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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: generalized impedance matrix
The impedance of hydrogen oxidation reaction in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell in the presence of carbon monoxide in hydrogen stream
PublikacjaEvaluation of performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, which is affected by carbon monoxide that pollutes the hydrogen stream, was presented. This influence was studied for carbon monoxide concentration of 125–325 ppb, which are close to values specified in ISO 14687:2019 standard. Performed studies provided crucial information for further development of fuel cell as an energy source for automotive application. Impedance...
PublikacjaDynamic mechanic (DMA) tests were performed to compare the mechanical behaviour of glass fibre reinforced epoxy laminate composites with SiO2 nanoparticle reinforced matrix. The selection of the most promising nanoparticle concentrations was considered in terms of elastic modulus and glass transition temperature. The reference specimens (0% nanoparticles) did not contain diluent accordingly the results do not allow the exact comparison...
Generalized regression neural network and fitness dependent optimization: Application to energy harvesting of centralized TEG systems
PublikacjaThe thermoelectric generator (TEG) system has attracted extensive attention because of its applications in centralized solar heat utilization and recoverable heat energy. The operating efficiency of the TEG system is highly affected by operating conditions. In a series-parallel structure, due to diverse temperature differences, the TEG modules show non-linear performance. Due to the non-uniform temperature distribution (NUTD) condition,...
Connection matrix theory for discrete dynamical systems
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Production of gaseous matrix-free reference materials
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Dipole matrix for the 2D inclusions close to circular
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An Extended Control of the Input Angle for Matrix Converters Connected with the Non-Unity Power Factor Loads.
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a novel PWM modulation algorithm for Multiphase Conventional Matrix Converters (MCMC), with 3 inputs and k outputs, using the transfer function of the load angle. The proposed approach extends the range of power angle control at the input during the operation with a maximum voltage transfer ratio. The proposed concept is based on the Direct Analytic Voltage PWM (DAV--PWM) modulation with an elliptical trajectory...
A Direct Modulation for Matrix Converters based on the Onecycle Atomic operation developed in Verilog HDL.
PublikacjaThis paper presents a fast direct Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) algorithm for the Conventional Matrix Converters (CMC) developed in Verilog Hardware Description language (HDL). All PWM duty cycle calculations are performed in one cycle by an atomic operation designed as a digital module using FPGA basic blocks. The algorithm can be extended to any number of output phase. The improved version of the discontinuous Direct Analytic...
Compact 4 × 4 butler matrix with non‐standard phase differences for IoT applications
PublikacjaButler matrices represent a popular class of feeding networks for antenna arrays. Large dimensions and the lack of flexibility in terms of achievable output phase difference make conventional Butler structures of limited use for modern communication devices. In this work, a compact planar 4 × 4 matrix with non-standard relative phase shifts of –30º, 150º, –120º, and 60º has been proposed. The structure is designed to operate at...
Application of Galvanostatic Non-Linear Impedance Spectroscopy to the Analysis of Metallic Material Degradation
PublikacjaThis study presents a novel application of Non-Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (NLEIS) in galvanostatic mode for the rapid, non-destructive assessment of metal degradation. By using galvanostatic mode instead of traditional potentiostatic methods, polarization-related challenges are mitigated, enabling more accurate and reliable analysis. The technique allows for the determination of corrosion rates (corrosion current)...
Nonlinear and linear impedance of bismuth vanadate ceramics and its relation to structural properties
PublikacjaThe nonlinear and linear electrical properties, topography, and microstructure of bismuth-vanadate ceramics, were studied. The structurewas observed with the use of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal microscopy methods. The obtained results showed that ceramic is porous. Two phase transitionswere determinedwith the use of DSC measurements. The linear and nonlinear ac...
Inline Microwave Filters With N+1 Transmission Zeros Generated by Frequency-Variant Couplings: Coupling-Matrix-Based Synthesis and Design
PublikacjaA general coupling-matrix-based synthesis methodology for inline Nth-order microwave bandpass filters (BPFs) with frequency-variant reactive-type couplings that generate N+1 transmission zeros (TZs) is presented in this brief. The proposed approach exploits the formulation of the synthesis problem as three inverse nonlinear eigenvalue problems (INEVPs) so that the coupling matrix is built from their sets of eigenvalues. For this...
