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Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel
PublicationThe paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...
Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel
PublicationThe paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...
Fundamentals of microscopic analysis
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Data analysis and presentation
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Sensitivity analysis in design process of sandwich U-shaped composite footbridge
PublicationThe structure of the sandwich composite footbridge of a 14 metre span length and U-shaped cross-section was analysed. Sensitivity analysis was performed to support the design process of this innovative object. Linear discrete sensitivity analysis was performed by means of finite element method. The influence of vari-ation of several design variables i.e. thicknesses of inner and outer laminates on the mid-span deflection, as-sumed...
Structural Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Semi-Rigid Pavement of a Motorway
PublicationThis paper presents application of mechanistic-empirical methods in design of semi-rigid pavement for a section of a motorway in Poland. The stage construction was assumed. Three fatigue criteria were applied in the design. For asphalt fatigue cracking and subgrade soil the criteria from the Asphalt Institute (1981) were applied. For fatigue cracking of cement stabilized bases the Dempsey (1984) and De Beer (1992) criteria were...
Development of cluster analysis methodology for identification of model rainfall hyetographs and its application at an urban precipitation field scale
PublicationDespite growing access to precipitation time series records at a high temporal scale, in hydrology, and particularly urban hydrology, engineers still design and model drainage systems using scenarios of rainfall temporal distributions predefined by means of model hyetographs. This creates the need for the availability of credible statistical methods for the development and verification of already locally applied model hyetographs....
Analysis of wave propagation in a bolted steel joint
PublicationThe paper presents results of numerical and experimental investigations of elastic wave propagation in a bolted single-lap joint. The research was carried out for both symmetric and antisymmetric Lamb wave modes. In experimental studies the PZT transducers were used to excite and register wave propagation signals. The controlled value of the torque during measurements was ensured by the use of high precision torque wrenches. Numerical...
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
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Gender wage gap convergence and skills heterogeneity in Poland (2005-2014) - quantile regression analysis based on microdata from EUSILC.
PublicationIn this article we quantify the magnitude and evolution of gender wage differentials in Poland over the years 2005 – 2014 using microlevel data from EU-SILC database (Statistics on Income and Living Conditions). In the study gender wage gap is examined through quantile regression analysis. It is shown that the gender wage gap varies along the wage distribution with workers’ skills heterogeneity playing a role. Additionally, the...
A conceptual design and numerical analysis of the mixerless urea-SCR system
PublicationIn the present study, an innovative design of the urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system without conventional mixing elements was developed. The aim was to obtain a high degree of urea decomposition, and uniform ammonia distribution at the inlet to the catalyst, while minimising the liquid film deposition and keeping the compact design. The concept of the design was based on creating high turbulences and elongating...
The influence of welding heat input on the quality and properties of high strength low-alloy dissimilar steel butt joints
PublicationThe paper presents the results of non-destructive and destructive tests of dissimilar highstrength low-alloy S460ML and S460N steel butt joints. These steels are characterized by similar mechanical properties, but their carbon equivalent CeIIW values are much different. The joints were made using different values of heat input for each welding bead. They were tested by non-destructive methods: visual, penetrant, radiographic and...
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A brief note on monotonic and fatigue fracture events investigation of thin-walled tubular austenitic steel specimens via fracture surface topography analysis (FRASTA)
PublicationThe main objective of this short communication is to show the fracture progression in each loading case and complement knowledge about fracture mechanisms underpinning the tensile and fatigue performance of thin-walled tubes. For this purpose, the fracture surface topography analysis (FRASTA) method was used in the thin-walled tubular austenitic stainless-steel specimens. Two cases were analyzed: monotonic tension, and uniaxial...
Case Study of Old Steel Riveted Railway Truss Bridge: From Material Characterization to Structural Analysis
PublicationThe structural analysis of an old steel riveted railway truss bridge located over the Maruska River on the Działdowo – Olsztyn, Poland railway line is performed in this paper to check its behaviour under today’s railway loads. The mechanical properties of construction steel extracted from the old steel bridge are investigated by tensile tests, impact tests through the Charpy pendulum impact V-notch, and an optical emission spectrometer....
