Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: architecture as a marketing device - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: architecture as a marketing device

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: architecture as a marketing device

  • Street Art and Architecture


    - Rok 2011

    The paper explores both the areas of conflict as well as agreement between architecture and Street Art. The conflict arises from the fact that urban environment has always been a background for street art, which unavoidably jeopardizes the conceptual integrity of the building understood as a work of architecture. However, there are strong interrelations between these two domains of human creativity. Both street art and architecture...

  • The novel sterilization device: the prototype testing


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2023

    Currently, there are numerous methods that can be used to neutralize pathogens (i.e., devices, tools, or protective clothing), but the sterilizing agent must be selected so that it does not damage or change the properties of the material to which it is applied. Dry sterilization with hydrogen peroxide gas (VHP) in combination with UV-C radiation is well described and effective method of sterilization. This paper presents the design,...

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  • Marketing wewnętrzny


    - Rok 2008

    Omówiono pojęcie marketingu wewnętrznego i zasady na których się opiera. Scharakteryzowano grupy instrumentów wykorzystywanych w marketingu wewnętrznym, takie jak badania wewnętrzne, komunikację wewnętrzną masową i osobistą, spotkania integracyjne, szkolenia i edukację wewnętrzną, motywacje materialne i pozamaterialne oraz czynniki integracji. Przedstawiono najważniejsze fazy i zadania procesu formułowania marketingu wewnętrznego...

  • Marketing terytorialny


    - Rok 2008

    W rozdziale przedstawiono postać i zastosowanie marketingu w sferze odnoszącej się do działalności publicznej na zdelimitowanym obszarze. Na wstępie scharakteryzowano przesłanki wpływające na powstanie oraz przyczyny wydzielenia marketingu terytorialnego zarówno na gruncie polskim, jak i europejskim. Następnie odniesiono się do kwestii nazewnictwa w obszarze związanym z marketingowym zarządzaniem przestrzenią. Zidentyfikowano podobieństwa...

  • Marketing a klimatyzacja

    Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń projektowych oraz rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne klimatyzacji Klubu Muzycznego znajdującego się na terenie Gdańska. Oceniono koszty inwestycyjne rozwiązania. Przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych dotyczących zarówno zapotrzebowania ze strony decydentów lokali gastronomicznych na urządzenia klimatyzacyjne jak i akceptowanych przez nich kosztów.

  • Marketing terytorialny


    - Rok 2005

    W podrozdziale przedstawiono postać i zastosowanie marketingu w sferze odnoszącej się do działalności publicznej na zdelimitowanym obszarze. Opisano charakterystykę, przesłanki wpływające na powstanie oraz przyczyny wydzielenia marketingu terytorialnego. Zaprezentowano różne ujęcia definicyjne z analizą elementów, które w każdej definicji są akcentowane. Omówiono cele marketingu miejsc. Zidentyfikowano podobieństwa i różnice między...

  • Marketing wewnętrzny


    - Rok 2005

    Omówiono istotę marketingu wewnętrznego i pojęcie klienta wewnętrznego. Przedstawiono kluczowe fazy i zadania procesu kształtowania marketingu wewnętrznego. Scharakteryzowano najważniejsze formy marketingu wewnętrznego. Omówiono uwarunkowania marketingu wewnętrznego oraz korzyści ze stosowania.

  • Gemba Kaizen: Influencing individuals behavior for better - an approach to social marketing


    - Rok 2011

    The idea of providing the Gemba Kaizen philosophy to a social level can benefit not only individuals, but the society as well. The Japanese philosophy for improvement or change for better may serve companies that are looking for increasing its value by quality management. The same principles when implemented in a society may improve quality of life of its inhabitants and help solving social problems. The use of social marketing...

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  • Specjalność Marketing na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii - początki i perspektywy

    Artykuł omawia wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród studentów specjalność Marketing. W konkluzji stwierdzono, że: powołanie specjalności Marketing było decyzją trafną. Program wymaga modyfikacji w kierunku zwiększenia liczby przedmiotów kierunkowych oraz zajęć praktycznych. Wskazane jest kontynuowanie badań w roku przyszłym.

