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Search results for: D-TAGATOZA
Giant Reed (Arundo donax L.) Fiber Extraction and Characterization for Its Use in Polymer Composites
PublicationThis work describes an extraction method for giant reed fibers from stems and leaves based on chemical soaking and crushing through a rolling mill. Obtained fibers, together with the shredded plant (stems + leaves), are characterized in terms of chemical composition, thermal stability, morphology, and crystallinity. Mechanical properties of fibers have also been assessed (single fiber tensile tests). The results show that the proposed...
Istota chmury wartości - założenia podstawowe
PublicationObserwacje efektów działań gospodarczych przedsiębiorstw wsparte badaniami literatury pozwoliły na zdiagnozowanie niedostatku w zakresie ogólnych modeli tworzenia wartości. Punktem wyjścia było określenie celu działania przedsiębiorstwa, który wykazuje immanentną dychotomię. Dążenie do realizacja tak ujętego celu jest podstawą do konfigurowania wartości generowanych przez przedsiębiorstwo. W tym zakresie wykorzystujące wyniki prac...
Elimination of Impulsive Disturbances From Stereo Audio Recordings Using Vector Autoregressive Modeling and Variable-order Kalman Filtering
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings. The proposed solution is based on vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals. Online tracking of signal model parameters is performed using the exponential ly weighted least squares algo- rithm. Detection of noise pulses an d model-based interpolation of the irrevocably distorted sampl es is realized using an adaptive, variable-order...
Projektowanie zbiornika na nieczystości ciekłe
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono proces projektowania zbiornika podziemnego na nieczystości ciekłe o pojemności ok. 10 m3 posadowionego na gruntach niespoistych (sypkich). Porównano wartości sił wewnętrznych w przypadku skrajnie różnych warunków gruntowych: piasku drobnego o ID = 0,2 oraz żwiru o I D = 0,7. Dodatkowo przeanalizowano wpływ modelu obliczeniowego podłoża na wyniki sił wewnętrznych. Opisano procedurę normową pozwalającą na...
Quality of Test Specification by Application of Patterns
PublicationEmbedded system and software testing requires sophisticated methods, which are nowadays frequently supported by application of test patterns. This eases the test development process and contributes to the reusability and maintainability of the test specification. However, it does not guarantee the proper level of quality and test coverage in d ifferent dimensions of the test specification. In this paper the quality of the test...
Scientific research in the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering
PublicationShort descriptions of various research subjects taken up at the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering are included in the paper. The subjects cover a wide range of bearing systems and tribology research and the research on tires and road surfaces. A third field of activity is biomedical engineering – with the attempts to improve methods of modelling biological materials in FEM calculations. The Department has...
Bernstein-type theorem for ϕ-Laplacian
PublicationIn this paper we obtain a solution to the second-order boundary value problem of the form \frac{d}{dt}\varPhi'(\dot{u})=f(t,u,\dot{u}), t\in [0,1], u\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} with Sturm–Liouville boundary conditions, where \varPhi\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} is a strictly convex, differentiable function and f\colon[0,1]\times \mathbb {R}\times \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} is continuous and satisfies a suitable growth...
Symmetrical power line conditioner - basic properties
PublicationIn this paper the basis of analytical modelling of the UPQC arrangements (Unified Power Quality Conditioner) in d-q rotating coordinates, as well as select results of investigations conducted on the simplified small power laboratory model, were talked over. In short form power balance as well as fundamental dependences and analytical model with regard of decoupling circuits, were investigated. Applied method for DC link capacitance...
Simple sufficient condition for subspace to be completely or genuinely entangled
PublicationWe introduce a simple sufficient criterion, which allows one to tell whether a subspace of a bipartite or multipartite Hilbert space is entangled. The main ingredient of our criterion is a bound on the minimal entanglement of a subspace in terms of entanglement of vectors spanning that subspace expressed for geometrical measures of entanglement. The criterion is applicable to both completely and genuinely entangled subspaces. We...
