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Search results for: FOG DEPOSITION
Subarachnoid Space: New Tricks by an Old Dog
PublicationPurpose: The purpose of the study was to: (1) evaluate the subarachnoid space (SAS) width and pial artery pulsation in both hemispheres, and (2) directly compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) measurements of SAS width changes in healthy volunteers.Methods: The study was performed on three separate groups of volunteers, consisting in total of 62 subjects (33...
Frequent Sequence Mining in Web Log Data
PublicationThe amount of information available even on a single web server can be huge. On the other hand, the amount of visitors (users) can often reach a number of at least six digits. Users vary in gender, age and education, and in consequence their information needs are different. Moreover, they subconsciously expect to get more adequate content after visiting the first few pages. The scope of this kind of problem relates to the domain...
Discovering interactions between applications with log analysis
PublicationApplication logs record the behavior of a system during its runtime and their analysis can provide useful information. In this article, we propose a method of automated log analysis to discover interactions taking place between applications in an enterprise. We believe that such an automated approach can greatly support enterprise architects in building an up-to-date view of a governed system in a modern, fast-paced development...
Response to Letter to the Editors regarding article entitled ‘Sex-related patient-reported brain fog symptoms in nonhospitalised COVID-19 patients’
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Fabrication of anti-corrosion nitrogen doped graphene oxide coatings by electrophoretic deposition
PublicationThis work assesses anti-corrosion properties of graphene and N-doped graphene coatings deposited on copper by an electrophoretic method. Graphene oxide (GO) precursor was synthesized by an improved Hummers' method, whereas N-doping was performed hydrothermally in the presence of ammonia. After nitrogenation, doped graphene oxide samples (NGO) contained a reduced amount of oxygen and about 9% w/w nitrogen as pyridinic, pyrrole,...
Protective properties of Al2O3 + TiO2 coating produced by the electrostatic spray deposition method
PublicationMechanical resistance of Al2O3 + TiO2 nanocomposite ceramic coating deposited by electrostatic spray deposition method onto X10CrAlSi18 steel to thermal and slurry tests was investigated. The coating was produced from colloidal suspension of TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in 3 wt% solution of Al2(NO3)3, as Al2O3 precursor, in ethanol. TiO2 nanoparticles of two sizes, 15 nm and 32 nm, were used in the experiments. After deposition,...
Properties of Nanohydroxyapatite Coatings Doped with Nanocopper, Obtained by Electrophoretic Deposition on Ti13Zr13Nb Alloy
PublicationNowadays, hydroxyapatite coatings are the most common surface modification of long-term implants. These coatings are characterized by high thickness and poor adhesion to the metallic substrate. The present research is aimed at characterizing the properties of nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHAp) with the addition of copper nanoparticle (nanoCu) coatings deposited on the Ti13Zr13Nb alloy by an electrophoresis process. The deposition of...
Electrophoretic Deposition and Characteristics of Chitosan–Nanosilver Composite Coatings on a Nanotubular TiO2 Layer
PublicationThe surface treatment of titanium implants has been applied mainly to increase surface bioactivity and, more recently, to introduce antibacterial properties. To this end, composite coatings have been investigated, particularly those based on hydroxyapatite. The present research was aimed at the development of another coating type, chitosan–nanosilver, deposited on a Ti13Zr13Nb alloy. The research comprised characterization of the...
Electrophoretic Deposition and Characterization of Chitosan/Eudragit E 100 Coatings on Titanium Substrate
PublicationCurrently, a significant problem is the production of coatings for titanium implants, which will be characterized by mechanical properties comparable to those of a human bone, high corrosion resistance, and low degradation rate in the body fluids. This paper aims to describe the properties of novel chitosan/Eudragit E 100 (chit/EE100) coatings deposited on titanium grade 2 substrate by the electrophoretic technique (EPD). The deposition...
Reclamation of phosphogypsum deposition site Wiślinka near Gdańsk with municipal sewage sludge.
