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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SENSORLESS%20CONTROL

  • Factors of change in the planning and control process


    - Rok 2009

    Zmianom podlegajš wszystkie procesy realizowane w organizacji, również proces planowania i sterowania. W rozdziale przedstawiono klasyfikację czynników zmiany tego procesu i scharakteryzowano poszczególne rodzaje czynników. Przedstawiono również ogólne wytyczne dla procesu identyfikacji i pomiaru czynników zmiany procesu planowania i sterowania. Zaprezentowano też przykładowe mierniki czynników zmiany, zgodne z atrybutami modelu...

  • Displacement control in PWK-type pumps


    W referacie zaprezentowano konstrukcję mechanizmu sterowania wydajnością zastosowanego w pompach z rozrządem krzywkowym typu PWK. Przedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań prototypu PWKZ-78 oraz komputerową analizę zjawisk zachodzących w komorze cylindrowej pompy.

  • Fuzzy logic for control Peltier module


    - Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Rok 2018

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  • Personality Type and Neural Circulatory Control

    • K. Schroeder
    • K. Narkiewicz
    • M. Kato
    • C. Pesek
    • B. Phillips
    • D. Davison
    • V. Somers

    - HYPERTENSION - Rok 2000

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  • Pests of Agricultural Crops and Control Measures


    - Rok 2020

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  • The control system of the yeast drying process


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Rok 2018

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  • System for control of the saw tooth geometry.


    W pracy przedstawiono sposób i urządzenie do sprawdzania geometrii ostrzy pił tarczowych z wykorzystaniem komputerowej rejestracji obrazów ostrzy i ich obróbką cyfrową.

  • Quality control in flexible manufacturing cell.


    - Rok 2004

    Publikacja dotyczy procesu produkcyjnego w środowisku komputerowo zintegrowanego wytwarzania. Ukazuje ona aspekty kontroli jakości wykonania części na różnych etapach procesu wytwórczego. W celu dokonania szczegółowej analizy problemu zebrano dane o jakości wykonania części na poszczególnych poziomach wytwarzania. Analizy dowiodły, że jakość wykonania części zależy od jakości użytych narzędzi a sterowanie nią wymaga optymalizacj...

  • Decision control of the combustion engines operation.


    - Rok 2004

    W artykule przedstawiono propozycję decyzyjnego sterowania procesem eksploatacji silników spalinowych z zastosowaniem modelu tego procesu w formie decyzyjnego (sterowanego) procesu semimarkowskiego. Przedstawiono silnik spalinowy jako obiekt sterowania.Zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę jednoczesnego sterowania procesem zmian stanów technicznych i eksploatacyjnych silników. Zasygnalizowano także znaczenie diagnostyki technicznej w tego...

  • Advantages of adaptive control in LP turbines.


    - Rok 2004

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych dla ostatniego stopnia turbiny parowej, w którym kierownica posiadała mozliwośc adaptacji do zmiennego ciśnienia w kondensatorze. Adaptacyjność uzyskiwano porzez zmianę kąta ustawienia ruchomej krawędzi spływu (lotki) kierownicy. Wykazano korzysny wpływ tego typu regulacji zarówno na sprawność ostatniego stopnia jak i stopni poprzedzających.

  • Control of the cultivation of cartilages for using in the biobearings.


    - Rok 2004

    Biotribologiczne charakterystyki biołożysk są zależne od procesu hodowli żywej tkanki chrząstki w bioreaktorze. Z kolei proces ten, jest wielowymiarowym procesem dynamicznym sterowanym za pomocą odpowiedniego układu automatycznej regulacji. Praca przedstawia prawo i algorytm sterowania takiego procesu. W tym celu zastosowano sztuczne sieci neuronowe (Artificial Neural Networks - ANN) i zaprezentowano wyniki obliczeń.

  • An adaptive fuzzy excitation control for turbogenerators.


    - Rok 2004

    Opracowano rozmyty układ regulacji turbogeneratora. Układ ten spełnia dwie funkcji: utrzymanie napięcia generatora synchronicznego do poziomu zadanego i tłumienia kołysań elektromechanicznych. Parametry rzomytego układu sterowania optymalizowano z wykorzystaniem algorytmów genetycznych.