Modeling and experimental investigation of the small UPQC systems
PublicationIn this paper the basis of analytical modelling of the UPQC arrangements (Unified Power Quality Conditioner) in d-q rotating coordinates, as well as select results of investigations conducted on the simplified small power laboratory model were talked over. In short form power balance as well as fundamental dependences and analytic model with regard of decoupling circuits were investigated. Applied method for DC link capacity selection...
The effects of growth conditions on superconducting properties of Nd1Ba2Cu3O7-ë single crystals.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badan wpływu warunków wzrostu kryształów Nd1Ba2Cu3O7-d na ich własności nadprzewodzące. Kryształy hodowano metodą spontanicznego wzrostu z fazy ciekłej. Mikrostruktura kryształów została zbadana skaningowym mikroskopem elektronowym oraz skaningowym mikroskopem tunelowym. Własności nadprzewodzące badano przeprowadzając pomiary momentu magnetycznego w funkcji temperatury.W przypadku badanych kryształów...
Numeryczna analiza wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Numerical analysis the influence of the direction of explosion wave at the curvature of asymmetrical rolling of bimetallic plate.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono numeryczną analizę wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Przeprowadzono symulacje dla procesu walcowania w temperaturze 20 C. Proces walcowania prowadzono w walcarce duo D 150 mm, o prędkości obwodowej 18,5 obr/min. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch stosunków grubości warstw 2/10 i 4/8. Symulację procesu przeprowadzono dla trzech gniotów 10%, 20%,...
Can we reduce the stigmatisation experience with psychosocial interventions? An investigation of the meeting centre support programme impact on people with cognitive impairments
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Valence and lowest Rydberg electronic states of phenol investigated by synchrotron radiation and theoretical methods
PublicationWe present the experimental high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoabsorption spectra of phenol covering for the first time the full 4.3–10.8 eV energy-range, with absolute cross sections determined. Theoretical calculations on the vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths were performed using time-dependent density functional theory and the equation-of-motion coupled cluster method restricted to single and double...
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K3,Km-e;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(K3,Km-e).
Open Research DataFor K3 and Km-e graphs, a coloring type (K3,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K3,Km-e)...
Measurements of reactive power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing a reactive...
Measurements of active power coefficients in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing active...
Measurements of the coefficients of active power distribution between two generators operating in parallel in a ship power station
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing coefficients...
Measurements of active power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data expressing an active...
The method of tribotesting of PVD coated elements in oscillation motion at high temperature
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Isotropic and anisotropic description of superconducting state in CaC6 compound
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In vitro substance P-dependent induction of bone marrow cells in common (CD10) acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
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Influence of surfactants on interaction forces between polyethylene surfaces in a hydrocarbon solvent.
PublicationPrzeprowadzono bezpośrednie pomiary oddziaływań międzyfazowych pomiędzy cząstkami polietylenowymi w środowisku n-tetradekanu z dodatkiem surfaktantów(kwasu larynowego i dodecyloaminy). Dodatek surfaktantów wpłynął na wzrost oddziaływań odpychających pomiędzy powierzchniami polietylenowymi, szczególnie w przypadku dodecyloaminy. Zaobserwowano obecność wzrostu sferycznych sił odpychających ze wzrostem temperatury.
Liquid-liquid separation in petroleum production: ultrasonic characterization of emulsion stability.
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowe urządzenie pozwalające monitorować rozdział emulsji za pomocą ultradźwięków. Wykonano kalibrację, dzięki której można sygnał szybkości rozchodzenia się dźwięków przekształcać na stężenie fazy wewnętrznej emulsji oraz otrzymywać wykres rozdziału faz w czasie. Wyniki otrzymano dla modelowej emulsji typu O/W, w której fazę olejową stanowił bitumen oraz dla emulsji W/O, gdzie fazą olejową była ropa naftowa
Air sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) technology for cyanide recovery
PublicationMobilna instalacja reaktora cyklonowego została przetestowana do procesu odzysku cyjanków ze ścieków pochodzących z obróbki złota. HCN był usuwany z fazy gazowej podczas pojedynczego 1-sekundowego cyklu z efektywnością ponad 99%.
