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Catalog Publications
Year 2023
Universities’ journey towards sustainability- systematic literature review
PublicationPurpose: This research aims to identify a sustainable university's key features. It is an essential step in tracing the topics discussed in the context of a sustainable university and their evolution in the scientific discourse. Design/methodology/approach: This paper relies on a systematic literature review (SLR) conducted using two scholarly databases: Emerald and Scopus. The timeframe selected by the authors for reviewing the...
Unveiling the Green Mirage: Unearthing Weaknesses in Pro-Environmental Applications
PublicationGrowing ecological concerns and a general shift towards tailored digitized solutions in cities lead to an increased popularity of pro ecological applications, especially those associated with transport-oriented functionalities. This research focuses on the results from a testbed of a pro-environmental application deployment among early adopters. Based on quantitative and cartographic analysis enriched with interviews’ results,...
Upgrading low value-added activities in global value chains: a functional specialisation approach
PublicationThis paper aims to identify patterns of functional specialisation (FS) in global value chains (GVCs) and determinants of upgrading them for selected Central Eastern European (CEE) economies. By combing the World Input-Output Database with data on occupations, we reveal a new FS pattern among subgroups of CEEs. Poland and Slovakia have an unfavourable GVC position and specialise in low value-added fabrication function. In contrast,...
Upoważnienie do zaciągania zobowiązań na rzecz jednostek samorządu terytorialnego jako naruszenie dyscypliny finansów publicznych
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu upoważnienia do zaciągania zobowiązań na rzecz jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. W teoretycznej części zdefiniowano dwa pojęcia: zobowiązań oraz zaciągania zobowiązań. Następnie scharakteryzowano zagadnienie podmiotowego i przedmiotowego zaciągania zobowiązań. Nieprzestrzeganie przepisów dotyczących zaciągania zobowiązań, które zawarte są głównie w ustawie o finansach publicznych, prowadzi...
Using Isolation Forest and Alternative Data Products to Overcome Ground Truth Data Scarcity for Improved Deep Learning-based Agricultural Land Use Classification Models
PublicationHigh-quality labelled datasets represent a cornerstone in the development of deep learning models for land use classification. The high cost of data collection, the inherent errors introduced during data mapping efforts, the lack of local knowledge, and the spatial variability of the data hinder the development of accurate and spatially-transferable deep learning models in the context of agriculture. In this paper, we investigate...
W stronę postliberalizmu. Filozofia społeczna i polityczna Johna Milbanka
PublicationCelem rozprawy jest krytyczna analiza programu postliberalnego anglikańskiego teologa Johna Milbanka. Jego twórczość nie tylko wpisuje się w nurt teologii postliberalnej, która przyjmuje kulturowo-językową interpretację religii, uwydatniając pierwotność narracji w poznaniu, lecz także stanowi istotny wkład w postliberalną filozofię polityczną, który porzuca charakterystyczny dla liberalizmu indywidualizm, uniwersalizm i racjonalizm,...
When all we have is not enough: a search for the optimal method of quantifying inflation expectations
PublicationAlthough inflation expectations are pivotal variables for central banks, they are not directly observable. Therefore, central banks use qualitative survey results to proxy consumer expectations, and their quantification in this manner is often criticized. In this study, we investigate and identify an optimal quantification procedure for survey results based on a set of regression and probabilistic models. Specifically, we seek...
Whither the need and motivation for open government data (OGD) promotional strategies?
PublicationPurpose It has been underscored in the extant literature that open government data (OGD) has not percolated across the length and breadth of any country, let alone the awareness of the OGD among the stakeholders themselves. In this vein, this study aims to underline the reasons as to why OGD promotion merits consideration apart from underlining the manner in which OGD promotion may be done. Design/methodology/approach Based on...
Władza misjonarzy. Zmierzch i świt świeckiej religii w Dolinie Krzemowej
Publication"Władza misjonarzy" to książka o misjonarskim zapale zmieniania świata i o kryzysie świeckiej religii towarzyszącej liderom nowych technologii, o ich świętokradztwach i sprofesjonalizowanej pokucie mającej przywrócić harmonię technologicznego raju na ziemi z Alphabetem, Metą, Apple i TikTokiem w roli głównej. Także o skruszonych inżynierach, żałujących każdej chwili, którą poświęcili na wymyślanie uzależniających algorytmicznych rozwiązań...
