wszystkich: 941
wybranych: 864
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Determining horizontal curvature of railway track axis in mobile satellite measurements
PublikacjaThe article discusses the applicability of a novel method to determine horizontal curvature of the railway track axis based on results of mobile satellite measurements. The method is based on inclination angle changes of a moving chord in the Cartesian coordinate system. In the presented case, the variant referred to as the method of two virtual chords is applied which consists in manoeuvring with only one GNSS (Global Navigation...
The application of Monod equation to denitrification kinetics description in the moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
PublikacjaIn this paper, the kinetic constants Vmax and KCOD occurring in the Monod equation, which describe the denitrification process in the moving bed, are determined. For this purpose, a laboratory moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) was used. The filling of the reactor consisted of EvU Perl carriers. The experiment was carried out with an excess of nitrate, and denitrification rate was dependent on the concentration of external organic...
New Method for Increasing Precision of Position Estimation of a Moving Person in Hybrid Inertial Navigation System
PublikacjaIn this article a new method for increasing precision of position estimation of inertial navigation in hybrid localization system with reduced number of reference nodes for radio distance measurements is presented. Measuring tests were carried out to verify precision of position estimation of moving person in indoor environment.
Doppler estimation method for moving target location
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje nowy algorytm lokalizacji obiektów ruchomych bazujących na analizie odchyłek dopplerowskich sygnałów odebranych z sieci hydrofonów rozmieszczonych równomiernie w obserwowanym akwenie. Źródłem analizowanych sygnałów są fale ciągłe o niskim natężeniu odbite od obiektu ruchomego. W artykule została przedstawiona postać algorytmu oraz wyniki symulacji komputerowych.
The Optimum Dataset method – examples of the application
PublikacjaData reduction is a procedure to decrease the dataset in order to make their analysis more effective and easier. Reduction of the dataset is an issue that requires proper planning, so after reduction it meets all the user’s expectations. Evidently, it is better if the result is an optimal solution in terms of adopted criteria. Within reduction methods, which provide the optimal solution there is the Optimum Dataset method (OptD)...
Reducing the Uncertainty of the Moving Object Location Measurement with the Method of Quasi-Multiple Measurement in GNSS Technology in Symmetrical Arrangement
PublikacjaThe article presents a solution to the problem of limited accuracy of dynamic measurements performed with GNSS receivers. The proposed measurement method is a response to the needs related to the assessment of the measurement uncertainty of the position of the track axis of the rail transport line. However, the problem of reducing the measurement uncertainty is universal for many different situations where high accuracy of positioning...
Application of the Boundary Element Method for the Simulation of Two-dimensional Viscous Incompressible Flow
PublikacjaThe paper presents the application of an indirect variant of the boundary element method (BEM) to solve the two-dimensional steady flow of a Stokes liquid. In the BEM, a system of differential equations is transformed into integral equations. Thi smakes it possible to limit discretization to the border of the solution. Numerical discretization of the computational domain was performed with linear boundary elements, for which a...
The application of moving bed biofilm reactor to denitrification process after trickling filters
PublikacjaThe paper presents research of a prototype moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The device was used for the post-denitrification process and was installed at the end of a technological system consisting of a septic tank and two trickling filters. The concentrations of suspended biomass and biomass attached on the EvU Perl moving bed surface were determined. The impact of the external organic carbon concentration on the denitrification...
Application of gpr method in diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures
PublikacjaThis paper presents an application of the ground penetration method (GPR) for diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures. In situ measurements were conducted for three civil engineering structures: the ground floor structure, the abutment of the railway viaduct and the concrete well. The dual polarized ground penetrating radar with the antenna operating at a center frequency of 2 GHz was used for GPR surveys. Three different...
Ship Evolutionary Trajectory Planning Method with Application of Polynomial Interpolation
PublikacjaPaper presents the application of evolutionary algorithms and polynomial interpolation in ship evolutionary trajectory planning method. Evolutionary algorithms allows to find a coIlision free trajectory in real time, while polynomial interpolation allows to model smooth trajectory which keeps continuity of velocity and acceleration values along path. Combination of this two methods allows to find trajectory, which under some assumptions,...