  • Lucyna Nyka prof. dr hab. inż. arch.

    Lucyna Nyka (prof. dr hab. inż. arch.) jest architektem i profesorem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. W latach 2008-2016 pełniła funkcję prodziekana ds. nauki, a od 2016 jest dziekanem Wydziału Architektury.     Zainteresowania badawcze prof. Lucyny Nyki skoncentrowane są wokół kwestii powiązań architektury i wody, przekształceń terenów nadwodnych oraz urbanistycznych krajobrazów. Jest autorem i współautorem wielu...

  • Evaluating architecture students' knowledge of the history of architecture by tests and by drawings: a comparative analysis

    The methods of evaluating students’ knowledge in architectural education, and in particular in education on history of architecture, are specific in many respects. Apart from checking the general knowledge of history concerning chronology, artistic trends, styles, main objects and architects, it should also check students’ ability to analyse the historic architecture in a drawing form. Such a form of presenting architecture has...

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  • A Novel Device and System for Fall Detection Under the Shower


    In this paper, device construction and preliminary results for shower safety assistance are presented. The device allows monitoring of shower-taking persons without violating privacy and intimacy, while it has the ability to detect a persons entering and leaving the shower and detecting fall conditions. It allows better supervision of elders living independently at their locations.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Combined environmental testing device for picosatellites


    - Rok 2021

    As access to space conditions becomes more available, both technically and economically, scientists’ interest in launching finer and more sophisticated experiments grows. To be qualified for launch, such experiments need to be carefully tested prior to the event. The tests should represent actual launch conditions as closely and in a detailed manner. Typical tests for payload include: vibration tests, thermal and vacuum tests,...

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  • Marketing terytorialny a social media marketing na serwisie Twitter


    Obszary terytorialne, podobnie jak inne podmioty gospodarcze, walczą o miejsce na rynku. Poprzez promocję dążą do osiągnięcie uprzywilejowanych miejsc w świadomości interesariuszy, będących dla danego regionu inwestorami, bądź turystami, którzy chcą miło spędzić czas na wakacjach. Miasta kreują swój wizerunek i dbają o niego, budując więzi emocjonalne i lojalność wobec swoich klientów. W tym celu wykorzystane są różne rodzaje instrumentów...

  • Territorial marketing

    Kursy Online
    • M. Rembeza

    W ramach kursu zgłębiona zostanie wiedza na temat Marketingu terytorialnego (Territorial marketing), który  staje się coraz popularniejszą gałęzią praktyki i nauki. W Polsce od niedawna traktowany jako koncepcja zarządzania miejscem, kreowania jego wartości dla różnych grup docelowych, budowanie tzw. "brandingu miasta".  Kurs prowadzony jest w formie wykładów oraz krótkich warsztatów.

  • A New Rehabilitation Device for Balance Impaired Individuals


    - Rok 2019

    In the paper authors present a device designed to improve the rehabilitation process of people with balance impairment. The discussed device (JStep) utilizes a commercially available static standing frame (stander) modified in order to fit force sensing units under the feet and in the pillows around the hips of a patient. While executing rehabilitation tasks, the patient may compensate his balance deficiency by leaning on the pillows...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Games and play with light in architecture

    The paper deals with the issue of the influence of daylight on the creation of architecture in the view of designers` play with light in the architectural space. Using the examples of contemporary realizations of some art museums, the work demonstrates the impact of exploration and experimentation conducted by the creators of visual arts on the design styles and architectural solutions. It also reveals the historical continuity...

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  • THE ARCHİTECTURE AND FASHİON DESİGN – An Examination of the Relationship between Fashion and Architecture Design in light of Technological Advancements


    - Rok 2016

    The article focuses on the mutual relationship between two seemingly distant fields of art - architecture and fashion design. It describes a common basis for the process of creating art in the approach to both fashion and architecture. The following considerations, which are based on principles of composition, attempt to reach beyond just the form and analyze also context or perception. The article quotes famous creators and depicts...

