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Search results for: VAN ATTA ARRAY
Global Roots and Poles Finding Algorithm on Quantum Computer
PublicationIn this paper, the implementation of the global roots and poles finding algorithm for a complex-valued function of a complex variable on a quantum computer, which allows for solving general nonlinear algebraic equations, is presented. The considered function is sampled with the use of Delaunay’s triangulation on the complex plane and a phase quadrant, in which the value of the function is located, is computed on a classical computer...
Distortion of speech signals in the listening area: its mechanism and measurements
PublicationThe paper deals with a problem of the influence of the number and distribution of loudspeakers in speech reinforcement systems on the quality of publicly addressed voice messages, namely on speech intelligibility in the listening area. Linear superposition of time-shifted broadband waves of a same form and slightly different magnitudes that reach a listener from numerous coherent sources, is accompanied by interference effects...
Stability Assessment of Coastal Cliffs Incorporating Laser Scanning Technology and a Numerical Analysis
PublicationWe investigated the cli coast in Jastrzebia Gora, Poland. The measurements that were taken between 2014 and 2018 by applying terrestrial, mobile, and airborne laser scanning describe a huge geometric modification involving dislocations in a 2.5 m range. Dierential maps and a volumetric change analysis made it possible to identify the most deformed cli’s location. Part of the monitoring of coastal change involved the measurement...
Smartphones as tools for equitable food quality assessment
PublicationBackground: The ubiquity of smartphones equipped with an array of sophisticated sensors, ample processing power, network connectivity and a convenient interface makes them a promising tool for non-invasive, portable food quality assessment. Combined with the recent developments in the areas of IoT, deep learning algorithms and cloud computing, they present an opportunity for advancing wide-spread, equitable and sustainable food...
Non-enzymatic glutathione-mediated conjugation of unsymmetrical bisacridine C-2028 with anticancer activity
Open Research DataThe presented data complement the studies on the interplay between C-2028 (anticancer-active unsymmetrical bisacridine) and the glutathione S-transferase/glutathione (GST/GSH) system.
Gas‐Phase Removal of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds and Airborne Microorganisms Over Mono‐ and Bimetal‐Modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanocomposites
PublicationThe photocatalytic deactivation of volatile organic compounds and mold fungi using TiO2 modified with mono‐ and bimetallic (Pt, Cu, Ag) particles is reported in this study. The mono‐ and bimetal‐modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) titanium(IV) oxide photocatalysts were prepared by chemical reduction method and characterized using XRD, XPS, DR/UV‐Vis, BET and TEM analysis. The effect of incident light, type and content of mono‐ and bimetallic...
An audio-visual corpus for multimodal automatic speech recognition
Publicationreview of available audio-visual speech corpora and a description of a new multimodal corpus of English speech recordings is provided. The new corpus containing 31 hours of recordings was created specifically to assist audio-visual speech recognition systems (AVSR) development. The database related to the corpus includes high-resolution, high-framerate stereoscopic video streams from RGB cameras, depth imaging stream utilizing Time-of-Flight...
HILS for the Design of Three-Wheeled Mobile Platform Motion Surveillance System with a Use of Energy Performance Index
PublicationCurrent tendency in mechatronic design requires the use of comprehensive development of an environment, which gives the possibility to prototype, design, simulate and integrate with dedicated hardware. The paper discusses the Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations (HILS) mechatronic technique, used during the design of the surveillance system based on energy performance index. The presented test configuration (physical controller – emulated...
ESPAR Antenna-Based WSN Node With DoA Estimation Capability
PublicationIn this paper, we present a low-cost energy-efficient electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna-based wireless sensor network (WSN) node designed for IEEE 802.15.4 standard that is capable of performing direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in real-life outdoor environments. To this end, we propose the WSN node architecture, design and realization that utilizes NXP JN5168 radio frequency (RF) wireless transceiver...
Structural, optical and electrochemical performance of black phosphorus and black arsenic-phosphorus nanostructures
PublicationBlack phosphorus (BP)-based nanostructures have drawn a lot of attention due to their tunable bandgap and extraordinary properties such as: high surface-to-volume ratio, large number of active sites, and prominent edges. However, low dimensional structures of black phosphorus oxidize easily, which hamper their application on a broader scale. One way to overcome these difficulties is to modify the black phosphorus structure by substituting...