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublikacjaThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublikacjaThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
Depth Determination Accuracy of the Modified Prony Method in a Swath Mapping Application
PublikacjaThis article presents the performance of the modified Prony method in a swath mapping application. Depth determination accuracy is assessed by processing raw signal acquired by an EdgeTech 6205 swath bathymetry system over flat seafloor. An updated version of the method, proposed previously by the authors, is used to determine the number of signal echoes. The number of signal echoes is essential for performing the low-rank approximation...
Application of the distributed transfer function method and the rigid finite element method for modelling of 2-D and 3-D systems
PublikacjaIn the paper application of the Distributed Transfer Function Method and the Rigid Finite Element Method for modelling of 2-D and 3-D systems is presented. In this method an elastic body is divided into 1-D distributed parameter elements (strips or prisms). The whole body (divided into strips or prism) is described by a set of coupled partial differential equations. Solving this equations in the state space form it is possible...
The accuracy of a new approach to order determination for the Modified Prony method in swath mapping application
PublikacjaThis article presents the performance of a new approach to determine the model order for the modified Prony method applied to swath acoustic mapping. Key requirements for any mapping application are depth determination accuracy and angular resolution. Depth determination accuracy is strictly related to angular accuracy and geometrical relations between receiver and sources of the backscattered signal. Angular resolution determines...
Reducing the Uncertainty of the Moving Object Location Measurement with the Method of Quasi-Multiple Measurement in GNSS Technology in Symmetrical Arrangement
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Application of the WASPAS method in a selected technological process
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Application of the J-matrix method to multichannel scattering
PublikacjaIn this contribution we describe the multichannel extension to the nonrelativistic J-matrix method, and present differential cross sections for scattering of slow electrons from Argon atoms. Nonrelativistic phase shifts, then the S-matrix and the cross sections have been calculated using newly developed Fortran code, JMATRIX-MULTI.We applied the model Hartree-Fock potential as the scattering potential, which was truncated in the...
Application of adjusted subpixel method (ASM) in HRCT measurements of the bronchi in bronchial asthma patients and healthy individuals
PublikacjaBackground: Recently, we described a model system which included corrections of high-resolution computedtomography (HRCT) bronchial measurements based on the adjusted subpixel method (ASM).Objective: To verify the clinical application of ASM by comparing bronchial measurements obtained bymeans of the traditional eye-driven method, subpixel method alone and ASM in a group comprised ofbronchial asthma patients and healthy individuals.Methods:...
Application of Msplit method for filtering airborne laser scanning data sets to estimate digital terrain models
PublikacjaALS point cloud filtering involves the separation of observations representing the physical terrain surface from those representing terrain details. A digital terrain model (DTM) is created from a subset of points representing the ground surface. The accuracy of the generated DTM is influenced by several factors, including the survey method used, the accuracy of the source data, the applied DTM generation algorithm, and the survey...
Method for the correlation coefficient estimation of the bottom echo signal in the shallow water application using interferometric echo sounder
PublikacjaThe article presents a new method for the assessment of bottom echo correlation coefficient in the presence of multiple echoes. Bottom correlation coefficient is a parameter that characterizes spatial properties of echo signal. Large variability of the bottom shape or properties (for example caused by the presence of bottom objects) and the presence of the acoustic shadow strongly influence the value of the correlation coefficient....
Study of structure of porous biomaterials. Application of ultrasonic method
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Atypical application of the parametric method for track infrastructure inventory
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Atypical application of the parametric method for track infrastructure inventory
PublikacjaFor many years, satellite systems have seen widespread use in a variety of technical applications, as well as in operations related to setting-out and the exploitation of track infrastructure. Their main applications include an inventory of the trackage course and detecting changes in its position. In both of these tasks, the most important element that determines the quality of an analyses is the high accuracy of the determinations...
