skończonych i dyskretnych rozwinięć funkcyjnych. Pozwala to na zmniejszenie rozmiaru macierzy powstających przy analizie problemu, a jednocześnie na bezpośrednią implementację radiacyjnych warunków brzegowych. Testy algorytmu przeprowadzono dla kilku wybranych struktur, uzyskując bardzo dobrą zgodność...
Degenerated isoparametric finite elements in nonlinear analysis of 2D-problems
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Pressure distribution for different types of the finite amplitude waves sources
PublicationPrzedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki badań numerycznych zjawiska oddziaływań fal o skończonej amplitudzie w wodzie. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Zagadnienie różniczkowe rozwiązano stosując metodę różnic skończonych. Rozważono różne rozkłady ciśnienia na źródle kołowym i bez osiowej symetrii.
Numerical analysis of the finite amplitude plane wave propagation problem
PublicationRozważano zagadnienie propagacji fali płaskiej o skończonej amplitudzie w środowisku wodnym. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki obliczeń numerycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie akustyki nieliniowej. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano wpływ wartości parametrów numerycznych na dokładność obliczeń oraz analizowano wpływ wartości parametrów fizycznych...
Expedited Variable-Resolution Surrogate Modeling of Miniaturized Microwave Passives in Confined Domains
PublicationDesign of miniaturized microwave components is largely based on computational models, primarily, full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. EM analysis is capable of giving an accurate account for cross-coupling effects, substrate and radiation losses, or interactions with environmental components (e.g., connectors). Unfortunately, direct execution of EM-based design tasks such as parametric optimization or uncertainty quantification,...
Numerical model for thin liquid film with evaporation and condensation on solid surfaces in systems with conjugated heat transfer
PublicationCondensation and evaporation processes from wetted surfaces are of utmost importance in many technological or industrial applications. In many devices such as home-appliances and air conditioning systems just to name a few, condensation and evaporation processes greatly impact their performance and energy efficiency; The physics of these processes is quite complex, involving conjugate heat transfer among solid–liquid film-gaseous...
An interactive system for remote modeling and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems
PublicationIn the paper a multi-functional demonstrator of the interactive system designed to modeling, monitoring and validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems assisted by fuel cells and thermoelectric generators is presented. The purpose of this paper is to report the system solution expressed in the form of a block diagram. Technical parameters of demonstrator components such as: silicon photovoltaic modules, fuel cells, thermoelectric...
Modeling of performance of a AUV vehicle towards limiting the hydro-acoustic field.
PublicationSome results of research devoted to the modeling of a AUV-Stealth vehicle performance towards limiting its hydro-acoustic field are presented in the paper. At the beginning the AUV-Stealth autonomous underwater vehicle concept is described. Then the method of research is introduced. Next the key design drivers of the AUV-Stealth vehicle are presented. Between them are the AUV-Stealth hull form, arrangement of internal spaces,...
Dropping Knowledge on Space Tribology: Insights into the Effects of Microgravity on Solid Lubricants from the Bremen Tower Drop Experiment
PublicationThe performance of space mechanisms, such as satellite solar panels, hinges, and robotic arms, heavily relies on the tribological properties of the lubricants used in their design. Their mechanical properties can be significantly affected by the extreme conditions of outer space: including high vacuum, absence of oxygen, and extreme temperatures among others. However, due to technical challenges, the effects of microgravity on...
Modeling of luminance distribution in CAVE-type virtual reality systems
PublicationAt present, one of the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) installations. Such systems are usually consisted of four, five or six projection screens and in case of six screens arranged in form of a cube. Providing the user with a high level of immersion feeling in such systems is largely dependent of optical properties of the system. The modeling of physical phenomena plays nowadays...
Finite Differences-Finite Elements-Finite Volumes-Boundary Elements
Conferences -
Solid road environment and its hazards
PublicationAccidents that involve vehicles departing the road tend to have very high severity, as they often result in the vehicle hitting a permanent obstacle (which can be a ree, a pole, facility pillar, front wall of a culvert or a barrier). In recent years, this type of accident caused approx. 19% of all road deaths in Poland. A particularly high risk can be observed on roads located in northern and western...
