total: 6268
- Publications 4368 available results
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- Open Research Data 1576 available results
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Rengel Cane Sia Doctoral Candidate
PeopleI'm Rengel, born and raised in the Philippines. As an undergraduate I did kinetic modeling on Copper-catalyzed atom transfer radical addition (ATRA). Then I was inspired to do both theoretical and experimental studies, which led me to propose my master's thesis on Synthesis, Computational, Electrochemical, and Photoconductivity Studies on Naphthalene and its derivatives. This led to a master's degree in Chemistry in the Mindanao...
Predicting creep failure life in adhesive-bonded single-lap joints using machine learning
PublicationAccurately predicting the creep failure life of adhesive joints, particularly single-lap adhesive joints (SLAJs), remains still a significant challenge, requiring substantial time and resources and the ability to predict the duration of creep failure in SLAJs is critical to ensuring structural integrity and reducing the failure of creep-prone adhesive joints. In this study, machine learning (ML) was used to identify the critical...
PublicationThe article presents a continuation of research carried out concerning identification of energy consequences of mechanical fatigue within a propeller shaft in a rotating mechanical system, while working under conditions of the loss of the required alignment of shaft lines. Experimental research was carried out on a physical model reflecting a full-sized real object: i.e., the propulsion system of the ship. It is proven, by means...
Assessment of Environmental Loads in the Life Cycle of a Retail and Service Building
PublicationIn order to achieve the European Union’s climate and energy goals, investments are required, mainly in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and infrastructure. Buildings are responsible for almost half of total energy consumption, and nearly 80% of them are energy and ecologically inefficient. The policy of European countries is increasingly more focused on facilities with the highest potential in the areas...
Influence of pitting corrosion on fatigue and corrosion fatigue of ship structures. Part I: pitting corrosion of ship structures.
PublicationThe paper is a literature survey focused on pitting corrosion and its influence on fatigue of ship and offshore steels. Mechanisms of short- and long-term pitting corrosion in marine environment have been described including pit nucleation and growth phases. Some models of pit growth versus time of exposure have been presented. Some factors which influence the pit growth have been discussed briefly.
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Neurobiology of Stress
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Cell Stress
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Chronic Stress
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Piotr Szczuko dr hab. inż.
PeoplePiotr Szczuko received his M.Sc. degree in 2002. His thesis was dedicated to examination of correlation phenomena between perception of sound and vision for surround sound and digital image. He finished Ph.D. studies in 2007 and one year later completed a dissertation "Application of Fuzzy Rules in Computer Character Animation" that received award of Prime Minister of Poland. His interests include: processing of audio and video, computer...
Work-life balance i nie tylko
e-Learning Courses -
On nonlinear dilatational strain gradient elasticity
PublicationWe call nonlinear dilatational strain gradient elasticity the theory in which the specific class of dilatational second gradient continua is considered: those whose deformation energy depends, in an objective way, on the gradient of placement and on the gradient of the determinant of the gradient of placement. It is an interesting particular case of complete Toupin–Mindlin nonlinear strain gradient elasticity: indeed, in it, the...
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
Journals -
Modification of the operating point of residual current transformers for high frequency earth fault currents detection
PublicationFor protection against electric shock in low voltage systems residual current devices are commonly used. However, their proper operation can be interfered when earth fault current with high frequency components occurs. Serious hazard of electrocution exists then. One of the most important element of residual current devices is a residual current transformer with iron core. Tripping characteristic of residual current devices strictly...
Behavior of residual current devices at frequencies up to 50 kHz
PublicationThe use of residual current devices (RCDs) is obligatory in many types of low-voltage circuits. They are devices that ensure protection against electric shock in the case of indirect contact and may ensure additional protection in the case of direct contact. For the latter purpose of protection, only RCDs of a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA are suitable. Unfortunately, modem current-using equipment supplied...