Novel monovalent and multivalent recombinant proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato with potential diagnostic value – construction and biotechnological production
PublicationThe diverse antigenic structure of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) and the low degree of protein sequence conservation between genospecies causes many limitations in serodiagnosis of Lyme disease (LD). Using expression systems based on Escherichia coli, five monovalent B. burgdorferi s.l. recombinant proteins were produced. i.e., BB0108, BB0126, BB0298, BB0323, BB0689 (each in three variants derived from Borrelia afzelii,...
In Silico Safety Assessment of Bacillus Isolated from Polish Bee Pollen and Bee Bread as Novel Probiotic Candidates
PublicationBacillus species isolated from Polish bee pollen (BP) and bee bread (BB) were characterized for in silico probiotic and safety attributes. A probiogenomics approach was used, and in-depth genomic analysis was performed using a wide array of bioinformatics tools to investigate the presence of virulence and antibiotic resistance properties, mobile genetic elements, and secondary metabolites. Functional annotation and Carbohydrate-Active...
3D Metamaterial Ultra-Wideband Absorber for curved surface
PublicationThis paper proposes a three-dimensional metamaterial absorber based on a resistive film patch array to develop a low-cost, lightweight absorber for curved surfaces. An excellent absorption over a large frequency band is achieved through two different yet controllable mechanisms; In the first mechanism, a considerable attenuation in the wave power is achieved via graphite resistive films. The absorption is then intensified through...
Enzyme-linked carbon nanotubes as biocatalytic tools to degrade and mitigate environmental pollutants
PublicationA wide array of organic compounds have been recognized as pollutants of high concern due to their controlled or uncontrolled presence in environmental matrices. The persistent prevalence of diverse organic pollutants, including pharmaceutical compounds, phenolic compounds, synthetic dyes, and other hazardous substances, necessitates robust measures for their practical and sustainable removal from water bodies. Several bioremediation and...
Climatology of Transient Luminous Events and Lightning Observed Above Europe and the Mediterranean Sea
Publication -
Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions
PublicationWe extend our recently developed quantum-mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach [Dziedzic et al., J. Chem. Phys. 145, 124106 (2016)] to enable in situ optimization of the localized orbitals. The quantum subsystem is described with ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory and the classical subsystem – with the AMOEBA polarizable force field. The two subsystems interact via multipolar electrostatics and are fully...
Assay of Cystathionine-γ-synthase (CaStr2p) activity determination.
Open Research DataThe study aimed to obtain conditions optimal for the activity of Candida albicans cystathionine-γ-synthase (CaStr2p) determination. The selection of appropriate reaction conditions included the identification of the reaction buffer and its pH, substrate, and enzyme concentrations. The activity of Str2p was measured by the detection of decrease of the...
Activity assay of O-Acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase (CaMet15p).
Open Research DataThe study aimed to obtain conditions optimal for the activity of O-acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase (CaMet15p) and a method suitable for its measurement. The selection of appropriate reaction conditions included the identification of the reaction buffer and its pH, substrate and enzyme concentrations. The activity of CaMet15p was measured by the detection...
Magnetization reversal process in flat and patterned exchange-biased CoO/[Co/Pd] thin films
PublicationNanostructured magnetic materials have gained great interest due to their possible technological applications in electronic and spintronic devices or in medicine as drug carriers. The key issue which decides on their potential industrial utilization is an exhibited type of a magnetization reversal process. Two main approaches used to describe the switching mechanism are the domain wall motion and coherent magnetization rotation,...
Influence of ESPAR Antenna Radiation Patterns Shape on PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy
PublicationIn the article, we show the influence of three different electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna radiation patterns on the overall direction of arrival (DoA) estimation accuracy when power-pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) algorithm, relying on received signal strength (RSS) values, is used for the estimation. The ESPAR antenna designs were obtained for three optimization...
Miniaturization of ESPAR Antenna Using Low-Cost 3D Printing Process
PublicationIn this paper, the miniaturized electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna is presented. The size reduction was obtained by embedding its active and passive elements in polylactic acid (PLA) plastic material commonly used in low-cost 3D printing. The influence of 3D printing process imperfections on the ESPAR antenna design is investigated and a simple yet effective method to...