Working Conditions in the Context of Global Value Chains and Routinisation: An Example of Polish Workers
PublicationThe paper aims to explore the linkages between global production fragmentation, routinisation and the well-being of workers in Poland. In particular, the focus is placed on the selected measures of working conditions, such as the social environment, work intensity, and working time quality to examine their dependence on involvement in international trade and the routinisation level. We merge individual data describing the working...
Współpracować i konkurować w szkolnictwie wyższym – czy to ma sens? Analiza wybranych związków statystycznych
PublicationCel: Celem głównym artykułu jest wykazanie, że współpraca i pozycja konkurencyjna uczelni są ze sobą powiązane. Celem szczegółowym jest wykazanie, że sukces, jakim jest uzyskanie finansowania projektu badawczego jest powiązany z poziomem współpracy międzynarodowej konkurujących uczelni, a także z relacją liczby studentów do liczby nauczycieli akademickich. Materiał i metoda: W artykule przyjęto metodę ilościową, której elementem...
Zdrowie fiskalne jednostek samorządu terytorialnego
PublicationCel – Celem artykułu jest określenie istoty i determinant zdrowia fiskalnego jednostek samorządu terytorialnego (JST) w Polsce oraz zakresu jego pomiaru i oceny. Metoda badań – Wykorzystano analizę deskryptywną, analizę porównawczą oraz wnioskowanie indukcyjne i dedukcyjne. Wyniki – W krajowej literaturze przedmiotu poświęcono wiele uwagi problematyce kondycji finansowej i stabilności finansowej JST, ale słabo rozpoznana jest problematyka zdrowia...
Zielona transformacja gospodarki i finansów samorządowych
PublicationKsiążka wpisuje się w nurt publikacji poświęconych przeciwdziałaniu zmianom klimatu, degradacji środowiska i możliwości wdrażania zrównoważonego rozwoju. Punkt wyjścia rozważań to 2 dokumenty: Agenda 2030 i Europejski Zielony Ład oraz warunki i możliwości ich operacjonalizacji na szczeblu ogólnokrajowym i lokalnym, tj. samorządowym. Zagadnienia omówione w monografii skupiają się na przyczynach i skutkach zmian klimatu, znaczeniu...
Zwalczanie przestępczości skarbowej jako aktywny sposób minimalizacji ryzyka podatkowego - case study
PublicationCelem pracy jest prezentacja i ocena sposobów zwalczania przestępczości skarbowej jako jeden z podstawowych sposobów minimalizacji ryzyka podatkowego. Metodologia badania - analizie i ocenie poddano wybrane sposoby zwalczania przestępstw skarbowych. Dla osiągnięcia tego celu posłużono się zarówno analizą literatury, jak i materiałów pochodzących ze statystyk sporządzonych przez służby skarbowe oraz policję. Wyniki - wyniki dowodzą,...
Year 2022
100– lecie urodzin profesora Romualda Kolmana 1922-2016, patrona Konkursu IKAR JAKOŚCI. Kamienie milowe w dorobku twórcy kwalitologii w Polsce
Publication17 czerwca 2022 roku minęła 100. rocznica urodzin śp. profesora dr. hab. inż. Romualda Kolmana, jednego z najczęściej przywoływanych twórców i krzewicieli Polskiej Szkoły Jakości. Jako podwładny i doktorant profesora w ostatnim, przypadającym na lata 90. XX wieku okresie jego pracy na Wydziale Mechanicznym Technologicznym w Politechnice Gdańskiej, miałem tę możliwość i szczęście, że mogłem zapoznać się z praktycznie całym dorobkiem...
A breath of fresh air - social cognitive career theory in studying entrepreneurial intentions
PublicationA pinch of robustness and a pinch of freshness create an interesting story. That is why this study focuses on entrepreneurial intentions from an alternative theoretical perspective in an underexplored context. In this paper, it is argued that social cognitive career theory is relevant to the study of individual entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour, and it offers a solid framework in entrepreneurship research. This paper expands...
A conceptual framework for digital tax administration - A systematic review
PublicationTax administrations worldwide have become highly digitised with a diverse and sophisticated array of e-services to enhance the taxpayer experience. Nevertheless, given the high rates of failure of e-government services, it is critical to understand the factors that are essential to the success of a digital tax system. Drawing on a systematic review of ninety-six publications across the digital taxation, taxation, and information...