The structure and conductivity of solid polyurethane electrolytes
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były stałe elektrolity poliuretanowe otrzymane w wyniku syntezy MDI, PTMO, BD oraz TG z DMPA. Domieszkowanie LiCl zostało wykonane przy zastosowaniu przedłużacza. Badano przewodnictwo jonowe otrzymanych elektrolitów stałych przy użyciu technik stało i zmiennoprądowych. Przedstawiono również wyniki badań z wykorzystaniem technik mikroskopii elektronowej oraz FTIR-ATR.
Solid-state electrochemical gas sensors
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono budowę i zasadę działania wybranych typów elektrochemicznych czujników gazów zbudowanych na bazie elektrolitów stałych.
Superconductivity in the Einstein solid V Al10.1
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Conductivity improvement of Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 solid electrolyte
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę zwieszenia przewoności domieszkowanego tlenku ceru wprowadzając podczas syntezy 2% wapnia. Zbadano metody wprowadzenia wapnia z użyciem prekursorów polimerowych. Uzyskano zwiększenie przewodności oraz syntezowalności elektrolitu stałego.
A three-party alliance in solid tumors
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The structure and conductivity of solid polyurethane electrolyte
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania właściwości i struktury stałych elektrolitów poliuretanowych. Otrzymano je z prepolimeru zsyntezowanego z MDI oraz PTMG. Jako przedłużacz łańcucha wykorzystano butanodiol. W celu poprawy przewodnictwa domieszkowano poliuretan solami LiClO4 lub LiCl, które wprowadzono za pomocą wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej. Otrzymane elektrolity poddano badaniom: wytrzymałościowym, twardości, spektroskopii FTIR oraz przewodnictwa...
Numerical Modeling of Cone Penetration Test in Slightly Overconsolidated Clay with Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation
PublicationIn this paper the results of the cone penetration test (CPT) modeling with the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation provided by Abaqus software package have been presented. The study compares the cone resistance and sleeve friction obtained in numerical analysis with values measured in soundings performed in the uniform layer of clayey soil in the Koszalin area. The clay layer was found to be slightly overconsolidated...
A Goal-Oriented Error Estimator for Reduced Basis Method Modeling of Microwave Devices
PublicationThis letter proposes a novel a-posteriori error estimator suitable for the reduced order modeling of microwave circuits. Unlike the existing error estimators based on impedance function residuals, the new one exploits the residual error associated with the computation of the scattering matrix. The estimator can be effectively used in the Reduced Basis Method (RBM) to automatically generate reduced-order models. The results of numerical...
Deep eutectic solvents with solid supports used in microextraction processes applied for endocrine-disrupting chemicals
PublicationThe determination of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) has become one of the biggest challenges in Analytical Chemistry. Due to the low concentration of these compounds in different kinds of samples, it becomes necessary to employ efficient sample preparation methods and sensitive measurement techniques to achieve low limits of detection. This issue becomes even more struggling when the principles of the Green Analytical Chemistry...
Open Data Capability Architecture - An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach
PublicationDespite of increasing availability of open data as a vital organizational resource, large numbers of startups and organizations fail when it comes to utilizing open data effectively. This shortcoming is attributable to the poor understanding of what types of capabilities are required to successfully conduct data related activities. At the same time, research on open data capabilities and how they relate to one another remains sparse....
Mathematical Modeling of Ice Dynamics as a Decision Support Tool in River Engineering
PublicationThe prediction of winter flooding is a complicated task since it is affected by many meteorological and hydraulic factors. Typically, information on river ice conditions is based on historical observations, which are usually incomplete. Recently, data have been supplemented by information extracted from satellite images. All the above mentioned factors provide a good background of the characteristics of ice processes, but are not...
Experimental review of the performances of protective coatings for interconnects in solid oxide fuel cells
PublicationFerritic stainless steel interconnects are used in solid oxide fuel cells; however, coatings are required to improve their performance. Although several types of coatings have been proposed, they have been scarcely investigated under similar conditions. This study compares the characteristics of uncoated Crofer 22 APU and eight different coatings on Crofer 22 APU for up to 3000 h at 800 ◦C. The coatings were deposited at various...
Elimination of clicks from archive speech signals using sparse autoregressive modeling
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsivedisturbances from archive speech signals. The proposedsparse autoregressive (SAR) signal representation is given ina factorized form - the model is a cascade of the so-called formantfilter and pitch filter. Such a technique has been widelyused in code-excited linear prediction (CELP) systems, as itguarantees model stability. After detection of noise pulses usinglinear...