Search results for: ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Mechanics II, W/C, ZiIP, sem. 03, zima 23/24 (PG_00055119)

    e-Learning Courses
    • O. Nosko

    The course provides students with basic knowledge of Classical Mechanics. Terms, assumptions, principles and methods of Statics, Kinematics and Kinetics are treated. General methods based on the principles of conservation of momentum and energy are considered for a particle, a body and a system of bodies. The main emphasis is on the development of skills to efficiently schematise, solve and analyse typical problems.

  • Mechanics I, W/C, ZiIP, sem. 02, lato 23/24 (PG_00050273)

    e-Learning Courses
    • O. Nosko

    The course provides students with basic knowledge of Classical Mechanics. Terms, assumptions, principles and methods of Statics, Kinematics and Kinetics are treated. General methods based on the principles of conservation of momentum and energy are considered for a particle, a body and a system of bodies. The main emphasis is on the development of skills to efficiently schematise, solve and analyse typical problems.

  • Mechanics II, W/C, ZiIP, sem. 03, zima 24/25 (PG_00055119)

    e-Learning Courses
    • O. Nosko

    The course provides students with basic knowledge of Classical Mechanics. Terms, assumptions, principles and methods of Statics, Kinematics and Kinetics are treated. General methods based on the principles of conservation of momentum and energy are considered for a particle, a body and a system of bodies. The main emphasis is on the development of skills to efficiently schematise, solve and analyse typical problems.


    Poczucie samoskuteczności w sposób istotny wpływa na zachowanie ludzi sprawiając, że stają się oni bardziej wytrwali w działaniu i stawiają sobie ambitne cele. Poczucie samoskuteczności powstaje pod wpływem doświadczeń jednostki, a jego poziom jest możliwy do kształtowania. Zdaniem Bandury (1997) istnieją cztery źródła poczucia samoskuteczności, czyli poprzednie doświadczenie, pobudzenie fizjologiczne, obserwacja innych oraz perswazja....

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    - Year 2016

    The investigation used the Add Health data set to examine the association between communities’ composition with respect to race and participation in extracurricular school activities in secondary education. Results of this analysis show that the composition of adolescents’ communities matters for individuals’ participation outcomes in extracurricular school activities. The results find further support in previous research connecting...

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  • Machine Learning Techniques in Concrete Mix Design


    Concrete mix design is a complex and multistage process in which we try to find the best composition of ingredients to create good performing concrete. In contemporary literature, as well as in state-of-the-art corporate practice, there are some methods of concrete mix design, from which the most popular are methods derived from The Three Equation Method. One of the most important features of concrete is compressive strength, which...

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    This article presents aspects of the cooperation between university and the company, on the example of Polish technical universities, which educate students, in the field of geodesy and cartography (among many others. Nowadays scientific development is one of the most important elements affecting the economy of the country. This involves continuous contact between the two parties, the business community and the scientific societies....

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  • Does technology matter for economic development? Empirical evidence for Latin American Countries


    - Year 2014

    The spread of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been recognized worldwide. ICTs are broadly perceived as tools facilitating economic growth and development, especially in backward countries. They are easy and cheap to adopt, require minimum skills for effective use, and bring opportunities for disadvantaged societies. They enable education, knowledge dissemination and sharing, and processing and storing...

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  • 1 - E-TECH: Online education in practice for teachers. Foundations

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Guzik
    • K. Dytrych

    This module has been designed to help teachers to get the very best out of online learning education. We've created it to support many aspects of your learning online. The aim is to provide skills to create and engage with your teaching materials online. After completion the course you can download your Certifacte. 

  • Zarzadzanie ryzykiem jako wymiar strategicznego i przedsiębiorczego podejścia do zarządzania małym i srednim przedsiębiorstwem


    Jedną z wielu przyczyn niepowodzenia ekonomicznego małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw jest niezrozumienie lub niewłaściwe rozumienie kwestii zarządzania ryzykiem. Ryzyko w wielu wymiarach sprzężone jest z procesem przedsiębiorczym. Zarządzanie nim wymaga dostrzegania okazji, umiejętności wykorzystywania zagrożeń jako szans oraz dynamicznej odpowiedzi na zmiany w otoczeniu i w samej organizacji. Sposób podej- ścia do zarządzania...