A New Critical Risk on the Block: Cyber Risks as an Example of Technical Knowledge Risks in Organizations
PublicationThe breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the appearance of many additional technical knowledge risks in organizations. Cyber risks in particular are becoming a great challenge for organizations. At the same time, academic research on cyber risks, their costs, consequences and ability of overcoming them is still scarce and fragmented. In order to fill this gap, the paper is aimed to identify different types of cyber...
Adaptive Dynamical Systems Modelling of Transformational Organizational Change: with Focus on Organizational Culture and Organizational Learning
PublicationTransformative Organizational Change becomes more and more significant both practically and academically, especially in the context of organizational culture and learning. However computational modeling and a formalization of organizational change and learning processes are still largely unexplored. This paper aims to provide an adaptive network model of transformative organizational change and translate a selection of organizational...
Adding Interpretability to Neural Knowledge DNA
PublicationThis paper proposes a novel approach that adds the interpretability to Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA) via generating a decision tree. The NK-DNA is a promising knowledge representation approach for acquiring, storing, sharing, and reusing knowledge among machines and computing systems. We introduce the decision tree-based generative method for knowledge extraction and representation to make the NK-DNA more explainable. We examine...
Adversarial attack algorithm for traffic sign recognition
PublicationDeep learning suffers from the threat of adversarial attacks, and its defense methods have become a research hotspot. In all applications of deep learning, intelligent driving is an important and promising one, facing serious threat of adversarial attack in the meanwhile. To address the adversarial attack, this paper takes the traffic sign recognition as a typical object, for it is the core function of intelligent driving. Considering...
Affronter la distance et la séparation : l'utilisation des médias sociaux par les migrants dans leurs relations interpersonnelles
PublicationL'augmentation progressive de la mobilité, de l'interconnectivité et de l'instabilité, la transformation du travail et de l'emploi et celle de la communication (Castells, 2010) ont contribué à l’émergence d’une déracinés et séparés de leur foyer évoluent vers de nouvelles perspectives les migrants comme des sujets mobiles et interconnectés qui, grâce aux TIC, peuvent entretenir des relations et des connexions à distance les...
AMO model for neuro-inclusive remote workplace
PublicationPurpose The aim of this article is to extend current debates on organizational equality, diversity and inclusion to a consideration of neurodivergence in the remote workplace context. Design/methodology/approach Drawing on the ability, motivation, and opportunity (AMO) model and an emerging strength-based approach to neurodiversity, this conceptual paper integrates research on neurodiversity at work and remote working to provide...
An Adaptive Network Model Simulating the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis paper investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organizational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organizational learning, (2) Effective organizational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader's behavior must align for the best learning effects....
An Analysis of Sustainability Reporting Practices of the Global Airline Industry
PublicationSustainability reporting (SR) has become a standard practice for many organisations worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to explore and develop our understanding of the global airline industry’s SR practices. Content analysis was employed to map which reporting frameworks the global commercial airline industry has recently used to report their non-financial impacts. Additionally, comparisons were made in the application of SR...
Analysing By-Products Interaction as an Industry Resource of Circular Economy in Ukraine and the World
PublicationThe paper analyses existing and current scientific developments and literature sources, which show the advantages and disadvantages of many different influences of waste in Ukraine and other countries of Europe and the world. As a research result, stable connections have been established between the factors and criteria in assessing the by-product interaction as an industry resource. In our research, we used programs R.Studio and...
Analysing the Residential Market Using Self-Organizing Map
PublicationAlthough the residential property market has strong connections with various sectors, such as construction, logistics, and investment, it works through different dynamics than other markets; thus, it can be analysed from various perspectives. Researchers and investors are mostly interested in price trends, the impact of external factors on residential property prices, and price prediction. When analysing price trends, it is beneficial...
Analyzing Wind Energy Potential Using Efficient Global Optimization: A Case Study for the City Gdańsk in Poland
PublicationWind energy (WE), which is one of the renewable energy (RE) sources for generating electricity, has been making a significant contribution to obtaining clean and green energy in recent years. Fitting an appropriate statistical distribution to the wind speed (WS) data is crucial in analyzing and estimating WE potential. Once the best suitable statistical distribution for WS data is determined, WE potential and potential yield could...