  • The origins of the brick architecture in Pomerania


    - Rok 2016

    Traditionally, brick is one of the most popular building materials on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Although the origins of brick architecture have been the subject of numerous research studies, their results were focused on the Kingdom of Denmark, merchant-towns and the State of the Teutonic Order. Most scholars claimed that Pomeranian architecture had not been as developed as that in the neighbouring countries. Moreover,...

  • Marketing office management with leadership competences application in a manufacturing and service company


    - Rok 2025

    The article presents a description of comprehensive leadership competencies in a company, with the emphasis on managing the marketing department. The publication commences with the indication of the leadership in the light of this literature, explaining what leadership competencies are, how they are identified and what competencies we distinguish. It also explains the purpose of applying leadership...

  • Relationship between semi- and fully-device-independent protocols

    • H. Li
    • P. A. Mironowicz
    • M. Pawłowski
    • Z. Yin
    • Y. Wu
    • S. Wang
    • W. Chen
    • H. Hu
    • G. Guo
    • Z. Han

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2013

    We study the relation between semi and fully device independent protocols. As a tool, we use the correspondence between Bell inequalities and dimension witnesses. We present a method for converting the former into the latter and vice versa. This relation provides us with interesting results for both scenarios. First, we find new random number generation protocols with higher bit rates for both the semi and fully device independent...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Anonymity Architecture for Mobile Agent Systems


    - Rok 2007

    The paper presents a new security architecture for MAS, which supports anonymity of agent owners. The architecture is composed of two main elements: Module I: Untraceability Protocol Infrastructure and Module II: Additional Untraceability Support. Module I is based on the recently proposed untraceability protocol for MAS and it forms the core of the anonymity architecture, which can be supported by the ele- ments of the second...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Auto adaptation of mobile device characteristics to various acoustic conditions


    The proposed methodology of auto adaptation of the mobile device characteristics to various acoustic conditions is presented in the paper. The first goal of this study was to determine the parameters of the acoustic path of the mobile device, for both transmitting (speaker) and receiver (microphone). Results of the measurement of characteristics of mobile devices were presented. Information about characteristics of individual parts...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Medical Tourism Marketing


    - Rok 2024

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Marketing zewnętrzny : produkt


    - Rok 2005

    W podrozdziale 4.1 podręcznika scharakteryzowano produkt jako element marketingu zewnętrznego. Między innymi omówiono: pojęcie i charakterystykę produktu, klasyfikacje produktów, pojęcie linii i asortymentu produktów, markę i opakowanie produktu, cykl życia produktu oraz proces wdrażania nowych produktów.

  • Marketing w Internecie


    - Rok 2005

    Opracowanie poświęcono marketingowi w Internecie. Struktura treści obejmuje genezę powstania Internetu, jego rozwój na świecie i w Polsce oraz omówienie najpopularniejszych usług internetowych wykorzystywanych w marketingu - poczta elektroniczna, grupy dyskusyjne oraz World Wide Web. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono także na problem sukcesu firmowej witryny internetowej, mierzony przez pryzmat satysfakcji jej użytkownika - klienta.

  • Marketing zewnętrzny : Dystrybucja


    - Rok 2005

    Dystrybucja - podrozdział obejmuje podstawowe pojęcia w zakresie dystrybucji, kryteria klasyfikacji oraz typy kanałów dystrybucji. W tej części pracy scharakteryzowano ponadto sprzedaż hurtową oraz detaliczną, rodzaje pośredników, formy i strategie dystrybucji, a także logistykę dystrybucji

  • Marketing zewnętrzny : Cena


    - Rok 2005

    W podrozdziale przedstawiono podstawowe definicje, strategie cenowe, proces ustalania ceny i metody jej wyznaczania, określono ponadto taktyczną rolę ceny



    Growing demands of information society concerned with sophisticated applications could be satisfied by ASON/GMPLS architecture comprehended as Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS). The ASON/GMPLS proposition represents the future direction of Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture. Therefore considerable work has to be done to examine this solution. In this aspect...