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  • Experience based knowledge representation for Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems with case studies


    Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things have grown significant attention from industry and academia during the past decade. The main reason behind this interest is the capabilities of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they appear as seamlessly integrating classical networks, networked objects and people to create more efficient environments. However, enhancing these technologies with intelligent skills becomes...

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  • Vernacular and neovernacular architecture without a user. Wooden catholic churches in the vicinity of brody in Ukraine.


    One of the basic theoretical postulates for the protection of monuments is to preserve them in the place of their creation. However, such action is not always possible to implement. The great historical processes of the 20th century led to significant national, political, religious and cultural changes in the border areas between Poland and Ukraine. As a result of those changes, a large number of wooden churches have lost their...

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  • Wisdom in the context of globalization and civilization


    - Year 2019

    The book seeks to answer the question - what is wisdom and how should it be used in everyday life? A model of wisdom is presented in which wisdom describes three attributes: knowledge, qualifications (skills) and inspirations leading to consciously controlled processes of correct assessment of the situation and the correct choice of solution options in the context of the art of living. For each attribute, we can specify a set of...

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  • Just Let Me Think: Designing Against Acquired Illiteracy.


    - Year 2014

    This article concerns the relatively new problem of illiteracy relating to persons previously being literate, which is caused by too intensive using of so-called digital media (TV, computers, tablets, smartphones, e-book readers, portable media players, etc.). The problem has been observed for several years mainly in countries with high economic and technological development. The widespread use of digital media and the ease of...

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  • Professional activity and women entrepreneurship in Poland – Europe 2020 Strategy perspective


    - Year 2013

    The level of economic activity of women in Poland is the lowest among Baltic Sea Region countries. The analysis of Europe 2020 targets, shows that at least 3 of the 5 main objectives relate, more or less, to women (e.g. participation in labor market). The objective concerning social inclusion assumes the increase in the employment rate of men and women (aged 20-64) in Poland up to 71%. To achieve this goal, support programs to...

  • Building Confidence and Trust in Ireland's National Maternity Services Workforce –What matters most and how?

    • A. Ojo
    • N. Rizun
    • G. S. Grace
    • W. Przychodzen
    • M. Isazad Mashinchi
    • C. Foley
    • D. Rohde

    - HEALTH POLICY - Year 2023

    National surveys on care experiences are increasingly adopted as regulatory mechanisms for improving care quality and increasing public trust in healthcare services. Based on data collected as part of Ireland's 2020 National Maternity Experience Survey, this study investigates care-related factors that contribute most to confidence and trust in the professional workforce (or carers) within Irish maternity services. The survey covered...

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  • Platforma aktywnego nauczania dla zwiększenia poziomu umiejętności techników i inżynierów


    Przemysł 4.0 całkowicie przekształca sektor wytwórczy w Unii Europejskiej wprowadzając zasady cyfryzacji procesów przemysłowych. W rezultacie, nowe cyber-fizyczne systemy produkcyjne wywierają ogromny wpływ na siłę roboczą, a zwłaszcza na techników i inżynierów. Systemy te wymagają nowych hybrydowych zespołów "człowiek – maszyna", w których technicy i inżynierowie powinni umieć analizować zbiory danych Big Data, tworzyć symulacje...

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  • Motyw autonomii a oczekiwany i faktyczny poziom satysfakcji z prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej

    Motyw autonomii jest niejednokrotnie wskazywany jako jeden z istotniejszych czynników skłaniających ludzi do założenia własnej działalności gospodarczej, choć nie dla każdego przedsiębiorcy jest równie ważny. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w grupie początkujących przedsiębiorców. Osoby deklarujące kierowanie się motywem autonomii oczekiwały, że uzyskają wyższy poziom satysfakcji po roku prowadzenia działalności...

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  • Zarządzanie wiedzą w małych przedsiębiorstwach oferujących wiedzochłonne usługi biznesowe

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie praktyk zarządzania wiedzą oraz czynników wpływających na sukces, bądź porażkę w ich wdrażaniu na podstawie badania jakościowego przeprowadzonego w trzech firmach działających na terenie województwa pomorskiego. Firmy te należą do sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw oraz oferują wiedzochłonne usługi biznesowe (knowledge-intensive business services – KIBS). W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi...

  • Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication Group Work 24/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Dziwisz-Olszak

    The main objective of this coure is to search information on a given topic. On this course students have to present their opinions on a specific topic in the form of a multimedia presentation. Classes are designed to improve the skills of public speaking and to acquire basic knowledge about verbal and nonverbal communication, speeches principles (rhetoric), statement ethics, the rules of disscusion, the basics of good manners....

  • Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication Group Work, PG_00041985

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Dziwisz-Olszak

    The main objective of this coure is to search information on a given topic. On this course students have to present their opinions on a specific topic in the form of a multimedia presentation. Classes are designed to improve the skills of public speaking and to acquire basic knowledge about verbal and nonverbal communication, speeches principles (rhetoric), statement ethics, the rules of disscusion, the basics of good manners....

  • Hussein Annan


    PhD candidate in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Gdansk University of Technology, with a background in Surveying Engineering. I use GIS to manage, visualize, and analyze spatial data. My philosophy focuses on holistic approaches to sustainable development and good governance.I am skilled in geoprocessing, surveying, and GIS software (ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Google Earth, Global Mapper, SketchUp, Erdas)....



    Crowdfunding recently became a very popular way of funding, which allows funding almost everything, from minor personal projects to expensive commercial ones, as long as we can find investors. It may also be a new opportunity for entrepreneurial researchers, who may attract capital investment in companies that are promised to own developed technologies. Social financing of science is well suited to reduce some of the biggest problems...

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  • Urban Mentoring as a new polish management technique in participatory planning


    A decade of experience in implementation of numerous urban modernization projects in Poland resulted in a lively debate on socialization of the planning process, in which the matter of the public space quality has become the center of gravity. In those years, transformation from the classic administrative model of „bureaucracy planning” to the model of „management planning” has not been complete. The socialist primacy of the public...

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  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, BSc Arch (2024/25)

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Cyparski

    The programme will provide students with a solid grounding in BIM (Building Information Modelling) using Autodesk's Revit Architecture. Students will review the advanced features of Revit for Architecture, a tool to support BIM (Building Information Modelling) and delivery of 3D digital models and related documentation. The lesson plans will specifically introduce students to common workflows and problem-solving skills while creating...

  • Mechanics of materials (PG_00057378), W/Ć, BM, II stop., sem1,3, lato, 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Rozmarynowski
    • P. M. Bielski

    The aim of this course is providing knowledge in the field of analysis and solving problems of mechanics and strength of one-dimensional systems (bars, beams, frames) and selected two-dimensional systems (shields, plates); preparing the student to solve problems involving complex cases of material strength; developing the ability to assess the stability of structural elements (forms of stability loss, critical forces); consolidation...

  • Dagmara Lisman PhD


    Scientist, biologist, forensic geneticist. She completed her master's studies at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, at the Faculty of Biology, and obtained a doctoral degree in forensic genetics at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. Currently, he works as an assistant at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the same university. Her research, conducted at the Department of Forensic Genetics at...

  • Bariery rozwoju przedsiębiorczości – analiza retrospektywna i porównawcza z innymi krajami Europy

    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena retrospektywna zmian w tym okresie, w zakresie opinii przedsiębiorców dotyczących najistotniejszych przeszkód w podejmowaniu i prowadzeniu działalności, oraz dokonanie analizy porównawczej z podobnymi badaniami, w innych krajach Europy, w celu wskazania, czy i w jakim zakresie różnią się te bariery w innych gospodarkach oraz czy są one również postrzegane w podobnym stopniu przez polskie środowisko...

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  • Functional specialisation and economic upgrading in GVCs

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset collected for selected Central Eastern European (CEE) countries (CZE, EST, HUN, LVA, LTU, POL, SVK, SVN) contains country-level and sector-level observations for the project implementation linked to the concept of functional specialization of economies. The aim of the project is to identify patterns of functional specialisation in global...

  • Exploring the preferences of Polish EFL teachers towards the accents of English

    This language attitudes study investigates the preferences of EFL (English as a foreign language) teachers from Poland towards the accents of English they speak and teach. Despite the substantial amount of research on EFL learners, little has been done to investigate the impact of preferences of Polish teachers for different variations of English language on their...