  • Flow Control Algorithm for UMTS HSDPA


    - Rok 2005

    HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) jest istotnym etapem ewolucji systemu UMTS. Pozwala na transmisję do użytkownika z prędkością dochodzącą do 14.4 Mbit/s; aby to umożliwić, wprowadzono w wersji 5 UMTS szereg nowych mechanizmów w warstwie fizycznej oraz MAC. W tej pracy przedstawiono szczegółową analizę jednego z nowych mechanizmów - algorytmu kontroli natężenia ruchu między MAC-hs i MAC-d. Zaproponowano nowy, efektywny...

  • Iterative Algorithms for Multilayer Optimizing Control


    - Rok 2005

    Monografia przedstawia struktury, koncepcje i algorytmy dla wielowarstwowego sterowania optymalizującego procesami przemysłowymi będące w przeważającym stopniu wynikiem badań prowadzonych przez jej autorów. Metodologie i algorytmy sterowania są starannie ilustrowane wynikami symulacji dla wybranych przykładowych systemów. Oprócz tego przedstawione są zastosowania do realnych obiektów przemysłowych: kolumny destylacyjnej etyliny,...

  • Development of a Control System for an Autonomous Seaplane


    Self-driving vehicles, also branded as driverless vehicles, autonomous vehicles, or robotic vehicles, are transport systems that can operate with a reduced human impact or even with any human input at all. The content of the present paper is limited to three types of potential applications: Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). We set our particular focus on...

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  • Deep compaction control of sandy soils

    Vibroflotation, vibratory compaction, micro-blasting or heavy tamping are typical improvement methods for the cohesionless deposits of high thickness. The complex mechanism of deep soil compaction is related to void ratio decrease with grain rearrangements, lateral stress increase, prestressing effect of certain number of load cycles, water pressure dissipation, aging and other effects. Calibration chamber based interpretation...

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  • Indirect control over subordinate units


    Developing a game universe usually involves creation of various units which can be both, encountered by a player or controlled by him. There is a number of works considering autonomous behaviours of units wandering around the game world. When it comes to the units controlled by the player, they often are lack of autonomy and are strictly controlled by the player. This paper presents a concept of units behaviour depending on their...

  • Control design for slow speed positioning


    - Rok 2013

    The problem under study is a synthesis of position and heading control system for low frequency model of surface vessel described by 3 DOF mathematical model. The recursive vectorial backstepping control design was used to keep fixed position and heading in presence of wave disturbances. The controller has been simulated on computer model of scaled supply vessel. It has been assumed that the actuators produce generalized forces...

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  • Evaluation of change in planning and control process


    - Rok 2010

    Specyfikacja kryteriów i obszarów system pomiaru i oceny zmiany procesu planowania i sterowania oraz przypisanie kluczowych wskaźników poszczególnym obszarom stanowi podstawowy cel rozdziału. Wybrane wskaźniki umożliwiają ocenę cząstkowych efektów zmian w procesie planowania i sterowania. Dokonanie kompleksowej oceny wymaga budowy modelu oceny efektywności zmian w procesie planowania i sterowania. Jego ogólne założenia zostały...

  • The control software of the portable raman spectrometer

    The paper contains a description of the control software of a portable Raman spectrometer which was built in the Department of Optoelectronics and Electronic Systems Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics Gdansk University of Technology. The software has modular structure, which includes the laser control module and the spectrum acquisition module (laser power selection, working mode and data acquisition time)...

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  • Agricultural products' storage control system


    The paper discusses the idea and the design of a remote control system for storage management of agricultural products which temperature may rise as the result of biological processes during the storage. An actual potatoes storehouse is discussed as an application for the proposed automation system. Because of existing buildings and infrastructure at the farm, wireless data transfer system has been proposed for communication between...

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  • Control of five-phase induction motor


    - Rok 2011

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    Developing a game universe usually involves creation of various units which can be both, encountered by a player or controlled by him. There is a number of works considering autonomous behaviors of units wandering around the game world. When it comes to the units controlled by the player, they are often deprived of autonomy and are strictly controlled by the player. This paper presents a concept of units behavior depending on their...

  • Approaching Secure Industrial Control Systems


    This study presents a systematic approach to secure industrial control systems based on establishing a business case followed by the development of a security programme. To support these two fundamental activities the authors propose a new method for security cost estimation and a security assessment scheme. In this study they explain the cost evaluation technique and illustrate with a case study concerning the assessment of the...

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  • Improving the production planning and control process


    Focusing the activities of a production business on the strategy based on quality entails orientation on meeting the expectations of the customers with respect to the product itself, and the terms of its delivery. The article notes the role of the production planning and control process in improving the quality of the business offer. It identifies the objectives set for the process from the perspective of meeting the expectations...