  • Experimental Testbed of ASON/GMPLS architecture

    The paper presents the ASON/GMPLS architecture realized in the Department of Teleinformation Networks at Gdansk University of Technology based on the FSP 3000R7 ADVA Optical Networking platform. The FSP 3000R7 is a high-performance WDM networking system with GMPLS control plane for bidirectional transmission of optical signals. The system uses a modular structure which enables a flexible upgrade of capacity and functionality. The...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Validation of atmospheric aerosols parallel sampling in a multifold device

    • C. M. Oliveira
    • M. Camoes
    • P. Bigus
    • A. Fachado
    • R. Silva


    In this work, particulate matter was collected using an active sampling system consisting of a PM10 (<10 μm) inlet coupled to a multifold device containing six channels, connected to a vacuum pump. Each channel was equipped with a filter holder fitted with adequately chosen filters. The system was fixed on a metallic structure, which was placed on the roof of the laboratory building, at the Faculty of Sciences, in Lisbon. Sampling...

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  • Theory of Rural Architecture - EXAM

    Kursy Online
    • P. Duch-Żebrowska

    The series of lectures touching upon the history of rural architecture and regarding the composition of landscape designs. The lectures were designed to give students of architecture the tools to work with the nature and strengthen the presence of green spaces in their future designs. The exam is prepared to check what skills and competencies have been gained during the course.  

  • ARC Lighting In Architecture


    ISSN: 1753-5875

  • Design and implementation of GEPON architecture in laboratory testbed


    This paper presents a proposition of GEPON architecture for the didactic purpose. The GEPON architecture is implemented in access networks laboratory testbed. The paper includes a brief description of GEPON standardization, a description of laboratory GEPON equipment architecture and a short presentation of proposed laboratory exercises. The exemplary performance results are included.The proposition of GEPON architecture testbed...

  • Media architecture: participation through the senses


    - Rok 2012

    Pervasive media and interactive technologies have become inseparable not only from our everyday life but also from architecture and city spaces. However, the generic use of new technologies in the design process and material production that affects contemporary architecture, results in buildings that become mere visual objects losing their hapticity and non-visual qualities. Despite the substantial advancement in the research studies...

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  • Reasons for Implementing Movement in Kinetic Architecture


    - Rok 2017

    The paper gives insights into different forms of movement in contemporary architecture and examines them based on the reasons for their implementation. The main objective of the paper is to determine: the degree to which the complexity of kinematic architecture results from functional and spatial needs and what other motivations there are. The method adopted to investigate these questions involves theoretical studies and comparative analyses...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Ecological solutions in contemporary architecture

    Kursy Online
    • P. Duch-Żebrowska

    This lecture aims to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of ecological architecture and inspire you to integrate these principles into your future projects.



    - Rok 2018

    Constantly changing environment pressures every living for a change, and response becomes a basic reaction of any living form. Change is a natural reaction that enables survivor of all the species. However, in architecture, the responsive structure did not take important role until the twentieth century. During that time many concepts and building introduced kinematics into the discipline. In the late 50 and 60 of XX century, visionary...

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  • Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Airflow in Electrohydrodynamic Device for Dust Particle Collection


    In this paper the pumping effect of air in the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) device for dust particle collection is presented. To induce an airflow in this EHD device corona discharge was used. The discharge was generated between the one-sided spike electrodes and the plate electrodes. The asymmetric electric field and generated discharge resulted in a unidirectional airflow through the EHD device. The current-voltage characteristics...

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  • Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Airflow in Electrohydrodynamic Device for Dust Particle Collection


    - Rok 2012

    In this paper the electrohydrodynamic (EHD)device for gas pumping and cleaning is presented. To induce an airflow in this EHD device corona discharge was used. The discharge was generated between the one-sided spike electrodes and the plate electrodes. An asymmetric electric field and generated discharge result in unidirectional gas flow through the EHD device. The current-voltage characteristics were measured and the corona discharge...

