Water Footprint Assessment of Selected Polymers, Polymer Blends, Composites, and Biocomposites for Industrial Application
PublicationThis paper presents a water footprint assessment of polymers, polymer blends, composites, and biocomposites based on a standardized EUR-pallet case study. The water footprint analysis is based on life cycle assessment (LCA). The study investigates six variants of EUR-pallet production depending on the materials used. The system boundary included the production of each material and the injection molding to obtain a standardized...
Wireless multimodal localization sensor for industrial applications
PublicationThis paper presents the concept and design of a wireless multimodal localization sensor for hybrid localization systems combining vision-based, radio-based and inertial techniques in order to alleviate problems in harsh and complex industrial environments. It supports two radio technologies, 868 MHz UHF RFID and 2.4 GHz WSN, for positioning purposes and communications. The sensor includes LED light transmitters for vision-based...
Inverse Modeling and Optimization of CSRR-based Microwave Sensors for Industrial Applications
PublicationDesign optimization of multivariable resonators is a challenging topic in the area of microwave sensors for industrial applications. This paper proposes a novel methodology for rapid re-design and parameter tuning of complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs). Our approach involves inverse surrogate models established using pre-optimized resonator data as well as analytical correction techniques to enable rapid adjustment of geometry...
Functionalized polyolefins, synthesis application and industrial relevance
PublicationPolymers play a key role in our modern life full of technical advances and a continuous request for new materials with tailored properties for a low price. Their excellent mechanical properties, good processability, chemical stability and low price make polyolefins the polymers of choice for most commodity and some more specialized applications. As a result, polyolefins account for over 65% of the total world demand of plastic...
Neural nets application in diagnostics of industrial robots
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań nad możliwością zastosowania sztucznych sieci neuronowych w procesie diagnozowania stanu technicznego robotów przemysłowych z napędem elektrycznym. Omówiono proces projektowania sieci neuronowych, za pomocą których realizowano liniową predykcję zmian dokładności pozycjonowania jednokierunkowego robota IRB 6 powstających przy różnych obciążeniach i prędkościach manipulatora podczas pracy z celowo...
Application of industrial waste as a carbon source for biosurfactants production
PublicationBiosurfactants are natural surfactants produced by variety of microorganisms. They are very prospective product due to good biodegradability, low toxicity, good physicochemical properties and high efficiency in many applications. Moreover, they are efficient in wide range of pH, temperatures and salinity. However, the production of biosurfactants is very expensive due to high purification cost. This cost can be minimized by application...
Selected Aspect of IT Tools Application in Process Improvement in Industrial Laundry Services
PublicationThe laundry services sector in Poland is growing dynamically and currently has around 13,000 enterprises, mainly micro, small and medium size. The increasing competitiveness of this industry, causes more emphasis on solutions that can in-crease the efficiency of laundry processes and thereby strengthen the market position. One of the methods that can be used for this purpose is Lean Six Sigma, aided by specialized computer software....
A vector-enzymatic DNA fragment amplification-expression technology for construction of artificial, concatemeric DNA, RNA and proteins for novel biomaterials, biomedical and industrial applications
PublicationA DNA fragment amplification/expression technology for the production of new generation biomaterials for scientific, industrial and biomedical applications is described. The technology enables the formation of artificial Open Reading Frames (ORFs) encoding concatemeric RNAs and proteins. It recruits the Type IIS SapI restriction endonuclease (REase) for an assembling of DNA fragments in an ordered head-to-tail-orientation. The...
Application of Multi-layered Thresholding Based on Stack of Regions for Unevenly Illuminated Industrial Images
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On the possibility of the application of magnetoacoustic emission intensity measurements for the diagnosis of thick-walled objects in the industrial environment
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki pomiarów sygnału emisji magnetoakustycznej (EMA) wykonanych na obiektach grubościennych w środowisku przemysłowym oraz omawia możliwe sposoby jego dalszej analizy. Pomimo tego, ze bezpośredni pomiar sygnału EMA nie pozwala na określenie jego natężenia w artykule wykazano, że możliwa jest separacja użytecznego sygnału od szumów tła albo poprzez analogowe filtrowanie sprzętowe albo poprzez cyfrową analizę...
