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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SPEECH RECOGNITION SYSTEMS

  • Utilising IT-based systems in regatta management


    - Rok 2016

    The development and increasing accessibility of new technologies has brought changes to the management of sailing regattas. Organisational and promotional difficulties faced by the organisers are now being tackled with software-based systems. This article considers various information technology (IT) systems, designed to support the organisation and presentation of sailing regattas and explores how they are perceived by regatta...

  • Towards automation of IT systems repairs



    Monitoring and repair are two sides of the on-the-fly maintenance of IT systems.Monitoring is well supported by automatic tools. In contrast, repairs involve much higherhuman intervention which negatively affects reliability and efficiency. The paper intro-duces a method of automating repairs of IT systems which can be integrated with any ofthe existing monitoring mechanisms. The method is described as a collection of modelsand...

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  • Verification of a Novel Method of Detecting Faults in Medium-Voltage Systems with Covered Conductors


    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Rok 2017

    This paper describes the use of new methods of detecting faults in medium-voltage overhead lines built of covered conductors. The methods mainly address such faults as falling of a conductor, contacting a conductor with a tree branch, or falling a tree branch across three phases of a medium-voltage conductor. These faults cannot be detected by current digital relay protection systems. Therefore, a new system that can detect the...

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  • Alternative Energy: Photovoltaic Modules and Systems


    Use of solar energy does not contribute to global warming. The light-to-current conversion (photovoltaic conversion) takes place within solar cells, which in most cases are made of silicon. Solar module consists of many solar cells, which are electrically connected and placed between glass or Tedlar® and framed by an aluminium frame. A number of solar modules and other components form photovoltaic systems. In this entry, a brief...

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  • A Review of Antennas for Indoor Positioning Systems


    - International Journal of Antennas and Propagation - Rok 2012

    This paper provides a review of antennas applied for indoor positioning or localization systems. The desired requirements of thoseantennas when integrated in anchor nodes (reference nodes) are discussed, according to different localization techniques and theirperformance. The described antennas will be subdivided into the following sections according to the nature of measurements:received signal strength (RSS), time of flight (ToF),...

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  • Approaching Secure Industrial Control Systems


    This study presents a systematic approach to secure industrial control systems based on establishing a business case followed by the development of a security programme. To support these two fundamental activities the authors propose a new method for security cost estimation and a security assessment scheme. In this study they explain the cost evaluation technique and illustrate with a case study concerning the assessment of the...

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  • Test Design Patterns for Embedded Systems,

    • J. Zander
    • A. M. Perez
    • I. Schieferdecker
    • Z. R. Dai

    - Rok 2007

    Test suites for embedded systems are typically created from scratch using dif- ferent, often inadequate methods. In consequence, industry branches dealing with software-intensive embedded systems have to cope with quality problems, even though test processes are particularly time-consuming and costly. Based on an evolving model-based testing methodology we introduce test design patterns for simplifying and accelerating...

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  • The Efficiency of Post‐Communist Countries’ Health Systems


    - Rok 2017

    Health‐care costs are a major financial burden for the transition economies, which have experienced rapidly increasing demand for health‐care services. The former communist countries of the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia needed to reform the financing of their health‐care systems and make efforts to strengthen the role of primary care while limiting the role of hospital care. The growing health needs and, consequently,...

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  • Fuel systems of high power stationary engine


    The use of alternative fuels and, in the future, synthetic fuels has forced changes in the design of fuel supply systems in internal combustion engines. When operating a stationary engine at constant load, the possibility of using lean fuel mixtures appears. The selection of a precise operating mixture ignition system requires changes in traditional fuel systems. The article presents the current designs of fuel supply systems and...

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  • Knowledge processing methodologies in intelligent autonomous systems



    Przedstawiono najnowsze trendy oraz stan badań światowych w zakresie wspomagania procesów zarządzania wiedzą w inteligentnych systemach autonomicznych.

