wszystkich: 2002
wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Online sound restoration system for digital library applications
PublikacjaAudio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...
Efficient algorithm for blinking LED detection dedicated to embedded systems equipped with high performance cameras
PublikacjaThis paper presents the concept and implementation of an efficient algorithm for detection of blinking LED or similar signal sources. Algorithm is designed for embedded devices equipped with high performance cameras being a part of an indoor positioning embedded system. An algorithm to be implemented in such a system should be efficient in terms of computational power what is hard to be achieved when large amount of data from camera...
Improving the quality of speech in the conditions of noise and interference
PublikacjaThe aim of the work is to present a method of intelligent modification of the speech signal with speech features expressed in noise, based on the Lombard effect. The recordings utilized sets of words and sentences as well as disturbing signals, i.e., pink noise and the so-called babble speech. Noise signal, calibrated to various levels at the speaker's ears, was played over two loudspeakers located 2 m away from the speaker. In...
Estimation of blood pressure parameters using ex-Gaussian model
PublikacjaThe paper presents an example of model-based estimation of blood pressure parameters (onset, systolic and diastolic pressure) from continuous measurements. First, the signal was low pass filtered and its quality was estimated. Good quality periods were divided into beats using an electrocardiogram. Next, the beginning of each beat of the blood pressure signal was approximated basing on the function created from the sum of two independent...
Mutual Clutter Suppression Techniques for FM Sonars
PublikacjaThe article presents methods that help in the elimination of mutual clutter as well as the consequences of two FM sounding signal sonars operating in the same body of water and frequency band. An in-depth analysis of mutual clutter was carried out. The effects of sounding signal differentiation were determined, as was the Doppler effect on mutual clutter suppression. One of the methods analysed is of particular interest in a situation...
Analysis of Vibration and Acoustic Signals for Noncontact Measurement of Engine Rotation Speed
PublikacjaThe non-contact measurement of engine speed can be realized by analyzing engine vibration frequency. However, the vibration signal is distorted by harmonics and noise in the measurement. This paper presents a novel method for the measurement of engine rotation speed by using the cross-correlation of vibration and acoustic signals. This method can enhance the same frequency components in engine vibration and acoustic signal. After...
High quality speech codec employing sines+noise+transients model
PublikacjaA method of high quality wideband speech signal representation employing sines+transients+noise model is presented. The need for a wideband speech coding approach as well as various methods for analysis and synthesis of sines, residual and transient states of speech signal is discussed. The perceptual criterion is applied in the proposed approach during encoding of sines amplitudes in order to reduce bandwidth requirements and...
A Method of Real-Time Non-uniform Speech Stretching
PublikacjaDeveloped method of real-time non-uniform speech stretching is presented.The proposed solution is based on the well-known SOLA algorithm(Synchronous Overlap and Add). Non-uniform time-scale modification isachieved by the adjustment of time scaling factor values in accordance with thesignal content. Dependently on the speech unit (vowels/consonants), instantaneousrate of speech (ROS), and speech signal presence, values of the scalingfactor...
Analog modelling in qualitative analysis of vibration propagation
PublikacjaThe theory of dynamic systems is usually used to model the real systems. The models are based on solving ordinary differential equations, partial or difference, which enable obtaining the relation between input signal and the system response (output signal). The analogy between those models and generalized dynamic systems or control systems can be practically used. Vibration propagation can be described in a similar way as the...
PublikacjaAplikacja przedstawiona w niniejszym rozdziale służy do automatycznego wykrywania mowy patologicznej na podstawie bazy nagrań. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono założenia leżące u podstaw przeprowadzonych badan wraz z wyborem bazy mowy patologicznej. Zaprezentowano również zastosowane algorytmy oraz cechy sygnału mowy, które pozwalają odróżnić mowę niezaburzoną od mowy patologicznej. Wytrenowane sieci neuronowe zostały następnie...