PublicationOmówiono zastosowanie osadów ściekowych do rekultywacji składowiska fosfogipsów w Wiślince k. Gdańska. Głównie pojawiają się problemy ze stabilizacją stoków oraz z sukcesją roślinności i zwalczaniem erozji wiatrowej.
Nitrogen monitoring in atmospheric deposition and its removal from municipal and industrial wastewater
PublicationBadano zmiany stężenia azotu w opadach atmosferycznych oraz warunki usuwania azotu ze ścieków komunalnych i przemysłowych. Badano wpływ wybranych sulfonamidów na proces nitryfikacji oraz oznaczano ich stopień biodegradacji. Stwierdzono, że sulfonamidy są substancjami, które hamują procesy biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków, jak również w niskim stopniu ulegają biodegradacji.
Fabrication of anti-corrosion nitrogen doped graphene oxide coatings by electrophoretic deposition
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Deposition of EDOT-Decorated Hollow Nanocapsules into PEDOT Films for Optical and Electrochemical Sensing
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Pollutant deposition via snowpack in the context of granite bufferingcapacity, Western Sudetes, Poland
PublicationAnaliza usuwania zanieczyszczeń z powierzchni śniegu oparta jest na danych zgromadzonych przes Stację Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego usytuowaną na Szrenicy (E=50°48I, J=15°31I, H=1331 m a.s.l.).Pod koniec sezonu zimowego rdzenie profilu śnieżnego zostały pobrane i następnie kilka dni później podczas długiej wiosennej odwilży. Porównano w obu póbach wartości pH, ładunek wodorowy i skład chemiczny (kationy i aniony)
Atmospheric heavy metal deposition accumulated in rural forest soils of southern Scandinavia
PublicationPrzeprowadzono obliczenia zakumulowanej ( w okresie 50 lat) atmosferycznej depozycji metali ciężkich na glebach leśnych na obszarach wiejskich. Podstawę do obliczeń stanowiły:- pomiary zawartości metali ciężkich w opadach atmosferycznych (przeprowadzone przez okres 33 lat) na terenie Danii,- europejska baza danych o emisji zanieczyszczeń.Oznaczano zawartość metali ciężkich (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, V, Ni, As) w próbkach opadów atmosferycznych...
Formaldehyde in various forms of atmospheric prepicitation and deposition from highly urbanized regions
PublicationOznaczono stężenie formaldehydu w próbkach różnych form opadów i osadów atmosferycznych pobieranych przez okres 12 miesięcy, w trakcie występowania opadu lub osadu atmosferycznego lub tuż po jego ustąpieniu, na terenie dwóch aglomeracji miejskich i wzdłuż dróg o różnym natężeniu ruchu. Formaldehyd wykryto w 303 próbkach z 500 pobranych (stężenia od 0.05 do 10.7 mg/dm3). Wyniki analiz potwierdziły iż:- opady i osady atmosferyczne...
Nanoporous Copper Films: How to Grow Porous Films by Magnetron Sputter Deposition
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Analytical studies on deposition and entrainment present in the Venturi nozzle two-phase flow
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Preparation of porous TiO2 films by means of pulsed laser deposition for photocatalytic applications
PublicationIn this work the preparation and structure properties of porous thin films of TiO2 were investigated. The films were produced by means of the pulsed laser deposition technique using laser pulses at 266nm (10Hz) and at fluencies of 1-3.5J/cm2. The process was performed in vacuum using O2 buffer gas and films were deposited on the SiO2 glass or Si substrate. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis of the structure and chemical...
Structural and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite coatings formed by ion-beam assisted deposition
PublicationThe ion-beam assisted deposition (IBAD) is an advanced method capable of producing crystalline coatings at low temperatures. We determined the characteristics of hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 target and coatings formed by IBAD using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). The composition of the coatings'...
PublicationMetallic materials intended for bone implants should exhibit not only appropriate mechanical properties, but also high biocompatibility. The surface treatment modifications, for example acidic treatment, laser treatment, ion implantation and deposition of highly biocompatible coatings, are practiced. One of the most popular methods of surface modification is to deposit hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings. HAp naturally occurs in human...