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  • Ontological Modeling for Contextual Data Describing Signals Obtained from Electrodermal Activity for Emotion Recognition and Analysis

    Most of the research in the field of emotion recognition is based on datasets that contain data obtained during affective computing experiments. However, each dataset is described by different metadata, stored in various structures and formats. This research can be counted among those whose aim is to provide a structural and semantic pattern for affective computing datasets, which is an important step to solve the problem of data...

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  • Quality Modeling in Grid and Volunteer-Computing Systems


    - Rok 2013

    A model of computational quality in large-scale computing systems was presented in the previous chapter of this book. This model describes three quality attributes: performance, reliability and energy efficiency. We assumed that all processes in the system are incessantly ready to perform calculations and that communication between the processes occurs immediately. These assumptions are not true for grid and volunteer computing...

  • A Method and Device for 3D Recognition of Cutting Edge Micro Geometry

    • B. Palubicki
    • M. Szulc
    • J. Sandak
    • G. Sinn
    • K. Orlowski

    - Drvna Industrija - Rok 2014

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  • Poll Reader - the working prototype of optical mark recognition software


    - Rok 2007

    Automatyczne rozpoznawanie zaznaczeń wydaje się stosunkowo prostym zadaniem z dziedziny przetwarzania dokumentów, a komercyjne systemy OMR są dostępne na rynku już od dłuższego czasu. Zdecydowaliśmy się jednak na stworzenie prostego darmowego oprogramowania, które mogłoby być wykorzystywane przez uczelnie zobowiązane do przeprowadzania ankiet wśród studentów. W rozdziale opisano konstrukcję programu oraz najważniejsze algorytmy...

  • Preliminary Study on Automatic Recognition of Spatial Expressions in Polish Texts


    - Rok 2016

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  • Soft computing based automatic recognition of musical instrument classes.

    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów dotyczących automatycznego rozpoznawania klas instrumentów muzycznych. Proces klasyfikacji zrealizowano w oparciu o sztuczne sieci neuronowe, zaś wektor cch został oparty o parametry obliczane w wyniku analizy falkowej dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych.

  • Blur recognition using second fundamental form of image surface

    • R. Kvyetnyy
    • Y. Bunyak
    • O. Sofina
    • A. Kotyra
    • R. Romaniuk
    • A. Tuleshova
    • R. S. Romaniuk

    - Rok 2015

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  • Lip movement and gesture recognition for a multimodal human-computer interface


    - Rok 2009

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  • Face recognition by humans with gaze-tracking system Cyber-Eye


    W celu dokładniejszego zrozumienia sposobu rozpoznawania i zapamiętywania twarzy przez człowieka przeprowadzono doświadczenie na grupie 20 osób z wykorzystaniem wcześniej opracowanego systemu śledzenia fiksacji wzroku Cyber-Oko [3]. Wykorzystując diody i kamerę podczerwieni wraz z dedykowanym oprogramowaniem Cyber-Oko, które pozwala na śledzenie punktu skupienia wzroku na ekranie. Każdej osobie biorącej udział w doświadczeniu pokazano...

  • Recognition of social health: A conceptual framework in the context of dementia research

    • M. Vernooij-Dassen
    • E. Verspoor
    • S. Samtani
    • P. Sachdev
    • M. Ikram
    • M. Vernooij
    • C. Hubers
    • R. Chattat
    • M. Lenart-Bugla
    • J. Rymaszewska... i 14 innych

    - Frontiers in Psychiatry - Rok 2022

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  • A Method and Device for 3D Recognition of Cutting Edge Micro Geometry


    - Drvna Industrija - Rok 2014

    A very useful method was successfully applied in the investigation of tools for machining wood and wood based composites. It allows scanning of the cutting edge micro geometry in three dimensions and reproducing it in a virtual space as a 3D surface. The application of the method opens new possibilities of studying tool wear by scanning, including the calculation of volume loss and other analysis of tool wedge geometry along and...