Wykorzystanie testu TOXALERT do oceny stanu wód powierzchniowych wokół zakładu przemysłowego. Application of the TOXALERT test to the evaluation of the state of surface waters arround an industrial plant
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania, których celem była próba oceny wpływu działalności gospodarczej prowadzonej przez zakład przerobu ropy naftowej na elektryczność wód powierzchniowych wokół zakładu. Badano także skuteczność procesu oczyszczania ścieków, powstających w związku z tą działalnością w przyzakładowej oczyszczalni. Toksyczność pobranych próbek wód oznaczano za pomocą testu bakteryjnego z zastosowaniem organizmów Vibrio fischeri....
ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications
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Immobilized biocatalysts - useful tool for industrial processes
PublicationThe main goal of biomaterials immobilization is the industrial re-use of them for many reaction cycles. However, application of this technolgoy for full commercialization requires more experiments in this field. In this study thermostable beta-galactosidases from Ptrococcus woesei and Meiothermus ruber were taken as model proteins immobilized in alginate gel.
Technological Considerations of Periodic Repair Works of Concrete Industrial Floors
PublicationConcrete floors are among the elements in construction facilities whose design requires engineering experience, workmanship requires the maintenance of a technological regime, while during their operation it is necessary to conduct periodic repairs. Concrete floors are most often used as working and communication space in industrial facilities, and very often they are also a functional element in objects that are immovable monuments....
Power Converter Solutions for Industrial PV Applications—A Review
Publication: As the use of photovoltaics becomes more widespread, new technologies for more efficient energy generation, transmission, and distribution based on power electronics converters are being developed. The most common applications are grid-on, energy storage, hybrid, and high voltage gain applications. These applications impose several additional requirements in the design of power converters associated with the solar battery’s maximum...
Carbon dioxide sequestration by industrial wastes through mineral carbonation: Current status and perspectives
PublicationMineral carbonation using natural minerals or industrial wastes is a safe and promising strategy for CO2 sequestration. Application of industrial wastes for this purpose has significant ecological and environmental value, which is one of the key green technologies in the global carbon mitigation. This review summarizes the current research status of CO2 mineralization by industrial wastes. This work surveys the mechanisms and capacities...
Determination of chlorinated solvents in industrial water and wastewater by DAI- GC-ECD
PublicationA very simple and quick analytical method, basedon direct aqueous injection, for determination of halogenatedsolvents in refinery water and wastewater, is described.There is a need to determine halogenated solvents in refinerywater streams, because they may originate from severalprocesses. There is also a need to develop methods enablingVOX to be determined in samples containing oil fractions.The method described enables simultaneous...
Evaluation of organic coating systems for corrosion protection of industrial equipment using impedance spectroscopy
PublicationThe high economic impact of corrosion can be reduced by enhanced corrosion management and prevention based on appropriate means. This applies in particular to the protection of structures with organic protective coatings. Steel is subject to corrosion that reduces its service life and leads to destruction in most severe cases. The application of paints to metallic objects for corrosion control has been known for a long time and...
Interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management based on multi-agent system
PublicationThis article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and the support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet. The approach integrates meteorological data and forecasts, air quality and emission monitoring, dynamic 3D simulation modelling and forecasting,...
Efficient removal of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) from industrial/military wastewater using anodic oxidation on boron-doped diamond electrodes
PublicationWith growing public concern about water quality particular focus should be placed on organic micropollutants, which are harmful to the environment and people. Hence, the objective of this research is to enhance the security and resilience of water resources by developing an efficient system for reclaiming industrial/military wastewater and protecting recipients from the toxic and cancerogenic explosive compound – 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene...
Theory of industrial clusters
PublicationW niniejszym rozdziale zostały przedstawione podstawy teoretyczne klastrów, a w szczególności stosowane definicje i klasyfikacje gron oraz determinanty ich rozwoju. Autorka wyjaśnia również zjawisko powstawania klastrów i przedstawia korzyści płynące ze współpracy w gronie. Obszerną część artykułu stanowi przegląd metod stosowanych w badaniach struktur klastrowych. Autorka zamieściła również charakterystyki wybranych regionów opartych...
