total: 89
Catalog Projects
Year -
Europium Europium Short-Term Outgoing Visits
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to 7/1/2024/IDUB/IV.2a/Eu agreement from 2024-02-16
Europe 4.0 Digital Citizens Europe 4.0 Digital Citizens
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to 2023-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000155541 agreement
The negative side of involvement in entrepreneurial activity among start-up founders
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to DEC-2023/07/X/HS4/00313 agreement from 2023-08-08
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Informatics in Management according to EIDHR/2022/437-643 agreement from 2022-12-15
Towards a neuro-inclusive theory of leadership.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2022/47/D/HS4/01294 agreement from 2023-06-27
AGILE MINDSET Agile learning culture influence on dynamic capabilities of knowledge-based organizations: Polish-Finnish cross-country analysis of the IT vs. other sectors view
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2022/47/B/HS4/00597 agreement from 2023-06-27
AGILE MINDSET Agile learning culture influence on dynamic capabilities of knowledge-based organizations: Polish-Finnish cross-country analysis
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2022/47/B/HS4/00597 agreement from 2023-06-27
Knowledge management in tourism organizations in crisis.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2022/45/B/HS4/02631 agreement from 2023-01-19
SWEPPP Sustainable Well-being - education for personal, professional and planetary well-being
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to 2023-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000156944 agreement from 2023-10-17
NOMM Organizational maturity model to support the employability of neurodiverse individuals
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2021/43/B/HS4/00499 agreement
Newcomers@Work Newcomers@Work: Strengthening the Employability of Young Refugee and Migrant NEETs
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to 2022-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000089667 agreement
RETHINK-GSC Rethinking Global Supply Chains: measurement, impact and policy
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic according to Grant agreement 101061123 z dn. 01.06.2022 agreement from 2022-06-01
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Informatics in Management
RETHINK-GSC Rethinking Global Supply Chains: measurement, impact and policy (HORIZON EUROPE)
ProjectsProject realized in Katedra Ekonomii according to Project 101061123 — RETHINK-GSC agreement from 2022-06-01
BA&VET Promoting permeability through dual bachelor's programs with integrated initial and further vocational training
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management
EUROPIUM IDUB (Gdansk University of Technology) Transformational leadership for researcher’s innovativeness in the context of tacit knowledge and change adaptability
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to DEC-/2020/IDUB/IV.2/EUROPIUM agreement from 2020-12-10
ELECTRUST Dynamics of Trust and Distrust Creation in Internet Voting
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Informatics in Management according to 101038055 agreement from 2021-04-28
Edu4QI Education for Quality Improvement
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to EOG/21/K4/W/0030 agreement
Innovative sustainable investment funds in Europe: determinants of development and socio-economic consequences. The sustainable development perspective.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to UMO-2020/37/B/HS4/00717 agreement from 2021-01-26
INBETS+ Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs in the BSR +
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to #016 agreement from 2021-03-17
InnoFuture Innovators for the Future
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty Office, Faculty of Management and Economics according to PPI/SPI/2020/1/00004/U/00001 agreement from 2021-06-17
DEMS Developing E-marketing Skills for the Business Market
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Marketing according to 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000032209 agreement from 2021-12-02
Technological specialisation and productivity divergence in the age of digitalisation, automation and AI
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic according to UMO-2020/37/B/HS4/01302 agreement from 2021-02-01
KNOWMAN Knowledge Management Training for KIBS SMEs
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to Education and Youth Board agreement from 2021-11-01
KNOWMAN Knowledge Management Training for KIBS SMEs
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management
Age@Work Age@Work - Building Capacity for Age Management in Human Resources
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to #S043 agreement from 2020-09-25
AACSB Accreditation procedure AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Accreditation)
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Finance according to MNiSW/2020/126/DIR/AZ z dn. 06.04.2020 agreement from 2020-04-06
The many meanings of sustainability: an analysis of the airline industry disclosures
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2019/35/N/HS4/04367 agreement from 2020-06-25
Knowledge risks in contemporary organizations
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2019/33/B/HS4/02250 agreement from 2020-01-30
TOO4TO Sustainable Management: Tools for Tomorrow
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to 2020-1-PL01-KA203-082076 agreement from 2020-09-09
Doskonalenie procesów zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w cyfrowym środowisku pracy pod kątem potrzeb osób ze spektrum zaburzeń autystycznych - badanie wstępne
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to DEC- 2019/03/X/HS4/00304 agreement from 2019-10-23
Tacit Knowledge Sharing Influence on Innovativeness. The Sector Analysis
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to UMO-2018/31/D/HS4/02623 agreement from 2019-06-18
Career Choice Problem: Modelling Expected Utility Function.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2018/31/N/HS4/03310 agreement from 2019-06-24
CEEMAN IQA CEEMAN IQA - International Qaulity Education Accreditation
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty Office, Faculty of Management and Economics according to MNISW/2018/35/DIR/AZ agreement from 2018-04-30
MZP Effectuation model of entrepreneurial teams. How do effective entrepreneurial teams operate?
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2017/25/B/HS4/01507 agreement from 2018-01-24
KAforHR Innovative Entrepreneurs and Innovation Support for SMEs: Knowledge Alliance „Human Resources and Organizational Development“
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to 600923-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA agreement from 2018-11-28
Positive management of technical universities: a new model of motivation
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2017/27/B/HS4/01033 agreement from 2018-07-19
Forecasting the risk of consumer bankruptcy in Poland
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Finance according to UMO-2017/25/B/HS4/00592 agreement from 2018-01-10
AMBA - The Association of MBAs Accreditation
ProjectsProject realized in Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics according to MNISW/2018/42/DIR/AZ agreement from 2018-05-21
Job burnout: a new conceptualization in a longitudinal multilevel approach
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2017/26/M/HS6/00451 agreement from 2018-05-10
S2CityGov (nowa nazwa CAP4CITY) Strengthening Governance Capacity for Smart Sustainable Cities
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Informatics in Management according to 598273-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP agreement from 2018-12-13
INBETS Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs in the BSR
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to 3883/INTERREG BSR/2018/2 agreement from 2019-05-19
Inżyniera Danych - Międzynarodowy Program Kształcenia Politechniki Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics according to POWR.03.03.00-00-M080-16 agreement from 2017-02-22
SSFe-WE Soft Skills of Future e-World Employee
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Philosophy and Science Methodology from 2017-08-28
Kompetencje siłą napędową sukcesu studentów Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to POWR.03.01.00-00-K304-16 agreement from 2017-02-22
SB YCGN South Baltic Yough Core Groups Network
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Philosophy and Science Methodology according to STHB.05.01.00-28-0117/17-00 agreement from 2018-03-13
Knowledge management strategies and their determinants in companies from the knowledge-intensive business services sector.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2016/21/B/HS4/03051 agreement from 2017-01-24
SNOwMAN Supporting Non-Technological Innovations in Owner-Managed Manufacturing SMEs through Increased Capacity of Business Intermediaries
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Management and Economics according to #R053 SNOWMAN BSR agreement from 2017-10-01
ELMAR ELMAR- Supporting South Baltic SMEs to enter the international supply chains & sales markets for boats & ships with electric propulsions
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to STHB.01.01.00-DE-0090/16-00 agreement from 2017-10-16
Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of culture.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Philosophy and Science Methodology according to UMO-2015/18/M/HS1/00380 agreement from 2016-04-27