Strategie treningu neuronowego estymatora częstotliwości tonu krtaniowego z użyciem generatora syntetycznych samogłosek
PublikacjaW wielu zastosowaniach telekomunikacyjnych pojawia się problem przetwarzania lub analizy sygnału mowy, w ramach którego, często w obszarze podstawowych algorytmów, stosuje się estymator częstotliwości tonu krtaniowego. Estymator rozpatrywany w tej pracy bazuje na neuronowym klasyfikatorze podejmującym decyzje na podstawie częstotliwości oraz mocy chwilowej wyznaczanych w podpasmach analizowanego sygnału mowy. W pracy rozważamy...
Compressed Projection Bases for Model-Order Reduction of Multiport Microwave Components Using FEM
PublikacjaThis paper presents a projection basis compression technique for generating compact reduced-order models (ROM) in the FE analysis of microwave devices. In this approach redundancy is removed from the projection basis by means of the proper orthogonal decomposition technique applied to the projected system of linear equations. Compression allows for keeping the size of a reduced-order model as small as possible without compromising...
Facile preparation of extremely photoactive boron-doped TiO2 nanotubes arrays
PublikacjaDoping of TiO2 nanotube arrays with boron was realized via electrochemical treatment of as-anodized titania immersed in electrolyte containing boric acid. The photoactivity of doped and pure titania was examined by means of photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic response under UV-vis irradiation. The results showed that photocurrent density of B-TNTs is remarkably higher (7.5 times) than density of pure TiO2 nanotube arrays. Furthermore,...
Formation of OH Radicals as Evidence of Intramolecular Hydrogen Migration in Cation-Induced Dissociation of Furan Molecules
PublikacjaWe present the experimental results on a hydrogen atom migration preceding fragmentation of the furan molecules induced by the H3+ and C+ impact. The excited OH(A2Σ+) radical has been detected among the furan decomposition products using collision-induced emission spectroscopy. However, the OH moiety is absent in the furan ring skeleton, so detecting the OH(A2Σ+→X2Π) luminescence indicates the intramolecular H atom relocation prior...
A competition between two- and three-body dissociation channels in photo-double-ionization of tetrahydro-2H-pyran and 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran molecules
PublikacjaVarious molecules possess structures consisting of the heterocyclic rings containing oxygen atoms. These substances often play a significant role in many different fields of chemistry, medicine, and biology. Due to a specific atomic composition and bond arrangement, many of these molecules retain unique electronic properties, which may be probed by diverse spectroscopic techniques, including those utilizing synchrotron radiation....
Konkurencyjność w handlu usługami wybranych krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest ocena pozycji konkurencyjnej w handlu usługami wybranych krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej – Czech, Estonii, Litwy, Łotwy, Polski, Słowacji oraz Węgier na tle gospodarki światowej. Dane wykorzystane do analizy pochodzą z bazy danych WIOD i obejmują lata 1995 – 2011. Podstawą oceny pozycji konkurencyjnej jest wskaźnik RCA obliczony na podstawie krajowej wartości dodanej oraz na podstawie eksportu brutto. Źródłem...
DMI measurements impact on a position estimation with lack of GNSS signals during Mobile Mapping
PublikacjaNowadays, Mobile Laser Scanning is common in use in addition to geodesy measurements. The data which are provided by the system characterizes with high precision and flexibility. To precise mapping, the accuracy of the data should be maintained. In Poland, according to the minister’s dispositions, the accuracy of the data should not exceeded 10 cm. With fully operated system it is easy to uphold, but there is a situation when a...
The Doppler effect in a bistatic system for determining the position of moving targets
PublikacjaThe article presents the theoretical analysis and the results of numerical calculations of the Doppler effect it occurs in a system designed to determine the position and speed of a moving target. The transmitter is the source of the signal and it emits a sinusoidal, acoustic and continuous wave. Signal reflected off a moving target is received by four hydrophones. Based on the signals, four Doppler shifts are determined and inserted...