A review on recent advances in the application of biosurfactants in wastewater treatment
PublicationMicroorganisms produce a variety of non-conventional surface-active molecules, known as biosurfactants. The biosurfactants find diverse applications in the oil industry, agriculture, emulsifiers, and wastewater treatment, to name a few. Since they are produced from microbes, advantages such as biodegradability, lower toxicity, and environmental compatibility can be leveraged compared to the chemical surfactants. Recently, biosurfactants...
PublicationChapter presents common causes of fires in industrial places
PublicationChapter presents different aspects of fire risk assessment in industrial sites
Approaching Secure Industrial Control Systems
PublicationThis study presents a systematic approach to secure industrial control systems based on establishing a business case followed by the development of a security programme. To support these two fundamental activities the authors propose a new method for security cost estimation and a security assessment scheme. In this study they explain the cost evaluation technique and illustrate with a case study concerning the assessment of the...
Design and construction of industrial floors
The ranks of Indonesian and Japanese industrial sectors
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to determine the ranks of Indonesian and Japanese industrial sectors from the economic point of view. The analysis period of this study is 2005. This study employs one of the well-known analysis tools in the economic topic, the Input-Output (IO) analysis. More specifically, this study uses the analysis methods in the IO analysis, backward and forward linkages, in order to achieve the purpose. The results...
The ranks of Indonesian and Japanese industrial sectors
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to determine the ranks of Indonesian and Japanese industrial sectors from the economic point of view. The analysis period of this study is 2005. This study employs one of the well-known analysis tools in the economic topic, the Input-Output (IO) analysis. More specifically, this study uses the analysis methods in the IO analysis, backward and forward linkages, in order to achieve the purpose. The results...
The labor market in industrial cluster analysis
PublicationThe paper offers a description of methodologies used in industrial cluster analysis in conjunction with the labor market analysis. The author explores many tools utilized in cluster identi-fication: quantitative methods (LQ, shift-share), qualitative methods (MSQA) and mixed tools (cluster analysis in conjunction with discriminant analysis, spider diagram, GEM model, ne-twork analysis). Each tool is described in terms of its connection...
The ranks of Japanese industrial sectors: 2005-2011
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to expand the previous study which analyzes the industrial sectors ranks of specific countries. More specifically, the study aims to conduct a comparison in terms of the ranks of Japanese industrial sectors on the specific analysis period. The analysis period of the study is 2005-2011. Using the previous study as a reference, the study employs the Input-Output (IO) approach as an analysis instrument....
The ranks of Japanese industrial sectors: 2005-2011
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to expand the previous study which analyzes the industrial sectors ranks of specific countries. More specifically, the study aims to conduct a comparison in terms of the ranks of Japanese industrial sectors on the specific analysis period. The analysis period of the study is 2005-2011. Using the previous study as a reference, the study employs the Input-Output (IO) approach as an analysis instrument....
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater
PublicationConstructed wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This is the result of specific environment for the growth of microorganisms and hydro-phytes (aquatic and semiaquatic plants) which are capable of living in aerobic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions. Their interaction contributes to the intensification of oxidation and reduction responsible...
Lightguide Technology For Adverse Industrial Environments
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Industrial computer networks and functional safety
PublicationW rozdziale monografii przedstawiono wybrane aspekty bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego na przykładzie przemysłowych sieci komputerowych stosowanych w obiektach infrastruktury krytycznej. Pierwszą cześć rozdziału poświęcono omówieniu klasycznych rozwiązań w zakresie sieci komputerowych. Drugą część rozdziału stanowi analiza przypadku typowej przemysłowej sieci komputerowej z uwzględnieniem aspektów bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego.
An Industrial Survey on Business Analysis Problems and Solutions
PublicationThe paper focuses on the problems reported by business analysts which have a negative impact on their work and on the applicability of available business analysis (BA) techniques as solutions to such problems. A unified set of BA techniques was developed on the basis of 3 industrial standards associated with IIBA, REQB and IREB certification schemes. A group of 8 business analysts was surveyed to list problems they encounter in...