Application of the Optimum Dataset Method in Archeological Studies on Barrows
PublikacjaLight Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) became one of the technologies used in archaeological research. It allows for relatively easy detection of archaeological sites that have their own field form, e.g.: barrows, fortresses, tracts, ancient fields [1]. As a result of the scanning, the so-called point cloud is obtained, often consisting of millions of points. Such large measurement datasets are very time-consuming and labor-intensive...
Novel application of terminal restriction fragments length polymorphism method (t-RFLP) for identification of six clinically important Candida sp.
PublikacjaTerminal restriction fragments length polymorphism method (t-RFLP) is a modified classical RFLP method. The main difference is based on carrying out PCR using a fluorescently labeled primer or primers. The result of such modification is that after digestion of amplicons only terminal fragments of PCR product (containing fluorescent dye) are visualized. T-RFLP method has found application in environmental microbiology and epidemiology....
A total scoring system and software for complex modified GAPI (ComplexMoGAPI) application in the assessment of method greenness
PublikacjaEvaluating analytical methods with innovative metrics is essential to ensure the effectiveness of analytical procedures. Various approaches have been proposed to assess the performance of an analytical method and its environmental consequences, as sustainable environment and green chemistry ideology are of high importance nowadays. Considering greenness evaluation of developed analytical procedures, Green Analytical Procedure Index...
Application of method of differential magnetometric system for detection of sunken objects
PublikacjaThis paper presents a magnetometric system with scalar sensors mounted on two independent platforms, which is used to detect sunken shipwrecks. Increasing the distance between the sensors allows for more precise measurement of the difference in the magnetic induction module than in the case of sensors mounted e.g. on the aeroplane’s wings. This type of system makes it possible to enlarge detection range of the sunken wrecks.
The Application of Electrolysis Method to Disinfect Water Contaminated by Salmonella and Shigella
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Application of Adomian decomposition method in analysis of displacements ofrandom subsoil
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodę dekompozycji Adomiana oraz jej zastosowanie do rozwiązania zagadnienia losowego ośrodka gruntowego. Rozpatrzono ważką warstwę gruntu, posadowioną na nieodkształcalnym podłożu, poddaną działaniu równomiernie rozłożonego pionowego obciążenia zewnętrznego. Przyjęto, że ośrodek jest sprężysty, a jego parametry są funkcjami losowymi. Uzyskano przybliżone rozwiązanie analityczne wraz z oceną zakresu jego...
Application of the numerical-analytic method for systems of differential equations with parameter
PublikacjaThe numerical-analytic method is applied to systems of differential equations with parameter under the assumption that the corresponding functions satisfy the Lipschitz conditions in matrix notation. We also obtain several existence results for problems with deviations of an argument
Application of the LifeRoSE method in funcionality evaluation of road safety equipment
PublikacjaThe article presents a mathematical model of the life cycle estimation method of road safety equipment. Then the model was adjusted to estimate the life cycle costs of the chosen horizontal road marking. Using the LCC method, the functionality of the horizontal marking was evaluated in terms of efficiency, durability and economic effectiveness. The article also presents the impact of selected factors on the life cycle costs of...
Application of Wavelet Transform and Fractal Analysis for Esophageal pH-Metry to Determine a New Method to Diagnose Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
PublikacjaIn this paper, a new method for analysing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is shown. This novel method uses wavelet transform (WT) and wavelet-based fractal analysis (WBFA) on esophageal pH-metry measurements. The esophageal pH-metry is an important diagnostic tool supporting the physician’s work in diagnosing some forms of reflux diseases. Interpreting the results of 24-h pH-metry monitoring is time-consuming, and the conclusions...
Application of the Chimney Cap as a Method of Improving the Effectiveness of Natural Ventilation in Buildings
PublikacjaAdequately designed natural ventilation is the cheapest and easiest way to effectively remove indoor pollutants and keep the air inside a building fresh. A prediction of the performance and effectiveness of ventilation in order to determine the design of a ventilation system can provide real and long-term cost savings. The worst time in terms of the efficiency of natural ventilation is the spring-autumn transition period [7]. In...
