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Search results for: rain gardens
Assessment Of Daytime Sleepiness In Varicose Vein Patients
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Energy transfer mechanisms in heavy metal oxide glasses doped with lanthanide ions
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Comparing Anxiety Sensitivity Between Obsessive-Compulsive Patients And Normal Group
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Near-infrared emission and energy transfer in tellurite glasses co-doped with erbium and thulium ions
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Spectroscopic investigation of Tb(tmhd)3 - Eu(tmhd)3 co-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) fibre
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Advancing Intraoperative Neuromonitoring For Complex Spinal And Nerve Preservation: A Comprehensive Review
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Investigation of thermal and spectroscopic properties of Bi2O3-GeO2-Ga2O3-Na2O glasses doped with Er3+ions
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MP3vec: A Reusable Machine-Constructed Feature Representation for Protein Sequences
Publication—Machine Learning (ML) methods have been used with varying degrees of success on protein prediction tasks, with two inherent limitations. First, prediction performance often depends upon the features extracted from the proteins. Second, experimental data may be insufficient to construct reliable ML models. Here we introduce MP3vec, a transferable representation for protein sequences that is designed to be used specifically for sequence-to-sequence...
Interaction of the conserved region 4.2 of sigma(E) with the RseA anti-sigma factor
PublicationEo-E RNA polymerase transcribes a regulon of folding factors for the bacterial envelope and is induced by physical and chemical stresses. The RseA anti-sigma factor inhibits the activity of Esigma(E) RNA, polymerase. It is shown here that the N-terminal portion of sigma(E), residues 1-153, binds core RNA polymerase. RseA interacts with residues 154-191 of sigma(E), a site that is homologous to region 4, the sigma factor binding...
Leather Waste Hydrolysation, Carbonization, and Microbial Treatment for Nitrogen Recovery by Ryegrass Cultivation
PublicationLeather waste contains up to 10% nitrogen (N); thus, combustion or gasification only for the energy recovery would not be rational, if safety standards are met. On the other hand, the chromium (Cr) content exceeding 5% in half of the waste stream (w/w) is too significant to be applied in agriculture. In this work, four acid hydrolysates from leather waste shavings, both wet-white free of Cr and wet-blue with Cr, were used: two...
Effects of preheating on laser beam–welded NSSC 2120 lean duplex steel
PublicationDuplex stainless steels show sustainable alternative for the conventional austenitic grades, with higher strength, higher resistance against stress corrosion cracking, and lower purchase cost. Thus, duplex stainless steel gains more attention in construction, oil and gas, and chemical industries. Among duplex stainless steels, low nickel and low molybdenum alloyed lean duplex stainless steel are a cost-efective substitution of...
Influence of yttria surface modification on high temperature corrosion of porous Ni22Cr alloy
PublicationProtective coatings for porous alloys for high temperature use are relatively new materials. Their main drawback is high temperature corrosion. In this work protective coatings based the on Y-precursor infiltrated into the sintered Ni22Cr alloys are studied at 700°C. Effects of the amount of the protective phase on the resulting corrosion properties are evaluated in air and humidified hydrogen. Weight gain of the samples, their...
Wojciech Litwin prof. dr hab. inż.
People1992÷1996 - study on Mechanical Department at Gdansk University of Technology1996 – employed in the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdansk University of Technology2004 – PhD2014 – habilitation2016 - vice dean for science at Faculty of Ocean Engineering2020 - dean of the Faculty of Ocean Engineering2021 - head of Institute of Naval Architecture He participated in a number of designing and research programs...
Determination of moisture resistance of covered electrodes according to PN-EN ISO 14372
PublicationMoisture present in the electrode covering is one of the sources of diffusible hydrogen in welded joints. In order to study the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal, a stand for moisturizing covered electrodes, in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 14372 standard, was built. After the stand was completed, a test of moisturizing the electrodes was carried out and measurements of the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited...
Structures for parameterization, meshing and data exchange of topologically related surfaces of a ship hull
PublicationThis paper presents proposal of data structures for storage and processing of a parametric three-dimensional model of a midship hull sections. The model consists of coarse surfaces like: decks, frames, girders, stiffeners, brackets, partitions etc. bounded by topological relations. All workshop details are omitted as the model is intended for numeric calculations. Proposed data structures are prepared to facilitate changes in the...
Application of ionic liquids in electronic nose instruments
PublicationAmong many applications in different fields of science and technology the ionic liquids (ILs) are also utilised in chemical sensors yielding improvement of their operation parameters (Buzzeo, 2004; Wei and Ivaska, 2008; Silvester, 2011; Gebicki et al., 2013). Some of these chemical sensors are the components of the devices, which resemble human sense of smell as far as their operation is concerned. These devices are named electronic...