Process control of air stream deodorization from vapors of VOCs using a gas sensor matrix conducted in the biotrickling filter (BTF)
PublikacjaThis article presents the validity, advisability and purposefulness of using a gas sensor matrix to monitor air deodorization processes carried out in a peat-perlite-polyurethane foam-packed biotrickling filter. The aim of the conducted research was to control the effectiveness of air stream purification from vapors of hydrophobic compounds, i.e., n-hexane and cyclohexane. The effectiveness of hydrophobic n-hexane and cyclohexane...
Hybrid Technique for the EM Scattering Analysis with the Use of Ring Domain Decomposition
PublikacjaA hybrid technique combining finite-element and mode-matching methods for the analysis of scattering problems in open space is presented here. The main idea is based on impedance matrix descriptions of the boundary surrounding the discrete computational domain and combine it with external field described analytically. The discrete analysis, which is the most time- and memory-consuming, is limited here only to the close proximity...
Main complications connected with detection, identification and determination of trace organic constituents in complex matrix samples
PublikacjaIt is well known that some problems with the determination of organic analytes at trace level can occur. This issue is connected with contamination during each stage of the analytical procedure from sampling to sample preparation up to chromatographic analysis, which often leads to false-positive or overestimated results. Another problem associated with determination of analytes occurs at trace- and ultra-trace level is a background...
The impact of air humidity on the operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells determined using dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
PublikacjaThis paper describes the changes in the fuel cell impedance across a range of current loads and humidity changes. The changes of each equivalent circuit parameters representing specific processes occurring in fuel cells, as a function of humidity and current changes, were determined. Within the combined scope of current and humidity, the optimal working conditions of the cells were determined, corresponding to the lowest impedance...
Use of radiography images and gray level co-occurrence matrix to investigate gravitational granular flow
PublikacjaThe paper presents analysis of granular gravitational flow based on radiography images processing. The investigations were conducted for silo model geometry with concentric/eccentric discharging modes. The continuous X-ray radiography scans of granular material distribution, acquired during flow, were obtained by means of an especially designed model silo with rectangular bin and different settings of hopper angles. Image processing...
Application of Analytic Signal and Smooth Interpolation in Pulse Width Modulation for Conventional Matrix Converters
PublikacjaThe paper proposes an alternative and novel approach to the PWM duty cycles computation for Conventional Matrix Converters (CMC) fed by balanced, unbalanced or non–sinusoidal AC voltage sources. The presented solution simplifies the prototyping of direct modulation algorithms. PWM duty cycles are calculated faster by the smooth interpolation technique, using only vector coordinates, without trigonometric functions and angles. Both...
Identification of the mechanical properties of the skin by electromechanical impedance analysis of resonant piezoelectric actuator
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the analysis and verification of developed piezoelectric sensor/actuator for measuring the mechanical properties of soft tissues, especially human skin. The key element of the measurement structure is an electromechanical system that uses both the reverse piezoelectric effect (vibration generation – stimulation of the tissues in the appropriate frequency range) and direct piezoelectric effect (system response...
Static electric multipole susceptibilities of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublikacjaThe ground state of the Dirac one-electron atom, placed in a weak, static electric field of definite $2^{L}$ polarity, is studied within the framework of the first-order perturbation theory. The Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function [R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 825 (1997); erratum R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 2747 (1997)] is used to derive closed-form analytical...
Investigation of the electrochemical behaviour of AA1050 aluminium alloy in aqueous alkaline solutions using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe paper presents the electrochemical behaviour of aluminium alloy AA1050 in aqueous alkaline media in the pH range 14–8.5. Electrochemical study was applied in order to obtain comprehensive information on the mechanism and kinetics of the process of anodic dissolution of aluminium, supplemented by monitoring of surface topography using an electron microscope. The corrosion rate of AA1050 increases with increasing concentration...
