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New Method for Increasing Precision of Position Estimation in Hybrid Inertial Navigation System
PublicationIn article new method for increasing precision of position estimation by using inertial navigation in hybrid localization system with reduced number of reference nodes for radio distance measurements was presented. Measuring campaign using developed measuring stand were carried out to verify precision of position estimation of moving person in indoor environment.
A testing method of analog parts of mixed-signal electronic systems equipped with the IEEE1149.1 test bus
PublicationA new solution of the JTAG BIST for testing analog circuits in mixed-signal electronic microsystems controlled by microcontrollers and equipped with the IEEE1149.1 bus is presented. It is based on a new fault diagnosis method in which an analog circuit is stimulated by a buffered signal from the TMS line, and the time response of the circuit to this signal is sampled by the ADC equipped with the JTAG. The method can be used for...
Simplified Method of Modelling Behaviour of Ship in Waves with Partially Flooded Compartments
PublicationThis paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in waves. There are many models available, but the one described here can be characterised with a set of parameters that have a decisive impact on the final values of roll motion amplitude and frequency. In this paper, it is shown how a fitting of a standard-shape hull characterised by certain readily available parameters affects...
The method of quantitative automatic metallographic analysis
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HVRmonitor - data replication monitoring method
PublicationArtykuł ten opisuje system służący monitorowaniu replikacji danych, wytworzony w firmie Lufthansa Systems Poland. W artykule przedstawiono w sposób ogólny wiele istotnych problemów a następnie przedstawiono w sposób bardziej szczegółowy ich rozwiązanie. Artykuł opisuje również architekturę wytworzonego systemu, jego funkcjonalność i interfejs, omawia w sposób zwięzły zasady jego działania i wskazuje jak wdrożone rozwiązania mogą...
An integrated method for security protocols analysis
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Eigenchannel method in quantum potential scattering.
PublicationUogólniono metodę fal cząstkowych na przypadek kwantowego rozpraszania na dowolnym potencjale krótkozasięgowym. Zaprezentowano formalizm ogólny oraz jego zastosowania do cząstek Schrodingera i Duraca.
A comparison method for ordinary differential systems
PublicationPraca dotyczy problemów istnienia i jednoznaczności rozwiązań oraz ciągłej zależności dla układów równań różniczkowych w tym i z opóźnionymi argumentami z warunkami początkowymi oraz brzegowymi typu okresowego. Przy odpowiednich założeniach, stosując teorię nierówności różniczkowych, pokazano, że odpowiednia funkcja porównawcza może być ujemna, co ma istotne znaczenie w dalszych badaniach. Pokazano, że konstruowany ciąg iteracji...
Multicriteria optymization method for yacht design
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy optymalizacji wielokryterialnej projektowania innowacyjnego systemu jachtowego w taki sposób by osiągnąć polepszone zachowanie dynamiczne w dowolnych warunkach nawigacji morskiej. W artykule skoncentrowano się na komputerowej symulacji, modelowaniu i optymalizacji matematycznego modelu jachtu w różnych warunkach żeglowania w celu poprawy zdolności manewrowania i zwiększenia szybkości. Przeprowadza się symulację...
The method of detection of electromagnetic fields in ground
PublicationW prezentowanej metodzie, detekcja pola polega na pomiarach i analizie zmian rozkładu potencjału. Różnice potencjałów są mierzone jako napięcie pomiędzy elektrodami umieszczonymi w różnych pozycjach na powierzchni ziemi. Analiza tych napięć przy pomocy krótkoczasowej transformaty Fouriera STFT umożliwia wyznaczenie zmian spektralnej gęstości mocy sygnału w funkcji czasu. Ten rodzaj łącznej analizy czasowo-częstotliwościowej daje...
Locking effects in finite elemnt method
PublicationIn the present paper a short survey of the locking effect literature is given. As this area of scientific research is still developing, the author of the paper restricted it to about 70 papers. This study is proposed as an introduction to the comprehensive investigation of locking effects.
Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement
PublicationW artykule opisano niskokoherencyjna metodę pomiaru hematokrytu krwi.
Optimizing the process of railway geometrical layout designing with multi-criteria assessment method
PublicationThe paper presents the main assumptions of the Multi-criteria assessment method used in process of upgrading the railway geometrical layout. The advantages of metaheuristic search were described. The criteria influencing the investment were defined. The fitness function used in the analysis was described. The example of using the optimization algorithm with the help of self developed computer software was described.
