total: 186
Search results for: recycling methods
PublicationNowadays, considering the environmental trends and law regulations associated with the circular economy, it is very important to seek for the methods of by-products and waste utilization. The example of such material, which requires the attention and recycling method is ground tire rubber generated during recycling of post-consumer car tires. It can be introduced into various polymer matrices as a filler, but to enhance its effectivity...
Comprehensive analysis of low-temperature methods for reclaiming of ground tire rubber
PublicationManagement of waste tires has become an important topic for decades. The lack of an effective method to manage the materials as mentioned above leads to illegal landfills. This problematic waste can be divided into two main categories depending on the physical condition of the waste: (i) partially used tires; (ii) end-of-life tires. While the first group can be reused or retreaded, the second group requires special measures to...
Brine Recycling from Industrial Textile Wastewater Treated by Ozone. By-Products Accumulation. Part 2: Scaling-Up
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Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 1/2
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Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
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Ground Tire Rubber Modified by Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymer: Processing, Physico-Mechanical Properties, Volatile Organic Compounds Emission and Recycling Possibility
PublicationGround tire rubber (GTR) was reclaimed and modified with 10 phr of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer via low-temperature extrusion process. Processing, physico-mechanical properties, volatile organic compounds emission, and recycling possibility were investigated. In order to better understand the impact of used modifiers, their efficiency was compared with transpolyoctenamer, which is an additive that is commercially dedicated...
A derivatisation agent selection guide
PublicationThe development of new tools for providing high quality information in a cost-effective and expeditious way is one of the main aims of analytical chemistry. Remarkably, the introduc- tion of the 12 principles of green chemistry paved the way forward for the development of analytical methodologies that are, ideally, inherently safe for the operator and the environ- ment, with the least possible consumption of energy and chemicals,...
Compatibilization of polymeric composition filled with ground tire rubber – short review
PublicationWaste rubber is recognized as valuable materials resource and searching for new recycling methods is the main activity of many research institutions and companies. At the turn of the last years only few scientific papers about foamed polymer compositions filled with ground tire rubber were published. In paper review about progress in compatibilization and foaming of polymeric compositions filled with ground tire rubber.
Pyrolysis Process of Whole Waste Tires as A Biomass Energy Recycling / Piroliza Opon Samochodowych Jako Energetyczny Recykling Biomasy
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Polyurethane glycolysate from industrial waste recycling to develop low dielectric constant, thermally stable materials suitable for the electronics
PublicationWe are utilizing a new method to improve the dielectric properties of a conventional polymer using a recycled polymer product. The polyurethane foams are recycled by glycolysis process and the derived material was applied to improve the dielectric properties of the brittle DGEBA epoxy resin. Two main parameters that determine the applicability of the material as a dielectric (the dielectric constant and dielectric loss), were studied...
Morphology and properties of recycled polyethylene/ground tyre rubber/thermoplastic poly(ester-urethane) blends
PublicationThe growing amount of plastics waste produced every year resulted in development of mechanical and chemical recycling methods of polymers and their blends or composites. From the environmental point of view, the possibility of plastics waste reusing and recycling is desirable. In this study three polymer blends were obtained with using recycled polyethylene (RPE), ground tyre rubber (GTR) and thermoplastic poly(ester-urethane)...
Polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC) as a method of wood waste management
PublicationIn recent years, due to the progressive environmental degradation and increase of environmental awareness, the sustainability of production systems in wood processing, the wood industry, and wood waste management is a crucial issue for European industry and society. Consequently, the problem of generating wood-like waste and the associated risks has become an increasingly noticeable challenge for science. Although various methods...
Recycling of Industrial Waste as Soil Binding Additives—Effects on Soil Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties during Its Stabilisation before Road Construction
PublicationTo improve the in situ soil stabilization, different chemical additives are used (ion exchange compounds, additives based on H2SO4 or vinyl polymers, and organic additives using lignosul- fonates). One interesting alternative is the production of additives from various waste materials. The extensive testing of waste-based blends with soil was performed; the mechanical (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)) and hydraulic (capillary...