Perspective of hydrophytes method application for sewage treatment from rural areas
PublikacjaOczyszczalnie hydrofitowe usuwają bardzo wiele zanieczyszczeń substancję organiczną, zawiesinę ogólną, związki azotu oraz metale ciężkie i mikroorganizmy patogenne. Celem pracy jest ocena roli roślin oraz wpływu konfiguracji złóż hydrofitowych na skuteczność usuwania bądź zatrzymywania zanieczyszczeń w sezonie wegetacyjnym i poza wegetacyjnym. Miedzy innymi wykazano,że skuteczność usuwania zanieczyszczeń w obu sezonach nie...
Application of Chemical Sensors and Olfactometry Method in Ecological Audits of Degraded Areas
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MLPG Method using kd-trees and its application to Flamant Problem
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rozwiązanie problemu Flamanta z zastosowaniem metody bezsiatkowej MLPG. Oryginalnym pomysłem była aplikacja algorytmu kd-drzew do poszukiwania najbliższych punktów interpolacji dla funkcji radialnych.
Application of CNN-Based Method for Automatic Detection and Classification of the IC Packages
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Application of a modified Fenton method for landfill leachate treatment – a case study
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An application of the TCRBF neural network in multi-node fault diagnosis method
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nową metodę samo-testowania części analogowej w systemach elektronicznych sterowanych mikrokontrolerami. Układ badany pobudzany jest przebiegiem sinusoidalnym przez generator zamontowany w systemie, a jego odpowiedź jest próbkowana w wybranych węzłach przez wewnętrzny przetwornik A/C mikrokontrolera. Detekcja i lokalizacja uszkodzenia jest dokontwana przez sieć neuronową typu TCRBF. Procedurę diagnostyczną zaimplementowano...
The application of response surface method to optimization of precision ball end milling
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Application of RSM Method for Optimization of Geraniol Transformation Process in the Presence of Garnet
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Application of Sea Sand Disruption Method for HPLC Determination of Quercetin in Plants
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Application of load-transfer functions method for the analysis of the work of CFA piles
PublikacjaPrzeanalizowano kilkanaście wyników badań nośności pali CFA z kilku krajowych budów. We wszystkich przypadkach pale zakończone były w piaskach. Wyniki zinterpretowano za pomocą funkcji transformacyjnych. Oszacowano przebieg mobilizacji i wartości graniczne oporów gruntów wzdłuż pobocznic i pod podstawami pali.
PublikacjaThe concept of offshore wind power plants has been well developed in many European countries. There is no such thing as design of offshore wind power plants according to national tradition. The main problem is the lack of standards and guidelines. Ones being applied are Scandinavian or American methods which are not fully adapted to the conditions of the Baltic Sea. The article focuses on the monopile design, as it is currently the...
Application of the corrosion tester in corrosion tests using the acoustic emission method.
PublikacjaThe article presents an innovative method of corrosion tests using the acoustic emission method and the corrosion tester. The problem of corrosion occurring in ballast tanks and tanks carrying petroleum products is discussed. The acoustic method is presented which, due to the use of a unique corrosion tester, is used to monitor the course of corrosion processes in steel. The principle of operation of the corrosion tester, its construction...
Application of multi-criteria method to assess the usefulness of a hydrotechnical object for floating housing
PublikacjaThis publication presents the analysis of three hydrotechnical objects located in the Municipality of Gdańsk with a view of mooring Floating Houses. The assessment of the adaptation of a hydrotechnical object has been carried out by a multi- criteria method AHP and using the main criteria such as: mooring system, communication with the mainland, availability of the utility networks, waste disposal and location of the parking spaces....
Application of Hybrid FEM-DIC Method for Assessment of Low Cost Building Structures
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Mercury fractionation in marine macrofauna using thermodesorption technique: Method and its application
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Application of the Fröbenius method to the Schrödinger equation for a spherically symmetric potential: an anharmonic oscillator