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  • Altruists will be altruists, but what about individualists? The role of future time perspective and social value orientation in volunteers’ declarations to continue engagement in three time horizons


    - Voluntas - Year 2023

    Volunteering involves caring for the outcomes of others and typically long-term orientation so that one can achieve goals that are not always clearly visible in the short term. As with any activity, volunteering attracts people of different social value orientations – some rather individualistic, some rather altruistic. The aim of the study was to find out whether the future time perspective, which promotes thinking about future...

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  • The issues of participation in didactics of design. Case studies


    This article seeks to present and assess the usefulness of didactic methods aimed at preparing future architects for their role in the process of social participation. The article focuses on [a] a general overview of selected participation methods and tools, along with the examples of their application in the context of spatial management in Poland; [b] an overview of teaching methods used with a view to enhancing participation...

  • Value of Age Diversity – Declarations and Practice in Polish Organizations

    The present article relates to management of age diverse teams in organisations and enterprises located in Poland. Managing diversity is an active and conscious process leading not only to a lack of discriminatory conduct but above all to making full use of the potential of the team. The potential resulting from the diversity of knowledge, skills and experience. The diversity of the age of the team members is in fact a differentiation...

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  • Knowledge Sharing and Dynamic Capabilities: Does Gender Matter?


    Knowledge sharing in organizations is a focal process leading to organizational adaptability and sustainable growth. Dynamic capabilities development is critical for this. Diversity, inclusive culture, and gender balance are seen as factors that also support organizations' development. The question of the role of gender in sharing and using knowledge to initiate change in organizations remains open. This study aims to fill this...

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  • COVID-19 and digital deprivation in Poland


    Research background: The problem of digital deprivation is already known, but the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted its negative consequences. A global change in the way of life, work and socialisation resulting from the epidemic has indicated that a basic level of digital integration is becoming necessary. During the lockdown, people were forced to use ICTs to adapt to a rapidly changing reality. Current experience with coronavirus...

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  • Strategic Flexibility as a Mediator in Relationship between Managerial Decisions and Organizational Learning: Ambidexterity Perspective


    - European Research Studies Journal - Year 2020

    Purpose: The purpose of the article is to determine strategic flexibility in the relationship between managerial decisions and organizational learning. The analyses are conducted in the ambidexterity convection. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted at a textile company. The company is a leader in the textile recycling industry in Poland. Empirical data were collected using the PAPI technique. The survey questionnaire...

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  • Tool Wear Monitoring Using Improved Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm and Deep Belief Network

    • L. Gertrude David
    • R. Kumar Patra
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski
    • P. Bidare Divakarachari
    • L. J. Antony Marcilin

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2022

    In recent decades, tool wear monitoring has played a crucial role in the improvement of industrial production quality and efficiency. In the machining process, it is important to predict both tool cost and life, and to reduce the equipment downtime. The conventional methods need enormous quantities of human resources and expert skills to achieve precise tool wear information. To automatically identify the tool wear types, deep...

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  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, MSc Arch (2022/2023)

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Cyparski

    The programme will provide students with a solid grounding in BIM (Building Information Modelling) using Autodesks Revit Architecture. Students will review the advanced features of Revit for Architecture, a tool to support BIM (Building Information Modelling) and delivery of 3D digital models and related documentation. The lesson plans will specifically introduce students to common workflows and problem-solving skills while creating...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, BSc Arch (2023-24)

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Cyparski

    The programme will provide students with a solid grounding in BIM (Building Information Modelling) using Autodesks Revit Architecture. Students will review the advanced features of Revit for Architecture, a tool to support BIM (Building Information Modelling) and delivery of 3D digital models and related documentation. The lesson plans will specifically introduce students to common workflows and problem-solving skills while creating...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, BSc Arch (2024/25)

    e-Learning Courses

    The programme will provide students with a solid grounding in BIM (Building Information Modelling) using Autodesk's Revit Architecture. Students will review the advanced features of Revit for Architecture, a tool to support BIM (Building Information Modelling) and delivery of 3D digital models and related documentation. The lesson plans will specifically introduce students to common workflows and problem-solving skills while creating...