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  • Emotion Recognition - the need for a complete analysis of the phenomenon of expression formation


    This article shows how complex emotions are. This has been proven by the analysis of the changes that occur on the face. The authors present the problem of image analysis for the purpose of identifying emotions. In addition, they point out the importance of recording the phenomenon of the development of emotions on the human face with the use of high-speed cameras, which allows the detection of micro expression. The work that was...

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  • Photoresponsive, amide-based derivative of embonic acid for anion recognition

    The synthesis and ion-binding properties of amide-based derivative of embonic acid andp-aminoazobenzenewere described. The new compound was characterized by X-ray structural analysis and spectroscopic methods.Ligand interacts in acetonitrile with Y-shaped anions (benzoates and acetates) and dihydrogen phosphatesforming complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry. In more polar DMSO the complexes stoichiometry changes to 2:1(L:anion). Light-inducedtranstocisisomerization...

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  • Calix[4]arene phosphonates - recognition of amino alcohols in water.


    Opracowano syntezę nowych rozpuszczalnych w wodzie pochodnych kaliks[4]arenów posiadających grupy fosfonowe w górnej części pierścieni aromatycznych. Zaprezentowano wyniki kompleksowania tych gospodarzy aminoalkoholi takich jak efedryna, norefedryna i noradrenalina.

  • Ionophores in polymeric membranes for selective ion recognition; impedance studies

    Badania impedancyjne membran zawierających jonofory selektywne na kation Na+ (L1) i Cs+(L2) wykazały, ze stala dielektryczna materiału membrany zależy od typu uzytego plastyfikatora i zmienia się w zakresie od 28 do 60. Rezystancja membran zawierających ligand L1 i L2 wynosi 0.15 -1.4 Mohm w zależności od stężenia elektrolitu zewnnetrznego. Testowona dwa typy elektrod jonoselektywnych: elektrody typu ASS z polimerem przewodzącym...

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  • Cationic or anionic surfactant oscillators for molecular recognition of taste substances


    Otrzymano krzywe oscylacyjne róznicy potencjału elektrochemicznego miedzy fazami wodnymi oscylatora zawierajacego jonowy surfanktant. Były one analizowane poprzez konsrukcje portretów fazowych uzywając metody opóźnienia czasowego. Kształt portertów fazowych jest rożny dla układów z kationowym lub anionowym surfanktantem. Szeregi wzrostu powierzchni atraktorów dla tych dwoch oscylatorów sa także rózne.

  • Systematics of intelligent transport systems services

    Recent years have seen a more intensified deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Polish cities. Work is also underway on the implementation of ITS on the national roads within the National Traffic Management System (KSZR). The research project RID-4D (part of Road Innovations), is designed to fill the gap, which is the lack of systematics of ITS services in Poland. The paper presents a proposal of ITS services systematics,...

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  • Solving the Problem of Dynamic Adaptability of Artificial Intelligence Systems that Control Dynamic Technical Objects



    This paper investigates the increase in the response speed and stability of artificial intelligence systems that control dynamic technical objects. The problem of calculating the optimal time of switching an artificial intelligence system between software classes by the criterion of the rigidity degree of the model of a control object is considered. The solution of this problem is proposed for the general case of the control object...

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  • Adaptive Dynamical Systems Modelling of Transformational Organizational Change with Focus on Organizational Culture and Organizational Learning


    - Cognitive Systems Research - Rok 2023

    Transformative Organizational Change becomes more and more significant both practically and academically, especially in the context of organizational culture and learning. However computational modeling and a formalization of organizational change and learning processes are still largely unexplored. This paper aims to provide an adaptive network model of transformative organizational change and translate a selection of organizational...

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  • Assessment of Road Restraint Systems in Polish Conditions

    Key to understanding the needs and tools of road infrastructure management is identifying the hazards and their sources involved in having no or faulty road restraint systems. Clarity is also needed on why the systems are wrongly designed, constructed, built and operated. To ensure that the problem is adequately understood, research and site observations were conducted and...