Noisy (Binary) Searching: Simple, Fast and Correct
PublicationThis work considers the problem of the noisy binary search in a sorted array. The noise is modeled by a parameter p that dictates that a comparison can be incorrect with probability p, independently of other queries. We state two types of upper bounds on the number of queries: the worst-case and expected query complexity scenarios. The bounds improve the ones known to date, i.e., our algorithms require fewer queries. Additionally,...
PublicationWeather data is nowadays used in a variety of navigational and ocean engineering research problems: from the obvious ones like voyage planning and routing of sea-going vessels, through the analysis of stability-related phenomena, to detailed modelling of ships’ manoeuvrability for collision avoidance purposes. Apart from that, weather forecasts are essential for passenger cruises and fishing vessels that want to avoid the risk...
Stereo vision with Equal Baseline Multiple Camera Set (EBMCS) for obtaining depth maps of plants
PublicationThis paper presents a method of improving the estimation of distances between an autonomous harvesting robot and plants with ripe fruits by using the vision system based on five cameras. The system is called Equal Baseline Multiple Camera Set (EBMCS). EBMCS has some features of a camera matrix and a camera array. EBMCS is regarded as a set of stereo cameras for estimating distances by obtaining disparity maps and depth maps. This...
Formation of Highly Conductive Boron-Doped Diamond on TiO2 Nanotubes Composite for Supercapacitor or Energy Storage Devices
PublicationIn the present paper, we report the phenomena of the formation of the novel composite nanostructures based on TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) over-grown by thin boron-doped diamond (BDD) film produced in Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PE MWCVD). The TiO2 nanotube array overgrown by boron-doped diamond immersed in 0.1 M NaNO3 can deliver high specific capacitance of 7.46 mF cm−2. The composite electrodes were characterized...
A multi-analytical approach to the characterization of natural organic dyestuffs and inorganic substrates present in the 19th-century artistic oil paints manufactured by a French art materials supplier Richard Aines
PublicationThis paper presents a comprehensive analysis of artistic paints produced in the 19th century by a French art materials supplier Richard Ain`es. Improved mild extraction with hydrofluoric acid enabled the observation of intact organic dyes. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography with diode-array and mass spectrometry detection was utilised for the identification of 35 dyes present in yellow and red paint samples, and in selected plant...
How ethics combine with big data: a bibliometric analysis
PublicationThe term Big Data is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world, and its use is no longer limited to the IT industry, quantitative scientific research, and entrepreneurship, but entered as well everyday media and conversations. The prevalence of Big Data is simply a result of its usefulness in searching, downloading, collecting and processing massive datasets. It is therefore not surprising that the number of scientific...
How Machine Learning Contributes to Solve Acoustical Problems
PublicationMachine learning is the process of learning functional relationships between measured signals (called percepts in the artificial intelligence literature) and some output of interest. In some cases, we wish to learn very specific relationships from signals such as identifying the language of a speaker (e.g. Zissman, 1996) which has direct applications such as in call center routing or performing a music information retrieval task...
Pilot-Scale Studies of WO3/S-Doped g-C3N4 Heterojunction toward Photocatalytic NOx Removal
PublicationDue to the rising concentration of toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air, effective methods of NOx removal have been extensively studied recently. In the present study, the first developed WO3/S-doped g-C3N4 nanocomposite was synthesized using a facile method to remove NOx in air efficiently. The photocatalytic tests performed in a newly designed continuous-flow photoreactor with an LED array and online monitored NO2 and NO system...
Relay-aided Wireless Sensor Network Discovery Algorithm for Dense Industrial IoT utilizing ESPAR Antennas
PublicationIndustrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applicationsrequire reliable and efficient wireless communication. Assumingdense Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) operating in a harshenvironment, a concept of a Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) based WSN enriched with Electronically SteerableParasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antennas is proposed andexamined in this work. The utilized...
Reliability Analysis of Data Storage Using Survival Signature and Logic Differential Calculus
PublicationThe Data storage system is an important part of any information system. All the necessary data that must be available for the successful operation of the information system are stored here. Therefore, it is advisable to think about the reliability of such a data storage system. As part of reliability engineering, it is possible to perform a reliability analysis of any system. Therefore, the data storage system can be analyzed as...