Non-linear strain rate analysis of earthquake-induced pounding between steel buildings
PublicationPast and recent earthquakes have shown that ground motions may cause severe structural damage to civil engineering structures. Earthquake-induced pounding between adjacent buildings has been identified as one of the reasons which intensifies damages. The aim of this paper is to show the results of the detailed nonlinear FEM analysis of earthquake-induced pounding between two steel buildings. The elastic – perfectly plastic material...
Multi-Criterial Design of Antennas with Tolerance Analysis Using Response-Feature Predictors
PublicationImperfect manufacturing is one of the factors affecting the performance of antenna systems. It is particularly important when design specifications are strict and leave a minimum leeway for a degradation caused by geometry or material parameter deviations from their nominal values. At the same time, conventional antenna design procedures routinely neglect to take the fabrication tolerances into account, which is mainly a result...
On design and analysis of flow characteristics of the last stage of gas-steam turbine
PublicationResearch regarding blade design and analysis of flow have been conducted for over a century. Meanwhile new concepts and design approaches were created and improved. Advancements in information technologies allowed to introduce computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational flow mechanics (CFM). Currently a combination of mentioned methods is used for design of turbine blades. These methods enabled us to improve flow efficiency...
Multivariate analysis of impedance data obtained for coating systems of varying thickness applied on steel
PublicationElectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has proven to be a valuable test method for the electrochemical characterization of protective coatings on metals. The common way of analysis in impedance spectroscopy is to model the impedance spectrum by means of an equivalent circuit and to extract the quantity of interest using optimization techniques. A model, corresponding to the behavior of the sample under testing, is important...
Selected aspects of modern X-ray structural analysis 2025 kopia 1
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis. The aim of the lecture is to provide the PhD students, studying at natural sciences departments, an overview of contemporary X-ray structural analysis. The presented subject is exploited in many distant areas of modern technologies, materials science, crystal engineering, organic or inorganic synthesis of new chemicals, drug design, molecular biology, etc. It becomes necessary...
Frontier education for a sustainable future - speculative design in architecture as a transdisciplinary experiment
PublicationIn this article, the authors propose the term frontier education referring to the well-established notion of frontier research - one, that through opening unexpected transdisciplinary perspectives, may offer new insights and create a fertile ground for new discoveries and ground-breaking concepts. In answer to the question of how to get rid of normative thinking and extend architectural experimentations, a speculative design architectural...
Analiza decyzyjna/Decision analysis
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Market Analysis 2022/23
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Financial Analysis (lectures, 2022)
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Financial Analysis (22/23)
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Market Analysis 2024/25
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Financial Analysis (exercises 2025)
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Financial Analysis (summer 2024)
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Decisions Analysis 2024/2025
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Financial Analysis (summer 2025)
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Market Analysis 2023/24
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Design advantages and analysis of a novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the performance of a new five-phase doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents the results of a research work related to fivephase DFIG framing, including the development of an analytical model, FEM analysis as well as the results of laboratory tests of the prototype. The proposed behavioral level analytical model is based...
Analysis of guided wave propagation in adhesive joints of steel rods
PublicationThe aim of the study is the elastic wave propagation in adhesive joints of metal rods that are one of the simplest kind of glue connections. They are consisted of two metal members and an adhesive layer joining two parts together. The analysis is directed to technical diagnostics of such type of connections. Longitudinal and transversal guided waves were excited in prepared joints. Signals of propagating waves were registered in...
Analysis of load carrying capacity and destruction mechanism of an intermediate anchorage steel plate for pillar jib crane
PublicationPillar jib cranes are often mounted to existing floors with the use of an intermediate anchorage steel plate instead of using independent foundations, what is shown in the figure. Standards for steel design provide only basic rules for the design of such an intermediate plate. This study presents a simple design approach by using a numerical model in order to analyze different parameters that have significant influence in the anchorage...
Metabolic activity of tree saps of different origin towards cultured human cells in the light of grade correspondence analysis and multiple regression modeling
PublicationTree saps are nourishing biological media commonly used for beverage and syrup production. Although the nutritional aspect of tree saps is widely acknowledged, the exact relationship between the sap composition, origin, and effect on the metabolic rate of human cells is still elusive. Thus, we collected saps from seven different tree species and conducted composition-activity analysis. Saps from trees of Betulaceae, but not from...