PublicationMastic containing asphalt in its composition is an example of a viscoelastic material. It is an effective binder in asphalt. It consists of a filler (<0.063 mm) and asphalt mixed in the right proportions. Just like in asphalt, its response depends on the temperature level, the load and stress time. Changing the stress stiffness of the mastic affects the non-linear course of the stress-strain relationship. Modelling of the non-linear...
Fatigue Bending of V-Notched Cold-Sprayed FeCoCrNiMn Coatings
PublicationCold-spray coatings were produced by FeCoCrNiMn high-entropy alloy powders deposited on carbon steel substrate. The coatings were realized at intermediate temperature and high pressure (at 1100 °C and 7 MPa). The coating microstructure was characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, revealing a very dense deposition and high flattening ratio of the splatted particles. This had a large influence on the...
Verification of safety in low-voltage power systems without nuisance tripping of residual current devices
PublicationLow-voltage power systems require initial and periodical verification to check the effectiveness of protection against electric shock. As a protection in case of fault, automatic disconnection of supply is most often used. To verify such a protection measure, the earth fault loop impedance or resistance is measured. This measurement is easy to perform in circuits without residual current devices. When residual current devices are...
Evaluation of applicability of classic methods of a fault loop impedance measurement to circuits with residual current devices
PublicationMeasurement of fault loop impedance in low voltage grids and systems is in most cases performed to verify the effectiveness of protection against electric shock by automatic disconnection of supply. For the sake of measurement accuracy, it is advisable to perform it using large current. Unfortunately, in circuits with residual current devices which are very widely used nowadays, a large measurement current may trigger those devices...
Behavior of residual current devices at earth fault currents with DC component
PublicationLow-voltage electrical installations are increasingly saturated with power electronic converters. Due to very high popularity of photovoltaic (PV) installations and the spread of electric vehicles (EV) as well as their charging installations, DC–AC and AC–DC converters are often found in power systems. The transformerless coupling of AC and DC systems via power electronic converters means that an electrical installation containing...
On the Application of Magnetoacoustic Emission for a Nondestructive Assessment of the Post Welding Heat Treatment of High Chromium Steel Weld Seams
PublicationThe paper analyses the possibility of post weld heat treatment (PWHT) quality assessment with the help of magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signal measurements. Two welded superheater tubes, made of high chromium VM12 steel, were analysed—as welded and heat treated one. The analysed sample in the as welded state exhibited significantly higher hardness, accompanied by a big difference in the MAE signal intensity (of order of about...
Operational causes of fatigue failures within the passages of gas turbine engines
PublicationThe short profile of a fatigue wear process of gas turbine engine's constructional elements has been introduced in the article. The primary causes of a fatigue cracks formation within the mechanical system as well as within the passages of the engine have been showed. Especial attention was devoted to the low-cycle fatigue, what is associated with unsteady thermal-flow processes being worked out in the passages.The selected damages...
Effect of non-zero mean stress bending-torsion fatigue on fracture surface parameters of 34CrNiMo6 steel notched bars
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The stress and strain distribution in X10CrMoVNb9-1 power engineering steel after long time degradation studied by the ESPI system
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Treatment of Hypertension in Patients 80 Years of Age or Older
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The Possibilities of Improving the Fatigue Durabilityof the Ship Propeller Shaft by Burnishing Process
PublicationHeavily loaded structural elements operating in a corrosive environment are usuallyquickly destroyed. An example of such an element is a ship propeller operating in a seawaterenvironment. This research presents a fatigue resistance test performed on elements operating inseawater. Different processing parameters applied on the samples in particular were compared withthe specimens whose surface had been burnished differently and...
Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Mild Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Components: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses
PublicationWire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is an additive manufacturing process based on the arc welding process in which wire is melted by an electric arc and deposited layer by layer. Due to the cost and rate benefits over powder-based additive manufacturing technologies and other alternative heat sources such as laser and electron beams, the process is currently receiving much attention in the industrial production sector. The gas...