PublicationA methodology for measuring bandsaw tooth wear is presented in this paper. This type of measurement is proposed as an alternative way of determining tooth wear in industrial conditions. The method is based on determining the KE value, i.e., the distance of the radius of the rounded cutting edge of the tooth and the intersection of the surface of the back and the surface of the face of the cutting wedge of the bandsaw tooth....
The instantaneous flicker sensation level measured in the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the instantaneous flicker sensation level measured on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data were obtained during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage fluctuations. In the virtual application...
Financial threat profiles of industrial enterprises in Poland
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Natural Hydroxyapatite as a by-product of industrial biomass gasification
Design of precise control systems of industrial plants
PublicationA method for developing precision control systems in industry has been created based on a set of models that take into account the nonlinearity of the reactor model, the nonlinearities of the hydrodynamic regime and the accuracy of the control elements, the nonlinear characteristics and accuracy of the actuators, and the precision of the sensors used. A multidimensional precision control system has been developed for a continuous...
Degradation of modified TPS in natural and industrial compost
PublicationThe aim of the study was to determine in the pilot studies the degree of decomposition of modified by us thermoplasic starch (potato starch).Commercial and new obtained by us foils were tested in an open roofing at normal weather conditions. The most visible changes were observed in TPS modified by epoxidized soybean oil and arabic gum contrary to commercial foils where there was no mass change observed.
PublicationChapter contains information regardin law regulations of fire safety for constructions in countris participating in project.
Continous improvement - new approach to industrial innovation
PublicationReferat przedstawia szeroko rozumianą rolę innowacji przemysłowej w uzyskiwaniu konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa. Skupiono się na wdrażaniu metody doskonalenia ustawicznego do kultury firmy.
Multimedia industrial and medical applications supported by machine learning
PublicationThis article outlines a keynote paper presented at the Intelligent DecisionTechnologies conference providing a part of the KES Multi-theme Conference “Smart Digital Futures” organized in Rome on June 14–16, 2023. It briefly discusses projects related to traffic control using developed intelligent traffic signs and diagnosing the health of wind turbine mechanisms and multimodal biometric authentication for banking branches to provide...
ENISA Study: Challenges in Securing Industrial Control Systems
PublicationIn 2011, the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) conducted a study in the domain of Industrial Control Systems (ICS). Its objective was to obtain the current view on the ICS protectionprimarily in Europe but also in the international context. The portrait' included threats, risks, and challenges in the area of ICS protection as well as national, pan European, and international initiatives on ICS security. The...
Application of nanofluids in thermal technologies
PublicationNanofluids it is a relatively new category of thermal fluids that can serve as coolants, both in single- and two phase systems. However application of nanofluids in industrial applications requires faultless their thermophysical properties. Existing models originally developed for liquid/solid particles mixtures (slurries) fail in case of nanofluids. Moreover correlations used to calcuate heat transfer coefficients of conventional...
The ranks of Indonesian and Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to extend the previous study which analyzes the industrial sectors ranks of specific countries. More specifically, the study aims to conduct a further analysis regarding the ranks by using the new data as well as new analysis periods. The study focuses on the cases of Indonesia and Japan. In this study, the analysis period of the Indonesian case is 2010 while for the case of Japan is 2011. Using...
An analysis of the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors: 2005-2010
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors from 2005 through 2010. The study employs the analysis instruments from the Input-Output (IO) analysis, namely the indices of the power of dispersion, and the sensitivity of dispersion. For 2005 and 2010, the study focuses on nine and seventeen industries, respectively. The results show that industry 3, manufacturing, placed the...
An analysis of the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors: 2005-2010
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors from 2005 through 2010. The study employs the analysis instruments from the Input-Output (IO) analysis, namely the indices of the power of dispersion, and the sensitivity of dispersion. For 2005 and 2010, the study focuses on nine and seventeen industries, respectively. The results show that industry 3, manufacturing, placed the...
The ranks of Indonesian and Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to extend the previous study which analyzes the industrial sectors ranks of specific countries. More specifically, the study aims to conduct a further analysis regarding the ranks by using the new data as well as new analysis periods. The study focuses on the cases of Indonesia and Japan. In this study, the analysis period of the Indonesian case is 2010 while for the case of Japan is 2011. Using...