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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DIKE%20EXPERIMENT

  • Enhancement of fiber-optic low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with ZnO ALD films


    In this paper investigation of the enhanced fiber-optic low coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with zinc oxide (ZnO) film deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) was presented. Model of the interferometer, which was constructed of single-mode optical fiber with applied ZnO ALD films, was built. The interferometer was also examined by means of experiment. Measurements were performed for both reflective and transmission modes,...

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  • Abdominal epilepsy in patient of schizophrenia - a diagnostic dilemma


    - Rok 2021

    Abdominal epilepsy is a rare and uncomman cause of recurrent abdominal pain. It is commonly occuring in children, but rarely in adolescent and elderly. Paroxysmal episodes of abdominal pain with neurological symptoms like dizziness, lethargy, and abnormal electroencephalogram and remarkable response to anticonvulsant confirms the diagnosis. Here we present a case of schizophrenia, who has repoted with recurrent abdominal pain...

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  • Analysis of Rolling Resistance of Tires With Run Flat Insert


    - Key Engineering Materials - Rok 2014

    Run flat properties are required for tires intended for special applications like military or rescue vehicles. Run-Flat inserts make possible to drive a car or truck, with certain restrictions, also when inflation pressure is very low or non-existing (after tire damage). Rolling resistance of tires rolling the inserts increases considerably in relation to the rolling resistance of properly inflated tires. This paper presents results...

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  • The Optical Transport Network Control Based on SDN Architecture

    The aim of this publication is to present research results on the usability of the Software-Defined Networking concept to control transport networks. For this purpose, an easy-to-use connection scheduler was developed capable of controlling connections in optical transport networks. The authors would like to present this solution and details of constructed SDN architecture implemented for modern optical transport solutions based...

  • Developing competences for cooperation in international teams - tools and methods


    The article presents the training methods that can be used to develop intercultural competences which are extremely important while working in intercultural teams. The mentioned methods like: case-studies, collaborating, role-play simulations, team working, video presentations and others are presented on the basis of authors’ experiences while teaching the international groups of students at Faculty of Management and Economics...

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  • Multiscaled Hybrid Features Generation for AdaBoost Object Detection

    This work presents the multiscaled version of modified census features in graphical objects detection with AdaBoost cascade training algorithm. Several experiments with face detector training process demonstrate better performance of such features over ordinal census and Haar-like approaches. The possibilities to join multiscaled census and Haar features in single hybrid cascade of strong classifiers are also elaborated and tested....

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  • Multi-level Virtualization and Its Impact on System Performance in Cloud Computing

    The results of benchmarking tests of multi-level virtualized environments are presented. There is analysed the performance impact of hardware virtualization, container-type isolation and programming level abstraction. The comparison is made on the basis of a proposed score metric that allows you to compare different aspects of performance. There is general performance (CPU and memory), networking, disk operations and application-like...

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  • A dipole-driven path for electron and positron attachments to gas-phase uracil and pyrimidine molecules: a quantum scattering analysis

    • F. Carelli
    • F. Gianturco
    • J. Franz
    • M. Satta


    Electron and positron scattering processes in the gas-phase are analysed for uracil and pyrimidine molecules using a multichannel quantum approach at energies close to threshold. The special effects on the scattering dynamics induced by the large dipole moments in both molecules on the spatial features of the continuum leptonic wavefunctions are here linked to the possible bound states of the Rydberg-like molecular anions or ‘positroned’...

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  • A Monte Carlo Strategy to simulate Positrons and Positronium in biological Materials

    We present an algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of positron tracks in biological materials. The algorithm takes into account the cross-section data for elastic and inelastic collisions between positrons and molecules and processes like direct annihilation, ionization and positronium formation. In the case of positronium formation, the algorithm considers the interactions of positronium with molecules. The algorithm can be used...

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  • Seafloor characterisation using multibeam data: sonar image properties, seabed surface properties and echo properties


    In the paper, the approach to seafloor characterisation is presented. The multibeam sonars, besides their well verified and widely used applications like high resolution bathymetry and underwater object detection and imaging, are also the promising tool in seafloor characterization and classification, having several advantages over conventional single beam echosounders. The proposed approach relies on the combined, concurrent use...

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  • Assessment of particular abdominal aorta section extraction from contrast-enhanced computed tomography angiography


    The aim of this work is to improve the accuracy of extraction of a particular abdominal aorta section and to reduce the distortion in three-dimensional Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) images. Imaging modality and quality plays crucial role in the medical diagnostic process, thus ensuring high quality of images is essential at every stage of acquisition and processing.Noise is defined as a disturbance of the image quality...