  • Design and material selection for a patient transport device in field hospitals

    ACKGROUND: A major cause of patient and hospital worker injuries occurs transferring patients between two planes. The main aim of this paper was to propose a design of patient’s lift and transfer apparatus for use in field hospitals. The assumption was to design lightweight, durable and ergonomic device using innovative material. The authors concentrated on partial elimination of manual lifting in order to device could work both...

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  • Design of a continuous intra-oral distraction device for mandibular bone

    In this paper we present example of a specific device used for distraction osteogenesis. Distraction osteogenesis (also called callus distraction, collotasis or osteodistraction) is a surgical process for reconstructing bone deformities or lengthening bones.

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  • Digital Fashion: A systematic literature review. A perspective on marketing and communication

    • A. Noris
    • T. Nobile
    • N. Kalbaska
    • L. Cantoni

    - Journal of Global Fashion Marketing - Rok 2021

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  • Territorial Marketing 2024

    Kursy Online
    • M. Rembeza

    W ramach kursu zgłębiona zostanie wiedza na temat Marketingu terytorialnego (Territorial marketing), który  staje się coraz popularniejszą gałęzią praktyki i nauki. W Polsce od niedawna traktowany jako koncepcja zarządzania miejscem, kreowania jego wartości dla różnych grup docelowych, budowanie tzw. "brandingu miasta".  Kurs prowadzony jest w formie wykładów oraz krótkich warsztatów.

  • Uniqueness or uniformity - studies of media architecture

    A development of media architecture is presented in light of to such phenomena as aesthetization, consumerism and digitization. This article deals with media architecture in commercial spaces. Media solutions impact on the architectural skin, making it into visible and dynamic points of the image of a post-modern city. This article presents the specificity of media solutions, depending on the function of commercial activity buildings...

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  • Low-power device simulator for micro-energy measurement methods testing

    The paper presents low-power device simulator designed for testing of micro-energy measurement methods. Such kind methods can be used for evaluation of power systems based on Energy Harvesting. The device allows to set the current consumption characteristic over the time, thus making possible playing the role of different types of low-power devices e.g. simulating sensor network node.

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  • History of Architecture and Urbanism I_2024/25

    Kursy Online
    • M. Sołtysik
    • A. Orchowska
    • B. Macikowski
    • B. Niedziela

    The course covers the study of European Architecture in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, focusing on different styles, architectural creations, and the architects who contributed to the history of architecture. The course also aims to develop students' drawing and analytical skills to prepare them for a career in architecture.

  • Fitting the mobile device characteristics to the user's hearing preferences

    A method for fitting the mobile computer audio characteristics to the user's hearing preferences is proposed. The process consists of two stages: calibration and dynamics processing. During the calibration phase the user performs a loudness scaling test giving their response regarding the perceived loudness. The dynamics processing made on above basis sets the loudness to the most comfortable level. The processing accounts both...

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  • Zarządzanie organizacjami niekomercyjnymi - propozycja dydaktyczna dla studentów kierunku zarządzanie i marketing


    - Rok 2005

    Autor przedstawia cele oraz program przedmiotu Zarządzanie organizacjami niekomercyjnymi, prowadzonego dla studentów kierunku zarządzanie i marketing na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. W programie kształcenia główną uwagę skoncentrowano na wskazaniu studentom rosnącego znaczenia organizacji niekomercyjnych (zarówno publicznych jak i pozarządowych) w Polsce oraz konieczności stopniowego i systemowego wprowadzenia...

  • Contemporary Spaces of Memory - Towards Transdisciplinarity in Architecture

    The paper explores new phenomena in the contemporary practice of commemoration implemented through architecture. Architectural objects related to memory can be a place where new trends and phenomena appear earlier than in other architectural objects. The text is an attempt to prove that these new spaces of memory are a kind of laboratory where new ideas taking place in architecture and related disciplines are being tested. Research...

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