Experimental verification of a new method of loop resistance testing in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublicationA periodical verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock shall be performed in low voltage systems. The scope of this verification includes loop impedance/resistance testing. If a residual current device is installed in a tested circuit, this testing is problematic. A residual current device trips out during the test, because of the high value of measurement current. This precludes the execution of the...
Work–life balance: Does age matter?
PublicationWork-life balance is a priority of EU policies but at the same time demographic change affects the labour market. Employers have to deal with the ageing of their employees and adjust human resource management to maintain their competitiveness. The purpose of the article is to answer research questions: whether the age of workers determines their assessment of the work-life balance, and whether there is a relationship between the...
A new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublicationThis paper presents a new method of fault loop resistance measurement in low voltage systems with residual current devices. The method enables measuring fault loop resistance without nuisance tripping of residual current devices, by application an unconventional waveform of measurement current. It is important for proper verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock.
Life Cycle Assessment of Analytical Protocols
PublicationLife cycle assessment is a relatively new tool for environmental management, which is becoming more and more important owing to the globalization of the world economy, where there is a need to develop standards in protecting the environment
Comparison of residual current devices tripping characteristics for selected residual current waveforms
PublicationZgodnie z normami międzynarodowymi, w instalacjach o zwiększonym ryzyku porażenia prądem elektrycznym należy stosować wyłączniki różnicowoprądowe wysokoczułe. Dla zapewnienia skutecznej ochrony przeciwporażeniowej zainstalowany wyłącznik różnicowoprądowy powinien prawidłowo wykrywać określony kształt prądu różnicowego. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystyki działania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych przy wybranych przebiegach odkształconego...
Examination of advanced isotropic constitutive laws under complex stress states in plain and reinforced concrete specimens
PublicationThe performance of advanced isotropic constitutive laws under complex stress states in plain and reinforced concrete specimens is investigated. Three different formulations are chosen: original Mazars model, Mazars mi model and model proposed by Pereira and coworkers. The degradation of the material in all formulations is described via a single variable, but a strain/stress state is taken into account via quite sophisticated relationships....
Physical Activity, Life Satisfaction, Stress Perception and Coping Strategies of University Students in Belarus during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Driver fatigue detection method based on facial image analysis
PublicationNowadays, ensuring road safety is a crucial issue that demands continuous development and measures to minimize the risk of accidents. This paper presents the development of a driver fatigue detection method based on the analysis of facial images. To monitor the driver's condition in real-time, a video camera was used. The method of detection is based on analyzing facial features related to the mouth area and eyes, such as...
Weak Solutions within the Gradient-Incomplete Strain-Gradient Elasticity
PublicationIn this paper we consider existence and uniqueness of the three-dimensional static boundary-value problems in the framework of so-called gradient-incomplete strain-gradient elasticity. We call the strain-gradient elasticity model gradient-incomplete such model where the considered strain energy density depends on displacements and only on some specific partial derivatives of displacements of first- and second-order. Such models...
The method of measuring the energy pass-band of a communication receiver
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę wyznaczania energetycznego pasma odbiornika radiokomunikacyjnego na podstawie charakterystyki gęstości widmowej mocy szumów własnych na wyjściu odbiornika. Podano numeryczny estymator tego pasma. Wyprowadzono zależności na złożoną niepewność standardową wyznaczania szerokości pasma energetycznego odbiornika.
Effect of Overloaded Vehicles on Whole Life Cycle Cost of Flexible Pavements
PublicationThe phenomenon of vehicle overloading—illegal exceeding of maximum legal weight of vehicles, is a serious problem both in developing and developed countries around the world. Overloaded vehicles occur less frequently in comparison to properly loaded vehicles but due to their greater potential to cause damage they significantly contribute to distress of pavement structure. As studies show, the number of overloaded vehicles increases...