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  • On the non-linear dynamics of torus-shaped and cylindrical shell structures



    In this study, the non-linear dynamic analysis of torus-shaped and cylindrical shell-like structures has been studied. The applied material is assumed as the functionally graded material (FGM). The structures are considered to be used for important machines such as wind turbines. The effects of some environmental factors on the analysis like temperature and humidity have been considered. The strain field has been calculated in...

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  • Usage of parametric echosounder with emphasis on buried object searching.


    - Rok 2013

    The purpose of this article is to present the results of investigation to search for buried objects. The paper will contain echograms and other means of visualization from buried pipe placed between area of W?adys?awowo and gas platform and interesting in terms of the number of small and medium-sized unidentified objects found in the muddy bottom at different depths localized in the Gulf of Puck - results will be presented also...

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  • Economic crisis in Croatia


    Croatia is becoming the 28th member of the European Union on July 1st, 2013. Croatia has gone a long way from a socialistic republic to an independent country recognized as one of the economic tigers of the Western Balkans in the first decade of the 21st century. Croatia has been hit by a global crisis which turned out to be a huge external shock for the region of the Western Balkans. Although it does not enter the economy through...

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  • Endohedral gallide cluster superconductors and superconductivity in ReGa5

    • W. Xie
    • H. Luo
    • B. Phelan
    • T. Klimczuk
    • F. Cevallos
    • R. J. Cava


    We present transition metal-embedded (T@Gan) endohedral Ga clusters as a favorable structural motif for superconductivity and develop empirical, molecule-based, electron counting rules that govern the hierarchical architectures that the clusters assume in binary phases. Among the binary T@Gan endohedral cluster systems, Mo8Ga41, Mo6Ga31, Rh2Ga9, and Ir2 Ga9 are all previously known superconductors. The well-known exotic superconductor...

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  • Mechanical characteristics of welded joints between different stainless steels grades


    - Rok 2017

    nvestigation of mechanical characteristics of welded joints is one of the most important tasks that allow determining their functional properties. Due to the very high, still rising, cost of some stainless steels it is justified, on economic grounds, welding austenitic stainless steel with steels that are corrosion-resistant like duplex ones. According to forecasts the price of...

  • The effect of tyre rubber grinding method on the rubber-asphalt binder properties

    Rubber products, especially those used in the automotive industry, are responsible for a significant amount of waste, mainly in the form of worn tyres. One way to recycle tyres is to use them as an asphalt binder modifier. The properties of rubber-asphalt binders vary greatly depending on the morphology of the ground tyre rubber (GTR) grains and the type of tyre to be recycled (car/truck). The paper presents the results of research...

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    Artykuł dotyczy tematyki zespołów wielokulturowych, które ze względu na specyfikę globalnego rynku odgrywają coraz ważniejszą rolę we współczesnych organizacjach. Skoncentrowano się na kształtowaniu klimatu pracy zespołowej, który pozwala wykorzystać potencjał zespołu zróżnicowanego kulturowo, podkreślając potencjalne utrudnienia i ich źródła. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań kwestionariuszowych, których celem było sprawdzenie, na ile...

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  • The influence of compensate coils on own ship magnetic field

    A ferromagnetic object placed in the earth magnetic field causes a local disturbance in this field distribution. The field distribution disturbance is a function of many arguments like the dimensoins and shape of the object, its ferromagnetic properties ande its positon in relation to the earth magnetic field. in order to minimize the influence of this disturbance one places compensate coils on the ship. Some chosen results of...

  • Trust Dynamics Analysis of CTR Scheme Subversion under Virtual Anonymity and Trust-Unaware Partner Selection


    - Rok 2016

    We propose a framework to study Markovian trust value dynamics in a centralized Computational Trust and Reputation (CTR) scheme under trust-unaware partner selection using a mean-value approximation. Analytically founded answers are sought to questions like: Can dishonest agents subvert the CTR scheme (i.e., acquire higher trust values than honest agents)? Is indirect reciprocity incentivized? Is there a qualitative impact of a...

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  • On the correspondence between two- and three-dimensional Eshelby tensors

    We consider both three-dimensional (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) Eshelby tensors known also as energy–momentum tensors or chemical potential tensors, which are introduced within the nonlinear elasticity and the resultant nonlinear shell theory, respectively. We demonstrate that 2D Eshelby tensor is introduced earlier directly using 2D constitutive equations of nonlinear shells and can be derived also using the throughthe-thickness...