High Isolation Metamaterial-based Dual-band MIMO Antenna for 5G Millimeter-wave Applications
PublicationThis article presents a high-isolation metamaterial-based dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna for 5G millimeter-wave communication networks. The proposed antenna is a pentagon-shaped monopole that provides a dual-band response with a wide operating bandwidth at 5G 28/28 bands. The antenna is printed on 0.508-mm-thick Rogers RT5880 substrate of relative permittivity ɛr =2.2. It exhibits a small physical size...
High gain/bandwidth off‑chip antenna loaded with metamaterial unit‑cell impedance matching circuit for sub‑terahertz near‑field electronic systems
PublicationAn innovative off-chip antenna (OCA) is presented that exhibits high gain and efficiency performance at the terahertz (THz) band and has a wide operational bandwidth. The proposed OCA is implemented on stacked silicon layers and consists of an open circuit meandering line. It is shown that by loading the antenna with an array of subwavelength circular dielectric slots and terminating it with a metamaterial unit cell, its impedance...
Polska adaptacja Metody Oceny Wypalenia Zawodowego (BAT-PL) autorstwa Schaufeliego i współpracowników
PublicationAim. The study aimed to present the Polish version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by Schaufeli et al. and to assess its validity and reliability. The tool measures the core symptoms of burnout (BAT-C): exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive and emotional impairment, and its secondary symptoms (BAT-S): psychosomatic complaints and psychological distress. Method. The participants were 255 nursing staff members....
PublicationSustainability and value-creation are considered important parameters to measure the success of an open data system. Unfortunately, existing open data systems are not meeting their promises to achieve a sustainable and value-based open data system. Van Loenen et al. (2021) proposed a sustainable and value-creating open data ecosystem. According to their study, the open data ecosystem needs to be user-driven, inclusive, circular,...
Kwestia autonomii antropologii filozoficznej
PublicationW eseju, pt. "Kwestia antropologii filozoficznej" uwypukliłem fakt podejmowanych prób ograniczenia czy też deprecjacji statusu autonomicznego zarówno metafizyki Bytu, jak i antropologii fundamentalnej M. Heidggera, filozofii egzystencji K. Jaspersa oraz egzystencjalizmu J. - P. Sartre'a. Przedstawiłem także próby odzyskania statusu autonomicznego przez metafizykę Bytu antropologię filozoficzną i filozofię życia na przykładzie...
Performance of the AMOEBA Water Model in the Vicinity of QM Solutes: A Diagnosis Using Energy Decomposition Analysis
PublicationThe importance of incorporating solvent polarization effects into the modeling of solvation processes has been well-recognized, and therefore a new generation of hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approaches that accounts for this effect is desirable. We present a fully self-consistent, mutually polarizable QM/MM scheme using the AMOEBA force field, in which the total energy of the system is variationally minimized...
Experimental investigation and process parameter optimization of sheet metal bending by line heating method
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the experimental investigation of sheet metal deforming by line heating method that incorporates the combined effect of traverse speed of the torch, thickness of the sheet metal, and the number of passes of the torch. For the numerical analysis of metal bending by line heating, the
Switching Regulation in the Control of 5-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Fed by 3×5 Direct Matrix Converter
PublicationMatrix converter is an AC-AC direct power converter comprising of an array of bi- directional switches. It does not require an intermediate DC-link and allows sinusoidal output waveforms with varying amplitudes and frequencies. The configuration of these bi- directional switches decides the number of inputs and outputs...
The Effect of Varying the Light Spectrum of a Scene on the Localisation of Photogrammetric Features
PublicationIn modern digital photogrammetry, an image is usually registered via a digital matrix with an array of colour filters. From the registration of the image until feature points are detected on the image, the image is subjected to a series of calculations, i.e., demosaicing and conversion to greyscale, among others. These algorithms respond differently to the varying light spectrum of the scene, which consequently results in the feature...
Dual-band Millimetre Wave MIMO Antenna with Reduced Mutual Coupling Based on Optimized Parasitic Structure and Ground Modification
PublicationIn this study, a high-isolation dual-band (28/38 GHz) multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) antenna for 5G millimeter-wave applications is presented. The antenna consists of two interconnected patches. The primary patch is connected to the inset feed, while the secondary patch is arc-shaped and positioned over the main patch, opposite to the feed. Both patches function in the lower 28 GHz band, while the primary patch is accountable...