Two‐functional μBIST for Testing and Self‐Diagnosis of Analog Circuits in Electronic Embedded Systems
PublikacjaThe paper concerns the testing of analog circuits and blocks in mixed‐signal Electronic Embedded Systems (EESs), using the Built‐in Self‐Test (BIST) technique. An integrated, two‐functional, embedded microtester (μBIST) based on reuse of signal blocks already present in an EES, such as microprocessors, memories, ADCs, DACs, is presented. The novelty of the μBIST solution is its extended functionality. It can perform 2 testing functions:...
Enhanced method of DS-CDMA low level singnals detection
PublikacjaThe following article comprises three main parts. The first one generally describes two methods of low level signals detection which are in the interest of this study. The signal spectrum averaging technique is shown as well as the method exploiting averaged spectrum of the signal raised to the power of 2n (nN). Additionally, this section briefly presents proposed enhancements and modifications of these two solutions, which allow...
Comment on "On accurate capacitance characterization of organic photovoltaic cells"
PublikacjaIn the 100th volume of Applied Physics Letters Carr and Chaudhary have presented a work on capacitance characterization of organic photovoltaic cells. The work concerns small signal measurements of various organic photovoltaic structures. The authors however limit their considerations to one part of small signal response, namely to capacitance measured either in parallel mode or in series mode. This attitude generally does not...
Measuring Pulse Rate with a Webcam
PublikacjaIn this paper a simple method of measuring the pulse rate is presented. Elaborated algorithm allows for efficient pulse rate registration directly from face images captured from a webcam. The desired signal is obtained by proper channel selection and principal component analysis. To determine the accuracy of the method an ECG signal is collected together with a video recordings. The effectiveness of the algorithm is considered...
Detection of dialogue in movie soundtrack for speech intelligibility enhancement
PublikacjaA method for detecting dialogue in 5.1 movie soundtrack based on interchannel spectral disparity is presented. The front channel signals (left, right, center) are analyzed in the frequency domain. The selected partials in the center channel signal, which yield high disparity with left and right channels, are detected as dialogue. Subsequently, the dialogue frequency components are boosted to achieve increased dialogue intelligibility....
Analysis of noise properties of the optocoupler device
PublikacjaIn the paper the localization of a source of Random Telegraph Signal noise (RTS noise) in optocoupler devices type CNY 17 were defined. The equivalent noise circuit in low frequency noise for these type optocouplers was proposed.
The Suzuki model of the multipath fading channel
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of simulations that are part of the research on modelling the multipath fading in the communication channel. The Suzuki fading envelope is generated using the Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) in the LabVIEW programming environment.
Estimation of Rician K-factor Values in Urban Terrain
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of Rician K-factor estimation from CDMA2000 downlink signals recorded in the area of medium city. Signal and data processing methods used to estimate fading parameters are also briefly described.
Influence of a Radio Frequency on RF Fingerprinting Accuracy Based on Ray Tracing Simulation
PublikacjaIn this paper the influence of a radio signal frequency on performance of Indoor Positioning System based on fingerprinting has been examined using ray-tracing simulations. It has been simulated how spatial distribution of an RF signal strength change with the signal’s frequency. The results were used to show its’ impact on the behavior of localization algorithms that are employing RSS measurements to determine node’s position...
Inhibitors of angiogenesis in cancer therapy – synthesis and biological activity
PublikacjaAngiogenesis is the process of formation of new capillaries from preexisting blood vessels. Angiogenesis is involved in normal physiological processes, and plays an important role in tumor invasion and development of metastases. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a key role in angiogenesis. VEGF is a mitogen for vascular endothelial cells and stimulates their proliferation. By inhibiting the biological activity of...
Fiber optic low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with ZnO layers in transmission and reflective mode: comparative study
PublikacjaA construction of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer using a thin ZnO layer as a reflective surfaces was proposed and examined. In the investigated setup, the ZnO layer of thickness 200 nm were deposited on the face of the standard telecommunication single-mode optical fiber (SMF-28). Measurements of interference signal were performed for the interferometer working in the transmission and reflective mode, as...