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  • Specification of private art galleries used in the central part of old town Belgrade


    In Belgrade, since the late 1990s, private art galleries have appeared that indirectly create the image of the city through the propagation of art, take part in the education process of the residents and undertake criticism of local and global events. The article is an answer to the following questions: [1] why and how do the bottom-up art oriented places appear in Belgrade, [2] how do they function, and (3) what is their architectural...

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  • Adaptacyjny system sterowania ruchem drogowym


    - Rok 2024

    Adaptacyjny system sterowania ruchem drogowym to rodzaj systemu sterowania, który dynamicznie, w czasie rzeczywistym, dostosowuje swoje parametry w oparciu o bieżące warunki ruchu drogowego. Celem niniejszej rozprawy jest sprawdzenie wpływu wybranych cech systemu, zbudowanego w oparciu o zaprojektowane i zbudowane z udziałem autora inteligentne znaki drogowe, na wybrane parametry mające wpływ na bezpieczeństwo i płynność ruchu....

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  • Optymalizacja doboru prawa konstytutywnego membrany o strukturze plecionej


    - Rok 2023

    Celem niniejszej dysertacji jest opracowanie zagadnienia optymalizacyjnego pozwalającego dobrać model konstytutywny opisujący mechaniczne zachowanie membrany technicznej. Do analizy wybrano membrany plecione, stosowane w medycynie, tzw. siatki chirurgiczne. W celu wykonania identyfikacji praw konstytutywnych, wykonano dwuosiowe rozciąganie próbek materiałów, otrzymując wskazanie na nieliniowe anizotropowe zachowanie materiałów....

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  • Architektura latarni morskich wczoraj i dziś


    - Logistyka - Rok 2015

    Latarnie morskie jako znaki nawigacyjne są niezwykle interesującymi obiektami architektonicznymi. Smukłe formy wynikające z ich funkcji oraz specyficzna lokalizacja sprawiają, że są one charakterystycznymi punktami w krajobrazie nadmorskim. Identyfikują go wizualnie i stają się magnesem przyciągającym turystów. Latarnie morskie, jak wszystkie obiekty korzystające z rozwoju budownictwa i techniki zmieniały swoją formę, nie zmieniając...

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  • Metody redukcji zróżnicowania materiałów wejściowych w warunkach wysokiej różnorodności produktów gotowych


    Artykuł opisuje zagadnienie związane z negatywnym wpływem wysokiego zróżnicowania materiałów wejściowych w procesach produkcyjnych o wysokiej różnorodności produktów gotowych. W pierwszej części pracy opisane zostało oddziaływanie zróżnicowania materiału na podstawowe mierniki skuteczności procesu produkcyjnego z uwzględnieniem cen zakupu materiałów, kosztów utrzymania zapasów, jakości produktu oraz wydajności maszyn i urządzeń....

  • Scalable Measurement System for Multiple Impedance Gas Sensors

    Author proposes scalable architecture of the measurement system for gas sensor with impedance dependance of the gas concentration. The main part of the system is a single-board impedance analyser. The number of analysers working in parallel can be configured according to specific application. The system is controlled by a single computer which organises the measurement cycle and store the acquired measurement data. The system is...

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  • Influence of the Square Wave Voltage on Dynamical Properties of a Flat Voltammetric Electrode in the Time Domain by the Electrochemical Reversible Reaction


    - Rok 2018

    In this article there is a presentation of the analysis of the polarizing voltage shape influencing dynamic properties of voltammetric electrodes when on their surface reversible reaction takes place in the time domain. The electrode polarization with linearly increasing voltage and with a square component, was analyzed. The analysis that were conducted showed that the voltammetric electrode behaves like a first order transducer....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Feature type and size selection for adaboost face detection algorithm


    - Rok 2010

    The article presents different sets of Haar-like features defined for adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) algorithm for face detection. Apart from a simple set of pixel intensity differences between horizontally or vertically neighboring rectangles, the features based on rotated rectangles are considered. Additional parameter that limits the area on which the features are calculated is also introduced. The experiments carried out on...

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  • Thermal Energy Development in Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Utilizing Titanium Dioxide, Copper Oxide and Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles: Thermal Dispersion and Heat Generating Formularization


    The main aim of this article heat transfer in thermal engineering deals with the production, use, transformation, and transfer of thermal energy. Engineering and industrial fields including food packaging, the production of food additives, electronic cooling, microturbines, etc. heavily rely on heat transmission. Due to its intriguing potential in industries like the production of polymers, paper, crystal glass, etc., scientists...