Marzena Starnawska dr
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Theorey of Urbanism
e-Learning CoursesThis course provides an insight into the current urban design and planning issues takin into account main problem issues associated with contemporary urban development.
Multimedia polysensory integration training system dedicated to children with educational difficulties
PublicationThis paper aims at presenting a multimedia system providing polysensory train- ing for pupils with educational difficulties. The particularly interesting aspect of the system lies in the sonic interaction with image projection in which sounds generated lead to stim- ulation of a particular part of the human brain. The system architecture, video processing methods, therapeutic exercises and guidelines for children’s interaction...
Źródła idei twórczych Ralpha Erskine'a
PublicationPublikacja przybliża biografię i projekty Ralpha Erskine'a, analizując źródła jego idei twórczych. Ralph Erskine (1914-2005) to angielski architekt, który przez większość swojego życia mieszkał i pracował w Szwecji. Zasłynął ze swego prospołecznego i proekologicznego podejścia do architektury. Źródeł jego idei twórczych trzeba poszukiwać w domu rodzinnym i szkole. Rodzice Erskine’a byli socjalistami i zwolennikami Towarzystwa Fabiańskiego....
Towards an integrated assessment of environmental and human health impact of energy sector in Poland
PublicationReferat prezentuje system zintegrowanej oceny wpływu sektora energetycznego na stan środowiska i zdrowie ludzkie w Polsce. W podejściu wykorzystano kombinację modelu transportu zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu POLAIR 3D z modelem informacyjno-symulacyjnym RAINS. Model oszacowuje emisje i koncentracje zanieczyszczeń powietrza, koszty kontroli emisji zanieczyszczeń i inne koszty związane z różnymi scenariuszami rozwoju sektora energetycznego.The...
Nano-particle doped hydroxyapatite material evaluation using Spectroscopic Polarization Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography
PublicationBio-ceramics such as hydroxyapatite (HAp) are widely used materials in medical applications, especially as an interface between implants and living tissues. There are many ways of creating structures from HAp like electrochemical assisted deposition, biomimetic, electrophoresis, pulsed laser deposition or sol-gel processing. Our research is based on analyzing the parameters of the sol-gel method for creating thin layers of HAp....
Micro-Raman spectroscopy in the studies of multiphase separated polyurethanes. [online] W: [Proc.] UTECH Europe 2003 . The International Polyurethane Industry Conference and Exhibition. 25/26/27 March 2003, The Hague, Netherlands. London: Crain Communications Ltd. Dostępny w World Wide Web: + wydruk.**2003 [s. 123-130 bibliogr. 41 poz.]Mikro-Ramanowska spektroskopia w badaniach poliuretanów wykazujących separację wielofazową.
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były trzy próbki poliuretanowe o zawartości 30% segmentówsztywnych otrzymanych z politlenku propylenu, diizocyjanianu difenylometanui butanodiolu. Próbki te wykazują morfologię wielofazową, w której można wy-różnić globule i sferolity rozproszone w matrycy polimerowej.Za pomocą spek-troskopii mikro-Ramana przeprowadzono mikroanalizę chemiczną wszystkich ele-mentów morfologicznych. Stwierdzono odmienny skład...
Thin-walled cross section shape influence on steel member resistance.
PublicationThis work describes why trending thin-walled technology is achieving popularity in steel construction sector. A purpose of this article is to present the influence of the cold-formed element cross-section shape on an axial compression and a bending moment resistance. The authors have considered four different shapes assuming constant section area and thickness. Calculations were based on three different steel grades taking into...
Brain-Computer Interfaces, W, MiBM II st., sem. 03, letni 23/24 (PG_00064472)
e-Learning CoursesPodstawy neurologii; Podstawowe struktury mózgu; Funkcje tkanki nerwowej; Anatomia mózgu; Umieszczenie elektrod; Kondycjonowanie sygnału; Przetwarzanie sygnałów; transformata Fouriera; transformacja falkowa; parametry Hjortha; Analiza głównych składowych; Niezależna analiza komponentów; Wspólne wzorce przestrzenne; Podstawowe techniki uczenia maszynowego; Rodzaje BCI; Inwazyjne i półinwazyjne BCI; Przywrócenie zmysłów.