Strategies toward Green Deal implementation in the context of SCG reuse and recovery in the circular economy model
PublicationThe article explores the future outlook on integrating and using a resource database for the recovery and reuse of coffee industry residues, focusing on economic and environmental perspectives within the Circular Economy Model (CEM). With the continuous rise in global coffee consumption, the production of Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG) has also surged worldwide, presenting significant opportunities for resource recovery and recycling....
Waste tire rubber as low-cost and environmentally-friendly modifier in thermoset polymers – a review
PublicationNowadays, waste tire rubber (WTR) management is a growing and serious problem. Therefore, research works focused on the development of cost-effective and environmentally-friendly methods of WTR recycling are fully justified. Incorporation of WTR into polymer matrices and composite materials attracts much attention, because this approach allows sustainable development of industrially applicable waste tires recycling technologies....
PublicationThe recycling of plastics is currently one of the most significant industrial challenges. Due to the enormous amounts of plastic wastes generated by various industry branches, it is essential to look for the potential methods of their utilization. Nevertheless, for the efficient application of recycled materials it is crucial to analyze their performance. Therefore, in presented paper we investigated the processing (melt flow index),...
Waste tire rubber devulcanization technologies: State-of-the-art, limitations and future perspectives
PublicationWaste tires management is a serious and global environmental problem. Therefore, searching for low-cost and industrial-scale applicable tire recycling methods is gaining more and more attention. Waste tire rubber is valuable source of secondary raw materials for the circular economy and current trends indicate that application of waste rubbers during manufacturing value-added products should increase in near future. Sustainable...
PublicationNowadays, it is crucial to seek for the methods of by-products and waste utilization, considering both environmental and economic factors. The example of waste material generated in the massive amounts, which requires the attention is ground tire rubber generated during recycling of post-consumer car tires. It can be applied as a filler into different polymer matrices, but to enhance its effectivity proper modifications should...
Comparative Study of Pavement Rehabilitation Using Hot in-Place Recycling and Hot-Mix Asphalt: Performance Evaluation, Pavement Life Prediction, and Life Cycle Cost Analysis
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Chemical treatment of crystalline silicon solar cells as a main stage of pv modules recycling = Obróbka chemiczna krzemowych ogniw słonecznych jako najważniejszy etap w recyklingu modułów fotowoltaicznych
PublicationIn recent years, photovoltaic systems have gained worldwide recognition and popularity as a environmentally friendly way of solving energetic problems. However, a problem of utilizing worn out photovoltaic systems, amount of which will rapidly increase in the future, is yet to be solved. Establishing a technology of recycling and reusing obsolete photovoltaic panels is a necessity.Photovoltaic modules in crystalline silicon solar...
Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas - A review
PublicationWaste generated due to mining activity poses a serious issue due to the large amounts generated, even up to 65 billion tons per year, and is often associated with the risk posed by its storage and environmental management. This work aims to review waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas. It includes an analysis and discussion on the possibilities for reuse of certain types of wastes generated...
Effective assessment of biopolymer-based multifunctional sorbents for the remediation of environmentally hazardous contaminants from aqueous solutions
PublicationPersistent contaminants in wastewater effluent pose a significant threat to aquatic life and are one of the most significant environmental concerns of our time. Although there are a variety of traditional methods available in wastewater treatment, including adsorption, coagulation, flocculation, ion exchange, membrane filtration, co-precipitation and solvent extraction, none of these have been found to be significantly cost-effective...
Thermoplastic Elastomers Filled With GTR
PublicationIn recent years, searching for new and cost-effective methods of recycling waste tires has been a subject of research in many laboratories worldwide. This is due to regulations in the law and environmental factors, which have both stimulated industry to re-use high quality rubber found in ground tire rubber (GTR). One of the most promising solutions in this area seems to be thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) filled with GTR, which...
Thermal Biomass Conversion: A Review
PublicationIn this paper, the most important methods of thermal conversion of biomass, such as: hydrothermal carbonization (180–250 °C), torrefaction (200–300 °C), slow pyrolysis (carbonization) (300–450 °C), fast pyrolysis (500–800 °C), gasification (800–1000 °C), supercritical steam gasification, high temperature steam gasification (>1000 °C) and combustion, were gathered, compared and ranked according to increasing temperature. A comprehensive...