Elektrohimičeskoe osaždenie nikelâ iz elektrolitov, soderžaŝyh małonovuû kisłotu.
PublicationBadano proces wydzielania niklu z roztworów tradycyjnie używanych do niklowania, w których zastąpiono kwas borowy kwasem malonowym. Stwierdzono, że proces odznacza się wysoką wydajnością prądową, zaś otrzymane powłoki niklu cechuje podwyższona twardość i odporność korozyjna. Ponadto poszerzył się użyteczny przedział gęstości prądowych osadzania powłok. Typowe związki blaskotwórcze (sacharyna, butendiol) zachowują swoją skuteczność....
Rate of bitumen film transfer from a quartz surface to an air bubble as observed by optical microscopy.
PublicationSzybkość przeniesienia filmu bitumu z powierzchni płytki kwarcowej na powierzchnię pęcherzyka powietrza w roztworze alkalicznym została udokumentowana zdjęciami.
Air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) technology for cyanide recovery
PublicationPrzewoźną instalację wyposażoną w napowietrzane reaktory cyklonowe zbadano pod kątem przydatności w procesie ciągłego odpędzania i absorpcji HCN z kopalnianych wód procesowych. Zastosowanie reaktora cyklonowego pozwoliło na ponad 99% absorpcję HCN podczas jednego przejścia fazy gazowej przez reaktor. Natomiast uzyskana efektywność odpędzania HCN, zależna przede wszystkim od stałej Henry'ego, przekroczyła 40% dla jednego przejścia...
Laboratory and pilot scale photodegradation of cyanide-containing wastewaters
PublicationW pracy badano efektywność procesu degradacji cyjanków stosując odpowiednie metody utleniania. Roztwory modelowe cyjanków zawierające TiO2 i H2O2 były poddane fotodegradacji przy różnych warunkach pH, temperatury, różnym składzie fazy gazowej i w obecności różnych katalizatorów. Prawie 20% wzrost w efektywności utlenienia cyjanków był zaobserwowany dla fotodegradacji cyjankowych kompleksów miedzi. Dodatkowo badano fotodegradację...
GIS-based hydrodynamic modeling for urban flood mitigation in fast-growing regions: a case study of Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationFloods threaten urban infrastructure, especially in residential neighborhoods and fast-growing regions. Flood hydrodynamic modeling helps identify flood-prone locations and improve mitigation plans' resilience. Urban floods pose special issues due to changing land cover and a lack of raw data. Using a GIS-based modeling interface, input files for the hydrodynamic model were developed. The physical basin's properties were identified...
Experimental Investigations on the Influence of Coil Arrangement on Melting/Solidification Processes
PublicationThe latent heat thermal energy storage units are very popular because of their high energy density and almost close to constant temperature during the charging/discharging. In the present study has been proposed new shell-and-coil geometry with a shifted coil position to enhance the performance of phase change thermal magazine. The experimental investigations have been performed both for the melting and solidification process of...
Comparative Study of Balancing SRT by Using Modified ASM2d in Control and Operation Strategy at Full-Scale WWTP
PublicationDetailed knowledge on the composition of the influent going into the wastewater treatment system is essential for the development of a reliable computer model. In the context of WWTPs (wastewater treatment plants), the wastewater characteristics are not only important for activated sludge system modelling, but also have an impact on the appropriate control of single unit operations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concepts...
The dispersive micro-solid phase extraction method for MS-based lipidomics of human breast milk*
PublicationA simple and rapid microextraction method ensuring high lipidome coverage was developed for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS)-based lipidomics of human breast milk. The dispersive microsolid phase extraction (D-µ-SPE) technique, coupled with the design of experiment (DoE) method, enabled the study of the influence of several conditions (desorption solvent, stationary phase ratio, and sorption and desorption time)...