Brain-Computer Interfaces, W, TiL II st., sem. 03, letni 23/24 (PG_00064472)
e-Learning CoursesPodstawy neurologii; Podstawowe struktury mózgu; Funkcje tkanki nerwowej; Anatomia mózgu; Umieszczenie elektrod; Kondycjonowanie sygnału; Przetwarzanie sygnałów; transformata Fouriera; transformacja falkowa; parametry Hjortha; Analiza głównych składowych; Niezależna analiza komponentów; Wspólne wzorce przestrzenne; Podstawowe techniki uczenia maszynowego; Rodzaje BCI; Inwazyjne i półinwazyjne BCI; Przywrócenie zmysłów.
Material independent effectiveness of workpiece vibration in μ-EDM drilling
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Green adsorbents and solvents in food analysis
PublicationGreen analytical chemistry aims to minimize the negative impact of analytical procedures on the environment and human health. This can be achieved through the use of non-toxic and environmentally friendly reagents. Classical green solvents include water, ethanol, acetone, and supercritical fluids. Water has been used for the extraction of water-soluble compounds (sugars, amino acids). Ethanol and acetone have been used for the...
Przemysław Kalitowski dr inż.
PeoplePrzemyslaw Kalitowski (born 26 July 1991) currently works at the Gdansk University of Technology in Gdansk, Poland. He acts as the Professor's Assistant at the Department of Rail Transportation and Bridges. In 2015 he started PhD studies at the Department of Rail Transportation and Bridges. He has over 4 years experience in static and dynamic analysis of structures - primarily with FEM programs. The scope of analysis are mainly...
Glacial Landform Classification with Vision Transformer and Digital Elevation Model
PublicationClassification of glacial landforms is a task in geomorphology that has not been widely explored with deep neural network methods. This study uses Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture to classify glacial landforms using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in three study sites: Elise Glacier in Svalbard, Norway; Gardno-Leba Plain and Lubawa Upland in Poland. In datasets each of those sites has different DEM resolutions and terrain types...
Effect of Storage Conditions of Rutile Flux Cored Welding Wires on Properties of Welds
PublicationThe influence of storage locations of two grades of rutile flux cored welding wires on their surface condition and the strength of the welds made with them were studied. Wires were stored in real urban conditions (Gdańsk and Katowice) for 1 month, simultaneously recording changes in conditions: temperature and relative humidity of the environment. Visual tests of wires in the delivered and stored condition as well as visual and...
Numerical and experimental study on effect of boundary conditions during testing of stiffened plates subjected to compressive loads
PublicationThis study analyses the effect of boundary conditions during testing on the structural behaviour stiffened plates with different thicknesses subjected to compressive loads. The goal of the compressive tests is to analyse the ultimate strength of a stiffened plate. During the test, relevant physical quantities are measured and investigated. The supporting structure's behaviour is investigated by analysing the force-displacements...
Advances in Modelling and Analysis of Strength of Corroded Ship Structures
PublicationThe present study reviews the recent advances in modelling and analyses the strength of corroded ship structures. Firstly, the time-variant methodologies that consider only the mean structural element thickness loss due to corrosion degradation are identified. Corrosion degradation is regarded as the phenomenon that causes uneven thinning of specimens. This has been captured by various researchers as the loss of mechanical properties...
An All-Metal Broadband Low SLL slot array antenna for use in 5G Sub-6 GHz networks
PublicationThis paper describes the design and implementation of an all-metal wideband cavity-backed slot array antenna specifically optimized for 5G sub-6GHz networks. The antenna is engineered to feature low sidelobe levels (SLL), which enhance signal clarity and reduce interference. The proposed antenna utilizes a novel approach, directly exciting all radiating slots through the cavity layer, thus eliminating the need for a complex and...
Variability in the distribution of phytoplankton as affected by changes to the main physical parameters in the Baltic Sea**The study was financially supported by the Polish State Committee of Scientific Research (grants: No. N N305 111636, N N306 353239) and ECOOP IP WP 10.1.3 Project. Partial support for this study was also provided by the Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment – SatBatłyk project founded by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund contract No. POIG 01.01.02-22-011/09.
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PublicationIn recent years, more careful consideration is taken into social issues of designing skyscrapers by humanizing adherent internal and external public areas. Case studies of The Shard (London: 2012), 122 Leadenhall Street (London: 2014), 20 Fenchurch Street (London: 2014), Heron Tower (London: 2011), Tower 25 (Nicosia: 2013), Zoofenster (Berlin: 2012), DNB House (Oslo: 2012), Centrum Biurowe Neptun (Gdansk, 2014), Skytower (Wroclaw:...