A 0.5 V Nanowatt Biquadratic Low-Pass Filter with Tunable Quality Factor for Electronic Cochlea Applications
PublicationA novel implementation of an analogue low-power, second-order, low-pass filter with tunable quality factor (Q) is presented and discussed. The filter feature is a relatively simple, buffer-based, circuit network consisting of eleven transistors operating in a subthreshold region. Q tuning is accomplished by injecting direct current into a network node, which changes the output resistance of the transistors and, as a result, modifies...
Discovering the mechanisms of strain-dependent response of Staphylococcus aureus to photoinactivation: Oxidative stress toleration, endogenous porphyrin level and strain's virulence
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Efficacy of coping with work-related stress by firemen
PublicationThe aim of this study was efficacy of coping with work-related stress by firemen with reference to subjective health evaluation. Theoretical model of process of stress by Lazarus was applied. The group consistent of 230 line-duty firemen. Participation in traumatic events and sense of coherence both directly and indirectly, by stress, affected the health among firemen. In stress confrontation a wider array of task and emotional...
An image processing approach for fatigue crack identification in cellulose acetate replicas
PublicationThe cellulose acetate replication technique is an important method for studying material fatigue. However, extracting accurate information from pictures of cellulose replicas poses challenges because of distortions and numerous artifacts. This paper presents an image processing procedure for effective fatigue crack identification in plastic replicas. The approach employs thresholding, adaptive Gaussian thresholding, and Otsu binarization...
Thermal and Electrodynamic Risk of Residual Current Devices in the Case of Back-Up Protection by Overcurrent Circuit Breakers
PublicationResidual current operated circuit breakers without integral overcurrent protection should be back-up protected. As back-up protection devices, overcurrent circuit breakers are used. The maximum let-through energy and let-through current of the overcurrent devices were evaluated under laboratory conditions. The thermal and electrodynamic risk of residual current devices was analyzed.
Gauge-invariant theory of the Meissner effect in the lattice model of a superconductor with local pairing
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Impact of Brake Wear Particles on Eukaryotic Cell Viability and Associated Oxidative Stress Responses
PublicationIn this study, the cytotoxic effects of brake wear particles (≥250 nm ceramic/ceramic wear particles (CCWPs) and ≤100 nm ceramic/steel wear particles (CSWPs)) and 100 nm iron (III) oxide ultrafine particles (IOUFPs) on human lung carcinoma (A549) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were investigated. Cell viability was determined using the MTT and Calcein AM methods. Oxidative stress was assessed by measuring reactive oxygen...
Is Easy Access Related to Better Life? Walkability and Overlapping of Personal and Communal Identity as Predictors of Quality of Life
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Marek Pszczoła dr hab. inż.
PeopleI am a Faculty member (Department of Highway and Transportation Engineering) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland). My main research interests include: low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures, low temperature cracking assessment of pavement structures, road materials properties, thermal stress analysis, design of pavement structures, airfield design and analysis....
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Dislocation Density of AA6082 Butt Welds Produced by Friction Sir Welding
PublicationThe Friction Stir Welding (FSW) method was employed to join AA6082 sheets. The welds were produced with different tool traverse speed (200 and 250 mm/min), rotational speed (1000 and 1250 RPM) and tool tilt angle (0 and 2 deg). Based on the analysis of XRD patterns, the total precipitation volume fractions in the nugget zones and the base material were calculated. The FSW process resulted in a reduction in the fraction of precipitates...
Application of the Mathar method to identify internal stress variation in steel as a welding process result
PublicationThe paper deals with the method to identify internal stresses in two-dimensional steel members. Steel members were investigated in the delivery stage and after assembly, by means of electric-arc welding. In order to perform the member assessment two methods to identify the stress variation were applied. The first is a non-destructive measurement method employing local external magnetic field and to detecting the induced voltage,...
Life expectancy and GDP per capita in selected countries (selected years)
Open Research DataThe dataset presents information on life expectancy in selected countries in 10-year periods. The list covers the years 1950-2020. The dataset also includes GDP values per capita in a given country in the years studied.