Positron collisions with molecular hydrogen: cross sections and annihilation parameters calculated using theR-matrix with pseudo-states method
PublikacjaThe molecular R-matrix with pseudo-states (MRMPS) method is employed to study positron collisions with H2. The calculations employ pseudo-continuum orbital sets containing up to h (l = 5) functions. Use of these high l functions is found to give converged eigenphase sums. Below the positronium formation threshold, the calculated cross sections agree with other high-accuracy theories and generally with the measurements. Calculation...
Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) as a Tool for Analyzing Surface Oxidation Processes on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes
PublikacjaSurface oxidation processes play a key role in understanding electrochemical properties of boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. The type of surface termination groups, which create the potential window of electrolytic water stability or hydrophobicity, influences such properties. In this study the kinetics of oxidation process under anodic polarization were studied in situ by means of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy...
Application of galvanodynamic impedance spectroscopy for studying passive film cracking under mechanical strain
PublikacjaThe paper reports the results of simultaneous mechanical and electrochemical investigations on austenitic (18/8) stainless steel in a 2 % solution of sulphuric acid. The measurements were performed using Galvanodynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (GDEIS). Electrochemical analysis of mechanical passive layer cracking and repassivation conditions during a tensile test was carried out. Application of this methodology allowed...
A Generalized Framework Towards Structural Mechanics of Three-layered Composite Structures
PublikacjaThree-layered composite structures find a broad application. Increasingly, composites are being used whose layer thicknesses and material properties diverge strongly. In the perspective of structural mechanics, classical approaches to analysis fail at such extraordinary composites. Therefore, emphasis of the present approach is on arbitrary transverse shear rigidities and structural thicknesses of the individual layers. Therewith...
Generalized Euler method for nonlinear first order partial differential equations.
PublikacjaKlasyczne rozwiązania nieliniowych równań różniczkowych cząstkowych pierwszego rzędu są aproksymowane w tej pracy za pomocą rozwiązań quasiliniowych układów równań różnicowych. Podstawowa idea pracy jest oparta na teorii charakterystyk. Podane są warunki wystarczające dla zbieżności metody. Dowód stabilności schematu różnicowego wykorzystuje metodę porównawczą z nieliniowymi oszacowaniami typu Perrona dla danych funkcji.Podane...
The generalized Banach match-box problem: Application in disc storage management
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Generalized method of lines for nonlinear first order partial differential equations
PublikacjaKlasyczne rozwiązania zagadnień początkowych oraz początkowo brzegowych są przybliżane za pomocą rozwiązań równań różniczkowo różnicowych. Skonstruowana jest metoda prostych polegająca na dyskretyzacji wyjściowego równania względem zmiennych przestrzennych. Przedstawiony w pracy schemat bazuje na metodzie linearyzacji dla zagadnień nieliniowych. W pracy zastosowano metodę quasilinearyzacji polegającą na zamianie nieliniowego równania...
Generalized Euler method for first order partial differential functional equations
PublikacjaW pracy prezentowana jest nowa klasa metod numerycznych dla nieliniowych równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych pierwszego rzędu.Rozwiązania klasyczne zagadnień początkowo brzegowych przybliżane są w tej pracy przez rozwiązania odpowiedniego układu quasilininowego równań różnicowych. Podajemy kompletną analizę zbieżności metod i pokazujemy na przykładach, iż nowa metoda jest zauważalnie lepsza niż klasyczne schematy różnicowe. Dowód stabilności...
The generalized quasilinearization for integro-differential equations of Volterra type on time scales
PublikacjaBadano równania całkowo-różniczkowe on ''time scales'' i podano warunkidostateczne na zbieżność metody kwazilinearyzacji do jego rozwiązania. Podano warunki na to, aby zbieżność ta była kwadratową.