Properties of Barium Cerate Thin Films Formed Using E-Beam Deposition
PublicationThis article focuses on the properties of the BaCeO3 thin films formed by electron-beam vapor deposition and investigates the formation of barium cerates on supports with different thermal expansion coefficients (Stainless Steel, Invar, Glass Sealing, and Inconel substrates) and the influence of the technological parameters on the properties of the formed thin films with an emphasis on the stability of the films. Morphology and...
Stochastic equivalence scales in log-normal distributions of expenditures
PublicationIn the paper, the properties of the stochastic equivalence scales (SES) are analysed when expenditure distributions are log-normal. The SES provides the equivalent distribution of expenditures when the population of households is heterogeneous with respect to such attributes as household size, demographic cpmposition, etc. For log-normal expenditure distributions, the non-parametric SES deflators are proportional to the ration...
In Conversation with the Fox: Challenges in Spatial Development and Planning in Europe
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Drop-coating deposition surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy on silver substrates for biofluid analysis
PublicationUtilization of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a measurement technique is of particular interest in biodetection due to its superb chemical specificity and high sensitivity. The use of SERS substrates further improve this method by massive enhancement of the molecule Raman spectrum, permitting very low levels of detection. Therefore it is important to seek for new ways to develop reliable substrates, which are quickly and...
Polyurethane Composite Scaffolds Modified with the Mixture of Gelatin and Hydroxyapatite Characterized by Improved Calcium Deposition
PublicationThe skeleton is a crucial element of the motion system in the human body, whose main function is to support and protect the soft tissues. Furthermore, the elements of the skeleton act as a storage place for minerals and participate in the production of red blood cells. The bone tissue includes the craniomaxillofacial bones, ribs, and spine. There are abundant reports in the literature indicating that the amount of treatments related...
Degradation of electrical performance of a crystalline photovoltaic module due to dust deposition in northern Poland
PublicationThe reduction in power output caused by the accumulation of dust on the photovoltaic module surface is an important problem and should receive much more attention in the literature. This study was an evaluation of the performance degradation of crystalline photovoltaic modules due to natural and simulated dust deposition. Dust is created from powdered grains of sand and particles of different bodies. Dust originates from different...
Study of Nanohydroxyapatite Coatings Prepared by the Electrophoretic Deposition Method at Various Voltage and Time Parameters
PublicationThe aim of the work is to compare the properties of nanohydroxyapatite coatings obtained using the electrophoretic deposition method (EDP) at 10 V, 20 V, and 30 V, and with deposit times of 2 and 5 min. The primary sedimentation was used to minimize the risk of the formation of particle agglomerates on the sample surface. Evaluation of the coating was performed by using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy...
Research of chitosan coatings deposited by electrophoretic deposition method at various voltage and time parameters
PublicationThe aim of this research is to estimate the electrophoretic deposition main parameters, such as voltage and time duration, that will provide optimal characteristics of the surface layer. Chitosan coatings were synthesized on biomedical Ti13Zr13Nb alloys at 20 V and 30 V and with deposit times of 2min, 5 min, 10 min, and 15 min. Evaluation of the coating was performed by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy-Dispersive...
Deposition of thin titanium–copper films with antimicrobial effect by advanced magnetron sputtering methods
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Effect of chemical structure and deposition method on optical properties of polyazomethines with alkyloxy side groups
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In situ deposition of Pd nanoparticles with controllable diameters in hollow carbon spheres for hydrogen storage
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Mercury in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea: A response to decreased atmospheric deposition and changing environment
PublicationOur review of the literature showed that since the beginning of the socio-economic transformation in Poland in the 1990s, the downward trend in Hg emissions and its deposition in the southern Baltic Sea was followed by a simultaneous decrease in Hg levels in water and marine plants and animals. Hg concentrations in the biota lowered to values that pose no or low risk to wildlife and seafood consumers. However, in the first decade...