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  • Simple SIR models with Markovian control

    We consider a random dynamical system, where the deterministic dynamics are driven by a finite-state space Markov chain. We provide a comprehensive introduction to the required mathematical apparatus and then turn to a special focus on the susceptible-infected-recovered epidemiological model with random steering. Through simulations we visualize the behaviour of the system and the effect of the high-frequency limit of the driving...

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  • Study on Methods to Control Interstory Deflections


    - Geosciences - Rok 2020

    One of the possibilities to prevent building pounding between two adjacent structures is to consider appropriate in-between separation distance. Another approach might be focused on controlling the relative displacements during seismic excitations. Although the majority of building codes around the world recommend the use of some equations of various distances between structures to avoid pounding; a lot of reports after earthquakes...

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  • A Measurement-Based Approach for Speed Control of Induction Machines

    • M. A. Fnaiech
    • S. Khadraoui
    • H. N. Nounou
    • M. N. Nounou
    • J. Guziński
    • H. Abu-Rub
    • A. Datta
    • S. P. Bhattacharyya


    This paper presents an approach to design a measurement-based controller for induction machines. The proposed control approach is motivated by the fact that developing an appropriate mechanical model of such induction machines is a challenging task. Since our proposed control methodology is only on the basis of measured data, the controller design does not require any information about the model of the mechanical part. The control...

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  • Graphical presentation of the power of energy losses and power developed in the elements hydrostatic drive and control system. Part II. Rotational hydraulic motor speed parallel throtling control and volumetric control systems


    Przedstawiono interpretację graficzną mocy strat energetycznych występujących w elementach układów napędu i sterowania hydrostatycznego, a także mocy rozwijanych przez te elementy. Dokonano analizy układu indywidualnego ze sterowaniem dławieniowym równoległym prędkości silnika hydraulicznego obrotowego, układu indywidualnego ze sterowaniem objętościowym, pompą o zmiennej wydajności, prędkości silnika hydrailicznego obrotowego,...

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  • A new approach to designing control of dissolved oxygen and aeration system in sequencing batch reactor by applied backstepping control algorithm

    The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a very complex system, due to its nonlinearity, time-variance, and multiple time scales in its dynamics among others. The most important control parameter in a WWTP is the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) concentration. The tracking problem of the DO concentration is one of the most fundamental issues in biological wastewater treatment. Proper DO concentration control is necessary to achieve adequate...

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  • Simulation model of IPMSM drive with rotor position estimator

    The paper presents a simulation model of electric drive consisting of: IPMSM motor, inverter and digital controller. The model was designed in Mathlab/Simulink. By modelling of the controller its discrete operation was taken into account in order to simulate precisely a specific sensorless control algorithm. A method for estimation of angular rotor position was proposed. Its mathematical algorithm was explained and errors were...

  • Control of a vapour microturbine set in cogeneration applications


    Systems with microturbines are implemented for local generation of heat and electricity. This paper presents the analysis of control concepts for a vapour microturbine set with a generator with permanent magnets, intended to work in small heat and power plants. Control system variants differed by the selection of controlled signals and set parameters. Possible ways of control were discussed and compared with experimentally determined...

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  • Implementation of control system and tracking objects in a Quadcopter


    - Rok 2019

    In this paper, we implement a quadcopter assembly with control and navigation module. The project also includes the design of the control panel for the operator which consists of a set of the micro-controller and the glove equipped with sensors and buttons. The panel has a touch screen which displays current parameters such as vehicle status, including information about orientation and geographical coordinates. The concept of quadcopter...

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  • The structure of the control system for a dynamically positioned ship


    - Rok 2016

    The article discusses functions and tasks of dynamic positioning (DP) systems for ships. The analysed issues include ship steering, in particular stabilisation of ship position and direction of motion (real course) at low manoeuvring speeds, and commonly used DP ship models. Requirements imposed by classification societies on DP ships are quoted. A multi-layer structure of the DP control system is presented, with special attention...

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  • Digital Control System of the Wavemaker in the Towing Tank

    The paper describes a digital control system of the rigid flap wavemaker in a towing tank in CTO S.A. Ship Design and Research Centre. The control system is based on an 8-bit AVR microcontroller and consists of two cascading PID controllers. The digital system replaced the previous analogue system from 1974 and has been integrated with the existing sensors and actuators of the wavemaker. The new control system allows to obtain...