PublicationThe recycling of plastics is currently one of the most significant industrial challenges. Due to the enormous amounts of plastic wastes generated by various industry branches, it is essential to look for the potential methods of their utilization. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that recycled plastics are not pure materials, and they still may show an unfavorable environmental impact. They may contain different contaminants...
Pyrolysis Combined with the Dry Reforming of Waste Plastics as a Potential Method for Resource Recovery—A Review of Process Parameters and Catalysts
Publication: Emissions of greenhouse gases and growing amounts of waste plastic are serious environmental threats that need urgent attention. The current methods dedicated to waste plastic recycling are still insufficient and it is necessary to search for new technologies for waste plastic management. The pyrolysis-catalytic dry reforming (PCDR) of waste plastic is a promising pro-environmental way employed for the reduction of both CO2 and...
Zagospodarowanie proszku krzemowego, wytworzonego z odzyskanych w procesie recyklingu uszkodzonych ogniw modułów fotowoltaicznych = Utilization of silicon powder, recovered in the PV cell's production and recycling processes
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy proszku krzemowego różnego pochodzenia i wskazano możliwości technologiczne zagospodarowania proszku krzemowego: jako podstawowego surowca do produkcji nowych ogniw fotowoltaicznych, jako dodatku do stali stopowych, poprawiających ich własności mechaniczne (twardość, wytrzymałość na rozciąganie, udarność) oraz jako materiału do wytwarzania ceramiki, bazującej na proszkach niemetali.
One More Step Towards a Circular Economy for Thermal Insulation Materials—Development of Composites Highly Filled with Waste Polyurethane (PU) Foam for Potential Use in the Building Industry
PublicationThe rapid development of the building sector has created increased demand for novel materials and technologies, while on the other hand resulting in the generation of a severe amount of waste materials. Among these are polyurethane (PU) foams, which are commonly applied as thermal insulation materials. Their management is a serious industrial problem, due to, for example, their complex chemical composition. Although some chemical...
Możliwości odzysku fosforu z odcieków, osadów ściekowych i popiołów po termicznym przekształcaniu osadów ściekowych
PublicationW ostatnich latach zaobserwowano rosnącą świadomość o ograniczonych zasobach fosforu. Szacuje się, że mogą one ulec wyczerpaniu w ciągu 100 lat, przy obecnym zaawansowaniu technologii. Ponad 80% wydobywanego złoża wykorzystywane jest do produkcji nawozów sztucznych oraz w przemyśle chemicznym. Taka perspektywa zwiększa zainteresowanie recyklingiem fosforu, który może być odzyskiwany ze ścieków w fazie płynnej, z odwodnionych osadów...
Obróbka chemiczna krzemowych ogniw słonecznych jako najważniejszy etap w recyklingu modułów fotowoltaicznych = Chemical treatment of the crystalline silicon solar cells as the main stage of PV modules recycling
PublicationZaproponowano metodę zagospodarowania krzemowych ogniw fotowoltaicznych, wycofanych z użycia. Dla ogniw PV z krystalicznego krzemu prowadzono następujące po sobie procesy usuwania: powłok metalicznych, warstwy antyrefleksyjnej i złącza n-p przez wytrawianie. Skład roztworów trawiących dostosowywano do różnych rodzajów ogniw krzemowych. W celu opracowania uniwersalnej kąpieli trawiącej konieczne jest wprowadzanie pewnych modyfikacji...
Effect of Compounding Conditions on Static and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene/Ground Tire Rubber Blends
PublicationSearching for new and cost-effective methods of waste rubber recycling is a subject of research in many scientific centers in the world. In this paper there are presented results of the research of the extrusion process of cheap and environmentally friendly thermoplastic compositions containing 50 % wt. of masses of ground tire rubber (GTR). The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the mixing conditions and...