Segmentation of Coffee Consumers Using Sustainable Values: Cluster Analysis
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Design analysis of Tesla micro-turbine operating on a low-boiling medium
PublicationThis paper presents results of the design analysis of a Tesla bladeless turbine intended for a co-generating micro-power plantof heat capacity 20 kW, which operates in an organic Rankine cycle on a low-boiling medium. Numerical calculations of flowin several Tesla turbine models were performed for a range of design parameters. Results of investigations exhibit interestingfeatures in the distribution of flow parameters within the...
Numerical Analysis of a Steel Frame Building with Soft-storey Failure under Ground Motion Excitation
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to show the results of a numerical analysis focused on the behaviour of multi-storey steel frame building that suffers from a soft-storey failure under ground motion excitation. A numerical model of the structure was created in FEM computer software and was exposed to an impact that would have been generated after a soft-storey failure due to falling of the upper floors. During the analysis, the whole structure...
Wireless Charging Station Design for Electric Scooters: Case Study Analysis
PublicationThis study proposes an example of a wireless charging station design for a small-scale vehicle available on the market. The article analyzes basic transmitter inverter topologies and their compensation methods in terms of flexibility of control, tolerance to uncertainty in positioning, and the possibility of decreasing the integration price. Our comprehensive analysis focuses on the battery voltage range, energy capacity, cost,...
Stan graniczny nośności dźwigara żelbetowego mostu na zginanie według norm PN-EN 1992-2 oraz PN-S-10042:1991
PublicationPraca włącza się w bogaty w ostatnich latach w krajowym piśmiennictwie nurt porównań dwóch generacji norm projektowania mostów z betonu: polskiej - wycofanej, aczkolwiek powszechnie stosowanej oraz europejskiej – wciąż jeszcze wdrażanej do praktyki projektowej. Nowością w stosunku do dotychczasowych publikacji polskich jest szersze ujęcie różnic pomiędzy obydwiema generacjami norm. Poza rozpatrywanymi przez wielu autorów różnicami...
Simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical columns
PublicationIn the paper a simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos composed of corru¬gated walls and vertical open-sectional columns was proposed. The whole 3D silo was modeled as a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls. In proposed formula for the calculation of the foundation stiffness the curvature of the silo walls was taken into account. Three different analyses were carried out using...
Foundations of Capital Market Analysis
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Foundations of Capital Market Analysis
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Polarization rotaror - analysis and design
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę analizy wielosekcyjnego polaryzatora złożonego z periodycznych szyków obiektów cylindrycznych. W celu analizy badanej struktury zastosowano metodę pełnofalową opartą na metodzie dopasowania rodzajów.
Sequential Analysis-Design Methods and Applications
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Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank with Self-Supported Roof through Numerical Analysis
PublicationThe safety of civil engineering structures is one of the most important issues of building industry. That is why the assessment of the damage-involved structural response has recently become of major concern to engineers. Among a number of different approaches to diagnosis of damage, the method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is considered to be one of the most effective indicators of global damage. From the practical...
PublicationSteel materials, due to their numerous advantages - high availability, easiness of processing and possibility of almost any shaping are commonly applied in construction for carrying out basic carrier systems and auxiliary structures. However, the major disadvantage of this material is its high corrosion susceptibility, which depends strictly on the local conditions of the facility and the applied type of corrosion protection system....
Mechanical and structural behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel pad welded by underwater wet welding conditions
PublicationThe aim of the paper was to determine the metallurgical and mechanical behaviors of a high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel pad-welded specimen used in the structures of industrial and naval parts. Then to predict the metallurgical consequences (nature of the phases present) and the mechanical properties (hardness and impact strength) of the pad-welded steel obtained by underwater wet welding with different heat input values. The...
Statistical analysis and robust design of circularly polarized antennas using sequential approximate optimization
PublicationIn the paper, reliable yield estimation and tolerance-aware design optimization of circular polarization (CP) antennas is discussed. We exploit auxiliary kriging interpolation models established in the vicinity of the nominal design in order to speed up the process of statistical analysis of the antenna structure at hand. Sequential approximate optimization is then applied to carry out robust design of the antenna, here, oriented...