Remarks on the convergence of an iterative method of solution of generalized least squares problem
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiona jest metoda iteracyjna znajdowania regularyzowanego (w sensie Tichonowa) rozwiązania układu równań Ax=b z dowolną macierzą A. Dla danej liczby alfa i wektora g daje ona ciąg przybliżeń zbieżny do rozwiązania (w sensie najmniejszych kwadratów) tego układu. Rozwiązanie to minimalizuje odległość zbioru wszystkich rozwiązań średniokwadratowych układu Ax=b od wektora g. Podane zostało również oszacowanie szybkości...
Impedance monitoring of fuel cell stacks
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Local impedance spectra of organic coatings
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Impedance spectroscopy of single chamber SOFC.
PublikacjaMechanizm działania jednokomorowego ogniwa paliwowego SOFC, które pracuje w mieszaninie powietrza i paliwa, nie jest do końca zbadany. W tej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ogniwa paliwowego zbudowanego z tlenku cyrkonu stabilizowanego itrem jako nośnego elektrolitu, cermetu z tlenku niklu jako anody i perovskitu LSCF jako katody w temperaturach 500-700C z użyciem mieszaniny propanu i powietrza. Wykorzystując spektroskopię impedancyjną...
Impedance spectroscopy of undoped cerium oxide.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania impedancyjne niedomieszkowanego tlenku ceru. Wyniki wskazują na występowanie zjawiska dyfuzji,???? które nie są (.. jest.?)związane z odpowiedzią elektrodową. Rozważania teoretyczne dopuszczają obserwowanie impedancji Warburga, która reprezentuje zjawisko dyfuzji w przewodnikach mieszanych, jednakże niewiele informacji na ten temat można znaleźć w literaturze. W związku z tym szczegółowe badania zródła...
Analyzer for spectroscopy of low-impedance objects
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono analizator umożliwiający pomiar impedancji w zakresie 1 ohma < |Zx| < 100 Mohma. Zastosowano w nim nowe rozwiązania dotyczące obwodu wejściowego i techniki detekcji fazoczułej sygnałów pomiarowych. Obwód wejściowy zaprojektowano w postaci 5-zaciskowej sondy pomiarowej, która umożliwia ograniczenie wpływu rezystancji, indukcyjności i pojemności pasożytniczych na błąd pomiaru impedancji w szerokim przedziale...
Local impedance spectra of organic coatings
PublikacjaPublikacja przedstawia nowe podejście do lokalnych spektroskopowych pomiarów impedancyjnych powłok organicznych, oparte o mikroskop sił atomowych pracujący w trybie kontaktowym. Pomiędzy nieporuszającą się igłę mikroskopu i podłoże metalowe pokryte powłoką epoksydową przyłożono serię sinusoidalnych napięciowych sygnałów pobudzenia w zadanym zakresie częstotliwości. W ten sposób zarejestrowano lokalne widma w trybie "frequency by...
Chemical Derivatization Processes Applied to Amine Determination in Samples of Different Matrix Composition
PublikacjaAmines are important biological compounds, and so their analysis and monitoring in various matrices is worthy of investigation and development.Due to the polar nature of amines, chromatographic analysis of free amines is generally unsatisfactory owing to adsorption and decomposition of the solute on the column, resulting in peak tailing and losses. Therefore, many derivatization reactions are employed to reduce the polarity, improve...
Switching Regulation in the Control of 5-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Fed by 3×5 Direct Matrix Converter
PublikacjaMatrix converter is an AC-AC direct power converter comprising of an array of bi- directional switches. It does not require an intermediate DC-link and allows sinusoidal output waveforms with varying amplitudes and frequencies. The configuration of these bi- directional switches decides the number of inputs and outputs...
Matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) as simple and useful sample preparation technique for determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in dust
PublikacjaIn the present study a novel analytical procedure for the determination of polybrominated diphenylethers in dust samples was developed.The main aim of the research was the selection of the optimum conditions of the matrix solid-phasedispersion before thefinal determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in dust samples. In order toassess the best usefulness of this technique, a favourable ratio of sample amount to the mass ofdispersing...