Development of dynamic method for evaluation of inhibition efficiency on the example of 8-hydroxyquinolin
PublikacjaSelection of a proper inhibitor should be based on the evaluation of its mechanism and effective concentrations. Mechanism of inhibition usually has dynamic character due to changing physicochemical conditions of the environment and corroding metal surface. Most of actually used methods are stationary or contain assumptions which highly influences obtained values. Development of new dynamic method, based on modified EIS, allows...
Analysis of latency between quotations and capital flow in capital markets.
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to prove that the derivative of the log of capital flow understood as price times volume advances the derivative of log of the price. A certain concept of signal processing using linear filtering has been proposed to conduct the research.
Zastosowanie oprogramowania COMSIS do oceny dynamicznej odporności na zakłócenia cyfrowych układów kombinacyjnych.
PublikacjaWyniki badania odporności układów cyfrowych na zakłócenie dynamiczne w istotny sposób zależą od parametrów sygnału stymulującego. Proponowana metodyka zakłada pobudzanie badanego układu sygnałem szumu białego o określonej szerokości pasma częstotliwości. Badania symulacyjne z modelem układu progowego oraz szybkiego komparatora z histerezą przeprowadzono w środowisku COMSIS. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają, że im węższe pasmo szumu...
SoundShape - Headphone Transfer Function database
Dane BadawczeThis publication introduces the SoundShape database, which contains closed-ear headphone transfer functions (HpTF) for fifteen headphone models. Several models included in this database are also found in other well-known databases, such as Virtuoso and Binaural Decoders. However, for some models found in the literature, HpTF filters were unavailable,...
Sound signals generated during lapping of technical ceramics using electroplated tools with diamond grains
Dane BadawczeData contains the recordings of sound generated during single-sided lapping with the use of electroplated diamond tools. This relationship was examined with the use of spectral analysis of the sound signal in the frequency domain with a focus on the Ra parameter of the surface roughness. The estimated sound coefficient increased as the surface roughness...
Analiza wpływu błędu częstotliwości próbkowania na sygnały odbierane w systemie LTE
PublikacjaW artykule dokonano analizy wpływu błędu częstotliwości próbkowania w platformie radia programowalnego na odbierany sygnał LTE (Long Term Evolution).
Gender wage gap convergence and skills heterogeneity in Poland (2005-2014) - quantile regression analysis based on microdata from EUSILC.
PublikacjaIn this article we quantify the magnitude and evolution of gender wage differentials in Poland over the years 2005 – 2014 using microlevel data from EU-SILC database (Statistics on Income and Living Conditions). In the study gender wage gap is examined through quantile regression analysis. It is shown that the gender wage gap varies along the wage distribution with workers’ skills heterogeneity playing a role. Additionally, the...
Buckling analysis of a non-concentric double-walled carbon nanotube
PublikacjaOn the basis of a theoretical study, this research incorporates an eccentricity into a system of compressed double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs). In order to formulate the stability equations, a kinematic displacement with reference to the classical beam hypothesis is utilized. Furthermore, the influence of nanoscale size is taken into account with regard to the nonlocal approach of strain gradient and the van der Waals interaction...
Monitoring the gas turbine start-up phase on the platform using a hierarchical model based on Multi-Layer Perceptron networks
PublikacjaVery often, the operation of diagnostic systems is related to the evaluation of process functionality, where the diagnostics is carried out using reference models prepared on the basis of the process description in the nominal state. The main goal of the work is to develop a hierarchical gas turbine reference model for the estimation of start-up parameters based on multi-layer perceptron neural networks. A functional decomposition...
Marcinkiewicz Averages of Smooth Orthogonal Projections on Sphere
PublikacjaWe construct a single smooth orthogonal projection with desired localization whose average under a group action yields the decomposition of the identity operator. For any full rank lattice \Gamma ⊂ R^d , a smooth projection is localized in a neighborhood of an arbitrary precompact fundamental domain R^d / \Gamma. We also show the existence of a highly localized smooth orthogonal projection, whose Marcinkiewicz average under the...