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes via chemical vapor deposition by using rareearth metals as catalysts
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On the Formation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Pulsed-Laser-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition
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Carbon Deposition and Sulfur Poisoning in SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δand SrFe0.5Mn0.25Mo0.25O3-δElectrode Materials for Symmetrical SOFCs
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Technology of laser deposition of narrow bead overlays using solid and flux-cored wires
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Comparison of Ion Chromatography and Isotachophoresis for the Determination of selected Anions in Atmospheric Wet Deposition Samples
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono porównanie wyników oznaczenia zawartości wybranych anionów w próbkach opadów atmoferycznych z zastosowaniem technik izotachoforezy i chromatografii jonowej. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników można stwierdzić, że technika chromatografii jonowej charakteryzuje się niższymi wartościami granic wykrywalności i oznaczalności, szerokim zakresem pomiarowym i możliwością oznaczania analitów w próbkach o róznym składzie...
The influence of the Cu2O deposition method on the structure, morphology and photoresponse of the ordered TiO2NTs/Cu2O heterojunction
PublicationThe increased interest in highly ordered titania structures exhibiting tubular shape that could be directly formed onto the stable substrate is related with the intensive research on their modification enabling absorption of light within the wide solar spectrum and its further conversion into electric or chemical energy. Among others, formation of uniform 3D heterojunctions based on the TiO2 nanotubes attracts attention since porous...
Modelling an accelerometer for robot position estimation
PublicationThe article describes a new model of a MEMS accelerometer for usage in inertial measurement units (IMU). Such units allow to measure orientation and location of the sensor/system and therefore can be applied for systems positioning. The main purpose of the paper is to model pertinent accelerometer functions substantial in determination of the location of the sensor by means of double integration of acceleration. The model takes...
Nanoparticles: Taking a Unique Position in Medicine
PublicationThe human nature of curiosity, wonder, and ingenuity date back to the age of humankind. In parallel with our history of civilization, interest in scientific approaches to unravel mechanisms underlying natural phenomena has been developing. Recent years have witnessed unprecedented growth in research in the area of pharmaceuticals and medicine. The optimism that nanotechnology (NT) applied to medicine and drugs is taking serious...
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Categorization of emotions in dog behavior based on the deep neural network
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present a neural system based on stock architecture for recognizing emotional behavior in dogs. Our considerations are inspired by the original work of Franzoni et al. on recognizing dog emotions. An appropriate set of photographic data has been compiled taking into account five classes of emotional behavior in dogs of one breed, including joy, anger, licking, yawning, and sleeping. Focusing on a particular...
Quality Evaluation of 3D Printed Surfaces Based on HOG Features
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Biofilms in the gravity sewer interfaces: making a friend from a foe
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Mining e-mail message sequences from log data
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Design of standard cells library for UMC L130E FSG process
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PublicationThe main purpose of this research is to determine the stress distributions on the contact surfaces between the logs of the historical carpentry corner joints. The additional purpose is to compare the stress distribution for four different boundary conditions in the case of dry and wet pine wood. The paper presents the results of numerical analysis of the shortcorner dovetail connection and the saddle notch corner joint, which are...
Degradable poly(ester-ether) urethanes of improved surface calcium deposition developed as novel biomaterials
PublicationBones, which are considered as hard tissues, work as scaffold for human body. They provide physical support for muscles and protect intestinal organs. Percentage of hard tissues in human body depends on age, weight, and gender. Human skeleton consists of 206 connected bones. Therefore, it is natural that the hard-tissue damage such as fractures, osteoporosis, and congenital lack of bone may appear. The innovative way of bone healing...
Deposition and Electrical and Structural Properties of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 Thin Films for Application in High-Temperature Electrochemical Cells
PublicationLow-temperature deposition of electroceramic thin films allows the construction of new devices and their integration with existing large-scale fabrication methods. Developing a suitable low-cost deposition method is important to further advance the development of microdevices. In this work, we deposited a 1-lm-thick La0.6Sr0.4CoO3d (LSC) perovskite with high electrical conductivity on sapphire substrates at 400C and analyzed its...