Waste tire rubber with low and high devulcanization level prepared in the planetary extruder
PublicationWaste tires management is serious and global environmental problem. Therefore, searching for new andindustrially applicable solutions to convert waste tire rubber into high-value added products is gaining more andmore attention. Rubber devulcanization is step forward for further developing rubber recycling and upcyclingtechnologies. Thermo-mechanical treatment of ground tire rubber (GTR) performed in twin screw extruders iscurrently...
Planetary roller extruders in the sustainable development of polymer blends and composites – Past, present and future
PublicationScrew extruders as continuous flow reactors allow the synthesis of new polymers, preparation of polymer blends and composites, and modification or functionalization of commercially available polymers. Literature data shows that the twin screw extrusion is the most popular solution used for this purpose. In contrast, the number of scientific papers on alternative methods, such as multi-screw extruders, is somewhat limited. This...
Environmental impacts of food waste management technologies: A critical review of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies
PublicationFood waste is a serious global problem. Therefore, it is essential to reduce food waste and adopt recycling strategies to minimize its environmental impacts. However, conventional waste disposal methods emit harmful gases such as dioxin, CH4, N2O, and NH3, which contaminate the air and water resources. This work reviews the environmental consequences of food waste based on lifecycle assessment (LCA) techniques using methods such...
Progress in devulcanization of waste tire rubber: Upcycling towards a circular economy
PublicationAs a complex composite material, tire rubber has always presented significant environmental and waste management concerns due to its non-biodegradability and accumulation in landfills. The devulcanization of tire rubber has emerged as a historical challenge in the field of sustainable rubber engineering since Goodyear invented cross-linking in 1839. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of waste tire recycling processes,...
Waste Tyres Pyrolysis for Obtaining Limonene
PublicationThis review deals with the technologies of limonene production from waste tyre pyrolysis. Thermal decomposition is attractive for tackling the waste tyre disposal problem, as it enables both: energy to be recovered and limonene to be obtained. This material management recycling of tyres is environmentally more beneficial than the burning of all valuable products, including limonene. Given this recoverability of materials from waste...
Structure-Property Relationship and Multiple Processing Studies of Novel Bio-Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers
PublicationCurrently, the growing demand for polymeric materials has led to an increased need to develop effective recycling methods. This study focuses on the multiple processing of bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-TPUs) as a sustainable approach for polymeric waste management through mechanical recycling. The main objective is to investigate the influence of two reprocessing cycles on selected properties of bio-TPUs....
Management of ground tire rubber waste by incorporation into polyurethane-based composite foams
PublicationRapid economic growth implicated the developing multiple industry sectors, including the automotive branch, increasing waste generation since recycling and utilization methods have not been established simultaneously. A very severe threat is the generation of enormous amounts of post-consumer tires considered burdensome waste, e.g., due to the substantial emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Therefore, it is essential...
Kluczowe zagadnienia procesu recyklingu zużytych modułów fotowoltaicznych I i II generacji
PublicationW ramach technologii fotowoltaicznych wyróżniamy obecnie trzy generacje ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Pierwsza z nich to ogniwa z mono- i polikrystalicznego krzemu (c-Si), druga obejmuje ogniwa wykonane na bazie technologii cienkowarstwowej, zarówno z krzemu amorficznego (a-Si) jak i diseleneku indowo-miedziowo-galowego (CIGS), tellurku kadmu (CdTe) oraz arsenku galu (GaAs). Trzecia generacja to najnowsze technologie, takie jak: organiczne...
Assessment of the Environmental Impact of a Car Tire throughout Its Lifecycle Using the LCA Method
PublicationThere are numerous threats to the natural environment that pose a significant risk both to the environment and to human health, including car tires. Thus, there is a need to determine the impact of the life cycle of car tires on the environment, starting with the processes of raw materials acquisition, production, and ending with end-of-life management. Therefore, the authors of this study chose to do research on passenger car...
Ground tire rubber functionalization as a promising approach for the production of sustainable adsorbents of environmental pollutants
PublicationWaste tires management and further utilization are currently one of the biggest concerns regarding the environment and human health protection. At present, shredding, grinding, or pulverization of waste tires are the most popular options for industrial recycling. Although many solutions for ground tire rubber (GTR) applications were checked and verified so far, their further implementation at an industrial scale is still very limited....