Detecting Lombard Speech Using Deep Learning Approach
PublikacjaRobust Lombard speech-in-noise detecting is challenging. This study proposes a strategy to detect Lombard speech using a machine learning approach for applications such as public address systems that work in near real time. The paper starts with the background concerning the Lombard effect. Then, assumptions of the work performed for Lombard speech detection are outlined. The framework proposed combines convolutional neural networks...
Online sound restoration system for digital library applications.
PublikacjaAudio signal processing algorithms were introduced to the new online non-commercial service for audio restoration intended to enhance the content of digitized audio repositories. Missing or distorted audio samples are predicted using neural networks and a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative restoring of missing signal samples. Since the distortion...
Further Developments of the Online Sound Restoration System for Digital Library Applications
PublikacjaNew signal processing algorithms were introduced to the online service for audio restoration available at the web address: Missing or distorted audio samples are estimated using a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method. The algorithm is based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative complementation of signal samples. Since the interpolation algorithm is computationally...
Semi-adaptive feedback active control of MRI noise
PublikacjaA feedback controller is proposed for cancellation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) noise. The design of the controller takes into account specific features of the MRI noise signal. Simulation results show that a considerable rejection rate of the MRI noise can be obtained.
Unusual Influence of Fluorinated Anions on the Stretching Vibrations of Liquid Water
PublikacjaInfrared (IR) spectroscopy is a commonly used and invaluable tool in the studies of solvation phenomena in aqueous solutions. Concurrently, ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations deliver the solvation shell picture at a molecular detail level and allow for a consistent decomposition of the theoretical IR spectrum into underlying spatial correlations. Here, we demonstrate how the novel spectral decomposition techniques...
Visible light photocatalysis employing TiO2/SrTiO3-BiOI composites: Surface properties and photoexcitation mechanism
PublikacjaA series of binary TiO2/SrTiO3 and ternary TiO2/SrTiO3_BiOI composites have been synthesized using multistep preparation method. Characterization of the obtained photocatalysts covered complex analysis including morphology + y (SEM), BET specific surface area, porosity, optical properties (DRS), chemical composition of surface (XPS), crystal structure and crystal size (XRD). UV–vis and Vis ligh induced photocatalytic activity was...
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of accordion-like layered Ti3C2 (MXene) coupled with Fe-modified decahedral anatase particles exposing {1 0 1} and {0 0 1} facets
PublikacjaNew composites consisting of decahedral anatase particles exposing {001} and {101} facets coupled with accordion-like layered Ti3C2 with boosted photocatalytic activity towards phenol and carbamazepine degradation were investigated. The photocatalysts were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DR/UV–Vis), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron...
The time-varying low-frequency magnetic-field emitted from the ship’s inverter-fed induction motor
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the magnetic field measurement results that are part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the magnetic field emissions onboard of the research-training vessel. The measurements were carried out, nearby the bow thruster motor fed from the inverter, during maneuvering and the sea voyage. The bow thruster is assembled in the...
PublikacjaThe paper presents usage of a Particle Swarm Optimization [1] based algorithm for spectral-based modal parameters identification. The main algorithm consists of two groups of swarms, namely, scouts and helpers. For the first group additional penalizing process is provided to force separation of scouting swarms in frequency space. The swarms have an ability to communicate with each other. At first stage, each swarm focuses on a...
Investigations of the Methods of Time Delay Measurement of Stochastic Signals Using Cross-correlation with the Hilbert Transform
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of simulation studies of four methods of estimating time delay for random signals using cross-correlation with the Hilbert Transform. Selected models of mutually delayed stochastic signals were used in the simulations, corresponding to the signals obtained from scintillation detectors in radioisotope measurements of liquid-gas two-phase flow. Standard deviations of the values of the individual functions...
Low-Level Music Feature Vectors Embedded as Watermarks
PublikacjaIn this paper a method consisting in embedding low-level music feature vectors as watermarks into a musical signal is proposed. First, a review of some recent watermarking techniques and the main goals of development of digital watermarking research are provided. Then, a short overview of parameterization employed in the area of Music Information Retrieval is given. A methodology of non-blind watermarking applied to music-content...