Assessment of E-government inclusion policies toward seniors: A framework and case study
PublicationDigital exclusion of seniors covers both social and technical drivers that affect the magnitude of this phenomenon. It arises from the fear of technology, reduced manual and mental abilities, socio-economic status, and also the mismatch between the technological environment and the needs of the elderly. The consideration of the needs of seniors are mainly implemented through social policies while the provision of government services...
Assessment of the Current Potential of Hydropower for Water Damming in Poland in the Context of Energy Transformation
PublicationThe present paper indicates that hydropower, including small hydropower plants (SHPs), may play a very important role in Poland’s energy transformation in the near future. The development of SHPs may also increase water resources in the steppe Poland. Additionally, the aim of the present research is to conduct the PEST analysis of SHPs in Poland, taking into account the SHP potential. For the first time, maps showing the power...
Assessment of the Feasibility of Energy Transformation Processes in European Union Member States
PublicationThe energy transition is now treated in most countries as a necessary condition for their long-term development. The process of energy transformation assumes the simultaneous implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a major challenge for modern economies and introduce significant restrictions in their functioning. Our study aims to group EU member states according to their ability to achieve energy transition...
Autonomiczny system zdalnego pomiaru wentylatorów przemysłowych jako rezultat etapu projektu innowacyjnego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono proces budowania oraz testowania zdalnego, całkowicie autonomicznego systemu pomiaru parametrów pracy wentylatorów. Proces realizowano w ramach pierwszego etapu innowacyjnego projektu. Przedstawiono szczegółowe kroki budowy systemu zbierania i przetwarzania danych pomiarowych z wentylatorów zainstalowanych w rzeczywistych warunkach eksploatacji oraz wyniki ich analizy. W szczególności opracowano i wdrożono...
Benchmarking the Digital Government Value Chain
PublicationDigital Government (DG) benchmarking is an academically vivid topic and, equally important, a tool with the potential to provide valuable insights to policymakers and public managers responsible for digital policies at the level of countries and international bodies. Alas, this potential remains largely untapped in the current DG benchmarking practice. In our study, we identify the reasons and propose a way of mitigating them....
Cassier E. Filozofia form symbolicznych tom 3. Fenomenologia poznania.Przekład, wstęp i opracowanie : Przemysław Parszutowicz i Andrzej Karalus.Wydaw. Marek Derewiecki, 2022
PublicationTrzeci tom opus magnum Cassirera zawiera szczegółową prezentację teoretycznego szkieletu całej koncepcji Filozofii form symbolicznych Cassirera oraz jej głównych pojęć (takich jak symboliczna pregnancja), wraz z opisem funkcji świadomości i poziomów jej obiektywizacji. Naczelnym przedmiotem badań tomu jest ogólnie pojęta świadomość rozumiana jako specyficzna funkcja poznawczo-syntetyzująca, kształtująca różnorodność świata kultury....
Changes in the Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 Methodology: The Improved Approach of Competitiveness Benchmarking
PublicationThe Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) is used as a standard for measuring a country’s competitiveness. However, in literature, the GCI has been accused of numerous methodological flaws. Consequently, in 2018, the WEF introduced significant methodological changes. This study aims to examine whether the methodological modifications in the GCI’s structure increase its ability to capture...
Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Solution: A Review of Selection and Evaluation Criteria
PublicationInformation technologies evolve continuously reaching pioneering areas that bring in new cybersecurity challenges. Security engineering needs to keep pace with the advancing cyberthreats by providing innovative solutions. At the same time, the foundations that include security and risk assessment methodologies should remain stable. Experts are offered with an extensive portfolio of solutions and an informed choice of a particular...
Cluster organization as a form of non-technological innovation
PublicationThe paper aims to investigate the relationships that cluster enterprises develop with their environment through participation in cluster organization (CO). The authors report the findings from a qualitative study carried out in the Lubusz Metal Cluster. The main research strategy is case study. An in-depth individual interview was used to collect the data, and qualitative content analysis and coding for its analysis. The study...
Collective creativity in management science
PublicationPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to establish the current state of knowledge on collective creativity in management science on the basis of a systematic literature review. Methodology: A systematic review was performed based on the three-step SPL procedure proposed by Tranfield et al. (2003). Two databases (Scopus and Web of Science) were searched electronically up until March 2022. Based on the secondary data a literature...
Communication as a Factor Limiting University-Business Cooperation
PublicationObjective - Despite the broad extent of the scientific activity dealing with university-business cooperation, Poland has yet to develop a satisfactory cooperation strategy that takes business needs into account. This issue is still relevant due to the need for continuous improvement and resulting benefits aimed at improving enterprise competitiveness. Methodology/Technique - Authors of this article attempt to select an overriding...