15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
EventsRegistration for the workshops with Sponsors, which will take place during the free time on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 2:30 PM, will be conducted by signing up on a list at the registration desk. We kindly inform you that posters should be prepared in size B1 (707 x 1000 mm). Templates:pptx, pdf Please submit your presentations...
Thermo-Chemical Decomposition Study of Polyurethane Elastomer Through Glycerolysis Route with Using Crude and Refined Glycerine as a Transesterification Agent
PublicationDue to the increasing amount of polyurethane waste, chemical recycling of these materials is a topic of growing interest for many researchers. The primary pur- pose of polyurethane feedstock recycling is to recover the starting polyol. In this study glycerolysis using glycerine from two sources and two purity grades is proposed as a method of chemical recycling. The main effort of this paper focuses on the employment of commercial...
Magnetic photocatalysts for water treatment
PublicationThe concept of magnetic photocatalysts with separation function requires ferromagnetic material with high magnetic susceptibility to an external magnetic field to enable recycling of composite nanoparticles. Currently, much attention is devoted to functionalization of photocatalyst using MFe2O3, where M =Fe, Zn, Co, Mn. However direct contact between photocatalyst and magnetic iron oxide particles leads to photodissolution of iron...
The dependence of linear viscoelasticity limits of cold-recycled mixtures on time of curing and compaction method
PublicationCold-recycled mixtures are currently among the most widely used and investigated methods that enable recycling of old pavement structures in an environmentally friendly manner. Upon milling, the old pavement structure – whose gradation can be improved with addition of virgin aggregate – is mixed and compacted at ambient temperature. The main binding agents are bituminous emulsion and cement. Due to their dual binding behaviour,...
Rheological characteristics of oligomeric semiproducts gained via chemical degradation of polyurethane foam using crude glycerin in the presence of different catalysts
PublicationPolyurethane (PU) recycling is a topic of growing interest due to the increasing amount of polyurethane waste. The main purpose of polyurethane chemical recycling is to recover the starting polyol. In this study, a method of polyurethane thermochemical recycling, glycerolysis by means of crude glycerin, is proposed. This work presents a comparative study of commercial catalysts used in order to accelerate the decomposition process,...
The use of recycled semiconductor material in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules production - A life cycle assessment of environmental impacts
PublicationTo offset the negative impact of photovoltaic modules on the environment, it is necessary to introduce a longterm strategy that includes a complete lifecycle assessment of all system components from the production phase through installation and operation to disposal. Recycling of waste products and worn-out systems is an important element of this strategy. As the conclusions from the previous studies have shown, thermal treatment...
Single-phase product obtained via crude glycerine depolymerisation of polyurethane elastomer: structure characterisation and rheological behaviour
PublicationPolyurethane recycling is a topic of growing interest due to the increasing amount of polyurethanewaste. The main purpose of polyurethane feedstock recycling is to recover the starting polyol, a valuable material. In thiswork, amethod of polyurethane thermo-chemical recycling, glycerolysisbymeansof crude glycerine, is proposed. Themaineffort is focusedonthe employment of crude glycerine without purification from biodiesel production...
Recent Advances in Development of Waste-Based Polymer Materials: A Review
PublicationLimited petroleum sources, suitable law regulations, and higher awareness within society has caused sustainable development of manufacturing and recycling of polymer blends and composites to be gaining increasing attention. This work aims to report recent advances in the manufacturing of environmentally friendly and low-cost polymer materials based on post-production and postconsumer wastes. Sustainable development of three groups...
Waste Rubber Pyrolysis: Product Yields and Limonene Concentration
PublicationTires, conveyor belts, floor mats, and shoe soles form a main-stream of rubber waste. The amount of these used materials continuously increases due to development of the rubber market. Therefore, pro-ecological utilization (i.e., energy recycling instead of burning) and recovering valuable and recyclable materials becomes an urgent necessity. In this regard, this work was devoted to the chemical recycling of selected used rubber...