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  • Robustified estimators of radar elevation angle using a specular multipath model

    We consider the problem of estimating the elevation angle in the presence of multipath. The proposed method belongs to the class of maximum likelihood-like estimators and employs a modified specular reflection model that accounts for the uncertainty of the steering vector by assuming that they are subject to unknown deterministic perturbations with bounded norms. The analysis, performed using convex optimization methods, allows...

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  • Synthesis of malonylenamides and thiomalonylenamides


    - Rok 2011

    5-[Hydroksyl(aryl(amino))methylene]-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione is convenient source of ketenes which can be trapped with various nucleophiles like alcohols, thiols and amines. In reaction between in situ generated ketene and enolizable imines we can easily obtain corresponding malonylenamides. This facile method can be used to obtain thiomalonylenamides using 5-[sulfhydrylo(alkyl(amino))methylene]-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione...

  • Transition dipole moments of the lithium dimer

    In addition to knowledge of interatomic adiabatic potential energy curves of diatomic systems, it is essential to know electronic transition dipole moments. They are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping. Here, we present electronic transition dipole moments calculated for 74 allowed transitions between 26 states of Li2 [P. Jasik, J.E. Sienkiewicz, Chem. Phys. 323 (2006)...

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    The paper presents a new approach to elimination of broadband noise and impulsive disturbances from archive audio recordings. The proposed adaptive Kalman-like algorithm, based on a sparse autoregressive model of the audio signal, simultaneously detects noise pulses, interpolates the irrevocably distorted samples and performs signal smoothing. It is shown that bidirectional (forward-backward) processing of the archive signal improves...

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  • Real-time working gas recognition system based on the array of semiconductor gas sensors and portable computer Raspberry PI

    The gas-analyzing systems based on the array of partially selective gas sensors and pattern-recognition techniques are potentially fast and low-cost alternative for other devices, like gas analysers. They give the possibility of recognition the type and the concentration of measured volatile compounds in their working environment. In this work we present the implementation of gas recognition system, in which the signals from an...

  • Pracujący w czasie rzeczywistym system detekcji gazów wykorzystujący przenośny komputer Raspberry PI oraz matrycę półprzewodnikowych czujników gazu

    The gas-analyzing systems based on the array of partially selective gas sensors and pattern-recognition techniques are potentially fast and lowcost alternative for other devices, like gas‑analysers. They give the possibility of recognition the type and the concentration of measured volatile compounds in their working environment. In this work we present the implementation of gas recognition system, in which the signals from an...

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  • Mobile Offloading Framework: Solution for Optimizing Mobile Applications Using Cloud Computing


    Number of mobile devices and applications is growing rapidly in recent years. Capabilities and performance of these devices can be tremendously extended with the integration of cloud computing. However, multiple challenges regarding implementation of these type of mobile applications are known, like differences in architecture, optimization and operating system support. This paper summarizes issues with mobile cloud computing and...

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  • Electromagnetic Simulations with 3D FEM and Intel Optane Persistent Memory


    - Rok 2022

    Abstract—Intel Optane persistent memory has the potential to induce a change in how high-performance calculations requiring a large system memory capacity are conducted. This article presents what this change may look like in the case of factorization of large sparse matrices describing electromagnetic problems arising in the 3D FEM analysis of passive highfrequency components. In numerical tests, the Intel oneAPI MKL PARDISO was...

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  • Rhythm and Colours of the Angles


    - Rok 2018

    ABSTRACT The game of space was and still is a crucial aspect of visual arts. The aim of this study is to examine how the arrangement of hues, rhythms and angles of various polygons can create an impression of depth and movement on a flat surface. The so-called Penrose tiling and Ulam's spiral are mathematical models that have been applied for the painting experiment. There is a vast amount of evidence gathered over the ages that...

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    - Rok 2015

    Expressions of the human face bring a lot of information, which are a valuable source in the areas of computer vision, remote sensing and affective computing. For years, by analyzing the movement of the skin and facial muscles scientists are trying to create the perfect tool, based on image analysis, allowing the recognition of emotional states of human beings. To create a reliable algorithm, it is necessary to explore and examine...

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    The aim of the paper is to investigate thermodynamic efficiency of advanced hierarchic power cyclesunder partial loads by using of exergy analyze. Advanced hierarchical power systems arecomposed of few energy conversion cycles, most common are steam and gas cycles in various configurations, but they may contain fuel cells, ORC, lithium bromide absorption chillers and others. Moreover hierarchical cycles can be powered by several...