Single-Chip Versatile Signal Generator for Navigation
PublicationThe emergence of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has revolutionized the way we perceive and utilize positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services across various sectors, including aviation, maritime, military, and consumer electronics. The development and deployment of GNSS signal generators are crucial for the testing, validation, and integration of GNSS-based technologies. This paper introduces a groundbreaking...
Anisotropy and compaction gradient assessment on rammed earth specimens through sonic tomography approach
PublicationRammed earth is a traditional construction technique that has recently gained attention because of its benefits from an ecological perspective. The conservation of the existing valuable cultural heritage sites and the quality control of new constructions built with this material require the development and application of practical inspection techniques. This paper explores the application of sonic tests and sonic tomography as...
The Use of Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography for Fingerprinting-Based Classification of Zweigelt and Rondo Wines with Regard to Grape Variety and Type of Malolactic Fermentation Combined with Greenness and Practicality Assessment
PublicationIn food authentication, it is important to compare different analytical procedures and select the best method. The aim of this study was to determine the fingerprints of Zweigelt and Rondo wines through headspace analysis using ultra-fast gas chromatography (ultra-fast GC) and to compare the effectiveness of this approach at classifying wines based on grape variety and type of malolactic fermentation (MLF) as well as its greenness...
Multi-channel radio-over-fiber communication systems through modulation instability phenomenon
PublicationRecent advancements in Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) technology have positioned it as a promising solution for highcapacity wireless communications. This paper explores novel applications of RoF systems in enhancing phased array antenna (PAA) performance for multi-channel wireless communication applications through the modulation instability (MI) phenomenon. Utilizing fibers experiencing MI with varying group velocity dispersions (β2)...
In vivoevaluation of the CB1allosteric modulator LDK1258 reveals CB1-receptor independent behavioral effects
PublicationIn the present study, we examined whether LDK1258, which produces strong CB1receptor allosteric effects ininvitroassays, would elicitin vivoeffects consistent with allosteric activity. In initial studies, LDK1258 reducedfood consumption and elicited delayed antinociceptive effects in the chronic constrictive injury of the sciaticnerve (CCI) model of neuropathic pain, which unexpectedly emerged 4 h post-injection. UPLC-MS/MS analysisquantified...
Methods for Elucidation of DNA-Anticancer Drug Interactions and Their Applications in the Development of New Drugs
PublicationDNA damaging agents including anthracyclines, camptothecins and platinum drugs are among most frequently used drugs in the chemotherapeutic routine. Due to their relatively low selectivity for cancer cells, administration is associated with adverse side effects, whereas the inherent genotoxicity of these drugs is associated with risk of developing secondary cancers. Development of new drugs, which could be spared of these drawbacks...
Enhanced capacitance of composite TiO2 nanotube / boron-doped diamond electrodes studied by impedance spectroscopy
PublicationWe report on the novel composite nanostructures based on boron-doped diamond thin film grown on top of TiO2 nanotubes. The nanostructures made of BDD-modified titania nanotubes showed an increase in activity and performance when used as electrodes in electrochemical environments. The BDD thin films (~200-500 nm) were deposited using microwave plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (MW PA CVD) onto anodically fabricated TiO2...
Time window based features extraction from temperature modulated gas sensors for prediction of ammonia concentration
PublicationElectronic gas recognition systems, in literature commonly referred as electronic noses, enable the recognition of a type and a concentration of various volatile compounds. Typical electronic gas-analyzing device consists of four main elements, namely, gas delivery subsystem, an array of gas sensors, data acquisition and power supply circuits and data analysis software. The commercially available metal-oxide TGS sensors are widely...
Multi-Analytical Techniques for the Study of Burial Clothes of Polish King Sigismund III Vasa (1566–1633) and His Wife Constance Habsburg (1588–1631)
PublicationThe subjects of this research are the burial clothes of Polish King Sigismund III Vasa and his wife Constance, which were woven and embroidered with silk and metal threads. Fragments of the textiles underwent spectroscopic, spectrometric, and thermogravimetric analyses. The hydrofluoric acid extraction method was improved to isolate various classes of dyes from the textile samples that had direct contact with human remains. High-performance...