Con l’introduzione
PublicationNata nel 1953 con l’obiettivo di portare l’Italia tra le nazioni avanzate anche in campo energetico, Eni rappresenta una delle principali imprese ad aver influenzato l’innovazione economica del Paese. La sua storia, legata a doppio filo alla figura di Enrico Mattei, consente di seguirne le traiettorie di sviluppo e le strategie di internazionalizzazione, nel quadro di un contesto in continua evoluzione. Questo volume ripercorre...
PublicationThe cooperation between enterprises and universities varies in terms of character and intensity. Bearing in mind the potential represented by both parties, its low intensity is still noticed, and consequently, the lack or incomplete use of opportunities resulting from this cooperation. Current factors of industry-university cooperation were identified from the perspective of companies from biotechnology and pharmaceutical...
Consequences of russia’s military invasion of Ukraine for Polish-Ukrainian trade relations
PublicationAn accurate forecast of interstate trade volume allows for short-term and long-term planning, particularly deciding on state budget revenues, foreign exchange earnings, border arrangement, other infrastructure, migration and social policies. Hostilities are destructive so the russian military aggression against Ukraine in 2022 needs to be assessed in terms of its effects on key economic aspects of Polish-Ukrainian relations, as...
Context of Digitalized Employment for Older Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the New Normal
PublicationEmployers are actively considering how to normalize remote work technology across different industries. The residual risk of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) will necessarily lower the bar for allowing some workers to stay remote on a more permanent basis. This is based on the realization that many essential jobs can be teleworked while retaining or enhancing productivity. The decisions employers make regarding future work arrangements...
Corporate social responsibility and project management: towards a better understanding of their relationship
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to identify the fields of convergence, if any, between two management concepts and business practices, namely Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Project Management (PM). To achieve the formulated goal, a systematic literature review (SLR), including bibliometric analysis, LOESS regression analysis, and text mining, was performed. This analysis allowed us to distinguish five categories...
Cryptocurrencies as a speculative asset. How much uncertainty is included in cryptocurrency price?
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between uncertainty indices (Geopolitical Uncertainty Index and Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index) and cryptocurrencies. In order to conduct research, the authors collected the data on the major cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Dogecoin and USD coin) which account for 78% of the total market cap. Using panel OLS regression, this study finds that Bitcoin...
CSR and innovation or CSR as non-technological innovation
PublicationThis chapter investigates the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and innovation process. There is an ongoing discussion in the literature regarding this relationship, in particular on its one- or bidirectional nature and possible antecedents or mediating factors. This research addresses this gap and aims to provide more conceptual clarity and synthesize the different types of relationships between CSR and...
CSR at HEIs: Between Ignorance, Awareness and Knowledge
PublicationThe paper focuses on CSR education in Higher Education Institutions. It analyzes current approaches to this education and the enhancements already deployed in the international perspective. The main aim is to conceptualize CSRS education forms within the context of technology-oriented HEIs and propose the model for this education. This model has also been partially verified using the cases of four technical universities. This research...
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims at providing comparative analysis of the influence of cultural determinants on the managers’ perceptions of human resources management practices, as a factor conditioning application of evidence-based management. Design/methodology/approach: This article presents the study of 121 managers in Poland, on their perception of HRM practices and analyses the consistency of findings with the Hofstede cultural...
PublicationIn recent years the polish real estate market has been characterised by a significant increase in supply and demand. This was facilitated by a number of macroeconomic factors. In recent years, housing has been commissioned as 30 years ago. Therefore, the depth analysis issue of the causes and consequences for the Polish economy of these trends is now relevant. Among the reasons are significant economic growth, low interest rates...
Czy kurtoza mierzy spiczastość rozkładu?
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie i uzasadnienie interpretacji klasycznego współczynnika kurtozy jako miary grubości ogonów oraz zaproponowanie modyfikacji treści dydaktycznych w tym zakresie. W wielu polskich podręcznikach akademickich podaje się, że współczynnik kurtozy (lub ekscesu) mierzy „wysmukłość”, „spiczastość” lub „spłaszczenie” rozkładu. Taka interpretacja jest nieprawidłowa. Kurtoza mierzy bowiem w istocie stopień...