Wave transmission across surface interfaces in lattice structures
PublicationWithin the lattice dynamics formulation, we present an exact solution for anti-plane surface waves in a square lattice strip with a surface row of material particles of two types separated by a linear interface. The considered problem is a discrete analog of an elastic half-space with surface stresses modelled through the simplified Gurtin–Murdoch model, where we have an interfacial line separating areas with different surface...
Robert Burczyk mgr inż.
PeopleRobert Burczyk received Eng. degree and M. SC. Eng. degree in electronics and telecommunictions engineering in 2017 and 2018 successively with specialization in radiocommunication systems and networks. The subject of the dissertations was focused on Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). Currently, he is a PhD student and an employee at the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks, Gdansk University of Technology. His...
Beata Basińska dr hab.
PeopleShe is a work and organizational psychologist. Her main research interests include occupational health psychology (job-related well-being and emotions) and positive organizational behaviour. She is an active participant of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, European Health Psychology Society and the Division of Health Psychology, Polish Psychological...
In silico study on the effects of carbonyl groups on chemical equilibrium of reactions with a polar product occurring under confinement in pores of activated carbons
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Optimization of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Seeding with the Use of sp³/sp² Raman Band Ratio
PublicationThe influence of various nanodiamond colloids used for seeding nondiamond substrates in microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition diamond process was investigated. Colloids based on deionized water, isopropanol alcohol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were used with different grain size dispersion: 150, 400 and 35 nm, respectively. The influence of growth time was also taken into consideration and bias enhanced nucleation....
Application and modelling of Shape-Memory Alloys for structural vibration control: State-of-the-art review
PublicationOne of the most essential components of structural design for civil engineers is to build a system that is resistant to environmental conditions such as harsh chemical environments, and catastrophic disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes. Under these circumstances and disturbances, conventional building materials such as steel and concrete may demonstrate inadequate performance in the form of corrosion, deterioration, oxidizing,...
Marcin Budzyński dr inż.
PeopleI am a Faculty member (Assistant Professor, Highway and Transportation Engineering Department) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland). My main research interests include: road safety, including the build and implementation of safety management tools, modeling of safety measures. In addition, road infrastructure design, economic and multi-criteria analyzes for road investments....
Framework for extracting rails and setting-out railway line axis based on UAV photogrammetric measurements
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Decision-making under stress: A psychological and neurobiological integrative model
PublicationUnderstanding the impact of stress on cognitive processes, particularly decision-making, is crucial as it underpins behaviors essential for survival. However, research in this domain has yielded disparate results, with inconsistencies evident across stress-induction paradigms and drug administration protocols designed to investigate specific stress pathways or neuromodulators. Building upon empirical studies, this research identifies...
Shaping of the turnout diverging track with variable curvature sections
PublicationThe paper presents an analytical method of shaping the turnout diverging railroad track with variable curvature segments on its length, which in an evident way distinguished it from a typical solution, made up of a single circular arc with no transition curves. Two separate causes including a linear and a nonlinear curvature one in the form of a polynomial have been examined. The obtained solutions of the problem have a universal...
Framework for extracting rails and setting-out railway line axis based on UAV photogrammetric measurements
PublicationTechnical diagnostics enables assessing the current technical condition of a railway line and adjacent infrastructure, and forecasting its changes over a specific time horizon. One of its elements is the periodic monitoring of rail position and their geometry. This article presents a new framework for the setting-out of a railway track axis. The process presented in the manuscript is based on the specific filtration and extraction...
Theoretical examination of the fracture behavior of BC3 polycrystalline nanosheets: Effect of crack size and temperature
Publication2D carbon graphene nanostructures are elements of advanced materials and systems. This theoretical survey provides explanation to the mechanical and fracture behavior of mono- and polycrystalline BC3 nanosheets (denoted as MC- and PCBC3NS, respectively) as a function of temperature and the type of crack defects. The mechanical performance of PCBC3NS at elevated temperatures was monitored varying the number of grain boundaries (the...
Modeling of Surface Roughness in Honing Processes by UsingFuzzy Artificial Neural Networks
PublicationHoning processes are abrasive machining processes which are commonly employed to improve the surface of manufactured parts such as hydraulic or combustion engine cylinders. These processes can be employed to obtain a cross-hatched pattern on the internal surfaces of cylinders. In this present study, fuzzy artificial neural networks are employed for modeling surface roughness parameters obtained in finishing honing operations. As...
Modelling in machine design
e-Learning Coursesthis course is meant to train students in analysis of mechanical systems. At the project part the students will compare contemporary (FEM) solutions with traditional engineering models of certain objects/joints