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  • Modelling of Mechatronic Systems with Distributed Parameter Components


    - Rok 2010

    The paper presents an uniform, port-based approach to modelling of both lumped and distributed parameter systems. Port-based model of distributed system has been defined by application of the bond graph methodology and the distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The proposed method of modelling enables to formulate input data for computer analysis by application of the DTFM. The computational package for the analysis of complex...

  • Innovative Research Into Road Restraint Systems

    Key to understanding the needs and building road infrastructure management tools to prevent and mitigate run-off-road accidents is to identify hazards and their sources which are a result of wrong design, construction, installation and maintenance of road restraint systems [1]. Building such tools requires advanced studies with field tests, simulations and models to demonstrate the effects of selected parameters on road user safety...

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  • A Concept of Modeling and Optimization of Applications in Large Scale Systems


    - Rok 2013

    The chapter presents the idea that includes modeling and subsequent optimization of application execution on large scale parallel and distributed systems. The model considers performance, reliability and power consumption. It should allow easy modeling of various classes of applications while reflecting key parameters of both the applications and two classes of target systems: clusters and volunteer based systems. The chapter presents...

  • Optimum Control of Gyroscopic Systems


    The problem of optimum control of transverse rotor vibrations with gyroscopic interactions has been described and solved in the paper. An integral performance index has been defined for such system in order to minimize vibration level of a chosen rotor point. For this reason, an efficient way of finding the weight coefficients of integral performance index for multi-degrees-of-freedom system with gyroscopic interactions has been...

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  • Clarke duality for Hamiltonian systems with nonstandard growth


    We consider the existence of periodic solutions to Hamiltonian systems with growth conditions involving G-function. We introduce the notion of symplectic G-function and provide relation for the growth of Hamiltonian in terms of certain constant CG associated to symplectic G-function G. We discuss an optimality of this constant for some special cases. We also provide applications to the Φ-laplacian type systems.

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  • Developing a Low SNR Resistant, Text Independent Speaker Recognition System for Intercom Solutions - A Case Study


    This article presents a case study on the development of a biometric voice verification system for an intercom solution, utilizing the DeepSpeaker neural network architecture. Despite the variety of solutions available in the literature, there is a noted lack of evaluations for "text-independent" systems under real conditions and with varying distances between the speaker and the microphone. This article aims to bridge this gap....

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  • Smart Embedded Systems with Decisional DNA Knowledge Representation


    - Rok 2020

    Embedded systems have been in use since the 1970s. For most of their history embedded systems were seen simply as small computers designed to accomplish one or a few dedicated functions; and they were usually working under limited resources i.e. limited computing power, limited memories, and limited energy sources. As such, embedded systems have not drawn much attention from researchers, especially from those in the artificial...

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  • Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems


    Losses and energy efficiency of every drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the machine or device driven by the motor, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load of the motor decide of the instantaneous useful power of the motor and also in a differentiated way of kinds and values of losses occurring in the...

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  • Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems


    - Rok 2013

    Losses and energy efficiency of every drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the machine or device driven by the motor, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load of the motor decide of the instantaneous useful power of the motor and also in a differentiated way of kinds and values of losses occurring in the...

  • Preparation and characterization of dummy-template molecularly imprinted polymers as potential sorbents for the recognition of selected polybrominated diphenyl ethers


    The main aim of this work was to conduct the preliminary/basic research concerning the preparation process of a new dummy molecularly imprinted polymer (DMIP) materials. Developed DMIPs were proposed as a sorption material in solid-phase extraction (SPE) technique for recognition of selected low mass polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) e PBDE-47 and PBDE-99. Four new DMIPs were synthesized employing bulky polymerization technique...