  • Mining Knowledge of Respiratory Rate Quantification and Abnormal Pattern Prediction


    The described application of granular computing is motivated because cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a major killer globally. There is increasing evidence that abnormal respiratory patterns might contribute to the development and progression of CVD. Consequently, a method that would support a physician in respiratory pattern evaluation should be developed. Group decision-making, tri-way reasoning, and rough set–based analysis...

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  • Seafloor Characterisation and Imaging Using Multibeam Sonar Data


    The approach to seafloor characterisation and imaging is presented. It relies on the combined, concurrent use of several techniques of multibeam sonar data processing. The first one is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of seabed using the backscattering strength calculated for the echoes received in the consecutive beams. Then, the set of parameters describing the local region of sonar image is calculated. The second...

  • CNN-CLFFA: Support Mobile Edge Computing in Transportation Cyber Physical System

    • A. Bhansali
    • R. Kumar Patra
    • P. Bidare Divakarachari
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski
    • G. Shivakanth
    • S. N. Patil

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2024

    In the present scenario, the transportation Cyber Physical System (CPS) improves the reliability and efficiency of the transportation systems by enhancing the interactions between the physical and cyber systems. With the provision of better storage ability and enhanced computing, cloud computing extends transportation CPS in Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). By inspecting the existing literatures, the cloud computing cannot fulfill...

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  • Numerical analysis of the container vessel's self-propulsion at different rudder deflection angles


    Nowadays, CFD becomes one of the most commonly used research method in ship hydrodynamics, limited to the analyses of hull resistance in calm water. With continuously improving computing power and increasingly more accurate numerical methods it is possible to simulate more complex cases. State of the art CFD tools also enable development of new ways of assessing ship maneuvering performance. This paper presents an attempt on...

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  • Pedestrian on footbridges, vertical loads and response


    - Rok 2008

    The paper is a synthesis of the experimental and theoretical investigations on dynamics of pedestrian bridges under vertical load The subject is divided into four issues.1) The pedestrian as a vertical dynamic load on footbridges, theoretic load function for walking and crouching.2) Crowd walking on the footbridge - pedestrian flow.3) Vertical lock-in effect.4) Response of the footbridge - numeric and side test results, -...

  • Time-of-flight electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Benchmark cross sections for excitation of the X1Σ+g→b3Σ+u transition

    • M. Zawadzki
    • R. Wright
    • G. Dolmat
    • M. Martin
    • L. Hargreaves
    • D. Fursa
    • M. Zammit
    • L. Scarlett
    • J. Tapley
    • J. Savage... i 2 innych

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2018

    The electron impact X1Σ+g to b3Σ+u transition in molecular hydrogen is one of the most important dissociation pathways to forming atomic hydrogen atoms, and is of great importance in modeling astrophysical and industrial plasmas where molecular hydrogen is a substantial constituent. Recently it has been found that the convergent close-coupling (CCC) cross sections of Zammit et al. [Phys. Rev. A 95, 022708 (2017)] are up to a factor...

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  • Local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in dynamic mode of galvanic coupling


    A novel method that combines local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and mapping in dynamicmode is proposed. Method was validated over two galvanic couplings, namely zinc/copper and cad-mium/copper. Impedance spectrum response for all measuring points was obtained by means ofsimultaneous implementation of selected range of frequencies. Proposed method allows the measure-ment in a more time-efficient manner, at the same time...

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  • Numerical Simulations of Hydrodynamic Open-Water Characteristics of a Ship Propeller


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2016

    The paper presents the results of numerical simulations of ship propeller operation bearing the name of Propeller Open Water (POW) Tests. The object of tests was a sample ship propeller (PPTC1), the geometrical and kinematic data of which are available, along with the results of model tests, on the official page of the research centre involved in the measurements. The research aimed at verifying the correctness of results of numerical...

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  • High temperature oxidation behavior of SUS430 SOFC interconnects with Mn-Co spinel coating in air

    • C. Jia
    • Y. Wang
    • S. Molin
    • Y. Zhang
    • M. Chen
    • M. Han


    In this study, SUS430 alloy is evaluated for its high temperature corrosion properties as a possible material for interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Samples are coated with Mn-Co by commercial physical vapor deposition (PVD) process and oxidized in air for 1250 h at 800 °C. A dense cubic Mn-Co-Fe spinel layer is formed on the surface, showing great effect on corrosion reduction compared with the samples without coating....

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