Potentiometric sensor with lipid-polymer membranes for quality assessment of French red wines
PublicationThe quality of wines resulting from vineyard management is important for consumers due to the taste and price of wines. In this work, the quality of red wines of three vintages has been investigated by potentiometric sensors with six all-solid-state electrodes. Two series of experiments were carried out. The first involved a qualitative analysis of wine of different vintages from freshly opened bottles. The second consisted of...
Mathematical approach to design 3D scaffolds for the 3D printable bone implant
PublicationThis work demonstrates that an artificial scaffold structure can be designed to exhibit mechanical properties close to the ones of real bone tissue, thus highly reducing the stress-shielding phenomenon. In this study the scan of lumbar vertebra fragment was reproduced to create a numerical 3D model (this model was called the reference bone sample). New nine 3D scaffold samples were designed and their numerical models were created....
Copper(I) iodide ribbons coordinated with thiourea derivatives
PublicationTwo products of the reactions of CuI with 1-benzoyl-3-(4-bromophenyl)thiourea and with 1-benzoyl-3-(2-iodophenyl)thiourea have been obtained and characterized, namely poly[[[1-benzoyl-3-(4-bromophenyl)thiourea-κS]-µ3-iodidocopper(I)] acetone hemisolvate], {[CuI(C₁₄H₁₁BrN₂OS)]‧0.5C₃H₆O}ₙ, and poly-[µ₄-iodido-µ₃-iodido-[N-(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)benzamide-κN]dicopper(I)], [Cu₂I₂(C₁₄H₁₀N₂OS)]ₙ. Their structures, determined by single-crystal...
Antifungal Effect of Penicillamine Due to the Selective Targeting of L-Homoserine O-Acetyltransferase
PublicationDue to the apparent similarity of fungal and mammalian metabolic pathways, the number of established antifungal targets is low, and the identification of novel ones is highly desirable. The results of our studies, presented in this work, indicate that the fungal biosynthetic pathway of L-methionine, an amino acid essential for humans, seems to be an attractive perspective. The MET2 gene from Candida albicans encoding L-homoserine...
Multiuser Stereoscopic Projection Techniques for CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems
PublicationDespite the development of increasingly popular head mounted displays, CAVE-type systems may still be considered one of the most immersive virtual reality systems with many advantages. However, a serious limitation of most CAVE-type systems is the generation of a three-dimensional (3-D) image from the perspective of only one person. This problem is significant because in some applications, the participants must cooperate with each...
2011/01/D/HS6/02282 Identity fusion and its consequences for attitudes and behaviors
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Symmetry breaking and circular photogalvanic effect in epitaxial CdxHg1−xTe films
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Nanotransistor based THz plasma detectors: low tempeatures, graphene, linearity, and circular polarization studies
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Experimental and theoretical investigations of the responsivity of field effect transistors based Terahertz detectors versus substrate thickness
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Time Resolution and Power Dependence of Transistor Based Terahertz Detectors
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Asymmetric devices based on carbon nanotubes as detectors of sub-THz radiation
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Mercury in particulate matter over Polish zone of the southern Baltic Sea
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Physical-chemical processes of diamond grinding
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Research of Influence Electric Conditions Combined ElectroDiamond Processing by on Specific Consumption of Wheel*
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On electrical and photoconductive properties of mixed Nb2O5/TiO2 sol-gel thin films
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki przewodnictwa elektrycznego i fotoprzewodnictwa cienkich warstw TiO2 i Nb2O5/TiO2 otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Pomiary przeprowadzono w funkcji temperatury i natężenia oświetlenia zarówno w próżni jak i w powietrzu. Struktura warstw została zbadana metodami XRD oraz AFM. W pracy zaobserwowano zaobserwowano spadek fotoprzewodnictwa wraz z zawartością Nb2O5
Traffic routing in the Warsaw metropolitan network: a deployment strategy
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L16 Nutritional Status of Patients with Huntington Disease: Correlations Between Macro- And Micronutrient intake and Severity of HD