  • Wykorzystanie e-narzędzi w nauczaniu, egzaminacji i certyfikacji Autodesk

    Autoryzowane Centrum Szkolenia Autodesk Politechniki Gdańskiej zostało założone w 1995 roku. Stanowiło odpowiedź na rosnące zainteresowanie zdobywaniem umiejętności obsługi oprogramowania typu CAD wśród studentów i młodych inżynierów. Rosnące zainteresowanie zaowocowało stopniowym wdrażaniem kolejnych narzędzi e-learningowych. Wraz ze zdobyciem statusu Autoryzowanego Akademickiego Partnera Autodesk w 2016 roku pojawiły się nowe...

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  • Platforma edX - nowe podejście do kursów online

    Współczesne metody nauczania na odległość zmieniają się dynamicznie. Powstają światowe konsorcja podejmujące starania zapewnienia dostępu do edukacji na najwyższym poziomie z wykorzystaniem Internetu. Jedną z takich prób jest platforma edX. Jej rozwój zapoczątkowały niemal 2 lata temu MIT i Harvard. Obecnie zespół liczy już 30 uczelni z całego świata. Renoma ośrodków naukowych biorących udział w projekcie przyciągnęła już ponad...

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  • Intellectual brain drain and economic growth in developing countries: A theoretical solution of strategic compensation


    - Year 2021

    Brain drain is a real problem for the developing countries like Pakistan. It not only impacts theworkforce, but its effect eventually translates to economic growth as well. The most severe form of braindrain is intellectual as top tier skilled employees’ move out of the country. This study explores the issue ofintellectual brain drain in Pakistan moreover analyzes its severity to the economic growth. Finally,...

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    - Year 2018

    The following paper investigates the idea of reducing the human digital intervention to a minimum during the advanced design process. Augmenting the outcome attributes beyond the designer's capabilities by computational design methods, data collection, data computing and digital fabrication, altogether imitating the human design process. The primary technical goal of the research was verification of restrictions and abilities used...

  • Train the trainer course


    - Year 2018

    This chapter presents the concept, evaluation and evaluation results for the train the trainer. This concept of train the trainers is prepared within Workpackage 5 of EU-funded project: MASTER BSR (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme). Due to the nature of adult learning the content is designed for the use of participatory methods (involved, active). This method uses various techniques of active learning e.g. group work,...

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  • The KLC Cultures Synergy for Organizational Agility. Trust, Risk-Taking Attitude, and Critical Thinking as Moderators


    - Year 2024

    Organizational agility is visible in organizational change adaptability, and it is based on the development of dynamic capabilities, strategic sensitivity of leaders, accuracy and timing of decision-making, learning aptitude, flexibility in thinking and acting, and smooth resource flow across organizations, including the knowledge resource. In such a context, this study aimed to expose how the knowledge, learning, and collaboration...

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  • Instrument detection and pose estimation with rigid part mixtures model in video-assisted surgeries

    Localizing instrument parts in video-assisted surgeries is an attractive and open computer vision problem. A working algorithm would immediately find applications in computer-aided interventions in the operating theater. Knowing the location of tool parts could help virtually augment visual faculty of surgeons, assess skills of novice surgeons, and increase autonomy of surgical robots. A surgical tool varies in appearance due to...

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  • Spatial and Regional Planning Studies

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Haxhiaj
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    The course objective is to teach the basic, practical skills of planning for the architects. Three aspects of planning will be taught during the course: building control, regulatory planning and operational planning. The students will explore the role of planning in granting the building permissions, how to prepare the planning (zoning) regulations and finally what are urban design tools, which can be used to coordinate the development...

  • Modele mentalne przedsiębiorczości: wskaźniki efektuacyjne vs. kauzalne

    Głównym celem artykułu było stworzenie listy wskaźników diagnozujących model mentalny przedsiębiorczości. Zaprezentowano dwa podejścia do przedsiębiorczości: klasyczne podejście kauzalne, w którym przedsiębiorca koncentruje się na osiągnięciu celu wyznaczonego na samym początku oraz podejście efektuacyjne, w którym identyfikowaniu dostępnych zasobów i relacji towarzyszy poszukiwanie możliwości biznesowych i zmienność celów. Analiza...

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  • Odnowa modelu biznesu


    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań teoretycznych nad istotą odnowy strategicznej biznesu. Odnowę tę oparto na restauracji ciągu zarządzania strategicznego.

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