  • Enhanced Remote Control Providing Medical Functionalities

    This paper presents the enhanced remote control and its role in pervasive healthcare in the home. The device was equipped with health-related measurement modules and a message-processing unit. Preliminary results are presented for monitoring of a pulse, hand tremors, grip forces, and for self­ evaluation procedures. The interaction of the device with the smart environment is presented and discussed.

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  • Numerical Simulations for Transonic Flow in Control Valve


    - Rok 2013

    Results of numerical simulations for transonic flow in control valve are presented. The valve is the main part of an adaptive pneumatic shock absorber. Flow structure in the valve domain and the influence of the flow non-uniformity in the valve on a mass flow rate is investigated. Numerical simulation results are compared with experimental data.

  • Statistical significance of displacements in heterogeneous control networks


    - Geodesy and Cartography - Rok 2013

    This paper proposes a modification of the classical process for evaluating the statistical significance of displacements in the case of heterogeneous (e.g. linear-angular) control networks established to deformation measurements and analysis. The basis for the proposed solution is the idea of local variance factors. The theoretical discussion was complemented with an example of its application on a simulated horizontal control...

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  • Control strategies and comparison of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer


    - Rok 2008

    This paper focuses on a selection problems of mitigation of the voltage disturbance by of the Dynamic Voltage Restorers (DVR’s). In short form presented and discussed are the basis of different control strategies of the DVR. The main emphasis is placed on application of modern power electronic devices. Authors of this paper in particular occupy oneself with analysis of the power rating of the typically DVR topologies. These problems...

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  • The Large Customer Reactive Power Control Possibilities


    n this paper the authors wish to draw attention to the rationale for, and the possibility of, the use of local reactive power sources by the Transmission Node Master Controller (TNMC). Large Customers (LC) are one of the possible reactive power sources. The paper presents the issues related to the need for coordination between the control systems installed in the LC network, and coordination between control systems of the LC as...

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  • Generalized access control in hierarchical computer network

    The paper presents the design of the security layer for a distributed system located in the multizone hierarchical computer network. Depending on the zone from which a client’s request comes to the system and the type of the request, it will be either authorized or rejected. There is one common layer for the access to all the business services and interactions between them. Unlike the commonly used RBAC model, this system enforces...

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  • Model of control plane of ASON/GMPLS network

    ASON (Automatic Switched Optical Network) is a concept of optical network recommended in G.8080/Y.1304 by ITU-T. Control Plane of this network could be based on GMPLS (Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching) protocols. This solution, an ASON control plane built on GMPLS protocols is named ASON/GMPLS. In the paper, we decompose the control plane problem and show the main concepts of ASON network. We propose a hierarchical architecture...

  • Decentralized control of a UPS systems operating in parallel

    • R. Strzelecki
    • D. Vinnikov

    - Rok 2008

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  • Feedback control system for a miniaturized LMIS robot


    Referat przedstawia sposób realizacji mechanizmu sprzężenia zwrotnego dla układu sterowania zestawów Lego Mindstorm Invention Systems. Obiektem sterowania jest układ ''wózek-wahadło''. Przedstawiono model matematyczny, wyniki badań eksperymentalnych dot. identyfikacji parametrów modelu, syntezę wybranych regulatorów oraz wyniki badań symulacyjnych układu sterowania pozycji i kąt wychylenia wahadła. Przedstawiono także sposób wykonania...

  • Sum of Effective Temperatures in Colorado Beetle Control


    - Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia - Rok 2015

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  • Supervisory Control of Integrated Wastewater Treatment Systems

    • M. Grochowski
    • M. Brdys
    • K. Duzinkiewicz
    • R. Langowski
    • M. Grochowski

    - IFAC Proceedings Volumes - Rok 2004

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  • Identification in a Laboratory Tunnel to Control Fluid Velocity


    - Rok 2020

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  • SIMCON ver.2.1: configuration and control procedures


    - Rok 2005

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  • Event driven MPC for networked control systems


    - Rok 2008

    Because of variable delays and stochastic data packets loss networked control systems require suitable algorithms to ensure stability of the control system and guarantee desired control performance. This paper presents the idea of an event driven approach with MPC controller. In opposition to network compensation, where standard regulators are used, the presented solution integrates network with plant. A MPC based controller is...

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  • Sliding mode multiscalar control of induction motor


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