Matrix representation of the ARMA(p, q) process spectrum
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy szeregów czasowych i ich modelowania scałkowanymi procesami autoregresji i średniej ruchomej ARIMA(p,q). Dla dowolnych parametru modelu p i q, zaproponowano opis spektrum wykorzystując zapis macierzowy. Takie podejście pozwoliło na znaczne uproszczenia przy różnego rodzaju wyprowadzeniach, a w efekcie i obliczeniach.
Differential equations with a singular matrix and convergence of approximate solutions
PublikacjaZastosowano metodę kwazilinearyzacji dla równań różniczkowych z macierzą osobliwą aby pokazać, że odpowiednie ciągi rozwiązań przybliżonych są kwadratowo zbieżne do rozwiązania naszego problemu.Metodę tę zastosowano do układów takich równań różniczkowych.
Implementation of matrix-type FDTD algorithm on a graphics accelerator
PublikacjaArtykuł prezetuje implementację algorytmu FDTD w postaci macierzowej przeznaczonej dla kart graficznych. Wykazany został wzrost efektywności obliczeń numerycznych w odniesieniu do implementacji przeznaczonej dla procesora komputerowego.
Gas sampling system for matrix of semiconductor gas sensors
PublikacjaSemiconductor gas sensors are popular commercial sensors applied in numerous gas detection systems. They are reliable, small, rugged and inexpensive. However, there are a few problem limiting the wider use of such sensors. Semiconductor gas sensor usually exhibits a low selectivity, low repeatability, drift of response, strong temperature and moisture influence on sensor properties. Sample flow rate is one of the parameters that...
A new duty cycles calculation method in pulse width modulation for direct matrix converters based on the shape function concept
PublikacjaPaper presents a new approach to duty cycle calculation in pulse width modulation for direct matrix converters. The essence of the proposed method is the use of elementary shape function of finite element. The algorithm for calculating the duty cycles was reduced to simple operations on the coordinates of input and output voltage vectors without trigonometric functions.
Galvanostatic impedance measurements for the efficient adsorption isotherm construction in corrosion inhibitor studies
PublikacjaWe present an approach towards an accurate and time-efficient adsorption isotherm determination to evaluate the corrosion inhibitor interaction in electrolytic environments. The approach is based on dynamic impedance spectroscopy measurements in galvanostatic mode (g-DEIS). The studied corrosion inhibitor is continuously injected between the secondary cell and the corrosion cell. The efficiency corresponding to instantaneous inhibitor...
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of the anode material based on polymer and starch derived ceramic for lithium ion batteries
PublikacjaThe anode materials derived of preceramic polymer poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) and starch was study. Commercially available polysilazane (poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane (PSN 2M01 Gelest) was mixed with commercially available starch (POCH Gliwice). The ratio polymer/starch (PSN/starch) was 1/1 or 3/7. The polysialazane/starch blend was cross-linked at 230 ºC for 2 h followed by heating to the final temperature (500 ºC, 700 ºC and...
Submicron inorganic particles as an additional filler in hybrid epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres
PublikacjaIn this study, the effect of selected submicron metal oxide (zinc oxide, titanium oxide) or non-metal oxide (silicon dioxide) particles on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites was investigated. The applied epoxy resin was a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A cured with triethylenetetramine. As a reinforcement twill weave E-glass fabric was used. Hybrid composites (contained particulate and fibrous...
Non-Linear Analysis of Structures Utilizing Load-Discretization of Stiffness Matrix Method with Coordinate Update
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a stiffness method based structural analysis algorithm for geometrically non-linear structures. In this study, the applied load on the joints has been discretized to a sequence of a few loadings applied. Each loading step produces incremental external nodal displacements, which are added to the corresponding coordinates to get a new geometrical shape of the structure. This process is iteratively repeated until...
A bisection‐based heuristic for rapid EM‐driven multiobjective design of compact impedance transformers
PublikacjaDesign of microwave structures is a multiobjective task where several conflicting requirements have to be considered at the same time. For contemporary circuits characterized by complex geometries, multiobjective optimization cannot be performed using standard population‐based algorithms due to high cost of electromagnetic (EM) evaluations. In this work, we propose a deterministic approach for fast EM‐driven multiobjective design...