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  • Towards Robust Identification of Nonstationary Systems


    The article proposes a fast, two-stage method for the identification of nonstationary systems. The method uses iterative reweighting to robustify the identification process against the outliers in the measurement noise and against the numerical errors that may occur at the first stage of identification. We also propose an adaptive algorithm to optimize the values of the hyperparameters that are crucial for this new method.

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  • Generic invariant measures for iterated systems of interval homeomorphisms



    It is well known that iterated function systems generated by orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the unit interval with positive Lyapunov exponents at its ends admit a unique invariant measure on (0, 1) provided their action is minimal. With the additional requirement of continuous differentiability of maps on a fixed neighbourhood of {0,1} { 0 , 1 } , we present a metric in the space of such systems which renders it complete....

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  • Towards automating repairs of IT systems


    - Rok 2009

    This paper presents formal description of working principles of the repair library, being the essential component of the Repair Management Framework (RMF), which aims at automating the process of repairing IT systems, and consists also of the Repair Management Model (RMM) and the Repair Management System (RMS). RMM introduces two mathematical models (model of monitoring and model of repair processes), general enough to cover the...

  • Testing a Variety of Features for Music Mood Recognition. Testowanie zestawu parametrów w celu rozpoznawania nastroju w muzyce

    Music collections are organized in a very different way depending on a target, number of songs or a distribution method, etc. One of the high-level feature, which can be useful and intuitive for listeners, is “mood”. Even if it seems to be the easiest way to describe music for people who are non-experts, it is very difficult to find the exact correlation between physical features and perceived impressions. The paper presents experiments...

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  • The analysis of turbine propulsion systems in nuclear submarines


    The article systematises submarines, which are presently in service, according to their propulsion types (both conventional and nuclear), power output, and submersion depth. Contemporary types of propulsion systems installed and used in submarines are discussed. Calculations were performed for the PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) type nuclear propulsion system and the supercritical turbine propulsion system (supercritical reactor...

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  • Camera sabotage detection for surveillance systems


    Camera dysfunction detection algorithms and their utilization in realtime video surveillance systems are described. The purpose of using the proposed analysis is explained. Regarding image tampering three algorithms for focus loss, scene obstruction and camera displacement detection are implemented and presented. Features of each module are described and certain scenarios for best performance are depicted. Implemented solutions...

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  • Towards Cognitive and Perceptive Video Systems

    • T. Akgun
    • C. Attwood
    • A. Cavallaro
    • C. Fabre
    • F. Poiesi
    • P. Szczuko

    - Rok 2014

    In this chapter we cover research and development issues related to smart cameras. We discuss challenges, new technologies and algorithms, applications and the evaluation of today’s technologies. We will cover problems related to software, hardware, communication, embedded and distributed systems, multi-modal sensors, privacy and security. We also discuss future trends and market expectations from the customer’s point of view.

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  • Analysis of the Suitability of Selected Data Tranmission Systems in RSMAD

    This paper analyses the suitability of the selected radio communication systems currently used for data transmission, or usable in the future, in Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD). The paper also presents the advantages and disadvantages of each systems, paying particular attention to features that directly affect the suitability of the solution in the RSMAD system....

  • On the Importance of Resilience Engineering for Networked Systems in a Changing World

    • D. Hutchison
    • D. Pezaros
    • J. Rak
    • P. Smith


    Resilience is featured increasingly often in the media, usually applied to society when faced, for example, with disasters such as flooding and the enormous challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic posed. There are now many resilience-related discussion groups worldwide, and some standards initiatives devoted in particular to city resilience. However, there is relatively little explicit interest in resilience engineering for communication...

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  • Design and Configuration of Context-aware VoIP Telephony Systems


    - Rok 2013

    Voice over IP is a widely used concept with regard to a realization technology of different types of telephony systems, including those that are used in enterprises. Such systems of a call procesing component and a set of desk endpoints that are pervasove from a user perspective. Those andpoints are usually not mobile, but in result can deliver a much greater set of functions needed in an everyday office work. Those functions also...

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