Blast Charge Technique as a Method of Soil Improving to Locate the New Supporting Runways
PublicationA quick and effective method of reinforcing the ground base designed for the construction of engineering structures used for performing various types of air operations was presented. It allows to use wastelands, wetlands, swamps, etc. for these purposes, thus creating a dispersed network of landing sites, increasing the access of large social groups to air transport and increasing their mobility.
The accuracy of a new approach to order determination for the Modified Prony method in swath mapping application
PublicationThis article presents the performance of a new approach to determine the model order for the modified Prony method applied to swath acoustic mapping. Key requirements for any mapping application are depth determination accuracy and angular resolution. Depth determination accuracy is strictly related to angular accuracy and geometrical relations between receiver and sources of the backscattered signal. Angular resolution determines...
Optical flow method for measuring deformation of soil specimen subjected to torsional shearing
PublicationIn this study optical flow method was used for soil small deformation measurement in laboratory tests. The main objective was to observe how the deformation distributes along the whole height of cylindrical soil specimen subjected to torsional shearing (TS test). The experiments were conducted on dry non-cohesive soil specimens under two values of isotropic pressure. Specimens were loaded with low-amplitude cyclic torque to analyze...
Local mesh morphing technique for parametrized macromodels in the finite element method
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach for enhancing the efficiency of the design process of microwave devices by means of the finite element method. It combines mesh morphing with local model order reduction (MOR) and yields parametrized macromodels that can be used to significantly reduce the number of variables in the FEM system of equations and acceleration of computer simulation. A projection basis for local reduction is generated...
PublicationDesign documentation of glued-laminated timber roof girders is in many cases very general, does not contain details and design solutions, and the contractors do not have experience in the implementation of this type of structure. Design and execution errors, including those related to glued laminated timber roof girders, not only affect the safety and durability of the structure of the facility in which they were built in, but...
Characterization and properties of low-friction, multilayered Cr-doped diamond-like carbon coatings prepared by pulse biased filtered cathodic arc deposition
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Simultaneous optical and electrochemical label-free biosensing with ITO-coated lossy-mode resonance sensor
PublicationIn this work we discuss a new label-free biosensing device based on indium tin oxide (ITO) overlaid section of a multimode optical fiber fused silica core. The sensor has been used to optical measurements also simultaneously interrogated electrochemically (EC). Due to optimized thickness and optical properties of ITO film, a lossy-mode resonance (LMR) could be observed in the optical domain, where electrical properties of the film...
Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the adsorption and relaxation of polyaniline chains during potentiodynamic redox transformations
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Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements of passive layer cracking under static tensile stresses
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The Effect of Laser Re-Solidification on Microstructure and Photo-Electrochemical Properties of Fe-Decorated TiO2 Nanotubes
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Metrological characteristics of the flat voltammetric electrode in time domain with a reversible electrochemical reaction running on the surface
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono właściwości metrologiczne płaskich elektrod woltamperometrycznych. Omówiono wpływ napięcia polaryzującego na wartości parametrów charakteryzujących te elektrody.
Electrochemical properties and bioactivity of hydroxyapatite coatings prepared by MEA/EDTA double-regulated hydrothermal synthesis
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Electrochemical Characteristics of Discrete, Uniform, and Monodispersed Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Spheres in Double‐Layered Supercapacitors
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Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the adsorption and relaxation of polianiline chains during potentiodynamic redox transformations
PublicationZaprezentowano nowe podejście do analizy widm impedancyjnych uzyskanych dla warstwy przewodzącej polianiliny (PAni). Właściwości powyższej warstwy są często modelowane przy użyciu elementu stałofazowego (CPE), który w sposób dokładniejszy odzwierciedla wyniki eksperymentalne niż klasyczny element pojemnościowy (kondensator). W pracy zaproponowano nowy elektryczny obwód zastępczy oparty na modelu adsorpcyjnym Frumkin-Melik-Gaikazyan,...
Similarity between enzymatic and electrochemical oxidation of 2-hydroxyac ridinone, the reference compound of antitumor imidazoacridinones.
PublicationPraca jest częścią szerszych badań zmierzających do poznania molekularnego mechanizmu metabolicznej aktywacji przeciwnowotworowej pochodnej imidazoakrydonu, związku C-1311. Celem prezentowanych badań jest (i) zbadanie reakcji enzymatycznego utleniania związku modelowego, 2-hydroksyakrydonu oraz (ii) zbadanie czy zachodzi podobieństwo między przebiegiem reakcji elektrochemicznego i enzymatycznego utleniania tego związku. Podobieństwo...
Dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements of passive layer cracking under static tensile stresses.
PublicationDynamiczna Elektrochemiczna Spektroskopia Impedancyjna umożliwia badanie podatności i odporności korozyjnej różnych materiałów konstrukcyjnych, a w szczególności określenie właściwości elektrochemicznych warstw pasywnych występujących na ich powierzchni. W wielu przypadkach pęknięcie warstwy pasywnej pod wpływem działania naprężeń rozciągających prowadzi do korozji naprężeniowej. Z tego względu badania pękania warstw pasywnych...
Potential and strain rate impact on the electrochemical properties of 304L stainless steel under tensile stresses.
PublicationPraca skupia się na badaniach aspektu elektrochemicznego i mechanicznego pękania warstwy pasywnej obecnej na stali 304L. Przedstawione zostały wyniki chwilowych zmian impedancji oraz zmiany parametrów elektrochemicznych warstwy pasywnej podczas testów rozciągania przy różnych poziomach polaryzacji anodowej oraz szybkości rozciągania. Na ich podstawie można stwierdzić, że zarówno czynnik elektrochemiczny, jak i mechaniczny wpływają...
Correlation between destruction of the metal surface caused by pitting corrosion and intensity of the observed electrochemical noise.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań korelacji między intensywnością szumów elektrochemicznych obserwowanych podczas występowania procesów korozji wżerowej a zmianami obserwowanymi na powierzchni metalu.Badania przeprowadzono dla elektrod metalowych o powierzchni eksponowanej na środowisko korozyjne poniżej 1 mm2. Do wykrywania uszkodzeń powierzchni wykorzystano oprogramowanie MatLab, wykrywające uszkodzenia powierzchni metalu w formie okręgów...
Structure and electrochemical reactivity of 3-[tris(2-methoxyethoxy)silyl]-propanethiol adsorbed on silver surface
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Electrochemical performance of MOF-5 derived carbon nanocomposites with 1D, 2D and 3D carbon structures
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Development of the Mobile PoC Graphene-Based Biosensing Device Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
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Electrochemical behaviour of Cr coating in acidic sulphate solution studied by cyclic polarization and impedance spectroscopy
PublicationOdporność korozyjną powłok chromowych w 0.01 M H2SO4 zbadano metodami woltamperometrii cyklicznej i spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Stwierdzono, że właściwości ochronne powłoki chromowej w kontakcie z powietrzem wzrastają dzięki tworzeniu się warstwy tlenkowej zapełniającej defekty w powłoce. W trakcie polaryzacji anodowej następuje częściowe roztwarzanie tej warstwy i penetracja agresywnego środowiska do podłoża (stali), co powoduje...
Derivatization of SWCNTs with cobalt phthalocyanine residues and applications in screen printed electrodes for electrochemical detection of thiocholine
PublicationJednościenne nanorurki węglowe (SWCNTs) sfunkcjonalizowane resztami ftalocyjaniny kobaltu zostały nałożone na sitodrukowane elektrody grafitowe (SPEs) i zastosowane do elektrochemicznego utleniania tiocholiny (TCh) w zakresie niskich potencjałów. Kowalencyjne przyłączenie ftalocyjaniny kobaltu do SWCNTs trwałym wiązanie sulfonamidowym zostało dowiedzione spektroskopią Ramana i UV-Vis i analizą termograwimetryczną połączoną z detekcją...
Electrochemical oxidation of PFOA and PFOS in landfill leachates at low and highly boron-doped diamond electrodes
PublicationPolyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) may reach landfill leachates (LLs) due to improper waste management. In this study perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) were used as representatives of PFASs in the decomposition on boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDs) with high (10k ppm) and low (0.5k ppm) boron doping concentrations. The result shows that although better COD removal efficacies are obtained on...
A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food – an international consensus
PublicationSimulated gastro-intestinal digestion is widely employed in many fields of food and nutritional sciences, as conducting human trials are often costly, resource intensive, and ethically disputable. As a consequence, in vitro alternatives that determine endpoints such as the bioaccessibility of nutrients and non-nutrients or the digestibility of macronutrients (e.g. lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) are used for screening and building...
Quasi-analytical Near-to-Far Field Transformation Based on Field Matching Method for Scattering Problems
PublicationA new quasi-analytical near-to-far field transformation based on field matching method (field expansion in a base of Hankel functions) is presented. This approach uses finite element method to obtain near field, then the field is expressed in a base of Hankel functions. The evaluated coefficients allow to calculate the field outside the numerical domain, also in a far distance. The main advantage of the proposed technique is avoiding of...
Experimental investigation and process parameter optimization of sheet metal bending by line heating method
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the experimental investigation of sheet metal deforming by line heating method that incorporates the combined effect of traverse speed of the torch, thickness of the sheet metal, and the number of passes of the torch. For the numerical analysis of metal bending by line heating, the
Development and Validation of SPE-HPLC-MS/MS Method for Determining Cyclophosphamide in Surface Waters
PublicationA rapid and selective method for trace amounts determination of cyclophosphamide in surface water samples has been developed. A solid phase extraction SPE method for extraction and clean-up procedure has been optimized for determination by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The analyses proceed in the positive ion mode by means of the electrospray ionization method (ESI). Clean...
Measurements of Thermal Conductivity of LWC Cement Composites Using Simplified Laboratory Scale Method
PublicationThe implementation of low-energy construction includes aspects related to technological and material research regarding thermal insulation. New solutions are sought, firstly, to reduce heat losses and, secondly, to improve the environment conditions in isolated rooms. The effective heat resistance of insulating materials is inversely proportional to temperature and humidity. Cement composites filled with lightweight artificial...
Measurement Performance Verification of Asynchronous Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Object Position and Orientation
PublicationThe paper describes the results of a measurement verification of the effectiveness of an asynchronous method of locating an object on a plane using localization signals sent simultaneously from two transmitters placed on that object at a known distance from each other. The advantage of proposed solution is ability to estimate position of mobile object by set of reference receivers that can work asynchronously, which simplifies...
PublicationThe DC resistance of a Taguchi gas sensor is influenced by the ambient gas. To improve the selectivity and sensitivity of a sensor the fluctuation enhanced sensing (FES) was used. The paper proposes a novel methodology of utilizing FES technique that sample composition of an ambient atmosphere and hold it for further processing (sample-and-holding technique). The method uses the heated gas sensor to sample an ambient atmosphere...
Routing Method for Interplanetary Satellite Communication in IoT Networks Based on IPv6
PublicationThe matter of interplanetary network (IPN) connection is a complex and sophisticated topic. Space missions are aimed inter alia at studying the outer planets of our solar system. Data transmission itself, as well as receiving data from satellites located on the borders of the solar system, was only possible thanks to the use of powerful deep space network (DSN) receivers, located in various places on the surface of the Earth. In...
A method of determining and visualizing safe motion parameters of a ship navigating in restricted waters
PublicationThe paper presents a method of displaying ship collision avoidance information which is based on an unconventional Collision Threat Parameters Area (CTPA) technique. The solution presented here extends CTPA's functionality from past works by supporting navigation in restricted waters and handling ship domains analytically instead of numerically. It visualizes potential navigational threats as well as possible collision avoidance...
A new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublicationThis paper presents a new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices. The method enables measuring fault loop resistance without nuisance tripping of residual current devices, by application an unconventional waveform of measurement current. It is important for proper verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock.
The Method of a Two-Level Text-Meaning Similarity Approximation of the Customers’ Opinions
PublicationThe method of two-level text-meaning similarity approximation, consisting in the implementation of the classification of the stages of text opinions of customers and identifying their rank quality level was developed. Proposed and proved the significance of major hypotheses, put as the basis of the developed methodology, notably about the significance of suggestions about the existence of analogies between mathematical bases of...
Development of dynamic method for evaluation of inhibition efficiency on the example of 8-hydroxyquinolin
PublicationSelection of a proper inhibitor should be based on the evaluation of its mechanism and effective concentrations. Mechanism of inhibition usually has dynamic character due to changing physicochemical conditions of the environment and corroding metal surface. Most of actually used methods are stationary or contain assumptions which highly influences obtained values. Development of new dynamic method, based on modified EIS, allows...
Cost-Effective and Sufficiently Precise Integration Method Adapted to the FEM Calculations of Bone Tissue
PublicationThe technique of Young’s modulus variation in the finite element is not spread in biomechanics. Our future goal is to adapt this technique to bone tissue strength calculations. The aim of this paper is to present the necessary studies of the element’s integration method that takes into account changes in material properties. For research purposes, a virtual sample with the size and distribution of mechanical properties similar...